V -t-..-r,. VOL. 6 CHINA IN. U. UULY loTH. ISfld. NO 26 THE Fyoys cpmcitw cLL J P M L 1 ri: t.t ' if -1 J LOCAL NEWS of interest to ALL OF OUft READERS. T. M. Ramsaur is spending a few days in Newton. P. L Ketchie was in Salis bury Wednesday on business. Miss Sopha Graham is visit ing relatives in Colombia, a c. Mrs. M. J. Grahaim is visits ing at Charlie A. Kluttz's near Spencer. Miss Helen Misenheimer, of Mt. Pleasant is visiting Miss Ada Stire wait. M. N. Templeton and Mr. Edwards of El in wood were visitors here Sunday. Hop. Wat kins, Big C, and B. H. Miller went cooter hunting yesterday afternoon. James Sloop and wife of High Point, visited at J. R. loop's last week and return ed home Sunday. G. J. Templeton has been at home a couple of days this week with an attack of cholera morbus. Rev. C. A. Brown was in Salisbury Thursday attend ing the Rowan CountyMin isterial Association. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Stevens, of Mooresville, are visiting at G. W. empleton's and P. L, Ketcie's. Mike Kimball, the deputy sheriff and town constable, has maved into the H. H. Troutman residence. Misses Gracie and Wilmer, daughters of G. A. Ketchie, left Saturday to spend a few weeks with relatives at Rich field. J. H. Blackwelder, extown constable has accepted a position as machinest with the' Patterson Manufacturing Company. R. S. Templeton, of Moores ville, who has been visiting relatives there for several days, returned home yester day mornfng. : Rev. H. H. Robbing and family have moved into the new church parsonage and are very much pleased with their new home. Krauth W. Thorn and family have moved to Johns son City, Tenn., where Mr. Thorn has accepted a position in the office of the C. C. & O. Railway. Misses Ola and Viena Linn of Landis, and Lettie Kern, of near Salisbury. were pleasant visitors at Rev. C. A. Brown's last Monday afternoon. Mrs. M. N. Templeton, of Elmwood, who spent a few days here this week visiting, relatives, left Tuesday to spend a week or so with her father in Virginia. Prof. P. E. Wright has opened a school at Land i p. He has a goodly number of pupils and as usual is giv ing the boys big value for their money. China Grove now has a widower's special. It went through town yesterday with two passengers aboard. Each, however, looked awfully lonesome, but hopeful. There was no meeting of the P. O. S. of A. last night owing to it having been post poned until next Thursday night when these will be several candidates to initiate. H18U& SCHSa FACULTY, A Strong Teim iif i Higb Class Scbool Asssnd. After maoh ootretpondence and deliberation the faculty for the high ichool and fmblio ichool cond acted here jointly hat been elected. Every one u a graduate of tome college and all have had special training and eoeae expe rienoe in teaohing. Prof . Jenkins and the eobool board feel iom what elated in aeouring toch a strong team and art now confident China Grove is to have one of the very best aohools in the State Each member of; the faoolty ia es pecially fitted for the work as signed and if pupils do not learn and sucoeed it can be pat down as a fault of their own. Prof. Jenkins has been anuiu ally active, enthusiastic and earn est in his work and if for any reason there is not a complete success for the coming session no one win ue more aisappointea thin he: Tuition in the high sohool de partment is absolutely free to pu pils in Rowan. Any one who re ceived a diploma at ' the county commencement in Salisbury, or who can enter by examination, is entitled to enter the school. Board oan be had here at very reasonable rates It should be borne in mind that many are paying for instruc- tion interior to tna curriculum and results obtained here. The faculty fiually deciden upon isasfollws: R. D. Jenkins, superintendent. Miss Huldah Groom, of Porno- na, jn u., graauate oi tne state Normal, English and Mathe matics. Miss Laura Hearne, of Albe marle, N. C, graduate of Elisa beth College, history and science. : Miss Sudie fennis, of Newberry, S. 0., graduate of Newberry Coi lege, 6th and 7th grades. Miss Lula Dubarry, of Red Springs Seminary, ,4th and 6th grades . Miss Ella Mae Miller, graduate of State Normal, 2nd and 3rd grades. I Miss Frances1 Wortham, of Franklin, N. 0., 1st grade. Or. Swiriagei Lits Cutrict. Dr. De Witt C. Swaringen let the contract yesterday evening for the erection of a two-stoiy brick building corner of Depot and Main Streets, the site on which stood his former drug store. There were six bidders on the contract and 0. R. Propst, of Sal isbury, was the successful one. Mr. Propst was here yesterday and spent some time in con suiting 'with Dr. Swaringen and looking