! . " . v- - ,- . .. v S. "-v: . . ; :: -: . " - , ; - .,- - . . - . ... - - ."'V,'.-' '. : . r- " " - v '.f - ' " c v" v ''-r-' v; r-'.-"'-V;v-v.. ; - ' - ; j,-;.; - ' ' --';, - . ;. . "' 2--- ';"":-- V "- : . . " THUS , CC? JOB pniilTUlG 77it largest newspaper published in Plain acd Fancy, r tit rt ntK, 2AHSUS, RQWAM, STAHLT, KO.lT30MEay. FMDOirHrM;;. RiCHalOXD AN' 3 DAYIDSOH COUNTIES. , THE UEST- Advertising Medium JOZA' 5. SHE'RRILL, Editor "BE JTJST -AJtSTID OFEI NOT.' $l.5i? a Year, is JJ:', Vol. V NK In, IN THIS WHOLE SECTION! Time,Ki.tabliilica 83. I Conoolldat! June SS, H8; Kt lister, lt. f CONCORD, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1887. Mtt T7 s i' "A. AT7 r rr f - ' I v. V . ' . V 111 . ' A V mw mm a mm mr mm w -saw . a aw . mm rum ! ' il Jl, Itr Hi nuiiuj i toniff ad'! Ouiisflor at Law, cuxcoiin, x. (. Will l i.-jj'-e in all nart-s of tho IMPRISONED VIRGINIANS. Has the Elevehth Amendment Annulled ? been 5adroifcii.se of words or j of metaphysical bv a tram We chaugo the reasoniuuH. Suite. !!,.,. ni;(, Id !l . Tiurt-S ot uiecoun- r.rOfH. poi.'Kj-itethe courtnouBe. i ,y couinlicatious arising lroia -f 7t "t w. rv n" e wanv etlbrts to settle and readjust H. C . HERRhvC, U.U.S., ;il0raeU. TJie lejnslaturc passed .Virginia has long Itcen troubled (v)NCOUDvN. C. O.'S :,: over Davis & Correll'tf ew- L LILLY, Is a'i (MY. ih liis tirofeKfional services to i t T(; t:s ti v. 'in v - !ilU i;u:iiitiy aUeiuUsd to, t. ( l)c-iiot San cluirc! , . - i. 1:1' I 1U .l'AVON, llliiiil day or n .i. f-hikI resilience on rju.i i 'i, ll.. I -v."k ct 1 t fl Aas. 12-ly .1. JI, rAiN.i5SS, PH0T06RA CILIKLOTTK, Cnui,s oi' o'd pictures of any kind , India Ink. W ater n tl'o best niiKiner. PHER Ar - . . i'O MORE EYt GLASSES NO Weak Idid!ls Eye Saivc, A .cx tiiin, safe and tUeclive remedy Proilucin g Lout? -Siglitedness. and Kitorin the Silitof the. Old. Cures Tear Drops. Uranalation. -btye Tumors, Ked Eyes, Jlatte.it- rye Juasiies, aii-i producing quick relief ?nd permaneut cure- Also,"iually eflicaciou?-when used ii oihi r" maladies, such as Ulcers. Fever res. Tumors. Salt Rheum, liurns, files or wherever inllammation exists MITCHELL S SALVE may be used to advantage. . ijld by all Druggii at 23 cents. jjilesvi I n ii J n m it mm, BILESYILLE, N. C. Fall erm opens 1st day of August Board from HQ to 9 per month. T union from 1 to 3 per month" Healthy .location, excellent commnnity, school is not sectarian, hut strictly moral. For further particulars apply to Rev. F. S. STAR RETT E, .Principal. ASK FOR. L1ES1G GOMFAHY'S rvr mn m OF an mm, l em? substi find insist uixn no other tuted f t it. X B fien-'ine oul widi frc simile o o-.ron Lieb g s signature in b;ie aero s :alwd. - S"1J by storekeeper' groeer and dr assets everywhere. Try the largest audbest equipped ISISIES'S ECLLESS ESTBLISEHENT in the United States. I). .5. keii.xi: fe CO., 824 and 326 P, trl St, New York. Prices low, satii-faiti jh guarantee Jett reference?. MARVELOUS an act called "The Coupon Crush or, whicli refused to receive coupons in payment of State tax es. Many citizen boadholders tendered coupons, but refused to pay taxeH in money. The State v. a,s seriously affected as to her revenue, then the legislature pass ed an act empowering the Attor ney General of the Slate to bring suit against.- the delinquent tax payers to collect tax due the State Attorney General Avers, as was his duty, as he delives all his power and authority from the State, and only from the State, obeyed the law and instituted suits. ' . Judge Bond, tof the XL S. Cir cuit court, upon application of some of the defendants infc these cases, some of the delinquents, granted an injunction command ing the Attorney General to nol pros, the suits and proceed no further. This order the Attorney General refused to obey, and Judge Bond committed him to jail for contempt of court. The Attorney General applied to the 1 I Supreme court at Washington and j a, writ of habeas corpus, returna-1 ble last Monday, was issued. The decision lias not yet been pro nounced. , ' This is the question of State sovereignty again. Can a State manage its own affairs ? The eleventh amendment to the con stitution which went into force applies directly to this case, and now it is to be seen whether