5 4-1 V . -V - K i i . it i Mi 4 vr K-.-.ifc.r 7t I V?: I IB --Sr- ' ! BIIOUS?!"! STOPl AsonoF.irx Ks used a pebble 1 PREPArvED UlECtlJITE in his day. to hec? ' bis triouth moists By DOUGLAS MALLOCH ill aj.ll . ! 1 -I ) " ACTS , 'v -"- . i. "5 i I Guarantee t'DodsoirVLiver Tone", WilLGive You the . Best Liver ana uowei cleansing; You Ever. HadDoesn't Make You Siok! top ualny calomel fIt tfakea you soorb- andUf it doesn't" straighten Stop Ick. Dont lose a day.'s w;k. If you ci MMjrt DtuKKusu. ouious or consti pated, listen -to , m6! ' 1 . N , - . Calomel is mercury t or quicksilver which4 causes necrosis of the bones. Calomel, when It comes into contact with sour iile.prashes into it, breaking It up. .This is hen you feel'tha ful nausea anJ -cramping.', it yo feel "all knockeMJbut; if your liver is tor pid and bowels constipated orrou have neadache, ?. dizziness, . coated tongjue, if breath is, bad. or stomach sour Just try a spoonful of harmless Dodson'sUver,Tone..' , Here's my guarantee Ga' to Aahy drug store or dealer, and get a 50-cent bottle of Dodsdn's Liver Tone. Take a . . " ' i - Wo ; L THE SHOD THAT ro tf ft rtf ri rv o y9WW vhWW VftUV U jV''' AND WOMEN Save Money hy Wearing W. Li Doiiglaa shoes. For sale by over 9000 shoo dealers The Best . Known Shoe$ : in W r. L. Douglas name and die retail price is stamped on the hot" torn of ail shoes at the factory. The value is eaannteedJad the weatet protected against high' prices foe iqiierioc shoes. The retail paces are the same 'everywhete. v They cost no more in San Francooo than they do in New York. -They are always worth the fprice paid fee them. . u V . .;5 ' nphe quality of W. L, Douglas ptoduct is guarantied by mote A than 40 years experience mf making, fine shoes. The asiart styks are the leaders in the Fashiod Centres of America. They are -made in a well-eauipped factory -at Brockton, Mass, by me highest paid, skilled -ahoemakeitmoer; die dttecoon and supervision ox experienced men, all working with ad honest determmatioa to make the best shoes fee the price that money can, ouy. . . :';'.. ".-fry- . ' ' Ask your shoe dealer for w. 1 Dona-laa ahoea. If he not eappW too wltn the kind roa wsmt. take no a make, write for interesting; booklet explaJjili cet shoes of the hia-hest atendard a qnality for .by retnrn malL poeteee free.. -,,.. , ' , 1 , ( LOOK FOR W, J. booths' J, bubs and Am . retail nmt 1$ (himuxl m ; Utna. W. Consol'd falNING CO. OF NEVADA has&en rined by. Tbe TovM tilufa Co. of Nermda . in the opeaten outs properties. Tab ssaxks a new. era far Ueisiaa CeaseD. iate stock bow sellia areaad 70e siepJa self m the eoWipa,' - '-.f Farmer btformldl&mn nqmuttJ"k . liember ef N, Y. Curb Association TeL 4324 Broad ' SBroad St PROVED EQUAL TO OCCASION Super'e Blunder Merely Served to Show the Resourcefulness of Hamilton Footlites. Dewey, discussing the naval battle of Skagerrak, said at a Washington luncheon: . "A naval officer, to succeed, must be very quick-witted and resourceful. In fact, he must be like Hamilton Foot lites. "Ham, Footlites leaned on the rail of his sea-going yacht soliloquizing" about love while the blue waves rolled and neaved splendidly, eacn blue wave being a super under a roll of canvas. "But the waves were here and there threadbare, and suddenly a wave ripped and a head bobbed up in the midst of ' the heaving sea and stared around In bewildered fashion. "Ham Footlites silenced the audi ence's titters with one stern glance. "Maa overboard I' he yelled in stentorian tones. Then the super, managing to draw back his head through the hole In the wave, disappeared. Ham Footlites heaved a stormy sigh. 