" 4 ii ' ' h. A v- the no7Aii iieooiid, onnTA ghoviixt. o. X - fl CHILD GETS SIGiC -CROSS, FEVERISH : IF CONSTIPATED LOOK AT TONGUE! THEM QIVB FRUIT LAXATIVE FOR 8TOM " ACH. LIVER. BOWELS. CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIQ3 CANT HARM CHILDREN AND . THEY LOVE IT. Mother! Tour chili Isn't naturally cross and peevish, See If tongue la coated: this la a sure aim the little atom sen. Urer and bowels need a cleansing at once. When listless, pale, feverish, full of cold, breath bad, throat sore, doesn't eat aieep of act naturally, has atom ach-eche, diarrhea, remember, a sea tie liter and bowel cleansing should always be the first treatment siren. Nothing equals "California Syrup of FTx for children's Ilia ; aire a tea spoonful, and In a few hours all the foul waste, sour bile and fermenting food which Is clogged In the bowels passe out of the system, and you haTe a well snd playful child again. All children lore this harmless, deli cious fruit laxatire." and It nerer falls to effect a good "Inside" cleans tor. Directions for babies, children of all ages snd grown-ups are plainly oo the bottle. Keep It handy In your home. A little Siren today sa res- a sick child tomor row, but get- the genuine. Ask your druggist for a bottle of "California Syrup of Figs." then see that' It is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." Adr. ! . Alt He Wanted. Two out-state monument dealers chanced to meet on the rear platform of a street car, and they were soon talking shop. After they had discuss ed designs and inscriptions for sereral blocks, one of the dealers happened to notice that a colored passenger was listening to the conrersatlon with ap parent Interest. Turning to the colored man, the deal er asked : . ."You seem to be Interested In tomb stones, what do you want on your grarer "Say. boss," replied the negro, "I don't want none of them stone mark ers. When I die I want -em to plant a watermelon, vine on my grare and then let the glorious juice soak through." Indianapolis News. THE RESULTS ARE ALWAYS GOOD Children and Gro-Ups- Are Benefited tyOlHRell- able Black-Draught BockymounL Va. Mrs. 8a Hie R Chitwood, wife of W. T. Chltwood of this place, writes a letter which should be of general Interest. It reads : "I am very glad to make a statement La regard to my experience with Thed forcTs Black-Draught I hare used Black-Draught for some time as a liver and stomach medicine and find It splendid. I also use Black-Draught for my children In cases of colds or any of the many disorders where a laxatlre Is needed. It has always given satis faction. I make It In a tea, and It Is easy to take and the results are good." Children and grown-up folks suffer plenty of pain and misery from llrer and stomach troubles. What Black Draught has done for Mrs. Chltwood and her family. In relieving these troubles. It will, no doubt, also do for you and yours. Try Black-Draught for colic, teeth ing troubles, sour stomach, indigestion, biliousness, headache, constipation, fe rerlshnesa, colds. It has" been In suc cessful and popular use, as a remedy for these and similar troubles, for over 70 years. Try Black-Draught. Recommended for young and old. For sale everywhere. Adv. The. Way of IL . "Could you get anything out of that handsome fool at cards r ."Yes; did the handsome thing." - Don't mind a little dust except to mind the example 'dust sets by quick" ly settling. To remain a faror. farodte never ask When Your Eyes Need Cere Try Murine Eye Remedy : Siaaanlaaj Jn Jfre Omfort eeeera at hi imUM nil Writ to rrse ? Book. UxJjjcn stxjc Htvitni oo. Chicago : 11 1 ... GODOT CZEIIIIH HAS RESIGNED AUSTRIAN PREMIER QIVE3 UP HIS OFFICE AT RtQUE8T OF GERMANY. THOUGHT POSITION BETTER Htwsver, He Had Involved Emparor i Charles In Most Unplsssant Poal- tJon Czechs In Revolt Coincident with the report of the acceptance of the resignation of Count Ciernin, the Austro-Hungarlaa premier, comes a report of a serious outbreak of the Czechs at Prague, which for many months has been re ported to -bo seething' with antl.paa-. Germanism. Bohemians, or at least Cxechs minority in that country. ooject to the creation of a German gorernment there, but the Incident may be more algnlflcant than has so far appeared. The Slarlc races of Bohemia hare long been standing out against the Oermanisatlon of their country and the outbreak at Prague may be only