Jr. " Vjw ? ; - 0, v. V " v 2T .'A r - .rl"! v v.- N i'lr t t o t 1. CHINA GRbV.' SEPTEMBER 26TH, L9I9 PRICE 76 OENTO s : -fc-.' V: : J r - J T i . . . " , I A til L of interest to OF OUR READERS; A marriage of considerable in terest took place at High point "Wo1 n o Ann M!c Thplmft M n r 1 . j u ley. the charming daughter of Ex.Mayor Hurley was the bride K)f Gilbert Boger wasrthe groom, bJlli of China Grove. The ved dinf? wan a surprise to their many friends. Tbey are expect d to return hereto make their home. J M Eddleman lias cone to Charlotte for a light operation on his eye. Mrs Virginia Harris is teach log at Draper. N Ql . . Mr Albert Villerand children art sixndtucr the week end in China Grove, ' Dr J A Crowelland wif. Miss Jennie Patterson of Charlotte and John K Patterson of Con-. cord. Mnt Saturday with Vrs 51 S Rose. The youne Indies of- .the pub- lie schools. will be entertained this afternoon from 4 30 to 6. 30 by Mr B S Shu ford. The reports of the condition of the China Grove and Land is banks are to found in this paper. There reports are excellent and show that they are under very capable sr anagement. The Farm t,ife School will ODcn IMesUav morniog with a splendid enrolaneut. Prof Charles K Miller, wife and Bon, Charles. iiUKlmp je,tara. ..Ai - Th walls arn up and the rcof Is on the new boy's dormitory for ihe Farm life School. A a result of are cent series re viva! meeting at the vethodist chun h conducted by Rev P W Tuck or of Salisbury, about ten additions will he made to the membership of the church Miss Mary Rose. M a be McKnight and Pauline Smith 6t Enochville, are attending school at Mont Amoena Seminary, Mt Pleasant. Rev C P Fisher and R G Pless spent a night this week in the woods hun(ing pussams. They caught to, one each. R P Stirewalt and his acrobatic rabbits who have been in Indi ana and Tennessee, are expected here tomorrow. Mr Pless. the barber, says he will be glad to have his assistant return to work. Mr and MrsW B Brown, who were married last July and have been visiting in Virginia are at present visiting Mr Brown's parens. Prof and Mrs F B Brown at Enochville. Quite a lot of cotton is coming to the gin here these days Price 31 i today. John Rostand sister. Mrs J M Eirnhardt of Rockwell, spent Sunday here visiting viss Fan nie Efird. Mrs W L Cooper and children spent Monday and Tuesday at Glass visitii:g her mother. , The" county Association of Sons and Daughter of Liberty will meet with the Faith Coun cil on October 14th. There was an ice cream sup per given last Saturdar night at 8t Paul's Reformed church $40 was cleared for church purposes On September 19th, a little girl. Theresa Linn, discovered the home of Dr and Mrs B CTay lor Landis, and is comfo'rtably settlod there. As Venus would cay, watch Landis grow. Velceai ;ti Soldiers . vA SanmiL Zi80. -Homo Cofflinday at Mt &ottipB'more thatf oneihnna Reformed charfca Sunday was well attended. Soldiers and sailors ere the guests oflionor, Aq appropriate address-4)f wel-r come was delivered by Dr G A R irqsaur and the response. Was lby Earnest Clary. Tbe Welcom& "i; J ' tl rVM T "7 ' ITu iZ 'Star Spangled Danh'en." Next Wis scripture reading and pray er Jby-Rev A Shulenberger. Rev J U Ke 1 pastor of the church tbeu made a short address tak- iDg.Psalms 65 U for his subject. A quartet composed of .D BCof rell.'Paul Shulenger, Franl and William Cress sung The Brittle Church in the Wild wood." rilia- ipry of Lutheran chapel, and Mt Zion churches was to!4 by G G Rlackwelder, who was followed with short talks by Sergeant Lawrence and H C Corriher. A nolo by Mis? Ada Stirewalt was enjoyed as was also a duet tfy S Shu ford and Miss Vien na uifin. a ooumirui ainner was servea m too grove, aii in All in all was a very enjoyable da?. Despandencjr. Sufferers from indigestion are i.L to become discouraged and ieel that complete recovery is a ro oe uopeu ior. No one mistake. could make a greater hundreds have been permanent- y curpd by taking Cbambc am's Tablets and.can now eat tnvthing they crave. These tablets strengthen the stomachl and enable it to perform its func uaturally If you have pot tried do so at once. - Flfttrijj Sarjrisfi Part., bturaay.' September 20th tha friends and relatives gave David M Ltnn. a birthday surprise sup pr, the surprise oeinjrcompiete, Mr Linn haviug had no intima tion of its plan and when the crowd, about 0 drove up to his home he was completely sur priced. But.being of good nature Mr Linn laughed with the others and confessed - that they had caught him off his guard. A most sumptuous meal was