1 "! i ) i The Concord Times!' JUISKED EVERY, THURSDAY . " '- AT ' CONCORDN. C. Dv JOHN B". SHERRH-U, ' Editor and Proprietor, Senator Sherman will offer an amend ": wsonf'tn: tlif roolincr bill, which,' if : adopted, win result in greatly reducin : slcenins: car fares.; The idqfcis to put Sleeping ear companies 1 under ; the con trol of the inter state - commerce com- ' "mission. We -trust that something may be-done .-"which will result in reducing -lhe'high and uneven fares on these cars. Always- excepting . the greedy n..nn)rMJ(K - nnrl ' . li n nrvommodatinar . 1 'a- ' r..Wrf Southern Express Company, a thousand of the souls ol wnicneouiu De couiaww in the hide of. a flea'and leave room . to ' svisre, the TuUman Car Company is the rmst conscienceless corporation kaow.' .: we . It is interesting . and .refreshing to know thatexcongressman Breckinridge ismet-tinETwith a cold reception every- his lecturing tour. At Terra . 'Haute Ind.. last week there were -only 40 persona out to hear him. Nearly all the befit" people shun him and refuse to lend respectably to hibernal! audiences. : Tho . riMint.rv has not eone to" the bad - - Kailroa'U Conxialasloa's Report. - Raleigh. De. 24. rThe annual rc- ' rort of -the railroad commission appear ed to-dav. : It ; is" a big volume-442 pages, land is, 'exactly prepared. Your ftont hits from lime to time fiven you most of its salient features, - including the letter of the commission to the- Governor, the earnings of the raiirc-alls, etc.". The -report as to-steamers shows that there are eighteen plying in t tho waters' of this ' btate : also some , ' canal etcamers. There are twelve tele graph companies exclusive of the West- crn Union and tne Total. uhese are the C::nha''e, Pitttboro, Louibburg, 2sorfolk- & Southern, Unitet1, Cleveland ' Fnrin'is. """Carolina Postal, Oakridge '& Stokdale, Elizabeth City & Norfolk Lencr.r & Blowing Hock, . Swepsonvillc & Atlantic'.-. The; Atlantic. Coast. line - Ra'.lr.-iad lus 7o mile?, 1he Southern jl,075, the Seaboard Air Line 107,- mis 'ccil.uicous reads l,lSt ; total 3,582. The 'capital etoik of tne evstem'. of railuosius. is jonows , ivtianuc cojist Line J4)r3rv.).72o ; SH th-rn $10,848,124; bea board- Air jjne r4,4il 4,bb0 : miseel- J4A,lfcS. , -The funded debts are : At -lantia Coaft Lir.e ik0.O2O,27S; Southern ''i?14.SCl,20G.': Soubuard Air Line $5r 4 )3.t0 : miBCtilftiuorrs-f lb2,:G; tOt'll - Sil.-frG.&MX The ca)ital eick . per miler-ifuns all the way - from l Roanoke "and Tar River, to ; 3 of the 1,2,39 on bt variep . the Piedmont. - The fundt-d di from 2,70 jicr mile on .the Chester t ' - Lenoir to $;Jc5r01-t on the Seaboard; & Roanoke. , I .In the way of . . accidents 5 persons . tyrore killed and S3 injured on the At: lanticfCoast Line system ; 29 and 189 respe ctiyely on? tne Southern ; , l5--and lid ca the Seafcwrd Air Line, and G and S. on miscellaneous roads, making . a total r.t 59 killed during ; the year. The North : Carolina division of the' Southern led with 15 killed -and 83 in Otier Wasliiafftofi motes. -' WAsirrsGTOX, Dec. ai, 1S94. ' r Prident Cleveland is the only man : who has the' authority to call an extra session of Congress,, but that- little aetr impcji-limt as it "iuippeiis to be'is being overloc)keti by those who have relieved the President of all trouble in the mat . ter f.n l assumed; his authority without eveA saying;, by ybv?, leaver sir and who a:re now busy arranging alLthe do tails jof ih6 -extra- session. President Cleveland bus not said that he would call an extra session , but . both he ' and Secretary Carlisle sometime. ago pointed 6ut ' to leading : .Democrats ' that some sort qi relief must soon be had for tXie. Treasury, a Ad that if : this Congress failed to provide it's 'riecessity might .comjl the calling of 'an- extra' session. The situation has hot; changed n ot ; changed . . The callirfgf ,of an eXtra . session- depends largelyvupoh the action'or nofi-action of the Democrats in the present - Congress. Thq Republican.eaders'.woukl. regard th calling of 'an -extra; session of Con gress 'as a great misfortune ; for their partyjralthOugh -some jf thp'sniiull fry are - fjvaggoring around, talking! about "whnit we'd do." The" leaders know that just as soon as a financial bill is re- ported to the Rppublie-.m House, a situ atio;ir;not widely differing from that ex f isting in' tho-present House will at once ir - be developed; that the financial differ (' ences-areiuite as: marked in their own as intbe I)emo.crp;tic party; hence their ff. dread of -an o-xtra.session the year be ' :i fore aPresidehtiatcampaign.. ' I: Although a'-large . proportion - of the ;f:..'yrncra(af'memler8.ci the House halve f: return el to Washington; there is -noth- S. . -..msj an sight i'iOii which to predict with. 1.