-4 -'X'' 4 fit' ! . - j r -w ZvUiWw fcw I Vi-: . . -, , T Ml. I ' - x 3 4 f 1. f- r-. - ' 3 i ' it 4 a v LOQAL JJa,Ws dtoiiug'i deiP w.n or w ; ' sf1 ntereHto, Lndwickv, , r :;. Miller Spritiard; OhWa coiiMif;ot f rrot.MitiHr. r;,- b tprli-VH6gra' tie 'gbl who li.i9tiiU; forBevfral visiting relative - . wwkg wiurira)tacH i)f cb- Miss 'Elien Shoe' of ITo6re3 JIW?i!hpig-- ... , ville. visited MrsW L Lad A1rs Johu'L' Kudg-rs, who- wick during th ,pat week, recently niWdfruni. Uie j a Feeperman was busy HAitAfofflaliebarHU yesterday laying hy corn for duff rndi at tack , of acute Mra Lutkrr Ritchie. i ltd igliuu the: other da v , w . Vi -...n r ; , ' Mr and Mrs H 0 Miller of A ' VVintou-:;alem are visiting Mt$;i EfUiieman is en hereand'are thinking of re joy i ng uw tomato' from her turninghere to make their gaidtsiiv ; ; J , home They bav bean Alra M;J. Graham attwiidd living. iu WiuFton-Salera for chnrch at rfi; , iiil is last Sun abouta year, day. ' ; " ' jonii Bostian is quite ill Mre CL traeber and 1i at bis father's, D White Boar CHheriiit. tiraebr tf Yaz o, tian, itVMIiiiMi ,t io avt Mr J A Thorn is in Creed been visiting Mr and Mrs G more. being called there on M Mi?hi Ueimer;:ard now t awonn of thn iPness of her gti8tsQf ii eon, W B Lasley, who has Grove been quite ill with appendi Mw A W Winecoff ynler- citis. tie is some better tal4adyaiqrdayV eveuiug ' ih n 'w, hoixit of thre old school c b tiWr and family of laatea: :Mts: J A Hrlld 'eman riotte, have returned ot saiisbay, vrs if AMop flaugbteessie Gray BoggM pt pmaiiHare the gues;s of Mrs R W Gray. . r. Mips Dorothy Boston wh is been in school at Eliza ha betU Goligt tialem,. Va. , has Juit retarnea nome alter at- tending the YW OA center ence at Bjue Ridge, N C. The children and grand- chlldfenlof the late Mrs Fribk. Patterson are spend- ing several days at the old homestead. Saturday morning a young man from Kauuapolis was found guilty ih the c uuty court of carrying ? couceale'i weapons. ; He was fiued $50 and costs, amonuting to $69.75: ;He was also charged with soliciting order . for wawKey. out waB ? oi V . i of Mooresville, aa ;r? Jate hey re occupying teir for r: gKOTi line and ginery: They have remolded the theological seminary, at Co costs amounted to 71.50. A the gin house, put in a" new lumbia, 8 0,v All those inter- Drettv s-vere dose! ; 1 1 mu lHV II' lklUJCa Ul -TTUJ n&hTii&t 4ntiHiiv hiblit:- ""r "fTi ' ' Mrs aohb Smith, - Mary Cotton and Ernest Smith of v Albemarle , .were . - ... r. geUSl8 0I jlll88 XVUtU JJlOWUI . . , 7 v ; inf WW Hvtir all The YuUUff DfeopIeV Misg Bion Studviilasaof Lutheran x V'S P a ; Geo tl Jooper, wno, nas ; June snows to be hot, and cool, cnapel met f , ey O A. . t bin gchool at ota with storm hails as above stat Browns last Wednesday eve- 9fn : tt . ed, dangerous if wind is as stat-: ldng A"g0cdly Lumber, were -uaH lcluluc xvt present.!?- . r Hm A H A,'irl7 anri lPlfW I , ; - Holshbnser of Salisbury! ar ing relative Dfita "' luif uer rei uirqw, reiuquei'i uf prodoctt.' -V J -v' prof J E UdfMb aiid fam I -It ar iu: "Ausoiiville, ; 0t jjere to hi ike their .home Hie. citizens of China GroveJ ire gJad to hav these, good pople return here; RJrand Mrs J E Corral 1 Miss Lizzie Oomdl and lVfrs C' IX Bostian were Salisbury viauors w euuesuay. .Mrs 0 D Bostian and Mrs Correll spent Sunday witb their parents, Mr and I Mrs Ruf us Cline. Mason Wilhelm assistant to Agent J A Thorn has been qiite ill for -several dayp. He is some better at present J E (Jlin is asisf ng at the (lepot during Mr Wilhelm's .,, ,MHH x , vf 1 he rattersou Manuiactur .Dg Co. , has! ordered and are expecting m0st any day now ... Dgw moderu giu for their concrete floor and are tetter nrpoired than ever before to ! r7 -- ' . Mr Thna S Wiifcift' save a .tfiL'C i f f s m shower - Misf Lottie