- it .. . LOpAL'NEWS - -1 The If v. . V- ' -"nf ihterestto:: T 1 I f AllL -DF:OUn ; READERS ". TliQ.cbtton iriUl i8; ruuuiDg' Ooly "foar dayapr wealf now." plopfbg. down afuoon ; Tours ?' ' day forhbe wt-ck; - vMlaMary Re, whn 6a? ' im ' recovered f rein a n at- tack of Intlueoza, fa epandioK ft ftfwdayeiu Charlotte. -. . Anuie. Cooper, .wbo int receutly Kr completed. -a pourssH traiuwd unroevand who bas lmtn Vpebdiug eev: f ml moat tii here with her parents, ' Mr and Mrs J F Coorer.Las retarded to Phila llelphia to take v. position iu ix boepital asasp -clai nawe. Mis; Myrtlrt Cooper pejit .1 neiiday vUil iii'Jier filstyr ia the Kancapolip school. Prof H J .PeeJer of Kan napolis; U dpjnding.tbe after noon iu Salisbury. . Mr.. Fautiie -Uaweir of Charlotte is vi&itfug 51 . E dioe. ' : ,.-' Rev VV S Hale 'i on fh elcl lit thia ?cpek,:biit hopes' to be able to filr.b.U Appoiur ment 8 Sunday. ;k . - , Mrs Jaa. IV ; Day vault la VisitiDger; Pinter, Mra AN -twrt err ill, of .iummerfield Mr? M J Graham. arill. vjgq I to Birber td -morrow to Bpend j Gn.Amr9 TTVl l.tll- lift h t ul Mifs Larline Rankin. ' B S Shuford, who has betu serving ou the jnry of tLt Haperior Court in balisbnry, Is again at Irs place of budi- WC Deal,, who has been with the Chiua Grove Ro!ir mill for several year has re eigned and is nowuffaged in tu'llinc? m-HitinH4 in (nhrr- k t i n 1 me connty. Carl Basiupr haF taken tbe poitiou vacat ed by Mr Deal. Rev C A Brown wp. iu .Sal lebury last Monday on buei xie&J. RevC A Brown i? in JSalis bary today attending a meet ing of the JSxt'cu live Com mittee of th North Carolina Synod. 6ome important business ia beiug traueacted Cartia Fitzgerald of Thorn aaville, N C, spent yesterday at Rev C P Fisher's.- Mr Fitzgerald aw active service inliJgiam, was badly wound ed and'fs just beginning to walk without crutches. There will be a combined meeting - of Woman'd and Children's yisaionary Socie ties Sunday afternoon - at 3 qicl Dck, in the Sunday School room of St Mark'e church; : Mxa M-J Graham baB ;re ttirnd from a month's ' visit to &T8 C'J Kimball, of Colum Wa, S C, Mrs V W Riser, Lexington; S CJand Mr? J A .Oraham, App!eton S C 1 1 - .1 T 1 TJ. -Master- Beecher Furr is much improved from an at tack of bronchial pneumoi Mi3 Annie LeePlee of Crepcrfiit; whoiaB,betrf v!pitJ. triK bt bih! er;. Mrs r";;P;;F:?-i er rcariiea-acaie I utBda;. . the.Un of tb'e number about 115 have de- termrncr,to ral$e leu tntilion doh I as f. f ora ) reconstrtict ton work of. J. Earopev ' The - ; - Luthen c h n rc h t&af 'j t be . Uo f tea 8 1 a t anrt.Canida ba.vasunifd their part wb ich fis I ;000,I)QO "to . be raised by itwohundrea thousand; municants,C-Each denominalitAi is assuming its part and ' wiprk' ing-'out its on plan of tdvance work aloag' tbe line education etc.'- '- - ' " Tbe Lutheran Council . of the American Lutheran church is sending men into all parts of, the United, States and Canada to ex-J plain to the peopfe the- wbtk rfaod the need of this great tinder-! taking. Hence, Tuesday, Febr ruary I8th, at ID p mV. Revs Drs "J L B Wolf of Baltimore and D H "Paunroke of s NeW York city, two very eloquent speakers will be here and at the mass meeting to'give firgt-hand information to of the great work of reconstruc tion along religious protestant lines in Europe. r . Mjss t'iorence Steward will conduct a musical cborous at the opening of the meeting. Every Uody is idviled tor attend. No vh a rges for ad mission'. The Ladie'e.Aid Society of the Metbodifct -cbarch ;be)d at; interesting meeting with X. E Gray. 1 v The fc?l nclai r 8itters,V Jfoor U... mu-:iAJteftpklf 'Lyceum deli.rtfl a large J? . il.. 1. 