THE riMBS, Thciargettneuspaper published in JA3ARRUS, B.WAS, STANLY, - .... . . Mia .iA 'JOB PnillTIIU. r Mi t;. Plain and Fancy, hi. THE BEST JOHN B, SUERR1LL, Editor. 'BE 0CTST f-AJSHD OFILAJR, lOT." $!.S0 a !3f. i Ait f.v Yol.vY No. 2 V Time, Established 183. Ki r, 176. Consolidated Jane 23, 1S87 CONCOHD. N. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER IG. 1887. 1 Jrlll 51. II. li. IAI.IJ a.LI., Attor:i ")' itt.l 'oUil I'M t b.iw COX: (HID, .V. ? Will practice in all parts n' tlie Stale ! 'oHertiTiii)H-!eiu al. part-orf the conn r fQ H'.;;'pp Kite tii ;otirttione H7c"HRRiNG O.C.S.. SALEUF Valuable Land i r OOiee'-'ver Davis & Correil'a jew- b J y store- 03'ers uis irofesii-iial tiervices to tjie citizeii.s ol Com or J sua vicimij. Calls promptly attended to, day oi night. Oiik-eand r-ideuce ou East Depot street opposite the Piesbyte rian church. Aug. 14 ly J. il.VAS.Yfm PnOTuGRarlluR . CHARLOTTE, J . . h;nle in .f o d picuiie- of any kin Crv.ji. ud a Ink. Wit' t lie be.t m;i:)e. :-iV3 isIOR x ) -Moi Y?, GL S By authority vested in me as Com miasioncr, by decree to sell land for partition filed in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court for Cahams count , n 'the 5th day of September. 1S.S7, and by another decree filed in said office cn th 9th lay of Novembe r 1587, in a Special Proceeding, wherein Paul Harnhardt ami others are 1'laintifi.s and Paul Bamhsrdt (luardia . D. W Cry, (, and others aie defend ants. I will sell, ly public auction, at t e court house, door n Concord.N.t". on Monday, th: 2ml day of January. 1588, a tract of land known as the home place of Daniel Barnhardt, deceased, in No 8 township, Cabarrus county, containing 200 acres ; the description and boundaries whereof are fully set forth in a deed, for said t-act of land, from Daniel Earnhardt to Eveline Bam hardt, recorded in Book No. 28, page 399, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cabarrus county. Terms of sale: One fourth of the purchase money to l e paid in cash or within 30 days as Commissioner shall deem best ; balance of purchase money payable within twelve monfns after date of sale secured, by note with good sureties, bearing interest at eight per cent, per annum from January -2nd, 1888, and deed reserved unti purchase money is paid in lull. This land has on it several good gold veins, one hun dred acres of virgin forest timber, about fifteen acres of splendid meadow, and the t'v J- i ,f-f,-, t. - GEORGE L.. PATTERSON7, Commissioner. Nov. the 9th, 18S7 td ildiell's Eve Saivc, A rtain, safe and tffective remedy iavMul In&unsd Eyes, I Producin g Long Sightedness. and i Restoring tie Sizht of the Old. Oures Tear .Drops Granulation Stye Tumors. Re I.' Eye. Matu ), Fye ishes i aini producing, tiuiek eli' nd permanent cun Also, equally efficacious when useTT 11 oLher maladies, -such as Ulcers Fevei tores. Tumors. Salt Rheum, 3uius, Piles fcr wherever inflammation exists MITCHELL S SALVE may be used to advantage. Sold by all Druggis at 25 cents. , ; Ut4i kikm, BILES VILtiE, K. C. Fall erm opens 1st day of August. Board from $6 to S9 per month. Tuition from 1 to 3 per month Healthy location, excellent commnnity. school is not sectarian, but strictly moral. . For further particulars apply to Rev. F. S. STARRETTE, Principal. Try the largest andbest equipped LIVKKY: Sale and F ed ST A B L E S, PBINSB'S-BSLLES E3T-.BLI2EUENT in the