spread and after the blessing was invoked by his pastor, Rev C A Brown, all present ate to their entire satisfaction and yet an adundance remained, The many friends of Mr Linn wish him mar.y returning birth day anniversaries and that such ones will be as happily spent as this one. Weather Forecast for September, 1919. From 3 to 9, chmgeable with cool rams along, but atormy noilhwest, threatening, locally and east From 9 to 16, rainy if wind is southwest from 8 to 10 pm, the 9th, if northwest cool with showers threatened. From 17 to 23, fair, clear, windy along, colder with threat ening frosty pendings. From 23 to October 2, fair with local thunder storms mostly'west and south, threat ening ?ast, aud stormy. September shows most rain west and south, not much rain, central hot and changeable. Svme cold along, This August 30th. Henry Reid, Box 1 3. Salisbury, N. C Ship us your cream. We pay all express charges, cash payments each week. j Catawba Creamery Co., Hickory, N. C. Piles Cared In 6 to 14 Days Drofiglsts refrof moocr If PAZO OINTMENT faO to core lictunju Biiixi. Bleeding or Prctradittg Pile. Ioataatly relieves lechnxf PUes. and yon caa itet tteep aec tb am appitcaaoo. racecoo. Recejto'FirPnfjs Invitation s have 6een ' &fen) guests to aec9pViQnolb.giv? at. the home of 'A r; and;Mrs -AtM Hanna tomorrow-0venlirgririvii or of Prof O t; JDne-atfdlits bride who VUI arriye f rom .Ashe ville wheretheedfUc place last Saturday;, v olJones is'superintendeni of tB: Row&n county 'armv uiie , bcuoui uws and his -bride "was . Miss v Sallie Hnnt of Ashevillehb' Bas home demonstrawjr f or Cabr Of course the reception will be a brilliant affair aid . the -guests will be from among; "the mda prominent oeoDle in these parts and the Hanna home, ill- ways hospitable, will be a scene of solendor. somethiner for all who may have the pleasure : to attend to remember for long years hence.' ;J Prof and Mrs Jones will mak there home at the Farm Life School.. nr. Carriler of Texas Here. George H Karriker of Ieou county, Texas,. a native of Ro watt county, is here on a visit to hisf brothers, William Stokes, Gus and Henry Carriker, and sisters &!esdames John Sechler, Jane Eoutz and George Cooper. Mr Carriker sai the country is much improved since be left here many years ago. The parson got his gun And lef6 on a run For the tall timber wild Ho says, 'Ples.s By gum! Iv'e tiot an onossum. tHv: And' with Haters he:ii bVid a. - - I Chamberlaia's Diarrhoea and Colic Remedy in Eichigan. ' Mrs A H Hall, Caseville, Mich, says ,4I wish to thank you for your graud good medicine, Chamberlain's colic and Diar rhoea Remedv. We are never without it in the house and I am sure it saved our baby's life this summer." Mrs Vary Carrington, Case ville, Mich,, says, ' I have used Chamberlain's Colic and Diar rhoea tiemedy for years and it has alwrys given me prompt re lief " On a September day, Going down the way, Was jolly Uncle Pat; He was driving a bay And hauling some hay What d'you think o'that? ThQ Best Advertisement. The best advertisement any merchant can have i9 a satisfied customer. No greater recom mendation can be given an article thau the following by E B Mil burn. Prop., Guion Drug Store, Guion, Ark. "We have sold Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for years and it gives perfect satisfaction. ' It is u&ert to be the rule in Chiua, wheu an officials ex ceeded his authority, to tafcf him out and chop his tyfcfld off. Such a mttthod isalcu Iated to cuse iucrfefeed- re spect for the wishes of the people. , ost What She Neeftd. I used a bottle of Iain's Tablets some Chamber time ago and they proved to be just what I needed" writes Mrs . Volta Bankson, Chillicothe, Mo. "They not only relieved e of indiges tion', but toned up my liver and rid me of backache and dizziness that I had been subject to for some time. They lid me a world good of and -I will always speak a good word for them." flams Coming at St; Enoch's Cfinrcli. ,r : Home Coming services for the returned soldiers 'was held : at fe Enoch's church, Enochville fe ce'n tly. Pr Jf . F B Brown tmacTe a spli ndid.talk, welcoming those; j whofent across the sea. After i talks wore.over1, ; a splendid; dhaier w;as. . served which y ot all ata h e a r til y and great-2 ly ecjyjed by the soldier ; boys 1jack hom e. His ad dress : was f ulhof -good- advice and. - was' nauch enioyed,by 4 aU who .heard r him. A cum ber-Qf patriotic songs were sungxahd- enjoyed; by the audience. . M iss Mary Fleming of Wbodleaf, sang ' When the Boys'come home.utand ; "Laddie Kaki" was also sung