""-- m r -J J J r, LOCAL NEWS ; On Aprh llth the bomelf " , A -M I mteresno rp. 8(;ene of a joyons- JreVnton; it iay, Class Exerc&w fiM Drama FfiSrS: pQsaiia.proceeaed MijMtMj: mSyk ;r, .;: tLOF . OUR'' READERS. beingUncle DoIl'iblrWday v :,3v7 SWilPII?!1! JDIJ T Kb? J W Moort of ' Ohir -lott ; will preach th barcl: aurif?!te?i?rmoii in Uih j.tiui raii clturch Smlatt 3:30 J - 5... . ' . " i -1 H J KtliHerrn. and family wrw inadn . hnppv Munday, --rwhn r-thy rtciv;1 a 'ele ramto tbi rINct that he r hid Jaridfcd vafuly at ( arnf r:rMMFeNev7 York. '"MIMnrtbi Sbnfurd, who .". hAihren -roufintrd to . hrr .rcorar for tlte pist wek, la im I proviui;. Mr H S Sbnford went t.i Lexington Wtrdueedav to at ' tiiti .MJf?fonary couveutior oftbt. INfoirn.d church. Mi Faju JCfird who V?lted rttlati . !u Wiuston Salem. last wVfk, hos re turned. The AlnihfvMtft Sunday pcbool children njiyed au Easter egg hnnt Saturday "afternoon at it L Sidus' home near Harris ctap-I. Kev I) 1 Otttuati of Lexiug- too. he'd Kniifr trrvic:s at thw BpifUJpnl ; I uirch Sunday ";tvinluj?. Utv Ultmnn, wife :aTnf, ''chlldreu'vere the gue?te . b t Mr a ud Mr W L Uarji a -while hero: : . ' V.- B-nMU iUf r ?cf .the; Statel T- 'V v..- '" r -a'T . iiHUur autl wife. - Mr O D Vrlkiii3 of Kan njpdii. fpent th week end Ji-re with M?st: it Watkii ?. Wht Sfhj p hnr urcbned the W 1 But ni; r-6!dwi:i-. on et Ketcli- r-tret. . hjiccpjs liayhi Hits ruildi g repaired aud .t inJeriur rtj- pniuted. C C Sechler h.8 receievd a quantity of erti-'i-d yTer phelU for cbiul "iir. Thote wahtiug auy i oul.l Pre Mr Sechlerat oiu. Mi.- Kntli U:rdiiK.a nnm ber of high fehoolpupii? and others w i . t. 4. the drama entitled 'Stntd iog By,t to b- given here next Friday u:ght, went to Hpeocer laHt nght to witne-.-its produ tiou by the pupils of the Spencer rvhool Caldwell I)e;.nnd s?u. Vic tor, spent V.Vclue?flay night at W K Deal'. U-v C A Briwu attetkde1 tllH m etirg of tiirt Uownn xcunty LDtbrtn MtuiletV Apmti itioniti Salisbury laet tliiray. ili5 Knth 3rowu, iho U teacbiug nt Albemarle fpent Baxter with hoire folks at China Jfrove, returning to Albemarlrj H te-. Rev C A B.-jwu attended theechool closing at Harrip Chanel on Goctt Friday aud mad a short, talk to the echuol and patrons There was a epleudfd exercisH on the pat of thti pchor-l. At rjoou a eumptufiis dinner was lerve'd and heartily enjoyed Y'y all p'esent frs Mary '-PtterVon Ore! was" Ue teacher, aud all were iu high rat p"raiee ' of 4he 'work he bad done for the gchooi. spite tbe inclement weatberjorty three Velatives were -gathered from far and near. Tbe home was tastefully doco rated for tbe. occasion and tn tbe dining room a boa u til ai least was laid around tbe huge, birth day cake vhicb was a juarvel of h.ntiv with It's. ftitv ona bnrn ji.