:VV J- ' ' ' " I ' "V . - , 1 1 1 i i' i i . .ii i i i i i i , i ii ii i I ii .. . - . , '.f i "t S . 1 4 3,000 People llere Sateaay .: LOCAL NEWS z of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS. Rev, C. A. Brown attend ed the Township Sunday School Convention at Center Church Thursday. Misses Evelyn and Grace Shepherd, of Statesville, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Shepherd. Miss Florence Eddleman, of Albemarle, is visitirg her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. J. M. Eddleman. v Rev. T. C. Parker, of Trout man,' preached at S t . Mark's J& . L. Ch urch last Sunday night, j Rev. J. P. Milter, of Char. lotte, was a visitor here Sun day evening. Rev. and Mrs, W. H, Rier and visitors, Rev. and Mrs. C. Ridenhour. and Mrs. R D. Layton, were Salifc bury vifcitors Wednesday. Frank Eddleman was in Salisbury Monday. Wy G. Patterson, was a Salisbury visitor Tuesday. a James E. Correll spent yes- terday at Crescent attending the Orphan's anniversary. T . m. Mrs. J. A. Thorn, Miss Evelyn Thorn and W. Thorn Lasley, left yesterday tavisit W. B. Lasley at Creed more, N Qt ' 'rT ' t mi n. xi. rw w pany the Concord fire laddies Wiiminafnn lftavincr here inditv niffht . . o- u The China Grove High! School and public school will open Monday, September 1st T, ' W11 , JohnW Felker, who has oeen nere ior m,vea u,uU v siting his cousin, n. w. Felker, returned to Cypress, 111., Wednesday morning. Miss Caster, ot uaoarruSj ..! i- i mtt"crUA' yesiemay. Rev. R. A. Goodman and Prof . G. F. McAllister, of Kt. Pleasant, were guests at M. A. Stirewalt's Monday night. Mrs. A. H. Wertz and lit J tie daughter of Salisbury, are visiting Mrs. Wertz's father, J. L. Holshouser. CT . W. J. Swink spent a few hours in Salisbury yesterday evening on business. Mr. and Mrs. L. Snider, of m: a ta i :n!4.s. winsron-oaiem, arc vibiuu at xi. V. Miner s. Mrs. Ivey Seamoan, of Woodleaf, Is visiting her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Felker. Miss Annie Cartner, of Kannapolis, was here y ester day visiting her aunt. Mrs. H. Wr Felker. ,1. , tj,,, - Obiaiah Eller, of Organ unurcn, is om comrade, P. A. bloop, iieq. These gentlemen were mem- . Miss.es Lala, Edna and Ruth Brown went down to Glass on No. 7 Wednesday, to spend a few days with their friend, Miss Lura Scott, of near Concord. Mrs. F. E. Corriher left yesterday afternoon for Char lotte where she will visit at J. "P. Miller's. Whit. L. Wilhelm, one of our leading farmers, was in town yesterday with a load of fine water melons. Mrs. L. V. Dunlap, of Albemarle, spent Tuesday night here with her sister. Mrs. John R. Brown. Mrs, J. L. Holshousef visit ed her sister, Mrs. Jerry Powlas, near Organ A Church, Wednesday and spent yester day at Crescent Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Sechler, J. L. Sechler left yesterday morning for Buchanan, Clif tonJ?orge and Roanoke, Ya., wherethey spend eeyeral weeks visiting relatives. v " v John T. Deal and Rev. J. H. Keller went down to Cress cent yesterday to attend the seventh anniversary eaters cises at the Nazareth Orphans Home. The Litaker Township Sunday School Convention will be held at Phanuel's Ch h Tuesdav August h A . been arranged. Prof. F. B. Brown, of Enochville, was here on busi ness yesterday The chain gang is now located at St. Mary's Church, near Sumner Siding and is ,.aTi china Qrove Sallabnry Whitsom Beaver and R. M. RUchie