"yyOL.iy. I CONCORD' U.. 0M THUPA-ITPlnBR 25; 123 t.-" j JKOX: A QUESTION ABOUT Browns i v Bitters . ANSWERED. t -ii " Teil. it doewnls. But H d"" n dwr f nrVhich rst tbUpl ynci&a woo Id praaeru I- J I rrwciMis to-nnJi. Iron MjU) b t J'wtuimti . i . i : M IniAiri ebmiet iirm wiii uhsuntistotba MWtinn thai torn am rrpmtiopn ol hn ttaaa of any c)nidvIr thai iroa is acknow lodged t t tb bh important factor in sad-eaafnl motliral practice. It n Wmw a nTnnrk&bl fvt. that prior to the dfawov- RT of BEOWN'! IRON BITTKltJ mi pnrfe ly atiafactoryiroa cnmliinitinn U dartwea ioan4 LttU kiii O liiUil Dill Lnutbt0ttb.caiMS headsch. or produce coo "tipatloa til! t tiT Irea raieilclnes d. BUOVVN'H IliON II ITTKK rrc Indit3tiaa, Uilionsncw, Wnknr. . DyapIMla. Jla!aria tb!;lM cndi Frr Tired Feelina,Oenernl OrbUiiv.Fals ihUm Side Hack or LimtMilcndarUand Newml ajia. (or all the ailment Iron m proecnlmil daily EE0VL73 inofi BinLES.srr: minat, til a!) other tbomnr!i pdirHFa: ft acta lowly. When taken br '" tm nrapttsn of benefit in rervstrei enerxy The mtim ie tur bwxM 3mMCtbedicet4an taprorrt.tltf hw (Uin act In vosmk the effect i BMoniijr tin tv rapMt anit marked Tbeeyeabeftin at orn-o to bnbtrii the lrtn cteara a: bekhy cubar ernn-j to Hm clwwk f rxaieueaa Uaaonevi: fanetiooat oVraiucemratK lmitw rK lar. and if a Bnnune: roitb-T altuitdat -une& it (applied Int th c!ii -I ni! - Rrwwa'e Irno "Xittera ta t!:e N?.Y irn nw-tlwum that ta not TbaGanataeha Tr t 5nrk n4.T'1 taU .Bftipyi' Centrally locjtetlvtirliuffre: p lite atteutionicirtl urtiigtlVil p commercial travelefH: LatKe-aiul cm modiouH simple rooms dii rounl flKir No pains will ?p:vrd .tM4te?.Uu,re B tapping rftx tito, ve.urai .yjuj ?' tOmnibustaedti'.ill trains. , v . i ... - THE TnXriiSKITMIS TtJSUKV- Oh, tho turkey that causes tbianks-. - giiing, When stuffed till he's bursting and baked till he brownM, . Ajid makes us cry gladly that hie is worth living, i , As soon as we taste-of his meat, so I renownU ; j tXTJ, ln llr i oa'hA rtafttnttl the platter,. On linen like snow, which we re . willing to bet .,. , . , , The carter with gravy will fngntiul- lv KTi:lft.Pr. - . . i And drench with his goblet of war f K , ter unset 1 Nuts, apples and ceiery. uy nini are-, glowiug, . - T And cranbeiTyjelly asrosyas June, And purest sweet cider that sparkles in flowing, . ' And pumpkin pies, home-made, as ' big as the moon, , v Rife, carver, and over him utter a . blessing; - -Then see that each feaster has loos en oA hie vp.st. . ani tiJun ladies, who like XUU v-' . ------ , 'rttkh nfpntv of thyine, to a slice of his breast. Tl.a "trwli b-:iHB? VOU'll cive to the a. V l -a V Z " maid who is lairt-st ; The ' drum sticks -tiny young elf .... sm The dark meat, whose navor you ; v know i4 the rarest; , ; . ' Along with the-fuik's cap.M you will keep foryourseu. . the DcstUcl Vocsj CI: 3. creep eroH hones folks house a ca the sly that way. M "Cresar! Caisarlstiid the bthcr, withoitppearing in the least intira t Ial:a Herald. 