the courts or the; constitution is the higher authority. The eleventh amendment is a& follows The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to ex tend to .any suit in law or eauity commenced or prosecuted against anyjjne of the United States by cit zens of another State or by subjects of any oreign btate. The Nev York Herald lias this to say on the question : "This is the first time such au thority over a State officer has ever been exercised by a Federal court. It marks a new era in the relations between the State and the general government. It exercised by j udge Bond in this instance pursuant to the decision rendered by the Supreme court at WashingtonTwo years ago in the Virginia coupon cases. In those cases the question was whether a State officer could be sued in a-Federal court by an 'in dividual, and whether. an injunc tion would lie in fayor of an in dividual against a State officer. Virginia . pleaded the eleventh amendment of the constitution, Avhich exempts a State from suits brought by citizens without its consent. The Supreme court drew a distinction between a State and its officers. It drew a distinction I I (V i oetween omeers acting under a j State law which is constitutional and one which is unconstitutional. ', It held that a State officer acting under a State law repugnant to the constitution of the United States may be sited by an individ ual in a Federal court or enjoined by an injunction granted by a iederal jndge. cannot m tnat way nature of things. This is the first time, wo be lieve, since the eleventh amend ment was adopted in which a State has been coerced by judicial proceedings -at the suit of indi viduals, ia the Federal court. That this is such a case seems one of the plainest propositions that can be Mated." This is btrong language to come from four justices of the Supreme court. Thev emphatically declare that th decision of the majority virtually- annuls the eleventh amendment of the Federal con stitution, and concedes the Feder al courts for the first time in the history of the nation the power to coerce a State. The majority, on the other hand, insisted that the federal constitution would be litigatory if its provisions could not be enforced against a State. . That a Supreme court will sus tain, for the present, at least, the actioli ot Judge Bond is to be ex pected, since he simply applied a principle affirmed by the court, but thero is this significant fact to be noted. The recent death of Justice Woods leaves the bench evenly divided on the great ques tion involved. That question will doubtless be 'reconsidered when the vacancynow existing is filled, and whether the court will re affirm or reverse the decision it rendered two years ago .will de pend upon the vote of the new justice. It will be an extraordi nary power to fall into the . hands of one man.; BILL NYE WHAT THE GOVERNOR SAID. What Salt is Good For. MtlvlUKT DISCOVERY. Whs I? u-.liia a. unciai : tyttcms. Ar7 bo;i learned in ons rca&injr. ' Recommended by Mark Twain. F.ic -ard Proctor the Sci' ntist. lions V W, Aster, Judah P.'.B n jamin. Dr Minor. &c Class of'100 ; olumbia Law stu ilenis; tvj lasses of 200 each at Yale: 100 t University of Penn, Ph la, and 4" 0 at Wellesly ' ol'ege, c. an engag ec' at Cliautau jUa University. Prpspec us post free- fr m PROF. LOISETTE. 2:"7 Fift i Ave, New York. rri.oi- fb.4?,.r.4- ..:- had ever affirmed this doctrine. I When you give your cellar its spring cleaning add a little cop peras water and salt to be white wash. Sprinkling salt on the tops and at the bottom of garden walls is said to keep snails from climbing up and down. For relief from heartburn or dyspepsia, drink a little cold water in which has been dissolved a teaspoonful of salt. Ink stains on linen can be taken out if the stain is first washed, io was ' strong salt-water and then spong ed with lemon juice. For stains on the hands, noth ing is better than a little salt, with enough lemon juice to moisten it, rubbed on the spots and then washed off in clear water. In a basin of water, salt, of course, falls to the ; bottom ; so never soak fish with the skin side down, as the salt will fall to the skin and remain there. The very simple remedy of com mon salt has cured many cases of fever and