Exhausted Soils 3 are faiadz to produce larger and better crops by the ) use of Fertilizers rich, in Potash. . : A'rite for our: Farmers' Guide,", a 142-page illustrated book. It ' is brim' fall of useful information for farmers. It will be sent freeaUd I will mak 5 and save you money. Address, ;.'- j y GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New' York. 10 ui)H EYE-GLASSES, 'S? EjesI More HITOHELL'S A Certala-Safe and ESectf Remedy for SORE, WEAK and INFLAMED EYES, jproduin& Lrong-Sightrdneim, and I Restoring the Sight of 'the old, . i Cores Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye t Tumors, Bed Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes' t AND PRODUCING QUICK BELIEF J AND,- PERMANENT CUIUS. iAlso, equally efficacious when osed la ; other maladies, snob as Ulcers, Fever i Nors, Tnmors, Nnlt Khenm, Barns; 1 Pries, or wherever inflammation exists. Mixt liEHi S SAIAK may be uset ts advantage. i! -. SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS T 5 CENTS " Georgevilie :-: Academy, Georgejr-ille, Cabarrus Co., N. C. MALE I a ndF EMA L E. wm BROOKS, A. M., (Unlv.N. C.) Principal. I ' H . ' "J--5':'- pThenext session will open August 5th., aqd will continue 10 mouths with a short vacationjat Christmas. Discipline wise ly jbut strictly enforced- Pupilscharged from dite of entrance till close of five mipntbs term. A'o ' deductions crept in iasfs of protracted sickness for one week or mare, or by special contract. ,Bl,TE3 OP TtrmOS PEE iTJXAB MOSTH: Primary. Spelling and First Header $1.00 Sedo-d Reader, Spelling-, and Second . i reader, - 1,25 'lBterni3diate, Spelling, Reidin?, Ele ments of Arithmetic, Primary Geog-- t raphy. Primary Grammar, . -' L50 H inner English, Grammar, Arithme-t tip, etc.. s ' - . . 2.C0 Higher Mathematics with one or mpre . .ojj th following: Latin, Greek,' French or Spanish, 2jJto3.C0 Tuition payable monthly or quarterly. Board, including lights, fuel, etc., f 6.C0 -. to$.wper month. Georgeville is situated near the iunc- tioj of Datdh Biffalo and Rocky River, in outh-eastern part of Cabarrus couhty. ten miles from Concord, in a 1 ft 1 1 mi neaitny country.- xne Academy 13 a large new building, well suited for school purposes. The school will ,be strifctly non-sectarian. Pupils will be reanired to attend Divine worshin and Sabbath School. ' There is M a tri-weeklv mail from Geotrgeville direct to Concord and back oh Tuesdays,! Thursdays andSaturdays. . ! At first-class practicinsr Dhrsician re. sides in the Tillage. . f arents t sxa guardians interested in education are cordially invited to visit the school. ; , FiT further "information- address the Prirjeipil. if NOTICE. 'Ejf authority of Superior court. I a license of the will, on Monday the 4th day of November. 1895. sell nt, th Teener school house, on the premises of the Ijate t. U. Teeter, for assets to pay debt)3 of the estate of I. B. Teete, de ceased, the following land, to-wit : Sam Snei) tract, 100 acres; Alexander Harris tract 250 acres; Bain tract. 43 acres; Allei tract, 961-2 acres; two Welch tracts, one of "50 acreB, and the other 33 acrej three tracts known as the Cynthia Stafford lands one of 152 acres, one of 33 aqres. and iOne of 10 acres'; Caldwell tracts, 135 acres; Clark trap-, 63 1-2 acres Montgomery: tract, '45 acres; 3 acres adjoining the' Mill tract; also the tract known as the Franklin Stafford lot of the Pharr land, containing 57 acres, andj ths ot known as the Thomas Pharr land containing about 700 acres. i Terms of Sale : One-third cash bal ance of purchase money to be secured .by good note. Title reserved until pur- uxiase money is paia. jj J L. STAFFORD, Adm'r of L B, Teeter, dee'd. Sept. 12,'95; THIUACURA FOR THIN PEOPLE Are You Thin? Fleteh made with TJunacura Talets by a scientific pjr3oes3. They create perfect assimilation jqf eyery form of food, se er eti eg the Valuable parts and discard ing the worthless They make thinfaces plump and round out the figire. They are the If v . j. . sJaNDABD EE1IEDZ - for leanness,fcontaining no arsenic, and absolutely harmless. . . Price, prepaid, $1 per box, 6 for $5. Pamphlet.r'How to get fat," free. THE THIpACURA CO., 949 Broad way, pew York. RIP-A-N-S w a PC i o z Tlie modern stand ard Family Medi cirje: Cures the common every-day" ills of humanity. Caveafts, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat ent