: " ' - i , ., , - " """ ' - ' ; 7'--v.v- r I - -77.-"-. -&&)p - ;? v , J;:- -77, ,. : .m 5vv-:-7i' S -''v V --Tgn f'jt n rS,j tg - ' OhiriiroTirCfiiptirofifRKS)!!- ?S0 s-5Vr fte:".mot -lw of the veteran he!3 an.'-opeiV- j 'inment acchtrSMjsSfc' i r r tt-i 1 -t 7.1 T7!S.v, M5 v.. J. i k ,o1d dAugfttter cf.HrraulilMrs Tfilck for'twi weekwith.ptieiK ' c - I onla,' has 'developed a Vase ? ' it leiMB.tandtthis writ :vihff 1 4aUd Bickr Hr; many ?VfrlAndfivSf ftb-heri k speedy 1 .-7 T - 7'V I ' i J4 1 sa kjK6 yuBrow&r on t er -taioed tbree -of the teachurs A of the graded kcbpol at Ka n- jiapolis. " Mi?8ea Frances. A'- fctus, Mary BHavar&nTd Mary ' Brum ley rl asV Saturday jight ad.Buudiy X- 7- 'k-. I " : jjfttlniarty voajq amber of - i0"11 peopjn Wedriesjlay af , "terncKJii and entertained a -liuraber of her friends ytster mt afternoon ?" &l had a delightful eveaing ,and en- 5d tlilib8pUaIity of their - J? hoitess very. ..mdcb V . P,fvi7 AttSntioiilia calle ! to the jfr- advertiswneut of Templeton W . "'r 4feifost to be found in this ;t t 'r paper On Tuefiday, Fbq j ?fo .. iruary 20th, a BDecial .reDre-. Iher lateatv patterns of. th aplendfdV Standard Bewing machine. AIL ladies .a"e in- EMillti' fW?1ivRnht W iFSLv wr Baliibury via tors Tuesday evening whett thiey .attended Ihe theatre Lohni e Brad sh a w of a 1 is bury, contractor, is figuring on the contract 'to erect the new t-Mark's K L church. A new, ' tower Je bning erect ed and- other improvements are twing made nu Mt Moriaii Lutheran;' church of which .Kev J 8 Wtssiuger is pastor. Kev 0 A Brown was in Snl Sbury today attending a fn-tiug of the; executive ccm fnitlee ( f the North 'Carolina Synod. - ' H2s Stella Earnhardt went home yesterday afternoon to gpeud tiie;wedk end with h. parents at Richfif Id Wil1 Mc Daniel wlio was charged with setting col ton on fire in the mill-of the Pnt terson Manufacturing Com f)any here some time ag; wa found ufuilty .in the liowan iBuperior court at Salisbury this week ; .7 7 -:,: .... Mrs L A Ritchie was taken - to Charlotte 'I uesday morning t.enter the hoppital for trea' - ment. Her friends hope she will BOpU be much irapYoved; although hei condition is re ported unfavorable. Prof - lledferu expects to visit tialisbury tomorrow. L A Ritchie went down to ChatlottP yesterday to pee his wi.w wyu ib imp .yptt underwent an operation for internal cancrr He reports t,.,. rto,i,7n -,Q ,w4f an nr.il JPiambailaia's Tablets. yA oese jLuoiei'S are inxenoea et Jqpecuilly for disorders of tlie .:f.atoi&bTlr and bbwelsl 1 f rU ;v ited to be present. Wpr audtMreha Cr'iC 'ixou;ai;a.rribled with heartburn.M straittsVspramstand bruises l'-C.: 7indigeatipii orv const! jpation they Sloan's Liniment Get a -r Ohina5ro?rbaptsr of A&tHTon f eder acy .jrWdnesdiy afternuo February 2lstfat'tresideupeif Mrs B & Shuford,hu 'IthVof ' lowing prog: raui vnlt 3& rendered : SoiigcaiyJcnTaptet Roll call, answered'-, with Ta" fact conperning : Washington or the Confederacy - -yjt-: Reading, of minUtey;:: ; ' Reading, the Confederacy ia 1861. by Mrs W JSwinJc- , Solo, the Southern Girl, Miss Stirewalt Reading, Washington's Soyhood, , Mrs,P L Ketchie ' Song, Rc White and Blue f Reading. Washington in " man hooduMrs C G Vosi . Song,-Dixie. IdBtfrtllloL ;":'. If people past sixty year ot age could be persuaded to go to bed as soon ashey take cold and remain in bed for one or two days they would recover rnuch more quickly , especially it they Hake Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy There" would also be less danger of the cold- being follow ed by any of the i'ib ore serious diseases., ; V ' r Civil Ssrvice Exatnlfiatlons for Sallslmnr. Stenography and typewriting February 24th, for men only, also March 24th. for men and women The examination for February is for the field service, - Vhile the other ii for the departmental service. ?As the demand for male eligible is greater than the sup ply,. qualified persons, are urged to enter the examination. Call at the postoffice for application "i i . r i c : Vi DianKS ana lunaer mionnauoB m Mrs. HisttMawr (pits 111. Mrs. Leah Misenheimer, who is making her koine with a rela tives at taith has, suffered a stroke of paralysis and her con dition is reported as serious. She is a sister of M A Stire walt of this place and he has gone there to be with in her illness. Miss Ada Stirewalt and Irs. M. J, Graham were visitors there Wednesday, returning home Thursday mornipg. tertian Mss YofcDyll. That draggy, listless, oppress ed feeling generally results from constipation. The instestines are clogged and the btood be comes poisoned. Relieve this condition ar. oiice with Dr King's New Life Pills; this gentle, non- griping laxative is quickly ef- feclive. A doso at bedtime will make you feel brighter in the morning. Get a bottle today at your druggist, 25c. Fishsr-Hoisfifluser. The marriage of Miss Blanche, m daughter of Mrs Jennie Fisher, and Arthur J Holshouser, son of Mr and Mrs J L Holshousei of China Grove, took place Wednes day evening at the Reformed par sonage, -Rev Wagoner, the pastor omciating., i ney win make tneir home with the bride's mother in Salisbury. Mrs Holshousei has been an employee in the telephone office and Mr Holshouser has a position with the Belk-Harry Co. These are splendid young people ana nave many irienas wno wisn them a long and happy life. stiff. cara nn5fifiS Mftved. GramDed muscles or soreness following a cold or case of grippe are eased and relieved.by an ap- plication of b loan 's Litnimen t.. uuei uub n liiu sain ui ving the pores like, mussy ointments or plasters and penetrates quick ly without rubbing. Limber up your muscles after exercise. drive out the piius and aches of rbeaffiatis m, neuralgia, 1 u m bago, with bottle) j today. At all draggists, 25c, .' .' .. ".i;" . . ' ' . - - ' - - : . x f 1'. '";;.;, " ;" '"'.';' - .'-'-;' . . .v ,- ' .' " - , . v- . . - 1.-,. ;, . . - r " , .-.'' '7 -7-. r-:''-'-'-.. ;7 .' ..--7 v-' v. .-' . v.'-7-- , The' daughter:ipf At well N White Menius, whored arthe home o ( her parents tlat v'edaesclay was burrxed k at 'Badiu a T A. l ' ay was ourrxea at rrosp ect church in Atwell township, yesterday;' : 1 - M rsCathrineRebeccaRoberts, w if e of Back Roberts; disd 1 at her home in Kantiapqljs, , .Sunday. February 11th, 19'17, of .paralysis, at th age of S5 -year8;;nohtha and .13 days. She lea yes to inourir her death a husband?-four 4 sons, and two d aughters, seven gra nd child ren, th ree broth eraanrtwo sisters." Afteritahleem by her pastor Rei C. A. Brown, at Luthern Chapel,; China" Grove, N. C, in the presence of a goodly number of relatives and', friends, the day following her death, her body waa "tenderly aid to v restin Green tawn Cemetery to -.- await ihe resurrection morn. ; j $100 RewM; $1Q9. ' fij'"? ." '"..