BOOK AND JOB PRINTINGS OP ALI, KINDS Siscutei in lie test Style. 'he mok widely circulated paper encr published in H fenUS, ROWAN, STANLY, at ixraa peices. MONTGOMERY, RANDOLPH, ANSON, RICHMOND AND I DAVIDSON COUNTIES. tSFOur Job Printing department, with every necessary 'equipment, is prepared to turn out every vari-? ety of printing in first-class styled No boieh work turned out from this office. We duplicate the prides of any legitimate establishmeht.'&z DVBRTISBRS, ! Stick a pin here! JOtfiV B. SHERR1LL, Editor. eBE JITST -AJOTD :f:ELAJR NOT.' $7.50 a Year, Due in Advance. uvtes Moderate. Times Kstablished 1883, I Consolidated June 83, 1887, Register " 1876, f CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 23, 1891. Vol IX. No. 4. cohcoro times, My Nerves re All Right I have gained 10 pounds In C months, o result df taking Hood's SarsaparMa, 'lift . H; Rose of the firm of Eoso & ,-, Rochester, N. Y. ' had almost Chronic, Dyspepsia digestion 'being very bad, and I was .Mi down from overwork so that I could h-ep nlghtf. But my stoniach is now In ct condition, and for all tho above benefit ratitude isldue Hood's Sarsaparilla.". ; i "Water-Brash 'yspriisla (troubled me for 10 years, and : rytns varf ous things I concluded to taKO 3 f-':jrsap irilla. The effeet is mar ih as I seem to be almost entirely J. M. Joussox, 427 10th Street, o, Ohio. If you suffer from Indigestion peptic troubles try Hood's Sarsaparilla. ,liy t.mcs j.nd stimulates the stomach, u d:.:ji'stion and creates an-appetite. ood'sj Sarsaparilla ,y n!l liruirpiU.H. fl ; six for j?5. Prepared only I. HoCl) i. Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. O Doses One Dollar T ' FlKM. Bingtam. THE MKAXIJfO OF T. F," THE AUCTIONEER. The Printer's Cabalistic Slsn Slcniflcaiiee. and Its Too Ready to Shont "Stop Thief," Sometimes the readers of cer tain newspapers . may notice, brinciner up the rear end of an advertisement, the letters "t. f." Probably thev don't pnzzle him much; he simply regards them as cabalistic signs peculiar to prin ters, and certainly no fit theme New York Tribune. . An auction sale was in progress in an up town roaaway store the other day. The goods were a miscellaneous lot of household stuff, and were being knocked down at a lively rate. It was necessary to clear the whole lot out at any cost, and bo a yaluable article was generally sandwiched for sons: or sermon. However this moy be, that pair in between two undesirable ones, of letters has a significance be- and the lot bid for in the lump, vond the range of type among the The incongruous' combinations shadows and out into the sun- that the auctioneer made, such as shine of that mosaic work we jcall life. Of the letters P. H. Lowry, of Jackson, Miss., writes in the New Orleans Times-Democrat : To the uninitiated it is only "t. f." To the printer's eye it ex pands into "till forbid," a remind a picture, a smoothing iron and a water jug, a hat rack with a boot brush and a blanket, caused con siderable merriment among a crowd not very hard to please, and the many facetious remarks of the glib salesman, though stale er that the advertisement it waits enough from long usage, wire ae- New Goods, r ' new hi ins store, wanting' New Goods, OOPS AND IX'RE GOODS to see him before 11 thin; those n 7G01 invitee i CES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST oiripctition is the life of lc," and therefore he will tn.clo in prices with all compe- i, ! cayy npd Fancy! Groceries, i as . ! CORN, SUGARS, I'LOriv, , , COFFEES, MKAI-, " ' CANDIES, MOLASSES, ETC., always on hand: Countrl produce? purchased cash or jiarter at all times. STANLY lVERTlENT WOOD'v EI5H .v SCHOOL MALE 'AND FEMALE, vmitii, I'L B.f U. N. C.,) - - Triii. NOP.W00D, N. G. ring term opens January 5th, 1891. ntt; having children to educate- are Vi-d t investigate tne ciainis oi j.or- 1 riDon a basis of high standard thorough .scholar ship in all its de- u-iits. : f m institution is situaieu, in lue itrn part tf Stanly county, in' the o uf Norwood, tho terminus of the in railroad. The climate is salu h and fhoiht-iilthf ulncss of tho vil- is unsurpassed in this section of our . . ninyxicaiin lupmrs ure hiuu. mi' t iukI beauty of this location studputsi from nearly all tempta- t