ft Ul ; . ::fiioO AL N - Communion WOULD AID MBH ANU WOMEN-OF THE" WAR : NEWS held at , I' !" - . V': vlir'v' i in r. ih t 'Tfv i-l ll Ur.ft. : r or fu ()! I to oar - : jut i It a y to ctll a un - two D oa amis rap V ttx r . v ; Will I ' , Pit- . I " . A L V of interest to third Sui parator service no Saturda before. ai 2 3 p m Miss Florence Ediemah wh r ' MrsA-CJ Wilhel.ah3srpturnd,,as atHendersonville for : fromi'plcasant viii t Norfolk. cror-! Wt''ks r?urncd hotlu" . . '-. I unlay " vs . Reviml Ts W II Ri.er -r! Tb. Oxford singing class las' .0d Mrs A J H-mta vi.i.ed at Fr,f1ay n,-,u hild a 'ye attend ee babble home of E ijah ance and 7 .J5 tn c-s w,s ra.seU Kiler.ahd wife Tnarsd-t ! A K Ddvis will leave Sundv in rnin for Kulcigh Jas a dele ' .Mrs t O'Swnngen and Mis Luetic, are attending the Pafer sya re- u njoti at Miscnhe' jini-r - prints Mrs J L Botian is speud ng a - week at Hiddentte. irate fmm lh local CQuncil -to tne State Federation - trt" labor rwliich meet in Rkih Monda Rev IS : Copper, who has been s ending ' several weeks here abouts viNttiug relatives, will, re Quite a numlr6f people from lurn !o L ,liUtK , hU lool ht lo m urove Miem ..,, trte u.ne i!ke up his Wf,rk pastor of Oh cofJ re-uaion ai MtDiivet church a Lutheran church there A W U'iuecofT anl wife attend -t1 ilu- Htnuc V niu-. at Concord Ler Concert t Thuilav. A duet- . , w,:,".. I. ' It whs reported here late this or Mioses rtda tirowilt nu r GUrtv-Pcun-. -as bKhlt--P f "lernoon ,,,at W P Pea tcutedhv the !arc audience. howas llrmntr an aulomobI e . ; ran into a man on a motorcycle J J Hostiati h?sdcfidod to pur-l m, cul his ,ctf otf ()Hier par- " ,c!?aS4 3,1 oh.Ie. and then lil!u!ars Wt,re aCkin. v what? i . . . , l Quite a lare, cr6wd is expected .W J Swink and familv attend- . ne7e tomorrow lo attend the 4 the Home Coming in Concord fariucrv institute to be coudtict- loda.?. lie savs the lloats were e1 bv lho S;ale .JtuJ county work-llnevpl-nty to eat thr Mexi .m rs af iel'Tan. J N Mrti, the i n federatt soldir mil thf priM-nl 9o!(Iier were ufOM-n! ard all h .1 pi :nty t -at- - ....... S. S. uflyeaiifla a access. V a. IS viiiiiic aunt, -"o M n Ilavis 1 ,,c n,na rove townsnip S S coiivtiiion was held in the X h Sine-.!, one of the . . . . r" a: LiUinn tit liiuilu fit- uduuia iaoi very actKe i ciuoois of the Vlo ... , f, , , J r hundav and as well - attended. ... , . . ,., fciach bunday school in the. town Jblark .-i cutrrch, wrls made a life ... - . l . - V nt- abcr ii the society. The . . . - kI-V . made the township a banner ertfa!e anc pin were present , ,j a: . w . 1 r township. 1 he old officers, VV b ' I to hei bx t-e pastor at the . , . 