I si if IT -I !l 1 a I:: Fertilizers for Fall Crops shbuid contain" a hieh percentage of Potash to insure, the largest yield and Parmm r,iride is brim full of useful information for will make and save you money. - Address, 4 .' ' e , $.4 GERMAN K0& ORE EYE-GLASSES, Weak More mTCHELL'S 1 A Certain Saf and EBeclI-e Remedj (or ' SORE, WEAK and INFLAMED EYES, JProdtdHnff Long-Sightedness, ana .SestoringtheSiglttofthemltU - 'Cnres Tear Drops. Granulation. Stye ; Turner Bed Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, j - AND PRODUCING QUICK RELIEF i: , ANI PEHMAIfKNT CURB. ' -AIMS finally efficacious when used to ' otner xnnlailies, wifh as Ulcers, Fever : Korea, Tnmors, an iinepm, uarn Files, wlierever r-vflammaiion exists, MlTi'IIEEE! SALVE may be used t advantage. 1 i - SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 5 CENTS GeorgeYille :-: Academy, I Geolrgeville, Cabarrus Co., N. C. MALE and FEMALE. W.M. BROOKS. A. M., (Cnlv. N. C.) PrinclpaL : The niext session -will open August 5tb. and wil continne 10 months witha short vacation at Christmus. Discioliae wise ly bot strictly enforced. 'PtiDilscharged from dte of entrance till close of five Ara deductions exempt in ml e. 0 by special contract. ; BITES 6F tcitiox per luxxb mosth: 1 Primary, SpelUns and First Reader Seco id "Header, Spelling, and Second reader; Intermediate, Spelling, Reading, Ele ments Of Arithmetic, Primary Geog raphy,' Primary Grammar. ' Ilischer English; Grammar, Arithme- fLOO 1.25 L50 2.00 turner Matnematicswith one or more xt thi following': Latin, Greek, rYeaclj or Spanish, . 50 to 3X0 Tuition! payable monthly or quarterly. S 1 t Board, including lights, fuel, eto.j f 6.00 to $7.0Q per month. , Geor;reville is situated near the junc tion of lutch Buffalo and Bocky River, ia Soith-eastern part of Cabarrus county ten miles from Concord, ia a healthyj country 4, The Academy is a large 4ew buildiiig, well suited for school Ipurposes. 7 The school will be strictly j non-sectarian. Pupils will be required to attend Divine worship and Sabbath School. 1 ' i Tberjs is a tri-weekly mail from Georgejville direct to Concord and back on Tuesdays, Thursdays andSaturdays. A firt-class practicing-physician re sides i4 the Tillage. Parents rjid emardians interested in education are cordially invited to visit the schboL ; I For ifarther intormation address the Principal.' " 1 .a . . NOTICE. By authority of a license of- the Superior court, I. will, on Monday the 4tbJ day of November. 1895, sell at the Teeter school house, on the premises of the late L B- Teeter, for assets to pay debts of the estate of I. B. Teete, de- 'ceaspdi the following land, towit : Sam Sne)l tfact, 100 acre Alexander Harris tract. Kill acres; ; uain trace. 3 acres; Allen ttract. 96 1-2 acres: two Welch tracts, tone of 50 acreX and the other 331 acres; fhree tracts known as the Cynthia fctafford lands one of 152 acres, one of 33 acres, and one f 10 acres; Caldwell tract, 135 acres; Clark tract, 63 1-2 acres - Montgomery tract. 45f acres; 3 acres adioininsr i,ha Mill tract; also the tract knowni as the Franklin Stafford lot of the Pbarr land, containing -Jt acres, and . ths lot known as the Tbomas i'n.arr land, containing about 700 acres. Terms of Sale : One-third sash, bal ance of purchase money to be secured by go0d note. Title reserved until pur chase money is paid. - I J L. STAFFORD, I " Adm'r of I. B. Teeter, deo'd. - v 8epi 12,'95. HIWACURA FOB THIN PEOPLE Are You Thin? - Flesh mode with Thinacura Talets by a scientific process. They create perfect assimilation of every form of food, se cretin the valuable parts and discard ing the worthless. They make thin faces plump ana round out tne ngure. xnev are the - 1 ' j STAKPABT BEUEDT , , - for leanness,' containing no arsenic, and absolutely harmless Price, prepaid, $l"per box, 6 for $5. Pamphlet, "how to get fat.' free. VTHE THINACURA CO. i 919 Broad way, New York; - ELI-P-A-N-S I - '-. : ' ,- The I modern stand EQ J m t ard Family Medi- cine! the common i every-day ills of humanity. Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for mooch arc Fees. Out Office is Opposite U. S. Patent Oppicc and we can secui e patent in less time than those remote from Washington. ! i Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We adrise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fesnot due till patent is secured. ; a PiMPHi rr. f'How to Obtain Patents." with cost ot same in the U. & and foreign countries sent: iree. Address, - C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patcnt Office. Washimoton. O. C. When Bahy was pick; we gave her Castoria. . Whea she was a ChflJ, she cried for Castoria. When she became Miss, Ehe clung to Castoria, Wheu she had Children, she gave them Castoria, - "No morphine or ot . Puxs. Cvaa ATI Pal lam fa Dr. lines' FAQ j. -une cent a , r--X"Z Eyes! UDt """v .