:1 ' A Vy v -5f vS - .-''it , vv , .r.,rp . - - . X '. 44 Si ' ' VOL.9. NO, 28. . :' ::-I OHINA QROV - PRIOE 76 OEM'fO : V.:-'-'" ' ' ' -i .y ., , ,r- 'vy . , ;' yn - ' ".' ')--,., . fn;:iii4V Wr J'"-- . i. . -L'" ' ' . - ' "' ' .-'v : ': ":." .? :; , ; - t-- , ' : -.'Vi ' ; - 1 1 - . . . ' 11 .' - LOCAL NEWS . , ; .y Y?-k i -"', y !''.', r 1 of interest to ALL OF OUR READERS :" ' " Y-'-..-.l.:.' k . , 7 Work on the Tarvta soad is temporarily ; held up on. ae cuunt ot the weather. , MHsdame? W J 8 wink, F M Thompspu and A M Hanna atteudefi a party given f by Mrs B O Edwards, at hsr beautiful home in Landis laet Thursday in htnor of her guest, Mrs Grace Barn hardt Flyler of Wadesboro, N C The Mission Study class of Lutheran chapel met .with Mies Mary Patterson, iiear Mill Bridge .vJJwti; Monday night. Miss OHie oorriher, daugh ter of Mr and Mrs J E oofri her is in the sanatorium, Salisbury, f o r treatment Her friends hope to see her out soon. d c orahara and John Bos tian went to crefceut y ester day to at ten J' the exwriees at theorphanag. J A Biackwelder is officiat ing, at the Kaunapolip branch of the BlacKwelder & Ritchie, Prof KM Ritchie being ab sent on a vacation. Messrs Brutou and Lentz are hold ing down the china (irove department. J F cooper has purchased a two-seated Ford automobile. R W Gray spent part of yesterday in Salisbury. , tfMiss Nell Deal spent luesr ?yrin Saiiaiuy . N Mrs Hrmau Etird anl children of Lflndi spent Saturday and SuLday with Mrs Efiid's father Rev A Shuieuburger By special invitation, Rev C A Brown will preach at Ebehezer Evangelical Lutb eran church, Sunday, Aug" ust 6th. 1'he occasion is the annual public missionary services held in the interest? of the missionnry societies ot the cougregation. V Wallace & Sons, Salfs bury, started a big clearance sale yesterday and have an interesting aa in tins paper to which attention is called. The., Woodman's picnic at Mill Bridge is to take place Wednesday, Ausust 16th, instead of the date previous? ly announced. If interested take notice. John R Brown, th jeweler and optometrist has a new advertisement in today's pa per. Jas N Pay vault and family and H C Miller and family went a fishing Monday nigEt and visited at J T Correll's. A water melon feast was in dulged in also. Rev W H Riser left this morning for Bethel Church in Franklin Township to at tend the North eran. Confer ence of the N C Synod. Mrs Rufus Cline, s p ent Sunday with ber daughter, Mrs J E Correl),: C D Bostian spent Tuesday in Kannapolis on business. Mrs and MrsD c cline of Salisbury spent Monday with Mr ana Mrs c d Bcstiau. Rev J H Kel'er went down to Crescent yesterday to at- A. J i.1 icuu luu anniversary exer cises at Nazareth orphanage. K W 'lbom of Anderson, o U, spent a tew hours here vyesterday with his parents, jvir ana Mrs J a Tbom. Get it at Sifierds'. "Rev G A Brown wUlJleave on No 44 Monday inorning, ATurust 7th, for GirjsoHTitw,i GuilfOTd County, N dV to spend several "days' assisting Rev Y V6n. A Riser at Fried en's in a series of meet ings. He expects to return on Wednesday night or Thursday morniDg of the pame week. There will be communion service Sunday morning at Mt Zion Reformed church. Misses Evelyn and: Ruth Thom spent a day in Char lotte last week. ifrrs C 1 tisk and children of Charlotte, are visiting Mrs Lisk's mottier Mrs M B Rose. H C Miller left with his -.5.. .x: t '"i - household goods 1-Win etonSalera fyesterday where he expects to make i's future home. Mrs Miller and chil dren will join him in a few days. Mr Miller Expects to run a pressing club. John M Bostian of Salis bury, is visiting friends and relatives near Enocnville and Mill Bridge this week. Rev C A Brown is attend ng the Winecoff reunion today which is being held at Center Grove Evangelical Lutheran church, near Kan napolis. Arthur and William Hols- houser attended the annual exercises at tne JNazaretn Orphanage, Crescent, yester day. C E Day vault of Plant City, Fla, is visiting his