1 li toriuo: Monday evening. - Becb'-r Furr is quite ill I w'th brOnchinl pDeuraonia. R L McCrary of Lexing ton, was in Chiua Grove Wed need ay. " P'of F B Brow u of Enochs i lie, was n visit jr here j yt terday. Pnu" Brown is t-pt-cting to leave in the. morning for Greennboro to attend the Republican State convention. t ' Mr and Mrs J-V J Swinkjbeed the call is contained in the pave a. delightful turkey I questionnaire which he brazenly supper to a few friends last uisht. The fortunate ones present were: Prof ZV 'I'rexb ler aud wife and sister, Miss Dorothy Trexier, P A Earn hardt ai,d wife and B SShu frd, Mrs W T Hurley of Bisco. j N C. is visitiug her son, may or A A Hurley. ' - Mrs Lou Linn x of Landis ppent the week end with her sister, Mrs A Van Pelt. .Mrs P E Kimball is visiting hiT daughter, A'rs J A Them and her son, Will Kimball. Mrs. U N Mathewpon, form erly Mies Ruth Cline, has re turned to Atlanta, after spending two weeks with her parents, being called home on account' of the sickness and deatbof her sister. Partus .Qildreo.' : :- , . . - .... Poomuch care cannot be exer cised in selecting a cough medi cine for children. It should be pleasant to take, contain no barm fiil drug , and - most effectual in curing? their, coughs -and colds. Long-experience has shown that Cuamberlaln's ' Utiugir. -Remedy iartt tbese" .cohJit-ous; ;lt iciiious. ...it is a f avore wiihi many toothers. Congressmen who appeajj tnt uponthe halting' to be bent "coming; ta this couutry-of alfc aln lens mrgn,t wuu luciMvaf'cvia.y mdrevbelpjtothe:xoatrVitak upland pusbithe matter'of . forcinj many 'of the aliens ' already bere to:g6t.out at the earliest:momenf possible v x rit-bas been disclosed that ltt.,' Pennsylvaota 25. per cenliojtb men registered under the draft law. males between the, ages vof lS and 45years. are aliens, this maioritv r.of r whom ' protested against; every effort to ;tnduc4 "them to join Our army and ttavjjM andthelp oilr boys in the7 great strugfgle ended by the armistice on .November-1 Hast. , In the state.of - WashingtQa a m - . f v - , . t number ofi the members of 'the- draft boards' bave' adopted a res? olution" to initiate - a flationwide movement having for , its purpoS" the deportation of -all aliens" both declarants and non declare ants, ,wbp claimed, exemption'; from military service lupon mere grounds of 'non-citizen-ship. Ij5( the resolutions favoring such action they sayV - - . ' Tbe exemption of aliens was the most exasperating experience of the; draft boards. The action of-suph aliens was cowardly , dis graceful ah jun patriotic. Every such person immediately branded, himself as a dangerous and under sirable residents., Thecputltryi nurtured and nrotir.tfd fhp t'twi ' - - r-- Some jyii6HHiimiiiiHM iiuirn . k i, i iiijj,m,.ijv(lwf.t.j.'i..a'M.T-Kt. these men were not willing to bear any burdens. For , every alien so exempted, a good Ameri Can boy had to go to the frpnt These aliens remained at home in ease and safety. They still retain good