vice. cxtravairanccTand wTon"- r of iniy kind. Norwood is noted s industry, sohriety and Rood mor- Corri'spolitlencc soiiciteil. LUALE PROPERTY FOR SALE!. bffor for :sale for the next 90 tho fallowing valuable prop situated, in the town of bemarlej Stanly Cp-, N. C, luo Steauii, Saw and Grist Mill, ttou Git, i on is to bo continued from day to day, from month to month, until ordered out by him who directed its publication. The story of how many springs that have brought the bloom of the rose and the violet has been told in that 'It. f." Wrought in the green tracery of leaves that rise and fall oh the bosom of the air; painted on the clouds at an chor in the summer sea: carved on the stone thresholds of ever coiner, floods: silvered on the moon s medallion; graven on tne round ruby of. the morning sun; in the scrool of the storm it is broidened. and "t. f." till forbid is the story of the world. cepted as pure wit and answered accordingly. When the sale wa3 over the auctioneer, who had been fairly carried away by the fluency of his tongue and the success of his own tongue and the success of the affair, stepped down from the rostrum and prepared to put on his hat and coat. The crowd had lingered to pick out the goods each had bought and see to the transfer, when suddenly the auc tioneer exclaimed : "I've been rob bed! Who took my hat, coat and cane? Officer," he shouted to the policeman who stood at the door to preserve order, "dont let any man out till I reach you!" I Then STATE NEWS. I A BIBLICAL FBAHD. The peach crop of North Caro lina is short. Key. F. D. Swindell, oi Wil mington, is reported as being dan gerously sick. Fife is having tremendous crowdB to hear him at Mt. Airy. He seems to be more popular than ever. K. B. Hunter, assistant State Lecturer, is now down in Cum berland county talking to the Al liance people. Wadesboro must be a good mar ket for almost anything. A load of chips was recently sold there, and the Intelligencer say they brought a good price. The mountains and the sea, are both scenes of j oyousness .Large Biblical scholars have been puzzled 3for the last 500 or 600 years over the followingcuriosity, whichjia called Genesis Fifty-One. Were it read aloud to-day in al most any audience it is doubtful if its fraudulent nature would be deteched; so beautifully is the spirit and language, of the Old Testament imitated. The author of '; this biblical curiosity is un known, but it has been traced back over 900 years to a Persian poet, who gave as his ODly reason for writing it that "it was related to him," Here it is in full : 1. And it came to pass after these things that Abraham sat in the door of his. tent at about the going down of the sun. z. And behold a man. bowed I with age. came from the way of crowds of summer visitors are at lu w"esS, leaning on a stan. ; both places, which gives the Old d-And Abraham arose and met JSorth State the appearance of an V unbroken summer resort. ?T- . "ao" " ., , ana tarry au nignt, ana thou shall The mercantile Trust and De- arise early on the morrow and ea posit company of Baltimore are thy way. T. f." is written alike on the he pushed his way to the door and drop of dew that statellite of the sod and on the great world that moves in the breath and brightens in the smile of God "T. f." rounds the summer of human hopes : it is delicately traced on beauty's brow; you will scrutinized eagerly each man as he came out. Presently he ' made a grab at one young fellow, who was gayly balancing the auction eer's silver handled cane in his hand. I've caughtjyou, my fly rogue!" the financial agents of the Roan oke & bouthern railroad. The work of grading and laying rails is being rapidly pushed from Eoanoke. to Rocky Mount and from Martinsville to Rocky Mount. Some days ago Mary Arrowood. colored, was engaged in chopping stove-wood when a stick flew up striking her on the jaw-bone and causing her to bite off her tongue. lhe tongue was bitten entirely off being held by a'shred at one side. Dr. J. G. Hord was sent for and sewed the tongue together and Juary now nas it in active use. King s Mountain Isews. find it in the rose's blushing bud; he yelled; "give me that cane and you may see it in the ever-shin and ing stars. it come along with this officer,' he