0 0. ,e . K . . Cooper, president; B S bhuford, . meeting onda eveno. -j a r -m t, p vice-president and Jas. N Day Misses Laura Kfird and M i v x ant secretary and treasurer CHp;r d ive returned from i n ip were re ejected el Hill where ihcy were attend JUfl , I S Carlton of Salisbury U4 saiamer .chotd lor teachers vV:, p, Nv. .. AXU made f most ex " pvC A ;Iron and tlauyhieia. ccut ii: i timely lalk. " - r . Jrt nl Juth. and hi son. " at- atte.ied the winecofT Bfrl2Kr3 ion Held at Concord Today. ion at Ml Olivet ME t .,;cjrd. Auir. 9. Concord to hurc t Ian TU. rd tv. day Uud'ihe b:gtfest celebration Captain () d 'i Km of Albe iu iicr history. Twenty-rive J nnarle,wJio h jusi rct.rre:l fron hou-and people were here. Avia 'France. Hopped over here ' day t-r Westlakc, of Asheville, gave :ancl viatteV"iis couin. Mrs W sltvvo beautiful exhibitions. The Swink. . paNje was three miles lonjf and r.laibVv, of Si'uria. ert'V Locke Bill" got first . I - "xcxv d - , u.. xr .'-f "X&t'f- - I ' -v;xx, iL--vM Jr- x-' -"X.- x,.- f t- , w&xf. . jP" J" 'c i" ' 1 - i" ' '"X X tia tli aCwtIf long- be remembeped jf aH,whb had 'g-atberedi-about -mlh . I - iaeXDea""i country ..uij.;--j iuir quit mi . .-t y .. V. btrtb'.day ,of Mother,' Sloopaod the- recent. return ofv their .sou, Robert, from France where tie These" two . Senators have recently Jahded'fcnU-calculatedt ' tS ffivp rtiif"rpWarH5 tn hnth men anH .womea wbd 8prvi(J !n rtiP.milifafw forces of the Uhhed States m the Great WarI Sena tones,;i-of' Washington, is author of a bill to give. the; rank of .ofEeerscto, array Ass nurses, -while Senator Moses, of ' New.Hampshire,ts;gufor.-of to increase from $3Q to $100 a month "-the - total .Jlabtufy aiJowancfe to)'X'-' soldiers, with an additional allowance $25 ior dependentSiX; "- . i . Gold 11 ill Tsjs'i) S. S. Assnsiaii. 'flio pr ?roveV last Tuesday m6rtfog::'J jUnesvatthe agreed 1 32 years' 5xx-:jr ' months and 16 days' Shehad r- :. , Salisbury a; fewweelcs. prior' f tof : "x-x ; ! her death in the hope of -ettirjff - v- " -relief, ; Bu? ,it was 'orilv .! aher'S"::-5'' '-v- had gone in- the service of ' hisfdeath claimed Her" that she t'XX . , country, nearly two 4 years ago, relief:. .V;. vV; .X;-; via'xl o ciocir, the good women xUd April 12,'l906 she .was mar-.":VV - - , Spread almost- bountiful , dinner .Vfealftfl Jvfiuir tictfxmitt:. I? f. pf.ibe m3t tempfingLvi?Ltrdtna1 werebrffnseveti:vchirdren fduV.':xI;' . jge3abl;preyiouslyj;prep girliallof hontx',-; ; - are. W.'-v, . t.:'x ' - e-bas . .been a consistent :XCXi. :x- since her eotftmfsrn' r.ri xriL2TryJ.-.v- jrarK ancwiiirawjnr,e asuea to" ma k dt' t alk sTV which bolh rcspo-nded order: 7giyjer TbeMalks 'were 'appropriatl- and: eiptuiiastar4rawnnen' t in vokedOod richest -fIie?sings dtr JrfesrJt aftdVneif'aUjlies rejpre&eu ie&r:. , Tbtii' v'virybod y Tho program of the thirty-sovonth artnttar.jneetiogri-lhfi ilill TowhhipS. S AsrM'i.uion to be tild aUrsinusfKetprmed feW-o't chutr iY. Rockwoli, N. C., Friday, August. ihtTTlfproniptlVar fV wlinfe f - X " ' X - .: ' , - - i.. . . ,by the Choir.V V. hy-Revr-S.