7 iditcd, 'Tarn one of yer ancestors cv o0' chronicled the from way bad-, and I cant come Jeath of AUiah Gilbert, of yer in daytime Vauso binefi jSoatij Cottonwood. At theiioe of long-tinie." V ' &e announcement Uicr trero re-. Here CScesara , teeth chattered ? id porta currerii that somo eTcnta out his legs gave way under him, : 0j 0 ordinary wer connected with !'Brace hPr said the ancestor.slap- , decease, but at thit time there ping him on theshoulder,.Vbraceupi fo no; meacs of ascertains the Tux here lor ver gooa, noworr jer , . W1 vr trrdar. howcrcr. harm. ' I Want ye to kerry that tur James Gilbert, the youihrlady key back, -le're dontr-someming .10 . fhe - a several other Cotton disgrace the name of Shakeweu, ana ood pC0Pie ero in the city; and I., won't .-stand itThe constant jtrm f;nm them fl reporter: learned tho be down on ye tomorrow .oiiun 1 fn yh. , follow. All. the names 'fore eight o'clock if lye don t,cana menlio ned &Te those of responsible ;Totxr ..ccrrcipcnilcst .bzd1 ft cca Tcrsation tritlj Uajcr B. 1L rinrs". State Sapcrbtcsirt cf TtibUa In' ttruction, tad xn'-ixam': t&t iter from a yfcry cproaiasat 'ctatleaca of Alabama, which ttatcd that very eitensiTcly-circaliicd pcliUcaa for the repeal of the cottca tax paid tho United Stitcia l'Clwcra to bo - a therll be a , neighborhood scandal I nd .q citizens, and, unreal about this bird that'll mase we wuoiu. Mtbe aayration ; sounds there can race of Shakewells shaker in theit ;be n0 doubt of its authenticity; . r i graves.! iCresarl for thei sake of .your, ; T1e J0DDg lady was sixteea'years, proud and honorable aincestors,take old at the timo her death, nd cp- thafc bitd back,: an tomorrow , taise j p3arg to have.been possessed of ;one your gun and go tq .tne woou.auu 0f those warm, lovable bnght, . and it one o the turkeys uv yer lathers i. TfiT1:d:s 0 s;ti ons -which endear the and it's a bird that no nigger: ought to turn up hiiiiose'at either. -Jw -Here the ancestor smiled delightf efllv at something t invisible some ovtnertoj every jone ;with whom .she . comes . in. coniracr. iuuuku ov young, she took a pusy part r in ail .f.nfi Antiaa ami in imnroTement it 1 - V . 1 kUUlbUUUUVin must go to each tlling in jhis J memory.; apparenUy-rt iaticmg amjn the Sunday school her name always had alprominent rlace. 1 Some three or ;four yiara o.,rt 'all a fnrmd ATI intimacy With ft a feathWed-biW VOuth named JohniCnnlifie. the son It weari f uH dhd has fifty ?; teetha r q ft ueigUbor, and despite the ten. unsu tuutjuc, vo ,.i i (jer . jears t oi Doin, uvj uwumo Ter amcestor rAehrdf to ; each other. Lml then went on : "It's a bird dat no man owns it s a tniA Vftliffiniah 'turkey. ' Tisnt ecnt to tho Stale, "tu ivtart: .t' Ij.rr y? t.tj C ' c:Ia crc-arr ia t!. c;itrj. -1!, I ca rIV-ra tra t.i U. trL . I L: Tiltl 'rrmb:r cs enrn J::U izT lis c:!oni' it n t nt : 3. oy ''fvt'er n!!rl';.t. li:it2 ili. caa Vid: I vi:.; yea ij i u ua dUad : ".tl'jt If c:;i ,c cy :intba Is t'.dra I'r-n (rrlr. Iotrriy-.' err t!;3 trzrLi t!ut I f.r.d in V, i r251; nad tl: t a tr.r ura frt c.l t ! i l : ?" cf tLaf.clU.it tc:c: 1 ILa; tn:: s t!..! t sr I':; 1, i: !.. era4 ' r.?tcr f-;L""-rt iL'n firrrr- r t l.rw vzll Cizi Ux. aiiijj Congress ta pna tho" Utr- ro funding iL1 Tho' i Utter caja.; tha CCO. Thoidra advmtcd ia tha Ut ter ia that all tho C ill :j Focl their intcrcsti, czl goi tusrcly .v be f era ICcciU: iho d-d, H the law is nassed and tho ? izztJt rerun1 ded, tho plan is to par or rcl and t3 tax to the persons tvLo paid it cf to their legal representatiTca; tha balance not bq eJaicsd within-cay pc;ttir.jtaftj;rj . t ft - switch ! :-!i li I . 