made a grab for the stick. The youth, pretty bold lor a detected theit, aimed a blow at the auctioneer and savagely pro T. f." is wrought in the helms of the sweeping Tamerlanes of all times, and the silver thread of the small voiced brook will not be clainied his honestly and his in- troken without it. . tention to have revenge. Thepo- Nature has no stereotypes : all liceman collared him. however. her advertisements are published and straightway the auctioneer with a "tT f," and the . types that spied a man walking off with his A racket occured in Gulledge I videth me with all things rtpwnship, Anson county, last o. Ana ADraham s anger was week, which was the result of a (kindled against that man for what whisky investigation. Did Adams he had said, and he arose and was at Hightower's bar rooms drove him forth with blows into and was attacked by Monroe the wilderness. Higfitower, and dangerously cut. 9. And at midnight God called Adams is now lying critically, upon Abraham saying, Abraham, wniiG nigntower nas sxippea to Carolina, and whisky did express her loveliness are silently distributed, and thegraves are hlled with the eloquence oi yes terday. And even there, enamet- ed in the little billows of turf that break up earth's green, sward like a sea, there is a "till forbid.'' And so the , silent swell of sod subsides where graves have been, and back of the light and back to the air the dust is once more wafted. "T. f ." is woven into the scarlet robe of the Wrong and the purple garb of Power. Conquest s glow- mg wheels are marked with a coat. Another arrest and another indignant protest. Amctim with the hat quickly followed and the onlookers began to get warmly in terested. " x ou put that hat up for auc tion yourself," yelled the last man, and 1 bought it along with a lamp and a mucilege pot! "1 bid on this coat and had it banded to "me," shouted the other, "witn a scru Doing brush ana a bedstead!" You knocked this cane down to me for two dollars, along with a broken cradle and a bonnet." v Power Engine and lor, One set. ofigood Mills, lie-largest "Saw iu the county, Ami a Gardiner Machine at- ii'd. -! Ill order, la gfod running Jth this property are- OWM.lOtS, -ted unlv 400 yards from the )t. I al-H) ofler for sale pne House and Lot. i ro I now livo.. This lot has lingo fronts, and is situated tin ten steps of the court house ill sell'oh easy teims. ppb' to ; W. A. MARKS, Albemarle, N. C. pril 23 3m "t. f. and the weariest bonds that yelled the third, "and I'll- knock ever bowed humanity bears these you down with it, you ,'' and he letters stamped on every link. made a dash for tho puzzled auo lhe young mother bending with tioneer. look ot love over her child, forgets Bystanders interfered here, and tnai m mat niue iace, ma in me the absentmmded salesman was dimple of a cheek, or shaded by a with some difficulty convinced tress or golden hair, two words are that he had really put up and traced in life's blue autograph knocked down his own clothins that, e er long obeyed, may leave in the excitement of the sale her gazing up to the full heaven and sighing that some breath of summer air has wafted away for ever the sweetest copy in all the world. . Be it the singer of the little song that goes into all lands wherever it is spring, reads no it will carol on to other times and i iti. -. win a welcome ; mat it will sing when he is dead; that the olive ft From Nainrc's Storehonae. It stands to reason that a med icine which destroys the germs of contagious blood poison and counteract the enects ot mer curial poisoning may be de pended on to overcome the diseases that have their origin in malaria, or that have their sea in an impure condition of the leaf it bears will never wither ; blood. This is what S. S. S. has that by-and-by. a window will be done, and what it will do, as its opened in heaven and a hand will popularity attests. Aa a preven De put iortu, aua, singing suu, that tuneful bird of his will be touched with the "white radiance" of immortal morning ihe thinker who intrusts his living JiEW THROUGH SLEEPER. i i 19 fcw lorli tailed to secure it. Chicago s the van. Reduced rates on all :oads.' Quiet conductors, engineers brakemenare appointed. Cabarrus its transients on time at the