' VoLB NO 49 " : ''-A MJi-J-.'.V . OHIflArGftOVE,.! C- JANUARY; BTH;fl9W m Wlfp . :: pRlOE 75-OEUTQ, ; ; , : ft . . V t F Te Charles E ilier,. it .her tW-WK! IthsWtonioffeaiM lnreTOv;; lugwuiu w uyvvwu o, y.t ! i ' tkA .Farm" L,ite xne. averaor e ii vimr-.jCOFt . 1 a l iy oi4jyiarn ju jcunra a nis pome ;; iKeaaers oI.tneMenace;-IouMr!-.,.:v.:;i:k . near jChma Wrp, e, pa, tn 2 ta .01 less ha fresh ill mind the papal December,-19 16.-;AU the . mejn- riin;ih the if City of averflii , : Bers bf'tha family Affi6 ofjintcrcstto .will snereMier 'operaio . uu dirn. on . Thiitsday ot last th dormitories ot 'tbre- Barm weather was miss xujsa crjrropavttuu. uy, :;inoB;wnofuvo. wi.ivu n Although' the little niece, Jfilla Mae yetm torgili WiU" be governed ac- exceedingly gloomy and disagree- 'A fYiomk: J iitTnhftflL'l ft ' e$tefc of the year 1916-1 917 of i the Union ChnrcbNneighJ cordin'gly. Dornooa, are visiung 0 'A Brown's Nsince r- Wlr eryember, s to- 00ber;- S6. 28 ; "November." .ai.xwsv . Tf.w vf tha.MHl gethfer -Mrs-.;; 'KanKm $s mW-M-oo.jk-. :m'Mc RZZ nhhorhood Amoved Thoinas-present to' W "IlC. ' osi iHlTBr of Wilt I 4 , L'-i J .J:!OT ... - - F.ero present vizi Daniel,, John fRer. ..Thomas V E. v Ijeyden ; ; was Paal;? Mrs CD Whit6 Bostianl mbbtxed and-the entire cxmmunitvV" Mr1sjBet because; oaiiiJuiyt corner uiywuBwy fte death)ns lending: I er streets 14 er i IissesJ kaura tand Paonyiljkhjus of tarying ages, all i withH tt,'fro6dlVnmber'tvdf . the. Mr.Xevdenc' orooosed r.tov sCadress ji " ; - nl Evlrjthing within t was OfJB; student,; - Thto grchild ilaveriUnthe fof warmth and good; cheer, amount ..covers all .expense reUtivespf thEflrdsidpfcte h ing .lhem-Jlor?V looa' nea,lx " "nV 'Wgfv - selves to'the'; h&py and joyful and borne medicinal remedies Browhr numbering in , a I close of the first Ml. ' former will spend weeksith her Bister Mrs C A Brown. , i - ; ; ThQ 0 0f mIbS Mary spirit of thU yule tide season. 0 'applied by the matron. At than fifty perfk)n8ry - J:'A Click.' of nearZebHinrt A.nhT nf John , Small calendars ior-1917 rwere tb0 opening ;of ' BcfiooP; there ' ! A-mos.t nmptuon ainneiwi rat neriming enprt: on -th.part his n. Eli. a,BUCcessf nl tTZ TlMrtir distributed ind each guest asked wa0 28:,persons f housed; In prM?TO,F farmer ot , Texas, visitei at nl ' aI the;i0 'of the brid to mark the important dates ot the .dormitories, and 44 at.the i fn? rvernui, tTi. . o .frfcUwi JP161 tUen?meo. UQ u"wLarrrrVindar month. For this I i ' A - i. i.u . AnHaf A si . I anT after, an invocation' :by &9&t I situated; tOv;convict ; some t.of rther day- v Kli ClicK has' beed. in Lrtr ;fl oWh:: ReV H RobE GraY. Texas for a number of years A rrimniu '- . very appropriate prize U hift first v ait back .OTV,- J stuffed dates. , . t::.U : Locke J Shaping, who haB , .Cards, r decorated a-Avaw v r mm mm a v ft folks. Hb many frieiids are delighted to see him again. O Voss spent Saturday afternoon i u Salisbury . received the ThheaU of ItUrtsdmt' d's noters for their-patt in the affair; v- : ' . . bodyhas f beeni very goodr - bn?ahoro ftr ittr, to -v; . Thfirtf baa nht been a 'i case of 1 ?ij&tzi-j?ii ) '.VwAt I a ik Vt : t.