- ' - i f SlJBSCEIBB FOR ; . COTAIlfS TI1E UTE3T LOCAL, STATE; AND UflTIOilAL (lEl'Ji f i 1 - . ; i r TUffc test ca t:is JTin. vol iir. CONCORIXN. C.,1 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 19, 1885. X(X 21. , -J i ! X f i ( ; causes sis&eofor. j Prcsbytcrir. Churc!:. f BET. C- M. PAYNE, Pastor. Oar vice erer? Sabbath at ll a. m., ;na7 p. m. Citbith school, , 3 p. m ?rayer meeting every Thursday, 7 p. m. If oung llenVDevotional Meeting, every 'ad nd-4tlx8abbaths at at 4 p. m. La lie Prayer-meeting and Benevolent So-iat-r Vnndar after the first Sabbath ur ; aeh mocth.,- o, m. , . l 'Episcopal Church f ! ucv. GEO. ilrEO WAIID3; Hectors Uonth at forelock a. m . and 5 E-'i.u' Aiotirtn nf Sacrament of jJfctt ----- -- - . v, Timner at 10:30 o'clock a. m. Sunday School eyety Sunday at 4 'elock, p. m. ' Kothodist Church. HE V; W. S. CREASY, Pastor. Services every Sabbath at 11 a. m. , and 7 p. ru. Sabbath School, 4 pi m. Prarermeetin AVednesday evening at 7-p.,m " j.; v-t -' ' Forest . Hill Chapel. Prayer-meeting Saturday evening at 7:15. Sabbath School Sunday morning at 9:15. . 1 Lutheran Church. Bar, G. F. SCHAEFFEH, Paster. Praaching every Sabbath afll , a and 7 p m .' nday school , 3 p frj. m, OSeers or tlio N, C State.Grange. Masts W. R. Williams, of Pitt. Oasrsubk N T. Ridley, of Northamp ton. LbotwrkbH McAllister, of Cabarrus Stbvs'jlrd R. D Moore; of Northampton Assr. SrzVa.it M. L. Tayloe,-rf Hert ford. ' - ;--yf '-V-: -'V"'';' Chaplin Rev. Win. Graut of North anintoxi. : - ' TasAS. A W . Farly, of Bertier ; Sjfct.-H T. J. Ludwig, of Cabarrus. , Gat 3 KsspaaA. T. Eason, of Norlhara- pton. . '"-V 1' "' ' t Csans Mrs. Befctie Bryan, Noi ..mpton P0X0NA--Mrs Carrie Tayioe, of Hertford Flora--Miss U. P. Williams, of Pitt. ' L. A. SrcWAiiD Miss Mattie A.' McAl lister, of Cabarrus. .. ; V - i v , Ail communications intended for the lecturer of tli Nojlh Carolina State Grange shbuld be addressed, H. C. Mc- lister, Mt: PieiLsitJN. O.. v Executor's Hoticd. f TTvincr au ilifle.l as executor of the last w ill 'aud testament of W. W. P, Kimtnons, decd, all persous holdiug claims against said deceased are hereby notified to prese at th-m to the under signed for payment duly authenticated, on or before the 15th day of No mber, 1836, or this notice will be" plei Jed in bar of their recovery.. '. i J. A. KIMMONS, Exec'tr. r ''" Nov., 12, '85-Cw. . ;v , ; . f - . Like a Prairie cnTiid Parker's Tonics bound;to sweep the west. In cases of dyspepsia, kidney and iiver troubles it wins frien-is every day. S Mathesou, Pharmacist, Chicago HaHcN Ail AR A, Proprietor, CONCORD. N C Pan frail v 1 rtckted First-class fare. Polite attention. Special arrangemrn ior commercial travelers. . his nou has latelv Jaeen thoroughly renovate JL number of rooms newly and: neatly burnished. Large and commodious sam ple room on ground floor- No pains c ill be spared to mak all thewe stop: plngat the Central comfortable. " ; Omnibus all Trains. Df?. H. C, HERRING, D ' E' T " i' S" TrVVS k srraduata of Philadelphia I)ental lig9. has permanently located inCon-P.-r ?. Rooms in rear of Dr. Archey of nv. ' .-:;:r '. UiaTTeeth extracted without pain. " ' oct. 13 1 year. 3. H, :Vi9NjESS,5 PHOToeiOvi'nEas CSJiEZOTTI!. a 1 Copies of old pictures of any kind Lttade In Crayon, India Ink, Water iand Oil Colors, in the bestmauuer. KORRiSOn H. H. CALDWELL -Attorney tzl Cwasellar at law, ftONCOED, Jf. c JiH !a a?1 Prts of tbe Vtate; Collections made r in all country parts pf the - Off& oppoBiu the poprt house Krsc!; t!;3 cpota oat ! f j i I J; 1L Alexander, PRACTICAL TAlLORr ,Next door to Gibson, & Co. Henderson Special lot ' of samples . for " suits on had. - '- ' . : i Hti iinn. MAkinn. nicaninn and 07 o . O . . altering. . Work Done Promptly. North Carolina .College,; lit. Pleasant, Cabarrus Co., &! C. , The next session will begin ti e first Monday in Angust, and continue t wen tj