I.'"" .'::- .-: - - :,;:.;-. v .-. :",, ' , v.:--. ... : :: -v--" .'--r.rv .y. :r"T - r.V- ; ;::l:::i ;,:!:v": '- '''', ADTEBTISE 15 r I. ii;.' S, if A 1 'HI -, V I.;' f 111.3 4t I. cr 6,000 READERS Every Veek ! h v. ..... wx Tr . - VOL. III. C03STC()RD, X. C, THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 188(5. NO. 128. rice . : . "i. X f I- f , V. .'-! - i s.. . ii i . .M, ,, . . . , -J. N - Korlh Carolina College . - Mu:?lemat,'Catami8 Co.; IT. C. ' Tha next csioii will begin t e ;first Monday ialngurt, and continue tweu TERM8 litiaB per terra, in GoL Dep't- f 41 " in Prep'r Dep't 20-00 15.00 Booa rent, (College buildings per iteroi, . Contingent oxpenses, ier term. Board t college, S4.45 per month, last ,tm not over 8.75 1.00 5.00 Bjard at hotdlf Arid private fami lies per month, ' fl to 810 Wpshitiff per month: -1 -H) Fnel and lights perform about. 2.00 Total xoena, per terra of twenty weks. &0 to ?75 Sindenta can reduce expjmus by ob MrTiiig tha rules of econ imy, which they will be encourage J. to do. The course of instruction is thorough and corapUte. ' No iuatitutim ofers superior inducements to young men who desire to obtain a tharoqgh educjition at a mod erate fiost- Forcatalogue and other iar tlcnlars addrew. 1 Rsr.HJ. F SCHEFFER, Preset, j . Ut. Pleasant, N. C. - 11 1 WW DiUHts causes an4 cure -by one who vriis deaf for 23 years. Treated by mo3t of the ntel special isfs of the day. cured bim8if in'S'raonths.and'sinca tlieu hun- drrd nf thereby same process. Plain Ktmele and successful homo .treatment. Address T IS PAOE, 12XEAstl28tli street, Fair YorkX ity. '.. P?K?BSTomc. : If yonar wasitme nwrar from ago. disviipation. or any dineasd or weakness and reauu e a nimular.t'. take Parker s Tunic at once fit' will invigorate and build uo im n thVflrat dose,, but will Bter iauxio t. It" hns s.ive-i .hun dred of lives ard my SHve yours. ' . I 11 IS :OX & C J,;N .t York. A BIG OFFLR To introduce "thein. i we win give, awiy 4 i Tf nn uriint one :id uslrouf name. P O an I Dim-m oiHco at once.i TI1E KA -TIONALCO.;31 Dsy st. New York. E EIE-GUSSK. Ho MiTCHEL'5 . - :EYESALYE A Certain, Safe and Effectve Remedy for sore, WeaK and Inflamed Eyss Pirt.!n!inr Lonr-Sicrhtedness. and Re . storing the Sight of the Old. Ws Tear Drops, Urannlation, flty THmfii-a, Ud Eyes, Matted Ty Lashes, AkD PRODUCING QUICK RELIEF . F AND PERMANENT CURE. '.1 equally efiieaeioiiM when used iiitothei maltdi, such as: TJleers. Fever Sor, Tumors, HaH Khen m - liUnH. L liar, ir niiBH-ri i iiihih; Hon exists, Nil TO HELL'S SALVK mfeT bs utfed to alr.anla'f. !8ohI a! JV'cr:t at 25 renin The pecan flourishes wherever the hickory grows; and a well gTown tree veildu a net annual income of -25to 50. Mr. A. D PauiaLof Crawford. Ga., qas a tiwi that bears from TEN to FIF1 EEN bashelf fin nuts. Thar sell re ndily ; nt from $4 to $5 per bushel. The trees b2in to bear when mi; to eignt year old. I am now selling ; fine two year treos of the bet and. earliest bearms va- rietr at the foil iwiug low prices? 06 ich;4 per dozen; $10 for fifty; $15 per hundred. No cbarga for packing. 8: W. PEEK, Prop'r. i Hart well jniircrieft. Hartwell. Ga. Author of 'The Nur?ery and th Or chard, 'prioa in cloth, 11 .35 pr copy: In brds: f 1.- , 1 Thla wedjcino, COBtbinin f KTi with ptr nete!y: y Ii a &n uniaiiirt remedy for Diwases of tit KMnera asd Uver. . . - IV is InTaluabla to rlaa toultar to CyMQn, and all who itaA swteutarj lit A" itdoeanctl;tarthteeth,caMheadaehe,nr fmdQee eotiEtl patlxw- o6L tv mediriiw ia. It cnri5b ani rrifle the Vloud, rttroufe! k P9 appetite, aids the R! no Ok Hon of food, rtv imz.