ague. " A teaspoonful taken in water, and a teaspoonful deposited in each stocking, next to the foot, as the chill is coming on. This comprises the whole of the-treatment- For weeds in pavement or gravel walks, make a strong brine of courso salt and boiling water ; put the brine m a sprinkling can am water the weeds thoroughly, being careful not to let any of the brine get oa the grass, or it will kill it Executor's Sale of -Land. Iv virtue of auilioviiv in roe l y the-will of W. 11. Sloan deed. on t!p Cth f'ay ,f September. vesterl 1 will 18 ST, at 11 a m. proceed to sel 1 at ulence f 'lis. Ruth Ur-Sloan. if late res deed, a I it of household and kitchen furniture belo--:frmg to the e'tate of the s-aij W II Sis atK and afro a certain . tract of LAN ) Containing sixty (GO )a res. sit uati il in Xo 3 ton nsisip, on West side el laic's creek and on Efst sde id il; Treat rend leading from Charlotte to a!i-t.iwy, and adjoining the lands IJobert W ;iliace and oiliers, the san. i'eintr the place whereon the late Ruth lived. i'erms made known on day of ?ai. . M. W. JOHNSTON, Exr. W. B. Sloan. By M. II. H. Caldwell, Att.. Concord, X. C.Aug. 14, 1SS7. The decision made a radical change in the relations between State and national government. It was a marked inroad in the do main of State sovereignty. It gave to the Federal, judiciary a vast power over State officers which had never before been as serted by it a power which has just been exercised by Judge Bond to eniQin a State officer from discharging a duty imposed by State law and to imprison the officer because he obeyed his State instead of the Federal authority. The power may be wielded not only in Virginia but in any State ; not only to enforce payment of State debts, but to compel ob servance of any obligation under the Federal constitution. This'highly important decision of the court was based on a bare majority of one. Four of the nine justices maintained that to sue a State officer is to sue the If a chimney or flue catch on fire, close all windows and doors first, then hang a blanket in front of the grate to exclude .all air. Water should never be poured down the .chimney, as it spoils the carpets. Coarse salt thrown down the flue is much better. Live Fleas Wanted. A singular advertisement at tracted my attention the other day; It was a call for 10,000 live fleas, to be delivered in parcelsof not less than 5,000 each, at a cer- tain address, l coniess my curi osity to know what a-nian could want with such a vast number of these interesting little insects led me to go and make personal in quiry. I found the man was a flea trainer, and I gathered these facts : That it takes three months to teach a flea to do anything Writes the Present's AsheviHe Speech for Him." . Bill Nye wrote a speech for the President to deliver at AsbevfUe, as follows : . Fellow-Citizens of Aidievillc and Buncombe County, and Broth er Tarheels from Xway Back : If I were a faithful Mohamme dan and believed that I could never enter heaven but oneo I would look upon Buncombe, couu-j ty and despair ever afterwards.: (Four minutes for applause, to die away.) Asheville is 2,330 v feet above tidewater. She is the hot-; bed of the invalid and the home of the physical wreck who ' cannot live elsewhere, but who comes here and li ves till he gets plum sick of it. Your mountain breezes and your fried chicken bear strength and healing in their wings. (Hold valve open two minutes and a half to give laughter full scope.) Your altitude and your butter are both high, and the man who can not get all the fresh air he wants on 3rour mountains will do well to rent one of your cottages and al low the wind to meander through his whiskers. Asheville is a beau tiful spot, where a peri could put in a highly enjoyable summer, picnicihg along the Swannanoa through the day and conversing with Plum Levy at his blood curdling barber shop in the gloamJ ing. Nothing can possibly be thrillinger than' to hear Plum tell of the hair-bredth escapes his customers have - had in his cosy ittle shop. ! The annual rainfall here s 40.2 inches, while smoking tobacco and horned cattle both do well. Ten miles away stretches Alexander's. You are only thirty-five miles from Buck Forest. Pisgah 'Moun tain is only twenty miles irom