7 VCJ fnd (! r, : y - -c-t-L. - . :.i ... . , . . - - . . . r y j . ' r . s - - . . - . . . , M . . A . . i i : - .- . - Xs't;.''-'-'?!- .S-t . f - -5 NT . . "'r :'ICi';'1':-.".!.. V:.-V:.-:;V.f v NEWS -z of interest to izz rAUHORCOURi BEADEOSI HiiMjiWMiss' ; -; M annette ; Ramsaur Bpent Saturday;untir Taes day in Greensboro attending the commencement., eercisea NormaPand - in College. ; - MiBdes Lillian. " STary and Christine Miller and yizzie Bakef, Albert Miller and Floyd! Corriher - were . at Bavid8on:,Wednesday to' at tend the commencement ex ercises : - :-:My '' : 'it Miss Mary Rose" will leave 7 i Monday for North River, Va.j ta attend . the IfillerGamble r marriage. From there she will go to Culpepper,, Va.t to - visit friends. ? r, v : V Bernard . Patterson . is at home from Princeton Uni versity, - -r . ; i J,; M. . Eddleman was a 1 Salisbury: visitor yesterday. : r: Mrs. J L. Holshouser and Miss Delia Peeler,.left ,Wed b nesday : evening for Chester, S.: C, . to visit Mrs, Hoi- r shouser '8 daughter," Mrs. M. . " D. James. ' .. Mrs. R. D. Jenkins and . chilIren,left Monday to visit relatives in ' Tennessee. Vernon Blackwelder, who was so seriously injured "at the cotton mill -recently is . able to-be put and is' improvs ing rapidly. . " : - v' -UnclePat is having & new roof put on a portion of his residence and is assisting in the work. - , ' Misses Fannie Hutchens and Bessie Goodman, of Kan napolis, visited Miss Georgia Felker Sunday afternoon. Jason Xitaker is now on his regular summer job. He is busily engaged holding down a chair on the front porch. H. C. Miller was in Salis bury on business yesterday. There was a small blaze at . L'.'M. Holshouser's Tuesday. A blaze was noticed on the roof of the ell but it was quickly extinguished by neighbors and little damage was done. Mr. and Mrs. John Seamon and little daughters, Geneva and Elsie, of Woodleaf, Route 1, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Felker. Mrs Hood also came with them They returned home Monday. Joseph Carpenter and son, of.Cooleemee, visited at H. W. Felkei- s . .Saturday and Sunday. v Mrs. Crissie Blackwelder, widow of the late James Blackwelder, is very ill at t ie home of hep son-in-law, I lenry r - Fesperman. Mrs. 1 : lack welded is eighty -odd y jaiffl old and her friends are u leasy about her condition. "Mrs. W. H. Riser, is visit in? her sister, Mrs. Riden b ar, in Albemarle, u Miss Waunita Kestler, of Salisbury, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kirk. J. L. SiflEerd spent several H r vs. in Mt. Pleasant this " w iik on business connected with Mont Amoena Semin ary. . Kranth lnom is still m tli i hospital and it is believed it- improving. ' 1 - " Jas. N. Day vault's childs W&?MI&ot tKe. State ALI'dustrial' Viss Stlrew ilf Beetces (astrsctor iiiCU Miss Ada Stirewtlfcii StteDdiBg exeroies at MpDi .AtocBqa ; Seminary, Moabk waH liat Jsi . completed & pQit gradnatfr coDrBeNa tbe jpiDoiDnati CoDiervatory of -Maaio .and ill probablyjacoepi the position of Ib tractor iDrmhsip at Mont Amoe ija ; She is- weU yjqiialified ifof such " a pontion. Stock of Jki PiitersoB-Yooog. Mercantile ; Ccmpaaf Disposed Wilkiej.apci W. J . Swink, receivers for tbo .PatterionYoacg Mercantile Company of this place and Kannapolis, y have sncceeded in disposing of the entire stock of goods; an np'tOdate "line'of mer chandise, -to .B.'VD. .' Corriher.. of Mobresvjlle. . - Mr. Oorriher will continne . the business ' here at China Grove and close. np that at Kannapolis, either bj moving tfcatj stook to this plabe or selling it oat there.' The firm's name has not been decided on yet. The sale depends on confirmation by the jndge of this district, r T&ree New Aalomobiles. : X " Automobiles : are getting thick around China Grove these days. - Counting the three new ones received, this week it makes about one dozen in the community. The new ones are, one 36 H. P. five?passenger Maxwell for Rev. , W'. fi. Riser, and a Maxwel I and rStuiebaker for