Si-'', 'it' -"f ;-.4 Vj vy ;Vr,;f,r -3' (;-iT- SkJ - V.-.-'W" ' -i 1-' -T 3 at-- s ooon Club last week at" the A CLvOF- OUtl, READERS. 4 r - v Si y f ' X 7. - J-. , - j H , - :v et I iy. vi th ' mr mother, v V iauWfAIaster '-Dbua'd Btflfs of :: ? WilmUW, .vldted relatives of-exirom ;iVt&:rfltib;H of v;-..- - , id a creation jf '.4jtirf visiUf todays Jvrjfe jnSalijBury yesterday day. tKayoVH'-Rlwr.-ud wife C ;Yv wife,? r Tliere t were many 'guests, Vv-vflJ. ddlenviut "and - wife io -meet -tn.motner or tne 'Cr aldauglrraT S'ilt bosteMrfl .Carpenter,-. , : C Vfi; werrt iii SaiilVni-v vnalirV hostess served- dointy i C pii buaine8s. ' :. J.bQrywitpyesterd: ' T rA",VaO'Pl!-fcaBttft5fJ?BffP!"cllfS eeatteactter. ' ' : : VU;Misa :;Matie; - Heilig . .l8jsoux pwnr anexpenence 01 a . - .--iwtf t 1 .' . .a. - ,iv liJ-Li '..V.f, .-4 - - - J . m l w -a a-1 a au a mr W j .-'U.. r lia VM I Z 1 I . ";;IMfoiaOorriftHrrfMiraW fftr' fal ;:VV tAriiCLT: f itiV ..orouffhly reliable preparation iraWis Vivand S &, E Philfp cbjl4reuwHe ' v Vl fTr r rJukA - QJe J r-U"W-Winileto tbwaiBVl 5S " . o7 icalled o, see them and theirlq"v aFter;iKeir -h earing rock, VO-CT cbUdrenandbe:tookh u if -.v AiarsnaJi upngut weot upww Salisbury 'f uesdap and left I ; with the soldier boyri tor 'F'.rt Jackson Wednesday. Robt Eagle and Col C C Bechler are iu Salisbury to day on busiuesa matters. Mi8 Zjna Peeler is spend ing the day uear Humaer with her parents. ; The etdrk left a fine young lady at fhe home cf J J Leutz y- terday roc ruing. Bernhardt & Eagle certain ly had a big day last Saiur xiay. Tbey t?old nearly 50 per 5entp their stock at to tail that day. This shows What a little advertising will do. 7 7 Uev C A Brown will preach at Land is Evangelical Lu- theran church Sunday ( yen IngrSeptember 23rd, at 7:30 ofclock. ' Mibss Nell Deal and Lillk an Kirk are spending the week end at J W7 Day vault's, near glass. v .', Mrs Brown and children of Tennessee', Gilreath D ?vis, Mrs Onrlee and daughter, Miss Laura, are spend iog the day at Mrs J B Cline's r - - ; .Key 0 A Brown was a Salisbury visitor last Thuis- day attendinng a meeling of the; execut ve coitimittee of the North Carolina Synod. Attention is called to. the advertisement of A T Bot to be found in thi p per, Mr Bost will start Big Cash Sale Tbdrsday and wants . ln .- .7: c . " . i i. vvMnany itwiiob to can atiti gei M, Vl Z Mi 0m. V aWa. a. A. 4 tf. . . 1 . A. Alt.'- ui guuusai Prof Chas E Miller was in 4:&isbury this morning. "wilE VbU5w aahimnr flowers ladtHS feWaKfow with Kood cheer. - . . .. ' 1 'Wi-e ladi-M eigojed several anipltarlr nramaa nf rnnir arm alt was merjjimeut 'Uiact.if more y,a sirarmiDg t 1 PttlK batiste J i)-.--'.' .vJ- I assiatedinjceiHnp bj MH' Corn Iter; and Mrs B UKtfWarde of Landis. eily ladies, who'were invited iefivshmenls"; during , Th-:1-h wr-nWrMh . n is generally admitted ibat w it. thMxpcrience. of. others 'as wellF1 Ma g - a 13(132 ifcttf 611 Ul OWu.o ; . u Amff he. 7ounff folks wh H o ift Iai f Hnritinr f no riser mcc Lr , r , .,,,. for school, are the following-: Prank Bostian, Erskine, S C. G Herman Cooper, Lutheran Seminary, Columbia, SO. Miss Mary Cooper, Mont A moena, Mt Pleasant, N C. dolph-Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, Va. People Speak Well of Chamberlain's Tablets. I have been selling Chamber Iain's Tablets for about two years and heard such good re ports from my customers that I concluded to give them a trial myself and can say" that I did not believe there is another prep aration of the kind equal to them," writes G A McBride, troubied with idiestion or consti- nation give them a trial. They will do you good America's Object. 