here, and Tahkeeaste Ferm is only a mile away, with its name extend ing on beyond as far as the eye can reach. The Irench Broad River . bathes your feet on the right and the sun-kissed Swanna noa, with its beautiful borders of rhododendrons, sloshes up against you on the "other side. Mount Mitchell, with an altitude of 0,11 feet and an annual rainfall of 52.8 inches, is but twenty miles distant, while Lower Hominy is near, and Hell a Half Acre, Sandy Mush ann uiue iuin are witnin your grasp. The sun never lit up a cuter lit tle town than Asheville. Jsature just seemed to wear herself out on Buncombe county and then took what she had left over to make the rest of the country. Your air is full of vigor. Your farms get up and bump themselves on one side or m the middle, so that you have to wear a pair of telegraph- pole climbers when you go to dig your potatoes. Here you will see the japonic, the jonquil! and the jaundice growing side by side in the spring, and at the cheese foundry you can hear the skipper calling to his mate. Here-is the home of Gen. Tom Clingman, who first originated the idea of using tobacco externally for burns, scalds, ringworm, spavin pneumonia, Bright s disease, poll evil, pip, garget, neartourn, ear ache- and financial stringency Mere liandolph & Hunt ao your lob printing for yon and the Cit izj3n and' the Advance will give you the hews. ,. You are on a good line of rail road and I like your air yery muck, aside from the air just played by your home band. Certainly yon have here the making of a great city. You have , pure air en ough here for a ; city four times your present size, and although I have seen most all the Switzerlands of America 1 think that this is in every way preferable. People who ate in search of a Switzerland of America that they can be relied upon will do well to try your town. And now, having touched upon everything of national importance that I can think of, I will close by telling you a little anecdote which will perhaps illustrate my posi tion better than I could - do it in any other way. (Here I insert a humorous anecdote which has no special bearing on the political situation, and during the ensuing laughter the train pulls out.) Bill Nye. Melancholy Remark and a Time Between Drinks. Long THE TAX ON TOBACCO, 4,G1T THERE." 1S WftstuHfrton Letter to I'LiL Record. ' Aiwusfcint-Secretary of the Treas ury Thompson was formerly Governor of South Carolina, and might, therefore, be supposed to know . more or less about that famous remark of the Governor of North Carolina. He said to me the other day that it waa marvel ous how far that remark had trav eled. During his long tour of in spection among lighthouses and life-saving stations d the great lakes this summer he heard of it in the most unexpected ways and places. " hy, he continued, "one day Mr. Kimball rthe superintendent of the life saving service) and I went ashore at a littlo village to get shaved. We found a barber's shop and two inquisitive barbers. The one who shaved me . asked questions about my journeyings until he found out that I was from Washington, and then he asked me whether I had a place in any of the departments. I told him I had, but did not' tell him what if was, and he did not think it well to "pursue the subject. He got through before the other barber, and I told Kimball as I surren dered my chair to an old country man that I would wait for him outside. No sooner had I gone than the barber asked Kimball who I was. "That was Governor Thompson of South Carolina," he said, "now Assistant Secretary of the Treasury." With this the'old farmer rose up in his chair, all lathered as he was, and said : "Do you suppose he would tell me what it was the . Governor of North Carolina said to him ?" I asked Governor Thompson who those famous Governors were, and just what occurred at their fa mous meeting. He said that he did not know them by name, and that the story waa old when he was born. lhe tradition was that the Governor of North Caro lina in the good old days when prohibition was not dreamed of journeyed(on horseback.of course) to make a formal call on the Gov ernor of Sonth Carolina. The lat ter had a jug full of liquor in the house at the time, and for-ome inexplicable reason could get no