went 8quirrel hmU Guegs what u . R - J. of ticK8and ent6r. prising chigoes. r A pocket-book was left at A. T. Bost's store yesterday Unrninc nrmfrjaliif no a email Can get same by calling on Mr. BoBt. . . . Te unioI picaic for the nd& Schools of China Township took place at Rices grove, Landis, to day. A large crowd was present and an enjoyable Ume was had , t h Luth;erail Reunion which met at Lutheran Chapel church last Tuesday; Several most excellent ad n dresses were delivered by the visitincr ministers which were enjoyed by all present. The Thursday Afternoon Club met with Mrs. A. M. Hanna yesterday afternoon and were, as usual, royally entertained. Mrs, Hanna is alwaya glad to the club meet with her and sees that very one is made to feel at home and enjoy the after- REV. E. C. COOPER TO WED. WiDS I ClanaiBE Yam Lift If USBItlil. insiitnte, woman's institute and Bev. Edgar O. Cooper, son of amusements iven bV the Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cooper, of the town for the enjoyment arid China Grove, now the pastor of entertainment of oar quests. The Holy Trinity Lutheran Ohurob, itrwU. ttoret and Jott.wer full of Lynohburg, Va., ia to wed I of people, and the mora one look oharming young lady , of Kings ed-at the crowd th greater n Mountain. A telegraphic dispatch teemed to be.It estimated from that place dated Saturday tn 8000 an 6000 people iayg. N were present and all the mer- "Mrs. Jacob S. Mauney enter- chants and number of othr tained at a beautiful tea at h ipmted citiaens contnbut borne Thursday afternoon, at ed thair t.mend means tothe which time she announced the cni enterprise, but especial credit is gagement of her daughter Miss due tbi .cpmmUt p? arrange. Vera Lavene Mauney, to Rev, Ed ar Claudius Cooper of . Lynch burg, VaM the wedding to take place September 11. , "Those receiving with Mrt. Mauney in the drawing rooms were Mrs. J. D, Mauney, of Hick- ory,and Miss Rosalyn Summer, xt-u-. a n .i. Knn.. guests. The guests were invited . . : . men inn niniiiir ruuiu. ot uiuu wbb ko.ntirni it ohaiBfi ofl 'l H.iabW. Aaelieiflustalad course, followed'bricielrf each place waa a miniature can- dlestiok containing a pink candle, -I'OTWa B whioh served to throw light on the seconu, ot.ov. won oy "mu tiny envelopes, whioh, when op$a? drix. ed, revealed two hand-painted hearts bearing the names of Miss Manuev and Mr. Cooper, with the date of the wedding. Tha fiontraotins! nsities are both members of prominent North Carolina families. "Miss Mauney is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob 8. Mauney. She is an honor graduate of Elisabeth College and 7 . . . -m a.: ii a very asiensea. ihtmiitb .nmm .hn nnmlxin her juuug wwhim . friends by the soore. Rev. Cooper, originally from China Grove, is n..tor of Holv Trinitv Lutheran Church, Lynchburg, Va. He is a I graduate of Roanoke College, has the degree oi an. a, ixom rimw . . mm- a r TI I ton, and is a graduate of Mount Airy Theological Seminary, rhil- adelphia." , Dr. RJZZlHl ttSllillari. n j w Rn.ll. who has ut. n. tt?1""7" . neen practicing men T"! Orove for some to move to oausoury ana wiii have his offioe m the Grubb Building. Dr. Rosselle is a splendid young man and a capa ble pbysioian . . . . . . j a i ni v i. isvdiaa lvmhmi Q.il la Ana PatltiM .a. . ......... Wellington, Mo., 'August 6. Thomas tr. Liocxnart. alter spena- . "5 . ml ingSTyearsin bed, virtually in one