business conducted for moderate Fees. ( Our Office is Opposite U. S. patent office , and we can secure patent in less time than those remote from Washington. I . Send model, drawinir cst nhAtn . with Amr Itioa. iWe advise, if patentable or not, fcee of I charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. I ; A pamphlet, How to Obtain Patents," with )Cost of same in the U. St and foreign countries tsent fxee. Address, - . - 1 C,!A.SOW&CO. uppu patfwt office, Washington, fy. c Wiien Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla, When sfae was Child, she cried for Castoria. ' 'VThen she becaine Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she bad Children, she gave them Castorla, - - - ? No tabrphini riis, $vr All Paib, "One cent ft dow. I . .V'sMlSS o 6 t 1 McELREES WINE OF CARDUIJ M FemalB Diseases. i REDUCED 'RATES. Mil srafes 0 immW Eipidon ATLANTA, GA., Scjttenber 18 December 31, 1895. Tnr f Ha ahnr nnftnidoh tlut Srmfhm RotlwAv vo. wiu eeu iow-nrte rounatrip ticKecs to ailln la, OA., and retzra on the following- basis: FROM O D S Alexandria, Va 251951 04.00... Asheville, N. C Burlington, N. C. Burkeville, Va Culpeper, Va Chatbam. Va. ........ . Charlottesville, Va... Chapel Hill, N. C Concord, N. C Charlotte, N.C... Danville, Va..... .... Durham, N. U. Front Royal, Va Greensboro, N. C Goldsooro, N. C. Hendersonviile, N. C. Hickory, N. C. HighPoint,N.C... HotSDrinsa. N. C .... 03.85. 9.401 .... 5.75 18.TO13.7W S3.2S 17.0S 125.3018.55! 20.85 15.30j 10.551..... 12.401..-. E3.2517.oa e0.40L5.00l 00.3a... fH.2O.....!l0.4ffl 13.15V. 9.6S 20.05 14.7W..... 20.4015.001,... 28.25 19.25... 17.6518.83... 21.75 15.S.... 11.70 8.flrt U5.30...ai.25j L.'oo'!."- 'MM Henderson, N. C... Lynchburg, Va. .... Lexington, N. C... Morganton, N.C... Marion, N. C Newton, N.C ..I Orange, Va Oxford, N. C Richmond. Va...... Reidsville.N.C Raleigh, N. C. South Boston, Va . . Strasburg, Va. Salisbury, N. C.J.... Btatesville, N. C... TBylnrsviUc,N.C.. Tryou,N. C , CM.4U15.0B.... S-Wia.501.... E6-05' 111.8a 5.30' hl.25 ,...tt4.85 10.9 ,...ft5.30...;.ll ... ES4.03iS.UJ ... 120.4Q15 00 ...123.25 17. 0d ... 18.85 13.8tt..J ... pa).4015.0tt... ...21.5515.80 ...E6.25 19.25!..... ... 15.30 11.25! ...15.30 !U.2ffl 7.25 8.15 4.90 ... L16.35' '-12.00,. ...Q0.7j' 7.85! Washington, D.C West Point, Va... ... 2tJ.2519.2S ...3.6517.35: 14.00. 02.60....,- warrenton, va WiUesboro, N. C Winston-Salem, N. C 04.00 il.30..... 122.05 la.RSL rb.zoia.so;.... . 19.0013.95!..... 9.805.:. Crates from intermediate points In proportion.) EXPLANATION. Column A : Tickets will be sold September 5 and 12, and daily from September 15 to Decem- PrJS' loyD Jnciuaive, with anal limit January , ItSyo. Column B : Tickets wiU be sold daily from September 10 to December 15, 1895, inclusive, with final limit twenty (20) nays from date of sale. Column C: Tickets will bo sold daily from wiwmwr 1J IU XJOOCmoCT iSU, 18U5, Inclusive, with final Lmit fifteen (15) days from date of ar 7 1898. p longer limit than Janu- -jSPnT?"1?5- Tjcket8will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December 24, 1805, inclnsive, with final " unja xi-uui jaie oi sale. Column K: 'I icltpf will Ka aM nn September 13 to December 30. 1895. inJi,ri wiih final 1 ,mit seven (7j days from date of sate. SOUTHERN RAILWAY - ' - - - is tne only Hue entering- the Exposition Grounds, Uavmgr a doublo track, standard uagc railway from the center of the city of AHunta to the Exposition Grounds. ror iickcis ana lull information aunlr to four nearest agent, or address I. M. CtJLP, W. A. TURK, Trade Manager, " Genl Pass. Agt V 1300 Penna. Avo. Washington, D; C. Health' means so much more than you imagine senous and f fatal diseases result from . Don't play with Nature's A ' greatest gift health. If von are f eel in rr oat of sorts, weak J and generally x- havejo appetite and can't work, begin at once tak ing Ihe most relia ble strengthening medicine.which is Brown's Iron Bii. ters. A few bot tles cure benefit comes from the very first dose it won't ttain teur teeth, and i 1 ' a pleasant to take. It Cures Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles, Constipation, Bad Blood f Malaria, Nervous ailments 4 Women's complaints. " Get only the genuine k has rrrK,. M lines on the wraDoer. the wrapper. All others nr mh. stitutes. On receipt of two 2c. stamps we .Will send set of Ten R.o. ..: