1: ,1 - X J f tatsrtlca tA RAdetfiM ftt China is re. . A China ttrove, N.O, June ilf Cssjy In Raising and Advertising . Sesss. :;. ,' j ; There has been this year a great scarcity of improved farm BeedB and this present attotherlopportunity for co operative work, cooperation in breeding and 'advertising improved seeds, The adver tising, of bourse, is essential to profitable sale. , . Even if all the farmers in the community will not a- . gree tOsgrow the same vari ety of corn or cotton, it is always possible to get a num.; berof leadinsr farmers o do 60. And then this group of farmers who trust one anoth ;w may join together in ad vertising the variety that grow. Anywhere from two to ten brothers, cousius, or neighbors may do the same m thing The advertising may be done in the name ot . an individual or in the name of a company. There is a splendid opportunity here for building up a profitae trade iu seeds, provided care is excereised in selection, shipping and advertising. The Progressive Far men German Reserve Down to 315,000 WiCh the French Armies in the field, June 6 Germany has only 21 divisidns of troops on the western front, rpprex- imately 315.000 men which she haB not yet iiuhg into the fighting line. The 107 divisions (1,605,000 men) with which- the' British and French offensive have been engaged in recent weeks have losses averaging bet wees two ud three thousand per division or from 214 000 to 821,000 men. These ggures are those of French heaqquarters. They give not only a clear idea of the tremendous efforts which Germany is making to stop the French anb British ad vance, but. olso the terrible toll which the Allies have taken in the fighting. The Freuch estimates are that Germany has a total of 156 divisions of all kinds of troops now on she western front. (This would be about 2,540,000 men.) Of these -156 only 128 are divisions of real fighting men, the others be being auxiliary corps One hundreb and seven identified as opposed to the French and British forces at shme time during the offensives. Ever since Eield Marshall von Hi ndenburg's visit to the Aishe and Champagne fronts early in May the Germans have given indications of no other plan of camgain than to resist and counter-attack de?perly while feverishly con struct ug at the w a suc cessive series of-retreat lines similar to the boasted "Hin cenburg line." .IVkotpbuE ; Cough. ' In this disease it is important that the cough bekept loose and expectoration easv, which ,can be done .by , giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Mrs. P H :Mariin .Peru, Ind. writes, 'My two daughters had the whoopiug cough . I gave them Chamberlain's Cough Rem e&f and it "worked liked a ijhaimi iffiKoffist 1 argei: hfencle very pigllijnl be saved irpbssible'OIidleraVrtlie great scpurage op thehog indus try, should notT be' allowed to ,de 'atroy'thetefffc for we h ave a means of protecting, it through the use of the anti cholr; era serum. .Everr herd where cholera breaks out and every herd within a mile bib "e vef v casev of cholera should be ttekted. -Ever v other effort shoftld also;' be made to keep cholera out of pxx herds. Another important duty of the f hog owner is to grow this sum mer all the feeds necessary, to fat ten the hoffs this fall. These feeds should be largely catch crops suce as peanuts velvet beans soy beans and cowpeas birvest by the hogs. Enough of these can be grown, in the corn fields to fatten every hog in the Souih without lessening the yields of f;oru. Other such foods and feed supplies should also be grown after the small crops -of bats and wheat are harvested This should be done for two reas ons: First, they are the" best and cheapest feeds for hogs, and second, their 'growth 1 will save thousands of bushels of corn and relerse if for much needed hum an food. The Progressive Farm er. Croup, Whoopin?