ft . - r f o I--t. :, ' V;"7 -r ' ' ' PRIDE 76 OENTQ VOL". 12; NO.:60. t. i II. r ' 'rti iritlrfstW- ALLOF-OUf:?ntA(JERS. Abrt MiUep "UudV family xook Cli n st rnakMl n ixvr wi t !i Mr MilIer!inlotbnr,xri ii J tfraham .,.r.iw WhitKiraba!I is hpr wJtb hr daiiglxrer, Mr J A Tuom-,duriQg (he Jjoli- days. . ' 5 Mite Eh'rahe'.V Bostian who ha been attudtnV Qretne bor college f '.women. .ai) Pof H J BjtiaTof Jackou viUt;. AU., are Ju . L'hina Grove for th holidays. of lti!dlph ii tcon Coil-jtfe, Mary C pm T!a?; ?it Ciai deo, Annie (oapr or iii1? Point JMia Nnltie ( :J?aian Spring Hip-. Vpn'Uugj f and Mil mi Mury Wo of Spring HopH. N C. are vi-it-relntivt- herr-. TIih CKHstrnn mn.-i at St Birth da;, of r Iv'ii. Mi.-i Ada tir-wi'r. Ait!irin, A I King s Brn I-adieV eiiru-. 'Ang-'l Vuici!!." i .'31 f rs .Vi ri d i a ; fla rri: : w ho her parents W L' Harris aud wife Mis-H Marg-.ret Pallrson j ot Cliailot'- aiid Junius Pat tr.-o-i ot U-i;C u;gk sre-'t the C ti t i 111 ; rt huliilays .ilh frinuls herrt R-v C A Brown and fanUy epent New Yars d-.y wih his brother, I) M Brown, i.ar. -Faith. . Profs R I. Ne .viand of Cm hou college ai d orje Hall man or" M:irthvill. with Chi na Grcv- viriori rej-utly George A! K' stian of Ral eigh, niid T Frank B'tian of the i?Ute college at Raleigh, epent tl.e holi'tays h -re with their parents, R A Bostiau aud wife. iMrKarle Bo3tian and child ren are vieitin? lelatives in Moore? vi lie. j in I W K-ih'in of Charlotte it . 1 vacaivn tiio 10 s-e .warier Charh-y R.iuKia who has inus cular rhi umutism. CJ K .nbill aud vife and Frauk- K idlemai of ( oiutn- bia. sp-nt the week nnd in; i ii .. . !i I, ...I .1., ' v.uiua nn.v,i,.u .".nn c Miller R'liu tf Newton I who has bnen viciti.g B L.! 1 Taylor it L-Midis- and Mis Martha .Shn'o-i! tf rnjna G'ove, he let; lined hum this tnonrntr Mrs C D W.i Ht.B in C D Jr., are vi-itin iii Kanuapo- lie. Interesting x 'irises were held at Mt Z.on Reformed church Pa-tor Keller war. presented with a pnrse of wVA(vCliue and Mi John ' rfcbt of Contend w-rec ilh 4irt Rer C A Brown s v.on- -day as terooou y;,W J Sir.k and family cat. Innderi a delicioue. dinuei' 4i Con c Drd ,YNbw .Yea r's d a with Dr H U Herring. f :: . G. H Cdoper and Frank; tian bave1. gone to attend a mi"ftSi0uary . meet1 nj? iiT Des Moines, rwa. Mi?? Stroupe, the-iew-l Weired domestic pcienceteaeh r for tha Farm L,it echo)'. ha arrived and will .aeaurat her dutie? from the Tqpening of thw school Monday morn ing. Mies Strcupe comes re eommeuded aw an experienced teacher of culture and refine mfnt, and it iff helievel will carry on hur duties at tbi school in a most satisfactory aianner. Mrs II (J D1h and her two little eon?, Clay Brown and tfai: 11 Lee, gave their hou e f -ike. Rev C A Brown and fr.mily a very happy eur ori,- with an anxp-ted visit . V'niuff Christ map week. They r uruen to rreeraau oaiur l m XT 1 O - & . l.iy evemog hy way of Char ; . 0U7 W R Yost viied her tnoiu ler. irs.vv maurvwci- t r.Jn S)NiSiiry a fw days.. Mif F'rencf Kd'Heinan of A Sr- arl'1, 's vjMiiug rela W V Cooper wai in Salis- lniry oiK-iday th' week. r H,jrtto YUller- was a Sl MfrtT Ruth Brown 4eft Yon d.y aft-ru'.'on for 'Albemarle t; rrum her ncbool work, whifh rn opened Tuesday, D.-cem-rr 30th Mrs O-Im.tiih Rfukin of oi:l.if is vit-iting her l.Mii?!r.r in-'aw. irs C W R-mWiu stud children during tbel;o1as. Heniah patt.,;n wbu wor'cr-rl for F Bo-t duritic tii.- Cln i-tirat. holidays id ho:ne s ek. Mrs F V Bost spent the w.tk himI with her dieter in l)-ritia. A New Y;ja-8 party waB ivMii bv Mis? Mary Cooper a he home 1 f ber father ou Mam street R')k nn 1 con 1 ite.