ujT.,j- DKuvrn vritMlv.AU CO, BALTIMORE, MO TU. I M.J: n . . iuoMduingoonsanraiorTOT America o CARtFAELTBN, Director. -VaKJ - T 1 imf a.1. so- Send for Prospectus giving full information. FkawkW.Halk, General Manager. IMPROVED CHILL TONIC Superior to All Others. It is a trae fihill with Liver Trf " wi.Ji? token it never fails to cure the moslTob 8tinate.ca8e of ChiUs and Fever. Where take, and contains notlung to iojore the most dehcateatem., Sabies take it easily. As a TonlS it is without an gliMrtuiteed by yonr drnffgist. Pnce 50 cents per botUe. For sale at thedrnsr stores in Concord. Yoigt & Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. Poor -. iBrowirs Iron 'Riftorc t ML M I I. Ik . I . 1 I SEDUCING THE SOUTH FAIRY STORIES REGARDING THE RE- v FORM CLUB'S WORK. Its Beat Object Is Education and Not Cor ruption Small Pand Magnified Into Kll lions How It Spreads Infoniiation. Infiaeno andSeope. We clip the following; from fhe Jouj' nal of .Commerce and Commercial Bul letin of Sept. 9. This is the leading commercial journal of this country, and its statements show that the Reform Club, instead of having millions of dol lars, which it is spending for corrupt purposes, really has a Email fund which it is spending for educational purposes. It is, in fact., supplementing the work done by our schools and Alleges or rather it is doing work that 'they should have done: A Texas .paper is manifesting-great distress oyer a corruption fund of $1, 600,000 said to have been raised by the Chamber of Commerce or the Reform Club, or each of- them, for the purposes of seducing the south from its loyalty to the long suffering and down trodden white metal " This money, it repre sents, ia being. disbursed to secure the control of newspapers and to buy votes zor souna money canaiaates lor legisia tares and for congress. This corruption fund is a mere night mare. It does not exist It is as baseless as the cargo of gold . that Ernest Seyd was declared, -in a Colorado affidavit, to have brought from London and used in bribing -congressmen to commit "the crime' of 173." Children and savages easily believe in fairies and spooks and the supernatural in various manifesta tions, but why Will grown men, who wish to be reputed intelligent and sensi ble, disgrace themselves by repeating such nonsense? . 5 The Reform Club has not yet succeeded in raising $50,000, and it has not spent quite all it has raised. All its disburse ments have! been in support of its publi cation office, except a trifle that has de frayed the expenses of some public-meetings. The (Chamber of Commerce com mittee has j probably raised less money, and its expenditures have been of , the same general character. The Reform Club has bought or hired no southern paper. Much less has it bought or hired any southern politician. The belief I in the Reform Club is that the southern silver, men are honest, but misinformed, and that any attempt to influence them by money would be fu tile and resented as an insult. The southern papers that are nrintine thes literature issued by the Reform Club are doing it because they believe or their readers believe in sound money. The matter is supplied vto them, and they print it if they wish it. and it does not cost them Anything. But they are,, not paid to piint t ine Kciorra Club has issued more than 1,500,000 copies of the 19 numbers of its regular publication, "Sound Cur rency," in editions varying from 30,000 to 300,000, according to the adaptabil ity ci me various numbers for popular reading. It,' has supplied "broadsides," which havej been folded into country newspapers and issued as supplements to 839 papers, baving an aggregate circula iton of 288,510, which gives an average of 800. - This is getting sound currency literature ifito the hands of the farmers in the back counties, who see only one newspaper imd do not often get to pub lic meetings. This is getting back of the local boss or the leading politician to the sOvereigh voter himself. Of "these papers 220 4re published in the southern states, incluiding Kansas in the south western group, and these papers have an aggregate circulation cf 103,000 and an average circulation of 741. In the mid dle west and northwest ; these supple ments are used by C4 papers, whose aver age circulation is a little more than 1,000. Sound currency literature already set ana stereotyped, what