Grand k'tiou llarher Shop. Clean . cans. pis and 1 trashes, hair-cuts and shaves iider. Ladies and children served ome until April 1, 1891. Artists. Bison and Warren. J. Ii. MONTGOMERY, Trop'r- D. L. HATHC0CK, LAGK-SMITHr- ;vys ready to serve the public in lime. Trices the lowest in town. ses.t-noU all round for fifi cpnh anA snoes and nails found. All -work tanteeii iive, and a remedy for the long list of affections that display their activity duriner the spring and summer months, it stands witbon a rival. . The secret of this is tha thoughts to time his it is a remedy drawn from nature' . . .... .i " tnoughts instinct with beauty and own storehouse, eloquent with truth tells that no mission; that, leaving the red threshold of his heart, it begins an independent being, and will stand sublimely there in the broken col umn of the proof of time ihis is not to die; this is the true transmigration of the soul: clinging to no frail tenure of a "till forbid," its type will never fall to dust, nor a tsyllable of its utterances be. lost to time. This 13 to pass like some armed warrior unchallenged down the ages a3 they stand, and hear his foot, unfaltering, press the threshold of to-morrow. Upon its gates, "on golden hinges no "tin lorDicr was ever r .d v.nir lli::,'.MtPt)t:lKHn Tfl-klfiHT with Uambmuma rcli:rii,?.ar:ii.t i-)wair.and ts ma oulvaufrim-Arfl. In .it hn.i i rVLr.aiiud. Order NOW from yturUrugi8l Ni 6. 6U0M rROPBUTASI GO, IAHAICA. I. Remedy 4. But the man said : Nay. for I will abide under this tree. 5. And Abraham pressed him greatly, so he turned and they went into the tent : and Abraham broke unleavened bread And they did eat. 6. And when Abraham saw that the man blessed not God, he said unto him: Wherefore dost thou not worship the Most Hieh God. crea tor of heaven and earth? 7. And the man answered and said, thou call upon Ms name, tor I have made to myself a god which abid eth always in my house and pio- NOTES AKD COMMENTS. Because ihe country is full of broken down, disappointed poli ticians does not necessarily mean that each one of them should get a fat place in the World's Fair business. People of this great State who have heard so much about the good a railroad commission would do, have been waiting patiently for six months, but the benefit does not yet appear. They have about decided that the only rail road commission that is any ac count is competing lines. Business men very often notice one laughable feature about or ders that young ladies make, sometimes when young men are employed in the establishment. and that is, that a young lady very often signs a business letter xonrs Affectionately," and a let ter to herfather "Yours Respect fully." It is now on the rounds that a a small body of spiritahstic be lievers were holding communion at Fairview at Bridgeport. The four communicants of the evening were simultaneously ordered to place a glass of water on the stand. I hey were surprised to find that it was immediately turned into a fine, palatable wine. It only shows that news is scarce even around Bridepoit and some enter prising writer has fallen onto a big lie. 1 Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest tJ. S. Gov't Report liti l&TTELYPURE A FARM PAPER FREE. PR0FESSSI0NAL CARDS. 8. L. MONTGOMERY. M. D offer their professional services to citizens of Conoofd and vicinity. J the All W. J. MOSTGOMERT. J. LEECROWKLTj Attorneys " anfl " Counsellors at Law CONCORD, N. O. As partners, will practice law in Cabar rus, btanlyand adjoining counties, in the Superior and Supreme Courts of th State and in the Federal Courts. Office on Depot Street. South it all. Mr. O'Hara, sawyer at Gren- McClure & Co's. saw mill, this city, was caught in the belt ing of the machinery Tuesday morning, and thrown with terrific force -against a circular saw, in? flicting a frightful wound on Mr, O Mara s head. He was painfully injured otherwise, though at last accounts was resting as well as borne with him these hundred and ninety and eight years, and nour ished him, and clothed him, not 'i.i..i J : i i i- i i j ia u i- t? rn I wnuBwuiuiiiK uo una reoeueu tuuiu uo OAUoiicu, x a y olid viuc I . n -i t t nuaOTO - " against me t ouiast tnou not, W kSOVX , . I M 11 If 1 ' 1 uieu m ybcii uuiug a