-'A. Troxoll, chu 10 a. m., is as follows: Voluntary ...... Dnvotional Service .. ; )y evS, jA;Toxoll Address f WVKoimo hf J YorkeJPedler.,' Rpons. . . . v,.iy 'B, P. Vfagdnfci Kevic v of the work of our Township' bouftovhihip--ferirttary. Pi uiJi-n 's i M) rt. i T 5X j A -X ' - 1 Topi. : Thf Problem; of our- Sunday; SHhortl and how' to solve Iht'iif X . . XXr.gfli5ey OlToripsr. " xlJ."V ;',-" :. ' Oevotionul Set-vires. ... '5X1 -""X . "wMch! thcydid wtlh a!hearty J-gfood'-'-wUlV uft tii-hby t air had a vyet ,muchircmaineqj; x4v neighb6'.y1oldierL' boyi who h'ailbeenlnitect were t-tx X -X prpsen u -. . v: v ' -f r.i " her 5f 1699 bV, tfeisainted' J6AXr ' " -5 . WetVz at SfetartEf. chare'V V"7V -ihina ' Grove: zOq! "October irS -VrV':-; v r 7vr.'".' iyiA" she transferred; her'tDemTVi.x ;iership 3 fq Liuberan . ChaiiV.f-r w wun.ner. uus$and; Xxx VCZECfl LDJBRS" SP2N t Ji? Report- from the different StfhoolsU .f''--X-X';:.'' --- .' Topic: riio chief aim of of yout? jSutlday "schpql, X-... f'.1V . , fc H.tmai re un Topic: The i i-uuoo-of-the Sunday BtiVol.to th Church, V Oi)er.e by Rev. R (J. Kirkfoilowfb Gf U -6derl Topic: Tne Parent's Duly to the Sunday School . . . . . . . . :? . . Opened ly J L. H. Fislier, : followed by Rev C. R. Pless. Reports f C-mmiUees. - Business :uwl or;iniz ition." -Atir.( uiu't'iin'iii s. ('losing lOx-ieix M. U. Barringer, Pres. Z. A. Kluttz, Secy. T7n?rWere Hera' en Route (a . Port ; of c Eia- barktaiiaar'Tr oops 'Give Concert. -?z ' "Sunday Salisbury' fouadXthat , iif -j-"1 . . ... i.v-..;' tii . she had -wi t h in. her "gate's consid e ra bl e 4talen t among t he- thous and .Czechctslvak soldieVs-who were;pendiug "the day vere and .. - raiTf."'-' l ... ;T':- ' , . so- wun oareiy an aour.ror aaver, tising purposearx Yhe gathered h.utidredj "t)l . citizens, -crowded! .i'-n vcf:v. o. .-,x --T Jjtiejdied in the full faith of, tier" X;':xv"Yx:.' ' fesed ISavior, ,Owd "!was be'iv; rifugVand stren-'tii. . .IgXft::. -..ane,ig,dcs 10 mourn ner 41 'death,' . x-- STmhdr;;' three istersr; s'even" ' " rr ??e?"klr - 'l -"l3': circle l,ot . MwiJfe$ aiidLTUiends; ".v j 'J, - ; ' ,OB.dTyxTl6Ilowingher te3lht"Xuitbler"'serviVes :;werex " x"- Jteid at Luth'erarrChapef' ch'urc? , -'j"X V. x v tjiauucieti, ujr e p? Sipr, liev WX v. l, j X , ,-X- !- ' " f i Fisher. her"r body ? was ' tehdeHf;x " latdHo rest inreen Lawn ceme. "1''. ."''' tery to await the resurrection T'M Tt 1?1 . ' ' J? ' A ceTt by ta compan y.bt. th.e soldiexF ooy s 'y& k voice, ana ins rrumen t cat com pany for an": hour and" la half. The first number was the Star Spangied Badner sung in English, but the other voice nutu bers Were in the native tongue of the soldiers The local canteen units served the visitors with fruits and deli cacies and with the aid of many AU, is vtiWnN the Swink. X . Texlsr, Lycrly, Biraar arid Hofsftoaser Re-ten. Tii - seo.nd Tiex. M- reunion,' invading the LjTerly. Birger. citizens made their stay here Hoi -1 1- user, et.;. te, f.