-i.iA: : in galaxl. ; C;7 "C V - 1 w ' wc' wa -n., : been ill for several weeks, is leaves and bearing a subject of fwer . noeii niiui p9 ; , , q then iven enfcaees required ahe?atten: remiined, - all? as mainly responsible Jor the.,' - BtlUquiteill. - v . ,. S! tioV'cf a physician during .eyerybody-ron affair, inasmuch; as .itasJhisU ' ; Uncle! Jim Bostian and , yJi.:.,., the four mnnths! Thia shows 4atinfir : D O Efird made a .short theatrical posiner :in i bebalt of the' v -i . ...:, I tnrtn a 1 1 tr wnaipvpr wuil ' iuc r . ... c .- ,. - . , . . . , -3 II 1 Dnntinn & tlrri Q1T I . . M to receive' v : very excellent health ctndi but appropriate talk, urging up-; papcs that incited ; them' toi riot;" amhardt 'assisted the t ions,; considering . the .numX on aR present, the duty of being Vlr Brtiett waWfor some years;a , Mr and Mrs Oharles pt Uftnk dinner withlVV later ' Of Mt Ulla spent a few daye 0B : or his : sonl the at and praying that they be ready I superintendent of bls injlayr Wile, XX vy uueviau rv u,nnAtiP aaugntersanusixjBuiiiiw Mrs.-; Earnhardt here last week at James NewYe9r day, and also 14 piy proved the culinary skiUf UanVand K L SloopV grandchildren. -Uncle Jim which Mrs. Miller is famed. . tonltation, proper diet and lect. this even amidst- the hap- mtiAately L1 0 , , . .1 '1. .t V 1 " . . j!.- ... . niest and moat loyful occasions alive to th .There is more Catarrh Hisses Nell Deal, Myrtle gays he and his wife look as Ritchie, Grace, Gladys; and young as any of them. All Mabel Sloop ' have Returned happened without any invita section of the country linme from a visit near South tion. Contributed . :: other, diseases put Those who - know him say. that at Ireart he is' the papal; jJeril,-; but the ; : n ua r w . m m uu a - . , - m m tmsi nw?nflr to lack of :SDace it , . ... r,-. J w;Mt ; f 1,-4.1?;- x',:-v ' than all v " - . tnai iueywouiu uiocu xnux w 1 ;uk.fr Ffyj' rt , .r . , i3 impossible to publish an ti,ut. hanTv home above. ; for- in sides " againathe Anericin sentiVt , ' . togetner, ana hfom7o: monthiv statement h,ir CuK:istv vo woi "-nntJmentrof t&e commiiifv - - y. f J:" . records are kept on -file - in worli. 'i tain oiBartlett at the tj1 lelec- Kiver to their friend, - MlgB Mr and Mrrt Geo Deaton "V,"1 'f f, blfpenses " btftV complete4 meet ihein all : am iri this I -jopieralngom the cafr r.;!,rTTui. ;hho ffiona . . . nosed to be incurable, uor a r, , :, ' i . ' ! - ' . V ' : W: tjia au.i aecompaniea py inmr inuu, ton Jnrge, , JV Mrs J; VY l"olind it V riocaf di Worm Aimer- Deaton. - and-J Hi Ununiey prescribed Kay; and BanKs oioopi wif ana aaugnier 01 "cKv: t . 9 sease and thtfnrinci are iThe occasion was a; most en- tion December 5t:when mVa vote' . ; local remeaies, ana oy opentO tne puoiic. : noyapie one. r vvVp' , r" ' ' " uc". ; fa.llin;td. cure "with hannv mood. , and -will I feated for re-election bv a ma-iorf-' ;' - r:ation 0f the Vexcellent P& rememuereu, ujr a,n - - V"J, "-wW. - mfl III 1 J W M I mar ma -mm w . - . . C .