pa rents and other relatives at tHasg and Chkia- Ghb; ' - Miss Frances Atkins of Concord, is visiting MisB AdaStirewalt. Rev and Mrs O A Brown spent last Tuesday night at Geo W Bruce's near Fa UK Mrs Bruce, sister of Rev Brown. hini? sink. M r r Bruce seemed to be a little better Wednesday morning, when Rev and Mrs brown returned to China Grove. J H J KlUttz of Salisbury . . . was in town on Dusmees jroBtmuajr. Mrs Charles W Rankin, whose husband hB been one of the faculty at the summer school at the Uni versity, is visiting her mother and other relatives since Sunday. ; Prof Rankiii is uperintendant of i u t- vn m a a Mio uiauttui Kiaucu wuwi where he teaches again this vear. nt u.. '!i--"-l: , ine osirewait iroop 01 acrobats will leave Sunday night for Uniontown, Ky, where they will open their iai r season . l ney are nooked em a mi or the Mt. Airy fair in November, also the big La bor Day celebration at Spent cer in beptember. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is j at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh, Hairs Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure now known to, the medical fraternity Uatarrh being a constitutional aisease, requires a constitutional treatment, nan s v-iatarrn uure is taKen internaiiy. rm. m i g - a i - a. it acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or the sys- fem, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, audi giving tne patient s - strengtn Dyi building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers rhat tbey orrer Une Hundred Dol- lars for any case that it fails to curs, Send for list of testimoni- als. Address: P. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Or Sold by all. drug- gists, 75c. Take Hall's Family .fills ror constioation.E F i What ttiat This?, - The Record : received an un signed communication this morn ing stating that Patterson . Local Union will hold at picnic in Sloop's pasture nextWednesday, August 9th. That speakers will make speeches,, that there will be races, jar ball game, a water melon feast, etc, but can e put any dependance in an unsigned letter. We do not know whether theJ writer who fails to give his name, is a friend or fan enemy, whether the date and place is correct or not, hence this is as good as no information. For. the lOOOth time we ask that the edi tor be given the name of the writer. We are always glad to publish such items when fur nished. ; . ' Will Sba's Linimwt Relievt Pain? Try it and see, oner: application will prove more than, a column of claims. James S Ferguson, Philadelphia," Pa. writes: "I have had wonderful relief since I used Sloan's Liniment on. tny knees. To think after all these years of pain one , application gave me relief. Manyi thanks fof'what jiuir remedy has done for me." Don't kee on suffer ing, apply Sloan's . Liniment where your painlis and notice how quick yo get ;.rUef: Pene trates without rnbbingT ; Buy it at any Drug Store 82" Ers. Thompson Yislts Frlesds E:rC Mrs. F M Thompson, bt Siluria, Ala., whose home a few years since was in China Grove, and who has been the guest of Mrs. A M Hanorf for the past week, leaves today to visit her home fqj; fitt Stanley, N. C, after which-jshe will return to Alabama where her husband has charge of a large cotton mill. Mrs Thomp son being one of the leaders in the social set during her residence in China Grove made a host of very warm friends who on this occasion vied with each other in extending courtesies. Eyery good wish from many goes with - Mrs Thompson that her visit may be finished safely and happily. 1 liver Troablo. " ' 'I am bothered with liver. rmihlp ahmit twice a vpar." writes " in6rManV,webSter City Iowa. ''I have pains in my side and back and an awful sore ness in my stomach. I heard of Chamberlain's Tablets and tried them. By the time I h ad used balf a bottle of them I was feel- iner fine and had no si&rns of pain." Obtainable everywhere. A Susptosns Krttday Dinner it Landis. On Tuesday. Augnst 1st., A- braham Sechler Correll, with his manv friends in and. around Lan- dis. gave a most sumptuous birth. day dinner in honor of his devot- flS'i1! 