a, ." - $ x ,,ih " . VOL, JO. NO. 3 PRrOE OI OD i - I- i -r r r r t: IS CODISS lit CHILD IS SHOT t7HU , . .LY TO ACCEFT PU$S Omft V today. ; Twtfitytat Btxabtxeef tbt of trostm of Trinity collexi,' Ulss i all . cf . U ' tMxalw , ?Tlti tt raUd la Xjiror of ejrtaij V- tj prwcrj oxxar.ox jut. iox ua wof a t nilax sdLbw4 at 12tl oTtr oa h3 .Tdoiiy ctts Lad mUlbKllti'woold U Impot- bWo a ptrt of what wi oottli lbU rsabaidemaa whan tha I46n hm oat Of tha sraaUtt uaiwalUea t c1! Tlctlm w aatibllib. la iha eooatrf. " ' ? Ti v ..v..ftM f eK.t ' Joiat fttBtra) aerrleea for 16 of tha aatdraaau of tha offielaU of tha .IU:.;?aJ-ta rtiintioiL rty Dunai ja Ufcundaai trarta. -It-wmi aa tathaiUitle aroaa af I P 6XlhC7PHWaiJaa tutaa which .amaaatad from tho I conduct tha iarricaa. fla af Praaiitnt William P. Ftw. Tha ramaiaiax Tletiiaa will I rlfrd taoorrofc. Twtnty eazsoaa amodtioa off trad h tha mulUmil- I ia:hopitala' AH .hara "in arta J fathtr," J. A WUey, on Jiaaalra" philaathioplat, that ahould ellnc 0T rteoTery. A commitUt J aon. It wa thcht th. Jrim 4;fpjc nctlcu af tha ra -whck datroyad tt ac2;aal - haot -duriax Christinas art ditt&aa&t Earing htta Idtn Uil4 &i paosla 'df tha 3aVi Switch MttJtaitnJ;; today 'act .about -tht td work f, burtlL -PUna for aiaj a wara atErtt eonmld- atad whaal'U;.appaaradihat;idtatifl- Uaaa-BlMF48aTa Tia9i Dfctt in St From Ef t af Wwi - i aroaga Jtaart. - Martha TEbaif4 fonesV iauffhtarof Capt juxd: i 5 t&a avning at jconcox?aati sna vwaa nemty rjJSaturday aiffht -arith Ekmaie i , to. tpand the alghtiat 21. ;Ii:Gintt in; whifbferaaka ii 11a Gaati. md :-ixinai:lialj'-"Gai II - -' x-"t acad aevtn aiad Latheif aima-SlF 'llie -BVooiinip occurred .naaiTth it frit, ared aleveivM WAHJ4INC BY KLANSMEN Epod Law Violator? UBAY TREE '2bwiEea. J.--"Lay of f proa- "- 4kHPMMaMHaiMMI RoauaUU Immala wPraridaBta Igiutilaii vWa qnot tnVfbllowiast iattrattiatf V;b1s' "aoHMOlad J Pightine fitalo from tW Chritiir Leader of -' T ChKrcVuf r loria aaaka to coatrol tha.poUtrrUJaoTaaxeatadf any coun- ra-arafc the smallest and; tha big .laiitrO anbngh to bafdre 'the bar of justtce." . kfilrbrth fry. In tha i kbove warning- waa" placard rEafefrti of the KtopcKIaa ,toowa nkaitaeU felt, .i Wmnnity to tha .bootleg. e?ePj or aUtlag down Elm'atreel atlrW; acandai;who have i?aJ I'fT7 h" . fli-V - RHilt5i;'b;nt aUtlI :rti: ii,KW W - l l ik iBafc a8Al anm naan beTO d0inT--H to Control the gOV- nioit Jiiltry rbaa;and effwf Benaett, the Soman CathoUc enunet "f!! .i.iJiA'--. tooVthe IpaH in whnentfTOmbe-life.of the nation. denonement n incident ia regarded as si- held chUdran In 'the boUdlag and pravasdad tha.eacapa of maay.- Tha'door wai tha ealy exit. Thti fira etartad: from a candle fia a Christmaa traa. ; km,' ' Hobart OiU'Dtc.25. With tht idtmtineaya-oftha lajtrrictim - es- tabliahad .tha raheeked dtath lit because of thA shootinir-:4AL 1 mgr-aiso oniamea n emblem ox t&t 'BrOowa, wia; nrobably I vas conspiciously display Trinity eara to change Ita bum to Bobart eitlitat has bean appoiat- fall a blo Vekl iad birsUd IhiktVmaiTaraitT it wauld raceiTa a I 4 b7 nfayor to csxa -for tb later in tta rds! been madeain: rt k lAOfla.000 at once amd I caua"--rt mn W1 u raoaa a moaamtat zor taoaa axu-1 ovnai. &e iniscflverafii a : xaiuet noit