- :4 WrtaM vhIoKmI (IhriRtmaa nnsin. Va.. who SDent the . -t.t uiwiuv "v.OVv- : , . .. tuiduic. , r- I ZiT: .y . . . ..... , ' .. . nroeont and each weighed 139 pounds, holidays here with - Mr and Catarrh to be a ? consututionai 8upvort,-wnicQ wnave re- -x About six years, ago tney Mrs i teenier leit weanes- n:T weighed exactly , the $ same, day for their homes. , N A TrexleA tne county iOpponent - was r not especially stroug,- saved Bartlett '.from 1 an. adyerse majority, of : 2500 Haver- ;' Who can beaHhat? Arthur llolshouser of Salir bury, . C W Holshouser of Greensboro, H J' Peeler and family of EaslrSpencer, A H Weftz and family of Salis-hiirv.- and Rev and Mrs Shnford Peeler of Charlotte, visited at Mr and Mrs J L . ik the onl v constitutional surveyor, was in X,aiiais iaei Ue market. Jt is taken internal week laying off a cemetery for the community. Rev W H Riser is spending a few days in Columbia; S C, tion Ymi ffiPl heavv. dull and lipt deport popery. Tat present . ' ' Chas. K. ili.eb, hisMnss. vour comDlezion is sal- I but it can reiect unfaithful offici- rrmcipal. llow and pmply, and energy atJais.- . : - , - - - - ' low ebb. Uiean up tnis cona Rome lM . df t , Q -tion at once with, Dr. Ban gs . . L . L. - for circulars ana testimonials. . ... . L. : i: - lu. in. in atirinaHn f o v.v ;. Sold bv druggists, -75c Take When it is painful to breathe riva - u - 'a -7 U - -i r -r -. " :': ... .,6r;,. r I ! -L u:n j I t.oatines Without -flrriDine. . A I its cohorts in rfarhnMa: with t-mn lv It acts directly on the blood and mucous surf aces of the system They, offer one hundred dollars fnr anv rase it fails to cure. Send How to Check That Cold. to attend a boara meeting. Hall's "FamUy Pills for cohstipa- and fever sends chills up and testines need ahont tion. Address: down w.i.i.j- .5., iha noiu 65, who came day8r : QMt from the' effects of a TflnnUfiiesRetani to School. Theresas an opossum din- rt(ir in the head . The Among the young V r 4.1 F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. a cold nere receuuy Tjaira P?n Tt-Rnnv will ston the sneezes and 'sniffles. The gist. pine balsam-loosens the phlegm lever senus cuius up u ' , i.,, " - - - n your back, you are in for dose. before-retiriftg Will assure bands engaged, to ffaUnt itself dv" Id. A timely dose of Dr. you a fuU and eas mem3' a mociing parade; thatwas - P?n Hnnv will ston the morning. 25c. at yont Drug- i..- ladies and clears the bronchial tubes,. . Incidentally,we voted to close UjRPme'i recrutingstatipnse rum snops;; Lroa speea '. tne; aay ' S WUw .w. 0 1" IV, . ' It. n.i1 .tiAliniTAa MLv KuSB CUlCllfllllAa :ir MltUoiu iftf mt : T. .... .. - ... v 4.4.: o.Kr.ol'af Hie nonoy auuuues avx . tier at su naoiyuys flineral Was neiCL irom- me wiio arcavwumuR . . . , s throat. The antiseptic Tvne Re ft -rintfta when nimanir I? Am a" will t,r11.. . .1 - M W ma i.. M-m-Mm. M. LI kJ AASA TkSX WW " - - . - - i - mma-aammam maamamaW MW WW AAA B - - Among those present were hougQ xgy morning