vol. ni. CONCORD, N. CC THURSDAY, MARCH 4, 1886. NO. 38. 1!U PltiKit'Calsrr2J Cv- C1 The sext session ' .Xoaday ia August. rill begin t) e first and continue twen leweeka. r-'. -- $90.00 : 15.00 Contingent expensee, per term. 1.00 3ard at coIlct.&.$ per month, : last term not over 5.00 3ord at hotdl and prirate fami- lief pet mdirfuT- j ws f to $10 Wsehitjg p r month., w - 1 00 TneLaad litrhts Der!term about. 2.00 Total expenses, pr term of twenty .- :.. wi T ;t 50 to $75 C4ttdats oao reduce expenaasby ob rviQihtru!e,ofi economy, which ii&T will be eaootiragod' to do. The courseo intiruction ia thorough and com pit. -Ko institution offers superior inducements to young men who desire r.) obtain a thorough education at a mod--rate sort. For",catalogae and other par .fcavalars address, 1 OeT..G. F SCRXFFEE, Preset, i 1 Mt. Pleasant, N. C. T P I P T P (1 PltT causes and? cure by HP if ilone who was deaf for2S V L L I i TjU Uyears.' Treated by most oK the noted specialists of the day, cui ed 'a imself in8 months, and .si nee then hun drds of others by suma process. Plain samel e and ucosful home treatment. Ad ireas T 81 PAGE, lS-EastjSSth streets New Yock.Chy. ..". PABKtRSTOHia ' If yon are wasting away from age, dissipation or any disease or weakoess and remire a stimulant!? take rarker s Toeio a oaoe; it will inTigorate and baild ep frp a fthejlrst-- dwe, but will -nsxr iittxioAt.' It has svel hun rdi W IkTv and raaj nare yours. " HLS TOX & CO. New York. INSIXKANGE- - The AocidentXnsarance Co.'of; North Amrioa w!sh to secure good egents n nriy wirn ia North Caroliua in which it is ool raprcssnted. This company was inoorporatfd ih 1872; hia paid $404 000 in ollii&t. and hM I never ; contested a nia' at law. Speoial arrangements 3'de with mawafcersof manufacturing 4sk pliahmento for lasuring all employ ees -a iMtailment plan. Address. M.S. YULLARD.Stataagt. Wilmington, N.C. The peoan flourishes where rer the i niekTy grows, and a well grown tree . relis a net annual iuome of $35feo $50. "Hr. A. D DniUof Crawford, Oa, Tias a tree tha brs front TEN to FIBTi EEN Tbftlflofrdii naii. Tn?r sell re adily ,at from (6 per bushel. The trees biffin to bor when six to eight years -ld. I am mw selling fine two 'year trts ef she best and earliest bearing ts riarv at the following low pnoes: 60c -eoh; $4 per doaen;$l0 forfifty; $lper lraadredJ No charge for packing. I S. W. PEEK, Prop r. HartWellnurperis. liar swell. Ga. Author of "The Nursery and the Or- per copy. .In boards. 51,1 al . - ' Preata Bafm&ATARRH oUanscs the head i Allajs iniamma ti.-m, aeeis, sorer Xtesioresthe sen see ef sasbe, hear . in and sasell. Jk ! gniok relief. ' Ji TVMiiavs etire. ; C roam Bain HaY-FIIVi2R has gained an enriahle reputation, dis placing all cthr preparations. A par - ticle ia applied into each nostril; no pain: agreeable to use. Priae 50o by mail or at druggist. Bend for circular. ELY B203.. Druwrist. Owejro, N. Y. 1 TUaTddicine, combinhup lrn wiO pure 1 JDuVJ?ntes-uicklT snd eoajpleuAf I tMureBlM4, ftielarlckUU mad Ferers, Il ia an onAutae maedr tbe Ptreases ef tts It is UrrtJaftUo fc Wwee peeuUvi to VVopMa, aad all who lead tltntdsy lire, r Udps not lajme the teeth, esose headache, or Jv tdue5 eottKpatton er Jm, pxdiehut 1 4 . jsnrleaef and rnrlneaihe Mood, aUmuktte4 -aM2te.tida tbe artmiUAlonof kxxUn fcft HeartWa and Utfrbtnf, and strength .n toe Bmsctet id nerea. -Jflc uiteraittent Fevers. iAaritwle, 1A tf . - rn&gf, dea, it bsm nv equal. -i -v , .v ., TtejtnKiyshaM sbor tnde mark stid 74 haiMUi unw "HY w ot r. Tuition per term, ia Col. Dept. .f in Prepay Dep't Hoom rent, (College building,'). Pep'Gultnre. r: .... . it mm s HO filOnE' EYE-GLftSSS. rib v salt More E AS vv. MITCH EL'S r EYE SALVE, A Certain4, C&f e and Effectve Remedy for sore, weak and Inflamed Eyes ! 'Prodocinar Long-Sightedness. and Be- Cores Tear Drops, Urannlstien, 81 ye Tnraors, Erd Eyes, Hat ted Eyrlasbes, AND PRODUCING QUICK RELIEF ; - AND PERMANENT CURE. Abo, equally efficacious when used in other maladies, such ae Uker, Fever Sores, Tumor, Salt librum, Hurna, Pileg, or-where ver infl a m ma tion exist, MITCHELL'S SVLYE may be uctd to advantage. 