is called "plate" matter, has been supplied to and used very freely by 503 papers with an aver-. age circulation of 1,400 and - an airsre- gate circulation of 724,469, and of these there are in jthe southeast and southwest 206, with an aggregate circulation of new ' i - soi,uuu. A larse SUTJDIv of cartoon nas also been prepared and is heinr freely used. The majority of the nubli cu, ouu jieaa uiaa a wira OI them haVft r,A 1 1 IL1 . . I been of that literary or statistical char acter which is supposed to be,unaccept- nuio 10 mo average man. The pnblica- Hnno nn n 1 T I , . a w-uuie, nave Deeii pi. a veiy popular character. Their ntuaDers are summed np as follows : Ci - n 1 . oouno. jurreney series.... , .1,532,000 Broadside. " pages.... . ... . .'.'.1,650,000 "fJr..pages , . . . .2,500,000 ouu miscellaneous documents through supply bureau 125,01 Speeches of Carlisle and others, not in cluding tho much greater number lately furnished at the expense of i vtiici parties.. 800,000 Total ..;;.........:.......;..:...,w7.ooo- xhe influence of. this work on the publip Eentinjent of the south and west is already apparent . The literature of the club has been reproduced at Eecond and third and fourth hand and is found i"-" yruuaoiy are not aware that they are! using portions of Reform yjmo documents. The Reform Club has not insulted the soutn Dy trying to subsidize its , papers or Duy up its politicians. It has sought to give mrorrnatioh to the people, and it has certainly. succeeded remarkably in the wide ahd effectiVe diBtribution'of souna currency literature. -' A Storm fico ..." . -ji. teicon1 of the voyager. TWwt uaDie to sea sickness, ineywho traverso fK .- . ness" shoalfi W-T rTX Z1! i;:T'm?fir speed nf iZZSr'U'ii me MrtIul influence " " "wi.',. uiuianous or too or damp climate, as well as to tie hZuT f ul effects of unwholesome dietnft water, itr is a relkb S iJnt Jbad mercial toJZlJZ f?tl(,ti Com merpial travelers fav ners miners, western pioneers, knd all Who have to nennt 1 rf l,'mi. J , ri;ioeiiuues OI of climate and temperature, concur m pronouncing it the W. JS-JS1- ana it is an efficient defence against all forms of malaria, It can be deSnded epsia, live? aldE trouble. - : If you wish frt panila, lifl fftrofnl in xi V of health n, rtr-i"e I tA A -t " u rexara Lmifairand.pislRten trial of this medicine never fails, when the are followed, t - Oliver Goldsmith of Wakefield", in six weeks. The remarkable gout and rheumatism which have f oUowi ed the use of Aver' fi.n.n. .-- eohclusively to the faeUiat tbiTiy1 cnmPH nnfvroT ho,',tntl .-j.. . - i7Jr VTl . oiwcinc lor com plaints of this nature than ZT: cine in pharmacy, . medi- SAVED BY A STAR. HOW A YOCNO WOMAN'S DKATII WAS . - ' PREVENTED. Given Cp by Several Physicians Bead an Account in the Washington ..Star of a New MedicineIt Saved Her Life. - From the Star, Washington D. C : ; Mr. R ii. Violland. who resides about three miles from Vienna, V- is one of the best known and i most prosperous farmers in Fairfax eounty, and thelielp lss condition of his daughter, Miss Bir die, now just budding into womanhood, frr four years previous to the beginning of the use by her in January last of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, was the subject ofgeneral comment and regret nmoDf? all who were acquainted with, the family. 'l have no objection whatever," said the'ycrang lady, "to telling, what Dr. Williams' Pink "Pills baye done for me since I began taking them at the first of the present year. Nearly fire years ago (we then lived ia Washington City) I was taken with the erir. My parents at once summoned toe best medical aid, and although the pljysician did all in his power to cure me. I gradually crew worse.- Fearing that I was going to die a second i-hvpician was summoned in consultation. A little'after this I became somewhat better, but the improvement did not last lonsr. Then I had a relapse and following this was perhaps, if possi ble, worse than 1 cad been in the first instance. ' . 