weeks, " ; '- ' . , " ! - v ; terms : ' Tuition per term, in Col. Dep't. f$20j00 in Prep'y Dep'fc 15,00 Room rent, (College building,) f per term, . .. Contingent expenses, per term, , Boj.rd at College, (4.46. per month v last term), not ovefc - 5 v Board at hotels and private fami t 3 75 0J j J nn f lies, per month - v 6.00 to S10.00 Washing per month . I; 1.00 Fuel and lights per term, about 2,00 Total expenses, per term of twenty I " weeks ' - : $5O.C0 tp 75.00 , Students can reduce expenses W'ob- i.u ' . f' i . , serving um .ruiea oi ecouoray-wnicn they will be e couraged to do. The course of instruction is through f end complete. No institution offers superior inducemedts to young men wh4 desire to obtain a thorough education at a mod erate cost. For catalogue and Other particulars, address ( v ' Rev. G. F. SUHAEFFER, Prres't , r . ;:: ,J::.- Mi; Pie asnt. N. : M itlORE EYE-GLfiSSES , No weak Eyes MITCHEJL'S E YEJS A LVE. A Certain, Safe and Effectve Remedy for sore, weak, and Inflamed Eyes "Producing Long-Sightedness. and Be- . storing the oig'it of the Old. f Cures Tear Drops, Granulation Stye T uniors, lied Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, AND PREDUCING QUICK RELIEF : - AND PERMANENT CURE V f Ala equplly efficacious when used iu other maladies, such ! as (Ulcers, Fever tJtjres, Tumor!?, Salt Rheum,. Burns, 1'ilee, or wherever inamma tim exists, Ml fOHELL'S . SALVE my be u'itdtc ad vantage. Sold bv all )rrists at 25 cents FBIG OFFER To inlt1rod.uc-tl,ein. H Ulu Ul I Jul I we will give away 1000 self-operating washing machines. If you want one send us your name P O and express office at once. THE NA TIONAL CO., 21 Dey st; New York.. ' f PARKER'S 0 Wiaj : 1- If yon are wasting ' away from - age, dissipation, or, any disease or weakness, and require a1 stimulant take (Parker's Tonic at once; it will - invigorate and build up from the first dosev but will never intoxicate.- ; It has - saVed hun dreds of lives and may save yours. HISCOX&CO, New; York. DEAFNESS V its causes and jcure bj off who was deaf for 23 years. Treated by most of the noted specialists of the day, cured himself in 3 months, and since then hun dreds of others by same process. Plain simple and successful home treatment Address TS PAGE, 128 East 26th street; New JTorki Cjty. . . - ' ',' - jig THE BE5TT0IIIC. m This medicine, combining Iron with pnro vegetable tonics,- ouickly and completely : Cares Dyspepsia, Jrdig-egtteiw W fakness. Impure blod, Malai ia,Chil!s ad Fevers, "firanunfenf remedy for Diseases of thi Klt "ifinvrAable' tor WeaEes pecnlUr to Women, and all who lead sedentary ve " It does not iojure the teeth.cause headacbe.or oroduce constipation vihrr JrmuaeaiciM a. .; P Uenricskndprifies the blood, rtimujates hi SStlte, aids the assimilation of food, re -lieres Beartbiirn and B Ichinjr. and strength, -eiw the muscles and nerves. . y . , For Intermittent Fevers, Lasdtnde. laclt rl Energy, te.. it has no eqnal. . ; f Vhe greniiine has above trade mark and r5ed red Hbcs on wrapper. Take no r -r.. aH-iyr' BgownuttXiaAi ea, sxisoaS. Satisfacfeioa Guaranteed. 'LOVX73 Sinc I ain old I hare no care To babble silly tales otl when ' I loved and lied, as other rae a Have done, who boaatecj here and there aucj wouiuiuTeuiea loriiieiauuun They after murdered, marrying. Since I am old I reason thus . Nothing eurrire,, of all the past, f n?Su 55 ,eSSUih regrt lart, Us till the clods have umothered ua-- i Then, with our dead loveby our side, We may, perhaps, be satisfied. Since I am old and strive to blow . -.