-CoD?h Relieved. Children s diseases demand pre paredness. When the child wakes you at night, gasping arid stang ling for hreath, how thankful you are to have Dr Bell's Pine Tar Honey at hond. This effective remedy -loosens the mucous and permits free and natural breath ing. Its soothing balsams heal the irritated membrane and ar rests further inflammation. Pleasant to take. Keep Dr Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey in the house for all colds and bronchial troubles. At your druggist, 25c. Food Value of Soybeans end-Soybean Prod- ncts. Soybeans as an article ot diet, is becoming more valuable year by year the world over. Mr. C B Williams .of the Division of Agronomy states thai he has re cently found that products of the beans are an important article 01 b rench Indo-Chinese and the Colonies, in Cochin -Chin a, China and Japan. The beans contain from seventeen to twenty one per Cent of oil or fat and thirtysix to forty per cent of protein.. Ordi nary field peas contain about 1 7- lO.peft: cent fat' and twenly fiive to twenty six per cent protein, while lima beans contain one half per cent fat and about eighteen per cent protein and four to five per cent of fat. In order to appreciate the valuie of soy bean meal and flour po tentially as a food product, acorn, parison with wheat might be made. Wheat flour contains bout eleven per cent protein and about one per cent of fat. The nutritive value of soybean flour nas lead to its being used to some considerable extent in the military rations of the French Army. There is, no question but what soybeans and soybean products because of their high content of food nutrients, merit a more wide .use in the diets of Ameri can people than is at present be ing made f them. Cbolpra Mote. V J his is a very paioful - and dangerous disease. In almost every neighborhood some one has died from .it . before medicine could be obtained or a physician summoned. The right way is to have a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic .Diarrhoea Remedy in the house so as to be prepared for it. Mrs Charles Enyeart, IJunington, lnd. writes; dur ing the summer of 1911 - two of. my chlidren were taken sick with cholera morbus I used Cham berlain's" .Colic and ; Remecly and it gave them imirned- tsnffetisi- 'its- M$-S)?F?7. Be Sure You T'akei Rlirlit rt&A Natujref3eyh ; Mi TatoiAlcofegll Miesiilnlpi r.ciimb- iMpiffSG monngs with a Thearty 4 appetU taWeurlittlpldM smoothed out bjf Apid Iron .M in- eralr seem to shojit; theilipt-- ness at the eturnNqfhe; rotd''yl-. Ulitafld reserveener H is common sense too, ienjrbu Te: call the sqjid, substantial "meals eaten a few. years" ago . and ."com narp. thfm daw aff-i Ar what e ,noW;eatliis nowonder a fellow begins to get pale around the gills; and sort of loses inter est m things,:;; , ;yf'. v-. . 'A cold drink of cokis'' or dope will now and then put you Abac& for an hour or sTo, but to take'good old medical iron in big guantities gives you the "stay-there' feel ing. In Acid Iron iMineral, you get the most Iron per doll art In tact a dollar bottle lasts -from tow to ten times as long as other and weaker iron remeaies wnicn , 01 ten as - ii . t -1 -. ' not contain ( alcohol hich everyone knows has only a tem porarV effect and always a dan gerous reaction when taken in ex cessive quantities. , Give Your Blood a Real Cleaning. Start taking a teaspoonful o Acid Mfneral (natural iron) after each meal for a week or ten days uet out in tne air ana draw in a few great big mouthfuts pf ozone set tne alarm tor early ana see how sound the sleep gets,- and how refreshed and full of vim you feel on getting up. Every body needs iron. Here it is iNoo-aiconoiic, non injurious helpfull arid -beneficial to blood kidneys, stomach and bladder, it is death to germs, uricacid, and other blood poisons. Begin by phoning or calling' at the neares druggist this very day. A large bottle of Acid Iron Mineral wil be sent anywhere prepaid upon receipt of one dollar. Ferrodine Chemical Corp. Roanoke, Ya. Ghas h Vurphy, son of Mrs John A Murphy of Salisbury, has passed an examination before the State board of examiners and was given a license to practice pharmacy. Mr Murphy stood well in his class and Won the Beard prize. Mr Murphy has accepted a position with the Nortn Wilkesboro Drug Co. ' fhe National Council of the Junior Order United American Mechanics will meet iu-Asbeville next Tuesdays C B Webb of Wi nona Council, Salisbury, is Na tional Councilor. The registration list from Ro wan has been completed and con tain 3503 names, three lists of