and distant points and wno came quaities kin the germ and theodeli htful party Tues- gated to .thereansThe blight Water JJeaiana iumiiy. .jouu Ue interment was at Union nere to spena ine .nouua wugu uu. Ing and family otttt)2Kreii,Grov lfedell COunty. He with home tolKs ano nave ;rrocht?al ogtions The living room and hall, where deadly Menace ;of: political Ro- Mr and Mrs James Bostian jea"ves a wife and several chil returned, afe the following: quckiy relieved. At all Drug- Vix tables wererpiaceo paiusmVare:t and Cart Sloop. .S;ijren. ; , MiPses Thelma Riser and Ef gists. 25c. were charmingly decorated with eveie T a M rhflfl W Ratk rt , , M- fie Cooler to Marion College, holly and Christmas bells. ' Af- Menace. ki of JSm wb have a SaHurv Salem, Va., Rath Blackweld, fmM Rewied Witt Hanb; l- ter many spirited games: the Vi S'n ImnrlC SererJ; 4 ba,18bUry er to the. Normal. Greens- Rw W H Kiser, pastor of St.' I to tei. , mr ... . mj m kJI BJ A . LJ W w w' 1-.- I - armm m. ma -m y m mm, A a n . V I TCtlirilS I I a IVI IV KUW MM m W I.l 1 I - - ' " . ". ( - Tw. . - . ' hnrn -r aflVfl V OS8 lO W.UHOU B Wart's V. Ji rliurch. UUlUa I v - . , " v -."T . 1 IJr; Ci hy 'c PJ ottr .TtioAntroitir fa - - i wu n i-wA ttt nrrraanuuvii t-.- w ... i - ? 1. i h.imi ruv h vii 1 1111111 1 imi liku. .jaa i . . - : , . , uouiko uuuko puu uod uuvu fu u(.fl f ; n r inT.Tfl . Cmvp who is aiwavs in nis 1 - ia-fsontnmiyhoaiiTio-.oTr. :-f...v Mies Mary Bradley Jones m with the measles at 'the I.,- .: r'f ; ' Li arI looking after his people cutting, Miss Harris won, a deck UnffrAnd eolda - of Ohilhowie, Va., has been home of hU parenta, Mr and H(lH!lur Hi? nwn ' ' with a smile on his face, received ofRook. Miss .Wr assisted khe -testnwnQ- in .. . w-r -. . . i . 1111WIU6 uw nf . - - . w .r ncr neice. miss Marsaret W' :t 4', rs awjufcu.iw au iptvr . M.rs U A tioage, nas auouii Awwar, a pounaing a tew aays Deiore - " l u or tnati conga cinat strains the .English in the China Grove recovered, TnertJ are two r" '"10- llir Christmas from some of the on" llmt H!K ShrtnT tft fill ont theL.u j...!l.hflSBia OIUEIDB wruvtv aim piu LiPmhm of his church, and on iresumeu. - I Drv KlritT'fi NI?QwirflrwV nL vfoa ' niii-n Wnwn: Ittv. nent loafer of that town, on I . - fnllnroitlfr Sund,v made a Those present were: ' Misses WiuiU400.-"-.-Mai jurnuuKOBupDDm.- U wi flt5moar,nhir '.: 7 :" .. . Hnrothv Bostian. Velma Bos- 7"""4 Jrrr-r ; . rflRicrned , ' . , . uoiug an.cvj. buuiouiuv rf . public statement to nis congrega- - , r j . h vu& - euw;BW? r"e ' ' " a toaier at a luaior b iuoowubi Hon about the ppunaing tnat ne v -r. r 7c '::iT .IT'' !?1,r,' I - - . , I TTT r - flM.aAM.W - M-Mark W 119.' nlT.T.ia ' fin - ' nnW1 ' mmm i mam ft . Mr and Mrs W B Lasley and. atternoon in Salisbury. . He ion?; Bill and J ac, of Creed- has accepted a position with more, spent Sunday here with jAitb. Granite Company and Mr and Mis J AtThom. j will take- up bis duties at Mr and Mrs W B .Tojbert Faith sooi ! , and children, of Salisbury, Misses! -BEdhla and rRnth who have