-es Ilaextes. n cad iNfhlr., and "tiertb he ranffcie mv1 nertja. : I;azmlttBf Faveri ItAirna. La of Rn.?nry, tt har-co fjnai. ; - S Tite Rto:iw has abo w twie a-sari erid . rqptd mm ltefei 'm wrapr. Teic no oi ' - T! UtAPH I J M Alexander, I'RACTICAL TAILOR, Nait door to GilMon, & Co. IIcnderBO Special lot of samples f ;r suits on had. Cutting, Hakinj, Cleaning and ' y i-alicrinrj.- " Work Done Prompt! y. Salisfelioir Cuaraiilced. Executor's Notice. Having qualified as ox ecu tor of the last will and testament of W. W. P. Kimmons, dee'd, all persons holding claims against said deceased are htreby notihed tc pretent them to the -under signed lor i ayment, doly authenticated. on r.beforo the 1 5th day of November. 1886, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery - - J. A. K1MMONS, Exec tr: Nov. 22;'85. 6v ; : t ; Commissioner's Salo if Land. By virtue ef a decree of the Superior court of Cabarrus county, in the caso of B. Ja. Brown and others, ex parte, peti tion for sale of lands for jartition.I,wiir sell by public Miction on the premises of the late Samuel N. Pharr, ou Monday,1 the 4th day of January, WSQ, 'he "land described in tho petition i i th fail cause, adjoining t lie lands of Ji. A. Har ris, E. C Davis and others, contuiiiing Cf'y twond three fourths (522r Tacrus, more or ies3. lorms, one hair casli: balance on credit of twelve lU vUths with interest from date. Title retained until purchase money paid. - ' '-' KUUT It. PHAKR, ; Dec 3, 1885. 4 w J Commissioner. ; For HardTirpes. 1 THE I fjiCiS CORD TIHES DEMOREST'S LLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE- WltSi Twelve Cut Pqpar Pattorat of jour owa . Mledicn and of any So. Both poblicatiohs, OnE Year, rcfi ; . $3.00 (THREE DOLLARS). EMOREST'S, & Of all tho .Magazines. CONTAINING 8toriw, Pccma and ttHar Ltferarv alSraofiunt, combining Artistic, fioientlfio end HouiehcM matter. . ' x : UlutlrattHhtrUK Original Steel Engrave iQt Fhotugravurca, Oil Pictures aitd fine Woodcut. natelitff.i$ the Model -Magazine of America, , tT7" Earh Ma?rii2lno contains a OOTTPO W OnDEfl entitling tho holder to the pekcticn of ANY PATTEHn illustrated In tkat number, rd In ANY SIZB. DEMO REST'S MONTHLY IsJubHt entitled the World's Model Masazlno. The Lararpct in Form, the Laraeet in Circulation, end the best TWO Dollar Family Masazino issued. 1888 will be the Twenty-second year t its publication ; tt is continually improved and to extensively as to wace it m tao rront rmxx or Family Periodicals, and eoual to any masrazine. It"4- contains 72 paee. larpe quarto, 8 xlljincheg, eleffantly printed and fully illuatrHted. Pub lished by W. JentungB Demoreet, Hew York, AND BY SPECIAL AGREEMENT COMBINED WITH THE CONCORD TIMES at $3.00 Per Tcar www H McNAHARA, Proprietcr, CONCORD, Iff. c. : Centrally located; firt class faro; po lite attention; special arrangements for commercial travelers. Large and com modious sample. rooms on ground floor. No pains will be spared to make all those stopptng at , tho Central corafortaUe. Omnibus neets all trams. , . Dr. Hr O. Herring, ACTaduate cf Philadelnii ia Dental College, has permanently located in Con cord. L'ooma in rear of Dr. . Archfcv,s ofdee. ' lTeeth extracted without pain CHARLOTTE, JVC C. Co'picR.