- -.1. v n 5ta China- GroVo Itc 30M ' 4 ' ' Published .Eraryilttday v S Established January 15th, 180. and published Isr .the laUrtrt of China Grove and Rowan County.- - WsaH 3 U wart, EJJtWasrf Owr Uborr. N. L2?as sond elass mat- Ur under the art of March 3rd, 1879. OSn 119 East Fisher SL Pea 714 I tiuvr danifiABOtt tq static sresldent Coolidge refuses to rap-' port the chUd? labor. " amendment to the, federal constitution, whldi would give" congress Jurisdiction" tut labor of all persons' under 18 years of age, -.. . , - The child , labor amendment advo cate will try toi force every legisla- - I m mmt sV V f a AMlnM Mel WA Caters ilo-pcttoffiee in Sal- "t K-nZTtttSrS TCIJITtC xr r.rvZ. I submit this question to a rote ox, the 4. people. , " . x x MaichiMtta ,aad k jome . other states hvej burled the amendment under eaormoua neatlTe majorities, taUnx yodUoQthat.it la a, question for erery state to' deal wlflu. Boainess 'orgaaixatlona, aonie 40 oxYanJaatlona of lnanufactorera' and about 80. aate and -national orfnJ xatlona of farmers and hundreds of chambers of .commerce and bar aaso clationa are opposing thia twentieth amendment.- The federal chOd labor amendment would create a new department at Washiagtoa.i with, an array of offle iala trarelin all over the United States and;.te4Jinx-. families of rood American flttitens bow -to brinf up their children" and, issuinjr permits whether boys o? ffrls up to the age of 18 shall permitted to labor, and under what conditions. 5lUmrrt tL C, Jaju 2. 1925. la liHaa . JOHN JOSEPH STEWART. Jr. JajiwuT l.t.-18&5 Octbr 23 ta, 1914 "7T mmmmmmm 11 iixi , ' " . The Watchman and the China Crore Becord wish their readers a their erery proper desire be abun dantly fulfilled. Down in Louisiana where they hare a law to prerent people wearing truiVti, they were forced to wink at old Santa's appearance all dressed up in his false face, whiskers and furtrimmed garments. We suppose the hallowe'cn maaqoeraders will also be permitted to get by with their outfits, and then there is the snardl graa. The good books says the rain falls on the jost and unjust, and most people expect laws to act ta a similar fashion, bat here we hare a law as flexible as an old shoe. The trouble Is this does not seem to be the only law that baa considers bie flexibility about it, especially if the defendant happens to hare a good bank rolL PLAIN TALK ABOUT TAXES. The Erenlng Journal at Lewiston, Maine, aays; "America is staggering under increasing tax burdens. We are old that the tax in certain plains towns lsried against farm property is aa high aa 7 per cent on the Tal uation. And the valuation, although low as to sales. Is not low as applied to the general values of. property in the towns aa they average. "Pan! Shdup, talking in California. to the California Bankers Associa tion, depicts the conditions in that state and they are not dissimilar to those in all other states. Mr. Shoup says: M 'In 1923, the taxpayers In Cali fornia paid, over - $500,000,000 in texts, three, times as much aa in 1912. The cost of county govern ment in California has Increased fourteenfold in 21 years. The debts outstanding against county govern ments, in California were about $SJ 600,000 twenty-one years ago.. Now We notice that the PEOPLE in a South Carolina community are threatening to oust a sehool board because it does not function as the PEOPLE want it to function. We wonder if that can be a pointer to I they are over $170,000,000. "or 80 tne PEOPLE of Salisbury ai to their I times greater. Population has in daty in having our high school nam-1 creased during the same period froca ed The Salisbury High School." There will be plenty of time to do this, but of course no steps along this line should be taken until more agreeable methods have been ex hausted. Salisburians are entirely ritila their rights when they de mand that this school for which they cc-C JrnTr.cztal sncieef'-we ara very near - to VkdniittingYthat Uncle Sam irQl ben titter irf f ; xid&gt as - pagjsasct behlsd'n fast horse hand lad by one of IheW . snitart: private dareaerila' than.