over the plans. Work on the building is to be gin as soon as the material can be gotten together near the arte for the building. Calvin and Lewi? Sloop, of Salisbuiy, spent Sunday here with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Sloop. Mrs. Jas. N? Day vault and family are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Troutman at Gastonia. They will also visit Mrs. Day vault's sister at Rutherford ton. In the meantime James is doing the best he can on cheese and crackers. Unas. A. ilenarix leit yes terday morning in response to a letter received from Spencer offering him a posi tion with the Southern at that Doint. He will work with the yari force. For Cots, Bursa and Brnises In every home there shonld be a box of Baoklen's Arnica Salve, ready to apply in every case of burns, outs, wounds or scalds. J. H . Polanoo, Delvalle, Tex , R, No. 2, writes: "Bucklen't Arnica da I ve saved my little girl's cut foot. No one believed it could be oared." The world's best salve. Only 25c. Reootamended by all druggists. DISTRICT CCIPEREKCE. Uatbodlst Badi Ir UutitCssst Pltnnf The Salisbury Diitrrot Confer ence will be heldit Ml Pleaial, 22 24 . Th district Ik a large and growing one. it naat a memocN ship of 8 879. tad last year 1?8 joined the Methodist Churoh in this distriot. : r x 45 The Church property ir-valufd at 1229,880. Last year $20,674.86 was paid for m isterial support, and 1 6 '827. 86 was raised for mis- sions loui raisea lor au pur poses last year was 148,977.5 The women in their missiouary organisation in the distriot have 489 members pod ratted last year $2,548 82, being $5 21 a member. There are 68 Sunday sohools, with 8,889 membera, raising $4,482 88 J Bev. 0. F. gherrill will be host of the Conference, and Rv. W, R, Ware, of Salisbury, will preside over the deliberations of the body. The paster of the China Grove charge, Rev. H. H. Rol bins, re quests that all the delegates in this oharge make a speoial effort to attend this meeting. EUSgllUtlC UlttllJ Ctttll ltd Hist. Rev. Lee Starke'a meetings in the Methodist ohuroh, which have continued for ten days cloed,last night. Mr. Starke haa delivered some powerful sermons and it it believed much good hat been done, though the list of converts is not very lengthy. A fuller re port will be given in our next is tne, should it be deemed worth while. Riv. 8tarke'a tarmon last night waa on the subject : The Old Ship of Zion." It was a powerful effort and the usual good tixed audience was out to hearhim. Rev. Starke hat been ably assisted by the pastor RiVvfflRobbiDS --. - ; : fits Ht:i l&ttf; Wednesday while Hoke Bottian, ton of Mr. and Mrt. Charles Bot tian, with tome- oompaniona were endeavoring to oatoh a snake, got hit hand badly mashed and it may result seriously . A tnake waa be ing chased and it ran tinder a heavy stone milk trough, in an ef fort to help move it Mr. Bostian put his band under the stone, whioh was being held off the ground with a hand stick, the stone slipped off and caught Mr. Bostian't hand and mashed it se verely, bit fore-finger waa almost ground to pulp. Aiotiir Cottu tilll ti H Efictif it K11- llfills. Eannapolia, July 17. Material ia being placed on the ground for the erection of the new mill. Workmen are laying the founda tion and before the present week oloset the masons will be laying briok on the main building. The boiler room walls are already up, a considerable ' heigh th. Streets have been laid oE and dwellings are going up. rue addition to Cannon mill No. 1 is nearly done betides the many other improve ments whioh are going on here. First Baft f NiwCittn. New York, July 14. The first bale of ootton of the 1918 crop wat told at auction Mew York Oot ton Sxebange today tor 20 oents pound. The money goes to charity. The bale, weighing 505 pounds, was raised at Lyford, Uameron (Jounty, Texas, and was shipped through Houston. Rid Your Chlldrta of Worm You oan change fretful, ill-tem pered ohildren into healthy, hap py youngsters, by ridding them of worms . Tossiog, rolling, grind ing of teeth, crying out while asleep, accompanied with intense thirst, pains in the stomaeh and bowe.'t, feyeritbness and bad breath, art) symptoms that indi cate worms. ! Kickapoo Worm Killer, a pleasant candy lot enge, expelt vthe worms, reg ulatea tne bowels, restores your children to health and happiness Mrs. J. A. Britbin, of Sfgio, 111.. says: I bare used Kickapoo Worm Killer for yean, and entire ly rid my children of worms. 1 J would not bo without it." Gaur- anteed. All druggists, or by mail. rnee zoo. kickapoo Indian Med lcine Co., Philadelphia and St. Lonu. RURVL NEWS fixxen Dy: . . fflrilcoispbiiDinfs. FAITH. July H .