jobs to the exclusion of our returning soldiers. There were 92,645 such aliens in the city of Philadelphia alone, and 441.013 .in tbe State of Penn syJvania1. S(.mo to their cred it did not claim exemption and entered the service of the country in which they were free as our own citizens. The record of every alien who refuse to serve is available. His refusal to denied the right of .the country in which he lives, and. in which he makes his living, to ask him jto.take any part in the war. Congressmen' may not have their ears to the ground, but they ought to be made to hear theilfcinands of the people to take immediate action through bich all of the -outgoing ships carry from our shores every alien here who refused to enter fu BprViVp nf iT.r it was at war with Gjsrmanyand its allies. The Washington ad vocates of this character advise citizens' to make their.- wishes known to their Congressmen by writing to $hem. The idea is splendid. Philadelphia Record. Constipation. ' Tbera are people who neve'r have a movement of the bowels without.it is produced by a ear th ar tic. Most " of them s have brought that condition on them selves t$y the use of mineral wat ers and strong' cathartics that take too much water out of the system - and j agjErravate the dis ease they are meant to relieve. A mild laxati vetpnic like Chamber 1 ain's Tablets affords - a gen tie movement of the bowels that you hardly realize has been 'produced by a. Medicine;: and" -their , use is not so likel yfto be followed by constipation. ' , ;; :" wassolemnized Wedn4sday - evV itjnocnt VusementeVen ; h jiingiat a pclock, February; P0 apeife be -eperlsjve;j ChitjGrOveVwben Missate 4;towUshiPr, Caharrus county; RpjC A Rrnw7Tina4tnr of the 'r-and Mrl,Willia5n 1A 'Snther . art l A to baoVc. whrji of CocorCbeVame-tbe bride of liJe,without;sttnifitW?t i J ; KmiiPr KVIlpWr nrlnckPrV of No? eifi-Iiit aUlT inprng '.,' ' -.. i --: ii..laad snow ana, Droceeds-tto ro!l :dnly;afew; invited quests,' Ibfidels ayouug womari. of sweet stprliriior rtimlltipo-nf rharar.tpr and i and a prosperous farmering 4 Township. -.The :young";"coaple are topular with wide, circle of friends aUof whom Wish' them,a long;baPPy and prosperous life.' 4 . .A pretty .borne, wenaing characterized by qmetand Sim plicity, was solemniaed TuedaT at the borne of Mr and 'Mrs A. J Propst of near Kannajpblis, when they gave their eldest daughter, Ruth, -in .marriage to . Parks f vtted guesti Immediatelylafter 1 . . .. v.' jii'L.. disposition and. quiebcharm- bf anur manner. The?ffrQom is a wdrthy congeaJeoVfiuid bevook;ra- and-estlmable ybung Wan with jat h ftf' Cline, Rev C A Brown, pastor of Past?r Mrita Vnurct 4t member till Iferatl.;; the bride, rendering very-impres wj" Pacft ihe Opd TVKfSHiiVs; Mtfl l". hVlwas c sively the. beautiful marriage emng $eryico. 7 ac .... service ornne iutneranj rri XevUA.Urovnomitatirt.'Tfc: - church, in the. oresencr oL the-'6 charcb;vqntX ; ; fo;i o Hnmw fi' deliver tha'barsre to btthJ uaaL ir-:.- 1 ' the cergmony a- elieftus twosecYaucaarca oonleoiea husband, tbgetber with . I 'j nA vear arid: i'vdrv -nnnular wtt.h 1 -1 . f ...