-- he will be if he drives' old Doobia ; wthXhiaYown hsndi..u;Vt ;?;v '''tvff.v- I Senator Ladd's 'concise brief for the private . development-of ;tho Mus cle snoais project does "mm, signal eredit His theeappoasessibns and bent, of .mind alk favor govern ment operation. And, jret;'; the, mb ment be; aa- a responsible i&ember'of the governnnt;r undertakes to : ex press ' a reasoned opinion 'on a coh- cretej case kh" casta preference and prejuuwon ine grouna ana anows his cnblased t practical , judgment- to trampel them -BnHfr foot. :- :u ' "Herein lies the essential diff er enco between 4 publicists' of Senator quid's stamp and tne radical advo cates : of government ownership who end with theory as jthey ' begin with it, ana painstakingly shelter . their, housea of cards' from -every wind of experience and Aaoutfd thinking" that might destroy their 'prettyr cas tles. If these) people' would tell the Simon-pure truth about Jheir views it would all boil down to the fact that thejr aro not founded upon econom ic principles. - What' they; really want is lower freight rates, tnaaller .: gas and electric ' lighting . bUls, cheaper railway tickets, lower priced service Of erery sort. The. spectacle of many purveyors of - auch' serces only a leap or . two. ahead - of ;.the pursuing receiver makes no appeal-either to their., desires or to their judgment. They want the best service and they want it for leas than cost. "Jones, the taxpayer, must sfand.the deficit.". JV IWX a bad cough.'. So does "fin" and la grippe. But theee lingering " coughs yield easily to the healing and curative quaUfleaof CKLAJDJLAIN'O COUGH vRJSMED Y Us c 3 s is s ..." -v,."" .lV 'rTX.nriiiisi- sr iiiiii-.iikim&i. - " - a mmmw ".r - i i ill?-. ray back cad side. I Sometimes' l woiua catch at something, I ould ret o saddsaly dgay- - dies, but none of them seemed to, do xne eiur PQd. HI:"! April I went up to Arjcansas to rkitjcy cisttrv- She said to m Willie, if you aro going to taia ' take CarduL It 'wm resily help you I carat h3xn4 fmy doctor what aha bad said and Ko aaidl councttako any better tonic, so my husband imnledia(ily got Bf botfla ad...; . rt l Vcgan.it T. My.caie'waa i pretty tbugh csa, ITapwi X kept on faithfuUy: Afterxba If onjbottla, 1 betoetl d very much2 better, so much so that I was aurpriasd at rayaeif-, " I have taken six bottles nowTca dy sayl fsl liker.P different woman. . . . I feel;fine and Z owe ta W irssi which I took fcithfuHy." ii " ' TAKE r. 3 j, The Wbmon'd TohSc Ul t,m I I " . ?:. - t Si I ' ' ' i TtlC CCC2Dr 1.485,000 to 4, 200,000, about three I H CAITlca ft f ul j Hno of Hlffh Ur&do Orpceiiea at times.' "Here in faine, the issue is the same as In California and in all ptb- vo coe. ox governmea er states m and to funded debt and its.aceumQ- laGoffi: Taxation baa boconWTa Jind 1 .6. P.BtiiP MO WALLACE hv which we- cas t the matfiecSsrF -vrrfJ krr are to pay a fancy price, be named I era from tho. iooejW-tlllexr . V pHWao BT aa they wish. The school is their I squawking. At T :rttrtZ& l cronertv and the school board is the I asking for mrVfilri'aei'taorw f .v J1? !''fHwPI errant of the people and we have I nhllsnthroplesV ?efptt$!bu no doubt hut that the wishes of the I buraucrse' aeAciex ' 1 people will be readily assented to I the masses of doing thin thenv when presented in a proper man-1 seivem." nsr. I The public is the goose sarighti but about the time the tax-gather- UNFAIR TO PUBUC I ers begin to pull the last of its tall Radical labor 'leaders will maka I feathers it Is going to squawk and another drive to pass the Howell-1 conditions as pointed out in the Lew Bar kier railway . Ubor bilL abolish- I Uton Journal are helping It so -ra ta the railftad Ubor board. lalixejthat tht; tax eaters sre;'gettfiig It is doubtful if this bill to sbol-1 mighty close to ita tail feathers right ish the present railway labor board, now. en which the public, the railroads If the public loses ita tall feathers and labor are represented, can be ( savings taken by taxation h IV will be its own fault for, -unlike thai The bill would simply eliminate I goose. It Has been given- brains with the public from a voice in railroad I which to thlal and it is srea3 ob- wage questions which would be left I jecong strenuously to the plucking. entirely in hands of railroad opera-1 process., lagans tor taxe noxxea. $20 ,000. UU Lie an up s -";r , This is a special sale Mclean up all odds and ends in shoes and slippers and- to move thfern quick we have marked all shoes of thia kind ; at HAUPklCE and v ; We are also selling the Newest and Latest Styles at a much cheaper price than ypujeyiU Tind else-r where.. i j . : - si' -:' :" We are also receiving by express almost every day J Jthe newest in, ? ft - Sweaters, ?Hjld Jin Fait Eveiythii usually kept in a big department store and at prices to fit your pocket book. ; Carpenter Compemy B. S. Shuford, owner. China Grove, N. G. ' '. - . -, rT . - - ; . . , ..... . .... .c... e SONy ; V. WALLACE A SONS V. WALLACE ft SONS 't ,. 