- Any uoree;of certainty "whtft will be J - : doaewith the; Carlisle currency reform r b.' In .order that there might be no hiisunder;standtng.ind that every Dem- ucauc. mem oer, might teel at iiberty .to. - propose amendments,: President Cleve v -land has allowed it to be; jjerfectly un derstood, thatrhe is riot wedded to an V ..' particular xlan of currency reform, but is ready to jojn-bnds with the Demo- ): crats': in Congress,.- upon any plan that can bo agi-ecti upon. ; yhen the llouso meets . ednesday the discussion of the Carlisle bill will be resumed and con i tinued for 1 the rest of this week. - Further than that , no definite pro gcamrae. has been arranged. It is ex pectsd'' that a - Democralic -'Caucus to consider the .'bill and projosed .'amend- ments will be called this week andhat something will be decided upon. 4k - A shipment, of 50, 0001 ushels of corn ' . recently, frbui tAkbama tcT Illinois and ;-'.-: Iowaarks a'ne.w era in internal' com f r mercer - Shipmeats of this cereal .have jv - been jliifhertt) in the opposite direction, i:-But .then, reversing the old order of ;r- things' is constantly occurring in this I ' daynd'genera'tion. ; The South has a future; that ia gilded with promise. ; Its ' weaithrpToducifig resources' 'are- inex . haustible when intelligently developed. . ' A man is never too old to marry, it seeros - A colored occupant of the . Mecklenburg County Home, aged 91 years- was in Charlotte Christmas - soliciting fun;3s to procure the - license and other necessaries for his marriage on New Year's, The News - - savs he f '', secured about $2 in siLver and two ? dozen oranges, and that the marriage has really been arranged for, ' . ; , dFl'EE SESTATOK RAKSOM.'S BEAT. Still FigUtingr Ove ratronag. Hunting l'ajrty ltackMrs. Cleveland Not .Coins Out Much. Other ToUlts . .... - - ' ': or Interest. - 7 -i Washington; uec. u. v fRiaxd waa such a fight made for the receivership of the First National Bank of Wilmington by Judge Allen's friends that the Comptroller told me Senator Ransom pleaded for Mr. Ricaud as if the appointment was a state issue. The Comptroller said that Judge Allen was his choice, but . I -assume that for the next two months senator.- Kansom win control' the .patronage in Ivorth Caro Una. Judge Allen's friends made the mistake of having Senator Jarvis pre: sent his claims to the Comptroller. it is really a very small matter and Judge Allen was not particularly anxious about it.:- In fact, he could not have Tainted it but for the facV.thafche-.was a l , , . , 1ate yaterloo in'Xorth' Carolina Hon. Thomas Settle and party have returned from their Christmas hunt in North Carolina. Tie says the, settle-, nlent f the public --.printing question at Raleigh will largely determine the long term in the Senate. If Marion But ler's paper gets the printing he will not e-et the lonsr term. ! There is a free fight for all on the short term. I think Mr. Settle is mistaken.1 Governor Carr told me last week that nothing short: of death wonld keep Marion ; Butler out of Senator Hansom's Eeat in the United States Senate. - - - Mrs. Cleveland will not go out much this winter for good and sufficient rea sons of her own with whicn the public has nothing to do. - 1 - John Burns, M. P., the famous labor leader, is in this rity. There will certainly be an extra ses sion ofCongress unless a satisfactory financial bill is passed. .' " v Mrs. Blame has sold her house nere .. - . : 1. on . lai1 aveue square, iv magmuucMi theatre will bo erected ;on it. General W. P." Roberts, Consul Gen eral to Victoria, is hereon thn-ty days leave. . . - .. .-. :,. - Col. A. B. Andrews, foremost among the ablest anu most useiui citizens oi the South, has been re-elected President of the Virginia Midland.- I wish ..lit was President of the entire Southern Railroad system. I contend he -has done as much for the material develop ment of the section south of Mason- and Dixon's Line as far as Atlanta as any mnn in that imt of the country. He is venr 'modest about it. but like a sen sible gentleman he makes his work pay him as he goes along. . - . . - Another Tarheel of the &irae stripe -is ex-Governor Thomas M. Holt, who, witn every ' one of y his progressive brothers-are men of a calibre" the entire Smith oucrht to be proud 'to honor. When such men arc put to the front, the whistle of locomotives, the whirl of machinery, the influx of money, the nnrm-tiflp of a itprmanent nrosueritv. w ill take the plat of cross road poli- tic -five cent cotton,' and blatant paid campaign orators who have no practice to keep them at home and who ride on free' Tmeses ' over tne countnT or on tickets botrarht with "campaign money got rom contributions of hard-working honest Democrats, Tammany or Sugar Trusts. In the future I hoj)e ' there will be more men like Tom Holt,- Alex Andrews, Jule Carr, the lu-ieses of Salem, ". the Hane's of H inston, tlie George Aliens ?of New Bern; men like D, A. 