A Cotton Fertilizer. for ' cotton which contain at Purchase only such fertilizers least 3 to 4 actual potash. . .. For Corn, Fertilizers should contain 6 Potash. Poor results are due entirely to deficiency of Potash. V.'c will gladly send you our pamphlets on the Use of Potash. They are sent free. It will cost you nothing to read them, and they will save you dollars. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New Tork. . SOLID TRAINS BETWEEN ' Cincinnati and St. Louis WITH " Palace Sleeping Cars. BETWEEN B . Louis and Washington, D. C- VIA THE JUG TOUR ROUTE J The elegant pervice offered by the Bis Four between Cincinnati and St. Louis is excelled by no other line. Night trains are composed of new cars tbroufrhout, coaches of the latest .im proved pattern, and Wagner Sleeping Cars in service for the first time. Day trams have Parlor and Drawing Room Cars and Exquisite Dining Oars, and Through Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars besween St. Louis and Washington, D. J., via Indianapolis,- Cincinnati and Chesapeake & Ohio By., in connection wnn tne lamoua a. F. V." J ing Car Service is unexcelled! t or full information ree-fliklinw etc., apply ;to nearest ticket agent, or . address, D. B MARTIN, Gen'l Pass. & Tkt. Agt. e. o. Mccormick; Pass. Traffic Manager. Docs This flit You ? The management ' of the Equitable Life Assurance Society in the Department of The; Din-! rates the Carolinasj for this work wishes to se cure a few Special Resident Agents . Those who are fitted will find this 2 A Rare Opportunity HELPLESS. INVALID. "About 18 months or two years ago my wife's health gave way, and she grew steadily worse. She could not retain Boarcely anything she ate and. the case finally assumed the worst form of DYSPEPSIA and CHRONIC DIARRHOEA, paid she became a helpless in va- lid At the age of 18. I had her Under the treatment of a good physician, but his efforts to re lieve her were of no avail. So, titer inatters had continued thus f qr 8 or 10 months, and ttj wife had given up to die, I took the case in my own hands aod purchased a bottle of Dr. ROYAL aERMBTUER, i Vegan giving it to her in water as hot as she oould drink it, before a nd-after each, meal, using a mild purgative occasionally on retiring at night - BaSce it to say in Yesa than, a week there was ' A WONDERFUL CHANOB. See oould eat a little of any thing she desired, and today is a well woman." She used alto gether possibly 4 or 6 bottles. In my opinion GERflETUER HAS NO EQUAL." Habbt L. Watts, Winona, Miss,, Mr. Watts 1 trTeUti(r sa'ssman for H. Z Tkerbier Co., whoiasgle grocers. New Orleans. " lnf' Hoval Germetaar Co.. Atlanta. Ga It. is work, however, and those who succeed bpt in it possess character mature judgment, tact, perseverance, and the respect of their community. Think this matter over care fully. There's n unusual opening for somebody. If it fits you, it will pay you. Fur ther information on request. W. J. Roddey, Manager, r Rock HUl,rS. C. CAPRICE RATHER THAN1 RULE. The Wat Names of Persona , and Places ' :.. . Are ' Pronounced. . Names of places and persons are pro nounced ' according - to caprice rather tnan accordinir to rule. The people of Quincy, Mass., as well as the people of Massachusetts gener ally, say Qurnzy, while western people ay guinsy. In the same Way the feHow-cltlzens of .Emerson and Thoreau would (have been amused If any one had pronoun ced the name of their town as every one pronounces the common word which Is spelt In the same way. "We live ; in peace , and concord with our neighbors," they might have said "but we ana our neighbors live In Concud." In other words, the Inhabitants of Concord, Mass.. give the second o an obscure sound and omit the r alto gether. xnousands of Companion : readers have been taught at school to say Ar kansas. UtJner thousands, no doubt. nave oeen taught to say Arkansaw. wnicn pronunciation is correct? This question was proposed to Repre sentative Jtsrecjanridge some time ago, and was answered in favor of Arkan saw. The name was formely spelled Arkanso and Arkanssa, he says. The final s was added by the French, but was silent 1 In the State itself. Mr. Breckinridge adds, it is only visitors and new comers who say Arkansas. At the same time It seems to be true that usage has not always been uniform. wnen Millard Fillmore was vice-1 president of the United States, Mr. Breckinridge says, the two Arkansas senators disagreed , as to the pronun ciation of the name. Each Insisted that he was correct and Mr. Fillmore, as president of the Senate. comDrom- ised the matter by recognizing one as tne gentleman from Arkansas."