J, L. Bostian and W. H. Bos tian,,; Messrs. Bostian have made the purchases for the purpose of doing a - livery Weik to Begin on Hew Bank Building. The contract for the construction of the building in which the Bank of China Grove wijl make ita home has been let. Ed. L. Fleming and John Taylor, of Landis, are the succeaef ul bidders and they will begin work as soon as the necessa ry material can be gotten togeth er . These splendid gentlemen will see that a first-class job is done and will employ as far as possible local mechanics to do the work. To Build Kei Broom Factory. The Watt ins brothers, finding it necessary to move from their present quarters in the old Bur glar Alarm factory, have decided to erect, a bmlding suitable for the manufacture of broomB and large enough in which to conduct their terowing business . The building' will be of wood and will be near the site on which their former factory was burned. ; If China Grove continues to pat up factory and residences it will become almost impossible to see the town for the houses. Will Improve Sidewalks. John E. Cline has just gotten a beautiful new show-case and has it well stocked with cigars, etc. Mr, Cline's new store room is about completed and he will nowJ hav9 the sidewalks around the building well cemented and great ly imorored. Mr. Cline never does things by halves. How's This? ?:; We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Chenky & Co., Toledo, O. We, 'the undersigned, have Vnown F. J. Cheney for ' the last 15 years, and believe him perfect ly honorable in all business trans actions and finanoially,. able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. " -Zr; National Bank of Commebci, v , Toledo, O; . Hall's Catarrh Core is taken in ternally, acting, directly upon the blood atd mucous snrf aces' of thev system. Testimonials sent free. Prioe 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists: v - Take Hall'f Family PilU'for CHECIflOOlBABY ;Hcre-Is Something i New For r- "Big Nationals Cohserva- 'rC ':v- tion 'f Exposition; BIG CHILD EXHIBIT Msa Jtriia C Lathrop, One of Cduntiys c,i Most Noted Women, at Head of This Pepartnient for Knoxville Show Every Mother Will Be Interested in Exhibits. -A "6heck your. baWtinuidame?" This Is frolng to-'be piie pt the queries Uiat will be heard "frequently, during the progress of the "big National Con serTation ' Exposition In KnoxxUle. Tenn. The exposition win throw open its gates on September 1 and will con tinue until November JL ; v The Baby ChecMng Department" will. 'be only rone of ' the many novel things that thel progressive men and women in charge .of the 'Child Welfare Exhibit will arrange for the 'exposition. The question asked above and answer 'el affirmatively, does not - mean-.that baby will be checked, tagged and then put in an Oblong compartment- like a suit case. Rather, it will mean that baby will be taken in- charge by. com petent nurses and ;Well cared for. ,;, ( There Is ; going , to be a babies' rocm" in the Child Welfare. Building at the National Conservation . Exposi tion, a room, well lighted,! alryj screen ed and.dalntily ifurnishedC There will be" plenty of room for the children to romp and play; there will also,Nbe cozy rest rooms, where the' little ones can sleep when their, eyes become : heavy and. their little legs tired. v s ; Experience has shown that' many mothers, rather - than miss . the t show, such as. the National Conservation Ex position will be must bring the little ones. The management of the expo sition welcomes the "children. . It wants everyi chUd. to seer the . wonders on dis play But at the same time, the wom en In charge .of the Child "Welfare- De partment realize. how necessary it is to have a place, where. - mother.