Hams yesterday .ajernopn. Quite a hnmber of Miss Har- iMia'fli friftnds we-e-Dresent and vfe,. Aaxr . fnA Q7ih :"v!Wroaif:'i27-.tp July 4, frequent fe, - , ,:faho were .round and : .cooler. alongd - . - waru urn u uW.y Fara Lean t;re!sm My.vc: j f j C ;C Deal, chairrpan ; of i th appraisers for tbe ; "Salistur Farm, - Loan- Asaociation w includes t At welV -Locke, :sebftii urpve : anar JuiutKer to wnsnip says the appraisers . are ready and -will . pe, out' during the ; next tew cays amonginose wow wish to obtain loans: Any wish ing- to make applicatipntfor?A loan, should see v r Deal or i the other appraisers, J P Cress and J Sour Stomach. r ; Thisis a mild Jonn ot indiges-i tion. At is usually;5 brought "on by eating-to," rapidly "pr to much or a food not suited to your di4 gestive organs. x If you will eat slowly, ' masticate ,your v food thoroughly, eat but little, meat and none at all for suppelr, you will more than likely avoid sour stomach .without taking any medicine whatever. When you have sour stomach .take one of Chamberlain's Tablets to aid, dir gestion. " 5 Ao Idea of tb Travel Tkrench Gtha Gruve. On June 16th by actual count the following vehicles" passed a . long north v ain Street here. .86 cars went north from twelve to seven o'clock and 90 went south, 12 bicycles, seyen motorcyclesv 13 buggies and one horse-back rider. This indicates that travel is con siderable on this road and proba bly will be much greater when the road between here and Salisbury is completed. .. . .. E j nis is a very painrni f ana dangerous disease. In - almost every neighborhood some one has died from it before .medicine could be obtained or a physician summoned. The right way is to have a bottle ot Chamber Iain's Colic Diarrhoea Remedy in the house so as to be prepared for it. Mrs Charles Enyeart, Hun ing ton, Irid., writes; Dur ing the summer of 1911 two of my chlidren were taken sick with cholera morbus . I used Cham berlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy and it gave them immed iate relief of N. C. Synod Res. .There will be a conference of the pastors and laymen of the North Carolina Lutheran Synod in st; John's church, Salisbury, Tuesday, June 26th, when Dr. J C Seegers, of Colombia, S. C., will discuss matters relating to estea are. arged to be present. 1 tff m . From 5 to 12, wind, ram stormy threatening to hail locally round. , Prom 12to 19, faircl Jff 80 cool loCal rains pending around. From 19 to 27, rain, wind storms uu ur u:. wuu ucoj uana tu aumc sctuons. if wind be ed as above. Look for it, J' - r: ubnrv.Kbxd, . s Koute No 3, Salisbury, rC. 1 MIU i imum. :. -:. " i a;vVyiriecol!a asle wete happily 'JiiiUcd ttritnori Eet G:A9rQnK or.ofthe i brjdev perfoTm, : h oxeremoby ?b e Titid e IS 3 beatitif ol fdabRUlerf iplendld- young pisople'abd lieirjjtanjr- friend; wjdh thein ;f I Htf ttiarriaffft of ' Mis v3udlST"d-tbS ' grpOVis .iron;;, Jhebracey tkMWr and popular t pabot-i ralaslth r-"few .tiel4a Marie Chamtiers, truely something out of the usu dp-fiter of to and;MrB.ai.. If v women "generatty V could Ghimbers, abd; Harry Clea do QUeman; : son of 5 Lucy tox ; pia& Jane . 8rdval; the hioi the officiating magfa trf CtebH'vPien. m the i. w ojfar; epieuuiu y ouug pepftandhava hbstscof friendswho" extend t- iothenx vouaut-iwtu iiu: acai uiiac uia i atljijbla'lnced cur tmiial aa infcnul otne Dest pnysicians in tnis iiarrneaicine ?;-5f United States .t-Gta:Brttfitf haiV-?; : Vrdndt,wa-prescribed by one" pch wa,seryeaT . MIssMar-' country foryaars. It is composed Besides the club mems preV theixiobaltriiaoWoi bEsome of the best tonics known, ent the invited guests were .Mes-ltriUA.; i.