-Alive the embers of my youth " . . And early love3, 1 find, in south, -An old man's heart mayj burn so low, Tis better just to calmly sit And rake the ashes' over it. - - NECESSITY OF CLOSE APPLICA TION TO STUDY, And Aid ofSeeurin$ It- An Essay Read by SUsa Sallfe Robinson, at Teachers' Institute OctM. With due deference to the commit tee who assigned me' a subject for an essay,-1 think the text; sufficient for two sermons, and shall, therefore, confine myself to the Sfirst clause. The human mind is! so constituted that it cannot digest I or absorb if the expression may bh allowed, and reduce to practical use., any knowl edge it may acquire j without deter mined effort. ; -This truth is so evi dent to every thinking person, it is useless to attempt proof, and as the' difficulty is to jfjet the pupil to fully appreciate the truth, jl will endeavor to illustrate the necessity of close application to study in order to ser I . . , - J . ... cure success by citing a lew notaole examples. " J ' - " Hugh Miller, a Scotchman of con siderable notoriety, is my illustrious example of the. benefits to be derived from close : application to study. With a limited education, serving an apprenticeship to the trade of stone mason, and working at that trade fifteen years. C By utilizing his leis ure hours in the study Cbi J Geology, he made important discoveries in that science, and occupied no mean place among the learned men of his day; : The only merit he claimed was that of patient research, and he says : 44This humble .' faculty of patience, when rightly directed, may . lead to more erirardmHry fte ideas than even srenius itself." Mark you, he attributed his success to pa: tientpplicatipn-r Why else did he rise to eminence, wniie so many om ere, equally gifted hy nature and en joying more favorable opportunities, fail of distinction t ! . He considered this geologic knowledge ;ia; Valuable worthy of his effort j and this is in perfect keeping with success in all other paths of activity and exertion He : recognized , the . principle that what is worth having is worth striv- - ing for.' P i - -; 'p- . Our observation Iteaches us that the successful merchant is a close student of the rules of business per- laming io ma urunu ul worit. mechanic who has risen to eminence has invariably beenj a devoted .stu dent of the principles underlying his science. - Likewise the farmer. - A- J There is-danger, however, in : confining-the mind to! one, idea exclu-. sively, lest it become a hobby, the mind warped, and he man: turn out a crank. It is not the variety of fcub- jects brought uetore me mind, pro- vided it is confineal to one subiect at a time. In the present plan of edu- of cramming, the danger is that nothing will take a very deep hold on the verv deen hold on the mina. - i - - , It is related of Stonewall Jackson that while a professor in the Military j Academy of eyeiiinswhenHs friends a. aaa vuvi tuuivtuj would gather around the fire for so- cial intercourse, hT would turn his back to them, :fac0 the wall, r and study out the recitations for the fol- i oiate P"P ST' lowing day. He ould confine his &e at the en of montn of mind to that subject ; until he had , tht)e , r n "u i.a mastered it and ws ready to instruct ! K?2 CoUge has 140 stu his class, and thenjhe would join the dents, and JDr. Taylor expects this social circle and enjoy the evening. junber to be increased to 175 be Here we have an illustration of ,:the , ve ihe end of the year, power of the will over the mind, and ' v a happy and successful issue of close Reform tlie Fools. All teachers. have, no doubt, been ' At a meeting of the farm animals afflicted with what we terni dull pu- e Dude once attempted to prove pils. We find so inch more pleasure relationship to the Jackass, teaching those who are bright and "Why," he sad vainly,. "just look at quick to learn, thit I fearrwe 5 do in- my. ears 1 We must : be nearly re justice to those who are slow to com- lated.": "True," returned the Jack prehend. May itlnot be that, the fss, you may be a degenerated mule, bright minds are something . like a but though I have of ten heard men sponge, easily filled and as easily yon a Jackass, they have never emptied, while the slow plodding yet msulted me by calling me a ones master principles which they ,At this speech the oUier are able to use ii afterlife.; As an illustration of cloe application inmy eTxm TriTi in! hrrl " of ioa ; rvviKJ'o m. -u mm Afc-' " w -m - aA va u rViif'l' s Mental Anthmev 1 girl,'witli whose' tic. One ayoung the class, her 1 grandmother assisted me the child would often study until eleven o'clock at night, and then re- tire crying over hjer : arithmetic les- son. I asked her if she thought it stupidity. 