i urooica' aiiecnonaand. aniotber 'fflti' w.i 'nuiwiu Hiu wi ujncwu invar ,.ui routur. r . txaTus-f hivotgv iu uviuui. ox per OHSoana. . to take ao actioa ia iaYtstlgattagltton disclosed tha the' mayor tha .flra VWUa aettiag which had I ed throughtha i heart aad, itckalwiU probaWyitader hin T$d&ia&6n ben jOactd.aTeT the achool window) rib oa,tha-rtvda. ! ri? :ltothj!city council, btit bis resigaa- i na cauoraa tha-tLouL thinfflik whea aha f elL vTha lather of thai hm&cwyt er?BlyefcaadVjm Sf- duH irl la .Yanli conductor for thaLfoTt;o3faerttto.the feie '"but f aiIod;-&.Hr Southern at Speacer. . f aJia tagainat It ia that i .GoroaarSi iaouest iato iha.death rt toftJrfaaif a.aad'will aakf or jecta taeraiy to flg&t Koman of the1 littla girl found that she died the vftrtobis childraa ? ' fte IP8 li list I because - of - "cross carelessness and I 7 ifrVson was elected mavbr of Hen- f taaa mMre antagonism to a a ithaCaristtea-eTe arai tha-Babb4watt'lafiaTeBW Swith rural achooL stood at 53 to-lof flrearias;". i-L t-i-.j ..i im.. jji j j ml. LiiirriLJi.ki.c:ii:: .u.J - j. i wr v. ' n . tSS'Mrt. itrith : y nian m America: ana .v. 1 strriees Ar IS. of the dead will belm Iwin" tbat vlefitvd; nas " TV riTT UM .t., 5 - m; FfbV mexnamit Mhtrttv W Ms haads. for the glory haadabjaa' aanual income of 31 pel1 ctat of ,tb Income each year from a $40000,000 trust fund, was found goad, spItndJd, ta facV There "was jut tha' Uast hesitancy en the part of any oaa.-. "It H the happiest momeat of my lift.- said. Prof cator R. L. Flowtrs, ttaryreasurar of tha inttitu i "iost of axy bojhoad dreanvi hare failed to coma true. But thi U oat t -my grtateit which has baaa iullUlL" , "It was done ia a ytry iw miiv ateaM cotamaatad Joseph G. Brown, af RaHtga, rrrahnaao' of board af .trastaaak la a brief tnaeah at the in more than :the mere won res t those who hate bee so feaittly-violating thi probib. Ptiotfi irfurther evidence thi the Eu Klux Klaa standi for 1a3 aad?c1rler,; foi good govipraimeat av a clean community, and refutes th enemies nave made ( ot. im.-l higjSej lectroi Usually it- proceds Very alyly, and the forgeta inward con mporaries has lighted ttpon an. ar- Icle credited to TUa-NAtlonal Cath olic Register, whfcflets fall sUte ents of facta and(. purposes which lay well open the yei df our peo te. The paper referrd to congrat ates itself f and ' ita readers in such 4ragrapha '4s jthe f ollowihg: 'It ft God V plan thai the Holy : ktber of Borne should be the tern oral and spiritual head of Hi King om on aartH. It it the same today j in the time 6f the first pope. The est way to accomplish thit is hrough political power, through re igious education and service. God .as doubly blessed the Catholic Jh.urch of American -by placing one f its most If aithful sons at the right and -of President Wilson. Next to president, Hon. Joseph Tumulty, The iur viewed:thfi. bidyTof thefaomiaation and makmg'ihTac onl n WW vt ,isiK w.. t srttii .aoaxiafg-. ia, two aaaaita is. unais3ri-aaa: ;auo'visiiaa tna stane oi iX2e-xaaenantL3ats ticket. - He .servea rwwiiw .wiu suwe wuwwmqu i,- - : - rTr" r J It; expected to die .aad two o tpoiUes.