V..- 11 i. ft 3 i i r s V lib HUWHU lli-uunu jQhnrch, had a Dice little pionio PUBLISHED EVERY URIDAY, Wk. H. Sthwabt, Editor and Owner : Entered as aeoond-class matter Jan wart 16, 1900, at the post office at China &rore, N. O., ander tne aos 01 jaarono, 1878. - . Local Train Schedule. Arrival of passenger trains at China Grove. r (Only trains that stop here are given.) -Northbound. NO 8 for Richmond .... 4:35 MB NO 44 for Washington. . 7:05 NO 36for Washington. . 11:37 1-IU NO 46 for Greensboro . . 410 p-D NO 12 for Richmond . . . . 7:19 p Q Southbound. X NO 45 for Charlotte. . . . 5:56 i-D NO II for Atlanta. . .... 9:39 I-D NO 7 for Atlanta .. .... 3 '-10 p-D NO 35 for Atlanta . .... . 8 :15 p-m China Grove, August 29, 1913 In the discussion of matters pertaining to a town, county or State, let no one think that, when the word "people" is used that it necessarily means all the inhabi tants of snob community, nor a majority, nor yet a goodly num cer, for per chance it may mean only two. Demagogues Use the word to impress others with the importance of their . imaginings People, like few, merely means tan fir mnra. FAITH. t'amed from Tallulah Ifalls, Gra on a visit to his parents He has been running maohery for the Hard way Contracting Company, in Georgia. Faith and Orescent crossed bats on the latter'a diamond. The score-board at the end of the game showed 8 to 2 in favor of Faith Thursday at the Peeler reunion. Mrs. J. Corl and children are visiting at her father's, down on the Gold HIH road, today. J. T. Wyatt has delivered two wagon loads of granite window sills to the R. A. Brown Construe tion Company, in Conoord. They will be used in thd new addition to 'the graded school house now being erected in that place. The SuDday School classes o Mrs. G. H, Peeler, P. A. Peeler W. 8. Barger, G; C. Miller and in" the grove near the church on Sat-, urday, August 28rd. ."v Rev. A . Al bert Gonser, Mount Oarmell, Pa., will be at''L6jrer stone Church on the first Sunday in September' at 11 o'elookiaod will preach also . at Shiloh Re formed church at ; Faith at eight o'clock the same nigbt ( and will also preach the second Sunday in September at Shiloh, N. O , at 11 a. m., and at night at 8 o 'dock he will be here with a view of be coming pastor of the Faith charge of the Reforined churches. ' Mrs. Myroo Fisher is. spending the day with Mrs. Henry Heilig L. R. Earnhardt and rb. T. Fesprman will soon commence on an addition to the Salisbury Cotton Mill." , ' x Sydney R. Wyatt writes borne hat he is-well pleased with the LI. S. Navy and that he has al ready won some medals and is getting along fine. 1 Mrs. J. Corl has a beet in her garden 15 inches around. Who ever beats that trot out your beat. Venus got some good pictures at the v orphans - home pionio at Crescent recently. J. T. Watt wants to find a vein of free mill gold ore on some farm for some Northern caitpalists who will furnish the money to develop it right away. This might bring many thousands of dollars in our section if one could be found. Sandy Friok, who just came home on a visit from the navy at Portsmouth, Va., reports he is getting along fine. He has gain ed over thirty pounds since being there and likes it fine. ; Lots of people went to Mount Hcpe today to the Youst reunion. There is a small house in Faith where the bats camp in every day. Atvdark they begin to come out by the hundreds. At break of day light they return. Vkkus. - - Jill h.X 'v -:-;' -EEUNG- GONDUGTED 'BY'':7;:;'::'S;;4y, Snff dring a broken'blood-vessel, Mrs. Thomas M. Rice, aged 56 years died suddenly at the home of a daughter, Mrs. J. H. Sapp, in.. Salisbury late Wednesday afternoon.