'Tompkins of Charlotte and a, .hundred others I might mention some where on ileck when the: Bemocratic fSjip of State mils triumphant between tae dangerous Scyua of lia.dicalism and theawning .monster Of Popocracy into an open Sea of- Victory. r - iv- ; . Jospphus-, Daniels js . respchsible for the "following : Olrr-Yu,. the - Chinese Minister,' is one of - the most' solemn looking men. ' He seems to have edu-. cated himself out of all human emotion. A few days ago the newspapers printed a story to the effect tfiSfr-CtoloEelx)cnby, our Minister at Pekin, had telegraphed to the State Department that he and all the : foreigners" were in danger of being massacred Jty the Chinese. Mr. Yu went to the State Department . and aske4 Secretary Gresharn if Col. Denby had, Megraphed anysucli alarming re port,!. Mr. Gresham entered a general denial -said the department had no sach cbrhmunication from PeMn! jiXr.' Yu wanted to knpw how it was that'the nevspJapers " published such a report then: r The Secretary tried to. explain without being hard on the newspapers'. Mr; Yu has not much command of the English language.- - He has been x.ac ticing for. a couple of years, but bis vo cabulary is very limited. After hearing the Secretary's r explanation, still look ing as solemn as an owl, he said, look ing the Secretary square in the eye : "Just lie?" ' 4 The Secretary nodded. ' " , i "Make velly good missiona Ires, 'said Mr. Yu- as he bowed himself but. I . The Status of Kutherf or A College. - . Prof, - W. E. Abernethy has been elected president of Rutherford College. The spring, term of the institution will begin on January "2nd. '.The jjrosptx'ts for this old school are indeed bright. , A few days before Dr. Abernethy 's death, on November 27, a prominent . baBker of Gaston counjty raade a proposition to pay the debt xn the college and start' it but on good footing.. : It is not;f knowrii wlat he will do now, but the friends of thO institution hope- he will carry out his original proposition.; -; ':v--5 vv :.- s Two years ago, it will l remembered, the college building was burned, con suming everything: " Since - thati time the college has had - an uphill pulft Trinity College tried to buy .the. college? but failed ; the 'Baptist's tried to wi, it but,meta'like Jatet und the ;EWf palians tried to scoop it, : but the thing remains iirm'yet. A balance of $1,300 remains, to be paid on the original debt of &o,500 incurred in constructing the new building. A mortgage is held , by Elliot Bros., on the institution, and Will be foreclosed '6n June 1st, unless the debt is paid. It now - seems that the college will be on good footing before that time and will go a way of its' own. Prof. Abernethy says he will put forth every effort to make -the school "first class in every "respect. - He expects" to start,-out and then "dea good' deal of advertising throughout the country. There are already 125 there,' everyone of whom will remain. -' : - ' - ' Notable Events of 1891. - Some of the most' notable events of 1894f now gone into history are: Tne Chino-Japanese War. ;: ; Assassination of President Carnot. '" Projected Currency Reform in Amer; Overthrow of Tammany Hall. . . American Tariff Legislation. " . Debs' Sympathetic'Strike. Birth of the Hawaii, Republic. -" The Commonweal 3fovement. Defeat of the Democracy. , Death of the Czar. ' . ! - - . 1 A Dyphtheria Cure discovered. A'.- In two years in North Carolina there i were 12o tnals in the courts for murder, and there:were buf three hangings. : It is said that Senator Kansom". and Mr. -Thomas Ransom, of Asheville, will open a law office at Jackson,' Northamp ton county, with a branch at Weldon.- ' Despite all the talk about the - United States Benatorships, the bulk of people who will talk adhere to . their original . belief that But'er and Pritchard will be the prize-winners. -.-,!- lue contract for bmlcunar the monu ment over 'the grave of the late Col. L. L.'Polk, the Alliance leader, has been let to I. W. Durham. -The price is $2, oOU., it will be erected over the grave at Oakwood cemetery, m - ' The Statesville Landmark " has' it "straight" that Messrs. Sharpe and Mor row, the Republican Senator and Rep resentative from Iredell,! wilf not vote for Dr -Mott for -United i States Senator in the caucus, "but are pledged to . vote for Mr. A. E. Holton." . r . . The Daily Caucasian, which will ap pear January bth,- has eeoured the ser vices of Mr. CV Thomas i Bailey as local editor. Mr.. Marion Butler will be editor- in-chief of the new paper, and Rev. Bay lus Cade once editor of the Progressive Farmer, will be associate editor. ' - , r 1 here is already a good deal of sur mising as to who will succed Mr. Mason as railroad commissioner. The friends of4 Colonel L. C. Edwards, a prominent Republican of Oxford, are strongly -urg ing his claims, and say there will bo a strong fight in his behalf. Notice has been given that the Legis lature will be petitioned to change the' charter . of the .town of Salisbury .The Salisbury Herald says it does notknow that changes are to be madeiior what it is hoped to accomplished" ; jthat the only way to make the town Republican is to import more voters. The colony of ,Waldenses from the ..