by Miss Fleming; EthelBertie and Clar ence - Bost. The irls of the school sang, 4,lm going to Raise my Boy. to bo a Soldier." The meeting was opened bj& Rev B S Dasher with scripture reading arid prayer.. Prof firpwn told of what the Unity, Saw and Eaoch ville chap ters of Red Cross did at home while' the boys did their bit, President LQtheran Synjd has Hoved to Sal isoury. - , v . Salisbury is tbe?orae the capital of Norh Carolina Lu Mieraniem. RevJLMorean, fonfraep pastor of tbe Raleigh church who gave up that pas torate to become the salaried president of the North Caro lina synod arid to devote vhie entire lime to the work of the io, will make his hrae and his headquarters in this lcitytrl ppndpetH the affairs of ttTe bo1Tr(!feTTr-trSW III bi8 ac-. Besides the presi dt-nt Salisbury is the home cf t he secretary of the Svnod, Rev Gnorgn h Lmgle, and trwasurer, Jams D Hil'g. Defied ia Plea For Delay, Gompers Now Backs Strike. A her doing all that be could to persuade the men to delay the strike until after the President's industrial conference at Wash ington October 6tb, it appears, from a Washington report today that President Gompers, of the American Federation of Labor will furnish the strikers all the support possible and will stand squarely behind the strike. Mob Rnle Condemned by Jodge Bryson. Expressing apprehensions be cause of the growing tendency toward mob rule, Judge T Bry son, of Bryson city presiding over the one-week term of Guil Superior court which convened yesterday, told the, members , of the grand jury that such propen sities must be sympathetically discouraged. Resoect for the , is synoymous. td'a veryiarge nt. with good government, law exten ttdyth'ef e caa &e no tolerance. oft riotous acts of the peopI$J.n Guil ford county or in any o'ther North Carolina county. ' The Judge referred specifically to the riots which occurred at Winston-Salem, Forsyth county, in the autumn of 1918, a chapter in the history or that communi ty which naturally invites the reproach of good citizens.' Those who try to "take the law in their own ib ands should be severely punished." Such offences against society are not to be condoned for a moment, Judge Bryson pointed out. ' Colds Cause Grip and Influenza . LAXATIVE ER0MO QUININE Tablets remove Xh cause. There Is only ooe "Broow Quinine." B. W.'CSOVCS tidattan aabax. Ste. - THE NEW SANITARY LAW. iv. t&& Provisions For Enforcing, Law-' our Ren reseotarJres Permitted to ho Enacted. Below, wefgive an idea of what our so-calledrepfesentatives-per- mitted the little subsidiary bunch ilSilfe State Board or Health, to enact into a so -called Jii'-:ndy 5 per cent , of the masses of the State asking for. any such enactN men t; and by no stretch of author- ity was there any justification for -i u legislature is sup- posed to enact into law. only those things. THB PEOPI.E want and beyond that they - exceed their authority and- become mis- representatives. At least they, are not expected to go to Raleigh and becone rubber stamps for the Board of Health or any other bunch of faddists and public med dlers who wish to enforce their follies upon the people. L - It will be" noted that the law became effective upon the date of its passage, namely Fehurary 24, 19J.9. Its requirements therefore are present as ,well as future. But in order to give every one ample opportunity to comply with it, the State Board of Health is deferring the -date for insist- in to October 1, 1919. Upon that date the inspectors will be put in the field. v The inspector, on viisiting the home, will find, the privy either sanitary or unsanitary . " Tk Collect a Fee. The procedure is sfmple in each instances. The inspector posts the State privy Jicense number upon such privy, after having ?l!tes9 forty eots. r&opioio DORnnoverRopgiiSM. Such privies will be found in 6anitary due either to faulty construction or faulty mainten ance. In such instances the re sponsible parties will be subject o Immediate Prosecnfion,but it win be within the discretion of the sani tary inspector to follow one of two courses, as follows; 1. If reasonable evidence is furnished to show that responsi ble individual is acting in good faith bnt for some unadvoidable reason has been unable to meet the .requirements, the inspector will bejjiven authority to waive prosecution temporarily. In this case the inspector will collect the license fee as usual, and affix to the privy a sign bearing the words, "License pending." Up on the next visit of the inspector he will naturally expect the re quirements to have been met at which time few, if any, excuses for non compliance wilLbe considered. 