1- . Sold bv all Druggists at 25 cents IADIES WANTED to woak for us at their own homes. $7 to 810 per week can be easing made; no canvassing ; L fascinating 0and steady employment Particulars and sample of the work Sent for stamp. Address. HO MEM 'F'O Co, P O box 191$, Boston.,!: t. . WANT salesmrn eYery where, lo cal and travelling, to sell our goods. ill pay good salary and all ecpen- ses. Write for terms at once, and State salary wanted. . Address, Standard Sil verware Co, Washington St. Boston. t-Barbjr ati Hair Dreaer, ' j Concord, N. C Does no other but firstclass work; Share. lO cents; haircut, 15 cents. 8hop next door aboyc courthoi se. Guaran tee to please. For Hard Times. ths mm TIMES -DEMOREST'S LLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE1 Wli Twtfv Oat PrrP ofur ewa ; election and of sy ' BOTH PUBLICATIOISS, ORE YEIR, $3.00 (THREE DOLLARS). yf THE RES Of all the Magazines. TfONTAININQ Stories, Poemt and other LHertr vMractioM, rembinmg Artictie, Scientific tno Hooecttold matters. , JHwrtrcUd with Q-iglnnt Stl Enffnxr ing, Photngmvurrt, Oil Picture atul -fLc Woodcut, making it the Iidl Magazine of Aarica. fJ"Baoh Magoidro contains ! a COUPON OBDBIt entitling tbc holder to the tclecttcn of ANT PATTERN1 illustrated in that number, nod in ANT SIZE. " r DORBSTS MONTHLY is Jwrtly entiUed the world's Model Kaxrazine. Tbe Larrrt Jn Form, tho Largest in Circulation, and the best TWO Dollar Fondly Magazine issued. 1836 will b the Twenty-second year of its publication : ttis oontimiallr improved and so exterttlrely as to piaoe it in the front rank of Tamil.- iui yi -w vTxa auu m va.vi vsj Periodicals, and equal to any maastoe. It contaJnT2 (ouartoi 9MxWA 1 etejrontly w: mtod ana ruuy niuetratea. fud- lisbed by W. Jennings utmonet. New York, ANO BY sreCUL AGREEMENT COMBINED WITH THE CONCORD TIMES at $3.08 Per Tear. ; -- r , .- ! : - - ' "' 17 : mat HOTEL, K cHaFAHA, Proprietor, coscosr, n. c. ; Centrally located; first clanePfare; po lite attention; special arrangements for commercial travelers. Large and com modioussample rooms on ground floor. No pains will be spared to make all those stopptng at the Central comfortable. Omnibus x&eets all trains, j - Dr. H. C Herring A graduate jA Philadelphia Dental College, has permansnvly located in Con cord, Rooms in rear of Dr. Archey's offloe. GTTeeth extracted without pain. J. H.TAHHESS, OTOC-MPEEP, CHARLOTTE, Jf. C. Copies of old pictures of any kind made in Crayon, India Ink, Water and Oil Colors in the best manner. : 7 tAttcrasy aad Cwaseler at Ltw, . COJfCORD, M C, 1 Will practice m alljparts of the State. Collections made In ah parts ef the coun try. TOfnee opposite the ooarthouee. HOYLE BELL PE llvtHH CALDWtLL, UTXTSnL AT FOCISTSSJL. Droak In the streets! O, saddest cih A boy of fourteen years. Some mother's darling fallen low; Ininb"Mlintel. ! fatherlibopea were fondly raised That his yot&s son might grew ; To be a bright aad shining light, l And erarr rirtue know.' ! - ; ' -I if .-:':f But now upon them una wares I Has erept this deadly foe. And brought to IotIc, trtutlsg hears This awful weigh t of woev i And sadly m4 their fallen boy ! ; Host bitier tears were shed: And loneliness comes oe'r their hearts As though twsre for the dead. No words can comfort in this hour. We leare Uiem to their grief, But pray toUod from curse of rum f To send us quick relief. j j XIIOOSIXU A ULS0.1SD. Some Humorous Cat - Vuluevblu UinU to Young Ludlea. j Mixed with thn humor and . non sense of the following selections are many shrewd and valuable bints to those young ladies whose minds ; are prone to things of lore : jv j First, catch your lore. Hold him when you hare him. : ' Don't let him go off to catch erery new one that comes along. Try to get pretty well acquainted with him before you take him for life, .j j.. Sfv. j'.