biuiier, Dear xne residence oi Mr. x. uov- with him one night ? mgton, in the eastern part of town, 12. And Abraham said f Let - L J I 1 I 1 A I . m was eatereu oy a uargiar last not the anger ot my ixra wax Tuesday night and a gold watch, against his servant, lo! I have 110.00 in money and Mr. Coving- sinned, forgive me, I pray of thee tons pants were stolen. The bur- 13. And Abraham arose and glar entered the house through went forth into the wilderness, he parlor window, and Judge Claiborne, of St. Louis, I do not worship the God sa78 h yThen he nrst saw Uen- snfiaVfiar nfi. tifiifW t eral J. h. 15. otuart, who was at . . ' iL.i l: - 1; i a r 1 p uiufa umv a ucutenant iresn irom West Point, he regarded him as the handsomest young man in America. It may have been this extraordinary personal beauty that later in life made Stuart the idol of the Confederate Army. Stuart's father, who was known as "Old'General Start," was him self a man of magnificent phy sique. In his old age he was tall and strright as a pine tree, with a flowing white beard and a court ly manner. A San Francisco, Cal., special says: "Jack Slavin, the Australian pugulist, brother of Frank P. Slavin, who knocked Billy Smith out last Tuesday night, has issued a challenge to fight Jack Demr- not sey, of Seattle, George La Blanche or any middle-weight pugulist in America, for $1,000 a side and purse of $2,500. Since Slavin s light i with the heavy-weight Smith, he has gamed a host of friends in this city, and he can be backed for a large sum. wnere is tne stranger that came by the way of thy tent at the go ing down of the sun? 10. And Abraham answered and said, Lord, he would not worship thee, neither would he call upon thy name, therefore I have driven him out from before my face into the wilderness. 11. Ana xod said, Have I Ulven to jKrery BnMenMr wno rys w. h. Lilly, m. d. Year In AaTance to THE TIHE8, We have made arrangements again with the American Farmer, a twenty para arrricultmral paper vkvj -l -ii i j t.. calls promptly attended day or nisht. yiLuxumcLi jir- vwvciauu, vyuiu, office and residence on Easb Deoot whereby we eive that paper one street, opposite Presbyterian church. year free to every subscriber who pays one year, $1.25, in advance to The Times in cash. That is to say, we will give both papers for only the price of one when- paid in advance. Remember, this ap plies only to those who pay in ad vance old or new subscribers. Those in arrears may by paying H. C. HERRING, D.D.S., back dues and then for another year take advantage of the offer, but not otherwise. We want our offer to be understood. The American Farmer is a handsomely printed, twenty page illustrated monthly louroal in magazine form. It is a mine of information about agriculture, Bto gardening, stock-raising, house keeping and farm and domestic affairs generally. Itasubscription price is fl.UO per year, livery farmer subscriber we have ought to get this paper. We have made this offer before, and large num bers have taken advantage of it. Come in as soon as you can, as we reserve the right to withdraw the offer anytime. Sheriff Bog-era Shortage Richmond Times. Raleigh, N. C, J uly 14. Some what of a sensation was raised! CONCORD, N. C. Office over Correll Bros.1 Jewelry OUSTON, tw. c, Surgeon Dentist, CONCORD, . . N. Delightful Resorts. Our readers who are desirous of finding pleasant places to spend the summer should bear in mind that the Chicago & North-West era Railway furnishes every lacil ity for a rapid, safe and comfort able tourney from Chicago to Wankesha, Madison, Lake Gene vaNeenah, Marquette, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Ashland, Lake Minnetonka, Yellowstone Nation Park and the mountain resorts of Colorado and the far West. Fast vestibuled trains, equipped with reclining chair cars, parlor cars, palace sleeping Office, oyer the millinev store of Mis- ses Benson, Fisher & Co. mar.21 ly Ti: Faiierson Mineral Sprisgs. Buildings and Grounds Very Much improved. Charges less than anv First-Class Springs in the South. In full view of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Four miles Soutbxrf Shelby, N. C , on 3 C's Rail road, Patterson Station, one-half mile of Springs. Physicians will tell vou that the in gredients