U nited Scates n. j. iseii.i.v k . ., 324 and 326 Pet rl S New York, 'rices low, satisfaction guaranieedvest reference?. M. L. UKOWN &BR0., PRO ' HIE I DBS, GOITSrOOZE-tlX, 1ST, O. We have moved our entire stables into trie larg- new uricK subk Ui xioi 1 of the CeftffSfeHotel. We return thanks to the public for their liberal patronage in the past, and hope to merit a eou tinuance of the same. We are prepared at all times to fur nish turnouts for weddings, funerals &c, at liberal prices. OMNIBUS Meets all Trains. Mr. C. L. Ervin has at our stables at all times horses and mules for sale.' - Nov M. L 11 iy BROWN & BRO: marvelous Sale of Land, lie j ; and Disinraeots Of Cabarrus County for the Year End ing November 30, 1887. NORTH CAROLINA, . Cabarrus County? I, Jno. K. Patterson, Register of D.-eds and ex- officio clerk to the board of county commission ers, do hereby certify that the fol lowing is a full, true an.i perfect statement of the income and ex- endi::2 Ca-Xo- penditures of the county iarrus for the year vem her, 18S7. INCOME- To tax 011 219,103 acres land $1406755 at 20 $2813.51 To tax on 455 town lota $287850 t 20 To tax on 2244. horses $105301 at 20 To tax on 1G13 mules $83760 at 20 To tax on 8 jacks $695 at 20 To tax on 98 goats $55 at 20 To tax on 5959 $44583 at 20 - To tax on 7807 $14482 at 20 To tax on 3601 $2638 at 20 To tax on farming Ac, $132156 at 20 To tax on money on hand $31427 at 20 To tax1 on solvent cred its, $416105, at 20 To tax on shares, stock, &c, $12367 at 20 To tax on all other prop erty $180687 at 20 To tax on railroad fran chise $17000 .at 20 . cattle hogs sheep tools, 575.70 210.60 167.52 1.39 .11 89.17 28.96 5.2S 264.31 62.85 832.21 24.73 361.38 34.00 V J Hill furnished '1 to jail ; Wm rrost for summons- ing jury, Ac. D V Krimminger build ing bridge over Cold AVater cr.ekat JUove'a old mill site Cannons fc Fetrer mdse furnished C A Sherwood services and work at poorhouse V C Parish supr to be ex pended on roads in No 1 township , John II Patterson servi ces ice at jail for No vember 86, John C Wadswoith 10 hogs furnished to poor house J W Mehaffey ringing bell for Nov court JohnB.Sherrill, couyey- iug Maudy Cauble dis charged lunatic to her home and notice , Foil and Bost work on macadamized road (by Pleas Miller, 8.05 , 48.40 1G0.00 22.71 74.11 1 75.00 35.35 15.00 2.00 1.75 5.75 flEMORY DISCOVERY. Wtolyu ui a we sy ums. . Aty t03K learaedin one r adit Recommei.ded by Mark Twain. Rich ard Proetor t eScintiet. Hons W W. Astor, Judah P. B njamin. Dr. Minor. &c. Class ofJIOO olumbia Law stu dents; two lasses of 2o0 each at Yale: iO.) 1 University of penn. Ph la, and 400 a Wellesly ol'ege, c, an engag er1 at C lautau ,ua I niversity. Prospec us post free It m PROF. LOISETTE, 2'7Fift Av ,Ne Vor'-r. liy virtue f a decree f the Supe rior court f t abairustount v, ai its s? e ial term in N veinl er. 1887. sn the ease :i II M lr ks and w fe- vs. VV M Austin and triers, I wil , as C tnmis-' sinner app inted b the eourt, ex 'ose to pu lie sale at the courthout-e in t'on c rd to the hiffhest bidder for cash on $2734862 at 20 $5471.72 To tax on bank stock $11050 at 20 22.10 To tax on net income $1115 at 1 11.15 To tax on marriage, li cense 133.00 To tax on 3 peddlers on foot, 15.00 To tax on 1 peddler with horse, 10.00 To tax on one interna tional railroad show. 5.00 To tax on Haworth's double show 2 days $5 10.00 To tax