'Another victim seized by the re lentless sea, alas,' he said." Losing Venture. "Do you know anything about the milieu of this play?" asked the man with horn-rimmed spectacles. "If you mean the chap whp's backing this show," answered the amiable low brow,--fl guess he's off somewhere wishing he could kick himself." Bir mingham Age-Herald. In the up-to-date school, the . black boards are cleaned by a vacuum de vice. - '-jr - Louisiana The :jay'"-ii In the making of Grape-Nuts there is added to the sweet, rich nutriment of whole wheat, the rare flavor of malted barley, a cdmbinion. creatihg a most un usually delicious ! tasttv palate never tires of it People everywhere have is the most nutritious and delicious ceOal food known. , Every table should have its daily ration of Grape-Nuts, v you .right upTand make you feel, fine and; vigorous I want you to go back to the storej and get your money. Dod son's t livr .Tone is destroying " the sale of cs&mel because It is real liver medicine'; entirely vegetable, therefore it cTSnot salivate of make you sick; A . I ; guarantee - that one, spoonful fof Dodson's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and "clean your bowels of tha sour bile, and cj&sti- paed waste - which" is clogging your system; and mfckinr you feel miserable. I guarantee; that a bottle of Dodson's Liver Tone will keep ydur entire fam- lly feeling fine for months. Give lto your children. It mharml : 'doesn't puvv uiej MKe us pieasam taste. AdV. HOLDS TT3 SHAPE" no' rrt nu abet -; u rrr o.v rrr rf for men the World. '- - fc '. f isr how to uieprioe, Boy Shoes Bart la tin WmM $100 $20 ft $2.00 President U 1 XHoglas Shoe Co.. Brockto. Mass. 7 The Result. "The taU. handsome Doliceman yon der does 'dbt seem to be doing much." "IndeecU he is. ' He is arresting at tention." yr , i , DON'T LOSE YOUR HAIR Prevent It by Using Cutleura Soap and 4 Ointment. Trial Free. tit your scalp is irritated, itching and buming-and .your .hair dry ana falling out In handfnls try the following treat ment: toucjj. spots of dandruff and Itching with Cuticura Ointment and follow with hot shampoo of Cuticura Soap. Absolutely nothing better. Fred sample each by mail with Book. Address postcard, Cuticura, Dept. L Boston. Sold everywhere. Adv. ' ' Gale of Trouble. Durlng.pne of our gales an "elderly gentleman was striving to reach his home with the assistance of his sqn. Just as they passed along a row of small houses there was a loud crash, and a heavy tin chimney-xt struck the pavement at their very feet. "Good heavens!" gasped the feeble old man. "That was a narrow es cape. It might have killed us both." ,4 They paused for a moment to ex? amine the fallen chimney, and at once a window was banged up and a shrill female voice shrieked : '"Ere, you two, you needn't think as you're a-goln' to steal that there thing, 'cause it belongs to my ,'ouse 1" London Answers, t Tough Luck. "Van Cush is an extremely nniucky chap." "He isn't exactly considered so." "I know, but you ought to hear him talk about his misfortunes. Six months ago he decided that he had made all the money he could possibly use, so he. bought a farm, and. retired. He started to sink an artesian well in order to insure a supply of pure wa ter. And what did he do but strike oil? Now he's got to get back in harness again and make a whole lot of money that he doesn't need at all out of that oil well. Don't you pity him from the bottom of your heart 1" Envoy. Bugs Shucks, here we have to freeze while Mr. Caterpillar has a nice far overcoat found that Si r" 1 1 v 1 at. 4 "When the frost Is on the punkln thefr and-te fodder's in the shock At Least That Is the Opinion Farmer lias of the Great 4 American Bird. HOUSEWIVES contempiaung tne annual Thanksgiving dinner, lit tle realize the months of prep- aration wmcn t preceae- ine east Their cranberries are on the market. ' Turkeys, dressed and ready for the oven; huge yellow pumpkins, with the earth still clinging to their gaudy sides ; oranges, apples, grapes and nuts all await the call of the epi cure ' " . . " ' A trip to a market gives the layman an Insight into the real business of. Thanksgiving, and