- can leave; the children, r So the aby GIFFORD PlNCHOT, Conservationist and head of National Advisory Board of National Conser . vation Exposition. Checking Department," It will be a place where mother can leave the chil dren and rest assured of the fact that they will be having the best kind of a time, and. that they will be looked after every minute of the day. Baby Health Contest. I: is also proposed that in the Child Welfare Building there shall., be a "Laby Health Contest." The one 'ob ject of this contest will be to set" up a standard of health for the babies. The! absurd features too often cruel of many baby shows will be done away with by this feature. The Babies!. Clinic of Knoxville has agreed to co operate in, the "Baby Health Contest" Here Is the way In which it will be carried on: First, there will be a stand ard score card. Then the physical de velopment of the child is compared with the score card, and a certificate or medal is given in accordance with the facts. There is no competition be tween babies, but only the effort to reach a standard. But the very pur pose of the. Child Welfare Department of the exposition would not pe served unless there were something further. .There will be advices to mothers offer ed by competent men and women: Thus the child will be benefited and also the parents. ' - ; ; These are only two of the many fea tures that will form a part of the ex hibits in the Child Welfare Building at the exposition. Miss Julia C.. Lathrop, chief of the the Children's Bureau of the . United States Department of La- I bor and one of the most noted women lame country.. is in. iau cnarge oi uib plans and preparations that, are' being made for these exhibits. Miss Lathrop was for many years- associated V with Mf ss Jane Addams . iu ' the apleudid wcrk that , is being done by the Hull House settlement in Chicago. TO INtEREST CHIUDREN The one aim 'and 'object 'of the man agers of the National Conservation Ex position In; Knoxville In arranging: for a Child Welfare Exhibit is to teach "val uable . leesohs , td . the parents . of chil- 6oi!rQt Expsrt Dikes Repurt ca o&rt Hero are a few Klines .f rorn the gcxernmsnit expert'; wW came' to S.aliiTitel0i pnthatjbdi iioa of -the new, cbiinty court jbonsa noiir . in t'; conrse Tof oonstrnotTon -which will giye.an idea of ita ooa tents, ' We wiUrgitf o the - f ull re-, WHh the "exception of the Jraii ltev the defebts are of such a char aoter. asnwyjoccuranany : builds ing, and; may fc e readily oor rected The detects in the granite ; are se rious jbnt jeved. these are; not! bs? y ond repa ir( exoent tne over-haDg of the. walls for :tf hich a -penalty of $250 : should Tbsvexaoted 'from the contractors v-f A start has already been '.made to correot the others numerous, de fects in the granite and it : is t Jny recommendation that the oontrao tors ber permitted to rconiplete these, in the a manner outlined inJ the report,v the specific directions Ifor whiofc, v;hoW9Ter; should .be given by the arohiteot . '. The approximate cost of the re pairs is about fv.B00t andhis' amount should be . retained : nntif they are completed in a';iatisfao--'' tory manner. - ." With this excep tion paymentsahonld be oontinEd in the regular "Sequenoe as f. the work: progresses land as provided by. the contract. !' JIn other words it is not necesiaryj; and in faot is lnadrisable to retain ' f roin pay ments due or to become due - any more than $2,500. Tbrei : Hooses Buraei In Silisbary Last m.y V:.;v;:. , Yesterday -'aftoirnoon - H, " L. Simeson,-: who) occupied .a small house on Eas) Council Street, left for a trip to his old home lowi on the hrer, and last, night, at 2 be on fire and before, much could be done it and. contents .were de stroyed, "The bouse belonged to Mr. Simeson, a brother of the renter. ... There was7 $800 i nsurance on the furniture in this house . C. M; Younce owned and occu pied an adjoining cottage. It too was destroyed. - On it was $600 in- surance. The third house, adjoining the above, owned by M, A. Bringle and occupied by Murry M. Linker, was also destroyed. Mr. Bringle had $400 insiirance on it. ' x New Officers EllecM. The full new board of aldermen of Salisbury hold their first meet- tog