on merchants from Jan 1,86 to June 30.86 163 Kl To Ul uu merohautS trOlM July 1,86 to Dec 31,86 210.94 To single tax on 4001 acres land $26853 at 20 ' 53.71 To single tax on 12 town lots $6095 at 20 12.19 To single tax oa personal property 31000 at 20 62.00 To single tax on bank stock $4500 at 20 y.UU To tax on P E:F isher re tail liquor dealer, 10.41 To J tax on 2300 polls 33 J cts 776.25 To J tax on 9 insolvent polls 33f cts 3.04 To J tax on 24 unlisted polls 33? cts .14 To J double tax' oa 1 un listed poll kz7i cts .0 t'o .25 per cent, on $1.56 uuusted .39 39.39 19.80 $6988.18 By errors ents and insolv- Total for December, $918.94$ January, 1887. . j II C Cook supr to be ex pended on public roads in No 10 township 25.00 H W Blackwelder dama ges for public road , through his lands . 15.00 Concord Times and Reg ister publishing state ment of income and ex penditures of county for 86 A B Young 6 sacks guano furnis'd for poorhouse farm John H Morrison 2 days service as bridge com missioner ' on bridge over Coddle creek Goodson & Willeford mdse furnished to por house C A Sherwood "services and supplies "to poorhouse 1 Mose Gibson 3 mos. ser vices at poorhpuse N G White registrar of Nov election in No 11 township Yorke& Wadsworth mdse furnished to poorhouse and wards ($8 of this for P II j a. xuaeK registrar cn- Nov election in No 10 - township TS Van Pelt supr bal expended on public roads in No 3 J W Stoker and L A Bi denhour, conveying Jake Barrier lunatic to county jail W F Griffith shff Meek county conveying pris oners to Cabarrus D B Porter two pauper coffins John B Patterson jail fees for Dec 86 Samuel Sloop, 1 pauper coffin Cannons &' Fetzer mdse i'urnisd to poor house ' H T Harris siitf Catawba count' conveying Mag Hoiiues to Cabarrus i county jail trar Not electioa in No 2 township John C Johnston, to be expended on public ro&ds in No 2 township W G Melehor, C L Nus man, Daniel Miller, road comrs, to be ex pended on public roads in No 7 township-' DM Lipe'sunr repairs and material on public roads in N08 township P B Fetzerpipea and fix- . tures for water ,wsorks at courthouso and jail D A Caldwell repairs on jail J P Horn shff Union Co conveying B B Lein mons to Cabarrus jail C II White mdse furnish ed to poor house TJ Shinn committee ser vices and iron on Iron bridge at Heglar'sFord H C Cook supr to be ex pended on public roads m No 10 township Samuel Sldop 2 pauper coffins V C Parish supr to be ex- . pended on public roads in No 1 township C A Sherwood wood, la bor and repairs at poor house C A Sherwood one one- horse wagon one New Home sewing machine for poor house J A Cline two tickets Dan Allman and wife and freight on clothing from Salisbury John R Patterson iail fees for Feby, 87 3.r,i 25.00 15 00 15.124 142.80 90 16.95 3.77 4.00 21.00 5.00 25.00 24.00 2.70 2.70 48.65 140.50: Tuesday, the 3rd day of January, 3y sheriff's, commission- 4,)n .1 11 '1 a 1 1 I COMCOHD HIGH SCHOOL CONCORD, N. C. The first session begins Monday, August 15, 1887. TERMS: . Tuition, per month, $1.25 to 3.50. Incidental fee, per term, 5C "ents. ! The patronage f the public, town and surrounding community is so licited. For full particulars, address as above, JAMES P. COOK, "" Principal. July ft fim. . (Cheap Coffee I Hois Roasted Coffee at 18c. -A. ZPOTJISTID. PUT-UP IN FOUND P OK. AGES Every package contain ; a ' Present, in ' value from 5 cents o 3. 