- iq:q imn and supported by a pyramid:of apple blossoms. - - -.. . Here a bjrttiday greeting was tor Flsber made a jew wcu cuus en remarks, after, which be returned ihaxil s to God for the l):iut!ful christian life of him in whose honor we had assembled and implored his blessings on bim for yearn to come. Varied and numerous giftd were showered upon tbe honor eel and after dinner a snapshop was Uken of the party. Mrs Robert Scott and Master John Haney kellergave a delight ful entertainment of recitations and music aud as the afternoon came to a close all joined in sing inj "God be witb- JTOU UII we Uieet again. . V I C537lC(SiJ5fc8 Rev'CP Fi Ifev'cP FisgSFA R Pav- . .. - k? . ia gave the C con vfcts in jiy0jJ9 "i'Kast .wi t n. tnem bunday: ;ihe eggs were contributed by tbe China, Grove citizens. One of tho convicts recently released went ti the parsonage and "thanked Rrv Fisher for vhat had ooen rione for thf-m. carrying literature, holding ser vices and other kindnesses shown tnem and said,.'I am go ing to lead a different life. You bave changed my wicked heart aud I am from now on a follower of the Saviour.''. Mw A.w Winecofla Sun day Fchool clas had n most delighful Saturday after- noun rompipg over the large !a"d' .spacious lawn enjoying au xiPicr rK UUUl. X I1C of the class Mary Miller, Chriatiue Boa tinn, Kuby . Wallace, Cletus loop, Corrine Roet, Kath ieen Safrit, Ruth Smith. Lurline Beaver, Lor i no Sa frit Arthur Martin of New York, is visiting Hoke Bos tian. O G Hertrickp, wife and daughter, Georg'a Elizabeth, .D'-nt Suuday evening at C D B tiau'ri. . Mjs? Agnus Lpe was a visitor at Robait StirewaltV Tuesday, Mrs F E Corriher, A W WinecofI and wife apent a delightful dav Easter Mon day with G M "Mieenheimer and wife, Salisbury 9. Rev C P Fieberand a large crowd of children engaged in an egg hunt -Saturday eve ning. in BostiaiVs meadow. Before departing the merry party. gathered wild fiowers exchanged various colored egs, etc. - "Years of our childhood merry' with play,' : . " . VYeareof onr youth tide happy and gay' . sfer f,:; ?mm?mwsm V prar- ---4r--?vv!j " mmm'm ,"- iCr, c.. .nVra:i"Arthar-i,aw I 3oIo-Tw6 Mario r Gladys Poutrcey AttPhotoffraphcr'8.;-iPorotny: ' Trcxler - - - , .I----Francesr swink ' Solo Rock Me to" 81eep-7 Florence Percy . .-Jl.-.lMrs. Trexler S and I Blanche Current Bostian Decision of Jddg-es; Part Song Gcdnightoxnight-- Beloved Nevia Mrs., Trexler, J Mrs'J?mtaU ana M"e p.ke.:stre- l I . Ul .1- 4. - s- r ":.- utsrarjrlfldress ifiaKfli, ua 1, 10:33 A 63 Prayer Re v., C. A: 'Brown Son g ...Class AaarMS----- --v--"onK' w raoiaier9 weao ExCfClSK btll9 tMtt2 Of ttfl Grammar GniW Jteda Bay 1, 3:30 P;! fl, - Address of Welcome.-jThosi Shuffler Song If we were you and you were us 8rd grade i nmiauun miik gin irouoiq.S .... Lena -vveaxnngtoii Duet The Quarrel.. Elizabeth Harris and Johnny Earnhardt " - - Jfi-Mnd Pies.lst and 2nd grades Japanese Drill 4th, Sth, 6tb " and1 7th grades - - : ': . .v"; rramalia.tk)n-rThree ' Goats ia-ex .Family . 1st, 2ad? and 3rd grades Indian. Song 4th, and Sth grades Solo Big Wajc Doll Grace Beaver China Grove Proposal.' Cost fc la Bostian and Clarence Lndwidc Solo 'Ittle Girlie Gurl Iena Weddington Story Duree Weddington Song Slumber Song 1st and 2nd grades iuauuvisiiiii....... ....a.uuja ui uic 6th and 7tb grades May Pole Drill.. 