- and the other as "the gentleman from Ar kansaw." Youth's Companion. THRILLS" ON TAP. A Case Where an Electrical Kan Did Some thing That Oas Man Couldn't Do. "I ' appredato the honor you have conferred upon me, Count," said Ed win, with a sigh, "but I cannot marry you. 1 ou are pleasing to me, and 1 know you have a truly noble char acter, but you do not do not thrill me. I have longed all my life to be thrilled. .. It may be romantic and even silly, but years age I determined that I would marry none but a man who could thrill me. I am very sorry that "One moment," interrupted Count Galvanl. "If It Is only a question of a thrill, I can supply that fast eliougn. Stand up, please." "What do you mean. Count?" cried the young girL , - - "Just do as I tell vou. please." said the Count, in the tone of the man who poses sitters in a photograph gal lery. "Extend your arm, so. Open your hand. That's right. Now." And the Count, after fumbling be neath his coat for a few seconds, grasped her extended hand firmly. "On," cried Edwina. "how deliciousl That Js a thrill, indeed! Count, I am yours." And she threw herself into his arms. As the Count left the p.alatial man sion of the heiress, he. murmured,: "It pays to be the elect rical man in a dime museum, even if the salary is only $10 a week, exclusi ve of batter ies." the Administrator's Notice. Having ben dolv amxjrnted arlminis- tratorof the estate of the late G. W. claims against said deceased are hereby notified to present them 'to the under signed for pavment. dnlvanthentinatad. on or before the 4th dav of November, 1895, or this notice will b nlri as a bar to their recovery. Also all persons owing said deceased are notified that prompt payment is expected. aiub ixoveniDer a, 1C594. D. L. baerinof;r. Administrator of Geo. W. Barringer, XX OV. I, i. THiiACURA FOR THIN PEOPLE Aro Yeu Thin ? t iesh made with Tainacnra Tablets Dy a scientific process- They create perfect aseimiiatioh of every form of looa, secreting the valuable parts and discarding the worthless. They make tnin laces plp and round out the fie- u.i e. iney are tne Standard Remedy for leanness, containing no arsenic, and nuouiuieiy narmiess. '.. Price, prepair, $1 per box. 6 for $5. Pamphlet, "How to Get Fat." free. Xne Ihmacura Uo., 949 Broadway, N.Y, 5y virtue of a Mortgage Thist deed given me by Thornton S. Fisher, on the sotn oi March, 18'Jl. and dnlv rfionsfArArl in Register's office of Cabarrus county, in bo k 6 pages 3 and 5. defailt having been made in payment of dept therein secured, when duej I will soldi the lands described in said mortgage atlthe court nouse aoor in concord at tribli rhIa to the highest bidder for cash on Mon day 31st of December. 1894. Said lands contains 84 acres and is "in two adjoinig tracts, and is that on which xnornton r isher now lives. First tract Of SI acivw HfHninintr H T? Fisher, Leah L. Bost and others. Second tract of 34 acres adjoinining Mosses Klnttz. T.auKnn TVatIot orrl others. For complete bonndaries ref- ereoce is here made to said mortgae in R. O. S. MILLER, Trustee. Nov. 28, '94. IIUIU EllilCn 1 on (present Har Farmers. t h. Good Fertilizer 15.00 mm Csnrt, Cabarress County. J-dzzie Howard, Plaintiff; " vs. Ed. Howard. Defendant. The above-named defenda nt. ia harnKw notified that the above-named plaintift has commenced an action in the Supe rior court of Cabarrus county for di vorce and the summons having been re turned not served, arrl it. uu uuigence the defendant can not be found in this State, and an or- Ui jjuoiicanon was made at the last mis court. XHow the defendant win take notice that f 6iexI1t.term of the Superior court u xieiu ior tne county of Cabarrus at io court nouse in Concord, on the 6th Monday before tha it ht . March, 1895, and answer or demur to the comnlaint whi"h -will k ij n.. plaintiff will teke judgment for the re lief demanded m the comnlainf;. Thm December, 1895. JAS. C. GIBSON, Clerk Superior Court. MORGAN?? IMPROVED CHILI Tnuie NOTICE. nV aBoir" u- M- woonay, Atlanta. Ga. -iox 882. fcd one will be sent yon freeT . . hur to all others. It Is a trne Chill Cure ia combination with liver Tonics. When properly taken it never fails to cure the most obsUnate caeeof Chills and Fever. Where others fail it will cure. It is pleasant to take, and contains nothing to injure the most delicate system. ' Babies take it easily. As a Tonic it is without an equal. Guaranteed by your druggist. Price, 0 cents per bottle. ' VOIGT & CO., Chattanooga, Teno.' "Fox sale by ! D. Johnson and J. F Uibaon Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for moderate Fees. Oun orncc ! Opposite U. 8. Patent Office and we can secure patent in less time than those iciuoie irom vv rcuingiou. . , Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip. tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, . C.A.SrQW&CO. - Opp. PATf NT Orncc, Washington, D. C. Charged High for His Work. Every safe manufacturer lias at tached to his force expert locksmiths whose duties consist in opening safes which have gotten out of order. Aiany of the accidents to safes mvnr from the gross carelessness of their owners, and at times the honest safe crackers enjoy ; a quiet laugh at the expense of a group of bank officers or the proprietor of some Important es tablishment Not long since a larsre manufacturer telegraphed to a New York safe maker. requesting that a man be sent at once to his place of