1 1 '."1 this tho' .dtlnt rtlhcr' cf tea ''VsuUtoca!ch - ariich Htch ia. riJ tr-1 fir.l cn:itrcl t! V.:ia1 tr -t hi tv-l b te;ll K,,-T V i;.Ii4,bya ti-rr (cU r': v.lbrf.r2 1 1 t-rc" n I a trra cad In .1. iL - . , to 1 3 cat t o i r tfiUi c .1; a t - i v and 1 1- iiisared ry ttrra ftrca 1 1 1 , to fir as 1 ws caccmnt ta n." ; ' rcia t-t-ace, ElUtrai thic-lr: J iri bad, aad a'tloh td traj c . . . a i a a. a.. m. a . t ,4 . m a - taarra VAirrri IIP ftTjllilCll DT UiB 1 r 2X1 IU I'O (U - for edncationil purposes. v The corn tidlr oa th teal behind the b;c;r. " - Ml, : . ... . A I.. I. a K I - munication referred to estimaU the and thpujh ho, rt - iV.itAt v,t fmflL'e1! daricT sr?ci and ,001000, land desire tho ctmiancar tvj juru v. M. . ntSfUhe plan by the Jt that bortntb rdihUc r2. VrZr:?rz A n in- was iuclmtxl to be ft thr -' .43 Raiido!pb St. 'fjblcso4k5 thlj paper oufil .end ere authoriasd to tMf lt - Now; whilJ you'reMEnrJOying -your r Thauksgivuig dinner, ? Remember thjeones-whaure hun- 'And vend them a turkey, vi'N fool Jilrp a Christian: and so, -if you'i-e ;bonor tha day.' rti?IiWii see. Ccesar, " . ... - i . ' a 1. ' had lainiuV- and plantigraae ieett Ctosar.-it has'blanligrade feet.- TTrrli ! ft t ;ses..t.' too uazeu w 9 . - t r. : -at CrDodge. "Ugh!" said Cies t f pr n.in i nt ellicrible W P 1 e ancestor contmued: its iee each foot as a uoa.aa auuj ( IK'TT! . and provoked no end of comment at their old-fashion devotion and steadfast affection for one another. The'state of affairs continued until the girl wWfifteen-V.ears old, irhen the association' was rudely broken in jsrts . - c n if" : '. DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, VEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS MALARIA, LIVTR COMPLAINT, . KIDNEY TROUBLES, NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. tt I. tn"votat- . IT five NEW A ihg 'and De- Behtful to take, s ATbanlisgf Skotrli. man, and long, sharp claws on every l ' tha deaih 0f young Cuniffe. He toe 'cent its inside one... I uses dat . af 1;f from he kick of a wild (W to $25, endorsement States and by their teachers, aa well 8 all interested in cdatitioa. ' 1 maiob mfoca't TIXWI of this scheme wcro expressed in; his answer to the letter. " He fciid he 'did not feel ' jusi ified in cadors-' in tr the nlan while the Blair bill was before Concress.; He desired that to first decided,and thought that tho nushinff bf the proposed scheme micht jeopardize the Blair; bilh He P.Tnects the latter: measure to pass as nnnn fljt it irots'to a vote in the a-F w w a mi m mm - m The next day afltr tha rrcaca- tion wa issued I trrr.t cut tai Ui ed at themfloa rittlu Tlicrr, Ijb, ia the sun, iinpej aaa i; asdof great value ' weak and AiHaa-fc "Women and Cbu- IT give A j LIFE to th whole SYSTEM by Strengthening the Muiclee, Ton- tar th J ERV K-f and completetyDi 100a. tf&f. i A eeatine-tne ffrmVtw Km O N T A .V no hurtful Minerals: it com posed of carefully selectee .vcsci.--ble Medicines, combined skill f,ill. , making a Safe and Pleasant . a A Book, voiinav by leading physicians, telling , how to treat dis-. eases, at HOME,, mailed, together with a set of hand some cards by new Heiiotype process, en, receipt-of W c. h:-ihiM tu. denier nnr ma a iuu auv Hemedy Tor aato br f-vti-n.