r 3 O- v. "V. Vrr"7.'. I - : . . ill j VT6 MS OWN i FA)V.T FOR ATTACH NO lE' I DlBfOV) DOOM'.. iOONTiHOOT : 4 -'--if- Hr 'vW" L'V I 0RES PC V4RO DAT fin. iffk v I . f -X.- - - ' U -.1 - Afl iVf BOO1- WOO' AND IDE NEVER HAD NO tORt 'iHE EOWAN K&CUKP j It ie jatt dacgerons to I drive the car of Progrw DfTD-YmaVi. Tfa.H.STCniKT. can Mtvcd U C4 cui cater Jtno iTci, t3is lldd WATcb 3 ina. , , , China drove N.C., Ang 819 without breaks aa drive auy other without them. it is to vehicle PROPHET vv I T HO U 1 HONOK. It U a question with a!l the earmarks of a platitude "Imt why do liV ropl f u small town uuceat.-ly ami forever kuock any our "fj their members wlio 8trivra in better himself? A yonng man ventur-a Jn to profee-ional Hues and all the g - :p diicuis his audac ity at predict hU failure iucce . Atrnoft onf itli.a't awraR "brain power Joh Shell, now 13U yeare old, of Leslie couuty, Ken tacky, attributes hie long like to ouWlour aud tefnpttf ate habits I .Its a wonder the N'OBoad of Health doe not"puViri" r70:ne claimt for uuuLi a reinaraBle record We s u p p o p e it is a ca?e ot having . puccessfully evaded the regulations of the boards of health,' health officers, etc. "OLD NORTH STATE" SUPPORTS WAR WELFARE WORK TO LIMIT North Carolina, aa a tate, has a rec ord la the World War which will al ways be the occasion of great and just pride to fcerfuture generations. Every 'call naada of the pid North State, fori men, tncmeyr xooo, maauxacturea proa- ' i : i uC, wm proaia Kenerou 7 luring hudgeta of the War Work j met. The wajr3riC:ah.boy iBKSiiJSSl La 'ni. til the serTice and none hare better, ha. j Je Qf tQe nation to ,n been matched by the women an pen pledges Pollowing a comh. j Farmers Ship us Your Butter Fat!" we --will pay you the highest prices stand alL express charges, and pay cash fofall shipmerits. Why not try us out? ' Catawba Creamery Co., Hickory, M C. win it are still in Prance ready for any eventuality. We owe them a debt; the money has been pledged and Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic in paying It real true-blue patrlotiam awi vitality andeoergy toy purifying and fe'-hftoo'o aiid lliftht-WltK COOd " Need For Funds.--- .LMiwJfec'EiE xSecretar- Josephua Daniela, la ap- r A revival is in . prrgress this week at Mornl "Tabor Method iet church, near Fran lin, th- paster, fie, v j L Kirk, being assisted by Rv K S'U liampon of Spencer. Hei vict s crowds in attendance- The successful merchant is the oue who at all times stood solidly buck of their fighting sons .fl ci ;i fr-:fjit. rf Sfr-Tt.arv Newton D. Her bpjXawere : nt. anA Ccu.rot-.) rv Jnanhna Don- in the thick of the battle and those at home saw to it that the farms, facto- j'6 di the budseta which rie3. banka business generally and M atfance toe activities of the eeven or foru md.v.dually. were aU lned up to pre8ented in the"canipalgn win the war. Every appeal for funds . fnm Qctober rj. ai was met and over. Liberty Bonds. War, 1Q1- flftprptiiri(ia dp,iftrMl renorj. dtiius oiauiua, iub ivcu Vivai, l . jri . ; - BEST THAT CAN B3 MADE .' V. . ' v - Cost to you $3-25 a Gallon when made ready to use JRECOMMENDED BY SATISFIED USERS FOR OVER 40 YEARS . Obtain COLOR CARD from our Agentd or .