- - . ?' . -: . . - ... r-"--.-. ' - . "I. '. r 1 A Medicine that Makes a Man Hustle. 1 - , ' , ""'"''"'Sv a permanent: enrichment g - ! a f A2ca?e illustrated book- - It fanners. -; Jt will be sent free, and - KALI WORKS, 93 Natsaa Street, Kew von. : VMcELREES WINE OF CARDUL iFDijemafe A. REDUCED RATES.. CottonStates and Inleniallcnal Expcsltloit ATLANTA, GA. SerrtrabeMa December 31, 1895. Tor theibore occasion the Southern Eailway O. will sell low-rate round,trip tickets to ATLANTA, OA., and retmrn on the follow ing basis:- - r-v-'f " rROM B Alexandria, Va....... 28.2519i5 Ashevule, N. C 02.86: 9.401 Burlington, . u. BurkevUle, Va... .. . Culpeper, Va ChatDam, Va. Charlottesville, Va... Chapel Hill, N. C 18.7013. 33.25 17 J 20.8515.1 23.2517. 00 nis.i ns.40 I10.35,1 uonoora, k.u i4.20.....ao.4a 6.55 5.85 &3.1S. . 8.6S JUaXlMByZS . V.." , Danville, Va. KUBi..... 10.2C 10.45 14X0 Durham, N. C...: Front BoyaLVa-.. Greensboro, N. C Goldsboro. N. C. EenderaonvilleL N. C Hickory. N.C....... .High Point, N.C.... e0.4015.0ffi.... Sj.2519.2S.... 17.65 9.201 E1.75 15.99, ai.001 ttl.Tft..... 15.3W..... 8.fW 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 11.2K 1 a ..I 13.45 uot springs, . j .... Henderson, K. C...... 14. 10.501 120.4015.00.. 110.45 Iiynohbnrg, va. Leilnflrton. N. C... bi B016. IU.5CI h8.05'.. ...tti.sa 8.05 T.25 7.10 7.25 Morganton,N. C...... Marion, N. C........ Newton, N.C .... Orange, Va. .......... Oxford. N.C... ...... tt5.30,..... 11.25) 14.80... ho.ao...- pi.5a 18.00.... tt3.1ff. 0.4015 00U... 3.2517 05 .... 8.8513.8ri.... 0.4015.00;.... 1.55 15.80L... 10.45...., tticnmona, va.. ...... KeidsviUe,N. C Balcigh,N. C....... 03.40..... .70..... 110.45'..... Boutnuoston, Va .... Strasburg, Va. ....... . Salisbury, N.C Statesviile, N.C...... Taylors ville, N. C .... 10.80..... (14.00, 15.30 .ril.25 7.Z5 15.30,... 11.25U 113.00. . J 7.25 .. 8.15 .. 4.90 18.35.. iO.751.., iryoa, X.u.. 7.8S w asnington, u. ;.... West Point, Va., Warrenton, Va . . . . .T . WUkesboro, N. C. ., .. WirxBton-Salem, N. C. .2519.29 14.00 .6517.35! 12.60. .2519.25..... 14.00... 1 Id UZ P.30... 119.00 13. 95!.... 9.tV- (Hates from intermediate points in proportion.) explanation:; ' Column A: Tickets will be sold September 5 and 13, and daily from September 15 to Decem ber 15, ItSfi, inclusive, wiui final limit January 7,1806. - - - Column B: Tickets will be sold daily from September 16 to December 15, 1895, inclusive, with final limit twenty (20) days from date of sale. . ' - Column C: Tickets will be sold dally from September 15 to December 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit fifteen (15) days from date of sale. No ticket to bear longer limit than Janu ary 7, 1806. ' - Column D: Tickets will be sold on Tuesday and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December 24, 1895, inclusive, with final limit ten 1 10) days from date of sale. - Column E: Tickets will be sold dally from September 15 to December 30, 1895, taolugjye, with filial limit seven (7) days from date of sale. SOUTHERN RAILWAY Is the only lhio entering the Exposition Grounds, having a double truck, standard uage. railway troin too center or too city or Atlunta to tbo Exposition O ounds. For tickets and full Information apply to your nearest agent, or aauress J.M.CDLP, W. A. TURK, Trade Manager, . . GoqI Pass. Agt, 1300 Penna- Ave., Washington, D. C. . oor. Health means so much more than t;mi itm rri np cprionc: anr. lata.1 i diseases result lrom v trifling ailments neglected. Don t play with Nature s greatest gift health. If you are feeling oat of sorts, weak , and generally ex- nausted, nervous, have uo appetite and can't . work,' begin at once tak ing the most relia ble strengthening medicine.which is Brown's Iron Bit ters. A few bot tles cure benefit comes from tbe very first dose U uwn't ttain your teeth, audit's pleasant to lake. It Cures i Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, . Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood Malaria, - Nervous ailments i Women's complaints. . " f lines on the wrapper. All others are sub stitutes, on receipt ot two ac. stamps we" will send set of Ten Beautiful World's Fair Views and book free. ,. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE, M0 Wifci. w a , a M m The Leading Conssnalorj of America VAKL l A.ZLTSN, iJirectOT, roandedia 1363 by . Tourjee. He of! Send for Protpecta :: TiDg f ull if ormahos. .; Fra FnAmc W.Hals, Tal Manager MORGANS IMPROVED CHILL TONIC operf or to All Otbers. It is a true Chill Cure in combination with Liver Tonics. When properly taken it never fails to cure the most ob stinatejease of Chills and Fever. Where Others fail it will cure. Tt ia nlMtaant tn take, and contains nothing to injure the mosi aeacate.system. Babies take it easily. As a Tonia it . in wi thnnt ,n equaL Guaranteed bv vrmr Amt?cnt Price 50 cents per bottle. ' Fnr hrU at the drus: stores in Concord. Yoigt & Co., Chattanooga! Tenn. 1 u.o...... 8.75 9.6ffl 11.9S. . 13.5ft 10.5$...., iira r ; Brawns : - Iron .: : Bitters 1 -. i. . I GHILLS SILVER SAM, THE , ALUST; - " or, , " A RATIO OF 16 TO I. - BT CAPTADf M1ISE KKAlJE, JR., - Author of "Single Sight, the Subtle Scout; or, The Pirates of the Plains;" "iroa eouna Ed. the Elevator Boy; or, From the Bottom to the Top;" .'.'Billy the Bilk, the Bowery -Bravo; or, The Luaher' Legacy;" "Black Bart, the Border Bloodhound; or. The Vam pire's Vengeance ;" etc CHAPTER L ' THE POPOUST'S PRIDE. It was a broiling hot day in July, but despite the torrid lays of the sun and the blasting hot prairie winds the farm ers for miles around Saharavi lie, Sock less coutyrKanU had gathered atthe great free silver convention. Who is Jt. they I regard so Intently on this day off all days, marking point by point hia arguments that slight, boy-" ish figure that is the "cynosure of all eyes? It is he,! xmr hero, Free Silver Sam, the Boy Bimetallist He is rush ing - in where presidential -candidates fear to tread I ; , The careless onlooker, if such there was, noting the superb whiskers of Free Silver Sam, thatj swept the ground as the impassionedlorator piled argument' upon argument, instance upon instance . and precept upon precept, would hardly thirik- that but 16 scorching Kansas sum mers had passed o'er his head. ,: Yet it was onry too truel - Listen ! He is speaking.. - "And, after all this, President Cleve land claims that silver is not sound money." Hear this" On 4the small slab of. marble on the table top before i him he drops a' large cartwheel dollar. With a chiming "cling' it rings; clear as a bell, spins a moment and thei settles with a "clink.' "There, if that isn't sound money, what is?" 1 - That was his iperoration. A climax grand, stupendous 1 4 - CHAPTER n. . 1 - : THE ARCH CONSPIRATOR. "Hist!" . The dark, scowling face of Goldbug Ben, the tool of the Rothschilds, lit np with savage glefe. v , ; - , ' , - "We have him now I" ' : The two men addressed were both emissaries of Will street, minions of the money power, as vile and despioable as himself. " ' "I have the proof that this graduate of Coin's Financial school is an impostor!" His hearers can scarce restrain a start "Yes," continued Goldbug 'Ben. MThpse whiskers, which the free gilver ites swear by, that beard, , whose silken superfluity has almost secured him the coveted place of Pelf er, aie"he paused a moment, noting ' the open mouthed amazement of his accomplices "false t "And, furthermore, he holds a mort gage on my farm, payable only in gold 1" CHAPTER in, THE DAY OF RECK0SI5S. Another meeting of the Populists of Kansas. ' : But this time there were omi nous looks and nerce gestures on .au sides. For was It not rumored that their idol, Free Silver Sam, wore false whis kers and held gold mortgages? : , Calmly the Boy BirnetaJlist faced the angry throng. ! . : -.-v "Friends," he said, 'lit is true I wore false whiskers,! not with any intention of deceiving yjm, but as a disguise be neath which 1: could better track, and bring down the game I sought, Goldbug Ben and his gang, the tools of the Rothschilds and-lhe minions of the man ey power." h ."And the gold mortgages?" clamored the crowd. I "That, " an4 Free Silver Sam paused impressively, f'was so that, like our great leader, Senator Steward, I might pay back the goldbugs in their - own coin.' (TcTbe discontinued at once. ) i- Puck. Htunpty Dtn&pty sat on a wan, . . Hnmpty Dumpty got a great fall, ' And all the senators and congressmen -- Can't put Hnmpty Dumpty 18 to 1 again. BaUdlac and kw Associations In Ianger. A remarkable feature of the past 20 years has been the great increase in the number, of