55 a-d ?i! soswlle Sechler from Virginia. A large rrnwn crathprpn. mnrp thatia liun dred f- . . a large table was erected in U T . - Y - . Sh nS? thf the same, and literally loaded .it with the most tempting viands suc as they know how to prepare. a Brown. Mrs Correll oastor. (returned thanks to a kind Heav- eal7. father : ot bountiful provisions for loved ones and the frafprr,al iVif tt,a?f.e Ua part of those who ad gathered for the i occasion, and invoked Kroa s ricnest Diessmgs on grand- father and errandmother Correll. after which every one present ate to their entire satisfaction and yet much remained. Several hours during the after noon were spent very pleasantly in a social way. Pleasant indeed was tne occasion i ne young and ola were in a happy mood. May Mr. and Mrs. Correll live to see many more birthdays and each succeeding one be spent as happily and pleasantly as this one. BfS. Gray EotertaittS in Honor Sf HCf Gll&StS Mrs. R W Grav delie-htfullv entertained a number of young people Monday afternoon com plimentary to her attractive niece and sister, Misses Jessie Gray isoggs or 1 nomasville, and Kliza oetn tsostian. 1 a ri 1 1 Alter a wnue spent in merry conversation and admiration of the beauties from the" flower garden, dainty score cards hand- painted in sweetpeas were passed ror progressive kook and an in- teresting game followed. w n en puncnes were counted it was fohnd that Misses Jessie Gray Boggs. Olean Cline and Virginia Kiser had the same number and a spirited game was played for the championship which finally was wphby Miss Boggs. bhe receiv ed , three beautiful hand-raade handkerchiefs. Delicious choco-1 late ice .cream and cake-were I served. Mrs. A ;MJ Hanha entertained the Thursday Afternoon Club last weelc hir!Ua(.ttlrmiijmW" ner. . Special other guests, were: rs. A L Faterson of Albemarle, MissVftglniaBu of! iBalisr- bury, . MrsvgF Thompson of SUttrfaf,'CMesdaines Charles E Miller, 0X5 Voss, J A Thomr F E. Cprrihef; Misses Christ ine and 04nttfeMiller Lottie Harris and Nannettr Ramseur. .duests were received. at the door by the hostess whoditected them to the I back hali wHere Mrs Albert Mil- J er served refreshing iced cider. I After an hour spent in the library with various-kinds of needlework, I contests on.-tne lawn were an nounced. Upon arrival the con testants found scattered thereon numerous birds and flowers rand a prize tffere4 to the one captur- ing most bf , these. Mrs W 0 oinera provca nerseu most active i . a Ji a a" I in the .phaseand was presented j with a vase f6r her flowers. Next were discovered vari-colpred birds perched upon the branches of the trees. iSach bird bore a descnp-1 tive rhyme and the object was to j t i . m. r itii. una wao was must lamuur wuu our feathered friends. This resulted in a tie between Mes dames Voss Swaringen, Kiser and Gray. Mrs Riser won in drawing for the prize and was presented with a beautisul vase. Brick icecream, cake and mints were servea . Dy misses . muier, i Harris and Ramseur and several snapshots were taken of the oartv. Mrs J H Keller invited the club to meet with her in two weeks. Tki tet LintiTt To keen the bowels regular the best laxative is outdoor exercise. Drink a full glass of water half j an hour before breakfast and eat I an ahutidance hf fruit -and --vefinB-l tables, alsotablislj farTegular I habit usd-'beHureabttr eiS IDOVe OuCf eacu uajr. vvuca a. medicine is needed take Uhamber-1 lam's Tablets.