-pf pd pictnre. of.tiiiy kind made in v Cray on, India- Ink, Water mid Oi! (jolois lu the beit maimer. - II. II. II. CALDWELL, Attorney zjA Ccucselcr at Ltx, cmrcoKD, jf. a Wdl practice m alLparts of the sState, J, Oollections made in ah parts of the coun- .n:nMn;m i. m.rt. fi, H 5-1 - App S Dnn IXVC' A YD LOST. I O, lored and lct of long ego. To-nlht I Jito with thee a.aJn. And wandenner wlicrc calm waters Jiow, I hear thy whispera soft and low. hear thy And watch the lovo-lijrht come .uid ga Like sunbe4mHiu eoido sunnv glen. . I ! - ".' O, loyed anil lost ! The dream must fade, j . i Ath! life (jome back all chill and drar And I mustlknow love's acene is' playetl. The curtain! droppod. the exit made, And I,"th actor, sore dismayed. Must'warider lone forever here. , - - i O. loved and lost! I still may dream. That in some far olf happy day. We two fehall walk win re waiers gleam, Fed from a bright, eternal stream, Aud there where heaven's g!oriea beam Shall nevermore asunder strayy- Battleboro ETeadliglit. . ,4I thought this the land of Tar, Pit ch land Tuxpeir inc,"' eaid a Northern gentleman tho other day to J tho Headlight reporter, "out 1 d n t sed auv aiid l mht here beside the Tar aver topt'T "It is httta though you 'and may not your ro see it, we repJiod. niark rcmihds us of il ahnilaf ..." on made by !a Connecticut 1 legiment which caias dovfa here darinpr the "How that:!" I "JS"eU, when yon '-ankeen captur ed Washington, the citizens rolled all their turpentine in the Ter liiver, and thia Regiment continually ref er i ed -t o the absence I of cur natural produei." ; " " One day, however, ii occurred to those so diers to take a bth in the river. ' Bix of then jdived headfore most into the waters simultaneously auu iiover -iijipeaieu again.; dix.. more went after Ihein and wsre ab sent at the next roll-i all. .The citi zens chuckled and tiie.ren3Ainirg eoI diers; wondered. Awe$k aftonvards the river suddenly fell and tli'eio ihe mystery lay bare. Ti e fa;t'jful tar had eecuieiy held the invader3 and there were a round! dozen ankoes sticking feet upward to the sun ! No further reference was made to the absence of turpentine' Hum, remarked - tne "N or them gentleman, "Is thai a -factj?" - : "It is, and they had touse a don key Egine to pull th'-so Yankees out." ! - An AtIk2 Knsiltctiiory,. . Sometimes the tales are tarn9d, and the snake itself becomes the charmer, fa3cinaliug its victim. The story. gees that a ypuEg girl f 13, living with her parent in Fiankiin county, Mo., -Traa, found to W:-gra lu aUy wearing away in a lecline, at length becoming little iLote than a mere skeleton. A pecu'iaiity of - the case was that she epnld not Ho : m- duead to eat in thehous9,b"at always insisted on iaking her bread and but ter, or what not, to- the banks of a neigboiing brook, where she would xemain for hours together. At length her anxious ! father determin ed, unknown to her, to watcn her movements. One day she had been sit ting quietly on the bank for some time, when she returned to the house and asked for food. This was given to h?r, and she went back to the brcokside, her father stealthily fol lovring her. To" his horrer he saw a huge black - snake j slowly raise its head into tho child's . lap, .and , tako Eiece.s of bread and butter from, her and. If she ventured to take a bite herself the snake hissed and showed signs of anger, when the child would tremble like a leaf,' and immediaUly givo her food