-"'V The readers of this t-7 paper wiH be pie ased to learu that there is at least one dreaded disease1 tbat science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is cat : arrh. HaUVcatarth cure is 'the only positive cure now known to the-medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease", requires a constitutional " . treat ment Hairs catarrh cure is taken ttirna1W. acinar rtirctlv unnn -the blood and raucoUs surfaces r the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution aud assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they offif One Hundred ollars for any case that it fails to cure Send for of testimonials Address: F. J. Cheney & Ccr, Toledo O. Sold by all druggist 75c Take Hall's family pills for con stipation. Wiman's Units Destine at Eletbodist Church The Woman's Union meeting will be held in the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock, February 18th, when the following program will he carried out: Subject, the Family Altar Hymn, Sweet Hour of Prayer Scripture reading, Mrs Sam Serh ler Prayer, Mrs Wilhelm Hymn Talk, the family altar, Mrs Hales Duet, the iamilj altar Short readings, helps from the family altar Solo, Miss Ada Stirewalt ' Reading, Mrs W W Ricks Election of officers . Hymn Close with sentence prayers. UBgaring Caagbs In Daagarais. Get rid of that tickling cough that keeps you awake at niht and drains your vitality and energy. J)r. King's New. Dis covery is a pie isanttbalsani rem edy. . antiseptic, laxative ; and promptly effective? It soothes the in ia ted, membrane and kills the cold germs; your cough is l3oon relieved. Delay is danger ousget Dr. King's Newx Dis co very at once. For nearly fifty years it has been the ; f avori te re medy-ior grippe, crou p, c'oUsh. and colds. Get a bottle unlay a your druggist, 50c . & WiSray JytiBterday Mr Mrs;j:JvtttherY; - " - - , and .-grand daughter 0f r"1 S-v Mflujn'W i jnaae Dig at ana warm oy acaeer t rticularly noticeable wts a ;po m :blboming:Romati acinths.v hThere as a";c6ntesVf4ve Tholes wmcn iurnisneaworKana BXUsemen t f or ;?iuite ta v5rhile. Aftet .finishibgthe. coute'st, bksket oTali kinds of. vegetables jim uiuueui'iu' auu iti tucaLa invited to, guess .what was .iir the tttom of thevbaaket( r and -Mrs lewas the lucky club 4nemw Qifcff uffitji c a .chin a ; cabbage head filled vw-ith salted, peauuta. J' Beeker? cuessed rfor "ther vsjargiy a! tai ato wi t :salted peahu ' The . rer f feifiuieuts were attracti ve indeed daintiness of the hostess. Four 'cdrc3;trwere served, ?each j one Wing perfect in itsel i, : - " ":. 7riThe club was delighted to have Mrs'McL -Ritchie again' after a 'year'sabsetice ' and the club" was Muvitea to meet wiin tier on leb rary'22nd. " . -: . 7 Jll is wheOv.you have a seveie cpld i that! yftUTappreciate the godi qualities pt V Charncrlain 's Gougk . Remedy- Mrs.., Jrank Crocke ry Panar ' 111,- writes: ?.uaifPflve-vttr: old vson Paul i; 7i 'i 7 t ...... xi 'gusua severe .voiu iasv winier had terrible coughing spells. We were greatly worried about him as the medicino we gave 1 1 i in did not help him in the ,U a.t. A neighbor spoke so high ly .f Chamberlajn's Cough Rem- e.lv I hat I srot u boltle of it The tirsi dose benefited him so much that I 'continued 'giving it to him until lie was cqred Csbste and Recital at Farm Ufa Schsol. The preliminary debate for the triangular debate will be held at the school auditorium Friday niht of which the three best sneakers will be chosen for the, j triangular debate which will be be ween pencer and Kast rpen- Ct r. The debaters are as followS: i Misses Nellie Menius and Ethel Blackwelder, Messcrl Frank Bos