which, alphabetically arranged, were made, ono to be posted in the clerk's office, 1 to be put on file in the clerk's office of K6wan County and one for use by the press. The Record recognizes the justice to these young', men in publishing this list, but regret that its space wiil not permit it to do so. : Being on file in the Clerk's office however will guaran tee to future generations their, identity. ' . List: Your Poll and V Property for ; Taxation. Ail poPs and property must be listed for taxation- during! tne montn or May, 1917. A ny person, firm or cqrpa. ration not listing within th prescribed time will be sub ject to the fines and penalties provided by law. V ' By order Board of Com miseioners. ?v E. B. NEAVE, bounty Auditor. svs'at. :y . .-:.:t,,,: gm - i- ,1: -V' it would send japprtsers in tbhls. district as soon as possible' to : pass upotf requests foriloans un- . Uo vi- Mcreitslaw Dough totfrvtotd ' members 1 of the ooaru;- inns manyof -. nis .peopie .ar? wiiraitin jto. take, ,ad van ta ge of this0yermen tOppbrturiiiy him to Iredell county where- peo-r pie have; niade preli minary ; pi ans: The dday itwai plaitied vhas beejo. jpaused. largely by the war. A lot of people are, expecting to gt money under this-act" in my section,?! Mr Dojigntdn said. M M any applications k ave already, been made-" .-v : yy '. .'v ' There is bo religion iu snlf denial, hut it coraea a qlose second. .; ; . i." " 'v-,. '-r Ride an unbridled horse rather than he led by an- uu raly tongue. ; ," There is more education in example than all the theories of the world.. - . i A. man's religion is what he learns at his mother's knee. . Our ideals of life represent our own true inner selves. Life is a dream in this world that is' continued in the next lrutn toiiay is tne same old truth of yesterday, onl y older. The true shield in life's battles is to be armed with thfl Ricrht T - - D - -, Senator Overman Visits War Department- in Interest cl North Carolina. Washington D C, June 13; senator Overman on a visit to the war department to day in re gard to the establishment of can tonments and national guard sites in North - Carolina, ascertained that three cantonments will be established in General Wood's division and there will be' nine national guard camps establish ed in the eastern states. The senator hopes that either one of the cantonments or one of the national guard camps will be establisheh -in North Carolina. Biach of these camps will have about 20,000 men. The only difference between- the cantonments ani national guard camps is that frame build ings will be erected for the can tonments and canvas 4ents will be erected for the national guard camps' he said, 4,There is practically no difference so far as the benefits flowing there from to the states and commun ity in which they are established and are concerned.' A lengthy tongue root of all evil. is the COMING TO SALISBURY ASSOCIATED SPE CIALISTS Will be at Empire Hotel for One Day Only, Wednesday, June 21, 1917, Fiom 9 A. II, to 4 P. H. Offer Their Services Free of Charge. The AssoQiated: Doctors Of rices and Laboratories, PbTladel phiaj Pa. licensed by the State of North CartoU naf are experts in the treatment of " diseases of blood, liver, lungs, stomach, in testines, - skin,' nerves, heart, spleen, kidney, or bladder, bed wetting, rheumatism, sciatica, tapeworm, leg ulcers, append, citis, gall , stones, - goitre, etc., without operation, and they offer their services free to sufferers on this their first visit. . " No matter what your trouble may be, call and see these spe. cialists and have a friendly talk with them: Hundreds of people have found health and iiappiness in using' their treatments, so- jnight you.. , You are taking no. chances. Their opinipn.ahd ser vices are free. . . REMEMBER7 TH DATE AND PLACE iJi?5.M' poiitings. You - can fearlessly: face the sun, wind and dust, because; you know r. Magnolia JBalm; keeps You saie ixom ounpux a auu, i mi. ; 'This fragrant' lo tion lswondetrully soothitxg, spooling and a great cbm foriv after a day jClIoTUBaWU; tVi a Ir i n vine" i " beauty secret which.is regularly used when once tried. - a UQUID FACE POWDER. v , ,75c at 'Dragght or by mail dlrtcL . Smjtln (either