- T be litre the aciIoaJ ia a critical. eiadttfoaJa of the trttttet la accspUax this I Mrrices fr 16- tK and the cotmtrr in I WMBvBij'wa eo2aHpa lyttg iaffusplienip6iattiMagerf irwar . -1 .7 nqtwwgs. ana . Zi otaera iisa ' as i a rxxie xol go npnnngr : - iwu.q severaremtaren. - ? - .T' v missing as a result -of a Christmas I '- The -funeral was held Monday,; Bryson was an acknowledged eve fire - at the district achool house I largely atended by relatives and I leader; andr his "resignation . ydH- b.in at Babb's Switch seven miles from I friend of the family. Ian active career to a close. hare. Hobart dtixena tonight were! ' I N Details of the manner in hich Uigh asked; m If we were praying over tha -proposition, I tpld them Tea, aad Back Duke it drawing none ffie leasearnesy becausa. of . its support of an individual the church who has the.manhopd.to take a bold stand for law-enforcement.. . I warm Hiarid-iYesideht Wiltok Aa ovation was accorded Presi dtat Ftw when he was iatrodueed. He statad, with more emphasis than he has aver been known to show before, that Trinity was not lost bat that It would remain as an inte gral part of tha unlTtrsity. He as serted that, sines a four-ytar col- lrooka found the mayorftn his hoinjg 1 IS DEAD AND 21 INJURED continuiag their efforts to identify MORE RAISED ON the dead. . I LESS ACREAGE lare lacking, theformer has de At a mass meetingfi- today, called clined to discuss the case. by. Mayor F. E. Gillespie, committees North Cereliee Gates $4,000,000 In Mfr Brys6nefr"g wtre aamed and the relief work was Small . Craia Velse - i.:t:",7. aaily Sunday m6rnTn: ; and ' wiled .goia forward sjstamatically. .. . I North - Carolina --f arniera "tealrjadj tip; hir-ftttoTBepr ' sdtJa We" reach- . . . t 1 .11 .L .1.. - I .11 I . J.iL . M. 1 A., -r - " -, " ..... is aaa neta aeciaea vo oary au ueiw .uou.ouo more on - meir umuiieu ui city. unidentified in one larre grave in I mint this year than in 1923. ac- AS WATER BREAKS DAM HEARING AT SAtlSllURY Mud and Water Let Out In : Torrent - to Wreck Saltville. Richmond, Dec 26.--Four more bodies, were found today in the muck from the dam that broke Wednesday night and flooded the lower section of 'Saltville, according to along dis tance calf - from P. K: MeKee- in - M . J I. Ik. V.. tVXV D h mfLm UU ttmm- m ... m- 1 ...... t..-" v, .f uniTtrsitT. Trinity I the Hobart cemetery and late today I cording to the. Sears-Roebuck AgriJ COMMISSION CONDUCTS emnld remain as such. I crew oi ram orvu wie uiww uwt i cUiHJTai rouufldn, ,waiui jrcpw up a long rrencn oz earcn. vaiuea. amouar poou,vuv,uv. wui ucaw unarpu tnarix time cnarge. ox relief work at saitviiie to Early tonight only ten o fthe dead The half raillipn bushel increase of Construction Without 'Delay. the Associated Press today, had been identified, despite the fact in the North Carolina wheat crop The corporation commission, .witb: Todays find of the known death that the raorgue was early thrown this 'year brought the values up, tt all;mambers present, held, a hearing list was' 13.. Seven persons still are open to the public. A steady procts-1 $10,250,000 aS compared -with vrhn tker Jnatter of an underpass' be- missing." The' bodies found today sion or irter-ttrtexen Ttiauves xu-rsno.OOO of 1UZ3. rne oat crop ios tween spencer ana mast spencer m i were . those of children ranging in points from their fountain pens which had