associations formed by work men for the purpose tf securing houses, or for investing " their savings in im proved real estate. This method of ntil izing a iseries bf weekly or monthly pay ments for the purchase of property has proved so successful that there are now thousands "of i loan associations, with hundreds of thousands of members. ; , To every man who baa invested bis savings in a building and loan society the threat of free si lver coinage ia of the greatest importance. Openly advocated as a method if enabfing,debtors to cheat their creditors out pt half thir debts, the evil of 50 cent dollars would prove especially severe on those whose little capital i loaned out through these asso ciations Under free silver the borrow ers would pajf off their debts in dollars worth pup half of those , loaned. This would mean (the practical confiscation of one-half of, all tbe money which the workingmen jbave with years of self denial managed to save. Do the Amer lean psople wish to enact ; a law which ! would perpettat bo great an injustice? A Storm at Sea. Increases the discomfort of the voyager, iut even whe tad weather is not tern pestuoua he is liable to sea sickness lheywho traverse the "gigantic wet ness'' shonia be provided with Hostet- ter's Stomacii Bitters, which quiets dis ordered stomachs with gratifying speed and certainty. ' To the hurtful influence 01 a tropic malarious or too rieorouf or 4am& climate, as well as to the baner f ul effects of unwholesome diet and bad water, it is a reliable antidote. Com mercial travelers by sea or land, mari ners, miners, western pioneers, and all who have to 'encounter yicissitudes of of climate and tasaperature. concur in pronouncing it the best safeguard. It prevents rheumatism and pulmonary at tacks in consequence of damp and cold, and it is an efficient defence against all forms, of malaria, II can be depended I nPn ia dyspepsia; Uyer - and kidney I trouble. improper and deficient care of h scalp will cause eravnessof tbe hair and j baldness. Escapeboth by the use of that reliable specific, Hall's Hair Re- newer. 1 jlj Rriv RiMET I ' " THE MODtHN DAMDUii, , , . . r Fbakix Co,, Tenn., May 10, 1802. .. . a n.ii n i ! m i mi i Rill illill I urm.m- ... ! dll I m i I 1 S' 1 1 - Vd . ... C0LD STftKlS -TfM - . ;. . " r i.s rjrr' - IMILLS FOR SOUND MONEY .1 ..... ' ' 1 1 I, - i i -..... H Bef oses liongeit to Be Counted With - 1 ' the Sixteen to One People. ' Senator Mills of Texas has heretofore been classed as a supporter of free coin age at 16 to 1. If he ever believed in this doctrine,' he has been convinced by study and thought of its ; folly 'and dangers. That there may be no misunderstanding he naa jusc written a letter to me cnair man of the Democratic stats committee cf Texas, in which he states his position clearly and forcibly. Here are some ex cerpts from his letter of Sept. lOr ' . . I object to the silver standard being adopted in lieu of the existing standard because it will defraud all creditors out of one-half the value of their debts. Ev ery debt contracted since 'Jan. 1, 1879, " i : ... ... ..-. . . " . ' . was contracted on the gold sianaaro. debtor honestly owes the value cf The 23.22 graios of gold-for, every dollar ' ?i,7vurLH V l . j j-A- become sluggish and the resnit is conT promised, P1:4 the predtk is Jionestly , t Consttion;Indigestion, Bilious entitled to receive it. When it was pro- f nem aiid Slc1c Headache- To prevent posed years, ago to demonetize all tho-j this take.' Simmons Lfver Begulatorj it coined silver of the world and suppress keeps the liver active ! and makes one's the : further coinage of that metal, Iicopdition as comfortable as those who joinfed with other,, friendjof silver in j denouncing the monstrous proposition, because it was an attempt to doublp thp debts cf the world, and j to bring all debts in this country contracted on a pa- j per pFyiaxof- muPo i at u ou L-j s - i - m ia a a 1 j. i rr rv cents onthw dollar, to parj with gold. Is not jthe proposition now to substitute ths ? suver aoiiar on tue silver stanaara ror-j that gold dollar the- same that we all condemned, except it is the creditor now wbd is to be the victim instead of tho debtor then? -. . ' i, :-1 fe No persons would receive the least benefit from tLa change of Etandard to silver except the man who owes 100 cents and wishes to pay with fQ. Jin would under the silver standard be able to discharge his debt by paying one-half 4f what be promised. This would be a scheme to