incidentally a quan- 4-1 A wnwil Isvwa ritwi la f 11n- XT Iw JT'r. .7" ICTZyZl came UVU vxu coxueuv i6 man with whiskers atnd tmagnifl- cent quid of tobacco and a small sup ply of turkeys, the' last named alive and protesting vigorously against the confinement of their crates. After a little preliminary conver sation the old farmer dilated upon, the ways of the great American fete bird and in his conversation knocked the pedestal upon which the fowl is placed squarely from under Its feet. "Richest fool hird In the world ' h confided to the reporter. "They ain't nothln' in the world that I've ever found that's as big an idjut as a tur key." "In what way?" was asked. "In every Way," replied the farmer. "I believe that the words "not sense enough to come in out of the rain' was written -to .describe a turkey. Did you ever know, for instance, that a turkey can drown, itself during a rain storm?" "What T ejaculated the reporter. "Fact," said the farmer. "Them there birds hold up their, heads during a rainstorm exactly as if they was trying to swallow the whole creation. Naturally, they can't drink the entire output. v And I tell you as a fact, that I've found cases where they man aged to drown themselves.' Continuing on the peculiarities of the bird, the old man said: "They're helpless critters, too. Ain't got as much gumption about them as a chicken. And frail let me tell you. young man, hat a turkey is the great est natural-born invalid in the world. They have to be watched every minute or the first thing you know they'll up and die on you without a second's warning. V ' "I been raisin turkeys for years and years had good luck with 'em, too. But I reckon I don't understand more than, half about thein,..v.Nobody VTT " " T ' when he. made 'em, didn't give em "Does that apply to wild turkeys as t5 : J ell as the tame onesr. asked the re- .portef. r " ' ., ,: ; I The old man spat thoughtfully, and street. He hit. the mark. . "As to thatV he said, "I can't exact ly say. "Mebbe there's something in the idea that a turkey, when he's tame, gets so used to havln' 'folks 1 make a jfuss over" him" that he jest" naturally loses all his : ambition- There's one thing certain if every wild turkey was as big a fool as somethat Tve raised there wouldn't be ailve' Wild turkey in the United States within a year." Washington Star. Cif; ? : , " " u . i Cranberry Industry. ; ' Study; of the cranberry industry bv rovernment specialists has shown it to be confined practically to three stated: TURKEY All DM" Massachusetts, New Jersey and Wisl"1 .tne r past me Tavages w ims, w- VXi u... I dinariiv destructive creature can b rC u..uiew.verse Wisconsin 75,000 Darrels. The Indus- :.try ta. marshes i f fvannollv' arfanitini, a Vlnniuin. I tVn nil. Mae!nn ivhlph mav haln 1 ;i MicHtan and Oregon, where ito miake the land we love more wonhy I obtain ;' Anurie. anyone .Vo "art 2tly . ; T," ',7 JVr . " 1 id cUmatic conditions are I of Its fortune, Its founders, its dsstiax j desii to;rtgalnvealaninevllfel en i We Buore shy of -aim! mm t We majaot have maaymea as ' other ones. , lYe may require a, fort or two, some .1 moh oi tan. .-. .. ,- . ... :-,,.'V - Alitue .more arbiter to back them tip. of ; Bat to one nutter we bareaot a reason to B be acarea - JFor, when it cones to pumpkin pies, we surely are prepared! " ' W may oa snort of men of war and shy . of submarines -And low in mine and other, subterranean We ought to hare an aeroplane, or maybe two or three. To nest among the moontaintopa or hydro. We haven't any instruments for shootin poisoned eaa .. -. aj.. But we can beat the universe at mating apple saas! We have the. pumpldn and we have the pippins. big and fine; ; And, if you want preparedness, pie-par-' edness for minel . . u If someone sails across the sea America TT ' "'J' ' " " ' " We'll shoot them fuD pi apple sass and full of oumokin- me'. .. I bet they'll Uirow