more. When his distinguished guest arrived he set the jug out on the table and invited the Gov ernor of North Carolina to make himself at home. The guest drank copiously, the host moderately, to preserve at once his ' soberness and his liquor. Atlast he saw with dismay that . his guest had drank the last drop of the precious liquor. The' guest -was too drunk to know it, but he missed the fa miliar invitation of the host to take another drink. S07 leaning on his elbows, he looked across the table reproachfully with the mel ancholy remark : "Governor, it's a long time between drinks." Sr. J3 ls K Wa lh tt k i fr hr iuid a. nruateii tniu a rimtAke prevail in lUv. ruua Jogc dclrred Li 11 ninv i f-!;, r m? Mr. Carfisls Onljf fornm'tt tJ a Re Rev. pea! of the Licens System. A), Washington, Oct, It U iu- j r. 1 1 me popular concepumi a 10 ns leciuw. 'Mil 11tv. t Um I irt s ta a prr .. t extent to which Mr. Carii! and BuMt rhcrch Ud. niel L itUu!. WLiJ'i:a-i.-r his friends are milling, to pi in ni - h clmrcU - m xtr ' 6tUl 1 4 iu". -'Wfc-il. &r v ducing internal revenue; that and tho lrtuw was cTvllvctiiv. bUt rr-M htr lliat t i' lhir pa nnt onmmitil t. . r.. ' 1., t 1...t- iif!!. h mill- lrP tv.1 .!5. peal of the whole tax on tobacco, Hawthorn uaid: but only of a UcenM system of the , "IntrmWinj; tlw 'ditisthd law, which rejuire every dealer lecturer of the vr uits, to Ocr- iu luwi-o w law um a iieeafw, gia atmiecoe i like inmMucing ml and forbid the sale of tobacco by man to hU own familr. A man U the grower to any other man than a licensed denier. ' - This nuts a vert different asnect on this highly important . matter. If onlv the hecuse feature of the law is abolished the revenue will' be reduced but, about $5o.tXH). It is the tax on cigars and manufac- fureu tobacco that yields the $2 - 000,000 that Mr. Bandall and his friends are demanding nbaU Ihj abolished.' It is the clamor that comes from the farmers that Mr. Carlisle has yielded iu this matter. They are Jthe ones complaining most of the revenue law relating to tobacco. Thev declare that in forcing them to sell the product of their labor only to licensed dealers, circumscribes their op portunity and forces down the price. Ihey ask to no permitted to dispose of their tobacco as they do any other production of their crop to whomsoever they please without condition or restriction. The manufacturers, on the oth er hand, it is said, prefer that the tax bo kept on tho manufactured articles. The government thereby assumes the- protection of their private brands against infringe ment, and in a measure beneficial to themselves regulates the whole trade. The . manufacturer does not take the tax into account at all, and its collection works no hardship whatever to him. He has never joined in any petition for the repeal 01 the law The Commissioner of internal revenue said to-day: "I do" not think it wise'to talk of taking off the tobacco tax. It ought to be left just where it is. As for the complaint made by the farmers, think it illgrounded. I doubt very much if prices for leaf tobacco would be in the slightest degree improved by the removal" of the provision requiring all dealers to be licensed. The license figure is entirely reasonable and within the reach of any person with the means to do thatsort of business This news, that Mr. Carlisle will only yield the slight point of the license tax, .and that only in obe- aience to tue farming communities in lrginia. North Carolina anil Kentucky; would reopen and un settle tho whole tariff question. It is'regar ded as certain to arouse Mr. Randall again, but it will leave him without the active aid of several men upon whom he has been relying for important assist to by comtuicratNl ho La riot en Lim ami heard him; 1 ran not imastne a Wtt r iUuittio:i of tho theme of the- Ketnn than th lecturer himself. If La ever failed to "git there iu aur thing he ha .undertaken tl world has never found it out, an i if you should &fh me to explain tho fact that he always succeed to ac count for it I should attribute it to tin him u rid luRikiauud Th1 I tar llttltv rtt i it.' ;.. . - rvia prAf!.cr mv a iut:.