'I grew better and azain became worse several times during1 a Ion sr period and my parents, as well as myself, ar rived at the conclusion that I must soon die. As a last resort.we decided to re move to this farm, hoping that the change would do me igood, and we then left the city. At this; time I could not walk without assistance. I was affected with the most jftisaare'eable ticklinsr sen sations in my feet and hands. My whole system was in disorder and , I was thor oughly run down -'"As soon as wegot into our new home a physician ot the neurhborhood was sent for and he and another doctor, who succeeded him in the care of mv case. rrescribedtor me for sa long time, but nothing ssem.ed to dome any good, and ujy parents and myself-despaired that I should ever be well again. "Uneday durme the latter Dart of December last, my father in re&Ming the Star noticed that some wonderful curs had been made by the use "of Dr. Wil liams' Pink BiHs. He called m'y atteu- tiob'to the published certificates and we were both of thie opinion that the Star would n print such; certificates evn as an advertisement itinlef 8 they were genuine, and my father the nextdav went to Washington where he procured nail dozen boxes of the pills 1 1 began to feel something- better before I finish. ed taking one box, land by the titsl hid used the six boxes was. a compara tively well girl. I then went ont car riage riding, "but unfortunately the axle broke throwing me out, and - the horse attached to a buggy wnichwas following stepped on my head before I could either get out of the way oj be assisted to rise. I was badly hurt and a doctor had to be called in to sew up the wound. The doc tor also gave me a mil l tonic, but I did not relinquish for a day the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills: which I am sti 1 using and I am nowenjoving the best of health aud can walk any distance I desire without suffering any fatigue." ' Mr. Violland who was present during the interview said he dould endorse all that his daughter had -said, and that he hears the Pink Pills are crood alsn for rheumatism, with which he is a sufferer, and for which lie intends to begin using them at once. I he foregoing is bnt of nil cures that have "been credited to Dr. Villiams' Pink (Pills for Pale People. Diseases which heretofore havn Vwen supposed to be incurable, such as loco motar ataxia and paralysis succumb to tins wonderful medicine as readily as the most trifling ailments. Ia many cases the reported cures have Vwpn ted by the leading newspapers and veri fied ui every possible manner, and in no case has the least semblance of fraud beer discovered. Their fame has been spread to the far ends of mere is nardiy a ntn, , r ; .ww -j " i Ji J 1 nUliams' Pink Pillsi" nnntAin in a I " r ". cicuieuu) ueces-1 eary to give new life and richness to the UlOOd and restore Bhntfjaiwl ntnu I iMV ATA n nnfoi in .n... V syamo iot oucu 1 r" 7'm,u"'5,Maiia paruai raiysis, at. Vitna'sdnnno. p?intift Kcm JSIITLI hH rif 41, 1 i V f 4 . iui'lul"0" i(Yn nil fvm. . t . 1 .' . -1 1 - , j weaauesseiuier in maie I or female. Pint Pill aii k n am Rrtlrl : Ktt dealeis, or wilt be sent postpaid on re ceipt of Vrice. 50 cents a box, or six boxea -tor $4.50, by addressing Dr. Wil- ' ' t ' ' There is no let UD m tnft pnnBiimn. uuu w cigarettes, ihe Uurham Sun says ins. lactory of W. ,Dake, Sons & Co. are very much behind with thr oraera in the cigarette departments and are now working their entire force of hands from 6:30 o'clorUn the untu 9 o'clock at night. Five -eiar- otto u : . . P . I .no mavmues are run ail niwht It ia said that they have i orders snnntrh . o ahead which willrequ'ire at least three weeics. of night, work, and perhaps - Ion- ev.i, iu vaicii. -np. .- iuesaay this hrm snipped for exportation 5.750.000 ci garettes. , . j , A fromineui skiutstcr. ! ' Rev. T. R. KfiTirlnlf Uo-t u ciiureu, Atlanta, ua., says : ."J. take 7Ui" iu lesiuying to the great virtue of King's Royal Getmetuer in relieving night sweats resulting frcto the debilital -"""""3 ui uiaiaria. in a hp vara ordeal through which W, J fQn.."!Ie.r5 from this oppressive affliction, ! ffound uuww ue an mediate specific. Have also found it a speedy tonic to the yKju, uuu h moss Matefnl and re freshiner remedy in the ihentpH cac when suffering frnm rAlk-ot;, a (i7imj d.x",c"iJaage, large hot tie, 108 doses, $U For, sale at Fetzer'i Drugstore. - it No one will ever shine Trip w.io minics or saying hrie things. 