- Peawt r" . . ' rntlV l III! 't-11. rilU.t Hl.UOi woa not Kp 1VW ; . V ' .Vollna Drug and Chemical Company, ff qPHll ii' ' ' ' ! nis'f ''iITa-- e f labor aa. .1 biC-uailC' ,jninisUesrtrpda.gr t4.f.V mjtherand c-nld. a,.U the moth- a c ndi ion n re wtoiboib and ! ess uauie rw r in- peedy rov I Va t,e called The MoTfiEii's Fwend aidj rank as one of he life aVing : reinedi .of the nineteenth century. K. We cnn.iot Publish certificates con ernin5 Uiis re nedy without w.nindii.g tthe delicatry off the wilt rs..t have huH-luds n vr-lpj Send ior;ou- klT" ?Av i mailed free? BSADFIELD ULUi-A TOR CO Atlanta. Ga. , . V Dr. RO Herring Cfiesar Alexander Shakewell, a col ored citizen of Bridgeville, ,owned no turkeys, and bis y richer, white neigh- ois had put" theirs in . social security as Thanksgiving day drew nea. Mrs. SliakeweU kept nagging Cresur : about' a turkey until he deter- ined to havtrjLWiierrhef oreiLanqiuer: CnT. rpt. at anv; cost. He sax uotv u Tf tUfi fire in til e twihgut to j ci.,o iilfiti tit action on the glUUJ UUD OWl"'- - in-movtant aa' stion. ' - i It came-to hiin qaite readily, it ap w oil nt mice he found hiui iiv.cvi.c-,'-'.".-- -- 1' self carrying it out. ne nau ut a loose board on Col. Faivgrovc s bick fehce tho day ueiore. FairgrovesWere easy-going peovIe, not much given to hammer and nail?, and they ould be sure to . have a turkey in the:coop in; the ' backyard wt;wc vpftdvior the annual feast. avn nnnn. the "board fell off at iiiMrlinrrof his brawny arm, and .1 : ; f Via fiomer was the The slats of " Sdi oroed before the sawe potent ,. lm'bherhad been mere -ii;;o ntwas no trouble at all V ii hia leesreover his body with an old bag, and slip quietly away ' iw . Once at hoiiie Gtesar Al- Zander put him in a barrel and laid r?P.lr a of wood on ; the cpe n Jjrrt'i j " v" - . -- - :, t0rVi,OTi hp' called to hir wife to come d.8eejiimn about their Thantsgiviug wiuu 1 1ip nnneared. looked at the bird; fetU eyes like saucers, and then ehe sraw'Jr ery grave. ; " : ' 'jt " Whar did ye git him?" she asked, With something like awe in her voice, 4 Worked for 'imof. course," said t. ' fiQ cViraiHA. with a sneer. intv LTtiaa maisuDial tur key, , Csar.'' v .Here the ancestor smiled at the powering proportions of his own i earning, but , presently talked on: . ' : 1 - ' r "Alive it has an odor.ye can!t mist take, and roasted tlj smells; better, nor a flower garden. ' He's 'a bird worth siviiil thanks for. Now, take back to his owner, and. go out ter- morrer 'aiid gitde 'possum, de ngi iial turkey ob ole Vahginiah, de .tur tifey ob yer fathers" and 7 16! the ancestor had-vanished. 7 1 r 'Trmrin'?;at every pore Caesar Alexander; shouldered the turkey and started lo CoL Fairgrove's. Just as he .was about to enter tiie ynr" through the break in the fence pre viously made by himself, he felt an other haud laid on his shoulder witu considerable emphasis.;. r J? earing that another and still more ternoie ancestor was about ; to have speecn with him - he sank to the earth witn- ont darine to" look around. xnen t the habdtgrabbed him more firmly and gave him a vigorous shake, he trilrprl 11T annealincly and confront ed the constable; .With a groan he fa nted dead away. . , ! ' '-. . , 'What yeroanin and carryin' on