business, a town about fifty miles from the city. Upon reaching his destination the expert, with his kit of tools, repaired to the establishment, and was inform- ea that the vault, an old-fashioned af fair, which locked with a key and which contained the safe and books or the concern, could not be ooened. The man examined the lock, and then the key, opened his kit,, took out a bit of wire and began to dig a mass of dirt, dust and lint out of the key. Then he inserted it in. the lock and, 'while the proprietor with a sieMy smile look ed on, turned the implement and open ed tne aoor. "What's your charge?" asked the manufacturer. "Fifty dollars," replied the expert "Does anyone know you are In town?" . " "No." "Well, then, bore's sixty dollars," re marked the manufacturer. "I'll give you ten dollars extra if you'll take the first train back to New York without telling anyone the price s I've paid to have a man dig dirt ; out of a key for me." New York Herald. Reporting an Accident. "What were the particulars of accident?" inquired the reporter. xne cable car was going at a higli rate of speed," replied the little man who had rushed breathlessly into the city editor's room 'for the purpose of giving the Daily Bread an item of news. - "Just as it turned the corner a man in a light open buggy tried to drive across the track. The grip car struck the buggy sauarelv. knocked the man out, and he fell senseless on the pavement A policeman arrested the gripman, and the injured man was carried into Tan Plunk's drug store, right on the corner. Ever been in that drug store ? Elegantly fitted up, open nearly all nieht. lareest soda fountain in that -part of the town, and " "What was the extent of the man's injuries?" He was hurt on the head. I think- but I did not wrtlt to Ree how hadlv. I jumped on another car -and came right down to give y ou the story. In 'writ ing it up you can say " 'What was his name?" I didn't asertaln." Who- was the gripman?" - I didn't l aquire." Do you 1 enow the name or nnrnhor of the pollcoman?" "No." "Then bw do you suppose I can write the thing up if you don't give me any r .ames?' "Great Scott! Haven't I told you he was caiTied into Van Plunk's drOS store? What more do you want?" 1S, but" ""1 i :. "An j 'body in that part of the town can tll yon who Tan Tlukk is and want jana or May I ask your name?" "Yes, sir. My name is Van Plunk." Chicago Tribune How's Your Wife T ' Does she feel Doorly all the time, suf fer from lack of energy, and a general "no-account" listless enervation? one needs a tonic. boniethjn is vnronsc with her blood, Run for a doctor! Not at all, my dear sir. Get her a bottle of P. p7P. (Priokly Ash, Poke Root and Potasium.) the , very . best Woman's Regulator and Tonic extant. It reaches the source of trouble quietly and quick ly, and before you know it, your wife will be another woman, and will bless the kind fate that brought P. ; P. P. to her notice and relief. Our best physi cians indorse and recommend it, and no wellrconducted household wheie pure blooid and its concomitant happiness is appreciated, should be without it. For salel by reputable medicine dealers ev erywhere. ' ; There are men who occupy high po sitions in the church at whom the deyil never aims a dart. Mr. Ira P Wetmore, a prominent real estate agent atSanAngelo, has used Cham berlain's Colio Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in his family ror several veais on occasion reqnired,,rand always with perfy ct success. . He eavs: "I find it a perfect cure Jor our baby when troubled with colic or dysentery. - I now feel that my Outfit is not complete without a bot tle dt this Remedy at home or on a trip away from home. For sale I by D. D. Johnson, Druggist. The practice of burials in churches was commonly discontinued in France about 1777. Kiuglug Koiseg. " : In the ears, sometimes a roaring, buz zing sound, are caused by catarrh, tha exceedingly disagreeable and very cumin' n distaee. iioss of smell or hearing also resajtfrom catatrh. Hood's Sarsajmnlla, the great blood purifier, is Dt wiliarly snccessmi remedy tor tnis disease, which it cures by purifying the bloHi. - - Hood's Pills are the beBt after dinner pills, afesist digestion, prevent constipa tion. : .. - The best evidence goes to show that the pyramids of Egypt were royal sepul- chers. - " ; Ayer's Pills, being comrosed of the essential virtues-of the best vegetable aperients, without anv of the woody or fibrous material whatever, is the reason wbv tbev are so much more affective and valuable than any other "cathartics. The best family physic. It is often a mystery how a cold has been caught." The fact is, however t hat when the Mood is poor and the sys tem depressed, ene becomes peculiarly iable t diseases. When tbe appetit or the strength fails, Ayer's Sarsaparilla should re taken without delay.. ea First. A Class of boys In a boarding school were Deing examined, in scripture. What can i you tell me about Moses?" asked the' Inspector. "What sort or a man was he?" .fiease, sir, he