1 - 1 - , . . . wu..ivu XI your children arA dn fiii . ot, eymptom of the disease-hoarseness. If Chamberlain's ixmgn liemedv is mvan' aa iL. ir IT noarse it iwill prevent the ttwk' Bve ?f fcer iU 1 Oroupy cough hm aPPewed the attacklcan always be Prevented by giving this rm,l 1 rJ ! "ivaiuauie ior coma antl whooping "We would like to looW i ary ant face of some one who, has never hadJ by TV j v c seuveor2rans. e see the drawn and unhappy faces of dyspeptics in every walk of life - It is our national disease, and nearly all complaints spring from this source Re- mu" . "ie stomacn - difficulty and the work is done. .-, Dyspeptics and pale thin people are literally etaryingr because they don't di gest their food, Consumption never develops in people of robust and normal digestion. Correct thA wasting a i , m 'ra , .- w dUU of flesh and we euro the disease. Do this with food. i i The Shaker Digestive Cordial contains already digested food and is a digester of food at. the same time. IU effects are felt at once. Get a pamphlet o your druggist and learn about it. . -I Laxol-is Castor Oil made as a wct as honey by a new process. ; Children like and What stopa Neuralgiar Dr. HUea' po paj The Herald I sajs that a little over year ago Mrs. E. A. IIaden,.of Salisbury gave a cat named ..Cleveland to one of "the Haden boys in Davidson . dounty It was taken to its new home and noth ing, more was thought of it until last week, when it was discovered at its old place. , Mrs. Haden has been puzzled considerably to know how thecal crossed tho Yadkin river and found its way -to Salisbury. 1 - - , . HoraceGreelev one said : ''The way to resume is to resume." speaking of again putting gold into circulation after ho war. .Unt yoa may "resume' -any number of times to that torpid liver o yours and it won't budge until you, take bimmons Liver Uegulator. s- Many peo ple seem 1 to forget that Constipation Biliiousness and Hick Headache are a caused by ft sluggish liver. -- Keep the liver active. " - -1 . An earthquake : shock v:as lelt. in Edgecombe county Sunday week. ' " Do not wear impermeable and tight. fitting hats that constrict the blood vessels of the scalp. Use Hall's Hair Renewer occasionally, and joawill not be bald. - Hood's iousness. Tills cure indigestion, bil- If Troubled With Khtumatlsm .Eml This. 'Annapolis. Md.. April 16, 1804 I have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism and found it to i oe all that is claimed for it. 1 believe toYbe tb bett preparation for rheumatism and deep seated mliscnlar pains on the mar ket and cheerfully iecommend it to the public. - Jso. (Jr. iiBooKS, dealer in boots, shoes, etc., No. 18 Main street. Y' AtO READ 1H1S. . MECHANicsviLi,y, St. t Mary county, !fd. I sold a bottle of Chamberiain's Fain Palm to a man who 'hatl been suf fering ',, with rheumatism for feyeral years. It made him a well man.- Tot sale at 0 cents- by bottle by D.-D. Johnson, Druggist. : j - , , v;v ; x : UucMen'g Arnica Salve. --- - The.best salve in the world for cuts bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fe ver Sorep, Tetter, Chapped jlands. Chil blains, Corns, and nil4 Skin i&ruptions, and positively cures Piles r r no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25c. a box. For sale by P. B. Fetzer. . '- - ' - - ' Doctors Say; - Bilious and Intermittent Fevers which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably; accompan- I ied by derangements of the Stomach Liver "and j Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great ''driving wheel " in the mechanism of man, and when it is but of order, the whole system becomes de- ranged and disease is the result. Tutt's Liver Pills Cure al! Liver Troubles; ' Some Prominent Doctrines '-' ::OF h' ." .--..;;r- ' - BY REy C. F. SHERR8LL, of the Western North Caro ' lina ConJerenee. i Kjtji An u.coii;u.eti IKJI - VLMJ, II IT ivnuvuicio UliU IU1 WJ1U lbU W JLUUW Tha f..n,;r, u ' -u-i. mcipiy ana comprehensively qiscnssed : Repentance Towards God : 'Justification Ktt c,,k. t x t 11. rr - CJ: ! n-. it. , ' . . .J opirii ; ine wimess ol toe Spirit; oanuncation oi .Believers, Swn o-;-,t 9:?A SHERRILL, MadisoS, N. C, and set low dook. -! Oct. 3. 'vk.'.LH t-mgtf PAHkESS HAIR BALSAM Cleswr. and beautifies the halt. Promote. 4 luxuriant growth. Never Fail to Eestore -Gray Hair to its Toothful Color. Cures scalp diseases hair fellies. I Toe onJ7 Kire Cure lur Corns. Stop eU pain Ecsmt eom lurtio toe lees, iiuuus wmung cagy. icta. at UrugJisti AH9 ' Nashville Chattanooo-a & - , : St. Louis Railway. 