- She was strioken with paralysis, immediately and did not regain consciousness. She is survived by four daughters and two. sons. Among the daughters are Mrs. Sapp and Mrs. N. C. Lit tie, both of Salisbury. The bu rial took plaoe at Franklin, this county. rfnibv Consult Us iTiist tbaonoment ydV eyes 8how signB of failure, comtj in and coEBultWs. A scientific examination will phow just whatf he trouble is, and what glasses you need. We have the latest and most accurate instruments for detecting eye troubles. STARNES & PARKER JEWELERS and OPTOMETRISTS. ! NEW DRUG STORE A new drug store has just been opened in the Company Store Building on Jorth Main Street, and has a big stock of Fresh Drugs, Toilet Articles, Patent medicines, Sundries, Oigars, Tobaccos, etc. has been received and will be sold at most reasonable prices. Prescriptions a Specialty; You are invited to give us a portion of your business. Wa guarantee to please. Very respectfully, J Frieze Drug Co. Phone 29. at China Grovel has vbeen a success, has gone .by ;.leap and bounds bey tneir eiLpeisiu tiuu9 ,u u v .vyjiuu .uu atup , iaj - uautv yi ? tuc v iiu,eo tiiuy are v lug, wonder at the sare being a SUCCESS, and now they are moving the entire Kannapolig stock to China - Grove and will have some on sale SATURDAY ; : So Saturday will be the G$E ATEST.D AY of the jsale to buy. real bargaitfs, ' We are " v over-stocked on airlines and if ;prices wljl move this immense stock ft will surely go. So come Saturday expecting some- - . thing and you will not, be disappointed; rNothing charged at sale prices; 4 o -tpt .r mffhj Granulated sugar, 20 r. i pounds for V- t'Jl .00 Salt to go during eale at 50c 1 sack to a customer. ; 8 cakes of Trilby 'soap for 25 c 7 cakes octogon soap for 25c 50 lDonndcans coffee, regu lar 25c value to gp during the sale for- ' 15c Soace will not allow us to mention but a few of the many bargains ' in : this de partment. . 4 " Hardwapo i. i .. . We will put our entire stock of hardware in this Bale at less than manufacturing cost. 3 drills to go during sale $65 8 weeders that cost $7.50 $5 1 buggy that cost 50.00 at $45 1 buggy that cost 32.00 at $27 1 hack cost 32.00 to go at $27 4 hay rakes cost 17.00 at $15 1 wagon cost 38.00 now $35 Dry Goods Here is where a little money will go a long way New, bargains will be added daily. 36 in. long cloth, regular 10c value to go at . 7c 27 inch chambray, regular 10c value, sale price 6c 36 inch percales, regular 10c value, to go at Jc Regular 7c ginghams at , 5c All standard prints now 5c 36 inch bleaching, regular 10c value, to be sold at 7c Boys' Clothing All to be closed out at prices ranging from 98c to $3.98 36 inch" all "wool sergesblack blue, taii .nd gray regul ar 50c m goods to go in sale at 39c 44 inch black French serge; $1 value, to go at . 79c 36 inch block taff eta silk e vef y yd; guaranteed, at 49c All yard wide messaline silk, .regular $1 eyery where, in sale - - 69c All soft summer silks, figured and plain, regular 25c ' and 35e articles to go in sale at 18c Hosiery 1 lot childrens hose 4 to 9i a regular lUc value ior oc 1 lot regular 15c value for 11c Lot ladies hose, a -10c seller the world over to go at 7c 1 lot ladies hose 25c value. 19e Gor 1 'lot regular 50c corsets, a good one to go at . 25c The American Beauty corsets $1 the world over, at 69c 4 Ladies Collars .v . ; .':.;"-..'--.:.' .v.v.-.-!.;'-..;.-.-.,: All regular 25c collars at 15c All 50c collars and cuffs at 35c 1 lot ladies' handkerchiefs, ,1c Regular 5c value for v3c Resular 10c value for 7c Towels 1 lot extra size cotton damask towels 25c value at 18c Lot 15c value at 11c Lot lOo value at 7c 1 pr. full 721 n . good value at v 65c to be sold at 39c 1 pr.'C damask reg, 50c for 30c 1 pr. red damask 25c value 21c 1 pr. all linen, extra heavy, a regular $2 00 retailer to go at i , $1.49 1 lot clothing of 50 Or. more suits that cost as high as 8 50 wholesale, slightly damaged, some with cuts in them but for a good e very-day winter suit they are good values -. to go at $3.75 per suit ... .0. i . Shoes Space will not allow us to quote prices on our shoes, but they. will be marked in plain figures and put on the counter at prices that will astonish you. so look for our shoe counter To give you an idea of how we will knife our" shoe stock we will mention a few prices 1 lot of tan oxfords for men; rubber soles, that cost 2.75 lstvprice, will go now ta $2 49 Everything' in' ladies', ox fords and pumps will be sold for less than wholesale cost. Furniture ; We have some great values in our furniture department in this sale all at less than factory cost. Don't fail to see this department. .; Every thing goes in this sale, noth- All - regular 1.00 shirts 79c. All regular 50c shirts.at ' 39c' 1 lot men's regular 25c fancy;? ' : u socks, to go at A 0c 1 lot 25c socks to go at 15c ; 25c 44 . - -X 13c 44 15c 44 10c:" r-44 10c : 44 . ;-; ; : . 