contained in these waters aro in inerr eneet Aperient, Diuretic, Tonic and Alterative, making it Nature's Remedy for Indigestion. Dvsnonsia: Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and all cases of Debility and Weak uonstitutions wmcn need here this evening by the rumor passed and sought diligently for the man that the commissioners of Wake hrough the parlor into Mr. Coy- until he had found him. and re- county had found that J. Rowan ington's sleeping room. All of turned with him to the tent, and Rogers, late Republican sheriff l1 r. I ,nvm0on s Wflannc nnnarftl I tttV,. - nn(ino tn'm nf fViia nnmntv hoH Kaon frvnnrl I ;i; m:. l.i l 1 Cau j-. - r- i i i nuu aid uau iivoiuuiu&u xlla i vuao wuuw, uka avuuw n inr,inn rn nnv i pkht. AirHt l firi - , and a valise-were taken into . the kindly he sent him away on the about ten thousand dollars short! by addressing W. A. Thrall, Gen- fTd andlS anddming cars, afford patrons of and in Rheumatic and Scrofniona Af. the North-Western every luxury fections. incident to travel by a first class 0 We are so situated-owning the ..;t. TVy.,,,.,; ;nya M opnngs wiin iarm attacnec. irom wnicn railway. Lxcursion tickets at re- we et most o our BUppiie8doins a ddced rates and descriptive pam-1 great part of the necessary work during phlets can be obtained upon ap- toe season the Springs are open, we water-r-the most wholesome yard and searched, but nothing was carried on save the articles mentioned above. Wadesboro In telligencer. The North Carolina Pharma ceutical Society met in annual ses sion at Morehead City on the 8th and 9th insts., with the usual at tendance present. W. H- Wearn, of Charlotie, was elected Presi dent ; H. R. Chears, 1st Vice- President ; N. D. Fetzer, Concord, 2nd Vice-President B. E. Sed berry, Fayetteville, 3rd Vice- President ; F. W. Hancock, New Berne, Secretary; W. H. King, Kaleigb, Local Secretary: A. J Cook, ' Fayetteville, Treasurer. Raleigh was selected as the place and August, 1892, the time for holding the next State Convention. A delegation from the JNorth Carolina State Medical Society was present, in accordance with a resolution passed at the last Medical State Convention, and were kindly and cordially receiv ed by tho Association. in his accounts, he naa never made any settlement with , the county since retiring from office the first of this year, and the county commissioners have found that he was ten thousand dollars behind, and called a meeting of morrow with many gifts. 14. And God spake again unto Abraham, saying, for this thy sin against the stranger, thy seed shall be afflicted 400 years in a strange land. 15. But, for thy repentance, will I deliver them, and they shall his bondsmen here to-day to ef come forth with power and glad- feet an adjustment of the matter. ness ot heart eral Passenger and Ticket Agent, C. & N. W. Railway, Chicago, 111. State Pensioners, Attention, Headqtjakteks Pensioners Association General Order No. 1. All North Carolina Pensioners who served in the Confederate Army, and who are able to go- in- Lemon Elixir. Pleasant, Elegant, Reliable For biliousness and constipation, take Lemon Elixir. For fevers, chills, and malaria, take Lemon Elixir. Fot RleenleosTiAKS- nfirvonsness and It IS learned this evening that his palpitation of the heart, talre Lemon t . mil ti ii Elv pt 1 am art ottai hnirirr nnon IT an I , j-:j-j i.' u aiu 1 For indigestion and foul stomach, ucuiuou tj wajLo uu iuo omuuuiii. Lemon Elixir of Rogers Shortage and avoid any For all sick and nervous headaches, tase ijemon r.nxir. legal proceedings. Rogers claim that the shortage is caused by the facts that he was unable to collect back taxes amounting to the sum lor which he is held re sponsible. The case attracts ad- to camp are requested to report at "?:VfJ vv,jhfiu n J w;i J difaonal attention, following as it mington on the 29th day of July next. Transportation will be furnished male pensioners on all railroads in the State of North Carolina on their presenting a certificate to does upon the case of the' late Republican clerk of the .court here, who was also short is his accounts. Summer xcnnlOB Kates A.. 11 A 11 nuueu, una to ail truth and ear nnr,i K l.i. 1 i , T uLou muuuut Drifini nanna jit and the line moves