been used In signing tht resolutions, stating Jovially that they would keep them as precious souve aJrs. Dukt university, which was es tablished today, wifl la realty be a continuation of tha little Institatioa established la the north we stern por tion af Randolph county bsck in l$3t. It will include a fully equip ped medical school, which may rival John Hopkins: Isw school, a school af engineering, women's college, and school of religion training. The trustees will be given a free hand. ed all day lone betwen the shrouded I this ttate this year is up to ft. mil Salisbury r Monday Thcc Southern acre from three to ten years. One. forma, but ao terribly had they been Hon bushels 'as compared to the SJfaflw was', that - of a girl named i Clear, burned that it was impossible in most million acreage with the, result that la suggestion to build an -overpass a about four years of age aad the cases to mark the featurea of loved farmers vrill have taken m milUon luiihd. feet - further out lian. the ibxee. others were Stelts, three to. dollars tn this crop aa compared I polai suggested for the? rajderpasa, as I tea. , ; Among those who have been rcog-1 with : 3 1-2 millionathe yaar before. J point -for discussion and i perhaps I Only the'e of the 20 injured are nixed is the family of T. C. Caff ey, il The yield per acre on corn in compromise. r-: K , j stiff aring 'from pneumonia, and all a farmer living near the Babb's I North (Molina the report rotates, h Switch -school. Six bodies, the father J dropped to 14.9 bushels' per acre andjhad' no ."powerj to enteriito any-, were washetl away by -the muek from rnothtr. and four little forma, hava I the normal prcductkmlof"60,OftO,000 tlung:bT wiy.ofiuggestionlor oin7 ttoiMai';VkMt wrecks, but th Bv ehanrinr the asms, of Trinity I been. placed to themselves. Survivors I bushels dropped off." to i 58,000000 f promise, birttmtts'tact under tho plant itself was not damaged. the trustees accepted the terms of j tell a heart rending story of howl bushels this year. The wet days, on I law, locating . the.mndepaM iand fix- "Saltville Ta., ' Dec 23. Nine. the 110 000 000 trust fund establish-1 the family, standing in the center of I the other hand, were a great help ling the time fo itacpnstifhebn, ia-1 kaowa deaths' aad six or sevea miss- ed br Jaaea B Duke,' powtr and to- the blazing schoobroom, every means I to the wheat and oats production, i tjniiiigr be, done up- I ing together with 21-persons injur- be-cco magnate, under which the new aalrrrsity will receive not to exeed $5,000,000 for balding purposet and X per cant tht Income of the trust faad. of escape cut off, threw their arms j the former rising to 12-i bushelalon return to Raleigh,.' ed, ' stood as the- toll of the muck 'Tiiigiitliel'-llrst' time inthe histoid bf -the country when the 4 president tfhd a great political party3 have op enly sought an equal and honest al liance with the Catholic" Church. Through the efforts of Hon. Joseph Tumulty, President Wilson 4ias practically-granted that education in the Philippines shall be under control of the" Catholic Churchy and that re ligious activity in the great Ameri can army shall be under the direc tion of the Knights, of Columbus. This means the. addition to the church of