-.-- -.r-i rfv LONGMAN & MARTINEZ Manufacturers rlew York T 45. C. A. received generous support from the Who is constantly j people of North Carolina. 9 stamps, iae xvtu russ, i. i. i , . , . . w . --r . . . . . , . .from oversea confirmed the necessity -.-v, :-- m - ixi---.ai.-i j"-"3riT:m.;"m:r-crit n. r o Ti.iMirriV.i and other welfare agencies all , ., ..... . . r. , - of 'maintaining and, in some or us esMaw999 seekiug enlarged field"aud an increased bupiuess. The fallow wlio ignores trade that cood be readily brought to his tj anil h;s nlace Qf bu?iue-p,' allows his fcreju -. tirnvwmififli9a and War Is Over. aspects, augmenting this work." In our judgment," the statement c ?ntinued, "the full sum subscribed In The war -Is won and for the most the campaign will be required, if these; of us It is over and done with. The societies are to do what the American, boys coming back, from France cast people desire to have them do in fcerv- off their uniform .with a feeling of a tpg the soldiers and sailors and the job well-and completely-done. It is ether classes included in the original over for. them. " They have done all appeal. that was asked or expected jot thn , Moreover, there could, In our JadjT- and better. But there avsfew ment, be no wiser use of such, funds; TTro At thm war In wh iVfSe7honiS- Th a H ott rh i H r.Jti cm tilana Nio fsir m littleness toiswerV him from. foiiv took part, that ,rfcbt aa yetei hare-; been determined, imaie it" the pathjotacrtf 16 "ol ,,Ke 1 war voVrvi. wti.h wa heidltianrt-nv.ww. I ly to beboxne & "John Wana- NoTenaber.-'of.aat year. Korth Cro-'FstflL, andT civintu condfiimis whlch 1 rrirr n PIriioi)t Morgan ori Haa rleredX,totaJ .f tW08,0O0.. Offn VnrAjAi fe f 11 1 pea nut! tnU T thera has. only been- demobfliiitloii; thJi practical welfarl ; . . .. ir l.VtV'J auj tt sin qua;.. j uou ? v4 can cccQVy a prutetipn1 p W.il, Ihem ate ofny po ln,httV up waiting, no' -L'bnt v rnable and -jnr ceuiuy T hrou the a u igli roctoc. well imt tlm coimty, 9 of 1.001.0.V An of onr I work will be evea- mare need'ed thjto. Oire good faith w vJVrpe'CuSate CteaA-y" " knawirun,lip - .1U" " 1 k ' " "lTu wrtof a huTidred'otnities v fc "4 tuc -r -wtte ot. North Caxollaa have ieot aome from- France. Those that already repo eTy collected remain Mm imti.nt or. roatiai..4 ;l . ... .r - .. 1 remain are impatient and resttess and In some el:l' - . ... 44 Ohafing to tret back. Put vourselt i I rerortfl . - ; A . . . . m , i t i j. i r r r j -i .-v-i'- Lm ip v - . . - - . . v ia i u . . tioUP from re'.Og- jouQ42 Ther- w.lfar:.v JVJftitJ-ti 1 iliabury any a ocry sitiou of y piotninence an-i iHebury ia proud ot tl em. rt.v boaeta one cliii A behind him atfcbjol." x ib refl-ctiou o) glory iu Vfv vv abte thing, yet Uie time lia.4 t bttii w hen t h iincesgf al -tnnn'f amn lion wnau ujwi. " Of-speculation, wrindenneiit and coru ' 4 5c 'M r v Proctor , v maRe? orks by n..'J::.'tflid fliid drives Home KOUlUlueis y bia.pointB efletively. lh oq'U certain) worth cre VdVrvadipg byjali. In adm book MrjlWL T.v... latnremtfonn