f- Sit 8ar BMe Bftir 1918 Guides At the Salisbury Pawn ; Shop; ; Suit ClSI and Hand Grip Sale at Sauibubt Pawn Shop. 3 " x I hllB leTeral hundred unredeemed watches I will sell cheap. " Call and get my prices, Elgins, Illi nois, J, Hampton and Hamilton: watches. Salisbury Pawn Shop. PlStfitS, PiStOlS. If ycu want pro bation get one of my pistols. Salibsbury Pawn Shop, . HlldqiirtSrS for , musical instru ments. Salisbury Pawn Shop Don't 60 Broke, bat go to the Salis bury Pawn Shop when you need money. 6 J ohn J . Stewart, Attorney at Law, Salisbury, N. Caeolina ,- Gives Careful Attention to Matters , Entrusted to him. Local Train Schedule, Arrival of passenger trains at China Grovo. ' (Only trains that stop here are given.) northbound. NO 8 f or Richmond . . : ; 4:35 1 D NO 44 for Washington. . 7:05 I Bl NO 36 for Washington.. 11:37 1-ffl NO 46 for Greensboro . . 4:10 p-BI NQ 12 for Richmond . . ; . 719 p CI 'Southbound- NO 45 for Charlotte... . 5:56 S-SI NO II for Atlanta. . . ... 9:39 1-ffl NO 7 for Atlanta ....-.' 3 MO D-m NO 35 for Atlanta . . . ... 8 U5 p-HI Tax Books jt Sbsrlfl'i Office. - The tax books for the county , including all townships outside of Salisbury, mav hi found at the sheriff's offioe up to and including April 10th. r i 170 KEY-TOJEUEUEr (niM hajhc Mamno) THE most remarlcable remedy ever dis covered for Indigestion, -K Dyspepsia arid aU forms X? of Stomach Distress f ; from any cause. : Relieves Immediately Creates appetite, re stores vitality and re moves instantaneously degression due to alco- ; holic arid other excesses. Greatest Tonic and Bracer mown Absolutely no hanrif til rngredient3. Guaranteed under Pure Food and Drugs Act, Serial No. 42340. All druggists, 50 cents, or v- send 10 cents for trial bottle. direct to . , The Digestoneine Company 103 WEST 42d STREET NEW YORK. N. Y. For Sal b Smith Drug Co. Salisbury iiili U IV uu mmimm UJ UUVI 9 I ii These ape hevond a doubt two imnortr Mr1 Factors in choosing a Dentist. :. 1&V k Full Set Teeth $5.00 Fillings in gold, silver, pla tinum and porcelin 50c and $ 1 .00 up. Gold crowns and bridge work $3, $4, $5 a tooth. OUR ar t.h nrwtndata PAINLESS kind noft the "61 fashioned nerve -wrecking kind that mdea.BO&any dread the dental chair. ' v' ' . - OUR PRICES entirely sweep away all competion on work of a similar high character. Guaranteed 15 Years. Philadelphia paihlks Dentists. Inc. 126 if . Main St., Thone 763. Salisbury, N. C. 0 The Empire Store is now under new management and we have put an en tirely new stock of merchandise, and it is-strictiy FIRST C LASS merchandise at reasonable prices. All we ask you is to come in and let us show you the line. We assure you that you will find courteous and obliging salespeople to wait on you. J 1 v ' . - - ' . . . - " ' " - - - - - - MMslMMMMMslsMsMMBMMs C3 8 "' IB 1 1. ONE WEEK ONLY. BEGINS APRIL 7 AND ENDS APRIL 12. ONE WEEK ONLY: SAVE $8.00 Aa a special inducement during our demonstration week onl j, with every MAJESTIC RANGE sold (prices always the same) we will give free one handsome set of ware as illustrated here. Ever piece of this ware is the best of its kind. Not a pieoe that is not needed in every kitohen. it oannot possi bly be bought for less than $8.00 This ware is no exhi bition at our store. DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT. SPECIAL! SPECIAL! All during this week a speoial demonstrator direot from the MAJESTIC FACTORY will be glad to show you "ALL ABOtJT RANGES" SHOW YOU why. the MAJESTIC is the best range on earth at any price. COME, IF YOU INTEND TO BUY OR NOT. EDUCATION lies in KNOWING THINGS KNOW why the ovan of a range, is heated KNOW how the water is heated HOW the top is heated WHY the MAJESTIC uses so little fuel KNOW how a range iff made inside : and outside. This education may serve you in the future. DON'T OVERLOOK a chance to KNOW things shown by one who knows. COME. Don't overlook the date. This is ,a special invitation to you and your friends and neighbors. SET OF O ARE FREE! SET OF 117 ARE FREE! lmBm if 1 - rlCrlVY-mBRBLCIZED-PVholr-PnH 5TEfl lYlEP'LLLENDER-flNiy DRfl Ifi Et? J JiIIUuIlI'X-L- - I LRRSE flEVER-BURU - VUI RED- MEflVY 5TflmPEQ- lRON-mnP?BLEIZEQ jl H tffBT B l&VPmS Pm: 2-5Itl'flLL-nEVER-' Be Which Shall it Do yon intend to continue laboring, burning valuable fuel and destroying high-priced food with that old worn-out cook stove? -. You know that old stove eats up a lot of fuel each year. You know you have trouble in getting it to bake just right, in tact, spoil a batch of bread every onoe in a while you knew it costs considerable for yearly repairs. Stop and think and figure. ' Wouldn't it pay yon to buy a good range a range with a reputation The Great Iilajestic alleable Charcoal Iron Ranges You make no mistake in buying the GREAT MAJESTIC its the range with THE REPU TATIONask your neigh bors. Then, too, it's made just Right and of the right kind of materia' MALLEABLE AND CHARCOAL IRON riveted together practically air tight lined with pure asbestos board parts being malleable can't break has a movable reservoir and an ovan that don't warp that's why the MAJESTIC uses so little fuel, bakes just right every day in the year (browns bread just right all over without turning), heats "15 gallons of water while breakfast is cook ing properly Landled lasts a lifetime, and costs practioally nothing for repairs. ; i Don't buy the range you expect to last a lifetime "un sight unseen ;" you will be sure to be disappointed. Come to our store during demonstration week, see. the GREAT MAJESTIC have its many exclusive features explained find out why the MAJESTIC is 800 stronger than other ranges where most ranges are weakest. . ; ' .; fWMfl fiTO TOMTOM fill (MA TtMVI I f!