4th, Sth. 6th, and 7th grades Debaters Contest today, Ray 1 , 8:30 P. H. Prayer Revf J. H Keller Boo la Song . Class Debate- Query: Resolved, "That the United States and her Possessions should have Compulsory Military Training7 for all boys between the ages of 19 and 21 inclusively." Aff. tfe. Lorene Templeton Margaret Marley Espella Hurley Gladys Sloop Mabel Sloop Ethel Blackwelder Duet Welcome Pretty Primrose Pinsuti . IGladys Pouncey aod Hazeline Stirewalt Class Exsrciso Friday, May 2, 10:30 L 81. Hearne Swink, Pres Virginia Harris, secretary Prayer ... Rev. C. M. Fisher Class song .... Class Class history Ethel Blackwelder Statistics! . Virginia Harris Diary selections Ethel Fleming Duet, Elizabeth Bostian and Virginia Harris. Poem .Elizabeth Bostian Prophecy Leila McCorkle Solo.w., Virginia Harris Last will and testament. .Olean Cline Valedictory.. ; Hearne Swink Song .... .Class Awarding of prizes and diplomas ... ..Prof R. G. Kizer. Drama, Standing By" Friday,f ay 20,-8:30 P. ID.; Scfiool flfltoiflin. r : ; Cast of Cfiaractsrs. M. Cary, a soldier's friend .'...i i........-...Prof. Z B. Trexler Etbelintl, doing her father's ;wjIL.r.. fc.-...-Cr...i..1 Espella Hurley HravCarey, with a different view:.:i L-..- Gladys Sloop Max Martin, Mrs. Carey's cixoice.il. , ..... Ray Sloop Dr. Br igh ton, a, friend of the family.. ' . .... " ....Gleriri Fleming. Mrs. Oakley, a frieiid'of the orphans.' ---- l-i -1- 'Margaret Marjfey" lira. Walton; a jnother of the oldier.. follow- E CorxeU, ttwink and John D Walker. r oia.ooara auring vue past jrputsdown abpu t one ;etofmeajKi:sidew Qftj .W. on mdebtednesa and irranffed-wit ;0tTiId a tiewtroaa.. .arongli " town without? rouiT'f citizenjs ooaro, r u. eeleateawill ' tart . witbduv Vi-eKtl with four -rears' ex perieu?ce jyitDT.High hopes -or beings jf eri tfejbte towritduiring the! jjSSkrs - i v J E .Cofrelt.. ffas iecliaed to ac- pt Jhe nomination. He says tbatrbe has bad two fterms and thinks that some one else should bVgive'n a turn at the: job, how ever: vr-Oorreil has made a splendid official. 'iin. CC3j ; &Ther ..iri;.,:bedarivd front tbe;l3seV;of , Obamberlain's iSgh tiemedy;bas been grate- f allju5knowledged by : many; Af jrai v. Benjam in ; P. Blakgney, Rosa Walton, 'of jsreat Red Cross ....Martha 5sniora Bobby Walton, a follower of the flag. AUn Iuiir, utak& lake ouu- ivuuv.1- A a. T-11 V1 t-avxlA. heart Mary Lee Corriher! Henry "Wid de Expulsion fo'cs"".... . Herman Brown , Snopsis. ACT I. Mr. Carey reads letter, from Polly's son who is ' VVid de American Expul sion' f o'ces.-,( war orphans. Mrs Oakiy adopts ten Polly argues Scripture: Mrs. Walton envites Carey family to visit the farm.. Question arises con cerning Gerst -place. Dr.N Brighton advises Mr. Carey to . go to the farm for his health. Mrs, Carey doesn't favor plan because she fears Ethelind will .marry Bobby. Max plans to try congressional . nomination to win Ethelind. Mrs. Carey tries to per suade Ethelind to marry Max. ACT II. ' After Mr. Carey's death Mrs. Carey plans to go to Richmond. Max has himself appointed administrator of Mr. Carey's estate and conceals the will. He confides in Mrs., Carey. He persuades Mrs. Walton to sell him the farm so he may 'give it to Ethelind. They cable Bobby. ACT III. Henry tells . Bqbby his experience ... i v. .. . . , i with "Benzine Bat" and how he won medal for'bringing the Lieutenant out of 'No. Man's Land." Rosa gives Bobby cablegram from mother. Bob by despairs but Dr. Brighton arrives and explains matters. ; ' - ACT