'The object of this war is to deliver the free peoples of the world from the menace and the actual power of a vast milliury establishment controlled by an irresponsible government which, having secretly planned to domt- nate the world, proceeded to car- ry ttie plan out without regard either to the . sacred obligations of treaty or tiae long. established practices and long cherished principles of international action and honor : which chose its own time for the warj delivered "its blow fiercly and suddenly! stop ped at no barrier either of, law or of mercy, swept a whole conti nent within the tide of blood- not the blood of - soldiers oply, but the blood of innocent women and r.1ii1dren also and of the helo a I . , . poor: and now stands balked I ' but not defeated,, the enemy of President Wilson's Reply to the 1 Pope. J yon, ar - npa W I 1 I.Mir I..WIIJI Mil U'kJI rtflL.ll Ulf V L.W Jd'? at tlie School Audhprmm.'itt .tlie f rftewoouat four. iSd the WATCW'W lSWrZ vZlUi. '"-j ? .1 AfOtflial irtvitatlOtl IS extended ;'-.; Vr:,L7:71:"r: V? . 4 ; V. T i II ..111 f - V 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L . l I I. H . I r 1 1 f 1 ni. WKlt-.l j r7 . , "T" 1' vice. Saitftd'av af fernori&V; prorati ill beTallectrebyjbrrwiS CU1 pr subject - TnejjSoUl t ? a C hi 1 d". ' and 'music bV- h e :Nfnt f htau Qiirtette..- In the-iiSaia the Cadman ' Cohccftfl ffivea varied and mtercstmr a and evening-.6n Monda. p:...... . - .iiT - Lii'tfl' itfnrm nUvhv. -Herbprf ' plat 1 by the AtftionWrCtettcert'Co1. or from the students of the school price $1.50 for adults and 75c; . for school children. Single ad- missions afternoon, adults, 35c and -children 15c Evening! prices, adults 50c and children . 25c. iHaS W 0'miflfl Of ChambSflaiR'S TaWfitS. I have a high opinion of Chamberlain's Tablets for bilious ness and as a laxative, " wri s Mrs OA Barnes, Charleston, 111 My brother has also used there tablets with satisfactory results " Revival Service at the Methodist Church. - A series of evangelistic services will begin at the Methodist church Sunday morning, conduct ed by the pastor, Rev W S Hales, and will continue from day to day for a week or two Rev Hales is an interesting and logical speaker and able Bible stundent and all interested in Christian work will enjoy him The public is tuvited to attend the services. $100 Reward. $100 The readers of this paper wilj be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science-has been able to cure in in all its stages and that is ca tarrh. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional con diiions requires constitutional treatment Hall?s Catarrh Med icine is. taken internally and acts thru the Blood oh the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby destroying the foundation Of the disease, giving the patient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work The proprietors have so much faith in the cura tive power of Hall's Catarrh Medicine that they- offer" One Hundred Dollars' for any case that it fails to Cure. Send for rlist of testimonials. Address F J Chenny & 0 Toledo, Ohio: Sold by all Ui gist, 75c ' ,'. .. ".. Dr Culp will talk on-. j Thfe-Calt ' Vi?W'ra!um I,,r arm!B yfojseUIement went Lto ;.Sali n M?,?'