-unilies will be held at Rockwell, Tuesday, August lUtli, opemno' at lU;30 a m. The pVogram is as follows: lo 30 A M, UHVoiioii.-t, Services . by Rev. C. R. Piess Address of Welcome R. Lee Trexler. Revponse .. .. . ..... v. ... . .Geo: H. Peeler Trait, (yliaraot eristics ( I' Faaiilie?, Trexler, . . .y. .. . by Rev, fJeo'H. C. P.irk; Lyerly. by R.O Lyerly and Dr J, was nrsi aim ana rxea'viLJross C L Lentz and wif who bav- SJCOI1 Qn coumunitv floats.. ... t .... living in Mrcersooru Tiiero were 11 knig iu a bhr ,x How ditl'irOni names of families arose.. .. ..by Dr. P. M. Trexler Tne coiLim i origin of all families and racesxa 1 of one blood and relati -n Rev. H. A. Trexler pleasant. The soldiers, 2 000 in all, " are en route to their homes, in Bohe mia from Siberia. They been away from home 8r five years and have suffered - many Lit ardstti ps rotran nfi ay Qf the soldiers bearing wUnds. Tn charge of Americanrofficers the "four trains bearing the soldiers left San .Diego, Cal ral vc?ks arc visiting rela- tnl,rBmi,nt and W XvPnil won iTbe futnily tre- hre. - i? p.HojpII Puov c n families. become - . nisi i . . -, wuu o"" . , r- "m-i - .-;.'- .yr-- 'it ' n i JL Sifferd, Eq , expects to Doc Brown,, third prtz.The pend the next two'weoks atAll ' barbecuft wasgreat, 3,boo sorters tylhitr"" Sirringa iol Davidson partaU4ng. - -lUallng DiinTTg -. Uulcaot Hanzclf introduced ouai- . -u- 'Judge J C Prttchard to a big Honeiet,n r, Urown returned hoo. ,K ,: , 7. A ... nciuiau . auu'ence. ik iuhc i uuc rpcLu from ' Fieemau la.t luesnay. hur g haJf Qj rcCQn ; .f officers, aud appoiJitmerirbf cofumittees"alTistoriabs;i -weeks ith hi staler Dale utVnriimi issues and was loudlv Mrs II v; . - I applauded. H'S Speech was Iprofoundlv American. He said Klect'on oT families Cemar-s N fVlv -u iv a ! tt i to rilL families. Bring well tilled' baskets, come and i 'i ..r.., an all Pmily Re-union i-CJEf ejcr of NVfi'ana T-' V" x MybH s: of property ; ict the coany .uojr iiaye compietea four to woship3 anri - began on thef fifth Mondajrmbipning. r V J fon t take our word for it. "t depend on a stranger's statement. Read Salisbury endorsement. Read the statement of ' Salis bury citizens. ' :sX , A lid r?prir?c frv nn...u' -. iui jruuiBIJ, lifornia.ast Mra) VvllhWs. 311 N hone Monday morning. ygTM sas 'My back a"ched n. from Norfolk buheir .hips siderabjy and when I tried, to beiog ready fQrltmJj!?oj - knife-Jike nalna traA ibads were camped . herei(rhiY; . pavlfl!i. Friday and two Stopped inT Ashe could harSlv ;NCfM?u 0-.v x uauawmny bd dizzy . . A nnlrinticm in 1 Vi a ... r- : i. Sj hi wno mere is uiuit wai,iv.v,w. ... ... M.ss r - ' ; soulh lhan anywhea else. The fTai been - cnpnt tnniaht in Salisbury i . ..... . i J (J li " v- J K-" - r s J : re3-:- -Cbarle5bitnts. nas re.urneu , and return hone to her home in Uimcriown. I " Mrs J A Thorn and Miss Kuth 1 TrsvCll!!! 