to the reptile. The' father was completely paralyzed, and groaned in his agony, - The noise disturbed the sna' e, which glided away, and was, for the time being, lost to eight. The child refused to answer any questions; indeed, she ai- peoxed incapable, of so do.B". It was aetenmned tnat sno should be allowed to gii once more to the bank where she had accastometl to sit in order to allure the snake to its doom. Nest day then, the girl went with her little mqal to the brcoknids, and the moment the reptile appeared the father, who was on the watch, shot it through the head. The child faint ed at the sijiht; tha snake writhed and died. ; Ti epdor little girl never recovered the shocks imJ eima to bar seases only to swoon again and aain till she expired, apparonUy in great agony. wnat was influence? ' the rnvsterious Press-may be of some value to those ofourreadem who are cultivating II'. (. T . -I ", 1 ine "mignry weea: a uumora man mtenda to cure the tobacco; grown on forty acres of land in ons darn. He does it by stripping the I leaves off the stalks, stringing them !.c.ltJ nave uecided to issue no moro rfulks whut hoi ladis heahldee ought j on one wire, Lnd hanging in his licenses to . suck establishments j,.,. er holt u nie jisach braa ly I banL He says by -jhia plan he Their investigations led ta4.he con- fjtU i tack cr hort same time er put much more in a 'barn, that it 1 clasiontnat rinks are highlyv inj ori- gti, an blame ef da would ut change .v, r.A ,Vi ;f - ou3 to the younir. Asa demdraliz- i .i.,rrinnS A-tiif i.nir ... i . - .mere - no wuuu:b iu iio enri: juw the" market. A Jo.1 and itrneHcent Jlrtymrr. ' Wilmlncn Review. The liliir bill is a fiife nnj leae- ) ficeat measure, iIe!ineJ to proiriola thotiuso of Iticatioa nmon ,tha ! poorer c!asc lit Ibis coaatry. 1 hi j is tpbe don without taxilioa nooi th'ron'sh the expenditure of a portion i of tho !'vro arplaH fcnil uotr iu; tba s Treasury of the UnlteJ tjtattist'k the ? I cmliof tht pyspl? We have titi a f copy Gijth mil by us, nuu therwore ! annots give its exact provisumn. 1 Vit what we liaia .ntateJ ii tho foan- J dation upon which it wUai!t. There f aro probnbly imperfections iri it which may Uureiaediel in the House, It pave thj SeLate last wititcr anJ ' will pasajhe IIoopb thia wiufi by j a Very lare vote. There U nothing in the kat degree uaconslitutjoual about tho bill Its friea.l wer toa j mtich lu cirtiest in their efluttis to have it 8ucced to Icaro open ; any cIiADce'of its. falling through ou Any j snch grounds. Those who talk ilbrut such thin g ure simply talking m tue dark and at haz trd. If the bill be comes a law ii largo proportioiMd! ii ' benefits will bo lelt iu ' Urn South, where thry are most needed. HjU w cecossary that tho noro rHccsliouid e tducaled." It goes without Pitying that tha more knowjdiro thev -posH-ess I lieb. tier uiiiztn?. will they .bjcoia The Pftde'ral government La ;ieed Iham by f orec and c-mipnlsb!i a.ad by t he biainb' aif ca c v were th y, exi ted to cittzciisiiiji aud to a. position that many of them are to titfd day incant"id or iuutrtct.aiiig uUji nj preK'iaUitg. ".It U Ihsicft re iucajMbent upon the governiiiiiit which hai pla ced them ill this pcfciiioit to atl lo;jgt assist in fail jshiug them wilba com mon .school -. eduction. i'Lv i;egro, in fact, h.3 a riht to djiiiind! tliif, a lia also hij wuiie noighborii lti3 a moral right this mv aulit will bo a ltgal riiht nxr yesr Tho whitc pcop.o of t ihu South, tlu prop ity ow 1:0.