-t- WHfn very mn:h ei jiyed hy iir. present. Delictus rrfr Inneutswere served Mr- W L-Cogpsft-and child rm are spending Xhe day tti'li hnr mother in Glas C L Ba-increr and wife -pent last Sunday in Gasto- i,ja.. visiting their uucle,, H H f routmau (, A RRm lBi,vea delightful dinner .Mow .jay at their pretty home on h'Maiu Street. The .asion was the anniversary ,f their r airinge aud a nura e.r 'f guests were prevent. A mot delightful tim was tiad hy every ond prest-ut. Miss Diiree Deal spent the week end with her cousin iu 1 Witia. Mis Gladys, Mabel and Graie Sloop'spent Christmas day with W M Kester near Salisbury. Rfvnnd Mrs C A Brown were invited gnests to diuner at Arthur E Sloop's near Kan nfolis, Tuesday, December 30th. ' mtlM' SMJSEDRY PR0-i?iHS 1' WiSrton VndHcCnbblns Birrs n(ir?r Vsnnrfftrfarii Snffffif -flnlM.!?i : Sali.burjan 1. The days of the year saw the trf fer; 7 j m . . . ' J " . I if .4wn nf 'thA most valUablelpro oerties in Salisbury. tord secured the home ,a;? V!? feet on"Innes street, opposiCthf federal buiiaing, . the f11 price beirijr given as fSaoporP Vanderiord also secured thpd :ald well borne olace on street adjoining the businssec- iton of the city Announcement jf madbiHian. Mioses ,the Ford hotel proper changed bands, J Cv.Wc 1D3 IP N McCubbins of tsbury, and E f Whartcp alOi Greeasboro, It is unaerspou hp hotel will undergoremel- me Salisbury council ofthe Qnited Commercial TravSers rave the annual banquet 'at'y he Empire hotel Wednesday; erecJiig the pregram extending iatbilhej uew year the company sing "Praise God From Whom4l Blessings Flow," aS tbeblls oealed out the old' and :?nhfi; new year. The travelers-were accompanied by their wiyesj. ahd had a number of invitedjejS A fine spreadr'was st;and. tne prog ram earnest special Ittjwc and a number - of Hiki tajkv The principal add ressj a rby Senator Senator Lee SOyercgan who spofceion the 'Peace Trea '' ' ' ' r '?,; t . 1 . v V ,iVv : i&Ki ' aliCTurvTlJec 31 Mrs Ida HaynesV'wife of J O'Haynes, con tractor died this m&rninir at her home on Lincolntoa street, her 'lcath being quite a surprise to the' many friends of the family. Mrs Haynes had been suffering from Brijfht's disease but her last illness dates back only to Sunday. , Besides the husband Mrs Hanes is survived by one daugh ter. Miss Nell Haynes of the city school faculty. The funeral took place Thurs day afternoon from the residence amd the interment was in Chest nut Hill Cemetery. Miss Mary Peacock who came home from the North Carolina 4 College for Women to- spend Christmas with her parents M and Mrs P N Peacock, became ill with appendicitis and was opera ted on Tuesday at the Stokes Whitehead sanatorium.- Her con dition is reported as favorable. Paul E Smith, a Salisbury mer chant who has suffered from a se rious affliction for some; -time, underwent an operation at the local sanatorium. The Salisbury Bank & Trust cooipany has decided to double the capital stock of the institu tion going from 5, 000 to $lo;ooo WMr and Mrs A 1 Hauna 4te dd the ball at . the - Old 5s Hickory Club last night cc-fia',UTy,e handsomest and elevferert pof le were present arid it was a most delightful occasion,. Mre F E Corriher is Fpen3 ing .the holidays with he mother at Couovef. Grady Cooper, who has beeu in school, at Roanoke, Va, is spending the iiolidays with his parents. , t S G Setzer, who has been making his home in Salis- - - bury for some time, baB re , turned here to live. He has ! pnrchas the cfe near the post offi -e and will be glad to have his friends call. A Rew Year's Party witt My Interesting ; anil IttractiYe Featorei :- 'V aitethaiot unique af -, he h Uiclaf unctiabs- was one giyeu New'vYear's af ternoon " to; ifie membera and friends of, tnfe Thar day Afternoon Em bio'id- lerjr fclub by Mrs J H Ke!Irat her attractive and hospitable : Besides the club; members, rther folio wing - invited v gusts, were present: MeadamesT A 5 W Winccoff, Lurline Rankin, I ; G Royster J ft Brown, WiU 3os-r Ada Surewaltf Ruth Thorn, ;Martha; Shnfofd; Lncile Swaringen, Laura Efird of China GroAe; Florence Eddie? pian, Albemarle, Camilla Rbyne; Newton, Medames J j? Linn. IF W Right. Miss Viena Linn dis The guests , announced their arrival by the ringing jbf sleigh bells suspended froni! red ribbon banner containing ?A Happy New Year inscribed with holly.. They were ushered into th' parlor by Mrs Keller where decorations trad hand painte3 placards were suggestions of the new year. ' t Miss Mar tb Shu ford render ed a selection, New Year's Bells, on the piano; -; Master John Pa ney Keller avo The Big New Yearns Party, and Mrs B S Shu- ford, read a selection, When You Heard Those Bells, 3 r the above selections M rs Keller banded arou n d hand printed bell to which was attchea a real,: belltVKfr. WtSiKathe-rynfowtir Year's Bells.