position, today met the death he A years had prayed for Mr. Locxhart's joint, were os.ineo .o theM were interesting exercise, ny agu -that the onlv movements of the thm onihans. There was vocal w, . . . mL body he could make were a shrug- ging of the nght shoniaer ana toe middle joints of two fingers on the riffht hand. With this thoul- der and finger movement, Mr. Lockhart had written an autobio grapnicai hook wuwu vtuugui funds aufneiept to purensse tne home here in which he died and to pay for a nurse to care for him constantly L:i -t-T:. . i 4. tlB MB UUUI11UOU Ull writings, mUly oa biographical , .. . r nature ana empna.iaing proep of oatienoe. ' ' ' r.uk. Av hu WotiI Y!ht4a. mas night, 1886, following a long 7 Jr ' i ii tr. ..... rUR laiDDEU OT DH IUUi -U WTVI imi ii. . nu a viiri uiu. Th bigMi crowd inHhe history of China Grove - gathered hew 8ainrday to attend tha farmers 9n"; 0n7 1 ?vwl,J.Wu - aT,w" h m??5?,?iJI ' Gray. Frof, R D . Jenkins and F. R- 4kln, Vr"? committee, J. E. liue P.. h, Ketohie and Col. Luteky Freese. ; Thercises,we ou band concer on thftisouarerihen followed the farmmeethig in lah ahnol ha.ll whica w&i better I attended than usua.7raisuwas:a -. . . . ia Ivirv interMtkie - oestine. The I bflanoe of the prograa fund pm t j?iWV - v - K OTBBSV MM VOTmOTB rOTTOTa ' m OTfl OT . 'Zl ' by G. H. Honbarger.and oaca: race, nr. pni i'.w, wuii by Marry Same. anon too race, nrsi prize, z, won b Bittle Kimball, and sec- ond $1.00, 4y 0. F. Rink. Foot race, long, first priza $8.00 won by John- Boatian ; second $1 .00, by J. F. Uress. ana tnutt by Worth Miller. Anotner session oi toe lniiiiute, then followed a tug of war be a ... liu.1. tha Ft a Witt iwwh imwui ... Patterson Union winning, "rise fo.UU. I Shoe raoe by boys, prise 2 .00, 1 won by Sumner Boatian . A game of ball was played be- tween the Uhina wove ana itim- i..mi nvif a In III ann nv mwwu oiu, j China Grove. Soore 6 to 8. The prise for a sofa pillow was I won by Mrs. G . W. Kimball and the seoond prize went -to Miss Mary 8ifferd. W. P. Peacock got the $15.00 nrite for the largest load of peo- Ll.. hs harinK 164 on on. wagon :d r . n. Correll got the second 1ftn nrize. The latter naa 180, but came in too late. Nizintk Orphais Host Auivtfsirf . . iL XT A mtt 'ine sevenwi otuivwiotsj u reih Ornhans Home, urescsnt, jm . I "... a. ' o., was held at the nome yesaer- I dav and quite a crowd was pres- tD . ll. . .. The anniversary address was de- liyered by Rev . James B. Stone. iifer,, Crawford. Va.nd maii0t and instrumental muaio by. i band. Dinner and reiresments wero q be had on the grounds, Rav. J, W. Bell is . snperin- endent, and the orphanage is do- inff . ffreat work. ninUter Praises this Laxative.. t W Stnhanvnll nf Allison. AMi.;no Dp. Kin'. New Life tni- nntiriOTtion writes: 1 III. iv. w I 1 , T , -Dr. King'. New Life ; Pills are I . n. t i i j i suou pw-H be without tnem." no newer reg- ni.tnf at thA liver and bowels. Every pill guaranteed. Try them . n.. or. .i OTmaftOT irilUB otw OT. wototkm. ; . i raruiiDiuiniuu. awinuwu LUTHERU BE-UHIQJI. Aloat 800 PeopH AtlsBi Stulcts iftl ; Ch!a6riH. The eooDd ra-abioi of the La fenerAiH of North Curolin wai held at Lather in Chapel Chnroh, near China Grovei Tdeiday. .The lexvioea contifted in the . morning ot short addreflies by; Rev. j Bi Moose, Rev. R. A. Goodixian and Rev. R. R. , Soweri, intergperaed with initable aooge . ' ' ' Rev. . C. P. MaoLanghlin