enrich one-half; of a commu nity by despoiling the other half. , Wher ever there is a debtor there is a credit-! or, pna he is entitled to the same pro- i tection as the debtor. Congress has the power to discharge insolvent debtors by a bankrupt law, at t.he adoptioa of fhn sirver standard now would 'discharge all solvent debtors from one-half tho obli gation of their contracts, even though as a class ' they might be the wealthier part of the community' '"I object to the silver standard again because it is not the standard, of tha country with which we . conduct bur largest commerce. - Mr."iJefferson says, 'To trade on qaal tarms ths cornnion measure of value should be as nearly as possible on a par with that of its corre sponding nation, whose medium is in a soptnd state.' The reason for it 4s, as he says, 'being of aniyersa) rgbae, it will keep itself on a general: level, 'flowing ou from Where it ia too high into parts where it is lower. ' Gold -is the common measnxja pf yplue of the people , with whom we carry on niiie-tMths rf onr foreign trade," and, according to ihe principles enunciated r- by him, gd should be our standard as it has been since ths days pf Jackson, Van Buren, Polk, Pierce and Buchanan, exegpj; dur ing the war period from. 1861 to 18f 9, when paper was the standard. If we supplant gold with silver, then we have twj6ata4dards pf value fjr 'all the arti cles that we export Gotoa kaij rhcaf will be bought in this country by the silver 6taaQard and scld in Europe by the gold standard. There must be be tween these standards constant fluctua-tiflns.-Tw.o-thirds of aljur cotton must be exported and Isold jbygbld falrie. ffh prce of the whole" crop at homo and abroad will be fixed by. the gold etand ard, but every pound of it will be sold by; American . farmers by the silver standard. yhen he American farmer sees cotton quoted &3 sa jnany "cents or pence per pound in Liverpool, he knows that it is samuch ; in gold but " he does not know, how much, the silver - will bo worth with which be will be paid for his eotton Jnsteadj ;of legitimate business exchange,-wht':fiyr7rpne knbws with what : value j he : parts" and what he receives, our - products will be. sold by i system of cemmereial gam bling with a fluctuating standard by which the producer must in "every in"-' stance be defrauded. - j - k 1 r 'Believing that the silver standard would prove injurious to the people of the United States,; sad, especially to that part of them engaged in growing cotton, I am unwilling - to take any steps in legislation calculated to imperil that great industry upon Which the wel fare of my constituency so greatly de pends. H - - ' J - , A Prominent Minister, Bey. T. E. Kendall, pastof Gracs M. : "I take E. church. Atlanta. Ga.savs pleasure in testifying to the great virtue of Kind's Royal Germetuer in relieving nignt sweats resulting from the debilita ting influence of malarial in a severe ordeal through which my family passed frrtm this oppressive, affliction,' I found Germetuer to be an immediate specific. Have also found is a speedy tonic to the digestion, and a most gratefal and re freshing remedy in the; heated season when snfferinsr f rom relaTatinn mrl crert- 1 erjd debility,' New package, large bot- Drugstore.- . . i - . , If youjr gbildren are subject to croup watch for . ths first symptom "of the disease hoarseness. If Chamherlain'8 Oough Bemedy is given as Boon"aa the child becomes hoarse it ill prevent the attack. Even after the ; cronpy ; cough nas appearea tne attack can always be 1 prevented bv civins- this rprneiW 1 also invaluable for colds and whoooin It is i cough. For sale by Bv D. Johnson, druggist In UlsAVay. Elder George Cliamplin was a colored preacher who exercised his calling for many years in Khodo Island; He was a man of excellent . common sense and no little trit. At one time some of -bis hearers complained that he .had been rather too persanal and severe in oneof his sermons. "When I am preaching, responded tier elder with a shrewd g'ance fiom his 'sharp eyes at the remonstrants, "when. I am preaching, I try to shoot right at' the devil every time; but if any one gets between me and the devil, why, of course, brethren, be will be liable to get hurt." - . " " Ko people suffer so much lrom physi cal disabilities ? those whose business quires little or no muscular exertion. .... . . ; . - have much exercise. , ... ' " ' ' ' 'Many a iuan whose prayers are' too long sells goods by a measure that is too short. - . r - ' r , -- V .. .. j ... , , .j was troubled.f or a long time with n ithin hnmnr on tha seaW . hats Mr. D. P. Davis, NeaJ's Landing.T Tla. , "bf at Jst, heing recommended Ayer's '.Hair Vig- r, 1 tried it, and a complete cure was ufiected." Even-one who has used it speaks well of this dressing. The devil stands tbe best chance be tween a bright saloon and a dreary home. . . . .;- When the hair leins to come out in combing, it shows a weakness- of the scalp that calld for immediate attention. The best preparation to arrest further lot of hair and; restore the scalp to a healthy condition is Ayer's Hair Vigor. If there is any dog in a man it is sure to growl when Lis food is nut to his taste. - '-' ! '" 1 The Darlinston. Wis.. Journal savs editorially of a patent medicine: "We know from experience that Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and - Diarrhoea Bemedy is all that is claimed for it, as on tvro two occasions it stopped excru ciating, pains ana possiuiy saving us from an untimely grave. : We would not rest easy over night ; without it jn the hou8,e.n This remedy undoubtedly saves more painund suffering than other med icine in the world. Every family should keep it in the house, for it is sure to be needed sooner or later. For sdlo by D. D, Johnson, druggist. . 11 tne sun never went down mere are some crimes that would not be commit- ted. "f' ' y ''B-S. There, is a cne-armed man in. Georgia who can -plow," je.rk and eoad a ! mule, Bwcar and smoke a pipe all a once. - - ;" -d--. ; - - - ' ' '-:..-.ySKV ' When a person is losing, flesh and wasting away there is cause for alarm. Nothing so worries a physician. Con sumptives would never die if they could regain thefr psua weight, y In fact there would, be no consumption it there was no wasting of tbe system. The cause of this loss of flesh is a failure to properly digest the food eaten. ; Nine-tetiths of all onr diseases dte back to some de rangement of the stomach. ? The Shater Digestive Cordial will stop this wasting of the body- It acts by causing th0 food we eat to be digest ed so as to do'goodfor undigested food aoGs rapre rcrra tnan. good, a ne oori dial contaiffsf idod alfeady digested and a digester of foods as.weu. Every mother hates to make her cbil arcn tate Castor V". LaXol is sweet Cabtor Oil -:r: "Women, said the old lady, "are the biggett i obis in the jrorld eyceptiren H. ... 1. ; . ' '- ii '. - If Troubled With. Rheumatism Read This; ? Ahsapous,: Mdr, April ia,tl894 I' have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumaUsiQ ad fojld it to do all that is claimed for it. 1 'believe to b& the befct preparation for rhenmatism and deep seated muecnlar iaius on the mar ket and cheerfully recommend it to the public. Jkq. Bkooks,1 dealer in boots, shoes, etc.; No, 18 hai itreeif' -i . ALSO BEAD-THIS. ' MechanicsvilIjT', St. - Mary county, Md. I sold a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm to a man who had been suf fering witfc rheumatism for several years. - It made, him a yell man. For j Hartsell and Clave Austin and his wife sale at 50 cents "by bottle ; B, D.iaallje Austin are non-residents of this liucklen's Arnica Salve, 'i ' - ; The brst salve in tho world for cuts ;ruiws, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver times. Tetter, Chaoped Hands. Chil blains, Corns, and al!f ISkia Ernptiop?, and positively cures iiles 6t n6' pay t& quirt d. It is guaranteed to give per fet satisfaction or money refunded. Price S5e, a For tale by P, B. Fetzer. . . " . " . - .. 1 Save -Your Mdr.ey. OheboxofTutt'sPilis willsava many dollars in doctors bills ey.yrUsuilycurjejdseases of the stomach, liver or bowels." No feckless Assertion For sick headache, .d'50?P?l2' malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT'S Liver PILLS A Medicine that Makes a Man Hustle. : Fbakbxin Co,, Tenn., May 10, 1802. I am forty-five years oldv and have spent eight years in bad health. I am a poor man and have to' hustle for a liv ing. By the use of three packages bf Thedford's Blaek-Draught I. am now able to bustle in my market garden, and am a? stout as a-mule. It is the greatest medicine on earth, and does more than it is recommended to d. g- ARTERS SHUTTLE : Positively curctl ly these Little Pills. .