'No,' she replied, x ?4the child is not stupi? Then do ,you : tHnk tlie book too- Lard Xor fcer V No, we most only persevere," recorj j niring her duty as well &3 the tearii er. We did pcraerere. I kept ,tbe class in that book nine months, ' and the result was : most' satisl&ctorj. j J? rota that serere drilling she forth th Ivwtt in hr !a.KL S forth the best in her class. Sue is now student in ' one of our class schools for younff ladiea, and i ' .t.j: , . t V. , " uu. first in her classes. - . ' We -mUSt I do insist upon it iwt make things too children. QiTe them that easy the while yoa are help- ing the pupils cive a word of appro- bation to the teacher. We are, only, mortals and nd enMuragemeat. ft 1pSSS"-ni !. I do not liwSat lean' condudo'!?'!!?- A "m ..9 this esraybetUr than to copy Uio.'S'.-irSS , bera of the House, and 23 out of 10 siory oi nis eaucauon; Lrrr Lutu I see, methinks,' a wild fruit tree.1 rich m leaf and blossom; and it is mortifying enough to mark how very few of the blossoms - have set, and how diminutive and imperfectly form ed the fruit is into " which even the productive few have been developed. But while my story must serve to 4 shun the evils which result from truant carelessness in boyhood, and that which was sport to the young lad may assume the form of kerious misfortune to the man, that much may be done by after diligence,' to retrieve an early error of this kind that life itself is a school, and Nature always a fresh study and that the man who keeps his eyes and mind open -will always find fitting, though it may be hard, schoolmaster to speed him on in his life-long education." Next Thing to It. A woman ran out of a house on "fire" as loud as she could yelL A. pedestrian, who was passing sprang up the steps and into the hall, . and I beincr unable to see or smell smoke excited woman and asked: "Vhere4s the firet I can't see . any.-8igns of one." 7"J- J- T - T didn't " mean fire I I I meant murder 1" she replied. . . 'Ib there a man in the house 1" "No, sir:" - ' - - . ' "Oh, I didn't mean murder, I guess; but the awfulest biggest rat you ever set eyes on chased our cat across the kitchen, and then stood and g-lared at me like a tiger thirsting for. blood I Oh, sir, youd better turn m a fire alarm and let 'em kick in all the doors and break in all the windows and Hood the house: The rat must" be killed before he commits some terrible deed 1" 'CfW ' ; & ;- State School 3fotes; The Reidsville Female Seminary has sixtyodd students. Salisbury Graded School has near 300pupds. :r"::v .l-'t" - - - The University of North Carolina has near 200 students. The New Bern Graded School has i nr.meni ... an enrollment of 493. ' : lbe AViison uraaea scnooi nas an 7 -r , cm uumcuw uiu . p"P" - , . - I)avidson College has a full corps of professors and 119 students. - Trinity College has over 100 stu- -n 1. . - ."11 -fjL? - I - ' 1 . . n . - m I- n i s m atienoanp ana awaru .1uJlrvf V - i I jr Peace Institute, Baleigh. is one .of .e most prospus schools in tije ammais oursi mio roars oi laugaer, ana. crestianen uuae suna suen- y ay-' . - " , - iloral ; This Fable teaches -us . , " " "7 , V ,j ; thf orcWy mortal should not attempt to claim the acquaintance of a ; The true teacher is a character former as well as an . instructor in the branches. A true cliaracter is the liighestitleal ' "A : truthful, honest, - industrious man or woman is a high type of thebest ciyiljztion. Kinnnu IT. - Cefbrr Irfrtt. Knr Yoai, Nor. SL The fcllmrir ia a susinmr of the resnlU of the rrT rT T.r: J-fJJS oe,T&1 froa tlyl WTaI States, KewYoik electa 1121, Democrat, for Gorcrnor, by about rm. ei.i. T-: mt:il,(XX The State ITis!atare SGTin a total toIo of 1C0 In New Jersey the Republicans TCQ . " Vo!l"I-r : E!SS t t.ir r - ft . 