tiin Roy Sloorv Robert Cress, Jennings Kester and Banks Hodge. The Judges are to be Kev J S Wessinger,. Rev J H Keller and Prof P E Wright. There will be a recital given atJ the school "building- Saturday njght by Miss Ada '-Stirewalt's musicclass. altv invited. Everybody isreordi There will be an exercise given by the Community Club next j Thursday , night. Keep it in mind and tell your "7riends to come Winter BteCaWj ti Children, w A chilu . rarely- 'goes - through the whole winter without a cold, and every mother 1 hh uld have a reliable remedy handy. Fever, sore tiiroac, tignt cnesc ana crou py coughs are . sureL sympt toms. A dose or Dr tieirs Pma Tar Honey will loosen the phlegm relieve ihe congested "lungs and stop the cough Its antiseptic piue balsams heal and - soothe. For croup, whooping cough and chronic bronchial Hrbutjles try Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey. At alt. di.uggists 25c. x - v i.r.. 'tist Does 4V& ti , -I '- jft lit toui"; hu- ix-i-.,;friifecf J V 7 tgxv Hnnmt the (all name anc ; ; s w io tif c. w; were havingoverflowin , meet ings m.aDout every, store in town. After1-. the opening odej.' entitled ttrn me Loose A r Johnsoii, M. was -v sung which ""attracted the . '! : , 7 - - .- - - - .; '- J) . . , attention of the t chief , of police" rand -a cow in Cal Canups- mead ow, Tom Kk up and says bright out in meeting: 4,If there had been more betteruns there would have been more veterans' to return hack home after the wah." "This tickled Uncle Jimmie Bostian so much on0. would have thought he had swallowed a peck of feathers .But he gOt over it, and "about the time eneetiug got junder iway again and the swbmarme question waa bemfif rhotiv discussed, and ijustV as";BrotbWtlheIni was Ttvidly pictunngurithe havee wrough t by 9.j torpedo when ex.j ploding, rpa of Bill : Bostian hound pups with a tin can tied tot its-tail didn't come" galloping and jr ciiiijft rijj ai vnrougu ine , crowo causing. consternation and several other things tp talfe place right lucre auu; men, r zzj some means the string': ta which the dog and 1 can were : attached didn't get tangled up withr Jonas left hind foot and threw him down striking the curbstone witn his. nose Jonas arose ;with his accustomed smiie.and didn?t say S'VM ; swat'. The. stone was not damaged. :T The star stran tried banana was then not sung. . by .'fcucky : Freesse nd Ymir Tln ftf r" ItlrWhhief WhoiiU rendered by Henry Bostian, airH11 joining in tire kicking. V VS Jason Litaker, in -his usuat PrJobU but a fllarr He la brisk manner, made a short; anS morally justas much thief as the illuminating address, and among otherandhe iddstottxat additi other things suggested thational offcn of lying. and deceiv-owing-to the fact that Capt Mike inS and cansiog- one to loseconfi Kimball would have to retire in lencei in his fellows. . If we'd time to go home and cook supper! quU aPloSteg:for.the deadbeat the meeting adjourn until next thieves, call them; by T their right Thursday at 3 p. x. Jonas arose names and treat them as we do: and said that it would probably the other- kind, the ,umabei. . not be best to fix the time for the ,woald be lcss- Instead it iacon next meeting, for, should we have stanUy increased j by, Athe kind another war soon, it might be consideration, , accorded them,; difficult to get a quorum. He thougrht some mitrht not be found. A motion to adjourn was then carried arouud the block and the boys all went home wondering wjiat it was