-,, Unless you intend to support him, find out whether he earns enough to support you. . ::,,) Don't make up your mind that he is an angeli -, - " . -: Don't palm yourself off on him as "one,'either , r '- - Don't let him spend his salary on you; that right should until after marriage. be resort ed If you have conscientious scruples against marrying a man with a moth er, say so in time, that he j may get rid of her to oblige you, or rid. of you to oblige her, as he thinks best If you object to secret; societies and tobacao, it is better to tome out i with your objections now; than to 4 reserve them for curtain - lectures hereafter. I If your adorer happens j to fancy a certain shade'of hair, dont color or bleach it to suit him. Bemember your itair belongs to.you and be does not. Be very sure that !it -is the man you are in love with, and not the clothes he wears. Fortune and fash ion are both so fickle it is foolish to take a stylish suit of clothes for bet ter or for worse. If you intend to keep ; three ser vants after marriage settle the mat ter beforehand. The man' who is making love to you may expect you to do your own washing, j Dont tiy to hurry up a proposal by carrying on a flirtation with some' other fellow. Different men are made of different material, and the one you want may go off in a fit of jealously and forget to come back. If you have a love letter: to write don't copy it out of a ''letter writer." i . - .... ii your youiicr mam ever iiappenea xI ' ..u tu vv V- know your sentiments were borrow- ed. j Don't marry a man to oblige any third party in existence, right to suit yonrself in It is your the matter. But remember at the same time that love is blind, and a little ! friendly advice from one whose advice is wet th having may insure you a , life time of happiness or prevent one of misery. ! -. :.: v-j 4;-- In love affairs, always keep your eyes open, so that when" the right man comes along you may see him, t . -j - ' " i ' - " . Walter Takes tbe Cake. 'TVe have heard of many compari sons, but we thiak Walter is enti tled to the cake when he says his girl s hps are a pink portico to the temple of rapture. The first : time we ever hear! of a woman's mouth being liked te anything like thai -But then Walter knows, for he has been drawing bliss through those labial channels for the past few days, and a fellow, who heard the oscilla tory concussion break upon the still night air Sunday night said it sound ed like a cow pulling her foci out of the mire. Wilson Mirror; 'Doubting Thoiana. Wilson Advance. A mule zeil and broke jus neck in Concord, with a boy; on ; his' back, says- the Timxs. Ihe campaign draweth on apace, but 1 mule aad enake stories are in order till time for the campaign liar to step to the front. I The "Camtal Club of Baleigh, composed of many prominent citi- zene, has cpeneu out a grogsnop in that city, thus lending tho influence cf their prominence to give a dis reputable1 buslnesa respectability. : . He that ptlta every barking dog must pick up a good many stones. CZ.ATQ3 rxArzojro pox-mx. A CwOdCiery Told on Ocnr.Cenlor Avcity paper publish a a good joke which Senator Sawyer UUs on Senator Hansom. The f antral re frrred to was that or the late Johti V. Shacklsrord, r Onslolr, and I expect there a good deal of truth iu it t ksow, too. somewhat siini Lir incidents in th political hirtory of our distinguished senior Senator, but I will uot tU thrm here. Bcf fades this one haa a senatorial aponi, tor, and miue beiag a good : racier and rrr slier will keep. Smator Sawi yer says: ' " r-j ; 1 went down to North Carolina with a congress lanal funeral pitrty sereral yearn ago, sod Random was along. Whenerer the train stopped at a station Basom got out and shook hands with every man on the platform and told each one that he had let important business in Wash ington to attend that funeral with the hope of seeing him just I a mo ment, and what surprised me moat was every mother's son Of them ' be lieved it ' Baosomhas such a win ning war about , him' I When j he landed at the town where the funeral was to be held, we had to drive I six roues in open eariiaget againsi a chilly wind, withoat any dinner, ud then sat in a cold church to