on, KonlrriTiinrr Piles! Plies l Itching Piles . Hymptoms Moisture ; intense itching and stinging : most at night ; worse bv Buraiciung. j.r aiioweu 10 continue tu. mors form, -which often bleed and ulce rate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes the tumors. At druggists or by mail, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. Send us the news. 1 Chicago to Slonx Falls, South Dakota. Travelers en route to the North west are informed that the Great Rock Island Route began running. June 14, a through Buffet Pul man sleeper, Chicago to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. This car leaves Chicago daily, except Saturday, on the C, R. I. & P. No. 1, at 1:30, noon, return ing, arrives at Chicago daily, jex- cept Monday, at 8:05 a. m. Maps, folders, and further in formation sent on application. Jno. Sebastian, Genl Tkt. & Pass. Agt. E. St. John, . General Manager. General Office, Chicago, I1L Mr. C. C. Campbell, of Camp bell's Cotton Compress Co.," city of Cincinnati, Ohio, writes : "Every body finds relief shortly after us ing Uradycrotine for headache. Don't be discouraged about that ecze ma till you have given Ayers Sarsapa rilla a persistent trial. Six bottles of this medicine cured the complaint for George S. Thomas, of Ada, Ohio, when all other remedies failed to afford any relief. - The Old Favorite. Merry King men of Go- There was Tom, the Son of the Piper, Jack Sprat, and Cole, And the three wise thorn, Who went to sea in a bowl : The woman who rode on a broom- et?Tr And swept the cobwebbed sky,lfree of their nearest ticket agent or to the conductor of the train, certificate to be signed by the Clerk of the Superior Court of their county with the County Seal attached, and certifying that their names are on the pension roll of their county. Present this notice to the agent or conductor with the certificate from the Clerk of the Court. Pensioners will be met on the arrival of the train in Wilmington, The Richmond and Danville Railroad will begin the sale of "Summer Excursion Tickets" at greatly reduced rates,. June 1, lyi, and will continue the same on sale at all coupon ticket offices in North Carolina until September 30, 1891. These bummer tickets Ladies, for natural and thorough or game regulation, take Lemon bhxir. vr. aioziey s Xjemon nuixir win noi fail you in any of the above named dis eases, all of which arise from a torpid or diseased liver, stomach, kidneys-; or bowels. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, At lanta, (ia. 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at druggists. Lemon Hot Drops. Cures all Coughs. Colds, Hoarseness, Sore throat, Bronchitis, Hemorrhage and nil throat and lung diseases. Ele gant, reliable. 25 cents at druggists. reparea omy by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, (ia. the following extremely low prices : BOARD PER DAY: When one person occupies room, - (1.60 u nco iwo perauns occupy room. - 1.35 PER WEEK: When one person occupies room, - 8.50 w ueu iwo or more occupy room, - 7.0O PER MONTH 28 DAVS: When one person occupleH room, - 28.00 When two or more occupy room, - 25.00 Children under twelve years old half price. Servants, special rates in ac cordance to service rendered in caring forroom of family or person they are with. Where there are a family of five or more, or a party of friends from the same town or hection, and will occupy one large room, a reduction pf ten per cent, will be made. Care of Stock. Horses per day, 50 cents; per week, .$2; per month, $10. Amusements and recreation. Howl ing Alley. Jbawn Tennis. Uroauet. Foot Ball, and indoor games of all kinds. Conveyance at all trained. Address : W. O. PATTEPvSON, Swang's P. O , Cleveland Co., N. C. NOTICE! The Boyal Bine Line Is not simply a single tram of handsomely finished passenger coaches. All the through tram in service via B. & O. R. R. between Washington, Baltimore Philadel- Of are Dhia and New York consist limited good to return at any time 1 this magnificent new equipment. until and including October id, embracing all the devices and ap - I . - ... .. - 1891. For list of "Summer Homes," that contribute to the safety and and carried to the camping ground giving cost of board per day, week comfort of travelers. No