another indication of the deep-seated opposition to the war as pirations of the central powers. Washington. News of the resigna- Uon of Count Cxernln as Austro-Hun garlan foreign minister lead to much speculation among officials and diplo mats here as to the causes which brought about the rather dramatie aiiL ox ine Austrian oxriciai at a mo ment when, through . his decided chang of attitude toward war Issues, lnvolrlng his complete acceptance of the extreme German riews. It had been supposed that he had greatly strengthened his position. i nis cnange was manifested soon after the Brest-Litorsk peace confer ences, where Cxernln had become convinced that his moderate riews re garding the basis of peace were un acceptable to the "dominant annexa tion and forced Indemnity party Therefore officials here, are Inclined to believe that It was not because the count was obnoxious to Austria's great ally that he was forced out of office. but rather that the explanation was to be found in Internal Austro-Hun- garlan Issues. It Is recognised that 'Cxernln- in- olred Emperor Charles In a most nnnleaaant TIHn hw hi. f. ' - If tn tmmtmn Vmr, WUV sponslbillty for IniUating peace pro posals last year, thereby enabling the arencn government to aeuver a mas ter stroke In diplomacy by producing tne . famous letter of Charles to Prince Slxtus. But quite aside from the Slxtus letter, recent events in Austria-Hungary have Indicate that Count Cxernln's tenure might be short. Ia the first place there was the frightful suffering of the population and especially in Bohemia, from the state of semi-starvation for which they held the gorernment responsible be cause .it would not make peace at once. Then there was the bitter dis- over the relinquishment of the rich country of Cholm to the Ukraine as one of the conditions of the Brest- Lltorsk peace. Finally there was the concentrated hatred of the foreign minister by the anti-German elements ofthe Austrian confederation because of his relapse into extreme conserra- usm ana nis aaopuon or tne pan- German program In Its entirety, with all, of Its reactionary policy.. ' It Is understood Emperor Charles himself still has liberal leanings and is disposed to moderation so far as war is concerned. It is concelred that he might easily be inclined . to rid himself of an official so unpopular with a large part of the Austro-Hun- garlan population. It has been known, too, for a long time that the count has been a sick man and that he has often shown signs or abstraction and nas many times been near the point of absolute physical collapse ai the result of his strenuous efforts U maintain control of the widely discorJant element that make up the dual empire. AUSTRIAN RULER HURRIES DENIAL TO THE KAISER Basel, Switzerland, April 15. Em peror Charles of Austria has sent the following telegram to Emperor Wil' Ham of Germany, according to ad vices from Vienna: . "Clemenceau'a accusations against me are so low that I have no lnten-v tlon longer to discuss this affair with Trance. My cannon In the -west Is our last reply, "In faithful friendship, (Signed) "CHARLES." SCOUR THE 8EAS TO ' FIND MISSING VESSEL Washington. Unremitting search of trade routes will be carried On by American and, French naral and mer chant ressels until " every ' possible hope of finding some trace of the missing Cyclops has been exhausted. Although time passes without a re port strengthening in the slightest de gree the hope still felt by Mr. Daniels and several of his chief assistants, these officials refused to believe that the ship is lost xmw mm 15 HOURS A DAY Marvelous Story of Woman's y, Chanjjo front Weakness to Strength by Taldnj Drujnrufs Advice. IVmru. Ind. V I suffered from a dls placement with backache and dragging GOWQ PB1DI W badly that at tlmea II could not been my feet and It did not seem aa tnoogn I could stand it I retried different .medicines without any. benefit and several doctor told v ma nothing but an operation would do me any good. My drug gist told me of Lydla E. Pink ham'a Vegetable; Compound. I took It with, tho -result ' that I am now well andttrong..Vi-lget en In the morning at four o'clock, do my pocaewoTk;thangotoafactoryandwork aU day. come home and get supper and m nwf T don't know how many of m rriMvia l him zma woii jTUm . Pmkham'a Vegetable Compound hat Aabm for ma. "Mrs. ANNA UTXESIANO. 