k ISiiiim t IT. i ii - i " ... i j 'i . ir i i i i i : : VOL. 5 OH JN AG ROV E-N. CM JUNE 27TH, 1913. WO 23 - ii rmgm$ym mm m m mmmtm mus mm xm w. . m m a mm iwn hm ess. mm ejas $ .fin..- . V- ' ''lr'Vi-'5: -" Ulp'j ... ''!:-jH-. X- J,-.--.-. A i LOCALS. . Rv. Lee Starke, of e York, Vf ho has been holdi a g sach interestiug meetings at Kannapolis, wjll begin a se ries of evangelistic meetings in the Methodist church here Monday night, July 7th v j The lisrht seen by our peo ple Wednesday night in the vicinity of Granite Quarry, was the burning of a barn and contents belonging to Mrs. d aught e visiting There lawn part home of Hanna given in HC. - Cauble? and of Gharlotte?; are rs H. 1 H. ; Bobbins. asai: delightful at- the charming r.;?ahd0MrsA! Mi esterday evening, nor of MrsK Han a reaiaent oi neighborhood. set on fire by beside a lot of farm machin- a horse were Moses Safrit, the St. Paul The barn was lightning and feed stuff and ery a cow and burned. Mrs. Smith, mother of Wil liam Smith, died Friday and the funeral was held from the house Saturday, the inter men t being in Green -Lawn Cemetery. Colonel Lucfcy's wagon came very near running away with his mule the other day and lacked so little of turn ing over that Lucky saw blue streaks which he took for a flok of black birds. P. J. Kirk took the train yesterday for the South. He stopped at Kannapolis, got a drink of water and returned to China Grove. The Rowan County Sunday School Association will hold its regular annual convention with Mount Zion Reformed Church, Rev. J H. Keller, pastor, on August 21 and 22. Last Saturday evening when Miss Edna Brown and Elmer Rickard were returns ing from Corriher's Spring, and were driving down Main street, one side of the shafts came loose. This frightened the horse and it ran away. The buggy was turned com pletely over, and covered the . occupants, but as the other side of the shaf then broke habqggyaknot dragged, and no one was hurt, but they don't care to repeat the performance. The singing class of orphans from Oxf oid, who so delight ed a select audience here last Wednesday night were shown every consideration by mem" bers of the Masonic lodge here. They wert served re freshments, given an automo bile ride and given a recep tion. The receipts amounted to over $30 and the lodge gave them $10 more. The children were delighted and are always glad to come to China Grove. Guaranteed Eczema Remedy The oonitant itohint;, burning redness, iaah and disagreeable effects of eczema, tetter, salt rheam, itch, piles and irritating kin eruptions can be readily cored and the skin made clear and smooth with Dr. Hobson'e Kcsema Ointment. Mr. J. C Kreland, of BatL, 111., says: 'I had eczema twenty-five years and bad tried everything. All failed. When I found Dr. Hobion'e Eoiema Ointment I found a cure." This ointment is the formula of a physician and has been in use for years not an experiment. This is why we guarantee it. All drug gists, or by m&il. Price 50c. Pfeiffer Chemical Co., Philadel phia and St. Louis. na's nieces Esther Griham. - About fifty guests werp present, ref resh ments -were served and "with the spacious lawn dotted with lights a most Bn joyable even ing was hail by all .whowere so fortunamas to s be present. Hoke Ramiiaur spent; last Wednesdas ; End yesterday here with 1 is parents, t Miss Jei aie Patterson, . a teacher in t ierptiblic schools of Charlotte ,'ls spending her vacation he e - with her moth er. The Thursday ? Afternoon Cliib held iit tegularo bi weekly meeung at Mrs. W J. Swink's y eaterda y afternoon J. F. McGraw, of Moores ville,- was: here Wednesday visiting P. A. Sloop, Esq. Kev. C. A. Brown will go to Troutman Saturday, where lie and Rev. B S . Brown, of Landis, will install the ; Rev. T. 0. Parker as pastor of the Mifcses v Mary and j. Iredell pastorate -on Sunday ;were great t h the hospitals splendid 5 home. invited guests Misses Mary and andJflm whoSl!are and Mrs. Graham tm, 1 I .'