. - l . . y, . . v. i . ; tf; ' - .f.-'.-..-?-:''-;r: , 3 i;-.-.-v-..'w ' r.-.:.-1,; - :.'- CH I NAG RQVE; t N. C;, QOT0BER 24THi' 1 9 13;; .v"j:-'.v'?-.-). mm PRiCETBOENTS s . . X. ' " :- ' ft-. ' V;'.. t... .5..v LOCAL NEWS ofmterestt6 ALL OF OUR READERS; This is certainly niarket for beans . : Hardly a store is without quantities of the large, fat kidney beams; J both white and pink.' . They are certainly some eats. Mrs. Annie, wife of Abso lem Oress, is quite ill with Bright's ' disease. Her s re covery is doubtful. She iiveB about two and a half miles east of China Grovel Rev. J. H. Keller will leave Monday night to visit in Pennsylvania and attend the Potomac Synod of. the Re formed Church at Frederick, Md. , and will be gone about all next week. i . Clarence Sloop has accept ed a position in ,the grocery Btore of J, F. McCJraw at Mooresville and left Monday to take up his duties. . - The erection of the ; big 50,000 gallon steel water tank for the Patterson Mariuf act uring Company will probably be completed ' this week. This big tank takes its place as one of the landmarks of the community and looks perfectly natural surrounded by the mill buildings as it is. Deacon Sechler attended a corn 3 b ticking ' at . Robert Sechler'slVednesday ft? ' Brown periSatuTday; night and Sunday with their aunts, Mrs. H. P . Ly erly and Ro sa G. Prot'st, near Union E. L. Church. They had a pleas ant visit J. L. Holshouser has a sweet potatoes which' he raised. It is 21 inches long. Mrs. M. J. Sloop spent Sunday in Statesville visit -ing her sister, Mrs. Beam hard t.. who is quite ill. Mrs. jane Caldwell, of Albemarle, and Mrs. Bettie Crump, of Jerusalem, Davie County, came in yesterday morning to. visit Mr. and Mrs. W. J.'Swink. J. L. Bogtian took the fol lowing ladies to Mt. Pleass ant in his automobile yester day evening: ' Mrs. J. . A. Thorn, Miss Ruth Thorn, Mrs. W. B . Lasley, and stopping at Concord they were joined by Mrs. B. M. Gillon. Miss Ada Stirewalt, of Mt. Pleasant, spent Friday, Sai urday and Sutiday here with her father. , : ': - Miss Hnie Uupdman came in yesterday morning after visiting at a point south of here. v - " ' ; ; yv . M. Ramsaur, wno is t'he southern traveling secret tary for the1 Student Volun teer Movement, spent Wed nesday here with his parents. Jas. N. Dayvault was in Salisbury yesterday on busi ness, ry; . Miss Mary Wood McKen- zie and Pi of. T. M Ramsaur, of Salisbury, spent Wednes day night at Dr. and Mrs. G. A. Ramsaur's. Mrs. R. H. Templeton and W. H. Templeton of Holly Springs, spent Sunday, and Monday at Dr. and Mrs. G. , A. Ramsaur's. . V . . Miss Mira Sumner, of ILincolnton, and Miss Mary j. Wood McKenzie, - of Salis bury, spent several day s here f recently with their, friend 1 2i8S Nannette Rainsaur . I FL A: Fwinfirman has been keptahome for severaldays witfc an? attackipf .appendi Thbs. Thompson, manager of rOorriher "&" Carpenter Company 8 store, ; spent : yes terday ; V in Mooresville J on business. , ' t-. y " . - Witih a few more : c(ays of pretty; weather the bric work on : Dr. Swaringen's newldroig store and- Black welder &RitcWeVstorew be cbmpleteH The workmen are near ine iop.-r ' ( - - ;i Mrs. C. Cauble and daugh ter, after ebending several days at Rev; and Mrs, H. H. Robl)ins, left yesterday for her home. Mrs. bobbins ac- companied them and t return- ed in the evening. : d. X Mrs! Will Carter was quite ill Wednesday night with an attack of acute ibdigestion. v-.;5v-- --j : ; ' : Edith, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . R. - rM. Ritchie is on the sick listthis week. She seems to have an attack of malarial fever. .' - ; J o' f '"'i.' " sXJstmnisinahury adtia being treated at the sanatorium for; stomach Jrou- ble HisGmany friends hope to see him out soon Lud Silt at Knupills Usafij. The sale of the rial esi of the late L. F. Roders at poliswMSbeldf jtftconer! 