pre ided ove'r'he, services, and at a batiueis session.at the noon hour, was re-elected 'president. Rev fa. A.' Brown was chosen vice pres ident, Rev, W. H, Riaer secretary and W. C. Sifferd, treasnrer." i The afternoon services consisted of an address by Rev. R. L. Pat terson, ot .Charlotte, which was delivered in his usual., foioefol manner. . About 800 persons attended this service. It was decided to con tinue the re-uoion each year aix' the first Tuesday after the seconr Sunday in August was Sxed as tli time. Aiother"Brlck Boildiog. " Another new two-story brick building is to be built in the buf iness section of China Grove at aji early day.- The enterprising Und popular young men, doinK business under the firm nameiof BUckWelder & Ritchie have pur- chaied the lot now, occupied by an ofd blacksmith shop, corner of v6rih Maln&bd Eddleman streets, TlliineVbuildi0K is to be of t. tX; t .;h ka rgyjiblv forcarrying on v V.V iJi-cj i-iitL nMAVinSai xnv'':hAi- nwnoira.. -KfMkra 1 marflinuni nnuneiiiua. wiu un i irvw otenAfo WBfldnia'j Picaic Nur Ulll Brligi. The Mill Bridge Camp Wood, men of the World will hold their annual picnic in Morgans grove Thnrsdav. Ausruat 14th. A nam-1 ber ot gooa speakers win ne Pr- ii (Kara will tta m &TB. 19 A fit I ent and there will be a ffame of ball and other amusements. Ev erybody is invited to oome and bring well filled baskets. RiUiioi at Sttzir School Thia annnal avent will take plaoeat the Milo Klutts school house on Friday, August 15tK in l. i.... .i.i.JttJrteknn1 nil WI1U 11a V O itKUUDU awuwa I jMol) g8tser school house A -rneativ reanasted to be pMBeilt. Come and bring well flUad baskets of good things to v. " i " I e-, jh n expectea so nave some i good speakers present and it is hoped to make of this gathering one of the most pleasant events 0f the year in Rowan. There are three or jnore who attended this school prior to 1861, two of these are W. L. Klatts and Ron. Theo-.P. Kluttz. of Balis - burv. the latter is expected to be present and make an address, -' , MmXpt n K The general public is also invited to be present, bring baskets and enjoy the oocasion. The old school building still stands and is 1 ? i l oecupieu. Tbi ChTOIIcIi. Rev. J. M. L. Lyerly, editor of I rr.t a. l J a. "B ua OI? Mr ! t L t1 paper lB .w , The company rfloantlv nlaced an order for a linotype machine, and pending the arrival of the machine the pa per will be issued only once a week, itjtaing the par pose of the oompany to issue semi-weekly when the machine comes. Mr. Lyerly was editor of The Chroni cle for several years at Albemarle came here when the plant wee moved from that town. W. B. 1., ... - Moose is bme.s manager and I (nrnm of nrintATS. lnolnainff the i , , - . , r - T f w' r 1 Cross, has been secured. The Chronicle office is on nnion Street I nnxt to tha Mmrahmll hotel. Gon . SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION THE ROWANS COIJNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL . ASSOCIATION WILL HOLD ITS ANNUAL CONVENTION IN MT. ZION REFORMED ' : CHURCH THURSDAY AND FRI DAY, AUGUST 21 AND 22. v t - . . v . Tbe f ortv-fiftb 'ahnuar coriven Church, near China Grove, Rev V OTk OT 1 J. H. Keller, pastor, Thursday and Friday, August 21st and 22nd. The officers of the association are as follows: E. W. Tatum, LreBidentf SalisburyV Rev, 0. B. tt-h a..n.n.. w t. Klutl treasurer. Salisbury ; Hon. m -v a n s John 8. Henderson, A. B. Saleeby, P. S. Carlton. Thos.