'n,. 4 heard from will probablT increase .i . the majority. In Massachusetts. Robinson, j Ite publican, is elected Governor by a plurality of about 22,000. The claim is made that the Democrats gain 15 members in the House and 7 in the Senate.- P::'- " In Maryland, the Democratic State ticket is elected ? by . about 30,000 The Legislature will stand about as follows : SenateRepublicans,, 6 j I Democrats, 20 ; House Republicans, ao j xsemocraia, xux. xremocrauc majority on joint ballot, 99. The successor of the United b tales Sena tor Gorman will be a Democrat. In Pennsylvania, Quay Republi can, ' for State Treasurer, the only officer 'voted " for, is re-elected by Lprouably oyer . 44,090. The Wisdom ot Josh niliiusa. To learn yure offspring to steal, make them beg hard lor ail that you tfvu them. '.- - ! V V.- r -. Tew remove trrcase ironi a inaus kataktei let ' Iiim! strike huui kuJJcu lie. :::-.r l, SAiigeis handle j the diea , when doub.t-ts ate thrown ia tlr cial.iJ Flattery is like colone waier, tewr be smelt ov. Lot swallered. If a inau hain't got a well bstlauced hea l I like tew seohtin part his hair in the iiiidJlc. There ia ouly one good substitute for the eudeai ments ov a sister, utiJ that iz the eudearmeuts ov sum oili er phellow's fcister. : Pietv is like beans, it seems to do th'e best ou ioor ile. Going to law iz like skiuniug a n w mi k cow for her hide aud giving the beef lew the lawyers, A i out the hardest thing a phellow kan do u lew spark Ujw gitla at once and preserv. a good average. I bad rath r uudertatk tew be two good doves than one decent sarpeut. A good wifv is a sweet suiile from Heaven. , Aflie iz like a kat it never cuius tew yew iu a straight line. 'A Remarkable JSecord. ASIIEVILLE, N. Oct 19. VTil idui Clem son, the ntont remark able, uiau ' m North Carolina, died this morning at Franklin, Macon county,; ay'ed 83 years. -Duibig his long 1 lifts he never bought a pound of meat, parrel of fl.iur, or corn, didu'i oVe a dollar when - he died, - never wore sjiectarle-s could read, ha a good Vt of teeth, nerer saw a rai.roa 1, bad u twenty seven i. years old, ; never swapped horses, nevr was out of money, wore foue pair of . shoes thirtetui yearsj; k pt oue jair of plow lines umeieen years, and never moved from . thi piac where ' he settled when a younir uiau. tie wns mar. rieit to 183 to Mi.s Uynthia Gnp- toii, who died last year, . The county autnorttie4 ta.k of eteciiug a small, unprt'teutiOtU mouiuui his last resting ph;c. t .ut to inark The Prbyleiiaiiau North Carolina Presbyterian. Theie ate 5 Presbyterie?s 114 miu isterii and 249 churches iu the Syi od. The aggregati membvTaihip is 19,467, of wbo o 1,49 i were recei veil duiiug ttayear. ' The am unts rais ed for i.ll puqoes are $131,942. The numler of manses are 39, and tiieir value aX Tim number of minist-rn receive is 11 i t those rrauferred is 6 ; of . Uceutiates re ceived 3, of licentiates transferred 2 oi candidates received 9. The num ber of licensures is 4; of ordinal ion 2; of paHtorial dissolutions 9. lu. ing the year 10 churches were or gautzed. Tiiis of course is not a complete resume of the year's work, but gives a more : eat isfactory view thau has hitherto been received., - A man iu Lenoir county has , pro duced a bde ot Sa laiaul no to j. a , tiC f Catrru&r Got. cf Yir-iaU cn tLs Crd tl, is a nephew of tta lat Grstral Hubert He was Vera la ttejetr Ho iree ved hU edacali?a at private schools and at West Pohit, nkzm la p3 cf the tlsf, in lFClU r.jtd his coacitoa and gzx9 U3 itrcrd to ineuonjtucrateinicrrx. : i.arc&a to be aQenrral of Cat -try befratha collapse of the auw for wLlch ho fought. A dashiffff toldirr and a thoroughly Rood felbw.Fitihc-b Leo was exceedingly iopuUr while ia tha Jirtay; , j' .