- They are pleas- I ant to take and mild and gentle in effect Obtainable everywhere. I ill Eatsrttant in Stsre fir fits UU:ritt. The Lutheran Brotherhood of I St. Mark's church at a called Salisbury Hardware Co. was go session last Sunday voted unan-1 ing into Salisbury yesterday imously to entertain all Lutherans I of China Grove on the evening of I Saturday. August 12th. at the w w - school house grounds of. the grad ed school. A cordial welcome is extended to all Lutherans of the town, whether members of St Mark's church or other Lutheran churches. Bountious 'refresh ments in the way of ice cream, cake and so forth will be served, Members of the different com - mittees are working energetically to make tne entertainment a delightful affair. Short address es will be made by out-of-town speakers and a number or musical selections will be rendered. uiio ii uMiwn fiu. "When our little boy. now seven cured -of cholera morbus bv Cham - vaqn rc u?9Q a ha rw n( nwaftl berlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoea Remedy," writes Mrs. Sidney Simmons, Fair Haven N. 1. "Since tnen otner mem bers of my family have used this valuable medicine for colic and bowet troubles with ;good satis- faction and I gladly endorse it as a remedy of exceptional merit. Obtainable everywhere. CIssljaary Senrici it St Eark's. The ' missionary pageant. "Christ m America," will be rendered at St . Mark's church Sunday night, August 6th. for the benefit of the young people's guild and children's missionary society. The children will render some exercise in connection with the pageant , Those who have heard this im pressive and instructive demon stration of the needs of Christ in our home land speak of it only in highest praise. . The public is most cordially invited to this service Got it at Siflerda. Fkl ii Sssttrn Eri tf TtSr tzi Cms biUJbmiiraTm';.:.-: A serious rreck of J a y freight train occurred Wednesday-on the Southern raiJbetweenaaU's Ferry junction ana w niiney at the fill on the land Of n Col. J. S. Senderson.T.h'5ntiretrafaleft the Hrack and went over ma jum- ble. "Fireman Napoleon -Misen- heimer was caught under the wreck and crushed to death before relief could reach him. Engineer Foy and Biakeman McKlxtoey were rushed to the hospital . in Salisbury with; serious t wounds which may prove-fatal. . It is not yet known what the direct cause of the wreck was, but it is. thought that the exceedingly heavy rain- fall caused the fill, to give way ! teen add every member was pres and the track to give down and ent at Sunday school last Sunday. thus throw the train from this Ti a.. . . uat. . mmcu uvw. . . ' The crushed body of . Fireman: Misenheimer was gotten, vfrom under the wrecked tram and brought to Salisbury. He: leaves a wue ana- tnree cnuaren in Spencer, his home. Engineer E. R Foy, whose home in East ,Spencer, is badly scalded about the face and body and has a broken ankle. J. L McKinney, brakeman of Salisbury, has both arms broken. He may be internally injured. The freight was east bound on -" The burial of Mr Misenheimer win take place at jmsennetmer Rpnngs today, tne ooay being accompanied by a de'egatiou ot railroad men aa well as other friends. Ttir Bnrth Shall Cm ua a Ciy. A free .easy, movement- of .tho bowels every -day is a sign of gooa neaitn. ur. ning's isew Dewlifo Puis will cive vou a ijentla 5. laxative: offect - without tramps. Colls uickju pwauus, pui ixjr jruur uiuuut overcome constipation and nave an excellent tonic effect on the entire system. Makes you feel like living. Only 25c at druggists. JUtt lit Ecycb CtEia. M. Mv Brown who works at the 1 - morning riding a bicycle andVmet 1 Dr. M. Ragland in an auto which he collided. The bicycle was broken up and the auto turned over and was badly damaged. AH parties were bruised up some what. The accident occured at the Ludwick farm a mile and a half southwest ot Salisbury. Dr. Ragland states that his steering gear broke and he lost control of 1 the machine. Wfcsa Tu Bin t Ctli Give it attention, avoid ex posure, be regular and careful I of your diet, also commence tak I ing. Dr. King's New Discovery. it contains Pine-Tar, Antiseptic Oils nnrl Ralaam o To elifrAlw 1 laxative. . jjr. lung's new uis covery 'eases your cough, soothes' 1 checks your cold, start to dear - yv uiuuuiai vuia. your head. In a short time you know your