onemillion of the coun try's -best and bravest young men, pr at least their strong preference and sympathy for the Catholic Church.' " WOMAN FATALLY INJURED IN AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT. Statesyille, Dec. 28. Mrs. Ger tiwteSides, of Kannapolis, daugh ter of Jule Carrigan, Of Statesville, was run over and fatally injured by -4 car driven byPete Parker, a young man, on Front street, .last night. It , seems that Mrs. Sides ran in front of Parker's car just as another au tomobile was passing in the opposite direction, and the driver did not see the; woman until" within s few fc?t of her. The wheels passed over her right side, inflicting serious -internal injuries, a broken: rib being driven through her right lung. , J, C!1A wa at Sn 4-A 4fm Ia'ahI V Ann! 1 about ona another aad. in a last ges- pr acre as compared with 11.1 the T;legislatiuof 1923 passed a dam disaster at) the MatheisonvAl- ut died within an hour tura of devptSoa fell together lato year before, and the latter to HZo. actrequiring tfie road to. build fiie kali company works: as aightf all en- " Mrs Sides was about 30 vears the iafamoaa blazing rafters loosed from 22 in 1923. The -profit, per imferptayem veloped the strickea area toaght. r. m'-,Li.rt wnf from tha roof artuck them down. buAhei of wheats thm year? wa22 situatioa a tfxMihat! 'LnfcaT. TJi . "" . . s .. ... . .. A :ie . . , .-.ji-. t .Fox, from; Whom she was divorce, The board passed a rtsolutkm ac-1 Amid the awful confusion of the Lents where a loss of 34 centa was where the atcttb i jr.t . a. . . m 1., I cam a tnn iiftw 11 yf fhav ,M rTMl fr I x -1 1 a. - . 11 aAH maflt I DnitVilair'tkA; aiHirati. fnf4mHkrimi' I f a. . 'T aa'a amiA hud THAir I - - . - 1. ... . .... ... " . . . . & I . . I . .-.--... 't .".''' ' . v ' .- ' r; ' - I vIt. . . i . " . : " . ' r. ...... . ; saada by Mr. Duke to establish Dukt by tut placidity wtta wnica tae uox-ia oaU fro the 18 ceat loss of the putting the underpass tnrojugii.;as I thief supply or salt in wo .merf calvtrsity at Trinity. I fty family met .death. I preceding year. rf planned rand proyid Thtre, too, in a place apart, is I . The 'increased' yield per acra of enactment;-4 ' r . ." , ' . raa its saddest Christmas day ? closed JUDCE BARS atLAN 0UEST1ON I the body of j Mrs. Florence. Hill, I email grain and the increased price I Several officials of:thavrpad and of TO JUROR- I teacher, at the school, - who might I bushel on all graina has aided locl Tuscola. I1L Whta State's At!1 escapea naa ini'noi umw I materially in rettpnng xne iaxmer i bearing, m were a numoer. people i ntgnt a wau oi waier irom Droa- uuif ,iiio vo uuxk muni uioui p aetser ; nnancwu. oasis, .ne ironv spencer asa ivaac operaper. i en mnci. asm . enjuueu wie uuh. of escape for. tha little eliarges tiut ftondai The. - f i , i 'A-- :,::'g:rs'tiementof;ithe- Matheisbh-Alkali were hers, - higher erain nrteas haveresulted ia I FIREMEN FRQMOTED TO BE i works in the Valley of the Hols- higher" live stock' prices andf' this has SOUTHERN ENGINEERS ; . ton river".