?;, of D'eiictacv or wWare'we at Uttf-n' W:tW XOanlMi ! torjitaHeKAw the. Latl erin Hoffner. Gtiariey Earnhardt n4 : war -With feerininyfr'.' Tr'.-t tlan'dtsplay of. Agrfoiltural : UKf!ioheir Simon WUrJow;.,;;.. , sicai ..program.; Mifta yJUorenc je, t4tbe. American at WachiniTMil trl 1 1 xyfrrt .a . tnraM. I-.f w i V-r, .- i - . iir:7Z:?5iiit;M mon 5r, of. ground v i . iiii . i .u a i a aaa a a a a a v aaiti.a . . . - V. - i..t" T -"". - - -- - tttrfiif1nnIT-tfihitB nihnnnlv I t'lr .v4 h ft flILl J" WMPAM I ..H . ... Sr-ou" pr.trftig Our flret prlre-is ftffymb.Oars, and jd addition oallaet gji! ' -W - reUtnrsa worth full: . one amifdrS:and iifty dollars. c ntHthiB-pre'miara;'-.. thlB Department. We are featuring the Agricnltural end of oii? fair, as" you will see, and believe the people of the county will appreciate this fact- Attention is directed to special Sweepstakes prizes on I p" ul try, note i on pa ge 35 . .These are premiums eepecial ly for Rowan county exhibi- to-8 Our Household Departs " c juipi-ie in every rn ep-et and Uie premiums lib- We believe the induce- menta are sufficient tc, bring ou a great varity of house- hold product. Premiums offered on page a . . - I 41 , tor iJanning Ulub liirls. elionld. be encouraging to thv'se who have entered into this important industry, in Rowan county . We are ex- pecting difpliys from each of the nine Clubs iu our county, and this aloue will be , worm thH gate fen, if no other part of the fair is considered. Department G, Lidi Hindi work, promiFet3-to be an importrnt - feature of the fair. Our premiums in this department, ate attractive and sufficient o bring . out a display of fancy articles. The Department of E 'pea tjou promises to be fuller in very way, and such , a dis play as will be put on w ilk be ah education wUhin itself. lage 59 desciibes a special premium of fifty dollars for Vhe bcel djsplay of "AgncuK tnral prod nets , gard en vege tables, fruits and home . ir- ot .oos.ww .w,; y- , . - - tuey expect to spend a few days orowniejor goo( iuc. - r . 4iTHTem,Um tl5t8..Pfa, The party-intends to visit Ken.- lUrfehh smes . of :soire tWjbfir of other fairs in the Hersonville wbere-Mf 'Lehtzuw.s people.. jwbo.-wenrfroiu tntVai none of them equal a VolesaleVroccry rbttsiness ' dlmi ' s.. r . . .. w.: " . . 1 1; at ?7c ner gallon ' in bar.- three dnsM ."h was. . sthw., c - -4"-- - v- : t Vt , . p. i to Rico Molasses leuredr He has trrejt "iaitb - in -ug -i ' vVe h arranged for five (i(Mriria Cane. Syrnri 47c W. H; this remedy' '"wruear'W big free act, fully deFcribed Davis, Coluuibia, 8. C. H;WUliams,'Staniev; YJt 1 v . : - ': ' - - ' ' i - -j-r " :- y ;:;;-. . tb'is sictlbif ' .,irj- r 7 j .jn'lcs 3 southeast, 'ftltStlubtaK ; c - anCharch. leftearlv SaturdaV " v .f mohiini - for Asheville ".Wn - V . . rl I "y1" - ..:: ,f m r.-,-:, .. . . --alutflft at soiuethia about bis . relatives was -told by his7atberthat thi'lrockMru he ittlemeut waB aB his bldnome land L ,was born here in the old I IE E Philips residence, .