.'A3 V 4 Af M. ana, as usual ly pleased w ty of this Among the present were Esther Millie Gra ft nests of Mr Hanna. There will! be a, children's day exercised ! Sunday nisrht at the Methodist church.' An interesting pi'og'ram'has oeen arranged ahdubluilis cordially invited to be pres ent. . Mrs. H. A. Fisperxnan has bad a new roof put on her dwelling. ' W. F. ElleMms built an addition to his Whitson $miiM&: High Point, is visHingJfAipajents here for a weefccri 0 Miss Maud Richardson vis ited friends' iij Kannapolis last aaturaas ai csunaay. ju agreed to close for Friday, July 4th. As Salisbury has prepared quite an" entertain ment for the day, all are in vited to roup and enjoy the occasion. -John R. Brown and James Correll are expecting to go to the big re-union at Gettys burg and then visit Washing ton and Baltimore. Rev R. A. Goodman, of the Mont Amcena Seminary, Mt. Pleasant, was here yesterday soliciting pupilsfor the com ing session of the seminary. He was quite successful. Apig belonging to W. A. Corriher, of the Concordia neighborhood, got hungry fand left home. Mr. Corriher is anxious to know what be came of it: E. L, Cobble would also feel relieved should it return home. at St. Michael's E. L. Church. tsmi,; A. Ketchie spent Sun 'dty there with His family. He is foreman - of a iSduthern Railway construction force and is constantly moving About. At present he is lo cated in South . Carolina . '. J. . L. Sifferd, Esq., and daughter, Miss Mary, are taking some recreation at Flat Swamp Springs, David-. son County. x Miss Edna? Brown nas ao cepted a . position as teacher in the graded ; school : at Moor es ville during" the ses sion of 1913 and, 1914. :Mrs. C D. Watkins spent yesterday in Salisbury visit ing her mother. . ; --V, . Mrs. m?bas. E. v Grover, who has been visiting Rev. and Mrs.1 W.' H. Riser, res turned home last Friday. Mr. and' Mrs. James Gra ham and daughter, oL Hot Springs, ; Ark.vr - and : , Rev . Joseph Graham and.daughter, of-Leesville, S. G.,are visit ing at Mr. and Mrs. 'A. r M. Hannahs. ' ;; '-: ' ' Misses ' Mary Bostian and Edna Brown went . to Con cord on business last Thurs Best Laxative for the Old men and women feel .the -need of m laxativa more than young folks, but it must -be safe andJ harmless and ' one that will not cause pain. " Dri King's New Life Pills are especially, good for the aged, for they act, promptly and easily . Prioe 25o. Reoom mended br all driteieiits. f Y-: Louis H Asbury, 'an architect of Charlotte, war here Wednesday to make final arrangements for the blue prints for Dr DeWitt 0 Swaringen's new brick drug store, which he expeots to erect at once on the site of his old building, oorner of Main and Depot Streets, which was recently destrowed by fire. These plans are expected to be ready by next week and then bids from contractors will be in order. Ulcere and Skin Troubles If you are suffering with any old, running or fever sores, ulcers, boils, eczema or other skin troubles, get a box of Buoklen's Arnica Salve and you will get re lief promptly. Mrs Bruce Jones, of Birmingham, Ala., suffered from an ugly ulcer for nine months and Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured her in two weeks. Will help you. Only 25c. Re commended by all druggists. Host Children Have Worms Many mothers think their ohildren are suffering from indi gestion, headaohe, nervousness, weakness, costiveness, whenthey are victims of that most common of all children's ailments worms. Peevish, ill-tempered, fretful children, who toss andrind their teeth, with bad breath and colicky pains, have all the symptoms of having worms, and should be given Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lozenge, which exnels worms regulates the bow els, tones up the system, and makes children well and happy. Kickapoo Worm Killer iB guar anteed. Air druggists, lor by mail. Price 25o. Kickapoo In dian Medioine Go., Philadelphia and St. Louis. . V f EeV Joseph A Graham, of Lee's ville, 8 0 , who" ia here visiting relatives hai: consented to preach in Mark'rH. Lhuroh at ihe reguta'r honr Sunday nigh t, in lieu ot the pastorl Rev.- W. H. Riser. Rev. Qrahun has a host of friends here and they, will be glad of the npportuoity to hear b.im preaoh. -. According Jto " custom th' con gregation of:? 