- They also relieve. Distress from Dyspepsia," Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per fect remedy, for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi pessi Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Sidc,LTORPID LIVER ; Tliey Regulate the Bowels. : Purely Vegetalilci .' SmaH PHl. A Small Doc Srrnll Pric9- ' : Lumber Vanted Cot Accurately and Eap-' iaiy on tne FARQUHAR Variable Friction Feed Saw Mill with Quielc Recedlne Head fcsioeKs. uapacity ,o to 30.000 - feeU with Eneines and Boiler from 12 to 40 iiorsa fower. For full descriptive catalogue address, , : . A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., -. -f TORK, FA. Cotton". SlalB -and.. International "-" EXPOSITION, " - ' VIA THE SEABOARD AIR JLI.YE VESTIB ULED LI M ITED TR AI N S Upon Which no Extra Fare Is Charged, - - j'.l. . ,. - - -f.rave tTaHhiiigioii, O. v . daily, at 8.4d p. m., upon arrival of the "Congressional Limited-' from New Yoi and reach Atlanta at 4:0a p. m. the next day. - ' ' - . A second train, with throngh'Sleeping cars from New York, leaves Washington at i:30 a. m., arriving at AUanta 50 a. m. the next day. - : i-ri- ' ; : iloth trains leave from the Pennsylvania, railroad station and land pagseng-ers in thp Union Depot at Atlanta as near th ExppSi tion grounds as through passengers via any line are landed. 1 i - .- . At forrnoiiti nod Herfelk; t-the Seaboard Air Line has other eoifcections equally as impbrtant as those at Washing ton, namely. From New York and Philadel phia, the Cape Charles route; from Baltimore, the Bay Line, steamers; frooL Wasniugton, the Norfolk and Washington steamers; from New York the'Old Dominion-steamships and from Boston and Providence, the Merchants and Miners'' steamships. Close connection is madeiaf the steainer sides with tnf ougM trains and JPullman Drawing- ftaom, Bufiej Sleeping Cars operated through "from Ports mouth to Atlanta without change. Each of these routes takes the . passenger via Old Point comfort and through Hampton Boads. : ; - -EQtTIPJIKST. w . - - - fJThese trains are composed of the hand somest Pullman -t Drawing-Hooru, . Ituflet Bleeping cars and Day Coaches.' The 8:40 p. rru train ("The Atlanta Special") is vestibuled from end to end and is operated -solid from Washington to Atlanta without .change. . poijtts or inxbbkst alohgthe lise. The route from Washington is through Fredericksburg,' Kichmond and Petersburg, Virginia;-.! Weldon. Raleigh and Southern Pines, North Carolina; Chester, Clinton and Abbeville, (South Carolina, and Elberton and Athens to Atlanta, Georgia. : , Excursion tickets will, be sold to Atlknta and return, via the Seaboard Air Line, as fol- On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Sepiember 17th to December 24th, .Jnclusire, at $14 oD from Washington anrlifI2.8J from" Ports month and limited to ten days from 'date of sale. .. - -f;.. -Daily, September 16th to December 15th, inclusive, at $19.25 from Washington and $17.35 from Portsmouth and Norfolk,' limited to twenty days from date of eale; and at S26 25 from Wasnlngton and $23.63 from Ports month and Norfolk, good until January j, iss. , -. ; . - . r - - - j -. the xrosinos ' ' - surpasses, in some respects, any ExdosI Mon yet held In America. . Here side by side you find exhibits from Florida and Alaska, Cali fornia and Maine, the United States of America and the United States of Br-agil, Mexico and Canada, and so on until nearly every civilized nation- on the globe is repre sented. On the: terraces are found, among other attractions, Arab, Chinese and Mexican Village's, showing Just how those people have their daily walk and conversation,"- - v Ask for tickets via The Seaboard Air Line Pullman Sleeping Car reservations-will no mad and -further information furnished upon application to any Agent of the Sea board Air Line, or to the undersigned. " " H. W. B. GLOVER, ' T. J. ANDETtSON, Traffio Managfir. Genpral Pass. Agt, .; Vice-President. -Portsmouth, Vra.-- " v FREE 3f KlklCAL. E FERES tET BOQIl. !- (64 papes.) or men ai)4 .women who aie afflicted with. any. lo'rm of private disease peculiar to- their sex, errors pi ybntb, contagious diseasps female trou bles, etc., etc., v i ; Send tQ pent stamps, to pay post, age. to the lea'dmg specnaiists aiad-.phy. sicians in thia-coantm - Dr. HA.TH: AWAY. & Co.', 22 f -Bo. Broad . Street, Atlanta, Ga. i( 1 -4fv F. A. Kluttz, executor of A. H. Howell deceased, Plaintiff, - n v,..f vs. . Paul Eudy and wife Jensy.