-Venus spent Saturday nishtat tlrs. 0. L. Wyatt't near tlilier'tferry Her two tons, J. L7.FfL.ahd O Long had an ice cream supper and, there was the largest-; crosfd of young people th.trethas re;have seen in a long time Eterything was told out aud it waa a great success. Venus met his old friend Sam Snort there. Samf ou know, writes for Tat) Watchma and he ia verv busy alorfi now selline aoods. grocerisis,: eto.fr The tbmhert were on the Mil ler ferry rosX at Columbus Ees- tlerfs, Saturday threshing wheat. Wov met lour old time friend. Henry Lyerly, who lives on the Miller ferry toad. He was making nrenarationt. for the threshers to come to hia-honse. We taw th finest oak shade County, near the tree in Cor J n road on Chr es Klnttz'a farm. We got the insure 0f it. G L Wvatl' found a silver half doller dated it88. J raraa is i moyea - out from Snencer to Ll farm, er near it. He hat a larrt river bottom farm and he and tit renters have a crop now coming d. If the . season oontmuet thsy will make a big crop thit fall. John A feeler has gone north to sneud a few dava in the interest of the granite firm of whioh he is manager. . v Mrs J A Peeler is canning beets. oorn and blackberries. Samuel Fraley is olerking in the ttor for John A Peeler while he it off on a trip John Waller, who hat been the head teamster for A Peeler for the past eight or nine years, is on the aick lis, bu not confined to nit oea, , : v 1 , .The sobscripkiin sohc4of Miss uary reeier it r wing r n ne ... of the aCfeet f 6r( Wing on Main Street in Fbith today. The ohildrens Mission Band of Faith Lutheran Ohuroh will hold their annual publio meeting the third Sunday night in July. The little son of John Brenton got his leg hurt Saturday. Dr Peeler had to take four stitohes in it and he is getting along alright now. The Cauble pasture quarry nas stsrtec again, we expect a ot of men here toon to make paving blocks. John Brenton, Jr., is working on tne reeier Brothers, granite mountain with his father. For the benefit of tome Church or charitable institution J. T. Wyatt, of Faith, N. C, Rowan County, will" fill a show case 20 feet long more or less and plaoe it on exhibition at some Church fair or other place of entertain ment with his finest and best oolleotion of curiosities like h hat been taking down to the North Carolina State fair for many yean. I can make a fine display. Ad- dress as above. Vfnus. CRESCENT. July 14. Mrs. 0. 0. Lyerly spent Saturday night at James McCombs'. "The Mission Board of Crescent will give an ice oream supper Sat urday night, July 19 in D. M. McCombs' yard. Everybody is invited to come and have a good time. Arthur Cates spent Saturday night with Leonard Shine. He reports a nice time ? Polly. Salisbury gives her patrolmen a week's holiday each and they are now being let off one at a time 4 The county commissioners sit at a board of f quilzation Monday, but had very little to do. Onlv a tew came in to protest against the assessment of their property. The board while in session decided to purchase five portable steel cages lor tne onain gang. They are of the combination, tyneand oan b used all the year round with com fort. High Rook CiunoiVNo. 885. J r O. U. A. M. will give an icecream tupper at High Rock, at 4 p. in,, Saturday, July 10. The publio it cordially invited to come oat and enjoy the occasion. Rev. Lanning la - expected to b present and make a speech on the principles 01 tne order. f-v ri 1 AMERICANS FUEINS FROM MEXICO. Tab Goiarninent Is Aifollf Slow in Settling Claims till Thei Prefired Not to Wait. Wathingtoo, July 18, Desti tute Americans are arriving in the United States on every boat from Mexican" ports. Many of . them face financial ruin in consequence of the series of revolutions which has-paraljfzed commercial and in dustrial enterprises and they are leaving the Southern Republio with reluctance; American Con sols are empowered to draw upon the State Department for funds to bring Americans out of the va rious danger zones and in tome instances, notably at Torreon, Consuls and Consular agents to relieve actual hunger. v Before Mexioo passed through the travail which toommeneed the Madero revolt against the regime, more than two years ago, most of the now indigent Americans were engaged in prosperous rauchibg and mining -enterprises, or other commercial pursuits While tbr United States Goverment has re peatedly warned them to fle and depend upon the Government of of the United States to guarantee settlement of their claims against Mexico, the fear of delay in the adjustment of olaimsand the hazard of the loss or destruc tion of all in the ravolutioa-toin country. Within the last month, however, between