-3, have dji wi)fidr.-'''tntvard liirnidhinif sca jl.i fur ih-j uagro an.i thoy arj . tloinjjr ii i-ti!). iuTvtliey are unable to ali a'.i of thu riqu'sj mouta of tho sitnation and he ico tuv.a iura portion. cx, tiieir a.vif surplus captUl to asiat in tha goud woik. - 5 - vToaiaa, TVOmeiralvrays fhow by thl'ir its turns,' tint tluy tijov goluj to ehurch; men uva lss (iuiiioislianve. iH- eu a woman bec-onie Jlarritod feels. for n tuii : when a Uiism bs- cmes Harried he fee's for ' a; cigar. Woinen jump at ctuielu-ion and generally hit ; m,-ti r-a-ou t hibg-s oat logically and tft-siijra ly mis t. : , i5ome.womou taa'i. pssa nijlllincrv fiioro without lookiuu in; sorie men "O'iii't -'passla s slooa wilh ui gOi:sg in.. -i-A woinsvi never see ii; lii;'. with-: out"wanti.ig iorun to it; a tnau nev er sees b.tby without 'wanting to tun from ii. -; -y r; Women love adiniration ujp proba tion, selfitcin jlatioa on - tho purl of othtrs; tin often weak, vain Hud Iri volous. Ditto men. '-.;!"- Ci A woaaim always oil rijs fier purse in her hand so that other women' wi'.l gee it ; a inan cariit;x his in his iuidc pocket so that his wife wont! nee it. A woman can sit ja a XhzhUn for Uirea hooravi ithoat geUi.n iilt crain-. ed up, catoliiuij the ' to i hjaclie Or tjeccui'aig taint for want of fish airj u man cant. j . ; y A woinm, froai bar sox alid char-' ctorj has a clatuito m-iny thiugi bj sida her shelter," I opd aa 1 lothiu. . She is not lcna" a . wom-iu for birng wedded; and the man who w tit to be,triiHted with a good wifejrtcoJltc! all which this implies and show hiinseif ntail times chivalrous, sweet spoken; considerate akd dtfrVentiaL r T Theo arc tiaiew when siutidt'ca of ! toouceo culture prov hi ; peculiar Value.' As one which tv.n i ponder ed ctt,j- B Uarmers cxperic;ey naar ileudeifeOu can-be given. , ; In -1882 " he planted one acre in tobacco, 5,K)') bills. Thi produ t was 1,3 i'J piHid3 which nettevl idai 3S5 la 1833 on- the : laud he niaie 1,53 pound-vwhich rt4ted iiu S3. In :18S-i the product on tha kame aero was l,7o5 .pojti'd , whic the koU-far f i00. Th it was 1? V xenta lerv iiiil Of Coursa snch cats hat luey 6:jiy go to prove'rwhat thoi- Oiigii ciMlvattou ami care,' the usa of the best seed, a ud erne fal curing and aUenliou wili bring about. In no. crop doen attention pay letter. That is a thing for the farmer to I e the baia of their actum to la. j A concerned. ; 1 ... - ... : The Common Council of Pro. i- aence, xmous xsiana, alter an inves- tigauou oi tno skaung rinks of thai 1 intr afrencv tLf-v rank next-to' ihe sa- :-o o- y. . ... . ' Icon and they variety theatre. lift TtZCIlAXlTlICLX)! ITT ATI 1- TliPCIilt of Mate. 'Ml M. II:trtho!di hsi hin ttry bosy fiii ce his arrival ia i this coantry,' with responding to social) lit ten tioua and aQ'tirs pertaining to tin crnction of the "otatuo o! Libarly SEalightcn. ing tho AVorId,ron Liheity .littiid, Ne v York Harb jr. lFJjms Hs f ra uaut.cojifijio.icsi ".rjth tt m Htono, ijiufer-iii-Chicf of tho I'udosUl i f tho Jt.ttuo of Lilerty, and liai laadoliie final sagged iqnn as tq the crceth a of the statue, j It is mt prob ibie that the pJoUl will b couipleicd far two nio itUa ve'and will not be rady to reseira tho stat us till ia!o thU winter, lie My3 tha mtite work c'nutit ba cjmp'.f-ted bo fore the close of ntxt iaiiiniarj that thts'statiid-is of sacli-great siz htat it must b? put