was a gentleman" piped forth a-palefaoed, toright-yed au or eieven or wi ere a. boai. r. "Uen-tleman!" repeated the Inspector, with a look of surprise. "What do you iTie little boy promptly replied: "Please, sir. when the danzrrtam at Jethro went to tfce well to draw water tne snepherds came and drove them away, and Moses helped the daughters i jetnro, ana said, to the shepherds. Ladles first Dlease . : ErantTemAn " uooa isews. , you charge?" she an- Chlnese Seseription of tke Piano. A Chinaman, lately returned from trip to Europe, treated his countrr- men to the following description of the piano: Jt xue ieuroneans kae ira tr.. Pegged beast which thev can mnlro h wing at will. - . . i uiau, yc ujore ireauentiy a wo man, or even a r&eblo sriri. trn rirm-r. in front of the mnlmal and steps oo its tall, while at the same time striking its white teeth with his or her fingers, when the creature begins to sing. The singing, thoueh than a bird's, is pleasant to Hton tn "The beast does not bite, nop AnMt tt move, though It is not tied im - . Ncue Blatt -' He ProTed H Was a Plumber. The plumber joke Is worked to death, but I win tell you one anyhow, just because It Is true," began a Triend of the Louisville Courier-Journal, re cently. 'The young woman that fig ures in the story lives on Broadway, near Floyd street She was sprink ing the street, and used a hose that was sadly In need of repair. An Itin erant plnmber came along with a kit of tools slung over his shoulder. He asked the young woman if she wanted the hose fixed. "'What will swered. 'The man looked at the hose criti cally, and then said he would repair it for fifteen cents. "This was contrary to all traditions relating to plumbers prices, so the young woman told the maiTshe did not believe he was what he represent ed himself to be. 'Still,' she said, go ahead and. fix the hose.- "The man took out his tools, and soon had the hosejiearly as good as new. The miss gave the man fifteen CentS. He Shoolr via rtonrl nwl .aM he wanted fory- five. x " nJ : Salr, tht vontifl' woman In surprise, 'yor, sald you ould d&. tne work for 9 ta there W , mnro wnrV tbnn I rhone-nt' 1 V V .11 I tto a a rwtt i si vaii YE7Q an V a piumr p When you first came up, but noW T tnnw mn nra nnA am wlllinfir '.rive vou a certificate to that effect as what the young woman ' 'Vl on cKn rrn wa fka n- n riin tA -tt" said PatHle Wtio hn A la A of time In trvf 1 L 1. ai aeai elrl to rr? he servant gooa- aravn butter a PARKAS HAIrf BALSM bLTTZ. ' tie hair. Hair to its Y die, andixjo,,, DnKrkttl Wat Dnerta Vse Parlter limeer xonio. it re the worat Coiiiriw HIND ERCO HNS, T onlr wan cure for Coa girl to ng D" " n r " uiuo Btw " i-vviuijii ja jr, called . - jjuh; vuq uay. -.nd said severely: t "Bridget, this drawn tutter gravy Is actually bltterr "Is that so, ma'am ?"V asked Bridget sorrowfully "It is, Bridget r"Aw, hrw do you account for it?" 'I do know, lrta'am; but I do be thinking, ma'am, that dhropped a tear intil it!" Youth's Companion. COCOA GRATEFUI COMFOB1TN 6 EPPS5 BKEAKFAST STJPPEB. - "EyathoronBhknowledKe of the natural laws which Kovern the operations of digestion and nu trition, and by a careful applicaUon of the fine properties of well selected Cocoa, Mr. Epps has provided for our breakfast and supper a delicate ly flavoured beverage which mar save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution mav be gradually built up nntil strong enonsh to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there Is a weak point. We may escape Vi&PZ ? .a haft by keeping ourselves well, fortified with pure blood and a properly nourished Sold thus': Chem- on ja: ists, London, England. On improved farm lands in Cabarrus county omy, at 7 per cent interest on five or six years time. Loans to be paid back in small annual installments on the first of November when cotton is ready for market. This.enables the borrower to pay off Ilia indebted n can dlhnnt hausting his crop of any one year, and icaven mm enough to raise his next years crop, on . a cash basis, thus enabling the farmer to get ont of debt. This money belongs to farmers and is to bo loaned to farmers only. -MONTGOMERY & CBOWELL, Attornevs. P. 8. We have other money to letd on town or county property at 8 per cent, oa 1 and 2 jears time. Sept. 13, 6 m. TEACHER' WANTED in each oountv $100.00 a month. P. W. Zeigler & Co Cox 1767 Philadelphia. Pa. ELECTRIC TELEPHONE home, shop, store and office. Greatest oonvan. lenoe and bert aeller on earth, miconya- -" mate rrom &S tm 9S9 per day. VnvV.in ""'dance means a sals to all the neighbors. Fine instruments, no ton. Works anywhere, any distance. OomkletoVraidr fS " when shipped. Can be pntipiiuioM Mmf tyj2T' 5 la.".?, ui S- JVi!7antdi. A money maker. Write W. P. Harrison a Co- Clerk 10. Columbut. 