8allbury. It wc sold s lots and 4han as whol-an4 biougbt more as a whole. ;' The raccessfal bid der was Dr. Boyett, of Kanna- polis. This land waa sold by Jas t N. Dayvault. the adminis trator of Mr- Rodgers, as eom misiioner. We andferitand that it. brought a fair price, but the sale will stand open ten days for a ten per cent, increased bid and there is some talk indicating that this will be done. . ecptrnce Lectin la Tn a Bill. : Rev. O. L. Springfield, assistant superintendent of the-Koith Caro- ina AntiSaloon League, baa ar- raneed to deliver . an address in the town hall Tuesday night, Oo tober 28 th. Ht will talk on the snbject of temperance and make specialty " of explaining the search anil seizure law and the Webb law. Rev: 8tringfield u an able speaker and will handle these ..4-4 . estmg manner. Make it a point to hear ye him.. Cacuaoiloa Serrici Ptatasaed. . - The oommunioa . service that was to have been held last Sun day, owing, to the' inclemeoy of the weather, waa postponed k until the first Sunday in November. which will be the 2nd , day of the month. . At. which time a class will be received . by confirmation. There will be a sermon by Rev; J. H. Keller, the pastor. --'fy'v ' ReSOlltiOBS BJ tal ; FfiSrtl QtfXllsrjr COB- fareacB sl Colsa 6rcti GUirgl. Whereas, God has seen fit in his wise providence to permit brother Onas. A. Sides, to be removed from the ohurch militant, to i tbo church triumphant, Therefore be it resolved that we in the fourth quarterly conference assembled express nnr esteem and appreciation . of bis faithful ser vice as a steward of this chdrob. 1 Also, ur high regards for bis Christian life nd devotion to his church. -- ' "' ' ' :- That we hereby assure his wife and children Athat they ayiour sympathy ind prayers.; - .iV-c. r-r' - That a copy of these resolution s bei spread on otir minutes: a copy aenl t J biswifp lishedin the Row3ul and the Christian Advooato; H. M- BxRNLaBDT, A. t. Bost. . . SRKBOsmi mayor; Oaf Tuwa GoierBasflt Isnst Stnrghteneil : Lftife week theW wM in element of anaertatintyibntnr jnonioi pl iff tin and ibont . ever jrbody was. more or leis intereaiein iHd ontooma. L Mi v QiUon, tb9 reoentiy eleoled mayor and aeore tary of ; the prior adminiitrat ion bad movitolUnnapon8 tod bid failed to tnra in hia report ai lecretary io the new admin iBtra tion nor ad be iteligned. Mr. Critlpn taw no aeoeisity f or burry and wa-merely Ukiag hit time to get thingi in proper ; shape or evering hia donnaotion with the town'a aff aiiri illon nai mada a aplendid v ofBoial. was a good citizen and ? it waa with . n . hiu Jnt tinn lAtVA here bit havingi secured; a de- 1 petition as bookkeeper in the big ootton mill at Kannapolis he felt his acceptance , was more desirable. : : , There was ameetmg ot the town aldermen Monday night and Mr. Gillon was present, submit, ted his report of the former ad ministration, whioh was in good shape and perfeotly satisfactory, and tendered his resignation, which was accepted. The board wentint0 tetectioniof a 8aoceBlor fttld tho choice fell on Wb Russell Bostian. a splendid VOnns man and a member of the board. He aocepted and been sworn in. This left', a oanoy in the board which; has" was soon filled by the election of -J 8wink, one of tha town's lead? ing citizens. nothec item men tioned last week; that was - com mon talk "on the street, ' was to tbaffentaij 0iM onr oSief of police, had not- been sworn ixu This seems to have been a mistake, - at least Mr. -Kimball Says that he was sworn in on July 15th, bnt served about thirty days prior to this. This sets the whole thing straight and our town is now in good hands and is going ahead just as fast as conditions will permit. A'Bsrglir Alans. F. W. fiost and P. B. Gobel are making arrangements to' pat their patent burglar alarm on the market They have had several miniature samples made for the use of their salesmen and are preparing to have on exhibit at the Albemarle fair next week, Ootober 29th, 80th and 81st. This is a splendid ar rangement and will probably be a good seller. It is so. arranged that f iuuuiu iwiuuuw ur uuur uo baai pered with an electric circuit is formed,'a bell is rang, a small in candescent light is turned on and an indicator shows what window or door is being entered. OiTid Cookiojared : David Cook who lives near here was riht seriously wounded Mon day while en route home and just ashe was neat Sumner. He and a companion we're in a ' buggy and were driving toward home wnen swo men came along on frightened Mr. Cook's horte and I caused it to run awav. Mr. Cook J and his companion were thrown out and both were hurt but ; Mr . Cook was soratched, bruised and out so badly that it was necessary for a doctor to give him attention He was brought , here and and Dr. Ramsaur dressed bis wounds. The motorcyclists paid the bills and satisfied Mr. Cook and went their way -Woman who set Dizzy ..V-: Every woman - who is troableol with fainting and diizyV spells, bactaobe, . headache, ' weakness, debility, constipation sor kidney troubles should use . Electric Bit ters.' ; Thy eive relief when noth ing else will, improve the health, and ins; strength and vigor . from the first dose. Mrs. Laura Gaines. ot voca tia., . .says :"; Four doctors bad given me up aiid mv children ,and all of my, friends were looking for me to die, when my son insisted that I use Electric Bitters.' I did so, and they: have done a world of ood Just try them. 6U3 and si.uu at all druz- i gists or by mail. H. Er Buoklen I & Oo, PbiladeJpbia and at, Louii. J VrapforT and MrjRitohifr ays they caught 18, all-in me tral : What di'yer thinkHhat?f-;S v Prof. ; Himalayo' - i Euphrates Lbmax, a rvery, active f candidate for.the exalted poaiti.bn iof out side guardian y of ; the Ajicient, Praternal and Very .Independent Order , pf ookworms was .very busy yesterday watching a.' sleepy horse. If this informatiQn ; be oomea' generally i Jknbwn we ; feel reasonably sure of his defeat. " Hop Watkins, -Hq and Major Walkover Hill tfibitin haying become hungry for 'rabbit meat and being" tired, waiting Ion "the neighbors to VJ throw ;r? something over the. baok . fence,' borrowed a pair i ot - old shos . and went in search for food.' They meandered out of townj stalkel about in : the fields and lacceeded in picking' np thirteen of the molly birds. They took several parps along to do th e wdrkV;vY: ? Charlie R. Campbell, of Snoch ville, was in town Wednesday. He visited the depot and eagerly watohed the ' packages taken out of the .r express car. -and ' finally went away sorrowful. Bat, Oh bo-joyful, she came in;" yesterday and this is notioe enough for him to expect an earlyv visit from T. H., P. J., W. Q., Lucky arid others too numerous to. mention. Bezikiah Henrietta . Pescook, barber, chef, tailor, fetp., doing business on Prosperity; Row, (near the bank) had iome' stir in bis pla6e yesterday. momihg.: I f Hr. pUTj iaat'opot sum and had piously figured on a neat profit therefrom. . He deoid- ed to slay the - beast,' cook it and poke its remains over the counter to folkB who were willing and had the price, But. for some reason Mr. Opossum was not just ready to pass in his cheoks, . so objeoted to the proceedingt, but Mr. Chef was determined He tried cutting the brute's throat, but death did not follow, he tried breaking' its neck, but this was also a failure, and so he continued one method after another and it is thought that the opossum is still on -the job . Well, finally fhe beast was cleaned, put into a can of water, the ; lid .turned down good and tight, the outfit set on the stove and Will Phillips and others fixed their mouths for 'possum. But there was tobe no 'possum served over the counter that day. The water got ; hot, the steam got up some pressure and, Ker Woy 1 the top blew off, the water and ; opos sum struck the ceiling and splash ed over the room - and - the. game was up. -Phillips beat ' it for the open and Peacock and the; neigh bors rushed in to learn the trou ble. Then the trials and vexations of keeping an opossum 'for public consumption vwas made known. Ur. Stirewalt OoinTg Well 1b fbs West Hamptrn Stirewalt, son of M. A.. Stirewait,' who left for Helena, Arkansas,' some time 'ago to tak;e charge of the musio for. the Pres byterian Church there, has been heard from and he states that ' he is getting a)ong splendidly ,. with his work, ' He seems well-pleased with ; his work, ; the ' people and Helena. .It as always : a pleasure to cnronice the success of our young men who try their fortunes in distant places. r fiB Losac-Ttlled Roosters of Japan. The. breeding .of roosters with long tail featheis has - long been the ;. pastime , of r the natives of Shinewara, ' on . ' 'the island of Shikoku, Japanl ; By patient Lselection of a "b?eed of fowls. continued through 100 years, , the" tail feathers of the ordinary barnyard cook have been: length ened until some of the roostors on the .island nova, , have ' tai feathers meamrings . 