Wednesday night, the election of officers was gone mo and re sulted as follows: . J, D Norwood was elected may or pro. tern. . W. T. Bainey . was re-elected oity olerk. T. J. Babe, oity treasurer T. H . Vanderford, 'r., city at torney. . - : ' ,. J. M. Brown, city tax colleotor. John W. Webb, city engineer. . S. L. MoOahless, superinten dent of streets. ' - M. A. Shink, superintendent of cemeteries. . : j Dr. C. W. Woodson, city physi cian., -: - .. Dr. John WHitehead and Prof. B; G. Eizer, sohool committee men. ,;. ,', ' - f. M. Sieele and H. M. Uszle, members of water board. Captain of Police, B. F. Cauble. Frank C. Talbjrt, plain olothes policeman. ' " ' : W. M. Julian, J. C. Williams, J. W. Kesler. J. M. Mahaley, W. A. Thompson and J. Arthur Har rison, patrolmen ; Passenger train "No. . 7 now ar rives in Salisbury : aVS :20 nV m . instead of 2:45 heetofore.. It also leaves 25 minutes' earlier. i Chief of the China Grove police force,. Mr? Blackwelder, wishiiifi to set Jona Kirk, liri"BoBiiaa,:ihe; and othere; a good -example, was i busy yesterd cutting the grass and wees off Main street, and It was : consider I ably improved too. BIG LivStbcklShdvv WilBe Fca- tcrr h bt National Cbaser fi.. 1 4,000 Hi ? PRIZES- OFFERED )Si ;.- r',: l-r.-;;V-:; .--YA Object of , Manager of Live Stock De - partment Is To Make Dleplay Abo-, ' . lutely Clean and 8tlmiitate Breeding I of Better Clase of Anihiale In South. : . S' . ' i'ae?e"i ; s ,;-:-.',Ji -j-M'y - f . .-V ' Some-of;tlie piiectBot ;liej lire ttMkY8how.tarba- wlti!. Iie i National nservaUoa J3x- poaltlon.Iii Knoxville, as set forth by the director of mat. department; John ; Aj;;Jones, :kre: 'ft pZ:W?Afti To;ahow, to; tterfarmerandllTe atock man how mucli more eonbmfcalr how gmuch better It is for; him to breed a good animal ..than .a -scrub arilmal. - W.; , -M A To show that successful farming de pends, not onlj on the man behlnd'the plow, - but; also ""onthewelght of the team ta" front of the plow. V-- -it y To show that agriculture and live stock, breeding are closely related and car"; not .. be separated. t . y--- 'i'i To prove that great' opportunities- opportunities : as great as exist any: wherefor the raising and breeding of live, stock: are being neglected and are going to waste In the South. . ; To ' prove by actual demonstration the advantages tobe. gained by the breeding and raising of " .'swine and Sheep in the South." V " '. ; To make the show r absolutely - clean and high class. ' .. sr A, . To do everything possible to foster. the breeding interests of the Southern "country.?? 7V; : IFIiis Displays -'.at ' 8hoW. sr V-" The Live Stock- Show that wilTbe h6ld at the big National Ckmservation Exposition in Knoxville, from Septem ber 1 to November 1, of : the, present year, will be the greatest event of Its . if t 2 4 lfytP!t, i w 4-A MISS JULIA C. LATHROP, One of 'country's noted women and head of Child Welfare Department of National Conservation Exposition. kind probably ever held in the South. A the object of the National Exposi tioi Is to teach the 'esson of the neces sity of conserving the natural re sources of the country, so, too, will the object of the Live Stock Show to teach a lesson the lesson of conservation. By. displays, and exhibits of finely bred animals horses, cattle, sheep and swine and also by comparisons between these well-bred .beasts with scrubs - will the lessons of the Live Stock Show be taught. - Noted men of the live stock world will deliver lec tures from time to time. There will be other zeatures forming a part of the show that will be new and novel and of a character never seen at a similar show in the South before. ' The premium list is large" The total amount offered In premiums In all de partments of the show Is 114,000, and these premiums are so arranged that eiery owner of a well-bred animal will have a chance of being declared a win ner in some of the classes. Many Other Big Prizes. : NThere is a stake of $1,000. offered for the best