0- wOOD8 THOSPHODINB, The Great Encllsh Remedr. Z.rTr" el falls, as 0W Promptly and permanent. "."Ulormsof Xervova t eomius, tL-muttiorut, Sperm' Been orescrlbed TSSi Be -Wanted U , Know. "Wonderful countrr Kansas man. "vft r. when I moved out here it was my nearest nana; ar. y miles to Brown's, And how far ia tt Wii.uim. put in the eastexi man. .rent Kind. Miss Pinker'Do you believe In splrituaHsm. TSx, Tutter ? Tuttor-YeU, i 4 know jq,, Clara. I aon't think an oooasional drinK nrrtg any man. fi,T?a Tas. fi.ret crown in Chini towaids the 'jnd of the ninth century. Cure That Cough Before it becomes chronic or Injures the delicate tissue of the lungs. No other medicine cures so promptly, safely; and thoroughly as Ayer. cherry Pectoral. iuuuaauus oi precious lives annually . HFArt Nnisre rnorn nbular "llHhtnna koln whan .11 falls, as fflfUUAa hln WVi. 'WVi 6(&d for hook aBdproofi FREEa Nfl TMLf n Sew York, sole Sepo tnMMt A L rj- TT -"sit iur wood's Hf- Ueforc and jft phodike: if hA . - J. 131 .Woodwra svwae, Detroit JUoV. are saved BY TAKING this remedy in the early stages of bronchitis and pneumonia. I believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral : cold. The violent coughing, tor which I could procure no relief, at last brought on tn nw T lungs- 1 'oed to take to my bed. The doctors were unable to do anything tor me. I thought ot Ayer's Cherrv Pectoral, and determined to tryTC I did V7 and it helped me right off. I k seven Z nlJ WM to au iVWU, recovery. Annapolis Co, Ayers Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer ft Co, Lowell, Mas,. Promptto act, sure to euro 4 On the Safe Side. "Walter," said the cautious guest "I see you have canvasback duck on the bill of fare. Can you warrant It to be canvasback duck?" "I can sir," replied the waiter. "I don't believe it. I see you also claim to serve tenderloin steaks. Are they really tenderloin steaks?" "They are." "It Is simply impossible. There is only one reali genuine, tenderloin steak In a beef, and you can't kill a cow for every man who calls for a steak of that. kind. Hum let me seel Broiled red-snapper. Sure It's ral snapper?' 1 . "Yes, sir." "I doubt It. You can easily make Mississippi river buffalo look like red snapper. Urn spring lamb, mint sauce. Old mutton, without a doubt. Waiter!" . "Yes, sir." j "Bring me. some fried liver." Cm cago Tribune. , . : -. - J - Tne Excuse .Went. Magistrate You are , accused of breaking a house, and- Prisoner It was all an accident, jedge. I Jest felt a sort o tired like, an' leaned agin the wall fer a rest, an' it fell in, an' I tumbled through th hole. "Nonsensel The idea of a side of a house falling in with , only a man's weight resting against it." "Please remember, jedge, it wasono of these here suburban houses wot'a put up by contractors by the hundred, and sold on instalments." "Oh! Yon may go," Any one who has children will rejoice w- & Bl Mulf ord' of Plainfield, N. J. liis little boy, five years of age, was sick with croup. For two days and nights he tried various remedies recommended by fnendsland neighbors .4 He says: "I thought sure I would loee him. I had seen Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ad vertised and thought I would try it as a last hops and am happy to say that af ter two doses he alept until morning. I gave it to him next day and a cure was effected. I kept this remedy in the house now and as soon as any of niv children show signs of croup I give it to them and that is ther last of it." 23 and 50 cent bottles for eale by D. D- Jbhn sod, Dnifrpist. ? t "Basto Land, in South Africa, produces aud exports wool wheat and hides. - Buckten'a Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world For rheumatism I have found nothing equal to Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It relieves the fain as soon as applied. J W. Young. West Liberty, W. Va The prompt relief it affords is worth many times the cost. 50 cents. Its continued use will efft ct a permanent cure. 'or sale bv D. D. Johnson, Lruggist. Neglect of the hair often lestrovs its vitality and natuial hue, and causes it to fall out. Before it is too late, apply Oall's Hair Renewer, a sure remedy. . D. Johnson and J, P. Gibson, al- waj sen tne th-si ana latest, ask mem for 'Korean's Chill Tonic, which they will g uarautee superior to all other pre parations. - More- an's Chill Tonic never fails. Is I feasant to take and guaranteed by D. D Johnson and J Gibson. , T sscrjMMA, Ala , June 27, 1893. I very chetirf ully bn&r testimony to the merits of King's lipyal Germetmr, based upon the use of it ia my family for Indigestion, Catarrh and Insomnia, and b myself for Sequalae of Urippe. it is very ple.sant to the taste, improves the appetite, and is exhilirating in its general effoct. A. H. KELL.AR. When Baby was sick,, we gave her Castorfa. When she wa, a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorja. When she had Children, she gave them Castoria.' SPECIAL OFFER For $1.25 WE WILL SEND THE TIMES roaoxaviu, THE ILLUSTRATED HOME QUEST VOn OSTB TEAH, AID Complete Novelettes By POPULAR AUTHORS. : THIS MAN OBEYS ORDERS. A Faithful Servant Who' erer Qifestlons an Order. , There is a man in this town who has a male servant who is more faith' ful