- Welcome -Visitor and father Time. Mrs I . G Royster was the successful con- lestantofthe first, Mrs Will! Bostian of the second, and Miss Florence Edtiletnan of the third. At this juncture came in Old Father Time in his long white robe, flowing beard, and great sevthe and presented to Mrs Royster a book eu titled, Bells Across the Snow, to Mrs Will Bostian, a leap year calendar: to Miss Florence Eddleman a, ;mina . . s .J- . ture ol Father Time, ;rmsrOJfr was played by Master John ney Kelier. Mrs Lurline Rankin read a naper, The meeting (Old and New Year. ) To add a more seri , ous thought to the occasion, Mrs '' Keller presented each guest with a hand painted new loaf which had a calendar on front j side, ,the months with a descrip-) tive adjective on the other, then : an extra leaf on which to write your chief fault you were going to give up this year. Refreshments were served in two courses, riere also were found suggestions of the New Year. In the hrst course chick len salad was hidden under a red pepper bell, the sandwich was a bell and there was a poinsetlia arrangement. In the second bourse of cake jand ambrosia serv led in orange shells, the cookies, were hour glasses and new leaves with the figures 1920 up on them. j In this same course was a hand painted crib, on the sides of hich were holly, bell, ' hour lass and scythe. This contain d salted peanuts. Snow balls of pop corn were passed around by the hostess. Miss Ada S tire wait and Mrs BS Shuford sang Bells of Dreamland accompanied by Miss Martha Shuford. The chord of Jingle Bells was struck by Miss Stirewalt and many of the guests joined her in singing MrsKelier was the recipient of the many com plients from her guests, on the artistic, arrange merit qf program and refreshments. FJrs J, R. Brown esd Ciss Laura Efird Enter Tuesday aftertiocnv Decern- bef 3Qth, frc?m 2 3o to 3 So Mrs John R faro wn and , Miss Laura Efird of China Grove; webbst-' essbtheSlur Club and other lavtted geists;- 3 ; With a cordial : welcome, f ;each guest was ushered into the recep tion room and the dining room.; .. Thfe attractive new home of V rs Brown was artistically deco- rated with holly and bells repre senttnjg the holiday season, mak ing a decided atmosphere of cheer amoagthe guests, r ;;'C6 to each 5 pit while discussing the joys an4 happenings of the Christ mas season; " Several guests proved H thjemselves . industrious' with their fancy. Soon each: one realised -that a personal interview and record be must be mad pf - bersel f when a contest of the following items to be filled in with words beginning with her initials, was handed around. ' I Description of self, 2 If not yourself, who would vou rather be? 3 Chief fault. 4 Yor, hobby. 5 Height of your ambition. 6 Favorite flower, 7 Favorite occupation. ." After everyone had -sufficiently studied herself to complete the contest, she was called upon to read publicly, her record, ; which riment throughout the house. y x hprpran , r -n; uausutC4 U luc uu" Sv eral humher of music von the piano and acting as accompanist to a few selections of popular songs by Miss H,dna tsrown. Plates, consisting of chjeken salad, saltines, pimehtoe sand-' wiches, olives and black coffee were served to each guest by Mrs John 3, Brown, Mrs M D James and Miss Laura Efird, whille Miss Katheryn Brown followed with a large bowl of delicious whipped cream, i A second course composed of lacake, white ambrosia, in orange cut baskets heaped with whipped cream marked a dainty scene. The end of the courses . wal realized after a silver tray basket ol delicious mints, representing