7c r" X: Ui Men s reg 10c handkerchiefJTc All -50c men's neckwear 29c "r All 2f" men's n.k wear 15c ' All 3.50 Stetson hatsW $2 49 All 4.00 Stetson hats d $2:9 All regular $2 ; hats; $o&pg i men styles, newest and - - best at ' ! 1 ,$l:.49; ; - - Lot 1.50 hats in all styles and . colors, in this sale for 98c ' -Lot- black ounce and other' ; s'tyles regular $1, the".- world over, for - " v79c ' K Lot 50c and $1 hals- for . , 39c -Lot 5c hats to sell for - 25c . m All small .notions; in - this sale at reduced price., r - Specials ' We will offer during, sale 7 spools Chad wick thread for 25c. CoatS thread 6 spools for 25c. 1 t ' Every day during our sale, between the hours of 4 and 5 p. m. we will sell io -yds. of Fruit of the Loom of 7 Bar ker Mill Domestic for7ic per yard. Ihese brands are sell- ing reserved. No goods jing everywhere for I2c. charge at sale price and : Father George's sheeting at : nothing sold on approval. 6c per yard by the bolt. " ' - ; - - ' 1 ' - V ' Beautiful lasting denial work Elegant Offiaea, Cool as the 8eaahor, Prices are Bight, Work is Right and Guaranteed to please. Latest' Scientific . Method for Doing Painless Operation. - : Sets of Teeth; ;1.;;.i...........$o to 1$10 Crowns and Bridgework. . . . . .V.i$3't0 $5 All work at lowest prices tili July 81st. Now is the time to save money. r .i.fi' - M Lady Attendant. Phono 7G3. Et& Dhilnrl nlnlii n D a 1 nl A a a l r f ! n f n Ttin 1UU. 1 iiuauaiuuia laiiiiodo Salisbury Branchy , 126i N. Main St7 Corriher & Carpenter, China Grove. 6- "f-. A ' I A Glauso Shears! V A good pair of shears is hard to get. Always buy the CLAUSS shears from us and if they are not satisfactory just bring them back and get a new pair without cost. No questions will be asked. CHINA GROVE Hardware Co. ' DR. G. L. LANG The Eye Strain Specialist A Concord, will be at Dr . Ram aanr's offise in ?(Jhina Grove to examine eyes at(d 'fit glasses, vv : Wednosdny, July J6th,g from. 10 a im. to 12 aud will be at Landis at Hotel in the afternoon from 2 until 5 p m. Dr-Lang is an expert in his line aud : if. you have weak eyes see him. fit 4t. o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0- o 0 o 0 oo Now is the time to have new rubber tires puff on your buggy. We piit on the genuine Kelly Springfield tires for $15.00 a Set teivart- . rAttorney at Law ' SjBukti:?'H;N Cabomna .: Gives Carefiil AUention to Mattara J. 0. WHITE & CO. v "Vehicle MaiiiitfacturQrs ; - : 212 E. Fisher St. , fnone 143 rt SALISBURY, N. C. OA O 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 O 0 o 0 OO 1 WhsRnnVtAini Arithmetic Short- - hand, TypeWritingV-Lettei; Writing,. Spelling, , ... jand Modern Office Meihods.' We give you the -J. x best there Is, right at your nome. nioj iui information. Snmmercratea a 0 pBonamyusinGSMOfigeiiisj K Room No;l269 -GriibD Q PURE, FRESH DRUGS. There is as much differenceun Drags as in other articles of merchandise, but there are grea.ter reasons Why you should ha v the best of drugs than of anything else. Life often depeads on the quality of the drugs you .use 1 ' , My Quality is of the Very lBeist and Prescriptions filled at my store are given the most careful attention You will make . no mistake, when in need of drugs by trading at DeWitt C. Swaringen's ' The Druggist and Prescriptionst - Swaringen's Liver Pills are the Best 25 cents r" " ' ,' . ......... ' ' P r j ' '-4: ' Has since 1894 given Hiorough testniction . ' influences at the lowest possible cost.", . ' ;m ' ' V' ' :'- RESULT! It Is to-day with Its faculty of ;Vboardlng patronage of 358 f v Its student body of 412, and ts plant worth $140,000 : v " f) f;& THE LEADING TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA; ; c $r50 pays all charges for the yearT Including table bcrd,TOom. lights, steam ;:. heatlaundry, toedioJ attention, physical culture, and tuition in al subject, i except music and elocution. ; "or catalogue and" application blank address, 'J REv THOMAS ROSSER REEVES, B. A., Principal, .:,r BIAGKSTONSVA. . - 1 I 1 I ' ' ' - . I 'I'M , . - . I .: ' . a;- , j:-- X ' . Jauraataa to una. :,'- ; '7- .. x . - "fiij . -:' .-,viv