18 . feet. From . the , November Popular Mechanics Maeaxine, - - v.V: side C0XC0H3' EP.1EFS. A Tea Yitr Oi d Bsf Baa Mi initlllei ;Vfti ta iitcsoalla Drliia bjT U Ksii -. Sheriff Honey out t has retutned f rom ? nitonSalera where bo wan t fiorj Jack) J Welljcolnredi; sws iatedrejfor? sbt ing Jim Klonninger, a W)iite manV about a !jrear ago.? His vioUmiras seriously wounded and; spent some time in a. hospital at ' Salisbnry. After-recovering from his in juries he : returned here, but soon lef t and has not been back line?. The pohci authoritie are endeavoring to locate bim. As soon as he is found, the trialof West wiU be shw)it1djtJ ndedarreit during he year since the shooting. tie was arretted by Winstonbair enx 6fScers ;dpoiii ; the . request of he chief of police here, r : raiser, are interested now in the lower Show to be held in be beld in" the y thian bnilding November 1, by the Ladies , ; Aid sooiety : of St; James Lutheran Church, and th Cabarrus Couhty. Show. to be held November 18 20 under the auspices of the King'a Daujghters For tbie flowet sbow there are many patches of crysanthemums being pared for and piotected by Concord women. Others are grooming their chick ens for the other show . The man ager, Wade Uune, bas arrangea or an anorease in : the cash pre- minms and ; other ,. prizes.: onereor or the prize birds; '. -:36b Cannon ,Bosi, the 10-year? old son of Mr. and Mrs. R.H.; Bust of No. 11 Township, was run down and instantly? killed Tuesday ;af- ternoon by" the . automobile r of T. L. Ross. Elannanolis . The - aooi- dW oociurred' near'the Whitshalf sohool house, three . miles from Oonoord, on the Charlotte road. Mr. Ross, aooompanied by Mr. Ketohie, was coming from Char-. lotte and passad the school house at 4 o'clock. A number of hoys just out of school were playing along the road. It is said that Joe ran across the road and start ed back, not knowing of the ap proach of the car. When he was in the road his commpanions saw the machine and cried to - him to turn baok. Apparently not un derstanding their cries he turned ard stopped in ihe road. Mr. Rois was too close on him to atop his oar in time to save the lad. -The wheels of the machine passed over the boy 'atfhead ; and legs, tearing off the left ear and breaking the jaw and leg bones." His face was badly bruised and : his lower lip cut throuzh. The body was brought to a lodal undertaking ei ment in Concord and prepared for burial. The funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon at the parents' home and the interment made .at St. ' ; Martin's Lutheran Churoh, near Boat's Mill. Tueday afternoon Miss Frances Willard Craven was ' wedded to Ernest Porter at the home of her parents on West Depot 8treet. The wedding ceremony was per formed by Rev. Harold ; Turner of the Central J Methodist ; Ohuch, The - only atendants were two flower girls, Misses Margaret Mor rison and '. Mary Donald Smoot ; the .maid of. honor,' Miss . Mary Porter, and the best man Fred Odfrelir The bride - is the third daughter of. Mr . and Mn uraven. sne is a young woman of many fine traits n and; acoom plishments. The gioom is a son of Mr. and Mrsu D. B Porter pf this city, and is a ; pharmacist at Fmeyille. They left on No 88 for points north on their honeymoon. ; The people of Concord bays not shown:very much enthusiasm over Eczema and Itching Cared. The soothing healing - medica tion in ' Dr, HobSon's Eczema Ointment . penetrates every : tiny pore of the skin, , clears it of . all impurities, stops itching ; instant ly tlDr. Hobson's Eczema Omt ment is guaranteed to speedily heal ecsema, v rashes, ring 6rm, tetter and-other unsightly erup tions. Eczema - Ointment v is a doctor ss prescription, hot an 1 ex periment; r-. AHr druggists or. by mail, 60o . Pfeiffef Chemioal Co. i f