IV. ' : Dr, 'Brighton finds" letter with change of will and takes it to Ethe lind . They start to farm at once to confront Max with these facts Polly- sings to War Orphan. Dr. Brighton and Ethelind arrive at the farm before the papers are fixed ' up. . Max hands over papers and ' begs that thematter be "Handled without undue publicity. Ethelind welcomes 3obby home and convinces him that she is still "Stand' ingcBy.! VN gfcl'Sei ;;' .. Admission 35c 25c, and ,15c. . Proceeds for benefit of school.' : - Miss Ruth- Hardingt directress. 3 MarsiaHsif - -: : ' ' EHzabeth ' Bostian chief niarshall ; Mabei 81oop Gladys McCorkle, . Ruth Current Ernest Hales. ' . ". Music andet7 the direction of MUa cughsUTh&v tibn otitii sfcEeeaUiirthaay joinpa very-near ijiy ma numoer of games, amgwbibhthe'un- sp00iaily: interestin thealftiLrelt much WJ the frt; tried their lu on I m .win iiwc uumjey, aiasier ! Jajpb jrray .? winning -first prize iJie oooDy.;.., o : - I After irawHur vjfor "partners I they were; Ushered Jnto the dih room where, they were serv . I witu .ya.tte,--.iue . cream ana I candy. . Tb se present were Kaihryi j Bostian, Kathleen Day vault 'athrrne Brown, Irene: Bostian. Ciisie BiacKweuier,' uiaay Pou hcey, Lm la Oline, Franci Swink, Vail Gray, Pearl Black I welder, wreath; Sloop, Lloyc Sloop. John .' Davis, Oharlit Wilhfilm nnnv Tflmntptnn - Rnh . n. . M Slmn un . Rrwt iftn. RohPt. Da-jiw MYrrn I Ramsaur Jacob Grav. GeorVr Templeton. - 1 -- " v - e i - . John loop a ruVaH earner. from the Saliabj; iy pxStuffice Thomas C ; Peeler lives 4- . . : -Y -,..- . - V. -h- ....... . near Sumner. viss 4 Peeler Isthe J grand daughter of " r? and Mrs j UoIsbOUSer and Was a Sales- lad at Holshbuser & Oayvatilt's; I wha hae haan nMlnnrt hnmn I -. ,.u, MVv. i .. - r -. m batlSOUry for several montUS. Burglar Breaks in Brawn's Jewelry Store. Brfrgiars entered the jewelry store of John R- Brown, of this place, at an early hour Tuesday morning and stole a number of clocks, watch . chains, cigarette l eases and other small articles valued at more than 100. They gained an entrance through, the front door by . breUkng a- glass panel. All goods of mucb ; value were locked in the safe and were undisturbed, STATEMENT of the ownership, management, etc , requir ed by tbe act of congress of August 24. 1912, of Tub Rowah Rxoobd. publish ed weekly at China Grove, State of North Carolina, county of Bowan. Beforo me, a Notary Public in and for the 'tate and county aforesaid, personal I v appeared VVm. H. Stewart, whv, having peen auiy sworn accoramgio law, depMs ana says mat ne is toe owner ori ne Kowan Record and that the following is, to the best of hw knowledge ahd belief, a trne statemeh of the ownership, management, etc , ot tne aloreaaid publication tor the date PH, A1, l9-' a ,t . l. That the names and addresses of the publiber. edit or, managing - edito v and Dustness managers are: . Vim, H 8tewarU Halwbnry. N. C. , Known bondholders, mortgages and. other security holders, etc. NOKEi. - 8 worn to and 'snbperibecr before -me this 12th day of April. 