0U. TRADE SUPPLIED BY 0 j I I mini m li m CHARLOTTE, N. C. 10., Insure Your Property 18S8, the following described real etare to wit; A tract of land lying on the waters f U cky River, adjoining he Ian as f Jacob Hartsell Milton t 'haney I .-nd th is, known as the "Nathan Green"' laud aod containing 250 acres, mre r lesp. c Id t" satisfy the judg ment render d in the easea ove named. his November 16th. 187 M U. 11 '('ALU u ELL, Cm; SALE OF LAND By virture f f decree made by his Hon E I. tsoykin -ludge m the cae of Jonas Cook Receiver and B F.Bog ei. exr. vs the heirs at law of D W Suther and J A Hrkey, we jwill ell tX the comthouse door in ('oncord N C, on Monday, January 2. I8S8 : One tract of land lying in No 8 townhiu s nd known as the Bobannan lands Said Jand containing 50 acres uiore or less and is very valuable Terms will be made knowa on day ale. JONAS COOK. B. F. ROGERS. om. W. M. Smith Atty. 1 ec. 1st 1887. FOR RENT ! 1 he rooms over the store now occu pied by D I). Johnson VV. M.SMll'tL. Sept. 16 tf ' TWO LOTS FOR SALE ers b per 684768 cent, on Total for January, February, 1887. J S6505.3Q A'g. 12, lS87-tf W-G MKANS. ExVr T. J. kajrle. One fronting on : Main street in front of W. M. Johnston's. The otb- t n r i l J T I t t i. -l .. - j 31 ii on tins on iuaiii uiretsti nuuurai- JLlie, lilHlDS ana &I0 .K, tie's Ford road. i ier eii. rirst elas 'aciliiies offered for Fire Life, Accident ana Live St; ck lnur ance. Stores and Stck , D vl ing and Furniture. Barns ;ind con entp, Mills, Onttnn Gns. insured on ti e best terms. Apnlv to runs. w. SMITH. " WANTED! I.' 00 cords fnr fio' w.d wjll pty i ) tof t m trade : DISBURSiSMEXTS. December, 1886. Jas N Brown, registrar of Nov. election No 12 township Dr J P Gibson medicines furnished poorhouse Jas C Gibson, csc,insolv- ent bill costs fall term 1886, t . Jas C Gibson, esc, sta- . tion ry for office, '86 Jas C Gibson, esc, court costs J P Allison et al vs county com is C II White mdse luruish- . ed to poorhouse i c fXTin'e 3 oioouson cc iueioru mdse furnished poorhouse Jonas Cook, one day's attendance on set with county treasurer t E Gibson mdse fur nished to poorhouse Jno A FinK, Register of Isov election in JNo o township F A Klutts Registrar of Nov election in No 9 township 5 C Davis Registrar of Nov election in No 1 township " A Moser registrar of Nov election in No 8 township ,V A Patterson supervis or to be expended on public roads in No 12 township -' M B Goodnight regis trar of Nov eltnitiou iu No 4 t wnshio ' e. E Kit hi re-i . r f Nov. elec-:ou in io $ 6.27 9.80, 326.44 35.00 13.60 4.20 26.62 2.00 8.30 2.22 1.43 2.82 2.33 W Mehafiey ringing courthhouse bell for Jan court, 87 J F Willeford agt mdse furnished poorhouse Edwards, Broughton&Co chattle mortgage rec ord No 9 for Cabarrus Allen Freeman repairing 12 chairs at poorhouse Amos McNeely building chimneys at poorhous- J E Wafford pauper cof fin for Martha Morgan Jno R Patterson jail fees for January 87 Dr J P Gibson medi cine furnished to poor house J W Mehafiey repairing courthouse tower, Samuel Sloop 2 pauper coffins ' D M Lipe supr repair pig public roads in No 5 township C A Sherwood services and supplies at poor house "Wm Propst cash paid by him to State Treasurer forD, D & B pupil at Raleigh D M iitpe supr repair ing public roads in No 5 township Jno K Patterson services, as elk to board county corars including Feby 1S87, J J Barri.uer 1 pauppr coffin, . Total for March, April, 1887. 