- . hiul s pitcher lw achijs; infant bit ti u J harvl an hf cu t it. ajl ,1 M txHvple mi- to An W lvT grace tf grit: A Good Story. A Lottery Advertising Dodge in the Bud. Nipped State, and that such suits are pro-i worthy of a public performance hibitedby the eleventh amend-! that only one flee in a thousand i Jloaii Classical (Military In a conntry noted for beauty and health. Conne of Study, 10 brauches, surpassed-in thoroughnest oy no ftcaaemy m tu rsouta. Mtdtcal and Law Courses DrpnaTrv to the tJnlverlty of Vii, . attendance, half settlon. 8 ?tr. MiAtt-n Ma. A. Q. Imii ment of -the constitution. They declared in an elaborate dissent ing opinion written by Justice Bradley that "State officers have no power but what the State gives tl em.' can be taugnt anytlung : tliat a performing flea usually lives a year with great care, and . that in re sponse to his advertisement, he had only received in three ,days oup package, estimated to contain They act for. and on behalf of the ileas and they came from State, and in no other way. To j the dog pound. He paid 25 for sue them; therefore, is to virtually ; them, and they were very good sue the State- The whole object j fleas. Truth. is to coerce the State. It is idle to say that the proceeding is only Ifc is useless to attempt the cure against the officers." j an7 disorder, if the blood is al- - Justice Bradley then said : j loed to remain impure. Neural "These suits are attemnts" tapfa and rheumatism are traceable coerce a State by judicial pro- to a disordered condition of the ceedinss. Thev are that, and ! blood, and in numberless cases nothinf? else. It is tispIocs tn .. have been cured by taking a few tempt tQ Jeceiytj pnrgejyf g by an bottles of Ayer's SAnapariUft. The common mistake in dealing with Malaria is to treat symptoms. The poison may be in the system in large amount without chills and fever. The evidence of its pres ence may be disordered liver, or stomach, or both ; with headache, backache, fcc. To get rid of all the trouble at once, take a few doses of Shallenberger's Antidote for Malaria. It cures all the symp toms by destroying the cause. Sold by druggists. The experience of years furnish es the most convincing evidence that thousands of lives are annu ally saved by the use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It speedily cures all affections of the throat, bronchial tubes, and lungi, Wesleyan Advocate. Speaking of traveling on Sun day, I am reminded of a good thing I heard on Judge Colquitt, father of Senator Colquitt. He was a Methodist preacher and a good one, too. He used to go to the eourt on Sunday, and to ease his conscience he always . stopped if he came across a church on his way, and sometimes preached. On one occasion he stopped at a Hardshell Baptist church. When he went in the preacher was be laboring the other denominations than his own. . He at length got to the Methodists (of course he didn't know Judge Colquitt). He said the Methodists reminded him of a tree frog. They got on one limb and they said higher, and then got on another limb above and said higher, and thus they go till they get to the top, and down they come ker:flop, and, brethren, that's what they call falling from grace. When he was done he said if there was anybody present who wanted to speak, he'd be glad to hear from them. Judge j Colquitt arose and thanked him for the privilege of speaking; said J the brother's . illustration of the i tree frog reminded him of another I sort of a frog in Southern Georgia. lou might walk along beside City Prosecuting Attorney Nich olson, of Chicago, has circumvent ed the cleverest advertising dodge ever tried by, the Louisiana State Lottery. A few days ; ago what purported to be a family maga zine, entitled "Family Fiction fell into his hands. It was rilled with reading matter of a light character. It professed to be published at asliington, at a subscription price of 2 per an num, and for S3 additional the publishers agreed to insure the lives of the subscriber. In several parts of the magazine were adver tisements of the Louisiana State Lottery, with directions, testimo. nials, &c. It was found that the "insurance" money was for : the lottery tickets, and the "policy would be paid in case of accident that is. in case the holder held the lucky number. The men who were handling this queer publica tion were arrested and fined, and 