-. t thniirca enflrwf nroc coi'ro1 is position and nuiet charm ofl . . -At: u mv j iim - . ' mill in i ,j manner. The groom is a son of nKiueu m wus cnurcu at a cast Mr and Mrs W N Cline, of near of. $700,- has been thoroughly' Kannapolis, and is a worthy and tested and proved very satisfac estimable young man with sterlin t017- This about completes the qualities of character. The equipment of this church, ex- voune-couple are popular with a wide circle of friends all of whom wish them a long and prosperous lite. . I Heetiag of Sons and Dangte of.Liborty. The Sens and Daughters of Liberty, Success Council, No. 47. will meet in their hall to-morrow evening at 7:30 o'clock, when there will be an installation t of officers and other matters to be given attention. Poblic Meeting of Jiinfors. - Hero Council No 65, Jr. O, U. A. M., will hold apublic -meeting in their hall on Saturday; Pebrurary 22nd. at 3 o'clock An appropriate program will" v be arranged, especially n memory of Geo. Washington's birthday. A nu mber of prominent speak, ers will enHven the occasion with interesting talks. : Every body is invited. German Cannon- as Liberty Loan Trophies. Why not one for Rowan County? If a resofuation now before tCongress is adopted, two : hun dred and fifty captured German cannon will be - distributed as permrnent prizes to cities makr ing the best showing in the Vic tory Loan campaign. A request has been , made by Secretary of the Treasury Glass that Congress make this distri bution possible, a n d Liberty Loan workers are hoping, to get it through to givte the campaign an added impetus, , Officprs for tte Ladies' iyd Social. .r Th Ladies Aid 'Society; of: -tVie" Lutheran church eleccedi at lie last meeting,- the following offi cers for another y eat:: vi President, .Mrs P R Shep'sgrd, . v. v ice , rres., srs s vy uravj If- i Secretary, ' Mrs;; ABro wjufJ Treasurer. M r a AM- Hanna .''--3 .''i-v '.. V s.. 'i.'-.'i' rti,--5 "v TtV it's if--. IV ''A'.''-- v ' -' fV : r. tv':.-f.r?'t-.-!.-.'. v.j,:- . I".'.-- . . V ' fPHB T?nt?Tf: wo.e when the beaatilul was descend- ' 1"-;" -"VW ? tl?f, -anou? fjPf Ue floor and bursting atbeyirnck aecoumr inenoor f ana-inrni tujeand perfum- - the Vv Of coursenoUnny of a faf- to e&9m lth& wav bu. TJnclr J mvBbBtfan win have, his in, I ' - -pwMl-- - - - j - V r ' -1' - As.annanced btsi the installation of Rev CWm pepfeRev ; Fisher fias served tliftnhn rehvahnn ft; rinA ?8 re9Pi? genrwy,-,,vt .i .nil i jur. iut.u.k'.. m.uf.lJt-LJK:j.n:i.-gs AUC uc,mSTwb juit U?H1' wwiuuows. UliSS StlrflWalt'slllBSiC CI3SS. . A vrarvr Holiorht-.fnl faatiifa n-rA one that should interestlthe en- tire community; of miss Ada ptirewalt's music clas tliis year is the. Friday afternotm pupil recital. iour-bave been: givenn by Gladys Pou ncy, Helen Lyj el , Maratha Shuford and Kathryn Brown. The pupil is permitted. to invite a limited number of guests besides" tihe class mem bers. The program .takes the form of a regular lesson . which is of great benefit to the listener as .well as the pupil. The first part of the program consists of selections dealing with the tech nique of playing. Second, play ing in all keys or ' transposing. Then duet or ensemble, playing accompany ing, .playing of hymn tunes and solo selections. Cu i f rent events are given also and afterward s,- the re is general dis cussion, anyone being permitted' to ask questions; , " R is u privilege to be present at one of these recitals vand we feel' it is becoming one of the uieaus of ;edu eating ou r town