4.00 Jos "W Foil supr money expended ,pn public roads in No 6 township 15.08 Jno C Johnston -supyr money expended on public roads in No 2 63.85 township W L Eagle repairs on 27.06 public roads in No 3 township V C Parish repairs on 1.90 public roads in No 1 township W J Hill repairs on jail tiamp Ellis" " " 13.66 J W Mehafiey attending Dr J P Gibson medicine 3.72 furnished to poorhouse Dr R S Young medical services at poorhouse 3.46 A B Young ten sacks acid 48 lbs clover seed fur bished to poorhouse J F Willeford act mdse 2?00 furnished to poorhouse Jno R Patterson jail fees for March, 87 7.20 H C Cook supr repairs on public roads in No 10 5.00 township C A Sherwood services 6.15 and expenses at poor house 2.50 Caonon's &'Fetzer mdse furnished to-poorhouse 4.98 1 Win Propst -expenses at Jan 87 term ot buperior court . J II Foard & Co furnace at jail . Samuel Sloop 2 pauper $280.11 coffins J A Litaker supr repairs on public roads in No 11 township D M Lipe supr repairs on public roads in No 5 township bindinff.2 tax book for Shff and lUsiiktrr'a office C A SUf i xhI crric tod him mt poftbouM J F Willeford mst uxd tat- nihed topoorbouM JW AlehafTej riccina bll far Maj Ifasi term of Sui- rior court ; John Cook t-apr reiui- on public rod in No 8 town- hip Dr J P.Oibn medicine4 to lcorhouH Jno U Patterson jail foes for May 1887 J B Willeford to use of C A Fisher warning Lands to work on public road iaXo 4 township Sumo-) .Sloop Beven pauper coffin Win Propbt shn" umiuouiug jurors list taker Ac - Jas C Gibson, cac, insolvent bill costs May term 1887 . of Superior court 1 " J A Litaker sum repiirs on public roads in No 11 town ship . . J L Stafford county couir services and mileage to and includins: Ht Mtmday in , June 1&7 Si to 2i.a". 54.-4" 2.54 63. s: 17.M 67.54 .00 2(1.20 Total for June, July, 1887! 20.75 2.50 25.00 9.35 2.00 10.00 2.50 19.60 3.50 3.50 2.50 46.20 66.80 15.00 12.50 51.65 2.50 $451.59 25.00 25.00 23.09 50.00 10.13 3.25 7.50 6.65 58.50 24.05 85.05 63.93 24.78 102.33 122.74 f 20.90 125.00 5.00 29.65 16.05 25.00 Total for February, $277.60 March, 1887. 3.40 John Cook supr to be ex- ended on pub c roads in No 8 township . Total for April, , . iMay, 1887. J V Pethel supr repairs on public roads in No 4 township J A Litaker snpr repairs on public roads in No ; 11 township V C Pari.-Ji bal on public roads in No 1 township J F Willeford agt mdse furnished to poorhouse Dr J P Gibson medicine furnished to poorhouse J D Roberts for patient in Eastern Insane Asy lum under sec 2260 of Code for Cyrus Alex-: ander W A Patterson supr re pairs on public roads in No 12 township Jno Cook supr repairs on public roads in No 8 township Jno R Patterson jail fees for April bt, white washing, &G. C A Sherwood services and mdse at poorhouse J A Harrel blank notices for assessors and list takers. Total for May, June, 1887. C A Sherwood 3 mos aervices and indee furnished topoor house Dr R S YouDg medical servi ces at poorhouse, J F Willeford agt mdse fur nished to poorhouse C li White mdse furnished to poorhouse John P Allison 3 davs service and mileage to Raleigh in assessing N C R R Li M !Morrison lumber fur nished on public roads in No 1 township Bost & Cannon 1 pauper cof fin for Eliza Daniels W A Patterson registrar lo cal option el ction No 12 June 1887 N G White 13 days list taker in No 11 township