extra those going and month, time-tables ana excur- fare is charged on anv ot these To Whom it May Comckbk: Under a permit from Hon. J. F. O raves and R F. Armfleld, Judges, the Clerk will be ahsent from his orace on the second Monday In July, 1881, the same being the 18th day of July, and un der said permit the said Clerk will be absent from his office from 7th of July to 10th of July , 1491. Any person naving any ousiness to transact with the Clerk will please postpone until his re turn on lvtn oi juiy, iwi. jam. c uiiJHUM. cierk. . LAND SALE. Bv virtue of a decree of the Biiperlor Court of Cabarrn s County in the special proceeding en titled w. a. ana nary n., i lnoet against flora. Orace and Beulah isbet, and J. R. Wallace, I will sell at public auction at the county court house door in Concord, N. C. on Monday, the 8d day of August, 1NB1, at 12 o'clock m., the tract ot iana in uaoarms iwinv, wo. lownsoin, aajoin- HI .7 i.iiub .u.iM. I v. r.w , . wiii.m.rn, and the homestead of J. R. L. Hill, and mora particularly described in a dr el recorded In book nliances aPPrOVed bV Car bUllderS 42. page 4M,Keglster,s officer Cabarrus County, to c a - 1 wnicn neea rciervnce w uereoy maue, And the boy who sat in the corner Eating his Cbristma pie. There were some of the favor ites, but they have been supplant ed by the "Pansy" and "Five Little Peppers." The old fash ioned pills and physics have been superseded, ana wisely, 100, oy Pierce's Purgative Pellets, a mild,, harmless and effective cathartic. Thev are pleasant to take so gentle in their action that the most delicate child can take them, yet so effective that they will cure the most obstinate cases of con stipation, stomach, liver and bow el troubles. They should be in every nursery. As a gentle lax ative, only one for a dose. into camp must be provided with three days rations and one blan ket or quilt. For further infor mation address, Adjutant E. D. Hall, Wilmington, N. C, By Order of the Executive Com. "Bow to Cure All Skin Diseases.' Simply apply "Swaykb's OnrrtrENT. XV o internal mecucme face, hands, nose, &c, leaving the skin . nMaA i fferMr.W bnn- claim a place in ornamental hAAitnv. xta en-eat i o j i , . - mi sion rates, call on coupon agent trains. . Passengers occupying of ... this company, or address Pullma.i Parlor or Sleeping Car W. A: Turk, Division Passenger accommodations will be charged Agent, Raleigh, N. C, or James the customary rates for the same. Ii. Taylor, ii. if. A. Tli a American Eagle must bo a Why lc Is Popular. v qa bird he is bald. If you don't want to be bald, nse Hall's HairBene w- Because it has proven its abso-l er, and you won t be. lry it. lute merit . over and TKRifs: One-half cash, balance on a credit of six months; deferred payment to be secured by bond with approved security bearing s percent. Interest from date. Title retained until purchase money is paid. Purchaser may pay all cash at sale, if preferred. This. July 1.188L W. B. KI8BET. . Commissioner. over again, le ruk Cures because it has an equalled re- The crab apples are both orna , all eruptions on ike cord of cures, becuase its business mantal and useful, and may justly clear, white and healing and curative powers sessed by no other remedy. druggist for Swatnb's iQiktmbot The expenses of the Fife meet inct in Greensboro amounted to $1,110. Of this amcunt the evan gelist receiyed 1650, erar "rrr r3 -z. r rinc th ftnd double am i oot. m annar u ti f 1 m iui u i v. iiiiii v vin -w -i Ask your bines economy and strength being flowering varieties i frorn China and the only medicine ot which iuu J apan are u tcuu jaUCw Doses One Dollar ' is true these strong points have made Hood's Sarsaparilla the moat successful medicine of the day. Take erood care of your beard and keep it clear of gray hairs so as to re tain your young loots dv nsnig xsuck- inghain'a Uye lor tne vmsier . or mm BUY NOW SPECIAL SUMMER SALE 500 FTIfB OROAN8 as Way afowa rness-wcmSi Zarg Ttrm-4& to fS monthly or 910 Cask, balmet a All , No Interest. ' GREAT BARGAINS Moat be sold. Can 't bold. Write for Harawia Hbeet. EN & BATES, SAVAfi PIMM, UK, ffjsiBi tonMESs touts eotio IL M CUSHiOIS. WUspos baard. Com. alb CV ! ! Nsaaf atsf

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