four and five hundred have been brought to the United States at Government ex pense. . Firsirs' listiti'i, Saturday, Aigist 2ai. Our AdTertlsirs. The Recobd is forced to issue a small supplement this week be cause; well, by looking on the last page you wilt see. This is a 2le of' the . progressive ' spirit ping-here. r-When it doing things the business people of this little town "am some pumpkins." Look over this lot of advertisers, see what they have to say and then show your good will by patronizing - them when in need of anything in their line. They are all thoroughly re liable and will give you a square deal every time. The program for the farmers' institute to be held here Saturday, August 2 ad, speaks for itself, but this is not all. Wait, we will give it to you in full next week, but be assured sufficient for the day will be the joy thereof. Building, Building. A good sized force of brioklayt ere, including Uncle Pat, and me chanics are busy putting up 'the China Grove Bank building, on North Main Street, adjoining the building recently occupied by the Concord Telephone office. The building will be two atories high and of red briok with grey brick front and granite trimmings The Lillian Knitting Mill it now aoout reaay tor tne roof. Contractor Casper is a hustler and is making splendid progress on this structure. So China Grove, N. C, is growing. Ice Criao Sapper. The Ladies Aid Society of the Methodist Church will give an ioe cseam party at the new cuurcn parsonage Saturday afternoon and night. Everybody is cordially in vited to come out, enjoy them selves aud help in a good cause. 6ali Day SaTorday, August 2nd. Our readers will please notice that the farmers institute and gala occasion will take place on Saturdair, August 2nd. There has previously been two or three dates named for this occasion, but none are oorreot exoepf this 4atter one. So remember the date and be here. The King of All Laxative For constipation, headaches! indigestion and dyspepsia, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. Paul Ma thulka, of Buffalo, N. Y., taya they are the "King of all lsxa tives. They are a "blessing to all my family and I always keep a box at home." Get a box and get well. Price 25o. Recommended by all druggists. idw-tS GOLD HILL TQYUSHIP S. S. ASSOCIATE Ti Unt it vtfitteisirr Cisrck, 6rttlti Qitrrr, Frtiay, Ai gist 8tkv The regular thirty-first annual meeting of the Gold Hill Town ship Sunday Sohool Association will be held Jn Wittenberg Lu the ran Church. Granite Quarry, on Friday, August 8th,' oonvening promptly at 10 a. in. . The follow ing - program hat been arranged for the occaaion: ' -.. 1. Voluntary by tho Choir. 2. 8. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Devotional servioes by Rev. OP Fisher. Addreat of welcome by Rev. RRSowert. Retponce'by J L H Fisher' Music. Reading of the minutes . Enrollment of members. Election of officers. Music v Appointment of oommitteet. Topio : The Teacher and the Taught. Opened by O F Montgomery, folowed by Rev. W H Causey and others. Offering. r Intermission for dinner. All bring baskets. AFTBBNOON 8K88I0W. Music. Devotional services by Rev H A Trexler. Reports from the different sshools. Music T )pio : What Forces are the Most Successful in the Sun day Sohool Array? Opened by Prof. L H Rnthroek, fol lowed by Rev. O P Fisher and ethers. Music Topic: How can the Sun day School Implant Into the Hearts of Oar Young People the Bible Doctrine of (a) Christian Living. Rev. J A Koont. . (b) Christian Adornment. Rev. J L Forbit. Music ' r Reports of Oommitteet . Miscellaneous business. Question - box. ; Opened by the president. Music. All nouncements. Closing exercises. . " . Z. A. Kluttz, Sao. 12. 18. 1 2. 8. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9 10 11. 12. 18, 14 erihtMSi Pleiles Albemarle, July 14-The annual picnie to be git en for the benefit of Oxford Orphanage will be held in Albemarle on Thursday, Ju ly 81. This it the teuth year thai thia pionio has been held here'. This year the number which will attend is expected to exceed 10,000. Governor Craig will be here to make a speech. Banda will make the occasion lively throughout the day. Then the class of orphans will, as usual, give a concert. The nineteenth annual pionic for the benefit of Barium Springs orphanage, will be held at Tern- pleton's grove, Mooresville, on Thursday, July 81, 1918. A spe cial train will run from States- ville. Excursion rates from Winston-Salem, Salisbury, Charlotte, Taylortville, Hickory and inter mediate points. Trains; atop at picnic grounds. Olarenoe Poe, editor of The Progressive Farmer, will be the principal tpeaker. Mutio by the Kannapoha