than any dog that was ever born. He never questions an order. If the man was to tellhlm to walk down to the foot of Main street and Jump off a dock he would do the walking and the Jumping with a simple and. unques tioning faith. - - The other day a friend of the man's came into his office and asked the man to lend-him his servant for a short time. The friend wanted' a package which he had left at his house. - The package was too , valuable to intrust to a messenger boy, and he was top busy to go after it himself, n The man loaned the servant, 'and his friend gave him , these instructions: "Now, John, I want you to go up to my house and walk right up the front steps. - The door will be open and you go right up stairs. My room Is at the head of the stalra. You go in and you will find a big package on my dresser. That's the package I want, and, if you get back In an hour, 1 will give you a dollar," The male servant listened attentive ly and saidDhat he understood his in structions. He hustled out and in less than an hour returned with the pack age. He was not in very good shape. His face was bruised and his coat was torn. One of his eyes was blackened and . the skin was off the knuckles of his right hand. ; "Holy Moses. John." exclaimed his employer. "What have you been doing?" "Been in a fight," replied John, grimly- . "What were you fighting about?" "Fellow up at that man's house." "With whom?" "Why," said John, in the most matter-of-fact way, "he didn't want me to walk up the front steps. They had Just been painted." - - "Well, why did you walk up them, then?" . John looked reproachfully at his employer, "uicurr. you teu me to go up tne rront steps for that package?" ne asaea. ,. "Yes, but-' "They han't no but about it You told me to go up them front steps, and I went up em. paint or no oaint I had to fight the coachman, but I went UP." :'.. ..,.,, j - "He seems to havd given you a pretty hard fight," ventured the em ployer. "Huhr sniffed John, contemptuous ly, it wasn't a patch on the one the housekeeper and chambermaid gim me." - -: - The man began to get alarmed. "Do you mean to say you fought every- Doay in that nouse?" ne asked, severe ly- . : - "I dunno," replied John; gravely. "I licked the coachman, and the house keeper, and the chambermaid, and the cook. ; lr ey was any one else, I didn't have no truck with them, but," he added, wumphantly, "1 got the package and I done what I was told. and I'll go back and lick the rest of the folks If you say so. Buffalo Express. Historical Inaccnracy Corrected. . "Whs name does the' paleface pris oner g- e sternly asked Powhattan. the w,'itke and powerful Indian chief. "He says," replied one of . the braves, reepeetfullT saluting the ruler or tne triDe, "Ms name Is John Smith." "John Smith!" roared the infuriated chieftain. "Does the paleface chump think he can keep his real name out of the papers by working the John Smith racket on me? Fetch him here) I'll John Smith Mm I Now brain him rata the tomahawk!" It was at this critical moment that Pocahontas, with her heir. In curl pa pers, came rushing out of the family wigwam and saved the prisoner's life Dy marrying him on the spot She thought he was a Vere de vere.-;bi- cago Tribune. A Heavy Speculator. tW M m 2 .Boston miss When I erow an I'm going to get married and have a hus band. Her nuffin. em. 20 We hare arranged with the publisher of the Bosnia Illustrated literary and family momhlv. The ffiS trated Borne Oowt, to furnisa tbis axealtent pubUcatlon in dub with our paper npon thi soeclalfv fiberal terms quotwLaboTe, and we areihnaotoaA offer to each subscriber. Free, a lares and hmiuliryml premium book, entitlea, " Tw'iity JInW Kovelettee by rTpalur Autfco Th Irame newspaper, a year's sabaeription to one of the bejt and most popular literary ano? flunnr pawsVlK Ushed, and rise an attractive and entertaliSnV fiook eoBtainine twenty complete novelettes oytwratVol ssost famous authors of America" KWlInd i3 renVaVtm , THE ElUSTRATED HOME fiUEST llLhr5!Lan1 handsome 16-paee, 4-eohnna itlna S"ff and family paperV" publlshed mVthlT , r Sketch.., Poems, Useful Miscellany, 7 . reo " aod Humproos Department,' lStSySltSJm!in' ntrt'' and Instruct eacb whJwfJ'if circle.lmong the writers HnSJ JKd?f eonstantly appear to Tm iLursnumi 52Ll?'r Mrs. Emma D. E K. SonthwortiL ff?;"."'-'.,lr?.ea. Charlotte M. Braeme. Mrs. Ana s w. fierce, KytoOaHaSynsCo iT?1.0: A "ifrh-etas. publ SiSSsSf w1iJ B;,.b?in5 Howed to enter its and IswMecrtL111' TWEHTY COMPLETE KOYELETTES Syr) Anthr is a large and handsome jok of 19J large donbeoramn octavo pages, nicely Chicago cousin Humph! Zat's I'se going to have a dozen of udge. ; er me You Extenuating Circumstances. There was trouble in the coffee-corn piejuuuea young woman s eye as two policemen escorted her from the alley. "What made you hit .that girl?" ask- ea. one 01 tne omcers. "What made me hit 'er? I had call ter hit 'er. Da's what made hit 'er." "She wasn't doing anything. were maxing an the trouble." "I had er right ter make de trouble, j.as ur taut uav aone made me smasn 'er." "What did sue say?" "She dldn' say nuffin'.