up siovrly;: and with the . r'-atest c;ira. .He thinkfl it wi! tnkft five months to It securely ,PH?i 1 n the txl jstal, J I i i nah is to.hvt tht dVf'isnt i u on th j lof n?xt S pt-!mbr. tin ualversary of ticatvlof Vcisiil- tho s-giii.iig of the lea, which secured pe-c4 sit'cr tha lievt lu. ioaary war and j git u ran I oad the rcsojniiinn of the Ahioridiu' Ho puhlic. - ; Tho Nw Yrk Vorld popular: sub ciipii?n frota' the p oplo coai plates; thepcd-astal. A largtr anioant ol mouf y Is siili required f!r the cit'c ion or tnitting t"gylhcr oV the gre.it ntfii a i, wiiiyii, wheircimpJctel, nill be thirly-urc feet higher tliaii the towers of tht great Drooklyn Hridc. ;':.- ;r: - I " The (xnimiticw by the sale of lbs minhitu e sta; ue! te' except to inic the iuhiucc of mo- y rtquirel fo; ntatu purpose", and oli trcWpt of X).io Iotl ir will driver at any ptaio in th-!. Unitfd State?, & liau i6m9 so:jvonir of lladli !dij great work, or a larger repre.ieutatioa twelve incOH high, vtrv a iudiom ;y tini.-h--d, at I've HIiatv. Ir' Ten l)ol lant, the counuitUo will deliver; a laagni'.hreiit work rt, fcUaio height as the riv-djllar s:zi Ktatae, tiui'Iy chaicf, poli-f.td heavily silvcrcil, with plUiti Kiand: t hexj souveVdrs will iaak(! a very d sira'.i'o -ifi, and t gi'er will Ki'.re V le iemmber&, ' ai his gift wilt have a LTomiutitst 1 nlace iu thJ hem-, and will also ho Idling a Ja tiioiicaL't !y aiding tho coiamiUe to couip.t-te til great jwrrt)f" art. Subscribers Khuuid adJreis all rc hi? tt a uces : I o Ricua it D JDurLKK. Secretary American Conimiiteo bl thetiluo of1 Liloity? 33 Mclcor Street, -f, York. ' ' :-; lIaatal!on I'lillofiopby. Arkensaw Traveler, 1 c big liar fcahi Lap fram bdu or big talker. 15 ilog-'-dtV alias barkm in do wood aiu't iiewd jiolh- iu vit. ''.;' ': - iV: :;- l-:s De man whui'n er whole Ul er li i t le 'co anil i li u el t d oan " Cr inoaut lei in :!;:. J Jo Sjickmalw iiat no "coutil tcr woifc., 1 ' " I ain gciu l r labq my britcbtfa in reach o' do man d it b all d tim lollerin ma up na tltiir in j d it he watiWter do me er Silwr. ... Uar am nitihm" Dar aiu wore decebm bulhia mor i dan souuV pityful den de cry o er wild cat, Hit, j oh, Ln-.s-d what er ifttjuf a u claws j dat vatTat had go..! - . 1 man fvid rr appcrtite tdrmcT I dvu his will itii gwineter 'mount tar j u u t : ii u i o dia wori', tbea t f d a l rdct ! ed mtalin'Wn' rival pea on wueter coui lona' ten tiuws iu .tr year. srnft nAksA -stilus arm' n d A o- ; ail uulbiu new unVr du sun. Deia -a i .:ffi-i,.k :f-t i vav wum uwu u j nu life i til : ( l'oun'on its all-four3. of thf Ur-f rd Ot ;3 l iirtl;a; the fo?tJ, tnd the ntrfft U,at tewri and i!hr Ja y tare in ItAiizt htnd m life ktua lb st' tkii taca-. alfii tlai tT kt V2i.tle ritt h -.jrUh LU foUl i (is4T4!i-j of istn ? wlU ilpr isftd di3ji f tu at thf cmsi and ihm maUitadath-i ttrcs I in world tcUlty ill -JtMi;teur c 1 4lm fwtJUifbi 03 tls tfmt. Ilea V!doiat thmk lbs gtral vrUt cf acroi j their ownithiy.bliiafrosi-ttiftr I ycf th iMt'M r f lord 3n: who mi 1 Uritig ai:Ui wai tie turuhfjottd thetr j rxi:cen?. j iKath t th naUsoaUi J cf liff, and jtfct cld 0iq43U a? Ihi tuaib is tht!kckloa sf All ftt. i -We d not W4Ut 10 T tilfOJ the daik taIU-t, idthoagh Hi dik pana j tai? I e4 lo fir JU. W ua uoi vatil tu lay do ja th gravr, erca with mincw for badf<owt. Iu the beaatital dram cf loo, lb hop of laimofUtity, otlo jnutly uttered by tho death devoted (lrk, finds