7,000 copies of the magazine were confiscated. ' The same dodge, no doubt, will be tried in other States. Let our State authorities be on the watch for such fraudulent schemes. A Family Blessirg. Simmons Liver. Regulator the .ri 1 i j.vu ""'j- jinvonie iiuuit- iciueu cuiuc- creek and shake a bush and you d v vegetable, and is the purest and hear something go ker-dip as it best family medicine that is com- The mongrel hold may slip. But ouly crowbars loo the ba'd- doe'n srrip. Small though he ct.'i, th jaw that never yield . B.rins; dwn tho bellowing luyii arch of the 1'u'Uh. - , Below are ftoine of the charac teristic things Mr. Jones said: I have been frequently referred to as a slang-slinger. 1 believe in biking the near cuts on amthiu except a straight road. 1 lo git thero we need Firt, a-sturting point, ! Secondly, a route, Thirdly, someUxly to go it, Finally, a destination. God has not made something it of nothing since tho ".evening of the sixth day. What a inau has in him will determiuo largely how long it will take him to "git there." Some people have more in them just after dinner than any other time. ' I have said frequently there are too many animals in the world for the amount of human Wing we have. You see au animal that looks like a man. Ho marries a wife and has children to call him father. He presents himself to the world as a man, and you take an augur and bore into him and you wouldn't go more than half au inch-before yon would strike as pure a dog as ever was foiuiu on this earth. Man must have a head on him and a heart in him. Ignorance is unstable you can't calculate upon ignorance. If I was going to build a pave ment on w hich a man might walk to the grandest destiny the first stone 1 would put down would, be integrity. Some men tire so iu the habit of telling lies that they couldn t tell the truth at three fair , trial. Truth is always uppermost, ready to come out. A lie has to ba man ufactured. It is easier to tell the truth than it is to To. You tell one lie and it mav take a thousand to cover it up. Some people would cover it up if it took a million. If a man tells the truth that's tho last of it. It is said that every honest man has a patch of hair growing iu the , . . -1 t-. . palm ot las, nana. .every man present who hasithat patch of hair stand up. Nobody arose. If I hail some in 'c my hand I'd feel lonesome in this crowd. . Evervbody in Atlanta is looking for bargains. Somo have beeu looking in the Louisiana lottery' for bargains. 1 dou t mind seeing; a rascal lose his money, but I hate to see a fool lose his. . An old woman once said to me: "You talk more foolishness than any preacher I ever saw." "Sis ter," said-1, "do you 'know what foolishness is?" "What is it?" said she. "Its stuff you nib on fools," said I. Enterprise always gits there. God called some preachers to preach just to. keen them out l devilment. If solemn preaching would have saved the world, we would have had our wings and been off to glo-.; rylong ago. 'There ; have isen enough solemn sermons in sAtlan ta to have made this citv a sub urb of the new Jerusalem. Good j old solemn brother.I'd just as soon hear a bumblebee tumble around for an hour. ' - I heard a fellow say once that he heard of a buck that had horns six feet across run through a thick et a mile a minute when the trees were only eighteen inches apart. I tell vou what makes me believe l.piCAjjdisn rinitij tit? of apfeitiie Ui-vtt they come froai. I iH h VM led me whrrtdhev R''-w t. ami th rrrbytcrian-. kj.4rf it hard a hp can on th final w vesauct of tlu mu.U. A?l th ' lU.Ut rninj:. 'VWrl Yalcc!" and iilf their rrod ?ii5T: wht ro can't c t a dnp! 'Pull off your coat an I uiilin. If' they watit to kill vu-j, it' a ."'.h rut to heaven. Itcekun' a ft MoW , ill growl alnvit p-ttt'tito h u -a little ahead f time ? . ' 1 offer f.Vl renard for aur na:i -who will buy a drink in Carter villci and then neir t it in eoutt. I jv there a ft lJ-m wouM run from a jug. " .' Dr.Monisnn andDrJIauthortio . don't know amthtttg. 