--V: He is a handsome man, of Cs) sou dierlj leaiihjr. and ta rrry ftrorabty. recorded in irricnta uj oitu da- r of people. At the tnasuration oreniouies Inu liarrU lie was u comniaud ot tli Virginia troop that. asjunted. and his noble anarwco evoked admiration as ut rods at the bead of his men. T I :r-- 'I FUzhtiiiU Lee anUoaUt in the ftiiht for the QoVernorahipwaa John B. Uc, dio au tx-Ooufcderata soldier. . Uolh ura probably' tha stront available caitdidatas from their r. spective political camp, .nr. W ijfc is a Ile.itijuster as well as a RepuMicaii. 31r. Lee's political creed has been conaiatentlf Dtrno- cratic, and, according to r a letter which he wrote iu 1877, b advo cate tho paymeitt of the d bt of Tirginia iu fult , , ; The World Newspaper. Guy Cyril, In a letter to the Ntw. Observer, speak as follows of what he witnessed in the printing ofJco of the New York World, t Thrput?h the courtesy Mr J. T. Tume-, business manager of the World, I wan taken; throa ih thi wonderful labyrinthine press build ing, j I rtrmaincd up until 2 clock in the morning to see the'pupr u to prea, When the word ctuio jdowu aform Verifle4lt'' fr.ra thatira. man op in the eighth trvf r u elec trie si ark aet - eight UH uendnUf pres$es going. 15 was uko utiy Niagaras condensed in one 'tonnd. , It took in j breath, and only by the aid of zwei lagur and a eaudwich did I revive. When I gaiaed consctoas' uess ! I was even m no ' amazed ' Could hardly, tbiuk. It was a tutra. cle.' I watched theie match.esi presses gather in the paiers frotn off the rol.ers and on the other slle saw iu five seconds the World come out a complete paper of twenty-four sheet , folded, wrapped Itnd atrect ed ready for imiding l I could -carcely cotnprehsod the wonderful . improvements that had bam inado - m . ' at .. - in press machinery siuc tny risit to . the Herald pre rooms in 1874. The fo co employed on tho World i ' : 327. Tlie daily expenses are 3,0 X). and last Sunday the ca&h a Irert ic- ments amouutad to $9,8G1 Thr circulation is over one million pr Week. r;: :. .' : - . - " - Mr. Spurgeon says : !, called oo . one of my members and she ytiM whiteuiug the frutit steps. She got . op all iu cou fusion, and said, O, dear bii I did not know your were com tig, o-day, or I would have been icady. -I replied, De tr friend, yon could not be in better trim than yon arc Ton are doing your duty like a good Douse wife, and may God Ucsiyoo." bhe had no money to spare for a aer vaur, and sbo doing her duty by keepiug trie home tidy. - I thoazbt she looked mere beautiful with htr pail beside her than if she bad beea dressed according to the latent fish ion. I said to her, 'When the Lonl 'Jesu Christ comes snddenly, I tope he will find me doing aa yoa were doing, namely, fulfilling the daty of the hour.', I want you all to get o " , your pails without being ashamed of them.. - Serve the Ljrd in aouie way or other; serve him alwayrj atnra f him iu tensely; aene him more and more. r.'.u'- " :X :rr"r-:i " ---'- X Pat IgCl L&s a Vn&. : "When a man is going down hill eery body, is ready to give him a kick." Yes, that is so. It is aid, but mi tara!. Why, mny a man and woman, seeking employment, would hare-got it if their hair hadn't been 90 thin and gray. Ojo bottle cf Parker's Hair Balsam, is then the ' best iavestmenLXIt ti fallia hair, promotes uew growth and res tores color. Clean, nighly pcrfnms U . not a dye. A great hn prove turn t over iny si milar preinratioa, a j4 sold at the low price of 53c. - . . ' - -' . r A sick woman in Gailfrd county crzred water fnmBer. P. U. Xalioafl well in High Point, nu& her sister, with s 3 vend botU-s, w dked l'J milea to get it for her. - ' .-- -. , .... f . . . . '. r t f ( . X - ;

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