3 DAILY: T!AINS si TO , CHATTANOOGA NASHVILLE CHICAGO CINCINNATI MEMPHIS i ST. tOUIS McKenzie Route TO ARKANAS AND; TEXAS. EHIGRANT RATES. Tr JiiKwtlanta Exposition will be the greatest Exhibition ever held it the United ! States exceptinir the World's Pair, and thS - uates have been made verv low rw roSiornTre to01'9" any dGSired 1 Trav. Pass. Agent, Atlanta, Ga. J. w. HICKS. - Trav. Pass. Aift., ! Atlauta. Oa. J0$. M. BKOWN, T. M., r C.E. HAKMAN, G.P.A.. I Atlanta, Ga. WANTED, ' Agent to sc.l out new bonk." iiMnn of the United State-, Hirf. i J. i -o i ' j y ihv eveiy teacker, pupil, and family -needed m .J Pre6s and public. Agents selling fifty books nPFwb s.?n:f PUBLISHIN G CO., ' - - - ' i . Boslon, Mass. MAGNETIC' : NERVINE . I gaaronte to cn Nervous Prostra- f- on, Fits, Dizzi- -s, Headache, Neuralgia ud nI SOmma.i Groat ex- ceases in K . .... seu " - i0?. alcohol' - in other dir.. tiona, brinirinR an De Wbt, SleepleJst preosion; Soften in at. .t.''"?."? "iain fnsanirw of or refund th. moua. ,SS?. giJf-iP w , A Medicine that Makes a Man Hustle. Fkanklin Co.. Tenn., May 10. 1802 I am forty-five years old, and have spent eight years in bad health. I am a poor man and have to hustle for a liv ing. By the use of three , packages of Tnedlord s a aeK-Uraugnt j. am now able to hustle in my market garden, and am as stout as a mule. It is the greatest medicine on earth, and does moro than it is recommended to do. i Ii. A. HUDSON, Positively cured by tlieso Little Pills. Thcyilso relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestioji" and Too Hearty Eating. A per feet remedy For Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-' ncss, Bad Tatcin the Mouth, Coati-d Tongue Pain ia the Side; TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bovvcls. Purely Vegetable. Smali PHI. Dose Lumber Vanted Cn- Accurately and Bap-' liuji ou ine FARQUHAR Variable Friction Feed Saw Mill with Quick Recedincr Head Diucits. apacitv tvvu w w,uwu ieeu with inerines ana lioiiers from 12 to 40 Horse Power. For full descriptive catalogue address, A. B. FARQUHAR C0.f Ltd., YORK, PA. H Cotton Slater a;i- IMerMtol exposition; - -.-.-"ir ,j , :l , ' !!- VIA THE ' . ' It-. ----- . SE10OtfItS .Silt JLI.VE VESTIBULED LIMITED TRAINS! Tpon Which no Extra Fare is Charged! nvff WaihiDgioD, l. c. daily,' at 8:40 E. . UL imit' m.. upon arrival of the "Conirressionl ea 'irom ivew Vorfc. and rpaoh Aiinnta at 4:09 p. m. the next dav. A second train, with through sleeping cars from New, York, leaves Washington at 4:3u a m., arriving at Atlant 50 a. m. the next day. . j; - ... -C Cdth trains leave from the Pennsylvania railroad station and land passengers in the ITliinn Ilfnntt Atlant, .ancai. t:. 2 "P0"11 passengers via any 'rf,monll nod AtrlolU, V , the eeaooara iAir Lino nas othAr mrmwfinmi 1 eauallv anDmnortant' t thnsa o Vooh... ton, namely: From New York and Philadel- puia, me a pe i;naries route; irom Baltimore, the Bay Line steamers: from Washington, me nwiwui auu asniBgron sreamers; irom New York the Old Dominion ctpomthinii ant from Boston and Providence, the Merchants is made ;at?i the steamer sides with through anu Miners steamsniDS. i.ms fnnnw-iinn SnirraUS iiiuuw iv auauba khhoui cnan?( Knh nf these routes takes tlm nasspnircr trio Point comfort and through Hampton lioads. EQCIPMEXT. HThese traiins are composed of. the hand so laest.i Pullman Brawing-Koom," Buffet uiccping 3 uu ubj voacnes. me 8-40-p m. train ("The Atlanta Special") fa vestihuled from end to end and is operated solid from v ashington to Atlanta without change. IH)ISTS;OFl-TKKEST ALOSOTHBIJlfK. - The route Irom Washington "Ma Fretiericksourg, Uichmond and Petersburg Virsciniaj Weidon. kalcis-h nri Knntho.' Pines. North Carolina: Chester. I III r on1 Abbeville. iSouth Carolina, ami P.iht;.-r j Athens to Atlanta, Georgia. Excursion tickets will be sold to Atlanta and return,;via the Seaboard Air Line, as fol lows: . . : On Tuesdavs and Thiirart 17th to December 24th. inoliiKivo u w from Washington and 12 fin fmm v..iz" month and limited to ten days fronj date of Dally. Senttember 18th rr, Tuamu ikh. Inclusive, at $19.25 from Washington and from Portsmouth to twentv davs from dnto of ,ul07 j i $26 2Mrom Washington and $23.65 from Portu- IfSMi. " i'""11"'-, goou until januarv 7. Ji . THE BXPOSITIOS rT8?? la some reppecta, iany Exposition yet held in America Here Fide by side you finU exhibits from Florida and AlasKa, Cali fornia and iMaine. th TTnifoi c.' tr. Mexico and Canada, and so on nntu neariv :J . , t u nn giooe is reDre- sen led. On the terraces are found, among Other attractions, Arab, Chinese and MexicaS 1 ihl- r, JUS1' now nose people have Afor tickets via The Seaboard Air Line Pullman Sieeninu- Cstr rocoi-v.n.,,,. .ni made and further informti, f,i.nikJ S5?nar,pUTCati9n ay A?ent of the gea- "voiu -11 i-n4ti. or u? ue unaersignea H. W. B. OLD VEIL T X a vnwuanw ; Traffic Managrer, Oaneral Pass, A!a j : ' Vice-President. ' jj Portsmouth, Va, FKEE HfcUICAL REFEKEStB BOOK.. (64 pages;) lor men and women who aie gjnvcted with aDy form of private uwcaoc pwuuar lo ineii- cat itah r i t .1 - . . 