-... - - y. - , Alps, which settled in Burke county last year and which has attracted so much attention all over the country, has held, its Iiands in common until re cently It has abandoned this plan and. novr JioM8 them in severalty. It is thought this will be better for. the colon ists. The latter, owing to their igno rance of farming,- have been in straits, but have been liberally aided and are now aboye immediate want A special to the XJreenvile' Reflector says -Chat -at Tarboro on the night of the 26th, at a Christmas tree Mr. ; Luther Bryan had a narrow escape from being burned to death. He I was dressed in cotton, acting as Santa Claus, and while walking near, the .tree his suit caught on nre, the name going over him' like a flash. . Parties rushed to his assistance and by keeping the fire from his mouth saved his life. When turned loose he could not stand alone, llis burns are very severe. - . .. i Ihe Populist, candidate for treasurer of Cleveland county had 10 majority on tne face of the returns. The returning board threw out one precinct on account of gross irregularities and this gave the otiice to the Democrat. The Populist has instituted suit for the possession -of the office and . the casej will be tried at the next term of Cleveland Superior Court. It is understood that the Popu list candidate for clerkL whose case is similar : to that of the candidate ; for treasurer, will also bring suit. . . The year now drawing to an end rinas tue people i JNorth Carolina in a bettcr.condition financially and mater; ially than they have been immany years. The small crops of what, oats, rye and barley were more than 'an average crop in quality. and considerably, more in quantity. The only deprivation to the people was their iruit crop, which was totally destroyed by the frost in April last. This was a serious loss to very many farmers who market their fruit and procure enough money from . it to pay current expenses and tcr purchase such necessities as they do not-raise. The blackberries and the huckleberries escaped the frost, and! their sale fur nished a small amount of money ' to very-many people at a lime when it was .prcssingly needed. , ' ' At one of the hotels j in Raleigh last Wednesday morning aljxmt 11 tj'clock a Mrl Yarbrough was found dead iii his room. He was a native of North Caro lina, but- was li ving in 0hio about eight years ago, when he killed ' a man, and was tried for his life. He was convicted of man slaughter and sentenced to life imprisonment.' Soonjafter he attempted to committ suicide, anddiis life was barely saved. ' Last ye ir a strong peti tion was sent to thel Governor of (Ohio from this State for -his , pardon, and it Was granted, and , Yarl rough returned to North Carolina. lie ha4 been drink ing hard some days. A, friencT left him, and returning an hour later,1 found him dead from suffocation, his head being buried '-- in a pillow. The Yarbrough family 'is a prominenf;' one in North Carolina.-.: ' . - .THE KENOWNEDi CHEMIST. XV. Il.fJorse, M, J) F. IS. S- Sc., Also Editor of the WestSeld LcadcCof New Jersey. .." Prof. ,Morse, who is also author, of a medical work entitled "NewTherapeuti calAgents," writes: Perki-na, manufac tured by The Pe-ru-na Drug M anuf ac turing ; Company of Columbus, Ohio, has commended itself to Medical men and their patients as a specific , for la grippe and its sequals: It fully approves itself for this purpose, a nd is remedial for all bronchial troubles. Its action is both local and constitutional, and it is entirely harmless. Thd distinction ac- At? " bf1ngS l rmedy of which" We - know., PROF. W. H. MORSE, Westfield, N. J., Dacj. 29, 1892. - No matter at whakpart of the mucous membrane the irritationl of acute catarrh is located, Pe-ru-na is tb'e only remedy thaf will .under all circuim stances, effect a cure.- In acute -catarrh Yhe dose t)f Pe-ru-na - is a teaspoonful every two hours during the day, yhich wilt- -invariably effect a cure in fi;om seven toin days.; ' In chronic Catarrh Pe-runa should be taken, a teaspoonful before each meal and at ' bedtime. This dose should be ' gradually increased to two tablespoonfuls . at each dose. If not cured by end of one' month write Dtt Ha'rtmanr, ' Answer free. . t . 