m- . o-rn'mal for?" was the next fhinff propounded in his wif e's f ntie voiee. -s ; KiHe opened his eyesslowl Eorse 'about a year ago. When tho: rHouse,X. hSellig4nce was bought Ho7Hiss ly tufng them with gra "n; vau her Major FmgertBiH)ke iTcry xrsiiiay 1 rcd around and caterml th lItre- and fuUy about the Blair biU. lie j locaU iUcke a saidthattherresuUbfthelafe eke da7;bcforo an tionwere largely due to tho'failaro track- in t'ha 1ml blow, and at Hiis funeral her .parox yams of grief were so violent that it was f eaied her reason would depart. In tmie: however, she resumed her ai uf iViA hlnw she had sustain UCUV .utv wcr any v iiav csuia t- '.,.i,rti i.fT ei iifsr.cr is . irav a wsUcritl.-v i trtbUd, fcr I Izs Itjud L-t prevt-t cij r frca Etcalir-;.i$ t-:a;ta awiai awitch t" Lifcro raa. I An idea - a tt: j- 7 . -f an cucnaoui xoov ther:uL::l JlhoOe ncra i lar'-a U.?y ATcald not s:ay orj tay ftcV Uel orcrcaaia tun gnat drawkui iaip- rcd around and catered taa raca iron ft locust iuicKe. tv rau d raads urcisca groaiid. I-nc b ed had sunk deep into her life. She seldom roused herself; from a aeep .. . . . mca8Ure which Ipthnrfrv of sadness, and day Dy aay .1 ,11 her color and strength and.the fresh ness of youth seemed to be ebbing A tim mrtfl a nf tha 1 1 iimd her sister by telling her that "John" had visited her chamber and had told her that she must prepare to come to him. She manifested no fear, Vinfi accordine to her sister, had told him that she could; not leave her parents, but he had only said again that' she must come. Once aain." later, she told heri sister that he had come to her with , the same message, and she had now evidently given up desiring to remain, as boo told Her sister how she wished to be dressed at her burial, and whom she wished !to dress her. Soon after that young Cunliffe's father came to Mj. Gilbert sorely disturbed, and told him-that one morning as he was he.Wd. Tho question le"',trZA and stooa ai.iiiw wt y "v- father had. asked him what " was - fnr 214.10 each. The pen that he desired, and he rephed: X - wbo embrace both wounded tta fn see vou. latcer. , i wu bw: in at Gilbert's, and I am gom have been there liULiX S m-m. w . r . nfthfi llpmocratic House to pas that I iu0 melon, stola back to tUeTlldcUt In the Fifth district it ami, -Ulhouge it was noa ripe, l ate inure than half of it. v. l hii tiuraoca khUo Bm aad J w-ro.inwth3 jt I smalt stick, enur tne gaw. . face wire an uiually si an cxprta ion ftid 1 taw tha. there eoa thig wtong. 1 ' ; I don't think ttiat ranch nr asanr ia healed on this aaaou, said hv lanang at the stick. MBU1.'W are your shoes! In de caoin, s-iu, 7 . -Bring them hereT u , . He brought thruots. i The eld. gentleman applied the m Canute, aaJ to. di .- Freiu dirt on then, I sea. i BUVs face b -came study. lon t know how it come un tUr, master. Ain't wore enK tbcj Urt tiaa- hethaiaUrightv Johnttar- inff to me. ufeU-u me mat swucb. measure. was used as a special lever to move ai-rr , - .a . their pockets as weU as tu- vw in the education of their children; it is,1 in fact, a measure wnicu must be passed: AVhat may be termed the "'new South" wants it, and what may, with1 equal propriety, be term ed the -new North" knows the "new South" merits it. ine greav "j ority of statesmen in the