-which 'is over ,a?r hundred; and thirty appoinimenvsome - time laTerrto preach at the Faith Reformed-j church bere. He visited the old j residence wherehis father was .born and raised for the first time; be says there are'eight children oi tnem.. - G D Robertson has picked out fifty pounds of cotton of this years, growth. Who ever can beat that for early cotton trot out your farmer. j - iu this catalogue, and wn - ' trA, trl wuh 1li Mfttrnnnli- tan Shows for our midway, which is clean throughout. We positively will uot tolers ate any gambMog on our grounds, or allow auy show which hhows a tendency to- wards immoralily. We liave arranged a pro I gram of exciting and ing races for Tuesday; ' 'ed nesday and Thursday Fa i week. Wh have rc - which the farmers can paiii cipate, mule races and horse rinnii'g races, automobile and motorcycle races: Ourlhc,ld thei regular, meeting ith last raod will be an exciting ' Hay Loading Contest and Race", wli'h iromsus to beJ a big frAMire of ti e fair. , Details for hahdliug the big crowd anticipated at " the fair, T( a lion of hooths, etc, ie now bMDg worked out. We piopo.jeIo have a system for handling and dispatching bimms-v establihh a bureau ofinfurinaMo't! for benefit of of "our exhibitors, and look after everything in general. Yoii't ei-y truly, T. D. Brown, : Secretary, PEOPLES AGRICULTUR AL FAIR A SSO I ATION S pel Sale. Cow Peas $2.50 aiotnin Rev- H. A , WelkcroCIci atltiir ' .. - -- m . ;s - -1 2n 1 , is eltina alooi a0p -i--, -i.w . t " - - - . r r ..w tS":: SJSlSZl ,nicinivr :witim : TheytUveC Mr and Mrs ;,R..C..Mller of . Rvk well - visited their daughter r 1 ais WstHnn ;' "at77 Granite' Qu iiiy . a nd go t Tart extra fine din' , nr; ; M rsrMiller-speii tthejbtgbt, S ,'jUemllir I;3th.'v at Irerjdaugh 7 Sniith .;T.n.7-T"'7fc:"':'"' Wii en thef wa gon coraefto bur ft( r Venus trave hira a nickel and a our kodak, bte: tbe-coldA Fial; - ' building' whtje it wasbeiog1 Ttonr. ;. - doW.n in Salisbury TEA. Brown ban gone to Baltt- smore for-treatmeht-and ia improv- lag nicely and Is expected, home soon. Kev and rs H A.Welkfcr . were accompanied home "from r 'Perm- sjlvanta by Rev,.VNTelkerVcousitir' Miss Mabel Goulding, - bhe spent a week .with them at home, - vnus took dinner today at Thomas Matthew Morgan' for Itae drst time. Mrs Morgan is a good cook and has a fine lot of fruit put '-.up7 in glass jars. We have seen more fruit put up all over the country -than we 'ever saw before: We see great quan- i ties wheie ever we go. The newpapers told, the people to put up fruit iu every issue, and the people did. all oyer -the 'country l tr J VValtnn has moved his-family to Granite Qu arry " so 7 as to be jne"l;h,J Tfk Fhe Ladies Missionary Society of ihe Reformed v church will Mrs W. S Bargpr Saturday, Au gust 29th, at o'clock. y Every member is, requested to .be, pre- sent. " -. .x- - ' Joseph Cham pin an, who is called, to go to the wax, has mov ed his househol d goods' In otie of P M Barger's houses to be taken' care o - ' ." -: " -; Since the Peeler brothers land has been divided there 'is going to be some valued lots and bouses and Jots sold in Faith soon.. iTbe sale will be at the court houie in Salisbury. ' Vkus.; J - 'VV j -'ft - Great Faith la Ct:zt:rtii'j XtHc i:j Ciir- vchamberlain's bblic and -s Diarrhoea Remedv-w.aai used.. bv " ' my father about a year ago When : ' he had diarrhoea,- It relieved :. ' v. v.. ' f --if" .;. -fY.f:

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