3 CTaat 10th St' Para. Ind. AVflmn arho suffer from any such aD Bents should not fan to try uus iamoua root and herb remedy, Lycua c nna ham'a Vegetable Compound. JURE PINK EARLCIA TOfUTO PLANTS CSlo. do yr wumXu a. tqoU. Rt. . uoon . o. I OVwiW. InMnnd OOOom Defined. "Her moistened eyes were fairly blazing at me with rage." "I see r an attack of liquid fire. Cutlcura Beauty Doctor Tor cleansing and beautifying the skin, hands and hair, Cutlcura Soap and Ointment afford the most effective preparations. For free Bamples ad dress, "Cutlcura, Dept. X, Boston." At .druggists and by mall. Soap 25, Oint ment 25 and 50. Adr. Left the Squire Thinking. A well-known Hampshire squire, not ed for his shabby coats, was one day leaning over- a gate which commanded a good rlew of his broad acres. A well-pleased smile was on his Hps when he was startled by the sound of wheedling roice.. near him. "01eus a hand, old chap, to help my poor old donkey up the hill." The SQulre turned, and. with the smile deepening In' his face, pushed the ttttl cart behind with so hearty a good will that the coster exclaimed with admiration! - - L I "WH Tm darned If VOn ain't a I ' fMvl nM imnrt I mt." hft went on In a whisper. Tve, knocked ore t two or. three of the squire's rabbits, and Tm darned if you shan't hare one.' Whereupon, witn a great appear ance of secrecy, he pulled out a fat 'young rabbit from under a sack In the cart, and trotted away, leaving the be wildered squire with one of his own rabbits dangling from his hands. Lon don Tit-Bits. Ultimatum. For some moments we stand on the corner, waiting until the street cross ing shall be passable. The long, low,, rakish vehicle contin ues to roll by. ? Casting xur eyes down the street along its length we mutter ; "What a nuisance these 200-cyllnder cars are I ni either have to own one myself or transact all my -business on this side of the street" We all lore bargains, but we'd hard ly respect a man who d let us cheat htm, i Many a train of thought carries no freight WhenjColTeo Disagrees There's always a safe and pleasant cup to take its place fenowxisedrei ulaiiy by thousands erf foiroer coffee ciriiTK32is; better and feel 4 1 better of tne because change: There's a Reason V .to (Conducted by the National -Woman's - : Cnnsaan Temperance Union.) ' A QUESTION OF HEALTH AND OF DOLLARS. Por erery dollar the federal govern ment collects In liquor taxes, the local taxpayers of, the country spend $10 to repair, the damage - done by liquor,' points out Haren Emerson, health commissioner. New Tdrk city. 4Is It the -federal gorernment that maintains the alcoholic wards of hospitals, sup ports the Inebriate farms; I pays the costs of the police, the courts, the prls- -ons and asylums or ioor farms? ' Come with me to the hospitals and the clinics, visit the homes of the poor, and see where the public must spend its money to rescue the remnants that frquor has left Can you hot see that It is ;i worth' a greater sacrifice than S50W)OajOOO a year to, Uberate a coun try from the bondage of the alcohol habit? There is no need to drag ethics Into the "matter. It la a matter of lives, brains, health, bread and dollars and our promises due to our allies. Nothing so practical, nothing so patri otic, nothing so logical can be done by this country now as to face the issue in a manly way. . As Lloyd-George said, 'England is fighting Germany, Austria and drink.' Let us finish the drink first, and free ourselves forever from the most . habit-forming of drugs, and then go ahead and show our allies our I - " effectiveness, our self-control, as only a nonalcoholized country can. The, world has never seen a nonalcoholized nation In war." ENFORCING NATIONAL PROHIBI- -TION. The champions of the liquor traffic advance this argument against nation al constitutional prohibition. They say In effect, It would not be viise for the American people to do a thing that the federal gorernment couldn't en force If they did It Is that the chal lenge? Is that the Issue? Are we to drive this thing from the field of morals, are we to drive it from the domain of economics, are we to drive It from the domain of decent civics and then hare it turn to us and say to us: "All you say. of me Is true, but you can't Inhibit me, bad as I am, for I am greater than youf. gorern ment, and:. your 'institutions!" Men, women, it is that issue tnat summons me to such conflict as