-it. ' combinedwith someof the best blood purifiers. The perfect com- bination of the ingredients in HaU's Cafarrh Medicine is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal conditions. Send for testimonials, iree. i testimonials, free. P J Chenny & Co., Props., Tole- do, O. All Druggists, 75c Hall's family Pills for consti- paiion. Qotorcycla Collides Witb Tcaa. Crip Felker while drivingr a motorcycle Wednesday afternoon irates and soothes without rub- haa baeaigned 1 By,. Ciang C&ao ran into a team belonging ' to bing and is far cleaner and more finng, as acting premier, Chas A Bostian; but fortunately ne mttI PIaers or ing accepted: the posVmch ' did no harm. The team was Keep a bottle in the fiousc and tWniteg .54;'. V . standing and as the machine ap- gret prompt relief, hot, only from basaador. to the United ' StateSf. proached the horse made a leap and avoided the blow. Mr Felk- er came eto a rather brupttop, and with the mactiine fell to the ground and also escaped without injury. Stilka Ratbsr Toaa Work Witt i Negrd. Snectadyi New Yorki e 18. Two thousand ma- chmists at the plant of the General Klectic Company BtirAiCb - wa 1 as - a yiuioot . a i gamsr me employment, or a negro Lst week Robet Dixon ia nesrro student at the Union 1 finllfiffft was civen Vacation wdrk in the machine shopp tion that this - was : an stept toward placing negro fyoMn the shops but this denied by ;the company cials;, On Saturday the5 lira. AJ- TTtnt t a lf J bic'alj&bM rows, t e us uali levvoeai' iaud 8trpngiayin5beea riaderpml a anger w aj.ttemptttriTej within an inch oZ so? ofgtveir line, butato make ateal rvfce able:wheelbarrow, 'j closely tedjoints'and really subsantial is make such, a, wheelbarrow a Mn Kluttz produced; We i? would -be- M;P mate ch an exhibi t )f Htya est; for graxi Y'r t pt fy-Ttf r-fTtM - i 1 v ' ------ - v , Tliursday, af terwn Mrs i R "U4U1- ' I m.' coff, Will Bostain, G VV Kimball, 0& Voss, F E Corriher, W H f, Misses . Lottle Harris, Ruth Brown, Rhea Ritchie Dor othy Bostian, and Velma Bdstiatu j wKuuwirauuwuwweKrYw; The club will meet next with flS U2t ftf Ei:r::C3. ' I nev;;Uelbarrciw B- ' tb;u02x- Thenaina jroea so oaictrlvftitLo you apply Sioaa't liniment - form rhcumatic-paias, neuralgias tooth r . ? t . J . : I ' ache, lumbago, sprains, and its sol easy to use. at. quickly all nerve pains but from bruises, I strains, sprains," overxescise and I St Hart's torch. s I iiuik uu me ucw wuuibn uuiiu'ii in f?r X01111?1113 KSK rbof wi4Vare:eamiilete the roof finished imd preparations are being made to do the plaster; mgon tne inrexior vrooa weain 4ay possible r .V- ; - i CfUJ, KlimJ. . la you at night, gasping andstang- " Mas aoDe? ,nana. ;.ins.tuecttTe bt, j,rn5)d. and it ianot.deyf ,-.Vr ' . hSiTheXanerU; i T va Wmicaaa -. . . ' .-. - - -.-;' Prof H J Peeler andfmilyof Werti asa qalldren, and Mltt ftssf0na Peeler went at to T ceeisF a , y weraay cjornmj' i y SjC joli picnic oajthi; 3f Craaa creeks Ther;aU - - tiad a vary delightfnt 4ay v Ia:tbia disease it- is imrtaaV , iiit&0&ixg&x iifci & loosed and expectoration'; easy WnichJ; cuar :J bex(doaeW;r-::? jffiHngr Ohamberl aiu V: Cough '?Jlieciedy; 5 P;2 Mania wrteijiiy two, 4aufera-ha . j$e;whoopin;cangh JJ ve - ; audixt worked Juted a char m. '-1 tnut thrtrwvii, W fv To defence of oonn tries, the enV fomest of ; respe fbr- inter- naonal ,Taeea4" Iwd IthV v ibraifo: 'breaaei - fc - aUei tyiann T, j'" ijCVe to in-the nofe,r Tfie bote fzc TtUir -:u jti ; prote ct thai p"rl dowot by President Wflsoa Sh i" historic niessage.to Congress - gj -TrnSj ' ! - - v V - presiuenwai -manaaie cis,i resigned.' ; - It is . believed that tlie dissolution 'J. of -Parlianient hive telegraphed td" President v i Yuarrr Hung that :?iheyV :no ujpge - .xacognize'Uis auuxoruyf dDl?: ;i.T;csGjy WM'W. ' .Sii.ir.. -u. . ; - .v:r.Vv.: ii4ivHr5 in, tne negro section - ol .una tfvui i A 1 i . v w- 'i . 1 1

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