-J.V C;- Hart sell ana wife Mary, "John .Toyner and - wif Alsay, Bed4 PpJ-top, Map HowelT, John. SUnciU and wife "Hesaie, AUen HoMTell, ThOmas Howell, Oscar Hart sell, Tom Howell Minnie Hartsell: Wilson Hagler and wife Mary, Clays Austin arid wife Saliie, Defendants. I u nif IS)ilMfU Ul 'kip uuux i. irom me reinxn oi vocn A. Sims, snerm oi uarjarrus county, N. C, and from the affidavit of F, A. Kluttz filed in the above-entitled action, -that Oscar fctate, and aft6r dna iliaence cingot be found within the1 State of Knr&PhJZ lina, and are nedessary and proper par ties to the above-entitled action, and whereas the piaintiff above named" has beun an action in aid'Court to subject to sale the real estafe of said A; H. How ell described in the complaint of the plamtift, for the jKSrno? P -rcakiTTS assets tp pay debts; an d cWces -jd! ad. minibfratiori on the estate of said A.' H. Howell, deceased. , - - 1 y And wheieasthe aaid defendants, Os cay rt.ejl, 4nd Clave Austin and bis wife, Sallia.Tiavi atf interns nr.r.'i. 1 contingent as heirs-at-Uw of said A. If AJ.V w til AAA CU1U Alt XIUO. ' , - Now, therefore, the Faid Oscar Hart sell, and Clay$ Austin and wife, SaUie Austin, are -hereby notified that unless they be and appear at the. office of tho Lirr of theSaperior; Court of said plead, answer or demur to the complaint J t-l;1 this action, that the plaintiff will apply, to the Cuurt for th htlxet Heind iB &e complaint and This ISth div nt fUn.. niK.i." i a.-.m IVER PILLS V V 1 - t 1 r. ii ti -Jas. c. Gibson,- I Sept. 10-6. j , Clerk Sui erior Conk 1 - - r - -- " - Wh W J -HBBBSF 4BBP VSBBBBW WU - CLl- .I't.T. Mr.. J m. H rActnria Tr. Samuel TfiKwa . ; -; - " i'ii :i'"!;ibn rA and Children. It contains neit bo r o , : , . , r other Narcotic substance. i i ? i pl,1aci for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Fym;, an bst It Is Pleasant. Its guarantee is ih-riv HLllions of Mothers. Castoriadestrov- v leverisuuesa. vuabuijii prevents Vonm;,,,, , -1 -l.S cores JJiarriicea . ana w ma Col !c teething; troubles, cures constipation Castoria assimilates; the food, rc ;' and bowels, ,-giving Healthy and toria is the Children's Panacea t Castoria: " Castoria is an excellent medicine for chfl drem If others have repeatedly told me of its god effect upon Uieir children." - - 1 Da. O. C. Osgood, ' - Lowell, Mass. ' : Castoria is the best remedy for children of : which I am acquainted. I hope the day fs not far distant when mothers wfll consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of tbe various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, sooiiiing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature grave." ,- i" Pa. J. F. Ktnchkloe, j " ' t i . t Conway, Ark. l The Centanr Company, TT Matray DO -THAT The Morris Hardware -Ca i - r . tr -e ii n r t nave luower ivdi ves ior an ivio Empire ad Jeiser Machine Spikes, Well Pumps. Fruit W Buggies, Champion Mowers, Cooking Mm M CDAOU 9m Ml All G-ppds at Lowest Prices OW IS Y TO BUY FURNITURE. T3 Ami cf Law Pf ices is My, : -r. Never The Factory's Jiave all agreed ta a iv, -' but before they put r p their pi i c ''..'.- f ino the market and bouu'a grandest : -"and rl Cr-Stock ever before seen in this section $$V,V V Every one wlio sees niy stpc!-: : Wtpjsip .My" c! Style, Csipi rp-GAN -SAVE WYOU - MONEK. f- - WRITE JME BEFORE Li' ViS'i M 2sr. ANDREWS, ; cadng Dealer in Fcrnitie, ?k' : 0rI,s' lrj and lwVTrade Street, Cn AKU 'TTLN C G 3 VV - O 00 ., --. O ft H.- JO : - EUUYRQYAL PILLS WrJsInal Bad Only Caa!n. r, 1wt rettabls. iwni ak i Ktsa KUd (Mil fwtollio'' ibOMB. with I-.Iba rll.lif, - T-lrA tken iamnnii nUiu. ' ' a. .ravins, or KM i ' . . . . t. . . . . r .iuawiinn, Pant raamr. fllluhMllr'knnl.1 11.. .1,. s . .. .f- ii Drits.- .Tisaa-K HAIK BALSAM tTlfMzitr knil kirLiflMi tha hale. IProciotM a 'Insurant rrowth. 1 Meyer Fails to Bestore Gray H.- usir to it touuuai voior. r-. i Cute aeajp dmin a hair laUkig. J S j COe.und fl.Wat Druggim 40 in mm aif q4 1 3 i-;;!Tjiflc sV.'orr..,:.., S oourri Castoria olhprB-T. . Castor, i I recormnen I .." '.bt .known ton,,.- ';0rtotoyp " Our phyciar. nient have s ence in their 111 Hie fs.u. . and alilu medical supi 3 wtiswj products, y t we are W 81 fe ATlrtir. - merits oi C. favor upon ,-. Allen t" Street, Kjry York wers sold in Ca Da rrus coje ETILIi JjIKE oy- mmn m i -wtnirrw 'tratii- &&iri:' CO CM mm as Usual' DU nee . i i tlicir pnees. :h11h-oh ' OlliltlJ V- o ksJ F18 "lavell'si; iJhamberlnin' ? Is a certain Granulated K; : Steena.Tev.v - .'libvinir " For putting a h 7. in, ,:tia rJ-; dition try Dr. l,,v ' .J' Jyi orappeuio, iy- - v Sidney disorders r.:i; iui Ufa in an old "f 1 - i : ; -1; 0 -Ii U ? agota ner package For 17 t" '

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