all about. An account jot the Loafe meeting will be printed later. . IbiBt Caastijafiaa. . X Certain articles of diet tend to check movements of the bowels; The most common of these are cheese, tea and boiled milk. On the other hand raw fruits, espe- cially apples and bananas. aUo graham bread and whole whea$ bread promote" a movement of the bowels. When the bowels are bidly constipated, however, the sure way is to take one or two of Chamberlain's .Taolete immediately after supper. I A' Fine Prin Mves The registered Holstein bull, Netherland Beryl de Kol, won weekvL After 1 study tng . the trade by toe Farm Life School judging commission's repbr;!whkh Zlv team at the .'State Livestock as- be submitted to congress. Hcney -sociation meeting, arrived Toes declares he is certain he can-eb day from Winston-Salem. This tain i ndictmenfe. "whichUl prize was donated by P. H. Hanes statid.,,-l7V:l.-V of Winston-Salem j and we a e v While no intimation would W -very proud of the practical given tonight as to thef nature of knowledge displayed by the team the commission's report, it is 7 in the competitive judging.. positively known that it denoun-7 The" calf is eighteen , months ces present print paper, prices as;, old ' and weighs about 1000 ?anreaMnablakn4'ua pounds: ; It is ant excellent . rep and that the commission hassojie ' m L, resentative.. of the best-' type, of I doubt; that7a-reai - rint paper, writhe breed.- ; J IshcrtaexU ,rf-;,,.f -;7tiit.'.7t 4ieai Aid: Ccicy'oi Br-- -7 EL I church. , Ato y cx' , oeiien projrara nzaf tjqca errirj -. ;ah.:4eaanftvf BTen!n ii'."la;: JiordJforalVjW 7 0ream catre and other refresh ; 7 mints' rrfll be-1 served and.; tha .-. ; 'IUclf-wJjJ; intitiR r WcLfAa;lvcrni'o'fferlfii quested ; . The : proceed a ara- tst j. i good cause. jrocerjhbiU ocanyotheip. iccpaot ' though he attend - church. re2i ,s htrly and aingslwith the lunrs cf " ti: arxliangelcaiut haye'iSQrff rfigton- ;thaa arrvittfidelr ?:!Tnrk; " Persons whb expectj to pas en tirely ; through life by ; beating merchants outof "their doe jwiU : ihttffletff this mortal coiLilori J tut; ijlie4 Vasis of ; iglit ''Uitez'' H ickoxy Record. st? . 7 ; -The ;d4fadatthe; individual; wpiunllynwiUf&yafld negligently tniVi atfd . refuse to . pay-h i!'deib(tsl is stmplj a , thief -His offence ia tW defined tit the -' statute books.: hut - moral Is: r il . . 7 usf that; The ' Landmark 0iore respect . for Jhe ;taief 7 who ' , f ilf era when your back is turned -than for th? braten scoundrel who- : (takes youtgood teforeyour f acey 7 mrogn oepiu5aa;wrajiak.o jlwv--, uanamaxK. Mt Pljtf Tl US IfclttlJ. Washington Feb. 10. The federal trade commission today took its first step : toward aolrlng the print paper problem since it started its probe of soaring prices of this commodity nearljr a year ago. 7.. 7 :: .,:y,. i ;v - It announced grand jurjactioa will begin in the southern. New York state district ; - immediately. '. Francis J.' Heney,' noted Paci- M.T ' ax 7 A 9 c cow .prouwr, ,wm oe in charge of investigations; lookloff lowara indictments o aiieginff antl ixwi actlvUic by a print VPT J1-; - "Heney wdi be aided by Balo- bnage uoioy ana Mark .uym aft, prominent-Ne,w York attorneys He three special apbl&iaienU -were , announcea - toaay , At tae . same time; it becacie known : that Heney has been working on the lease " secretly for more than a 7''7i-:'- 7'$7v'V ''7-, r-i'l-' ?-7 X-" '- . .7 I V v. 1 . 7'

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