saddle horse to be shown in the ring at the Night Horse Show. , There - is . an offer of an f 800 award for the best pair, of heavy brood mares to be shown. , This offer, it is expected, will result s in a better class of heavy, draft animals-; being raised' in the South.'; . j' : '". There is also ; a r special prise' of $i,0po for the best exhibit of live stock from any county In any Southern state. This is the first time that such a pre mium has been' offered for an event, of thlkind. The; total premium list la connection with' this' one event alone fooU'up w";$2,700.:.;', .ZfJ?u;, - "itrnimodlois, well-ventilated bulld ln; will bouse the live Stock exhibits at the ponservatlon . Exposition. ; ' The .ttng -m - which the - animals - wiliybe shown has -been pronounced to be one of the' best In the. country. A Night Horse Shdw will be held, and this wUI be made, much of. - It is expected to attract large crowds and. alao a fine W J :. - 4 f y " 4 1 - .,- - UQSSIllBv . Blaek " MouQtaiD Mar 28. James M. Mopoj a pi6neerres dipt of Buncombe Countf died at nil home here.1 Sunday Jiighf after aj brillnesst?e hyka jeiti; of sge anda - decedent of -,ihe Sootch emigrants of - the He vol u- tionarypenoc:;' . He became a reiideiibf: Black; Mountain in 1881, at whibh time, contained bnfe four; small houses He engaged in general merohan diss, business, enjoyed phenominai success, and was.greatly WspprTsi blsi fotheMfeablish town and Jts ;wonderfar progress and at the btime of-his death wss one of the largest pror'rty owners in this section . ' He ls. survived by a wife and three children,' Hrs'. J. B. Britton of v Murphy, MrsrT. B. WiUson of . Asheville and J$sf McCoy president of the dom- hpnwealth'f Bank: and mayor of rBlack If ountain Ifk- ivit Mr.1 McCoy was rbbsbly a n a- iive of .Aowan Cohnty siHe,- wiar tr. leasTi a relative pt. the McCoys f this Ccnuty and often 'yisited i Salisbury.,: He was 4isrjeoai rieud of the late Dr. WoocirTjf El m wood, and r visited him annu ally ; - .: : : ':. vv '' -r- It is Now Graatfpi Fre8Zi.r f , j AH things come .'to ; those, who wait,' is ail adgage which, only needsfthe abilitygto wait to make 4t ;an axiprnt Of course, thoughi -imiBn'iBlay stnve- unceasingly. he w.ill n6t be able to ave all things, yet much, can - bead , f some that are antediadK oine that are notr Ju'st hoW this fits Lucky ?s condition Jat the present wedo cot kjiowbut take itirgrteWiis' just as happy as -ever, if riot a little more so I ."You know it is. now Grandpa". Freeze, for he stork - called at x his eon's, Victor Freeze, ..dwell ing last Friday and left , a wee -little" tot for safe keep ing. As Venus would say, a house keeper. v vT But this is not all -the stork did last Frida. He Jcailed on the Chief . of Police, Mr. riacjiweiaer, r ana iieit a house keeper, - arid j;; lasty though not : least, he also dropped in to see Geo. J. jl empieTon ana leit mm a y oung merchant, "v or liorsa trader, which, we did -not learn. -' - Key. and Mrs. H. fl. Roh bins returned from GreensV boro yesterday afternoon where they hadbeen to take in the commencement exer cises of the Greensboro Fe male College. - - - - ; Children's On it Ut. Zlaaft x ? There will be a Children's Day . "-"' . mm'.-- -." ' m - service ac ms; z ion Sunday morn ing. The program will bsnsist of songs, recitations and, an address by the pastor. Rev. J; H . Keller I Everybody is cordially invited to be present. : '; ;v- -: y , :; YY Miss Myrtle Cooper is: still I - A " ! . . , n l. iu i me eauabtirium in aaiiss bury," arid continues to C im prove. It is hoped she will soon be -well!: enough to be brought, home. --. ;; : . Constipation Cured Dr. King's New Life? Pills will relieve constipation promptly and get your bowels in a healthy con- Sunbnry, Pa,t says: ,They2 are the best pills jj ever used and I advise everyone to use thein'for aonst'pation, indigestion and liver eomplaint.'V t;ViU uelp you. Pribe 25o. Recommended by all druggists. '; ' '.;'.. YY:-YYv We filter JW So . Qneen Early' Red, Y Nancy Hall and ; other varieties sweet potato plants, $1.50 ; per thousand ; ' ten? thousand, lots 3r over, .