- ARCHITECTS WORKING ON JUN- brought a new vitality to agricul- Coming, as': a sort of Christmas' : The injufed lajr in an improvised IOR ORPHANS! HOME. tare. r "- f present for number of cbmotiveL hospital here. Four or five of them mi iPAint. iw 4 A'rehtteka - ; -r ' - tt HL nrmcnlinthe service 6t tHet South are aoi expected .to live.; Many .m- Vi ... An i I ROBERT WATSOW, SHOT BY MIL- era at Speacer is a promotion, to ea 1 have coatractfed .pneumonia from olaas for Are of the bnlldinirs.to be I. fi-aJW . UYM wvuiu- rpeer, tornty Cotttn, of Douglas county, this state, asked of a prospective jo rymaa whether or not aa was a mem ber ef tha o Klux Klan, a small riot was precipitated. Tha txoublt arose during the selec tion of a jury for the trial of three saea for murder. The attorney for the dtftnse immediately jumped to his fttt aad interposed objtctions. at Klcmapolis. From ' th ; evideace giVen 'by wit 'aessei tha tragedy appearamo have bea ; nmivpidable. Young Parker, who is a" son of 'Chalres Parker, will be given a preliminary hearing be- I fore Mayor L. B; Bristol tomorrow evening at 7 i30 o'clocfl. ' . ? SHARP, WARFARE . ON ROMAN CHURCH .BY FORMER FOL LOWERS. It is strange, that .war. upon., the Catholic Cfcvh appears ,to,jbe most savage in.countries that until latelv The final examinaoiiBna their ' imffiersion in the icy waters were most completely. Catholic. In mm. . ot ' - At - " . LJt !. Jki . '.a L 1 11 - i 2 Ul. lj j. ; m ;jc:- - -1 - al . ... ... erected at T irrintrtAn aa- th -National r ' 'ivODer Walton, X opencer,-who i neiQ lasi weeK ana we gcpiouui i jm Tir)iJiy8U vx-uiui were CenntT Jadre P. H .Bom austaia- ju-. rw. twr w it n. waa shot by Robert Miller at the lab aaaouaced- ef fectiv at once- 'Thell yerely burfied by the alkali ia the ad tha objection, stating that the beta aaaouaced here. TheiNaiioaalit4 the North Carolina State Denart- two weeka aao. was able to leave I aad V. V. Sykes. all weUowit in I when the crash of waters and mud mant of that fraternity are co-oper- the Charlotte aanatwim Satarday.par (dowa together, witii membera tae attoraey general threateas to aUng la the erection of the home. The report of the laddeat ladi-loa the Danville .diviaion fdra nam: of rescTie partiesa who toped all night impriitoahe Romaa'CatboUc. Bish- aarti jpaymaat by the X North cated that Watson waa drinking aadlb.erof years aaddttaad WglK the ad oy ln the ie m9u6il 09,' ittiitinor liisa Boiifl Jecanse yrnment m Pope autstloa as to any Jurors fraternal affUUtieas was Improper aad out aLda tha law. Ht also cautioned the. state's attorn ty that persistence ta-aalisg thU Question of Other Jury saaa w?sd prajadica the stata'f aide g' the. ease. . .. Iftadco,.: land .of aiany. churches. there- is openly shown .much anti Catholic feeling. - f -.And in the Argentine Republic, r great -power -4,of . South , America,. THE WATCiHUAi; -". r.a . 75l7r . -- t. I..-'-... :ij mt.; atm f-f.ii . . I aIif ata. tt a ISii-aJ. J- fcf2.iAaiAr.-- -irt- vJi.--t.1- "T.T&or1'" TTT JftT T xor tna name was mane some weaxa . aouseooio. .wuet- iuu 1 hh o um m ww t j wbji w u-iu 1 jpptprw. ui creceatuu Jxo am. it waa said, and other funds default of a S200 bond. Charlotte I freisrht f or tha Cameron Tarda at! sued for eve, and nose snecialisteto Pi rvm rit'! .trttgaacted ta taia-ITt F00 UOsarrrr . - - ''ajwibw- l mtr-- " -eui.jrif elvbt -c--?rr. jynaft Arthur "I g hi I 1" al ji - '

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