1919; ,i,yr .John L -Rendleman, notary public My commissionexpires J uly 8th, 1918: fiastert StKIMr 5,: Sundayas an ideal Easter day.; The school - at v St Mark's EkL church -was on asual-1 iy large, 5$7 - present, a large collection was tokenTvtip for. 7Ja pan, tne church was rbeatrtifuiiy decbrateilin iwbite 'and f green, the m usic was inspiring, f class of cate6u meniksctmme several mem bers receivea V by letterabipjthisw d mibisallbf thiflColn uniioth ciirehhJsiOT :iry Society rendered a splendid itirgram. Sunday e yenin M rs W. llDemeMfi firfflfe;;?nning Charlotte, where- she ; bad - been : in a hospital taiqee dniday v week ago, -She became; ill with f: influenza and was taken there ' for treatmenti but, owing to com ' - plicationspneuhidniaana menl-" gitis, the disease proved 'fetal,; her death; occu'ring ;yeserdai,; :i afternoon;- Her remains Were; taken to the home tnia. morning' ana the funeral., will ;be heia ; from Chapel church tomorrow morning, ReyKj. Keller oflScfat- . mg, Tbe interment wui be in ireen" Lawn pemetery.; Miss Oress had suffered, a stroke of paralysis and had been a cripple for years. Resides her parents, Mr and Mrs Jterjk, Oress, one s ! ster, Mrs WiP Moore, and two b rotbers, . Frank -: and - William Cress, survivo. 98w fit Yeii. Cgnjbxbiir v - A woman should grows ? more t u ti t u i asaha row; older - ana she wniith'laeyr4:to! baths het aod exercise,1 and by' keep- ... V tog her (iyjsr.jhd wSsagbod.;;"; working order; If yon pre 'Kaz-TP zard jnd yejlow, yoirr 'eyes 16s- ' ' ing neirju5troT ana ;--wnue joe- r-bbr, it --j.beidca to! i" ; 1 lo.-"a v.slar!-!: v",r. ' Let & Rw,w!s3 ti General Pershing's staff reports officially - th it i f tneV war had fasted six . months 'longer, ; , one h u nd red thousao d more.Anieri can soldiers -would have been killed. " Ode hundred thousand of o a oiys coming b to us every day. now, would have been lying in the mud of Praice if tbe armistice had : been signed last fThursday instead of last November. - r Are we grateful to those who died? Are we grateful to those who were.-maimed for life in our fight? -' Are we grateful to have so many boys cd me back to us safe ' ana sound? V Is there enough gratitude in the world to express the thanks fulness in our hearts because victory came so soon. The money that you are put ting into the Victory Liberty Loan is the money that' was spent to end the war six month. perhaps twelve . months1 to save the lives of a hundred thousand or may be four hundred thousand Ainerican boys, to bring your . boy nafely : home for be might have been oneof tibat four hnn- area tnousand saved -from :. the PreochhVuafer,,:: Weliis be not worth it? r'rls not each one of tht four, hun dred thousand -worth it to his oved ones. ":- -;;f. .Was it not cheaa'that Dol lars can not. beaau the' value: of Americatt lifetir t:, : - v : - We have' a lot to be thankful for-we ? .might all have L been, weai-ing tseJittie ; black arm- bands-with the gpldfstar , ; " ut f our joy into" lactlonnot z words. Help pay :foryour,boy8 vr- ife with Victory Liberty ,xtt ; - l$ipIS;Cared la 6 to H TteLy:- Drnggbts refund money If PAZO OTNTJlSNTftih tocmreltchiiift, CiJod, 01eeg or Procrod2l Fuk 7 fastantlf revea UcbtoaViM. mctm f... ttesual sleep aftec tta - off '-y M ilgiTri.iJ? . ; ''''iv.'v 'T,.'v?a' -';V.', 'v .'' i " T ''-, 4 . r s