2irt'SXIJ6ri83CC. Thorn spent Thursday in Ch-rr-. r Qjay learn snmothing lotte. from the foilowin by W U Ire nvCA"Rrown will preach at'.Uud, u trailing Salesan of c ; , . . w4,nf1Tv uftr-i LouisvilK- Kj'. ha the sum- Unlon lh Church banday alter , J soou August - in, at o cock. iac;. )f ?Torbus i gaVe TO R '-.t.X :-- . rV4 r i . j xxw . f '.gsres '.mem time. pile ltvM:pdVltir fifty cfcnts and u,A . nl. t buy u.v, o bottle of ' it p A Hrowti assisted Rev i k-i ouymn a uouie o. Rev C A urowii Chaiflni-rlaui s Colic ttnd- Diar , A ; the burial ot tne -n j ... u . - iitle.tb'ee vr .old m 1 Morgan io the uuria. u. , a R -mdy and to tak nb sub IsutUle. 1 tliOKii uuuie uwsfc ac-, -.a ir . . "I . . "ji: X ri. ft, Concordia E L enure re oi : .last MoAugut 4th. ortfer ..5touJa.- . - - ' . - n nurtwMr -XXXi 8toppTUl place, a wen -rt.nasier. vj rrny.nc?. - WwBHwnsfor Stables Vf-JW strayed. ; Fire early tonight destroyed the Crowder Transfer Stable and a small UrelJing nearby. Mr Pi qa'f"c"" is said to be SSOOO ip,estfuc(tion of some anto trucks several wajjons'and stable furnishings. The horses in the stabli were saved. . 4 or Mrachatjroduced the con ed beforeiy eyes. Ifninfevl ceji rxpany and spoke words of vvasso lafeiI could hardlyX v m aercneer ana ijoaspeeu to tnem. Luy snoes on - i pry De- 7 Miss ary Mopse of near. 'Sj. lhn's Ca'barruscoutity whose death ocQured last Friday was ldried a Mt Olivet Lutheran church Stttujrday ' the funeral be- MtSSAe 'conducted by Rev G H Cox. TVPderick W Gl. Speaker of Mk loostfias 75 years old and X X,.0 r-nnffreSE ,wiltWt. Vigor- vL -rtraoon in Conoord uj' -li. aTS there was a Very lai - Bu war Savings Stamps reach offc'ndf.-s alji tli loyv ment 01 Lh United States. v vVasfttdrVKa nmnber.of years ihe wa'a sie of Mrs H T r of Uhla frove. War S i tlVP J v ;s- I'y - - Utt'"af lues At rnp q M Arrrwfi 'o mqf at lar1l j . ! -w. y J ; . . ."'- WeUHB ,ftnnoaF X Id bar and my kidney's " - - ttere of order and annoyed- x- "U6, VIV vv.- v.r.ruu gaa" using tbem, It was " nk has recently pii'base'i a trar time before Doan'a.h,"-? . auu.uwiuai,, . . icg j mre my Jmsie Hodge visiter .hi strengthened brofher Jarnes Br! kidns uay eveiiinor. - I we. at at -??. W n tto-' 'UK n Al -Xil ' IMilbU u.cb uuairw' VVpllorj at "x naay eve- ... x x ijove 'l rout man So Ibqi pn -Ka g 1 e'g S t , LflSt. Autoiaooile HcenWta wn - 41607, tail lamped Xrtjf tire carriervXJretween' SalUury and Kannapoia, or iff Saliiwi.- Pinder Will please return: sam? and recede reward. -J B SpK,R China GrdvNC. 'Prime 4222. ? - !sifedi& : MiSX0 eirv agarn- v' . . 1 Z01? Experier. VV.Dirbjtffla. 'x?.q: I . -"..X ;-v . :vv. m;;;..Vv v ' 'JCwj V' -4-;Xii&ffis - X.;' x:- 4 M., v,vH r . x' x 'xsx v v r...v XXC. -X" m - x. xi v -v; r..' ' : . :x- ' ' ; W r r,,-,.-:vv J - -xl Ir

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