den retpibsj ja etery ihoughtfol soul Who i alxat. to yill Inj yoatij xisteacd ei a tacriSe to fate, hit Clfriintli.t aiU if tboy tboald nitct ag4ia, lo lijuicli ho ieplie. "1 haTa itiod that doidfat fpxcA. Uou f th$'hil!t iUn looked eternal of thy Lir ftsong whose flildi of aiarc tny abai spirit ha) trnjktd i t j glory. A)t i e d a ;uh. Uat m I g2 upwa thy loriag f fker, I feel taat tbttois tometuiata the Iotj that inantlei through its beauty that cannot wholly pet! ah. We thill meet again, CUajiattnt rrm UinU Tar January. Of course, bofaro you Uke yoar racrttion, tlt fat a hrnui Ut oifel and; tep;tirad, the wagon ami laigh4,aHd bn and carm2u carefully j bximiavd, and the nuts ttghteaoll. Thro Iwii pace fcf every th ngf aad oveiyiiiing will btf in Us jlii?torkt, f,kwi, t.c, ho . Tela, sp.iii c!i-i;u-, Telon?", winlllc-irt- plows, cu.ttttons borserkke, mo xer ,bhid r, roller, )iafif s, farm drill, garttu drill, garde;! Ilue, com . ai uker -jjl aai afi id my rorumatker ii eickin ufi the fttieiv bat I hue no expectation of taking a vacation, utiles wW m.y cjuclu Jj that jhat is the prop pla3 lordk ' j Of coureo yoa will git the h.rroif tcoth i1i4i-pa:iexl, and tbc wowi-wjrk sUnratod with era !o pttroleaai. Tlio in inure will be ail diawu out end pliod la tie flvl J. Yo i will iieterery thia? ready or the iani, and the pea will! le tuado couiforteble tie . the early; is prin pige. You wilt hare a plenty of troaie and racks. H'wpt will be tightcnod on turrjle. lsr leather4 jwill bo put on nn.npi, Pruning will bj iluua. Dga tree I jull b cut down and worked tip. Deal briinchej of idiad tree willbj tomoved,! ami wherever sh de tree or trees va tlic lavrr cQ too thick, lhy wid b tUinue l oa:. Feaeet, gte$ and bais, will 1 ia perfect or. djr. All tau pi woe, co etablct, hen ho a He, cedar an 1 sheop ehcdf will bsvdj twj eaiti of . while wash, and some of them three, u po tatoes iii l he cellar wdl Ik sorted over, tUti dw'Cjed ones removed, and UioMi inteuded for seed, for market, or for home ue, put by thomich'cx. Tneru rwlll te no broken fuses of glais ; lio win iowV loose lu the iroiuW; ithtf duors, the locke and the bokjinil all ,wotk uioothly." Tne garret 'if U be oVorhaalsd. i'erhape loa wjd say ihi U wOUIu'm work. A: any raw, you will nee that the aavo, tubs. gtnxl bsncb for the wl A Gxns!oro loan is the latest ex ample of ,!je 19th T eenlnry treaure 'Uttitr. hs hi e digging a? will he f jund aae lovdy speciinen j ot aap. phire. Tids M lo further ea-irch. Out of that mar? ulloai wU caae ajt?if eryul, q:M.i4ri3t bry!ad Hid luite. A isweller is cutting the f stmies iiud they are beiutiful .Oae 4)? the eapphiree 4s Talaed : at 1 imd wilt bring tlitt sum in anyra irk et. 4lle;etf.ne lliddnite ha beta found in oaljrOne locality, a fa .r rod j ii.U4if, fa Aiexaudar Couaty. : MAKtox, N. a, Dec, 22, 1S35. The Iit iul We'u boaad freight trains cku the U' itg. n Konh Cttro liua It titrund ciuie iu collision this a. i. sir miles wi et of her. Perkins th engineer oa the train coming Eet a?id Ihe firemsn of vizh train, O tetl and Jlcfutadi, weio1 instant ly killed liIward, the vther eogi iieer, wiw Ciiaght and held ia the wreck. Uo is badLC wojsded jibo it tho haad. The traius areacoaplcte wreck, j I he E vsl bjund traia tres bihiud tinis -said to bs eaol by the engineer watch being on hour slor. : Ths mail train w delatVl here 'UU 3:35 this cvjab'. Hit f-.!Jtr.r.r to le l Tttrt u tii tetter UttM i!n