'Every .one should halve a Tree copy of the latest- book on catarrh. Sent free to anjr: address by! The Pe-ru-na Drug Manuf actunng Company, of Co lumbus, Uhio. Five-cent cotton, after all, may turn ou.t to prove somewhat 6f a blessing to the South. Certainly i(; will, if, as now seems possible, it results in largely in creasing the number of i cotton mills in that portion of . th country. "Some of the best informed manufacturers of New England are inclined to believe that such may be the result of the pres ent low price of the -southern staple. ' STATE NEYTS. CENRAt NEWS. The underground railway; which it is proposed to construct in New York will cost $ 66,000,000. -. - Governor Turney will contest the elec tion of Henry Clay Evans to the gover norship of Tennessee. - The new mayor and other recently. elected ofScials of New York city took posession of their offices Tuesday. v Congress has passed a bill establishing k national military park at the- battle field of Shiloh. The bill needs only the approval of President Cleveland." ... - Of wer 5,000,000 children in elemen: tary schools in England, only 800,000 pay for their schooling, and of these 500,000 pay no more ,than a penny a day.- ' . ' The Pope says no Catholic can be an Odd Fellow, a Knight of Pythias, , or a Son of Temperance and retain member ship in J the church. He declared against Masons years ago. The snowfall in the vicinity of Sis- sons, tJal., during the last rive days measures ninety-six inches. The rail roads are blockaded and many small v..:i j: i n j , . , ........ s Ex-SeK3ttor J. G. Fair, of Nevada, died last Saturday night of diabetes and Bright's disease. He leaver's. : fortune of forty million doliarswhich is be queathed to his threp ehildren: in ; equal parts. , A New Yctrtc boy, whose income was only four dollars a week, recently mar ried a girl of sixteen. ' The youthful husband is now a prisoner, held, upon hisown confession that he had "stolen seventy-five dollars from his employer to enable him to support his wife. : - . Hypnotism has played an important rt in a murder trial in Kansas. The part in a murder trial in Kansas. The man who confessed that he committed the crime waa acquitted, while the man under whose influence he claimed to have acted was convicted of murder in the first degree. ' - , Paul,- aged, - 5, Chas. M.j . aged 12, ' . -:('- . . - . Ix)t, aged 10, and Lizzie, aged 2, all children of Jacob K. Levan, , of Oley, ra., lied within the past 24 hours of diphtheria. Ada, aged 6, was buried on tsaturday. two other "children are seriously ill and their death is expected. The typewriter -is being ; introduced everywhere except in London. " Some of the old conservative banks and ; mer cantile firms in London will not read a type-written letter, sometime 'returning it to their sender with a curt note an nouncing it to be their rule not to re ceive machine written communications, The new city .directory; gives the population of Atlanta as 108;644. This count was obtained by a house to house canvass. Ten years ago the city 8 population was 56,So7. In a decade it has practically doubled. L.; the present rate of increase keeps up, the city will have 2UO,uuo population in about nine years. - - " ,. The Board of , Education." at Flint, Mich., will not employ any teacher or janitor who is either the father or mother or sister, ton or daughter of any member of the Board of Trustees. Even the nephews or nieces, or any person bearing such relationship to the-wife of any member of the Board of Trustees, are deparred from appointments, Jvm view of the great destitution re ported from Nebraska because of the almost total ' loss of the corn crop, the main crop of the State, which, accord- toithe United States Agricultural De partment, averaged this year only; six bushels to the acre, for the entire State, the Manufacturers' Record, of Balti suggests that a solid train 1 of corn and meat .be contributed by the South and shipped to Nebraska. ' Qn and after Tuesday, January 1st, no JNew- 101k official can ndc on any street car," or any. railroad without' pay ing the fare the same as any. ordinary individual does. Nor can he use, free of;Cost, any telephone or telegraph line. The new Constitution, Art.; 13, Sec. 5, expressly prohibits public officials from .accepting free transportation, or the free use of the telegraph or telephone linis. - i The further the investigation goes into the working of the cijy government of New York the more astounding is the amount of corruption that is devel oped. Th police captains are begin ning to tell the truth. Captain Cree- den, who was a soldier in 1861-65, and has always had a good reputation, has 5 n onfessed," after first - denying that he paid f 15;000 for lus positio with the understanding that the money go into the hands of Commissioner Van Voorhies, and with the further under standing that " he should bo allowed to reimburse himself by levying a sort of indiscriminate blackmail on keepers of saloons, houses 01 ill lame, etc. llis explanation of his course is that he had despaired of promotion from his ser-. geancy on the score of merit, and saw no other chance of securing his ad vancement except my means of bribery There-seems to be no end to the ras cahties. f " A game 01 loot Dan was riiayed in the snow at Charlotte last ' Friday be-1 tween the Columbia and Charlotte teams. Quite a number from Concord went over to see it. The game stood 30 to 0-in favor of Charlotte, r ; Harper's Bazar. IN 1895 Elegant and exclusive designs fcr Oht-door and In-door Toilettes, drawn from Worth models by Sandoz and CIuloiiih. are an Imnortant ffHtnr. These appear everv week, accompanied by minute iit-M.