J M Faggart5 days libt taker in No 6 township Caleb Cruse 5 days list taker in No 6 township JHP Adams elk's fee as ap- sing N C R R Yorke &. Wadsworth mdse furnished to pooihouse Jas N Brown registrar local option election town Con cord June 1887 Cannons & Fetzer mdse fur nished to poorhouse Dr . L M Archey expenses conveying Jno M Winecoff lunatic to Western N C Irr ane Asylum M A Ludwig 6 days list ta ker in No 8 township Wm Propst shff expenses conveying J M McCurdv lunatic to Western N C Iusane Asylum Ephiaim Tucker 8 days as sessor in No 9 township John C Johnston 7 days as- sescr in No 2 township ; . C A Fisher 7 days assessor in No 3 townohip E C Davis 7 days assresor in No 1 township Johii T Moose 6 days asses sor in No 7 township t W S Sapp 5 days assessor in No 5 township E G Irwin 7 days list laker in No 3 township and mile age Geo C Goodman 7 days as--sessor in No 3 township P C Earnhardt-5 days asses sor in No 4 township C J Ritchie 5 days assessor in No 7 township . J L Peck 6 days list taker in No 7 township and mileage Wson Honeycutt 5 days as sessor in No 7 township John A Fink 12 days list ta - ker in No 5 township Noah Blackwelder 3 days as sessor in No 4 towtship t Paul A Earnhardt 1 pauper coffin D M Lipe 5 days assessor in No 5 township 6.40 1 M Melehor 7 days assessor in No 1 township M C Garman 10 days list ta ker in NolO towns! ip and j mileage . - t M M Furr 9 days assessor in 20.00. No 10 township - D P Botr r 9 days assessor in No 10 township . 54.75 jas A McEa.-h ern 1 day as . court officer . Geo E flitehie 8 days list ta ker in No 6 township and mileage J II Mjriison 8 days list ta ker in No 2: to nship and : 153. U 39.2fi 828.59 A VITAL FORCE IN 0UH Mli3T. StatcTin Landmark. j Thi the time of tipar for tic Vf tW uil t that th iVrbtrnH t4. ft u right now, b w tlllM-UH ? A gt! ta.y t l.f J-Pti, to t; fcd c I'liih t in eAion ;wH-k U'fur Ut ihv u b th tn cJ b-l f4 tt- id ! Attftbt . .iti...t... i...1.r. . mHtini-hnA m rit. il. br-l or ten atd !! urn yoniervnc rt n lc of the Metlm-ih U honrt'Md iJrtd to caMoL of grrat itit-nt. nt i-nlv " Lim-t. -thrrrfot i the demonaratim Uich tU-V j P eu j.L, u atu J rrpieni nH Uvt lr but to U , . , ' . the HH.jd.. It i wurth iitu tMil hW,N "f i&tit Uhz ol.Mrr0 th pngr. they iwjwrlnL- On thai daW etrrv making. inc. liaptM couvcbtioti 31.65 35.71 28.40 16.71 6.05 22 00 13. 0 10. CI 2a oo iooo 10.00 2.00 18.80 4.53 32 75 12. GO 12.0 20.90 1G.00 14.00 1400 14.00 t2.00 10.00 15.40 14 CO iaco 10.00 made a magmheent hom iu; fur that great and intelligent Ukly of Christiana. Thtir tut-mlerhip in the State incre?.s,l greatly Ut year, aa did alsH. their contribu tions to all the vuriona interest they have in charge. It is claim, ed for the Raptist that numerical ly they arc stronger than any oth er denomination in the Stat. The Methodist resinl this claim and assort that including ho much of the HoUton and Virginia Confer- 'mcli euce territory as be in North Carolina, the Methodist Church tias a greab-r meuibendiip in tlie Statu than the liaptibt. It in nut our province to settle this diopu ted quchtiou. IJ4h are great iu strength and powerful iu their iu lluenco ujion the spiritual and moral vvellaro of the people. We do not doubt that the Conference uow in session it will be demon strated that the Methodist have made equal proortiouato gains with the isaptists, lor It has tooii a year