listen to a sermon two hours Ictig. Ransom was as hungry as n welf, and chilled through, as we all were, an after the preacher hadbeeu go ing it for. about three quarters of an hour r he commenced to snap his . watch, but it didn't do I any good. The preacher kept right on itb bis discourse, and when it was conclud ed' we were all as faint from cold and hunger that we could acureely stand. But Ransom re!ved to the ot'casioti till as soon as the beneaictien was nroneuiccd lie rushed Up to tbs pal pit, grabbed both, of the preacher's bands, aud told htua he never was; bo e&fied and interested by a Bernioa iri his lif and bis only regret ; was Unit be did u't pi each longer. "And when be saw that the minister w;:il lowed that he actually asked hitn to repeat the sermon the firtst tiiOH he (Eansoui) camn to town. ' I vam a good dral of the f palaver I myself,"' continued Mr. Sawyer,. 'but JUusom bvats any man I ever was. f A Strange Story. Spirit of the S'luth. j ; : We are reliably luiormea thai a Kev. Mr. Lindsey, who formerly re sided and preached : in . this (Bich mobd couuty). was nbf to boast tbat he was born four month j aftrr his mother had been dead and! bur ied. Here is the explanation: His mother, who resided in Stewarts. ville township, fell ill, and tu all pearsbces died,vand was buried ap- 1- ... Stewarts ville cemetery. The uight following her interment, ghouls for the purpoie of fecunng some je we'. ry (uai .was ounea wim tue ooay, with unrattuetl tbe remains, when j con sciousness returned and she was en- ablcd to return home. Arriving at her late re sidence she rapped at I the oor, aud was answered by her bus baud, who demanded to know j who was there.. To' his great astonish ment there came the response, "It is j your wife." He was not quick in opening the door; bat finally J did so, and was overjoyed to meet again ; in life his beloved wife w LomT he had mourned a ' dead. Four months afterwards Kev. L ndsey was ;boin; and she survived several years This is indeed a stranse sterv, but we are assured that it is literally true. SUU WsUUns Statesville Landmark. What we have been waiting a week for, is to see some of the North Car. olina. anti-Ulair-billites answerl the. argument on the subject presented by Hon, Alfred M. Waddell in the U ilmington Beview of the 10th. But thus far we have waited in vain. V . Tluu&k Yon Ilretber. WilsoniAdvance. : The Concord Timea ia one of the r newsiest, brightest and most care, fully edited papers we receive.-. Xlard on Its Foraptr Heeord. Stateerille Landmark. j The Charlotte Observer has return ed tr its four page farm, and it is the most sensible thing it ever did in its life. The Plant says several of the citi zens of Durham have refused to pay thir paded school tax and a suit " m itt uaco ua losutavcu i vou ' ius matter carried to the Supreme Court for final adjudi ation. " It U claimed that ihe act under which tbe school was established ia unconstitutionaL There are only seven dogs in Ruth crfordton. ; 1 " ' 4 1 Wri tun for Tux Tisa. -jxwo TotTioiTsrcuascst bt c, coxoctn, x. r. v' Who fJvJhythe women tlcularly the women who call lar. them selves the W. C T. TJ. - la t he days of ancient Greece wbeo the ladies were brought up with lit tle or so educntioQ and' almost en tirely alone, we are not surprised to find Talemacbua replying to soma advice of his mother on public af fairs by recommending her to attend to the HUstaff and spin die. a nc the affairs of Slate belong onl V to tho men.' But in this day of libara. cnl- tare and genexoos sentiment It would hardly be supposed thatagcoUeman would adurrss sueii an nnctni, yea, I may say rude, , remark as "mind pour own bullies" to a lady Yet, whenever woman d ires to raise her I roici against the demon of mteinjer ance this sharp, caustic, v authorita tlve sentence rings out upon her ears from every street corner, work shop and countiug room. In view of this fact, we, the j women of the land, come to iuquire what it our busiueas? If, when we array our selves in open rebelliou against a traffic Whiob robs us our