beenrjvisiting Iheir Br o wh who spent their Christ - parents and grandparents, ;maa vacation with home folks Mr and Mrs H .T Graeber, sn (hina Grove, returned to Have returned home, fi 7 Itheir duties in Uhe S school A How are you getting along had received: He told his peo- Harris, En Overca Charlie? He replied by say- Uc that the . pounding had not e, - ing that he was getting along! made him a bit sore, but he "" (gist; .SOc-rfr- j Evelyn Thorn. , Messrs. John Bostian, Leroy Bostian, Herman l, L...... ........ ......,. Cooper, Rupert Eddleman, .Bit- M? KJ A' : ,;, i Ninan's i.inimKni rnr .Mill jnimx. -t . i . . . . .-. ' -r . i : n?.. rr u ivt. mrt.'-r c . . , t Kim nail, uecu trranam. joani iiuwu it iuc, no. ao2' ur. ' 'rTflrman noonfir. whoi has room Wst Sunday evening, tieen here onJ a visit to his the formerjto Kannapolis and parents, Mr and Mrs J F Codp- the latter to AibemarJe. ; er, returned to ' Deltaville, Miss Laura Scott.S formerly (Va.; tpriay whereiie is each- an qn6ret teacher ,.?in? . the Miss Rena Enckett, oi ano&e, va., is nre on a vibi i nvuwiu, iu Kiyw-r w.r W Mr and Mrs A-W Wlneco and other friends.v Iday evening - .am m -m .1 m m - m . W 9 A fine. He said be was nolQ- coma navestooa a Dit more ing his own mighty well, that he started with nothing and had;nothing yet. JNow Rheumatic pains and aches Goodman, Baxter Overcish, Hop der.of Ke4 Hen,' -Will- hold a it seems from Charlie's own get into the'joints and muscles, watkins and T S Wilkie.. fiM banquet in their haU tonighti confess! an"i hat he is perfect- making; every movement, tor- 1 v Ratipfied .7 with the stand- ture. Relieve - your: ... suffering tonight; ; : c j A publicinstallation o !ofv y Mit'-iicu 'itu; iuo roW- 1 - - - - - . . I DaiitM DAftiMl Their Parfur - ' luccre aau au aaoreSS DYiulirr n progress that he hal been with Sloan V Liniment; it quick ;. Baptist Ppttttl TkeiT PastBf, . f nfson 'usL lAam3' i&i Iv. penetrates without rubbing, The members ? of the -j; Uhinai.v .itri' t . . .v,i and soothes and r warms your Grove baptist church made their ?t? .rfT;; By a Bkotheb Loafer. b" 10 . rv, . , . F .- , - r :: . kms Tr.iu ' :.vr - t - bKod is stimulated to vacuon; a gocKi tnis insma ' iflirKTioannnnannn win nrivn nun weeo ueiutc wuiuimas iucy uc i 11 vou nave, iidudic witn vmir " - -w pwmm . r : , Mrs J, W, Kimball ana UttieJ the pain. Sloan's Liniment " is otin to send in supplies : rand the stomach you should try Chamber- son. Ralph, of Landi, . Mes- clean, ; convenient; and quickly rani climax V was" : reached Iain's Tablets So many ihave fe n,aB P A WoQVirtr, nnH W M effective, it does not stain the Ara c oeen restored tahealth by tHe use O " "r sWn or cloff - the pores. Get a ak . of the tablets and their cost . is .sb KicKara spent & x nursaay ' 01 bottle to-day at your Druggist, ed the parsonage, ana , pounaea nttle, 25cents;: that :it " worth ' I Him liberally I while to gire them a urial. Al i;-.-' 'i'' ; , i ' . . Is - i. H--H; : -' t j.-t;-r.v.Kv.;v 7 t f V 7 i

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