color) for 2c SUmpi - LyonMfff.Go 40 SouA rlW St.. Brooklyn. N.Y- er UnijfBrsity of liorth Gaiollna CHAPEL HILL, N. C JUNE 12th TO JULY 27th. Writ for complete Announcement Able Faculty ; Com pfete Curriculum Moderate Rates Credit Courses De'ghtfui Environment Excursion' Rate Tickets The Summer Law School June i4--August 24 Regular Session Opens Sept, 13. Students who expect to enter for the first time should complete their arrangements as early a? possible. - Mafifnou Balm Su School You Cannot Afford to T.lake mistakes in thes'o () Latter Days of High-Prices, - By not bringing your Com her ; . .where we have a '1 : . O'v Nouse Full of Hew (Qoocla. you are making a great mistake. - The largest and best selected stock of oxfords ever -shewn in this section, in all leathers and styles. Prices-' in ladies' $1 35 to $4 00, misses' and children's 60c io$3 See our La France kid prfmps and.be convingeu. Lidies' dresses $1 25 to $ 49c to $2 oo. , ; ; . The new white goods are pretty beyond description. ' The latest 'agony," the new M jddy Gotits. 5 o i4;2 fn inches wide, only 75c per yard. i . Come in and look at our bargains. before buying else-' where. Oiir profit sharing i lau makes prices' lower, you' get them in additiou to the low prices, lliyht place. - Corriher-Carpentiii' Co, The Big Profit-sharing Store, ' B. S. SHUFORD, Manager, - China Grqve, - - North Carolina Ail Ambition and, a Record: v i J i, fHE needs of the South are identical with the needrj 1 ... -5 '.' .' f J of the Southern Railwayi the growth and 'fxoem of one ww i -If.' '.s,'' '-'r' I i the upbuilding of the other. A . - , f I X. -.. .' ''.-'' 4 jt J The Sootheni lUUwmy la no farori , no tpedal prfrtkyc not ' : fcA. ; :. ; -;-.. if I . accorded to other. - .f : --':i,- ' . I j The ambUon of the Sootheni Railwmr Company I to ee. tkat 55. i - ? ' l wltf of Interet that 1 born of co-operation bet went the pmhiic and I V' ' i' ' 'I therallroad; to tee perfected that fair and frank .policy in the manage- ' '.-''. . ' I ment of railroad which inritet the CDnfidence of rornnmentai . , ; , " (' . .afendett to realize thatliberaJity of tresjtmeDt which will cmabte k J '-.f -i T? . ' -':' O" S to obtalij the additiooal capital needed for the acqnllidoa of better and .-,r'V - v W enlarfe4 facUitie inddeat to th deaaad for increued and better. J 1 ' ;A - 'X'-iX ' . I, iemce and. finallT ?. y .v.-'?.; ; :.'5-' J ' i? Z Jf- - To- take It Bkhe In the body politic of the Sotith alonriide of ky .. . .V-vv r ,; .jV'O r- : other cTeat indiutries. with do nore. bat with, equal liberties, equal -; i . - ."' . -f rigna and cqnal opyoniinirifa. t ' v ' -vJ -' -lt'-'" : , : " : Will curerRheafisrn.; tfa;.Headadie'GrardDi'G61ifi' SprainSjBnuset, Cuts, Burns. Old iSpres. tltteriRing-WonnES-zema,' etc. Antiseptib AnodysL ed Ihternaiy errtehialry. 25b I - f. -J All (iiNttHandMll hi t Hf SiT NS iz . inRmwiioo with ch ijt iiiiie- TjiVndWaif ti for !! .mkitot KY. IU,KKAIX,. N,V, ,.,M.,..,t,p,y -. . -i . ; - . . c - Ffif &I5. Cow4j Peas ;2.50 pei i'. bustiel, Pure sugar ImuseMiyi lasses at 37c pe c gal fou in bar rels, Porto Rieo Molasses H24c, Georgia Cane Syr u p 47c W. H Davis, Columbia, S C. f: Dr. BUlTaylo . DEriTlST. . China Grove: Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday , " . Landis : Thu rsday , Friday and Saturday. ' rr v .Examination Free. ' .This Urn preicrfptioa prepared etpektStf for MALARIA of CTH ILLS & FEVER Five or ix xloea will break any .csiei fc&a If taken then ai a tonic the Fercr.wili not -retonu- It- acts' on the liver better tha ' Calomel and doea not Crice or sicken, 25 Jno, R. ?n, UDt. 11.. Optometrist, f i CHINA G 110 VE, N. C W Fourteen Years practice in Re fraction and. Fitting of Glafsas Headachest : nervousness, flaurc' Igfa, Oizziness, Npu sea and many other , Nep vous Disorders dub to Eyo sixain Positively Relioved Clodol Dyspepsia Cura; OlgostS what vow ats? Cash ana! produce and patents at' $3. 5o and4,'? :: ' ' 'X 10 do, .children's arid mUsesUY 3 Carpenter Go - - ' y I,-;:. yrr: K p. - .; - ,--.,' - . t ." '. v . ;" -j - f " ' . . i :; - " -W, -j "' - '-' 1 . ." ' ' Xj "Si y -1 A :' .J mm vf .':X' .i if. mi t-

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