cold is better. Its I the standard family cough syrup' in uso over 40 years. Uet ,a bottle at once. Keen it in the house as a cold insurance. Sold at yur druggists. Efirf FieHj Rs-U&a, Sb&Ir'.Gtsitr. The program of the first annual reunion of the Efird family to be held at St. Martin's church, Stan ly county,: Friday, August 11th, is as follows: Music 11 a. m. Devotional exercises by Rev J A h Miller Music Address of Welcome bv A C Honeycutt . , Music Address by Rev V C Ridenhour Music Address by Judge O J Sikes Musp Dinner x The evening will be deyoted to social entertainment and music All members, relatives and fri ends, are invited to come and bring well-filled baskets. ' On Saturday, July 22nd -one of the classes of the Baptist Sunday school met at the home of-their feacher Mrs S J Beeker, for lthe purpose of organizing their class.' There were eleven young - ladies f present. - The class-; name "Fi dels' was chosen, rthe cl ass colors are old gold and black, and the motto: Be thou faithful unto death and I, will give thee a crown of life." The following officers were elected: Miss Gladys Ricks, . president; Lunda Lud-r wick, first vice president; " Ethel Goodnight, second vice president; Mary Jane Kirk, third vice presi I dent; Ida Thom, secretary; Lottie I Lbmax, treasurer, and Myrtle I Leonard, reporter j The Fidelis class ndmhers thir- Can any clas beat that record? i - . of Tan. Sunburn and Freckles by otlng HAGAhTS Magnolia Balm. Acts Inihuiny. Stops thetburning. Clears your complexion ofTan and BlemitKcg. You cannot know tow Spod it is until you try it. -Thousands of women say it is baft of all beautifies and heals Sunburn Quickest. Don't be without it, a day longer. Get a bottle now. At your Druggist or by mail direa. 75 cents for cither color; White, Pink. Rose-Red. SAMPLE FREE. a LYON MFC CQ. 40 Sb St, Brooklyn. R.Y. 1 ' " q . Will euro luietffiistisrxi, : Nea SpraiBslIraisesv Cula-Burns, Old Cores,-Tetter. KmWoTia.-Ec-xema. etc; Aatiseptio Ammcjm, cssd isnuUy or cxtcnufly. 25c. WE ARE CLOSING OUT ALL SUMMER GOODS AT -REDUCED PRICES To make room for our Eall Goods which we. are expecting to have in a few weeks. It will pay you to see us before you buy. Yours to serve, niFIPIEISDD? WBY YOU SHOULD TRADE WITH Corriher, Carpenter Co, WE SHARE OURPROFITSWITH YOU and have the largest, beat selected, stock o f dry goods, -shoes, groceries farnltare, feed stafl, in fact every thing kept in a regular department store. We meet all fair and honest competition In price and quality. Do we give coupons or prentfume? We certainly do. Why? Because Me want to share our profits with you and all we ask la for D to see gome of the grand premi ums our customers have been receiving, and you will, b8 one too. Tis true these premiums cost something, but we pay for them and. give them to you . absolutely FREE. They cost us 5 per cent on your purchase, but we willingly pay this for you. FOR CAHH PUR CHASES ONLY ASK FOR COUPONS, they are valuable also catalogue: : : - The big store that shares profits with its customers. -- '- - a- mi m D. O. 81IUF0RD, figr., CHINA GROVE, - - - NORTH CAROLINA. Get it ct Sifferd'o. "V; Thli s Dretcrtfoe oreosred etoeeUSV for MALARIA or CHILLS A FEVER.' Phre or mix dotes will break-Say cse, sa4 -If Ukea then sa s tonic the Ferer will not retom. : It seti oa the lirer better then , Calomel sad does sot riporrickea. "2Sf. Dr. B. G. Tay Ipis Y . China Grove: Monday," Tuesday arid Wednesday. ' - , - Landis; Thursday, Friday and Saturday.. ' t '", Examination Free. r c Styes. ; Red arid Granulated Lids Are treated by many with eye waters and salves We positively cure such trou bles with glasses by - overcom ing the cause " The cause is eye strain and nerve strain . ' V " - Your money back when - we fail to do what we say '.we. win do - - v-v v. - ii..-Y JOHII R. II Optometrist, v y. h-r"- - Get it at Siflferd's. Co. s. 1 it's. - -Y . Yi' 5-' .-': ?ViY

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