own chil dren and destroys our homes, we are overstenpinsr the limit of woman's work, we fail to see it, aud we most earnesUX ask these solous of the ballot box to show, us our mistake, else we must go forward, inspired by our convictions of d ity to our children and our allegiance to truth, justice and right. What, we ask, is our , business f the ever ready ropouse that home is woman's place is instantly aound ed. ll theu we venture to inquire what iV meant by bom, th great majority of men whoso appe'.ites are their only guide to reasou would uuMuiuiouJ cO.ig. x.;aa sputre ' 1 no bigger than a kitchen wttu a dish rag piunetl to a'cook apron. Others with moro inlellevt and less atom- ach, might cxUmi J the bouudjtries o gsntfral housekespuig an I a special care and over.xiglit of falling but- tou; while btill auolUir class, who lavish their lovo on us, give us ttieir comforting sympathies end accredit us with the honor of bsing tho cap- stone of Qotl'a creation, tenderly atjd that woinnu'a place not only arnou the potv, kettles, buttons and broom?, but to br by nature is ectn- mitted the duties and responsibHi- ties ot wife and mother. Tit hers to direct, to lead, iu all ni.it ters of moraKj To train the children iii the ways of virtue aud godlines aad ' de velop iu them every element of char acter wh'ch shall make them nsefal citizens. Thus shall honor crown her rioer veari and a ' garland I of peace adorn her declining age. Truly this is anoble sphere. VJ 1 We see then that some men regard women as a cook, some a seamstress. and still others as a e mip.inion and h9u)meel for hiiaM auJ a -moral fml ro t e", first iruide to the fa udy aud second of these classes j merely say that we entertain spirit of rebellion against your we no re- quirements, ueituer have we any cumpuactions of coucieaoe at thtir owu fulfillment. Your demands in the part have been met, and w give you tbe comf ji tiug assurauee that as long as you make neeesary; pro vision for tho irresistible calliuga of your rapacio is appetites, and I we have the physical strength to paling .kettles, dish rags and brojuia, or ! ply the needle to the song of tho birt, the plans and operations cf the j W. C. T. U. will iievir disturb! your equanimity or bveak the placid peaee of your surroun Jing?. To our companions lhen we turn. It is with feeliogs of elation womanW devotion: that we step and. into your homes, an J aocept the extra du ties which yo-j make incumbent ui on us. VI e recognize the fact that from the very ctwtioa I , UVMf w wa w - w i By various ties attache nun to man. And dearest of ail tie is that ' which - binds, -v '---- - : I I "" In holiest union, two congenial minds, As a wife, we feel that weboldtba MrKt p!ac! iu your liart.. t These yon have oflVrel iisthese we; have HOccpted, and in return Iinve given into ynur keeping our puret j love, our inltiest', VLo aaieuitii lot Onr ;i?e yea, I may eiy, lif itself. Two hearts thua united in mutual ! affec tion and interest are iudeed compan ions: partners, equally affected b all the varied circumstances and con ditions t life, and whatever I tends 1 to mar or blight thi bajpy aasocia tionis in its essence wrong, deserves the holy indignation and contempt of all good people, aud should j meet ore and certain destruction. f The supreme element of woman's nature ielove. From this fountain she ever draws strength for all the dntiea and trial of life. Can she then look upon a monster of evil, which day by day is sapping the warm current of her soul in ; ueoce! alnst her husband be laid in the gutter.' herself degraded and oatra- detaad her iUrt o tapqtcrUieJ anl orphaned. Ial thliq4ar CziUr any f rati and revel in cUx-rtf : Woatd she be true to the pouUca ii ; which god has pli her to til la . cold indtlTcTaace asJtsa her hcie brought to poverty sd doaolUUa t i Uast she qutstry submit to wrong ) because it u aorordis? Ulawt Ifaj 1 TeHly. Ever? fibro d btf tdsj re rclU at the thocUi tai hsK ftW i Ucs spirit crias out txainsii a btf whirh thus allocs a bsxizan Out enUiU upon hcrao ranch lasa, csrrow i and ssfTet In g. ; Lctal Ycj, bsa cf a heart and life p1s!jed to her ia love, prottcUan asd dsrotisa. Zsv rowt Oh. bew dp mora he?