Democratic party believe it to be constitutional. Many people North say that as slavery was Ma national sin." so the preparation of the ex-slaves for the duties of citizenship snouia ue national burden. "This bill is. there fore, , strange fts it may seem, the iM,,-Af Ka xftr-measure8. These w v w , remarks of Major Fiuger expres a vast ma&S of sentiment in this State, and v xhaps in other southern States as well. ! It is evident that he ex pects the bUl to come to a. vote ana to pass.j . ' : THE SOLCIEB PXSSlOXEaS. - W P. Ro ertn, taxe My heart smute me. but I brought the nwith. Then bill began to danje. I never did see a f ellw grt himself intoaomaaj difftrrrnt hapcf and it seemed that every shape was let ter uitrd to the switch. I hd t snort, I couldn't help it 1 kept out of B1.1V way a mucn as po-wui-. un- to nim i M lorem d to look rwpro,uUy; dHis Auditor. hamailall of mc, but did not aaujw me tif it was pensioners their warranU for 1E8C. ca ,j j 11 was, .11 m --fi The lien T - . fa - : ; Vt y and 1 in I liirhRplf aittmsr aoject ieai, axia 7.,, by his own fireside, the children un bed and Mrs. Shakewell standing by had begun to persuade myself that Bill bad stolen the meion, wnea mu uer---- . cinA I left vou. Where else him With ner nana '-ff rI GUbert H . V v.. ... 1 T t,e Mr. .tjrilDert ttempvcH He never was so happy in hw hfe. X, toeh ?.,. nnt ot hia Ctoh iFabgrove's -turkey ; was saie reason . "r where it belonged; he had never sto- notioiv but be lnsise d .t n TTf and he hadn't met any dead no dream ; or vision, but bis ner.;B"- -r-?.. , ; s w;Hi,;a cAn'hail actuaUy visiteaanu biw" w Snowed all de time flatly and gone ancestor uw u, that in broad daylight. In w vn bad to have your nil o dreams viFurthermore , ne TTrJr ViniJri .'1 !.; Vnrnt.lftinin at me Kr jft that he ; never would truthless nigzer. Knoed it was no Yisita only followed thefts 'use to tellye. Ye wQuldn'fl believe vwlr 1 soldieraanu. .uo.,- r. "7 TV, 1 aays later g Daca . j , , . jistribu-it T t M in ilm ta1 whea my I .. - . ii Aonnl .nnnolannrnnrl'l .iU...i.turaH lll ftfl till 1121 ft V U I tinn Ol tne 0X,w. -a -r- i I xafcua a;ia-ave l r . . , should " UA "r .! . . .1 I ai -:.W u ft, r mA ht t La ; rw . m n n sr mil - i mi 1 1 . u 1 1 1 I i i" . . ation. disbursement of this f uncL - oil inn xl M .'-'.J,sai iif Ifiaa'ltpad IS knt Wft ' 1 J. Ht? Mill j : i ...j M-u.Ki-iv a tire, t tu in from tu bviiu uviv - r-uii-iueluhia Dental ma till he come. -7- - . 1 'Mrs. Shakewelllooked at ner bus- fresh ' well of aamiraviuu her heart; xie creature, sure; band, a springing up in was a supenui A rrrA 11 Ol rv .1 . luis uermauemly located iu : 1 wollld never doubt it again. . i ' : eord. Uckius iu the Davw & "el.u TWnrAWns to bedCsesar Alexan- ;iThe ' ynewbuddmgnTn TaWU Vard. lifteda kderace. out paiufV - ilLlLLD rU thei tnrV the 11 i I n ! ' 111 II V Ml. 1 JJl 1 1 uuu aaSon seemed to shak, her jie wuuiu utiuj, - . .r, if . - j w parents weres attenoin turkey. . ana - . "JZjS I ih.Warty at a nbor-. that exacting lady. Dossum was eaten "1 J UUahAtltA Her latner ana, ipwuvj-. approached, twhcre areyour ahotsf in tne nou, Vj . Bring thwa here." . , I got my aho-s. Great Czzzxl thrre was frrsh soil oa them. Come come on,: sam too 1 handed him one saoe . tau the other oae. -XiUx, kw - it,. ali.ui 1 rl n alter mcaui uay vr , that switch.,, Biirbouadcd with on M fl 'B a lit lli JL ' Attcrae7. aai Ooariselcr at Lw, ; j - 1 concord, Jf. c. : ''Will practice in all parts of the State, Collections made in al parts of the counT try CTOfficeopposite the ; courthouse v communitv remained un trsiarreVand'k a long and ired. -As be bontoverhU 'o Key s Larrei, olv a ,'y,f thanksfidviniT board he had more than usual cause for gratitude; tha Preferable iwiUh at eirry i urn, In a,3 u"o jiU 1 " eangbt ht' of stant the corner oi tue uuuw z,", . l like a glandered horse. BUI kept but of my way, bat mat ereews . s tt- v;Q . snciaeniy a iona iuu&. bum j -- - -hand was laid on his shoulder, and he turned with quaking knees, r ex- trvfacft the village constable; hut dark as it was he could see ' that TaW Jersy has ft Baptist piinister J:a to veau j-xici . . i , , - rttli pr tnan m his i u. 1 1 nti rVr Tr-inri ViiVfrT,rtftd ftttemntS tO peolue iiu r, v.. -- , -XJUW v.Jr- " ittv;;ot. 4tVpv - war erbod 'nuf fpr mv fathers, and goodnuf fer me. v Aff prt Rave: but though Jher.some- f h hand beion4d to a gentleman of J times teUs of the encounter the hand eipn?ea tu ocfftr h never tells of the cause ?zzrz -r;rh. diViduftiv..Ti8it to i -roa pfifSr.iivuaacaiusiuw-T Oi a. v HO ii"", .r,. . - . r . . tuck his own hp was Jrinc A bid fashioned lookin nigger jt - - : T , ! J ..t.Ah talliTilT thA RtOTV. ailCL nrAnnonn nprpp-. r wS.- 3Baaati & ,nin.7JW i VkH"H lt"lj 1 to confront, he put aa w . i . i. wm rte v. V A J". I Copies cf o'd pictures of any kind made in Crayon, India Iuk, Water Jind Oil Colors in tbe best mauner. him. MaxEltow. UOUfl v""r: rrr-r r .Ta,. -a .ti n,n.k The community m irjucn - Put rrass ia 'ca "nU. dshashnr- he resides has fn .TO - T . - - - i a ' . .1. riedly .conveyea nume, m ATtired; shortly afterward. her friends almost stupefied griefs 'Her funeral was largest convocations ever seen in that locality. short l tucx erp?fcr Nn r efirv- Oti do Cads C . rin WMhpnties. 'A hoa- .luaartawtweaiDow. leaving wiiu yvn n,'Z-iutimmi 1 r.t, T p!1 -rer whnt's er tack, JcLa, one or tne up,- -ui-y i o ' Ti f Tse one of de Vinteil bT de rsmw. ol mourners uaywou .w.w,.,u. . i i . - - - - x ' To one'who saidaV'! do not believe &xKfi- rrlll:" ffiA world." there lsgu Mvuea . qongTabie bravado into his voice as he saia: , , 'Who are ye, anyhow? and what niSl.W.Jfa forenenst the l?w Jo one may Imo . , ?, , j Gout in most eisea first maje it self known by un acute, pain m the CertifiratcM Cennat le Pttlil?el 1 iQ:nt of the CTeattoe. iThismtkt exf Of The Mother's Friend, for, aire- 1 cruciating painmpy be likened pp . ti. :mnta'cililA martfid bv a aistmffuisnea lawyer in i u n rnea. ; x Tn;;:, -tiurchasim? a botUe. Tii .. a botUe ose man shonldi Know au 51:1., known wedge unaetue nau. xkuu, itrniltonlr3 SaTvation OiL Pried 5cenUft -Lpv another that any one man shomd iiow merits can only be made known i,a Ttrnrld. but quite possioift uu. word Qf m0uth." Address uraa WiV ;- : - . ,,,, ;. I , A aTU. neia tveguiator vu., auuiui vji. Merrilyemerily, EhaniUvetow. the little girl eaid, "for I'm net to bekept in because of .Uiatbcrnd neuralgia. My mamma cas .botUe' of Salvation OU from tl ccata : tie. i 1

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