band, merry-go round, and other amuse ments. Dinner Adults 50c; children under 12,' 25o. One free ticket will be-given with each din ner basket. Cbiltrti's Dai it Ctittrfirifi. There will be Children's Day at Center Grove E. L. Church, Sun day, July 20th. There will be an mil day service. The Rev. R. S. Patterson, the United Synod's Home Mission Secretary, will de liver an address on missions at the 11 o'clock hour. In the after noon, the children will render their exercise. There will be a freewill offering at bcth the morning. and afternoon services. A cordial welcome it extended to all. Unsightly Face SpotV Are cured by Dr. Hobson's Ecze ma Ointment, v which heals all skin eruptiops, A No matter how long you may be troubled by itch- ing, burning, or scaley akin hu mors, just put a little of that soothing antis9ptio, Dr. Hobson's Eczema Ointment, on the toret and the suffering stops instantly. Healing begina that very minute. Dootors use it in their praotice and reoommend it. Mr Alle- man, of Littletown, Pa., aays : 'Had eczema on forehead : Dr. TTnbaon's Eoaeaa Ointment enred it in two weeks." Guaranteed Or money refunded. - All draggtttt. or hv mail. Price fie Pfeiffar Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louu. ; rowaii coutmraocALs The Sunday school of the First Baptist Church- of Saliabury pio nicked at Thomasville yesterday. A goodly number of people went ' on the outing. Most of tie viaifc ort spent some time at the orphan- . age. ' i -;Hxv'V-V; E, M. Hoffman, secretary of the Community Boyi IWprkj recently organized in Salisbury, was de tained in Meridian, Miss.,' and did not reaoh Salisbury until to day . He will assume the dutiea of the office at once. ' The Oitiztnt' Co'operatiTe Building & Loan Association, whioh has had great succeis during " the past seven years or more, will in a few days distribute more than $80,000 to shareholders, in thit vicinity. Tbe surplus now ex-; oeeds $1P,0Q0. and the loans ag- gregate' $91,000, a material in crease over the previous year. More than 150 homes have been . built by the organization. The Salisbury merchants . have decided to close 4heir stores each Friday at 1 p. m. in order to give the businest men and clerki a much needed rett during-August.' ' There will be two 1 exceptions, July 25 and August 22. Practi cally all the leading merchanta hare agreed to the plan. The double store-room oboupied by Stama & Parker, jewelers, is to , be remodeled, an extepsion- built to tne rear and made Into two commodious rooms. A new front will be put in and the general ap pearances muoh improved. Stama fe Parker will continue to occupy one of tbe rooms;. ' Mist Mary L. Clark, of Golds- boxo, and Charles J.McMurry, of Raleigh, came to Salisbury Mon day morning and were .married just before noon at the rectory of the Episcopal Church, Rev. "F. J. Mallett omoiating. Mr. MoMurry it a travelling man. Cklldru's D11 it Lotlecti Chapel mix a : Siccess. ; v ; The exerciser of Children's Day at Lutheran Chapel last Sunday wat attended by a very large con course oi people, the largo soaoious ohuroh beina filled to its utmost capacity . The sermon in . the morning at 11 o'clock delivered by the Rev. M. L Kester, pastor of Haven E. L.: Ohuroh, Salisbury, N. C , was applicable to the occasion, earn estly delivered, containing maoh. wholesome thought and advice, and, was well received by the congregation. The children and young p9ople acquitted teemselves admirably in the rendering of their exercises and the musio in the afternoon. - Prof Elmer Riokard's sketch of the Life of David Livingston waa interesting, and was well receiv ed. ..; ' Master Herman' BrOwn 'received the prize given by the president, Miss Fannie Efird, to the one who sesured the largest sum in their mite box. y The-f ree will offering for the day amounted to $52. 94. State of Ohio, city of Toledo, Lucas County, 11. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that. he is. senior partner of the firm of Ft J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and Stste s foresaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each aud every case of Catarrh that cannot be cored by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and sub scribed in my presence, this 6th day of December, A D. J 886. (Seal) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Publio. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mucout surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free, . -.-. ; ;J F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75o. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. 7 m . V . v- f . -V 2.

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