- She Jes' sin nivated." "Well," asked the officer Impatiently, wmw, oia ne lnsnnuater " Twas bout ma new spring dress bne none axed me how I got de label onen ae nam cover aat I sewed In fah wee co. Aa yen a smasnea ; er. Washington star - - What is Vaswiui Ma m. aauiuo jl itvavi a I'lcactiptlOIl iqj. 1-r,r and Children. It contains neither Opium, MorpM, JUtS other Narcotic substance. It Is a harmless su;)stitu for Piaregoric, Drops, Soothinff Syrups, and Castor ry? It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' Use , Millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms ana all ? feverishness. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour c a cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. Castoria reliev teething troubles, cures constipation and, flatuleu8 Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates Ihe stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. cas toria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Fricno, Castoria. " Castoria is so wclla.lapt.dtochn, aijyprescripti0, " Castoria la an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children." . Da. Q. C. Ooood, Lowell, Mas. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the reel interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and 'other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graven." -., D&. 3. F. KlNCHKLOS, Conway, Ark. I Allen C. Smith, Pres. The Centaw Company, TT Murray Street, New York Cit Castoria. T a ia j. r-CHixiAiieuu h, as superior lj known to me."" "Our physicians in tho ebiU.-en', d ment have spoken h;Bhly 0 thei ence in their outside priictice t n and although we n.,u. u" l-aait medical supplies what is kuo products, yet we are free to """ v-oaioott nas won us to loot favor upon t." i Ukited Hos'pital AND Disphxj' Bo49n,lUa. i.'.vn r. . cuiifesa tht .v. 4 I! wmw P PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Makes Marvelous Cures in Blood Poison Rheumatism and Scrofula Pimples, Blotches i and Old Sores 3 Catarrh, Malaria 1 . i and Kidney Troubles 3 Are entirely rtmotea by P. P.P. Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potaa- ' slum, the greatest blood purifier on . earth. Abekdeeh, 0.. Jnly 21, 191. Uissrs. Lippman Bros., Savannah, Ga : Dbab Sirs I bouKht a bottle of yonrPrP. P. at Hot Spriugs, Ark. ,and it has' done me moro good than three months' treatment at the Hot Springs Send three bottles C. O. D. Respectfully yonrs, JA8. M. NEWTOV Aberdeen, Brown County, 0. P. P. P. purifies the blood, builds up 'he weak and aebilitated, Rives strength to weakened nerves, expels diseases, giving the patient health and happiness where sickness, gloomy feelings sod lassitude nrst prevailed. For primary.seoondary and tertiary syphilis, for blood poisoning, mercu rlM poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and. In all blood and skin diseases, like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scaid head, boils, erysipelas, eczsma- we may say, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P. is the best blood punr.rr in the world, and makes poslti ' - speedy and permanent cures In all caes. .- Ladieswhoss systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure condi tion, due to menstrual irregularities, are peculiarly benefited by the won derful tonio and blood cleansing prop- ertlesof P. P. P Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. Springfield, V., Aug. 14th, 1893. I can speak in the highest terms of your medicine from my own personal knowledge. I was affected wlch heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 85 years, was treated by the very best 6bystelans aoa spent hundreds of doi irs. tried every known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one Dottle of your P. P. P. , and can cheerfully say it has done me more good than anything I have ever taken. Z can recommend your medicine to all sufferers of the above diseases. KS9. M. M. YE ART, ' f Trinflsia, Green County. Mo. 3 Capt. J. D. Johnston. To all whom it may e mccrn: I here- Cy.teswry to tne wonderiul properties of J. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I EU6red for several years with an un sightly nd disagreeable eruptjun oa my face. 1 tried every known reme dy bat inyvain, until K. P. p. was used, ana am now entireiycureq, (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON Savannah, Ga. "Skin Cawfcr Cured. Testimony from the Mayor of Sc-uin,Ta. Sequin, Tex., January U, ls91 Messrs. Lippmajj Bnos., Savannah, Ga. : Gentlemen I have tried vour P. P. P. for a disease of thekin, usually ks(;wu &m i-aacur.oi tnirty, years' Btanl'P, ana louna Kreat relief: it puriGc:. i he blood and remove? all ir ritation from the seat of the disease sores. I have taken five or six bnttles "C and feel confident that another rourt'e , will etiecc a cere; It has also relieved ms fira indigestion and stomach 1 trouBies. 