- bts, dark and Vearr thin erta lh grave i 1st If. Eafltringf Xxt pale, pinched, starving face ex her children apeak. Xk their n3 aa I ignoraace, their cold, dcsolde hiVi- tation plead. U But, ah! these mute nrrrtn hate been unheeded many, mx JW " Somstbiag mist be done, and now. the women all ocr our broad land are atking, how are tre to perform the duties whieU devolve upoa as la tho homv while you! who exercise the franchise of the natioi by - jour 6a!lots place the rum shop a , our very doorsl Uowjeaa ww presrre) the beautr aad purity of head i mad . heart with iu its sacred precincts when such flagitous villainy, the re- suit of a legal business,- prrViils on every hand as soon as we rett iU thresboldl mK i 1 .Our hope is. in onr children. 1 Oar pride is in our oys. ; Duty calls txa to mold them for positions of fstsr ossf ulness and happineas, and- la v obetlienoe'to this call we mutt bittla ' with every opposing force. Wo eaa make no compromise with evil, and the treineu ious evil of iutemperaae Which has so long held sway j over i 'onr homes, crushed oar htuUaod a : ! . a m annually earneu sixty luousaau oi our ooys to curuncara a oopeicaa ' a a graves if doomed. In toe name of our boys it is oor business to deatroy the liquor trafie.; We have cist it single bauded in zatnv si conflict tal defeat upon defeat baa been our pot tion. Now, at fa union there it strength, wa have conoe.ifrste.1 our effjrta, organized into a society who power lauitbefelt and wtxota claims shall ba heeled. We i know there are many dfU'jlti84 in air patb, many harsh critidsuw'to be met, bat we are jjgoiug forward in the firm conviction of duty to 'oar homes, risiog above every obstacle, braving every uukind sneer and jeer until the revolution which ws haro undertaken shall; have been acooa plished -till not ! a licensed liquor saloor di4ll, stand bet wet a Maine and Texas. I ' : "This is our business." Oar alUi- t auoe to our Ood, our home and our I native land mkes it our bounden duty to uphold truth and overthrow error and evil in every possible form, and to this wi jthe women o; the w. C. T. U. are pledgett, and will ever devote oirl eu traits, our lives, our all. j ; r f ' ' 4Tor right Is right, since Ood ts Oed, " And right the day must win: j To doubt would be disloyalty, 'I To falUr would be sia." .1 j Tne PoatAl Law. We call our readers attention to the following judicial decUions oqo ceming newspapers : v 1. Any person who takes a paper regularly from the postofSce,whether directed to his! name or that of an other, or whether he has subscribed or not. is responsible for the ay. 2. If any person orders bis paper discontinued, hie must pay all arrear age, or the publisher may eontiaae to Send it until psyment is made, and collect U the whole amouot. whether it is taken from the oSce or not .!l UoV Henry WaUrson, the fcrill iant editor of the Imiirilie Coaricr- Journal, has been at death's dooi A . m rm If A 1lt.l1 m,i A m. rtubboru cold witch dervehipeJ into m...Uw tin.1 1 Mnntij t art4 . fO one or two daya last week be eraa in a profound stupor, and bis life waa despaired of. Tuesdar and Wednes day be was reported j betUr, and a ..' if . I ' . - . - mere is oope uuaos may recoTsr. The crohibttion sentiment is ran- idly growing in our county and state. It is only a mat tar of ! time in ths) state of Alabama. A few years long er aud we will be free front the curse of strong drink; so far a tbe law is conCrmed. Nash rille Advocaf.- mm mm mm w mmmrn m -w m m v m mm m i m-wmm w wrwmmm v County, is toeing pat ta eaapo lor ex. tensive operation. ' Abiai tsrenty- fire hands are csndpyed ia b ildinj and placing machinery; . Mr. Barna LtvengooJ, of Forsyth e county, was killed two weeks ago by a aaw.long falling across his breast. He was hauling tbe log to a saw-mill when bis wagon struck a stump and i turned overwith the .result stated

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