-ripiiui!n niiu ueiuiiK. vur j-urig .iviter, uy Katharine de Forest, is a weekly transcript or the latest style j and capnees In the mode. Uuder the bead of New York Fashions, plain directions and full particulars art- glvtn as -to shapes, fabrics trimaiinea. and accensories of the costumes ol well-dresaed women. Children's Clothlnir receives practical attention. Afortnlgbtly- Pattern-Sheet Supplement enables readers to cut, and make their own row 11 8. The woman who takes HAHPER'S BAZA K is prepared for every occasion In life cer emonious or informal, where beautiful dress is re miiNite. - - . . . . . An American Serial, Doctor Warrick's Daugh ters, by llebeeca Harding Davis, a strong novel of partly in the far, south , will occupy tue last halt of the rear. . , . . . Mvl.-idw Tffihnrtv. An intensely, excitin novel by Maarten Maartcna, iUlhor of:"od's Fool," "Thajbreater Ulory," etc., will begin tfieyear, Ajwsidh and Social Chats To cbta department SiwcAator will contribute h' tor will contribute her charming papers oi What iie are Uoinc"in New York Socmty AnswersM.0 Correspondents. Questi-joa receive ttention of the editor, and are an- the personal swered at the rliest possible aate.aiter tneir rer ceipt. Send for Illuvstrited Prospectus. The Volnmo Af io DiR hpn-In with the first Number lor Jan uary oi eacHLyear. ! When no tuno is mentioned, 8ubSGription8?iill, bteRia with -the dumber current at the time I receiptor order.- L.'luth Cases for eacij volume Suitable lor binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid. Binirecipt of tl.lM each.' Title pace and index sentwn application. Kemittanoes should be raade by jKost-olHce Mon ey Oodtr or Draft, to avoid chance oV l38- - Newspapers are not to copy this advert!3emcrit without the express order ol HarperVt Brothers. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Harper's Magazine one yeW $4-00 Harper's Weekly, , - - .'l 4 00 Harper's Bazar, ' 4.00 Harper's Young People, . a2.00 Postftge Free to all subscribers in "tJ leUirited ,. - btates, Cunada andliexico.- Address HARPEB& BROTE EES, ; P. O. Box 959, W. f. City. rSife NOTES ANT" COMMENTS. ' "Divorces while you wait: only $50, is the advertisement oi a Fargo, N. D it attorney. - Henpecked husbands-are njp longer entitled to sympathy. v ' : ' j i Senator Butler makes the startling adj mission that he did not discover that the South Carolina .election laws wer bad until he was beaten. Egypt will have to stop cotton raisinfe if the low prices of cotton continues. Grover Cleveland . and the Democratic party are not to blame for the low price of cotton. There are other causes, j Thp Egyptian farmer cannot pay the tax o his land withxsotton at present pnuea Whfln Rnhort Ixmia Stevenson wait last in New" York the society people cf the 400 circle took charge of him, an he was bored to death , by a crowd of brainless fopa and a number 'of silly women wha vainly tried, to'talk up t him. The result was that he went away with a distaste for New York society and ever afterward he made it a poin to shun Americans. , . y ... . The Speaker of the " South Carolin House who, despite the objection of a; ilMnannered member, declared 'unan imously" earned a resolution extencun; President Cleveland the privilege of tfr woull floor, did right. The man deny such a courtesy to a President of the United States, whatever his political " ... - - . . . m . 1 deserves to be ranked as a cipher eveiji in a Soath Carolina Legislature". Coul rier-Journal. . - A Murderer Lynched. .-1 North Carolina has had another blot placed upon her fair name by the wqrk of an angry" mob of lynchers. ' Ajt THalin.. T?n fort county, on .ChristmaiB evening, James ; F. BergeropL unprovoked, brutally murdered JarrieJ Watson, a constable, who arrested him for assault with deadly ' weaponL Bergeron " was ' tried and held under guard of four men to be taken to Wasbj ington jail' Thursday. Wednesday at midnight senty-five masked men - took Bergeon from ?the guard, hung him tp a tree a half mile away riddled his bodjjr and left it hanging till midday inura- day. , , Couffh ! Cough ! I It's the hacking cough tliat often etyis in tne most senous uuuuic. stops the' cough at once by removing the cause, and thus prevents the trouble. Put two teaspoonfuls of this good old remedv in a small cup of molasses, take teaspoonful often,' and your cough will quickly cease. Sold every where. You now get double the quantity of Fain-Killer for j the same old price. I Perry Daris & Son, Providence, R. I. THE LOWE CD To wind np the vear -wit a rush we nave put tne - v.:' .. - ' '.:.'