0MS tors and labor leaders. So long as the public retains the right to regulate rates, it should also have a hearing on wage questions as It pays the bill THE FINCH" HITTS8. We may all have our opinionsoar hohhies and our prejudices, but: If , we can not co-ordinate then' with -lav exnrahle econcsjis fawi: cherisWd" dreamv are dootneil to failure. ':-V An article by- Senator Laddt of LINK IN THE FAMILY CIRCLE. As an entertainment and educa- ttarLl Amvr thm rvrKi la far tnr. passing motion picture theaiarx North DahbjayrtSo Satnrdaf tey caneo-naiia or any otner xorm or I v '""""tI public amusement. 1 11x0 Earnce botwoefact aiid 14 1 A new norixon nas been opened " u ,v,i ." i ap by radio to millons of families I Commhtinj on this .article hiC4 Bving tn the country, the town ejfc 4?' M0"?1 - Sh?1" 4. the big city, a new means of culture 1 wmcn, wnen summeo up, sxaxea.wias The world In its larger center ir "neither nation nor aa, iaiiridoa fferinr urograms of good entertain I "rush . $nto commercial;: ..... - l. . -. m . . . - 1 tt tL xaent and instruction -to people tnr Kw rgsitraat uwy,, wi -their homes both by day and night, I editor oM5e Saturday Er? ping Cost the new marvel drawing families to-1 aays: 1 ' '-; . j gather. - Young and old, instead of wander ing idly in search of diversion, can hear an orchestra, a band, n pipe or gan, a religious service or a good play, in their ottu home, be it in a city, on a farm, or miles away in mountains or desert. , There are lectures for the seri ous minded all the way from litem-1 suddenly go loco with" new-fangled tare to electricity and specialists I ideas. Let the ytrang . daredevtti of. give the latest ideas in dress, dano-1 finance and Industry drive the) Geff tng, gardening or the various fields I stallions and .the restive fillies. Good of scientific progress. lold Dobbin is' t2i4(rhoree for tjnele As broad cast in stations are en-1 Sam. Urged to give better service over wider areas, radio will give still greater service to the nation. ; er dtf A tsJ rCrTJen'ft All Wool Suite an exceDtional offer while riiAV la . fThiJuiti;CTO well mado and the models include plain r to .r-i 'The conclusion tp which this Una of reasoning leads is that, if vuncle Sam desires to slip a govei harness on a public utility he should choose a sober steady , ci.it,.' oomo sleek and venfiiSle' Jobhln that U i safe for an old C3xtl$asJl to drive with comfort and pleasure, n -depend-, able nag that will not shy or bolVor -.1 -'-V -..-' ' rj, - .. .. . -i J. -''" " - -7-.,- , ' "-rrp"Wfr ?ri.i Kr. W. H. Woodson has about empleted'. his handsome new real "ieefca" tisccrner of Fuiton and Innas'ftreeti'asd'U now moving Into i". . . . ... . "This argument cuts' both wya. If private capital is such a trusts worthy pinch-hitter that it alone can. be counted,, on. to' fcring off naxard ous operation with suooess, ii w frankly ' concede that any Industrial problem requiring ml genius, . htgh courage and perfect orgsnixation for its .solution can bo mastered only by e 4". ' 4 V raie .4 US 4 SEE OIJR K EVERY .. ft- ..