with my poor powers I am capable of waging. For I 1 am not willing to com ess mat mere " anytning oenearn tne scars or unaer ou Ainugnty nimsen greater man me , i .uw. i B";iSul vj. liij wuuWmcu au- I m v ' . w . - . . wt. j. r ranit aamy ui luumun. A MODERATE DRINKER. ! " It was at the bedside of "a very sick man.' The pnysiclans gravely watcn- ed the struggje between life and death. All depended upon the heart. Could ft cope with the-crisis? Life hung by a thread. The thread snapped. The newspapers said he died of pneu monia, and so he did. But the physi cians remarked, "Too bad he used al cohol, otherwise he could have passed the crisis."" . Yet this man was no drunkard just a moderate drinker. He could liked." and all the rest of It ; was a highly respected citizen, and a staunch supporter of "personal liberty" to take a drink when he wanted ft - THE USUAL STORY. "You need not talk bone-dry prohibi tion to me," says County Commissioner Charnock of Sioux Falls, S. D. , "If from no other than a strictly business basis, I would be strong for It. The county 'charges have dropped one-half In the past six months.' Many of the floaters, who were always asking aid In the winter, have gone and the f el-, lows who used to drink up their wages are how spending their money for ne cessities. There are only about ten or twelve county prisoners in . the" jail now and our bill for their jail main tenance will be about $250 this winter, as against $1,000 last, winter." PROHIBITION MAP OF THE UNIT ED STATES. There are twenty-seven prbhibltiorf states. . The : District of Columbia" Alaska and Porto Rico are also dry. More than 88 per cent of the country's area Is dry territory and more than 61 per cent of the people live under pro-; hlbition. .y,V' ITS THAT KIND T! BUSINESS. , I am shouting hippy to think that I; am going to live long enough' to preach' the.-ftmeral sermon of; the liquor busi-;' ness In America. I am overwhelming ly glad that I can see the . end j of this lawless, ; anarchistic, pimple-making vlce-producingVSabbath-breaking, ipock-;-et-einptying, honor-wreckii g, L rag-bedecking, blood-polluting, riot-making, Infamous, corrupt, God-forsaken bus! ness. Billy . Sunday. . ; Watch th. approach of the : water -'tgoh as the nucion&l vehicle I . " ; -v .- ' TIE SIIBI llil HOW TO MAKE A CREAMY LEMON , BEAUTY LOTION AT; HOME "FOR A" FEW CENTS. , Tour grocer tub the lemons and any drug store or toilet counter will supply ton with three ounces of orchard white for a few cents; . Squeeze the Juice of two fresh lemons into a bottle, then pat la the orchard white and shake well. This makes a quarter pint of the very best lemon skin wnitener ana complex ion beautlfier known, llassage this fra grant, creamy lotion daily into the face, neckCarms and hands and just see bow freckles, tan, sallowness, redness and roughness disappear and how. smooth, soft and white the'skin becomes. Tea 1 It is harmless, and the beautiful results will surprise yon. Adv. f :"T : ; Excellent Manager: :MWhat kind of a housekeeper did Flubdub .. marry ? Some say she s a poor manager." i- , : I should consider her an excellent manager, sne maxes mm get : me breakfast and they take their, dinner out." -Louisville Courler-JournaL r RELIABLE PRESGRIPTIQIi FOR TilE KIDuEYS Tor manr rears drossists hare watched with much interest the remarkable record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot, the great kidney, lirer and bladder medi- I cine. It is a physician's prescription. . Swamp-Boot is a strengthening medi- cine, it news tne coneys, nver ana Diaa der do the work nature intended - they should do. : ' v.: Swamn-Root has stood the test of years It is sold by all druggists on its merit and it should help you. No other Kidney medi cine has so manr mends. Be sure to get Swamp-Koot and start treatment at once. ' However, if you' wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghxmtoc, N. for a sample bottle. When writing be sure and mention this paper. Adv. Expert Advice 'My husband always makes a fuss when I tell him I need a .little money. "Your- system Is all wrong.' Tell him you need a lot of money. . Then he'll be .glad to compromise on a lit tie." Louisville Courier-Journal. $100 Reward. $100 Catarrh Is a local disease greatly .Influ enced by constitutional conditions, ii therefore requires constitutional i treat ment. HAUL'S CATARRH MEDICINE is taken internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Sys tem. HALL'S CATARRH JISDICUffi destroys tne foundation of tne oisease, gives the patient strength by improving the general health' and assists nature to doing Its work. $100.00 for. any case of Catarrh 4 tht HALL'S CATAKUJ MEDICINE) falls to cure. . - ; jrugglets 75c. Testimonials tree, r. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio. They love their land because It Is their own, and scorn to give aught oth-r er reason why. Hallock. Old Peoofe Wfco Are Feeble 4ml ChUdrea Who Are Pale and Weak Woaldbe greatly benefited by the General St: treagth; ISScnlli lln Tonlo Bffeet of OROVTrS TABTHT.HS TONIC It purifies and enriches the blood ud builds UD the Whole ITCtun. A Omrm. Stnmrtk. eolng Tonic ferAdnlts and Children. flOc. The man who will not trust his feel ings Is not doing a credit business. Anybody can follow a well-trod road, but It takes courage to be a pioneer. Wrtcrht'a Indian Vegetable Pills are slm. ply a good, old-fashioned medicine;, for rean latin? tne stomacn, liver ana ooweia. gmi a' box and try them. - Adv. r - j- Next thing to harlng a thing is know ing where to get It T,n-arx.-H PER GENT. simflatingttcrooa 7 5Stonandawrf jtinthc CheerfamCSS andECofttM Cheerfulness neither Opltt nwrtm.MofDhuieiW MiaeraUKoT iil SB A finfulRemcdy&C (VttnstlpalioftWij u 'c.Taihness aoa t LOSS OF 31, 12xrtCopy;jW I UTTTil IITI1Ts fl I -mSXil m - - z 1 .am am' : -mlZimi , l uenuine uastona :; ifVii - n .i m mmm MM-.'. - . ' "t - 5s tn urn a. : im . II. -s- r . . J , ; . Cad-blooded men of courage are es ; da firing : line and there ' are . many. t anemic, weak, discouraged men an4 women left at home. .' .-., At this time of the year most people suffer from ra condition often called Spring Fever. They feel tlredV worm . oat before the day la half thro. 1 They ., may have frequent headaches . and., , sometimes "pimply" or pale skin. $ Bloodless people,"' thin, anemic ' jpeo pie, those with pale cheeks and llpav who have a poor appetite and feel that . . tired, worn or feverish condition In tha springtime of the year, should try the refreshing tonic powers of a good aW : teratlve and blood purifier. Such a ons Is extracted from Blood root, GoMea , Seal and Stone root. Queen's root aad ., Oregon Grape root, made up ; i wlt2r chemically pure glycerine and without . the nse of alcohol. .This can be obi , tained In readr-to-use 'tablet form lav - sixty-cent vials, as druggists have sold v it for fifty years as Xhxrtor ercen Golden Medical .Discovery. It ,1a at. standard remedy that can be obtained In tablet or uquid f orm. : -.v ,;i . . A good purge should be taken onc a week .even by persons ' who have a v movement dally, In order to ellmlnata matter which . may remain and cause a. L- condltion of anto-lntoxtcauon, poison 4 r9 the whole svstem. To dean thflf , system at least once a weeV la to prac tice health measures. There Is nothing so good for. this purpose, as , tiny pllb' ' made up of the Jlay-appie. leaves ox aloe and jalap, and ' sold by almost , aU druggists in this country aa Doctor ; Pierce's Pleasant Pellets, sugar-coated. easy to take.. . :.H,f WHAT DID SHE 0 PO?l MARY JOHNSON'S )HAXII Was Short And Kinky : T Now Its Long urfFtuffr Shm Used . '. x '. ? " NOAH'S HAIR DRESSINO Price s&e. ' If your dealer eea't supply yea eeaA. to us. ,Befose substltntes. Manuf art tired fc NOAB PRODUCTS: COXP RICHMOND, Ta IWeet Potato FlanU -s PAItt SSUO serXm i here , Tomato Plants Uiiti. IjTal .81 f.o.a. ssapef here 101 4 a post rara Pepper Plants, Baby Klagr-tCay uk deltreUr BgPl4a,H..IAprt ' f HJtV ' s ' POST PATJS P. F, JAMISON. . ' t SVMMKBVTIrUB. fl OL OIiH IIALARIA UT IO-SISD .-'Kit a good ttori cr ak AVPtrrLrsa YOUR NOTES AND AOOCXJNTS WcfaL lect anywhere. No collection: no chargei A trial will convince you. .. Addresa -r. ' S gathtni AdJsstBpt Co Chtrbtts, ILC PAWisiwia:' HAIR DAI LLQAC3 A tollaknreMratlaa ofTMrttk Helps to sradioate daadrsa. - irer errM naau LtDrtTUa. I breath. Wew heard Its aooaijor Try la. Trial traataaeat aao rasa, vf aw Witts to Ca. THOtXAS g. CXCCSI r , r - t osuTsanariaj sjas W, N. U CHARLOTTE; NO. 1i1eV r For Inlhnts arid CfMIdrcru Uotfiars (tnov thnt 7 wiVRi'TrrFim i fsn ra -I'. m-'MT -lie? Rift M ' .a5. ' Thirty Years; : " -J Mm 11 UIIjiiI i , V TMarraMaaaMrwrfcwrWotTT. ttirf , V' ft-"..; $ a 1 4 f. ' mm v.: mm 1 ; ...