2. All other privies insani tary in construction or mainten ance will be placarded with the' sign. ""Insanitary, Unlawful to Use." The inspectorwilL- speci- y the date after which: this jc becomes ffectir-r. . - -r condemnation is d due to defective construction, the owner will be held legally liable. 1. The Owner. It is a misde meanor to maintain a residence coming within the provisions of this law until such time as it shall be provided with a sanitary pri vy, of a type approved by the State Board of Health, It is a responsiuility upon the owner of ;a residence coming un der the requirements of this law to satisfy himself that the ype of privy which he installs is one having th approval of the State Board of Heal th . If it . isx not. the requirements of this law are not satisfied, and the case will "be handled as if there were no privy at all " . - ; -r Wpontirgmnt or Bteitatisiiu : It must be emphasized that the inspectorcjU be'a busy man. He -wtll.hav&'yna.i'tiiue for"' pafleys on . points either, of "construction or ' -" -.j . -v,. i maintenances- The specifications ' on these points, as set forth, in this Bulletin,1 are iso clear 1 Ahat any 0ne who reads them can have no difficulty in settling forjthem- selves the question of rcsponsi: bility in any case The inspec- tor will therefore, be fcharired by thevState Board of Health to ap pW the requirments of" this law to the responsible parties wlthOBt armni8nt or oesitanon. M X Machinery and Methods For Enforcing Law. - In accordance with . the provi-. sions of the law,the organization . responsible for its enforcement consists of the following.: L The Secretary of the State Board of Health. 2. Bureau of Engineering and Inspection: av Chief of the bureau in charge of the work. b. " A corps of sanitary inspectors to carry ut the details of the law. " The . State's autocracy, the . Board of Health, the . author of he law make itself prosecutor, judge and jury over 3,000,000 perfectly lawful, sane and compe ent citizens. The Wntchman has no desire, to make a personal matter out of this matter, but feels that the people ought to know who are the parties responsible to the people of this countyf or such ' a drastic, pre-emptory and exceed ingly undemocratic measure. Be side the cost of erection, and main tenance of these worthless build ings, a FEE of forty" cents Is to be snatched, which tnaeans about $2000 to b7e stole from the citizens tof ihecoimty v Why niQt , lei xnose responsiuie ior. tdh crime in the name ot Health, pay the osts out of their own private purse? New York Manufacturer Makes Extra Ordi nary Attempt to Prevent Strike . August Goldsmith, of Gold smith Stern, &Co , large jewel ry manufacturers of New Yoik City, has made a remarkable statement regarding- his., unsuc cessful efforts to prevent a strike ouvthe part of his employees by dffering to turn the factory oyer to them to run for their own prof it and to assist in the manage ment six months without pay. After stating that the business pays only 10 percent profit, while tubmen demanded 25 percent-in crease, Mr Goldman said further, Just to keep peace," I offered to sacrifice I this profit of 1Q per cent, and add it to tbe wages of my workman, leaving the Com ig the Com- . I bing in .pro- -(i couldn't see SLL pany absolutely noth fits. The workmen this ana aeciaea to strtkei.'.;-'?.;! -r-Ll Italy C3j PrevetK5itHSrBfrT aria dispatchpdtday indi cate lb at Iilod"Georges-expresed desire that the Kaiser be tried In London may hot be realized-and that the ex-German Emperor may not be tried there or anyV where else. It is said that a de mand upon Holland for the extra dicion of the Kaiser, to be effec tive, must be unanimous on the part of the peace delegates. Such unanmity, it is reported, is unlike ly on account of the feeling of the Italian delegates that the senti-; meats in Italy is against such trial. No Worms in a Healthy Child v All children troubled with worms have mn un- " healthy color, which Indicates poor blood, and as a '. role, there is more or less stomach disturbance GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC tlven regularly for two or three welks will enrich the blood' lm prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength-' aning Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be ' in perfect health. Pleasant to te Wtfpw bottle, " Day Wcr lbsj. V 11 '.. 7 ,4. A- - - -. , . :''J'' ')!. . , .-.. ' i' ' v .- . ... '. ,.-,'. r ' V

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