ol considerable religious awakening in North Carolina. The Synod of the Presbyterian Church. lately held, sliowinl that tins branch of the Christian Church, less aggressive, perhaps, than either of the others mentioned. made strides forward during tho twelve-month precocdiim its mer t- iK"ttier on our I for tuon thn two called on to wttle by au4lrr t)tt ounHfhr. Tli buine a,4 ITWILLin:iH)NU ' This dxt dt apply (0 tkett a r $rtk 0 ifri. irk Mother If the little datUng i PHndiniJ ch HbpU-M ni-hl '. Jv and pitifully w noting away by th drainage iijm ita yitet:i frm the rfftM-t of teething, give Ir. lUg gem' lltuklebrrry ConliaJ and a cure U1 result. PhXniciau ho kuow the vlue of Shalleulx ri ;era Pill prewcril them asther tn remtHlr. ThU in hardly fair, but t- htroti ttti mony iu favor of the modM-tiic. Iu one vti( a holt aaln druggiU iu Baltimore sent the proprietor of the lurdicine three grW of empty tottle.- Hie pill- had all leen uel by one phynirinti in that city. Nearly a mauy more by a lovtor in lltchmond, Va. In Brief and to the Point. The Baptist Church differs in its form of government very mate rially from any of tho others. Its convention is uot ajiigh court, but is no more than a inisKioiuirv body. It does not deal with the affairs of the several churches. Each church is sovereign within itself. Its ministers are not sub ject in their movements to the will of the convention, or even the ject only to the decision ol these mrges. Iu the other Chu-ches the ministers are regulated by the Conference or by tho Presbyte ries, as the case may be, the Syn od in the caso of tuo Presbyterian Church exercising a supervision over the Presbyteries. And in the Methodist and Presbyterian Churches the Conference and the Synod are legislative bodies and formulate policies for the char ges under tiiem. The three denominations named are the three most powerful in this State, theJPresbyterian stand ing third on the list. Others come, we should say, in this order: Episcopal, Lutheran, Christian j Primitive .Baptist, .Methodist Protestant, Catholic and Associate Reformed Presbyterian, not for getting the German Reform, Ad ventists and other sects the stren gth of which is confined to speci al localities. How great the induence exerted upon the temporal interests of th State by these , various branches of Christ's Church, there is no es timating. Blot them out, . and civilization would die with them. Laws would become ropes of sand, license would run riot, and order wimld perish in our midst. Their maintenance, therefoie, means th -, assured stability of everything that makes life worth living, and no good Dynpepaia in dira lful. Diordcr' ed liver U minety. Iu litfv.ti u ia a foo to JJimh IUltUl. The human ditfcBtnc' appatatua ia one of tht nront ruuiplieatnl and wonderful thing in rtfteue. Ilia eailv put out of order. Greasy food. tough fond, fclonny food, Lad cookery, mental worn.. ate hour, im trular haliita, and many thing which oucbt not to b have made the American people ana tion of dyspoptica. , dou'e a womforful work in rtfirnnhifr this aad buwiiimi arid rnakiitg th Amerieiin ix-plo ao hearty that they ran enjoy their meal a ml b; happy. . l. Remember: -No hippiuea with out heath. Bit ' Gremi'a August. Flower brine health and happiiHa to the dyapjdic. Ask your drug gists for it. ' ttlte Tlif m a fkaare. 