n the panic eubV iar 1j taKeui r -- withuyJV wh iuter'stea strang ! The county &'aawrt,l-ii an ironic thinniHi..W ,irj ; faKhfi.TlXsJl,' fk, in which otped ii thTX?Tn d ihaxnoYbuV iia,ple of Work Campaign, are .at the rweflt i the wrifcii time doinpne of thV.ggeat o4s.rBok: iJxowh to-pay their frj of woxk inr their hiotor?. ? i f. .owtt subscttpUona, the county'481" If V -V Helping the Boya oi34iion rcadnot wj'tn Jv Larrcnllegea itL-iuU staffs or Mte claa forOieir counties- ' dMr. rv. their "time of warvJ335f95SresJ ol tJinitgiVin Md - j : -nfoTH.tVil. ,..-v i ft.o rl (.Wnti f an to uay nPiiJ traveling from one enoor KrannJ poW,?atif swea y K7vyXJ the other. dispIn& cieer and un- tioi: Vof ih' 'wai:'BJvety ,Vdgra: -( ; .4. A r,:i I i.'.tfVh &nit nelDlne tn boTK afi tin i i' nodel irtr tli woarx Ol inftcvelfare malfwr trn their own uow8,-.nueue eieau Mi lajeaciw. Tae state -i;stijanr A Olympic meewi -veryiuinj -posaibltf j iCiKM. lVaH.W,am?rilsa sljniIa' A' is fceia aone i uils time to mate Jtt inoftfr :artneT anvew. i tir sol- - .;-- - .'-.--. - s v Nnrth flarnlina-Sfafe Hnllpo-A nf Affrinnlturp 'anrf Pno-inoorinff ? WEST RALEIGH . ' , A Land Grant College founded under an acUof Consress tv the Stat' Legislature of North Carolina in.yVlarfh, 1887. Splendidly equipped iM Uie education ofvthe sons'of the State.in the technical and industrial s. our . year -courses fin AgrH-'im.uJ- giauHurai cnemisfry, arl in Civil "4lectricai.Aenani and. Textile "Engineering' New aeptrtmentSoitf iAg nu nignwayfcnifitfrtng. Numerous " short t Unit of Reserve Qr- ers Training Corps. Seniors an3 Juniors receive pay amounting annually, -Alt students receive ffeo uniforms amounting in yrs to" $164. , 'Strong a;lJc teams. ' . , $-iO,tKX) A.Jbuilding. Regular paid secretary. Two l-yWrd and forty free scholarships. Repiyn1'.' fr ...admission: eleven units practically equivalent to the ctp'etion pf tenth grade worJL - . -.- $16.00 er, nsonth. Tuition $45.00 ner Vear. Rnnm rpnt. hat &r light $30.00 1 per year. , ' . nroUment last session 1,00, exclusive of all summer, students. Fall term begins September 3. , . ' for catalogue, iUilstrated ci&ular or entrance blanks write MMu rm a ho inisrbt be .auTwhO wtye Rowan j -r : for m - xiee DnagD . us dmi rj Viidkiii le to lgp3r vrKoik ,nn- Vant a p TiolrUMoaa- the rnaUe'r j jThamberlSiinTaTiab S' - x - uiiih " " - p.-- i r - nrrwu i r.r ' - - f r s .: - ., a m a : the ho4irs fco faster for tte boya wiiot'dlara .aye yania L: &ir-oh and fin.-- ) -cit 1 toar Are .txproiaifig the powrr of rig i.M- f'1- jFeinSnie-citizenry At " -to the. Qarfjrfkas, The war ia -yon And should- haye the .-aetJslaVtijn-Af Prou' abod an.sf tie boya. who lielped fnsj tberfti$jad thIr alL ""JfYaot Gom&J6'$ If joti are in need 9znin:mJ: just a e4;i fceVpikT nffic beau AVA ct, qiiatcfm.righ t horin"!? try th owau county. Wikbiv a ""JKnot ooMsee usrbott'iJKRfid 6ur rVprtiriuifve win -call 1 - A mm l : V'. ' :tny hoc tvtoer i "rer-.J anoch cx Mitchell i ; Gooj I most Iml and chil 1 rocelvej I Wedicin. ' health r by the v Uble Cor; NffVx - : -. Ay y. i

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