musically., Another meads is the Cummunity 'Sing" "which Miss Stir e wait is; planning for 'theVear future; ifiyery person in China Grove should be pres ent at.this "Singand enter into the whole hearted joy it will most assuredly prod uce ' k ; V; ' 'i 'Music is the best natural ek pressidn of joy arid happiness. w Billions Attack; Persons T5ubjec to a v periodic billious "attacks will observe that -their appetite f ailsHhem jpst be- i ore an a t tacfc . :i'hat is,; they do nbt crave foo(i but eatibecause it is mea I t i me '.th ey wil 1 eat PyvaCHght ''MHdi.nojntU t ; thenrtke twb. of ; Chamberlain's bieis theNM ed t T usiall Xcl'r'ip p6werj in'" ili V , (oitotMilf be'6ij I9c.;die'l In '.r -ar5pitJ3altim'ore, Jannary'.) . : vv flewaa a native of pas m a pontiff : - . Vnin. tma'-fnnWttnflrtn' ' "r. . . . , " , . - f , s - seetnd to 'be 1 io ; j CaVjbanal - irootl . ' " Mfunerahwlll br held-WttorrOw', - : ' niornhi ten.aloQkfrorn j&o J fc thWeaidettcerKeCrA- Orowa ""! . . fecial 1 5;ana tlio - in f er nfan't vbr be la Qreao tawn iionetery.1-' ' ' . ; -4 parouifi riave ne.sy mpamy.' artita(HH; ;,C, 7 diexTat her tae.ftiiftt. lingering Elites Jof j VeUl tmm b s , ' Febtua rY 7t h fat . 3eaeebf.40 vears lOtaODths . niember oV' Lutheran' Chart I i ?. jcK and was later tranferrcl stUrk' p t:hUrCloChtna ' f ff. f which-cnurcli' ihi wVs rewmpntbs ioldbaud'a i 1 ;.v 5 .. )- friends, h leaves to mourn iher ,it their anfriendvi'-; v Mr PanaieiGvenne" ouvmi " ' ' ' deam. rne l flaer a I scrvtcci" were :tteld in ; Lutberao ph a pel burclvodnctbif;; RevC A Brown; who w asjassfted ! by Revs Q P Kosher, her pastor ancrVH Park, pastoc oT Kimbafl Memo rial E L church kannapoljs, NO a fter wh icb her body was tender ly laid to rest in Green Lawn cemetery to await the resprrec tion mor n . May ttie ; Lprd bless arid care for the bereaved ones. V. Floor Taxes on Tttecct . ; v XJollector Watts has mailed to all dealers in rtobaccp snuff. .Lcigara and cigarettes, whose. names and addresses. h has, blanks for inventories Tori' the amount of stock in thee articles they will have. . on hand . on the' day after . the new Revenue' Act becomes law, which: of course will not be until the Act is sign-? .... T. . , T w ' J- , 1 r- . jl ' . . .-"a j ' - t . . .--t. . tt-i pd by: the President. It is the 'r-v duty Of tJisse dealers to ascer - r; ' ' . . tain thp day ; the AW ;ialiftttiyfi in all the. papers and doubtless , telegraphed to important points" in jne-aisricii. , a 7 'j Blanks for the sworn return will bjg sent as soon as the-'AcV; beCemes law. 'feS''' . It may be thiV the C1 lector, v KajS failed i to secu re the' ' names i and postoflices of all dealers ls 'V tl&! arfccles. ; , If anj such deal. er vhas not and does not receive : withfn the next few dafe: tbesif uiautts i . buouiq immediately - -write to A D' ; Waits; V Col f edtbK f 8tatesviile,N. C;fwbiisname ? will be placed otiv the-Hsti; and V - buinkfihwilt bvpromptly j sent ' , i ;ir'ay;rsonvfirnbr jcor'poij-PT, VX action ,:bba)ea;not ar ticlesy bad. received blanks j be v-" -': ' Collector ;ill very g -A preciateVjetoracar effectwheolhe namewill bo ; ' ' ; J stricken from the list, ' ? -v A j ' T . i. -? ' - - : fi a: ilVK BKOMO OUZWINB 1, Ix?t7r 5Wai w 1 r J i I '4 " .' 4 " .V ' 4 J. V ...

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