13.50 10.00 17.30 6.00 2.50 10.00 14.00 10.00 That aioy, your lunga. AJ. all your breathing maehiOTy. Very wonderful machinery ill. Not only tho larger air-panwiige, but U .houK&nd4 of ljlt!o tutw a aul can tiea leading from them. Wbeu these are clogged aod clwk ed with matter w!hrh ought not to bo there, your 'lunjc cannot half du their work. And what they do, tlrey cannot do well. . Call it eohl, rough, croup pneumo nia, catarrh, eoaiuiption or any of the family of the throat '.nd no nrul hed and lung obntructirTi", all are bad. All o-ght to b goc nd of There is junt on- aure way to get rid f thera. Tliit ii to take Bochee' Oerman fcyrup, whieh any Ji uggit willfwll jou at 75 cent a b jttl Even if everything el ha failed you, you may depend npon tbi for vrtiiii. . Julian S.Carr, wholtu ben f.4tOT- irinrf inl tin ttt tt fittt'rtl 1 i ti La aj. iiv ,wa a m t - . 4 the gabeniAtionat nomirralion bat authorised itio Wa'UU'd he wiii not be a Candida'.. though we divest him of all inter est in the spiritual "well-being off"r his fellowmen ami have him look! the matter over purely from j the standpoint of worldly wisdom. - . can afford to regard with indifT -r-; -It hai lat!y Wo dm.-n.t rated that women ean iu nurinii! " l.oHtdei buy. The :oot ac tMsful . drurnmer in Iowa b a female. ence liner eliorts to reclaim, man kind. ...Considered in. whiitc.j Hh tjit may lx?, the work. of -il. Churches is a matter profouKtl concern to us all. 26.92 1.00 237.5) mileage Chilis and Fever. Ma'aria. j "Many cases of fever and aguo, ; dumb ague and coi gestive chil!s : 21.60; were promptly amtea ana eni:r j ely banished" by the use of Sim- 18.00 nions Liver Regulator. You don't say half enough in regard to 18.00 lne efficacy ' this valuable medi cine in caases of ague, intermit 1.50 tent fevers, etc. Every, case has been arrested immediately.- I was a sufferer for years with the liver 1G.60 disease, ai-d on'y found relief by using the Regulator." Robebt J. Weeks, Rata via, Lane Co., lib" 16.50 auper cof- Sam Neisler to use of J R Neis er lapse fees for pring term 1872 "No 24," 12.50 45 00 W M Sai th a Y serv cr w-w jsBfjiifiTiWHy W.P9 amuel Sloop 2 fins Jona3 Cook 10 days list ta ker in No 8 township nd mileage Geo M Lore 4 . ays assessor in No li tow,ship : Tallest People Lazy. 5.00 "Wliy ave the tallest . jreople the laziefet? 'il 4; tit ui j.t r m bed than other-, and if tiiey neglect their coughs or colds, they will be their still longer. Ue Taylor's 8.00 Cherokee Remedy of Sweet Gum &c4 Ux&w Never Put Off Till t-nwnow, toMtUjr daiy. U V fcaTe a CoUl. Cigh. trrtcbiu, or may iWm of Tbrot or Lung iure, & nlrrt h. A jeri Ctrf I"petor!, 11 f.r.ptly takn, UJ .pwUr tmlUrf n! care all ailtorau of Uila charar. v Two rparm ago I took a OM. wljj. h. i-xue UA:rm-i yj i-rr.!.W t3tmaL I kt &h nUj, ltl r.i;bt wait. ! w aoon 8 to my lt. A t't7i"' w tauW. fJ th mrHrit l pnmcrH4 affJed only imprrjr relief. A !rted ml4 t w u f Ar-r " Cfcrry i'; l-va taking thtt elicie. tmor ncwhins tbe am Vxtl. wm aW ;p- fMir l:t tlftcnnl pert ear. ' iB ttfrfriX ea f Brmwilti, m"1 t,r f ipiir to dmp ot tA4 wtbr, ; have iuea Arr Cbrry i'ertorml. It an snodroe ipeH If raloa atxl turfaliMsM to pUBU of au Mg. Iu ninty of dtoa. aa4 xtt-r n. m boneliold tvAjt (oroU arrJtant t tta'.law. other cotth rtwUon do nni-lily and ufcton!y.' U E. ItofH it. V.. 'w OTleaaa, La. AyerV Cherry Pectoral,

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