8t. Mark's K. L church "-bai' graoted their pastor, Rev. W H Riser, a' vaoation. Rev. Riser, will take; advantage of the time at his disposal to spend two weeks in South Carolina with his mother. ' It ' is his intention to leave Monday, v: , . ',"..'1 Oeifiess Cianot be fared by local ; applications, as' they Cannot reach'the diseased portion of the ear.?. ; There is only , one way to cure deafness, sjcd that is by constitutional remedies. Deaf ness is caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Bustaobtan Tube When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect hear- ing, ana wnen it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and - unlesB this inflammation can be taken ont and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever ; nine oases out of ten are caused by Catarrh , which is nothing but an inflam ed condition of the mucous sur faces.;1'- .. . ; i We will give Ooe Hundred Dol lars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send f or circulars, free. F.J CHENEY & CO., V;-Vt . Toledo, Ohio. 8old by Druggists, 75o. iTrakatHairsiJamily Pills for Constipation. '. - Arthur Leona, son of W. M. Beaver,- "died of menegitis s last Tuesday morning' about 4 o'clock at ; the " age of two years, two months and twenty-two days, and was buried the day following its death, the services being conduct ed by the x pastor,' Rev. ; C . A Brown, in Lntherati Chapel B . L. Church in the presence of a goodly number of people, after whioh the little body was tenderly laid to rest in Green Lawn - Cemetery by the side of its mother who-died more than two years ago. May the Lord "comfort the bereaved ones. .. CREAM Separator season is now j here. Wli j lose $10.00 per jear ' on a each cow, when a separa tor will savo you this for yo l. This i not guess wf r b n t actual facts and figures. A Separator is the only farm machine-that you use every dav in the year, not even excepting Sun day. The Sharpes Tubular Separ ator is the easiest runuiug, long est life, the cleanest skimmer ai d easiest to olean Separator cn the the market today. Prices fro on $40.00 up. These Separators and a full line of Hardware including Carter's White Lead and ready mixed paints always on exhibit at our store. CHINA GROVE HDW. GO Do foil Want Go od Teeth ? GOLD CROWNs $4.00 ; .Bridge Work, $4.00. Fillings ' in proportion ; Set of teeth PlitesmJ8ii8hrs $4 $4 For Short Time Only.; Our Absolute Guarantee Goes with all Materials & work. These prices would not be possible were it-not for the extensive practice of our four large offices Thousands of beautiful mouths in North Carolina are living witnesses to the superiority of our - work and easy methods. . " Philadelphia Painless UQi N. Main St., Salisbury Branch. ; 'Phone 763. Lady Attendant. mm NEy DRUG STORE A new drpg store has just been opened in the Company Store Building on North Main nas a big stocK pi -h ' - Frash Dpus, Toilet Articles, Patent Cladicines, Sundries, Cigars, Tobaccos,' etc. has been received and will be sold at most reasonable prices. Prescriptions a Specialty. 1 You are invited to give us a portion of vour business. Wd guarantee to please. Very respectfully, Frieze Drug Co. Phone 29. The attention of oar readers is called to the ad. of the Ohina Grove Hardware Go. in to-day' issue of the Record. Also to V. I Wallaoe & Sons page ad. FARM II! Furniture Company has a complete stock of Threshing Ma chines, Gasoline Eugines, Pump3, Cream. Separators, Buggies, Wagons, Hay Load ers, Paints, Oils, etc. Barb wire and fence wire and the most complete stock of Hardware to be found in the State. Salisbury Hardware and Furniture Co. J. O. White & Co., pi 8- v.-:.:.s-v, jy i nmofiirm D r All I llrLT I Thorie: 143. Salisbury; N,; C. " PURE DRUGS i- -x- There Js" as much difference in Drugs as in " . ' other. rticies of merchandise, but there i are , greater reasons why you should have the best of drugs than of anything else. Life often depends on the quality of the drugs you nse My Quality Is ofhe and Prescriptions filled at my store are given the most careful attention You will make no mistake, when in need of drugs by trading at Detilp Smringen-s The Drrfggist and Prescriptionst Swaringen's Liver Pills are the Best 25 cents IT A Mill mmi i ii mi A One Great Day of Pleasure and Wonder for- Every one. Everything New! Everything Wonderful! Goast Airtillery Sham Siiffl Demonstrating their Big, Rapid Fire Field Guns. Big races by trotting and pacing horses. . Motorcy cle Races vs time-Records. Automobile races, two big racing; Baseball by two crack teams. Running races of Rowan. County. Barbecue dinner all day. Everybody come ' SaUbury, Ni G., July 4th, 1913.. ; by fast horses - ;i ' - ;".' 'V ; l.-'i ' : , : "' I ft " !.. ..Viilt! J t . . 'f -: -4 t S r ' A .Jb jr.--' . 1 P1

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