3 " CAPr. v. M. RUST, Attorney at Law. - 5 mum inn '11 urn n uiii ale m Charlotte, N. C. M ea M Diseases, MM, free. ALL DEUGGISTS SELL IT. L!FPEVA?. BROS. PEOPEIETORS, Uppma3?a Block, SavannahjCa 1 3 3 For by BurweU & Dunn, 'It'sali' A'i-iiK. HEADQUARTERS J5&J2lb Wholesale It A R 31 AT YOEKE Buggies, Wagons, Hacks, WADSWOKTHS Mow Guas & Acids. Modern Inquisition. . afferer I bad a horrible time at the aentirs to-o:ay. oympaiuMMng triend Did he hurt your . - ' - . BHaemr nun i ATer ae got my moiilfh filled with robber he Boaked me with all the jokes In last week's fanny uauors, waica i naa oeen read rt in his recgj-tlon room while waiting my tutu. ixauo. TRET HAVE THE UlfiEST - UD BEST ASSORTED Ml IS "TED M -COS8ISTINO OF iM Goods, Agricultural Implements, tSc, At Be Knew the Kind. Jabbers Oonfonnd it I This letter from my wire begins "My ownest, ueary nuooy. iiaOTera WhT. what's wronsr with mat? . . . TW' all of which wilLl e as any hard ware- can' posfeiuiy 11 c! e- p ii iusc in N ' li II. 1 sore nn1 nM ii ou waft to h m ri-ht THEY'VE OT THE SU M Carolina sasBBJs jabbers That means that in tha nAif avfliivfr THI 'Ami Ma printed in oiesr.boM rsadabl tyw tWtSSn, X Ji SZ . V . and haadom'7 bound in oolorwl aper eoven. rf dollar , Check njfht away. CSHcagO He- I wuuuns, as iw tins mgicawn. nonuy complete novelette : cord. by twenty weH-knovq and popalar anthors, each one of which is intensely IntarMlinr. It eomprises a whole season's delightful readinK, and is by far the lamst and finest collection of comDlete nooelar novelMtea irabUsbed ia a single volnme, the titles of the ever publl twenty eoi as follows complete novelettes contained ia tbis hock we ws : trailer the Dolly Berries. Br Obvious X. 0rMfn The Phantom Wedding-. Br lbs. Kmms ttl.lt Sasthwarth. The Jyirs CVnrn'nsr. Bt Km. Heiity Wand. Haomlilna nil jHfara-nerttea. Br "Th Do- The Headsman of Antwerp." By lln. ana a The Story of n HJ. By Un. M. txmm n mi hi a, . Old nndderftard Mall. . By MIm M. B. lllnnehe of itoanllea. By Aienn-iw rmu, , A Tale or Three Lions. Bt h. Kkter Bgsarf, A Drnna In ths All.. B. JalM Vim. The gtorr ot Helen. 4m4s U. Dnnita. The Vaotittn or tfae PoUhStar. Br a. Pr7ie. The RIIor Recret. "TKrt 3ma. Anttn, The nuel la Heme IVooA. Br WUto Collins, The Heiress of Whitsoa Granaw. Br II. CWdor. . Mom Vitro. Bt Manr x M1 he Blneksmlth'H Bancrhtcru ByKtlsW. Tire. -.lie Aewlpter or Noflenn. Br StItuh Cobh, Jr. The teniae DUmanrti. iw nary A. DuiMa. AilKf ft BaU. Br tuaa Onrlin wi, A Herald or the Infant Year. Clip the last thirty years or more from the centnry, and the segment will j-epre-ent the term of the nhbonnded popn larity of Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters The opening of the year J895 will be lig. nalized by the appearance ot a f refh Almanac of the Bitters, in which tie iTwuu aiau acuon of tins world. TrZXT t?SL-- .T..-11 Wdiy set t Tuuuy auoaia reaa it. Th fLAl calculaUons "rocnureare alwavs astanish.ngjy arnrate. and the aUtl-rS? lucstrations, humor and otiir rT, I WANT YOUR - TRADE. I expect to sell you yon Rlftltflmnh in n,.. Th.m.Vii V; reBl na la of profit Xhe Hostetter Company, of PitiwTw Pa . publish it thorll ' f rtwbursh, PLCA0E REMEMBER mi Ploy more than strhand, tn tWl em chanlcal work, and rrT.L,?the, me" ' are consumed in tnr nfa ih.i up urad Thx THHi (w one vear. The TII11. AD wo.. .u 00Tm,n 1-7) trated H.m 1 O.iwt for one iar, awd the book brmes. Bores. Ulcerp. Salt Khenm, e- ' Twnt.v comuiete NaveiHe 1,- fr&i'fa Ath TTprftorps Tetter Channed Hands. Chil- f post-paid by inuii upon recHoi f i )y c 1 x er oores, Aer .""WSr." Thia offer ar.plies l.otb to new Mtwr-riberJan3' & blainn. Corns, and all Sam .Eruptions, nPWH)!t, Kvery lovt-r oi briarnt Uii fascinatr and ruiively cures es or no payre J-f.. TAttSFt quired. It IS gtiaranteea tO RlVe per- , re.i,,w may be e. o at tHi i.fflee. Add.es teat KattrxeUon or money reiunaea. : j ienere, preparation. feet satiRaction or jj Price -ZCc d box. jcer. For ealebj P. B. J "u more than ' .V. T 1.11 . -"nujuni 1U US ' it Anil ho nl.ni 3 - . ons mat. nf ll a - """eu, wun- iah trJu j nVr8h NwwAcian, 8 wed Hb HoUftnf1ohemianSpani"h. Ll'lt health Hd's 'Concord, . aren; blo-d and THE TIMES. FURNITURE, PIANOS, AND ORGANS, if New Stvles, Fine Work an 3 Low Prices count for aiiyin"' you think it foolish to pay $ 17.50 or $20 00 for an Oak B'-ir-when you can bay a better one from me in OAK for ?i ! ( wine to pay $30 00 for a Parlor Shit to tn dealer. h"i ' a better one from me for $2?.5Q ? I can -ffer yon ,tli' s all grades and styles of Furniture. THE L VK F, i S i1 you TO CaOOSE FRO M ever. dipl'yl ief nb. PIANOS AND ORG-ANS! Every iostrnmnt 1 offr is Kfri-tly tirst-liiss and U. fill' v l.'" ,: Write f'-r caUi ue.H, prion's ami t -rtnt F r i'!Ir't "! off.-f a ,s4?3 PI 1NU at f3?-5 t Itav.i .i'-r p ei.tl bargHiu3 us I have bfver been al'e ft -r I pt.v rr. irdt inttrnmen?,i, aud fu nili fine t ac-irf uvA iiisiini -i' . -E3. M. ANBRSWS , Furniture, Pi it' a i 'Mi.' d 8 3 v CHAKL'

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