1 hao len there. Thw 1 Muinj; 1 I'm. sel wv wife godbv-I tier do Hi without !Hikipg at her pal' face, Tlifouh ruu and th ttOii trtifUc of Caiiersville I whI'owihI iu its sin and nhanirt for t' i Tear after I m niarrhnl I tok th color from her facfl and th joy from her heart, ami while t-vd IdesM'S mv home with jeae ii!d ; joy to-higlit,l say I haven't seen uy wife's faco. red with color inrs I drew that bUnnl from hr fo by the consciousness that h M adruiikard'a wife. . C11 rity : man that doesn't fight whUkv. -You can't compromise. S'otli ing has hurt your cau in Atlan- j ta more than Vot'tr fusion th l t and your compromises. I.i Brief and to the Point, Dyspejmi is dreadful. I)iord-j. ed liver is mist rj. Iudiiet'ioit i'a f oe, to gooJ Ue t are. The human digestive bjijamtu 14 one of the mont. ermuplicaled au I wonderful tfings ia xitcace. It U eaailv put out of order. Greosiy ford, totih f.n..1. !o.f fool, bm cookery, mental wm , , late hour ' irregular habiU. f. -l many thing iich ought not Id hi have mad tha 'American peojde a i tion of dypcptic. But Green August Flower 1. e done awomb-iful work. in rttrtiinj: thi fc.al busmen and iak?ii li e American jeeile so hearty tlu 'thet can euiuv their -meal and luippy. ' with.'-- out heiUth. P.at Oreen Ausi-t . Flower brinfinJiiealtU'aud hnijn.iis to tho ljiejitic, Ak your dirifv gist for it. .. r C.Ive TUf m a eaanre. and e iitik struct tne water, ana seemeu to pounded. , .No error to be feared ;thaL ' I have seen an old preacher say as it went under, safe. Then ; in administering, no injury from et up with itleas M thick as straw after a while you d see the same ; exposure after taking, no loss of a &&rfesl field ,! ith a mouth frog crawling out on a rock in the time. It is the best preventive ci2ntn or twenty inches across, middle 01 tne stream ana,cuangiug ; medicine. and sale to take, no ; anJ through God's moral nni- ,v.v., """t J' -jinawer wuai me bies.ue may j Tfcrge a miIe a mut Jor an hour U1816 MUg" a ,! Prove to be, and in any. ordinary : aml a hal an1 neVe- hit d single The Baptist brother admitted ; disease will effect a speedy cure. i(lea That is kes me U- that the Judge got him ou the: i lieve that deer story. . frog story. j A Pennsyvania Judge has de- I like a man like'Df.Hawthorne. .' . j cided that a man who does'nt read JIe has been shot at a great deal. Superstition . received another the newspapers is not qualified"to Sometimes the ants have got on blow in the recent acquittal of j make a decent juryman. . The him. They don't hurt fyou they Peter Boothofl", who was recently ' Judge has only caught up the pro- just make you itch, especially tried in St. Louis on th i charge of cession. Intelligent people hare these little Carolina ante. t baTjeg itolen thirteen ilieep, : known thii all the time, It tbcreU any git up aud gitw That U f o sy, your lhg. A! J all your biefttbieji BJ,w!osry. -;r j wonderful machinery it i. Nt on) (the Jmer airptv4sages, but lie hoUMuda of liltlj tuU- rati tie leading from them. When these are cJogg! cl with matter whi"Ti outfit not . . , , t. l,o thprf. vmir MiiircaD!iol heir work. And wht they d", they cannot do well. ; . t Call.it cold, eougberoup p:.eiio nia, catarrh, consumption or ty ef theTamiiy of the throat md and head and lung obatrcc tion. aie bad. All osght to bt got t i 4 There is jut 00 sare w y it gt il l of them. This i to take B'ich " Germap syrup, "'which any drugH willsMl you ht 7a cei a ou. Kven if ettvything els ha fie4 you, .you may diend ujcn thi i"t certsin. Never Put Off bare a foJ.1. L'ougk, IUh 1,1s. , mnf form of Thnmt or Lubh l iwf 1 si- t ii. Ayr iWr Tr.!, if ..':jirutnptlj -tak'H,' wHI rrUif . aad care at! aUmMiU i4 V.M thnmi. ? ' Two rar s I "'St fVsl. ; a t"rr.t! CtMih. 1 Umt tUh n.t4y. ' bad wielit awrat. M "w to iu tril. A tliTS ln wa all"!. i thm tumlia . im r-i't a.'WI ' only liniHrryrl. f. Afrn-1 l f ,'lbe dm Ayer'r Vrtf l wJ. J n Ukia; fb nwliiii. b.J '' " isUiiibS tb firt 11 a - U i.l p: four tyt -f!rt.l a f-rJ Geo. W. iArk. Hewum. M. la M-rr-ra! raw cf r.rtl"ti. raf t by rxprnvr to Ji a! tl riii v I 'bare aI Ay-r"a CMary lrJia5. ! is aa mtntdfitt eiw-tura!t t t4 sr-j ala aad ux-fnlt to jtirDi 4-1 is. Ixm certaintr'trf acttoa. aral t taietr u a houtboH rcwif. forcibl arfftimctrta in t?a J-r. 1 v. other coosb pfetwatioa to vr- i nnk-kJr aod aatiUcuiJy. C K i il. D.'ew Orkasa, L. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, 1 " rCT,

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