their guns away, beaeatL that magic charm, And settle in America end buy them each d settle i a farm! (Copyright, 19H, Western Newspaper Union.) j . Thanksgiving Celebration Is id Great Event on Cotton Plantation. m HANK S GI VTNQ day on a cot- Xton plantation means an open heart and hand on the part of tbe master ana a ruu stomacn, a d&t of happlnesq, and, consequently, gratitude on the part of the worker. It means, also,, another, and, for that little world, universal - token; an of fering up $f thanks for the numerous little white pods which bring profits to the master and the winter's provi sions and clothes to the worker. But it also means a day of play to' alL Hard as is the labor of the cotton plantation hands, they do some extra work willingly for. Thanksgiving day for several weeks beforehand. It is a sure sign of the approach of Thanks giving day when one sights here and way for a dozen black, shining, grin pnsmm th bn. fKnm fnm fhoi; & voeuiu aBs viv.iu vavu wuvaa beds, and makes them scramble Lthrdugh thicXets, Jump ditches and wallow throrsh marshes. Ior several nights the woods for miles around the plantation are the scene of night activities. , It is easy enough to find the trail of a 'possum, and when once located , the dogs lead a running, howling band in the hunt. Mr. Possum is, however, a slow -mover, and when he hears the yelps of those hounds and the howls of the negroes and sees the glare of the torches, he gets up the nearest tree and settles on a limb. Somehow the light fascinates him and he usually settles on the lowest limb. It is just what the hunters want. Mr. Possum is noted for his fondness tor dead meat, consequently a 'possum that is shot is not tha most savory of meats. Their object is to catch1 him alive and when the tree Is reached he is surrounded by a ring of blfemg torches and howling blacks un til in sheer fright he drops off, plays dead and is bundled into a sack, to be. hustled off in the morning to the plan tation pen. Sometimes two or three are caught in a night and gome of them show fight. Once in the pen they are fed for a couple of weeks with food that takes away all trace of their natural food and rounds out their sides with good, sweet neat. Several days before Thanksgiving day some of the hands are taken from the cotton fields and put to work around the plantation buildings. This is, with the exception- of Christmas, perhaps the most enjoyable task of the year, for it means the; preparation for the feast which the plantation is to give its hands on the day when thanks offerings, are made. Usually this is spread in on of the big buildings on the plantation, ands are set to. work at first to clear ATt nf.M fl.'iA.n r,- TT I V v " Improvised tables and benches, and iflRf, ww H,tA fh hnfMm with nil k1nta ftf flflfira and hnnHnr. On th sMa ai 71,, w cgay mere comes tne usual aance. ev- erai aays oezore,) axso, some 01 tne hands make barrels of ginger beer and sweet : cider and stow them away to ripen for the feast. Enemy of the Cranberry. An enemy which - would rob the ThanksgivIng" iable of cheap cranber ries is the cranberry root worm, an4 J the government has been attempted Ito circumvent this destroyer, too. Ex- J Pws ',ox the department of agriculture ye! found that; by , stimulating the- I growth5!! the plants with fertilizers- a Practice that has not been followed j made almost negUidble., ,' V : : Worthy Supplication. lalan- V DAY OF , REJOICING ft trfZ 4 1 : . 1 f ruu Wra u rrxi r n wwv vv wmv . . i i;:yuir ur r avr - - - - liblfejspmfe, antiseptic; refreshing rxonfectioBL: to take ttife place of the cave man's pebble. We help teeth, breath, appetite, digestion and deliciously soothe mouth and throat welcome sweetmeat. The Wrigley Cpearmen want to send you their Book of Gnm-ption. ' Send a postal . for it- today. Wm. 1327 Kesner Boildinfi, Chicago. ' ' savor Illl!!!l!!!!lil!l!llllllllil!lllll!!l!!milllllirinil!!ill! Hunting , Rifles "'; H When you look over the sights of your rifle and see an animal like this silhouetted I against the back- g ground, you like to h 3 feel certam that your equipment is equal ' to the occasion. The - rr mo I or? fry tf jsnrfifi5-.' 