the closings of the seasons, white asfeen' was Passed to each ose enjoying the hospitality o Mrs Brown and Miss Efird were the following, cljib members: Mesdames W J Swihk A VI Han- na, Mac L Ritchie, B S Shuford B H Miller, D C Swaringen and C B Miller. . Other invited guests were: Mesdames A W Winecoff, G A Ramsaur. M J Sloop. J L Hol houser, M D James, D White Bos tian, O B Jones, J N Dayvualt, C P Fisher, Misses Virginia Hoke, Fannie Efird, 'Edna Brown- Tbe Lillian Knitting Mill Sfoves. The Lillian Knitting Mill! which did - business here for 9 number of years under the direct ion of Hubert Patterson of Albe marle, has 'been moved to Badin much to the regret of the people here. Mr Patterson thinks tSe location at Badin is more conven ient and more desirable in a num ber of ways. The building which is a splen did one for manufacturing, pur poses has been purchased by n'um ber of business men who content plate; enlarging its capacity and conducting another enterprise therein. This presents an opportunity for the Citizens of the community to get together and lend the aid necessary to insure success. PPrOGAll -V-j. 'A '. j FO PALE SCHOOL CHILDRL1 Gives Jh&i Belli flu liii Needs to Cah RicSfie j 1 Feuto-uanzan j Name Cade's" ea Erei? Pactaa . . ; ; : 4 ' ; Sold Brnsxists In Bstii LIitiid end TaWs" -j Fra.v Eedltefaal Yirtuss are llij Sam?; . The lessons are b ard :' and ; the , children are growing. Watch : their, health and if they become ,pal6 and listless an3 don't want ' ! to work: or play, consult a good . ' physician . at once if ' you suspect:' any serious ailment. The splen did tbnic.Pepto-Mang'an.if g iven daily for a f6w weeks, will in - J most cases restore the strength v . and start theoung folks- on the ro;d to good health again, Youth responds quickly. You can buyyjf 1 PeptO'Mangan in tablet or liquj form from ypurijruggist .anti can always be sure of thegenuine by looking for the name r:'GudeV,' )ti every package- With out the " name .': Gude's" it is not Pepio Mangan. It isk fine toUtc and )Iood-maker for the whole f ami -y Physicians "everywhere have used it for nearly th rty years. CAamberfaHi's Tablets. -These tablets are intended es pecially for indigestion and cons tipation. They tone ;tip the stomach and enable - it topper form its functions -naturally. They act gently on the liver and bowels.' ; thereby: restoring -the 'QP&W&J ' imach; . and boweUtd ai-r.Ci.f: o; r . condition ; Whn :t . ! H : rthe stomach "taitf id Dtt7pieased'.-with their ef feet; : . Miesfea Edna and Rath Brown entertained Clarence Shulenbrger of Roanoke coflege' Vav ud' Earnest Smith ot Albemarle, to din uer, on ohristmas day. Uucle Jimmie, Bost:an was in Salisbury Wednesday. He paid his taxes and his sub seriptiou. fis subscription had not gone up hut his taxes had. ' t , Rev and Mrs c A Brown gave a dinner, December 29, to the following friends: Mrs M J Sloop, Misses. Laura Efird, Fannie Efird. Mary Efird, Ruby Blackwelder, Ruth Blackwelder and Ver non Blackwelder. Geo. J Templeton and A W Winecff are epeniiug "the afternoon in Salisbury Miss Nannette Ramsaur re turned to the Municipal, city hospital in Philadelphia Tuea day, she is a graduate nur? e and will aid with a con tags ious diseases. v Your Honey Back if Rat Snap Dosan't Come op to These Claims. RAT V SNAP is absolutely guaranteed to kill rats and mice. Cremates them. Rodents killed with. RAT SNAP. Their, first meal is their last. RAT SNAP comes in cakes. No mixing. " Cats or dog won't touch its Three sizes, 35c 50c $1.00. Guaranteed and for sale by Blackwelder & Yost, China Grove Hardware Co., and DeWitt C. Swaringen. Hiss Swaifnsn Entertained. A most delightful evening was spent by the younger set who at tended a party given by Miss Lucile Swaringen ac her home. Tuesday evening. The evening was spent very pleasantly in con tests that were- full of fMa"and good cheer, Delicious refresh" 5 njentsjrere served . V.' j i V, - ... A. mm ' ' - . ; 4laWg..)l1lll- " "''v'', " 1 1 " i"'-"- -- 1 1 '-