- P. Johnston, Prof. R. G. Kism and Dr. O. M. Van Poole are the executive com mittee. Prof. L. H. Rothrock, superintendent of teacher trail ing ; A. B. Saleeby, superintend- ent of organised olase work; Miss Daisy Fisher, superintendent of tha intaTfn.ArliA.te and GTadle'roll . work; Prof . K. G. Kixsr, super- intendent of home and visitation. The looal committee consists of Dr. u A; namsaur ana j. a. ll,inl I nf Ilhini l-t-pfiwa - The program as arranged is as follows: Thursday Uornirq, 21bt, . 10:80 8ong 8erce.y 10:45 DevotionairEev. J. H. Keller. 11:00 "Why are we Here?" 1 Rev, B . S. Brown. 11 :15 Roll call of townshipa appointment of enrollment oom- I mittee. 11:25 Remarks by the presi dent, E. W. Tatum. f ' 11:80 "Principles and Methods of Organized Sunday School Work," Rev. Lewi7 Collins. 12:00 Offering, announcements. Thursday Aftkbnoov. 2:00 Song Servioer 2:15 Devotional. V 2:80 Treasurer's Report, secre tary's report. , 2 :45 Report of township; secre taries. v ; 8:06 Song. 8:10 "A Reaaonable 'Sunday School Standard," Rev. Lewis Collins. ' ' ' 8:40 "The Boy Problem and How to Solve it,' Rev. P. J. Mallet, D. D. - 410 Appointment of -commit tees. - ;., . Announcements. Friday Mobwiho, 22d. 9:80 tiong service. 9 .50 Devotional. 10 00 "Personal Work, Soul r v.w . y v - winning," ttev. bl. m . n.uitu, r n I 10j25 "Organised Class Work," (Baraca, eta.) . Prof. L. H. Roth - rocki A'-; B-Baleeby, A j li:00 Round : Table e ana tne ,r-v 5,.vv ajauaay oonooi, - yft9Y.viB vox-; m-w l2l60TEIebl:offficerti butive committee.selection of place ; ' . of next meeting. J.- , 12 :1& Election of delegates to . state convention. Offering and announcements. ; ; ' f - Fbiday ArntBNOON. - 2:00 Song service. - 2:15 DevotionaK ; 2:80 All the Church in the S. S, and all the S . S. in the Ghur ch, Rev. Lewis Collins. - i. 2:50 Report of intermediate and cradle roll superintendent, Miss Daisy'Fisher, 8 :80 Miscellaneous and new business. - . S; . 8:45 Report of committees. 4 :00 Installation of officers, . Closing remarks by delegates . Closing exercises,- song, prayer, doxology,' benediction . Every Sunday School worker in the dounty is ivited to be present , and take part in (he convention Be there for the opening session, . and stay till the close. Many of the subjects are intended for open discussion in which all 'are at liberty to take part. : Every Sunday School .is entit led to as many delegates as will go. Mt. Zion folks are expecting y. crowd, do not let ;: them be disap- -pointed. v ' . Every township secretary is Urged to send reports as early aa possible. Please- see that your township has va complete report and then hurry it in to the secre tary. AH delegates, ministers . and visitors who will come by rail to China Grove, or who expect to re main over night, will please notify J. E. Correll, secretary of the entertainment committee, China Grove, N. Cm as early as possible. Notice toS. S. Aissclitloi Dele&ttei All delegates, ministers and vis itors who expect to Attend the Rowan County Sunday School As sociation at Mt. : Zion Reformed ohurch, China Grove, N. C Au gust 21-22, and desire entertain ment should notify one of the un dersigned by August 16th. G. A. Rams AUB, -: ' . J. E. Cobsbix, - committee. I Go to the Mocksville picnic on next Thursday, August Utb. :fV. 12 Smpot-I s&kWi 1 :. bers ot uo. i, siui regimenu (noon. V - - T A"aI - ' , -