. is'- ' "-: .?:' in the MIDDLE OF PRICES and letting our stock dwindle down 4s rapidly as possible, i - '-'-' - . . . ' . - . . - li. . . the. : :nisrai' u tnat juu WJ!i is maEinsr now causes a flurry all oyer town. Competitors can't understand why Lowe cut prices so badly, but here Lowe does not cat prices. He only.buys his stuu 1 OHBAPi puts a small pre fit on it and lets it BOLL OUT BY THE LOAI wo aon't nave to acta on to casn but- cio cAua Mivxik tiu iieiu iuaa.a ill) iur j-i x i. ! bd accounts that your neighbors fail to pay.-- We mark everything . y THE -:- LOWEST! ana -ion i nave to nave some one squeeze us down on prices. Our cut prices on Clothing the I Nice," 'New, Clean, StdcKe we handle that we bought at auction it our own price is causing a flurry all oyer town, and when people look all our uouse ana can 1 una a smgie piece of trash they think some one badly mis taken when we sell tne ' " j tianasomest :-: uiotning in townior so-ronch less money than any one else. They r say at , once, ' thought you sold trash but I find it a mistaken ; ... , : j . You always find Lowe's prices at thfe bottom : witnout. Having to be frce down. v. . . 1 We lead as you can plainly see aj others are obliged to fall in line anfl follow. THE LOWE CO OaG 1 CL 0 THING Stanly County News-"" Albemarle News. f Miss Bessie Freeman, Nvho- has been teaching near CottonvUle. is at home thi week. -,-"'-. ' : Miss Nanny Freeman retunaea nome from the State JNormat -LGceensboro for Christmas,- Miss Carrie Pemberton,- wno uaa been teaching music in the Academy at I Zeb N. a, came home lor wurwiuw Another big piece of gold weigmng ttt rmnvwei2hts was louna ai ujc f Crawford (formerly the Ingram) Gold Mine in .this county lasi . n Messrs Daniel P. Kirk - "and-- Calvm I ShankslQ were the lucky linders. J.nev fpund.in all 232 dwt. the same day. - The loiiowing marriagtsB xio curred. in tliis couuty since our iasj issue : - Mr: James Thompson and Miss Eliza J. Bowers, Mr. Joseph E. Russell and Miss Sarah I. Vanhoy, Mr. Ander son Watkins and - Miss Mabel Rush, Mr. J. C. Furr and Miss C. !. Morton, Mr. J. A. Hinson and Kiss barah A. Huneycutt. Mr W. II. Wilhoit and Miss Ada Elalock. , -Mr. William Wilhoit, of Anson- ville, was married last week to Miss Ada Blalock, daughter. of Mr." M. E. B aloek: of Norwood. A big reception was tendered them at the home of the groom. xrh kit little cirl waa one month oid, slw had a scab form oa her faco, It kept PaS root, men sub ua. v i, mntiiM olil she did not woich seven j-onnrts. a pound and a nail less man k.i un m. Then her slS started to dry op and g&t bo bat! Ue could t... tA cimri. hut lav with them lie could half onen. About this time, r r-eJ "fing th- CtrriOTJBA EHJtKDlw, and in one w."sm SerS oTit ZZ huJre I JUarM, the Coxiccw bill was not more tnaa jtre ut. . j -V'.Vl is now strong, hcftltby, aad large any child of her ajra tsee photo., and it i all owing , 632 Walker St., Milwaukee, Wia. Sold thronghont ftc world .PrBBnB Asrr Moo Skin. Scalp, a.d 3alr, maU f re.. ciioi falHri2hair. atid ted, rough hand, prevented and ured bjCn-ienra feoap. -WOMEN. .FULL'- OF;. PAINS- Find In Ontimr Anti-P1n P lat ter instant and grateful " is the first and only pain-kaUas BtrengUiening piaster. .; . i . IS One entire stofe formerly occu pied by Morrison. Lentz & Co., just. Deiow me cacKei iuii oi i i i . ii . ti' .1 .i 1V-11 CHRISTMAS :-: GQODS, For the fifth,time since we open ed our $274stock of goods seven vears ago, we have been com pelled to , nave room to accom modate our ever increasing bus mess. ' - , " We have opened up our US 5! i i in the room just below Racket -i . i - -- ji'. 1 --- t - I iormeriv occupiea dv iviomson Lentz & Co. - - We have in a BEAUTIFUL LINE ! OF which' is much cheaper than ever .China Cups and Saucers at 5c up, China Muss 4c up. China F ares fic nti I -, ' . T -r 1,800 Dolls lc and up. Did you ever see a We have a true- model of the cruiser ; -City of Hexyi York," 36 inches long, price $1.25. . COME AND SEE IT! We have.a fine assortment oi " FLINT STICK .CANDY, at 7Vzz per pound. - Nuts at lQc &c. Story Books lc up to valuable1 sets at 25c on the dollar. -. Dj.BOSTlkN.:v Notice fo Supervisory Rosa Overseers : ;: j: and Road Hands. Whereas,! complaint has been made to the Boaid that the Supervisors, Over seers and Road Hands - of the several townshins of tha county have in' some instances neglected their 4uty, notice is I . I hereby eiven to all each rereona 'who neglect their road duty that they , will I be prosecuted. ' , , j V BT BOAKDO? Comkissxokibs. , Peo. 2? ?m . ' . - , , ; - I and all -womerryno axe nursing babies, derive ala ceivable benefits from the nourishing propertie3 0 ' This is the most nourishing f 10 "t,. tVQ mnt.riiir'f." milk and otvps 1Qr. iiiiiico : w. . - : - 0--- .strength makes babies faf and gives mbre nourishinent to children than all the rest 6t the food they" eat. ' Scott's Emulsion, has. been prescribed by . , twenty years iux jjao, mimw t uuni- Jiseaf,?;, Oonghs, VJoIds, WeaJt iiuags, irriaciation and Uoniraap - ; t Send for pamphlet on Scott's Emulsion. FRli Scott & Bowne, j. ; wrugg.sxs. 50 Having determined upon an important change abo-t February 1st, in order to . Reduce ; My : Stock as' 1ml as w I offer for the next 30 days, all my Dry Goods, Notions, si - and Hats; -...