1 ful hunters use Wini OlllUIIlliillUlUllllUllllllIIIUilUIWUllUUilig Chester Rifles, which shows bow they: are ' esteern cdJ 5 They. axe made in various styles and calibersr and 2 ; g ARE SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF HUNTING- I Qi mil in i ii i litiiiiMiniiiiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiniiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiii n 1 1 uiiiii iiiii Modern Life. k'Well, how did things come out in your school contests?" ' "Trafic mixed. A girl won the hammer-throwing contest and a boy took first prize or fruit cake." MOTHER, ATTENTION I Gold Ring for Baby Free. Get a 25c Bottle of Baby Ease from any drug store, mail coupon as di rected and gold ring (guaranteed), proper size, mailed you. Baby Ease cures Bowel Complaints and Teething. Troubles of Babies! Adv. : BaBMMSMMBOTSSMSISBHSSftS An electrical process to prevent boil ers corroding and scaling has been in vented by an Englishman. . Constipation reneraily Indicates disordered stomach. llTer and bowels. Wrlsht's Indian Vesetable PUls .restores rsrulsxlty , without STlpins A.dr. ' Switzerland produces , more 3,000 pianos a year. . -,. than yfojer mrw v u mw The most simple methods are usu ally the most effective, ones when ttreattag any disorder of the human Bjrobcxu xu - uiexv trfiiFing a cup .iij.tLL fFi . - - - . - of hot water each morning," plenty oi pure water an aay.- ana a lime ' Aaunc oeiore. every meai nas Deen r . r : . . . . louna - the -tnost effective means of overcoming : kidney : trouble, v Death would occur if the kidneys i did not worst cay. and mght In - separating poisons and uric add from V -s blood. -;iuojuusw su w a acne, L. depressions, pains, heavlness.'drowsi- ness,- irritabmty.. headaches, chilli.. iointM m rrat,-. ,iXt-V Since It Is such a mplinatter tci Kidney J' fw 4 wappcO; ill Avith 4hisv 7- S ' . ? 1 ' 'J mas ..-,,.!. -' ' - ; ' t Direct rrasa tb At a Saving of SO to 100 26 Beantlfnl Christmas Cards, dealcned by aniata celebrated tor their eznisite taste,, trrared and embossed In colors, and enclosed la ' indlridual enrelopea ftnrfl.OO. These cards' -if bonght In a retail stare would eos up to tte ' each; Xncloee SI4X bill In cnTslope and mall '. today. Cards win be sent prepaid, securely -packed . Uoney murnedlinot aatlafled., Wm. G. Jolxton Co Mfrs. 1200 Ridge Av4 K.'lvp&UK'pfc" or fH oMkSend tBe for parttenlars. SJ B. Slllia. -. comber, emo. Uoney back U awt satUaeo. WIf I nilV fe lstteri vita staape u WrT Berkman. VUS b fittest. CiTeiaDd.oe " IT 1 ' ... i i i WMTfLOl L--4reat Onvlnaad tire Btoefc section; any soL air urn to Uft saatfy: lnror U tt)MMliW.a. BenUayrria. suuwms,! W. U, CHARLOTTE, NO. 48-1916. yniciNiA womeit amouLD ; - I AKK. . I H S AI1VII K. . . - L i: WnWMv.v.ijKT.U; nx.. L1 snr aXZ i . mr rr." :.., ...i.w -vwiM-r., . MY NAMES fcROVII 1 1 I AKO In IMTOWW. . . , y CCTMEt J ; -..-- J Lis. J 1 . 1 I :-,:... : t . . SKjn7(W.4ll ' I I..-.. 71 ; I I II I I ) ' I t ; . v : : : : ! - " -; v liii 9t f a a aaar Lifflafffftf Sa mJtrm a i.xl.i ns7 a m m m a If t III M If I III BBl i fi iiiiniiiiiiiiiriiiir, iriiiinii ' f Tit. i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I u 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v a 1 1 1 1 aa : 4 in fl u : i Hi ? . f'UlHir lis;--;. r . J . a i Cards - all - run-down- and f v v A y rv v . r imii' lit. ir ill uiuu .. . v - i . j w ; O 4 LSL;.m,mm n loW from all my troubles that -the .'cure waS . more ''marked. , I . hif been not Vonly Tnadtf'morsf v comfortable, butii have been able to do- all the -work ? i ':'J 4.fn'W J ing bees.ams. GEu; W. LONO;