-.j.3"?J Iiic7JTai:le-thoucht. iNofari jOapltains of Education in NerST Carolina have lost their bal. fance M iconictelatlpnf extravagant pnaiturWrn'irtop.bf the present pgrami! One ( college president, in Hin lbhi9iObserVer in commen- dAtion'of its iews expressed in a re- centf -'Word of ;Caution to the Legis Isbjnt4'Qbne point it is inlyjraritSnotJJ It is ithii: .appropriations asked for would cost the statepl,OO0,OOp-in in. t'erest alone, ?asfde from a sinking fundUTniimttst bepaid from cur reutTTreventies, . which, in turn, "will Weakn;the state's abhlty to aid the instituWonsluslf at thirtime they will bo Ceding aid mostr In. that sug. gestiOn profitable though is bdg. j edJ XoVitho legislative; taind:Char- lotte uoseryer. - - . - - ! J Tho Ghrlstimai axerctses ' were giv- at all the churches here and were . very . interesting. " Pastor Fisher's Bi blodaas ni the Lutheran church gavd'hinYa nice-cash gift which was presented by Iter. G; H. Coopr. I ; . notice. , North CaroHaa, - Rowaa. Ceasity i - Jn; the Superior Court. Mary Sink (minor) byv her" Next ;..riend.Ira Swicegood, "plain- ttf r, .vs. iiarvey mna. .defendant. The defendant. Harvey Sink, will takenotice that an action as above entitled has' been commenced in the Superior. Court . of Bo wan 'County by the plaintiff, MarySink, pr the pur pose of 'obtaining an absolute di vorce on grounds of adultery of the defendant; and the ' defendant will take ; notice, that, application will be made, Jo-the Clerk of. said Court for the'' apointment vof a guardian ad Htm foresaid defendant if . no guar dian has been appointed for said de-. fndont on or before th ldth day of January Jl 925, and the defendant will further taket" notice' 1 that he is re quired tonnearr before -the Clerk of ihe Superior ' Court of Rowan Coun- tyvattnis toiii.c in- oausDury, state aforisaid.on' : : ' : -' : tjkkm 1 9tK day of January, 1 925. and answer or demu; . to the com plaint ' f ile4 in the office of the Clerk "of the . Superior Court of said county within twient (20) days thereafter, or the rlief prayed for in saia 'Cymplamt will be -granted. This December 17th, 1024. B.iVD. McCTJBBINS, 'Clerk? Superior Court SALE OP VALUABLE ' PROPERTY - Pursuant to the terras of a cer tain, mortgage -4eed of trust execut ed bv Robv Rose and wife. Janie Rose, to tne undersigned trustee on book of mortgages N8t)5&Fe 277." default having been made in the pay ment of the. indebtednjess .tiierin . curedt and at tne request, of the hold er of the note threln secured,' I will expos for sale at-public auction, for cash,-.tthe court jxOuso. door in Sal- ' Saturday, Jaaisary j24tl' 192Sr at fyfii hour of 12, M. ,: the folio wing described property .1 . ; , . beginning- at a caJce on tne. squui sideof ' Maple vstfe at r point 1 98 hfeet distant- from ftha south corner at the , intersection of 1 Maple street with Steel street and runa thence in - 1 Li 1 1 - Jf" A -' . ii . margin of Maple street; thence with line of lot-No. 46, si oodthwesterly direction 200 feet to the rear cor ner of lot.No. 35, which front on the liringle Ferry road; thence with the rear line 'of lot No.36; sonth 38 deg. east, 50 feet to a stake".' corner to lot No. 43; thence with , line of lot No. 43 in a northeasterly. direction. 207" feet to tho beginning corner in the man. of nronerty belbmring to the John S Henderson "estate known as the Walter Xinton property, lying just across Crane creak on the north east side of the Bringle Ferry road from Salisbury. rTJpon this,, lot is lo cated a 'ourrpom cottage house. This December 8, 1924.., ; . - M0SE8'C00DiMAN. , rXi H'. - ;v Trustee.. . tate of North'Catollma, t :,,.Inlthe Superior , Court. Jamos ILpayisv Administrator of 0. 1 , -u.i iavis, : vs.. Henry, t Horah Mc . Kensie andthe children 6f Robert )Thr defendanta:alova named will take.notice;th ;ing entitled as-above has been cora nced in the Suprior Court of Row--Cbunty, to I appoint ' a trustee as fully set Out-Jn th TMttitlnn; filed in hiaufei:nd .said- defendants will wiflouce ww- uxey are . requireo to 'anpear nt the office ;r Oi Clerk 3f the Sunerior- ourt of 4IH Cnuntv thjout Jiouso,ip1Safiabury, N. ,v!-on t"A' -f .4 ""("sw,er or apmurto me -petinon, w .:i,ne .piainuir will: apply to the Court-for the -lfef demanded In &aid petition -V; r. L, :. : . . . befyloV W2C;, b; ix Hccubbins: CleW -Snnertrtfr- !nm Rendleraan & ItcndieiaaDAttys. " .",''': ;'"r r ,r-T 1. -a w, 3 Vii ffAL LA Cg & SO N S - VIVL A C ;S-j V, TALUCn ft SONS T&KsWutitoi? open indlUiwss land AlW?trs4 Jovtv tees ut down, fences stroyi djgaaa killed, tc. -v: Vo!uli'$aon.V.peBst fbir land. We havturtrrtid latof tres pass notices on C3Wcsr:board and inrzusncxamrtatoyuanutj iAI4IAATCnANf sTlfiCnfliar St. V - ; ,. L.-- j vf' ljtJ'. --.'t-i '-;".'-'- .1 ::f. - " ) .v '. ,"r. f ' I f I J J I t !. 1 t 6 V . ? j 1 . I "' . 4.

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