-,.,r:.'':'-tr-S- I'.'li'X - - -.'"" . 7 at ACTUAL COST. My stock of SBEQES is select, new and made tor order. " Strictly FlRSiTn. - . A splendid line of Hosiry, Corstts, Table Linen, Shirt jeans, cassimeres, xeu ncKiug, riauucis, iress bood I offer ' 'J. ' ; : cost for case - This is a rare opportunity -to by new. and desirable loW price. Remember this offer is for 30 days onh-: Ca; It will certainly pay you. . Wery Kespectfully, Allison Corner, Concord, N. C, January 1st, 1895. ALMOST.HERE. Only' a few days and- Xmas - will be here. We twish to ay to " one and all that we are ready to i - fterve all who are looking put for - -' XMAS :-: . GOODS ! , We always try to fceep-up with the times in that respect- We haye some , . . - Special Bargains : - to offer in '.. u , Dress Goods 4inch Tricot Flannel at 25, cents, Bi oad Cloths for Ladies' - -"Capes 45c, 75e, $1.00 per yard. 40 inch Silks for Shirt Waists : 25c. Embroidered Handker . chiefs for 15o. 25c Black Hose for school boys at 15c , Ladies' Side Combs at 5c, 10c, and 15c. ' Big lot cf CAPS for boys'and girls-25cJto 50. Bis; lot of " Ladies Kid Grloves 1 ... ' - - - ' all ehades. - The best 606 Wool Pant G-oods 'verfcea in uua town lor 403 a: v yard. SlWb have a big lot of -.-- Boys .anp Girls School .Shoes that areV?l.75 . to o at $1 23. We have e beBt 1.00 shoe for ; ladies nke -town. Se our' $i.25: Shotosffor men, recnilar hummers, .pome'and see ns. - JEWBLEB, OONCORP. N,Ci STORB OPPOSITE POSTOFFICE. Harper's flagazine. ln 1895. Thft Kimrvlptrma. a npw nnvAl hv Thnmaa XTarAr if Wi II hacrnn In lha tMamhot nmrP . 1U1I .J mber Nnmber. itMJ ami continued to November, 1895. W hoever ma v r hut b one's favorite among EiikUhIi novelists, it will be conceded by all critics that Thomas Hardy stands iweuiiMi w a master arngi .a notion, aim The Simpletons may be expected to arouse enthusiasm not inferior in degree to that which has marked Trilby the most successful story of the year. An other leadinff feature will betho personal Recol lection of Joan of Arc, by tbe Sieur Louia De Uou te. Her Pae and Secretary, under whlcli guise the laost popular of living American magazine writers will prwnt the story of Maid of Orleans. In tbe Jtnuary Number, will appear a profusely illustrated paper on Cbarlestcaand the CaroUoas, the first of ji series of Southern Papers.-- ' Northern Africa is attracting more attention than at any other time since it was tbe Seat Of em pires. The next volume of HAKPEIl's MAGA ZINE will contain four illustrated articles on this region, and three of tbeni'wui depict the present life there. Julian -Ralph will prepare for the MAGAZINE a series ef etghtstories, and depicting typical phases ef Chinese Life and Ma niters. Keaides the long stories,, there will begin In tbe January Number the first chapters of A Three Part Novelette, by feitchard Hurtling Iavia the longest work yet attempted by this writer,' Com plete short 8tori(!Sby popular writers-wlU continue to.be a featnre of the KAUAZINK. - - - - " 3end for Illustrated Prospectus, . - - . n : . . The Yolnmes of the MAGAZINK beirln with the Numbers for June and Uecember of each year When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will be gin with the Number current at the time of receipt of order.. Cloth cases, for binding, so cents- each by mail, postpaid. Title-page and Index sent on application. , ?" . , . , .. Keuililauces should be made by Post-offlce Mon ey Order or Dratt, to avoid chance it JUsa, , . Newspaper! are not to copy this advertisement WiUtout tue express orjer of Hrner 4 jbru(ucs. HARPER'S PERIODICALS Harper's Jlagazine, - one year, $4.00 Harpers Weekly, - - - . 4.00 Harper's Bazar, -.-- 4 00 Harper's Youn People . 2 00 P03Uge Free to ?n subscribers In the United - -. :. " ; biates, Canada and Mexico. . 'Address HARPER & BROTHERS. -1 r : ?iQ,ox059,N. 1. City. O0BHELL my C. G. MO.NTGOMEI I M AND 'We are' S0LESELL1I -m Tliis Mar: for the- Cassoii LSI u When in themarketTi e plaed- to , Haye Your Orange ... : Wewillhafl OF- Flgreda -for the- Tr as PATTEHSiS ' ": Wh&lesals aMK Concord' - . C.OTTON AB Corrected weekly-bx.0'- Stained -" Low Middling -' 3Iiddiing.i'...v Good Middlm...-. PBODCCE Vl& ' Corrected wreilv 1F 2? Bulk meats, sides Beeswax.. Butter..;......-.--- :'l Chickens....--'--. Corn.... ....- " Eggr - - Lard "" ' Flour, North SarpUn--- Meal -! "' Peas....'. Oats... Tallow ,5 - Sajfc ..,- Irish Pptatoest Bweet'Potato- Geme Liitie and Oi I If

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