miaaeipnia ana bt. juouia. Philadelnhia and St- Louis. : ' i r ; the two -Good Roads f paysNo vember find 6,7 However', Super intendent lot . Roads Burrage and Superintendent of Education Bo- ger have sent onjt a call for a meet ing in the court house next Jlatprf day of ,aUlpeopleinthe Wunt who are interested. - Mr. Burrags will urge the County Commission err to appropriate a sum of money for workbb the roadsJ; .The- peb whb ; livt' -wi : ' the :6nntxy ; have shown yjapie interest in the ob servance of the two days than the jtow,nspeple;fti On v account of the- cold snap manyflpver groWers of . thia oity have cut their chryianthemnms and; the Fib werho w ill pe hield next Tuesday instead 6 November 1- This was decided at a meeting of the Ladies Aid Society of St. fames Churoh Tneiday afternoon. Jack West, colored Arrested, in Winston-Salem severs! days ago, wanted for shooting' Jiyb . Klonth' ;erv white, about a years ago near she' Young ; Hartsell : llil power ; use was tried in; the recorder's d ft Wednesday mordning. His victim was summoned from his ft-1 me in Rock vHil 1. - S 0.. but failed to appear at the trial. : 8ev nr al .witnesses of the .' aff air staed that, while drinking, CKlonninger abused the Negro, using some pro fane language As Wessralked your work don WATCHMAN (1 1 'V-.fs'leJKiVJ-' ft." 7 4 j?jy(-frfTipcr3f SALISBUBt, TSTF1W 4 ..;;; A new drag store has just' been opened in; the t.; . Company Store .'Bailding on 'North Maia; ; V" '. Street, and Jias a big stock of '. ''. . y :y-r ; - y Fresh Drugs, Toilot Articles, Patent tledicino iStmdrleCIgare has been received abd will be sold at most reasonaleTj prices.':4 Prescriptions'a pecialty . Z- You ' are ; inviteT to give us a portion' of your businesa .. ; We guarantee -to. please, y. v r , - Very; respectfully,;. ; , yy; 0 o , 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 o 0 00 is the "time; to have new rubbertires piit ylpdmthe rin&rfield tires CH 5.00 J.tfQllITE & 0 Phone 143;- -3 1 , . . Jack Frost is Ccning i v w-iisa--vaswP-'iiianiwapo ucrapanya .fijatj- awajrj t rosnj him KionniDger ap peared to reach to bV hip pocket. and West; fired, ; the bullet striking r bis.. victim in the abdomen.-. West escaped and was not heard :bf un til bis location in Winston-S alem some-days, ago; : JTollowing the snooting: nis yiotim spent some .';w,:vV'-vV-.' time in a Salisbury hospital. Wes fy 1 ;; was not convioted on the' charge V of shobting Eilon ninger, but was ' . t t - convicted and; fined 25 for carry-' ing a conoealed wiun0yi: , ;A cow belonging to N.'A; Arch- IKaTA whifth nnninmAd a oral Inn rif red paint whioh had been left in a . : -: ;:; buoket in the'oow lot. baa had nz-y:? y apparent trouble; in digesting the , v . ' v u pigment 0:0fyyj: j a yxv'y -T . L.f Ross, V who accidentally ; ': rah down 'ahd killed Joe JCanbon,. 1 " . Bost on the 'Charlotte road ; here - :; Tuesday. with'his automobile, has" 1 p-r. Ji pearance in . court oaturuay r ;Txi o- ' ' a. n - a - 3 y. . -wt - vember 1st: Mrs. Bost Is too ill v to";attenii;-ibsjitel; A dentle and; EKecUve Lsiative '-;'A.': mild,; gentle and ? effective ; laxative ns what ' people demand ' when suffeT)kfrom .constipation. ' Thousanir swear by Dr. King's' New Life Pills. Hugh Tallman, of San j Antonio, v Texas, r writes : I VThey are,, beyond . question, the C best pills my wife" and I have ever :j taken, v. They never cause pain a Price 25o' at druggists, or by mail ; Bucklen & Oo.;,Phila delphia and St. Louis. : to iiifiiiili : -...-!.r:-y.y ': yy aV - . t DFFrr-F .:;l':'i . . . . . i .. H0ETH CaEOlIITA. fi Phone 29. on your buggy, genmne Kelly for : w -a .0 o 0 o 0 ' 212E. Fisher Sfc v o SALISBURY, N. C. v ; S 00 r He neyer ;V has v faUed. Yoa can get a feood 18 " sheet iron heater, v that . will keep -him out of youij ; ; 'Nee our cut' here. we carry a iuu ; line of Cole's Hot Blag t heaters, cast iron, : word nd coal heaters, oil heaters and a : fall line of ranfs .from . $25i, L . . too w. i on .niu ., . - ,.-. ,:. . save money by - seeing our lina ' J ; ', . ? . ; . r . V. f; 1-.V. !-:: r- ,'-v ; .. . i. c -

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