$125 per thousand, alt f, 0. b; Hickory send ur your orders. BhcKORT 8zxi Co,' Hick- RURAL TJE17C ,', Written by OUR UDEtlTG. - :xH lowbrstoneJ ji-May We?are having some good raioa along 'now: which is very niQch needed to Eel pthe cot tpc seed to come np and; I gnesa the gritss will come 'with it; tooV. r.juooK.ous i aii-you .viarmers ; ana-;sj-getbusyt f or ou ' will hav , to" Yj. n chop grass f or a while no wv Harvest time will, soon b heref - U : the-oafcs; are getting nice and yeK v " j j -;: low around 'here It will!sobri. 'k timeidrth6 wheat., reapert.'to 'do -..': ::r;Y:r :r Annie and. Boy, Bbst ,wited i their oriole John ,Bosiilasi Sat urday night near Faith. : yfi- XI seems like the birthday sur- ; prise parties, ara all the go around here t now. About thirtytlve of i Boy? Bost's friends, gave 'him a surprise ; on .-saioraay , . nig ns, . tne , ; ; , . - J . 17th of May, bringing with them . 7 ' : -j cake and candyr l think they all 1 ; ": , en joyed . themselves .and vJiad vi'-- .Ji very . moe time. .; ney . aia not hareroom in the house to play so; they all,. went. 'out. in. the yard They played several games; then went; to the dining room where the table, wae waiting falland , overflowing of good things to eat fk and ; flowers; to ' look ' at. , When " they-jall got through eating there';; j was plenty left ;f or i that many more. Roy Bbst - and iisters cer- " tainly do thank yon: ail for your kindness to them 1 Qa!Wenesdayfnight'i the 21st bflf ayv laboutslwentyf of Misi Car ry Bost's f riend s surprised her?; an het; birthday.tShe didn?t know a thing about. it until.the crowd went in thejhouse. She was fool ed proper. ' ,1 think ;they all had a very pice time;-;' ' Y' r. Y j- : Yy'Y-YY:,hYrYY ; 'YY-' . James Hippand wife nave gone to Chattanooga,. Tenn., 1 to; visit their " sen" Samuel t for a week or ten days We hope they, will en joy their . trip and have a nice time, - -.A;; ; ; - ;: ' Oscar . Cruse spent last Saturday night with his: f riend "'3Benford' Corl. '. - ' : '1 Will Boat and Miss Bessie Mes- imer were married' Usi Sunday in Salisbury and came home on Mon day ,to give' his rieople a short, visit. Wish - them much' success and a' long and happy.lif e.: v I sup pose they will make, tneir home in Salisbury for the present. : -'. -;--V v r . School Qibl. - -'Y-: ; FAITH.;. ;' YY' . 3 ay TJvT. AVatt returned home" todsy from f Granite; Falls, where he has ' been . visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. Palmer. ' Mr. Palmer' has been ; runn ing one of J.- T. Wyatt'i corn mills on shares for several x years and this - the; first time, he has been up to see it. : He also visited ' Bey. and (Mrs. Iyey, the Baptist minister,; who formally lived in Faiths and also spent Monday night with Mr. and ' Mrs . (Jeorge, Carter. Joe Carter and John Hopkins son of D. J. Hopkins, of Cabarrus County, are ' also in Hiokory. . They all have good 3bs and getting along flue. The town of Hickory is growing very fast and there is lots of work , going on there ; pow. It is one of the hustling towns of North Oar olina.-1 : - ' ' :-r ' ';'.;'-- V J. T.Wyatt shipped a oarlbad of street curbing Monday, .,. , V -Y'h ., 0w ; ;. - - -'' . .; ' '.Yehus. , . i ' . :..":'.; . - - '. Card of Thanks. , YW e' wish to thank the the pnblio for whatever .assistaQoetejrren dered us during oui late -fire, also inn ss j n a r"m a vtt ff 4lAaB oita4J' "r ; VUI VUSIVUIOID iVl ; VUOU U A iWl-, V f -Now, 'under Wi9;newaTOnge, rnent, we would ask a contin nanoe of your patronage and pledge yoa faithful service. Jw;;i;:5JP v. i - i ,?..- iw.-"': ;?-;t-v ..-T .A , -C-T y-!::Zf ;V". r . 'r-x- '(.i .54 -M- "I -C : f ---.. -I : V S. V. - L V' i -k-i- - Y' yYyyy 'r4v 1 :v5v.' :- -7- --v-- . , ' r t- - ; ' rea are still quite ill. v constipation.

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