1 ui ""wsiuus aiseases, lemaie trou. uics, etc., eiC. . .; feend 3 two cent stamn?!. to Tatr taot A. a 1 1 1 . . t--'" to iue leaamg specialists and pb'v- inn tt ,. -.. J' -"i. iinm. An.,tn ; . - .v. SUPEEIOR COURT, m pills 1 V I 1 t i I 1 A u V. A. Klutt?, executor ,of A. H. Howell deceased, Plaintiff, Paul Eudy and wile Jensy, J. C. Hart- sell and wife Marv. .Tnhn .Tn.- j Tnlfn ?r' Ma Lowell, John Ktanntlr arA -n,it.. TT :.. ' Tr- ff. ' "Vi"a8 f?!?e, "scar Hart- SET-V iF Vowe ' ""SBW IartseU. Wilson Hagler and wife MHr m.. Austin and wife Saljie, Defendants. It appearing to the satisfalinn f .W return of John A. binfa, g sheriff of Cabarrus county, N. C and W t'"'" r. lulvil OI X. A. lviuttz filed in the abpve-entitled action, that Oscar Ilartsell and-Clave Auti and his wT feallie Austin -are . non-residents of this btate and after due dUigence cannot be found within the State of North Caro ' fbar1 necessary and proper par ties to the (.above-entitled!, action, and whereas thA; plaintiff above named lias began an action jn' said Court to subject to sale the real estate of said A. IJ. flow, e,-".-deecribed. in the complaint of thl pjaintin, for the purpose ;of - making M assets to naV dslrfa hnrl 1,0 fir-.l IJ mtni ii" .""J ot aa- VA wwlii "S? Iae eswte of 6ai(i A. H.. C .raSl81" defendants. Os- !Tv "rP:P actual or n "",7?"' nf mhw 01 eaid A. H Howeil ia paid lands. r ; ow, therefore, the faid 0rtvxr.. and Clavd Austin and wife SaViie Wi.8nPe"f Qirut of said be. and tbeplamtifTin this r-l-nnt sou 6 "V "pittie aioresaid on or fore tne 4th day of Novtml5r,?sS 1"' U. BUBTrr Or numn.l.. il. ' tu mi cot; Plaintiff wttTnrfaT.K. ?t.irl:P reUef iTthragf and for costs of action. - - " This 18th day of S'pt-,lH, 13.15 . Si; w m m m m w s m. Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitclier'-;--and Cbildrcn. 1 contains rn-ii,:s other Narcotic substance Ii j- iot A'aregonc, urops, Soothiii It is -Pleasant. It Jeverisbness. Castoria .'prcvcms , cures Iiarrhoea and "Wind teething troubles, cures consti;; vast vi ui u3uuiutica iut5 IOOvi, and ! bowels, giving health y :u toria is the Children's ranecea-t!c Moti c . 1 I Castoria. "Caatoria is an excellent medicino for chil dren. Mothers hare repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Da. G.-C. Osgood, r- . Lowell, Mass. " Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far distant when mothers willconsi ier the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine,, soouiing syrup and other hurtfxd agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature gravet.'' T Da. J. F. Kischeloe, Conway, Ark. Tha Centaur Company, TIIurray S -THAT Th; Morris Hardware is Jiave Mower Knives for all Mowers Em pireNanq 'ieiser Machine Spikes, V( -EULL LINE 01- -tJuggies, Cliampioii Mowers, Cooking sPAcr & mm w 411 Goods at Lowest Prices as Usui 3 Pa, NOW IS v TO BUY FURN8TURE. 69. TfeA cm; ef 1st it -Ta-D m The Factory's have all ajrrccd to ; -biit before thev out mi their i juto the market and 1 Stock fever before seen in this sc - : . livery one who sees mvsi Wcb&I itf Variety tl Styl?, Mwn I-CM -SAVE -YOU -I WRITE ME BEFORE m eadng Deale r in Fuinitmc, I 1; 1 6 and ilS W, Trade Street, J " ChlcbSr KBcUah Xllaiaoad Braai, PILLS src, olwftys rdiabi.- udics k urajTist lor tirtr EiilUk bin . tboiea, (raled with bins lihfaon. T.L. mtna jrrnnH la Urd and Gold tneullic 1b Usipa for jwnttcalar. WMimocUls mnl "ReUef for Ladle," tMr, by rrtara b, 'i-D'--VuS2-2 fI lAi,.i.HL 1 s JI a 1 PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM - -5 tuicuwt nd bewnities tee Date ' -O C ? ficmnui a luxuriant Browth. ,--.r 5 Never Fii'i to B esters Gray r k,-rc I iiair co iu iouiniul voior. H S 8 I $rB",$jJ tea ' s u-, a -a VJrf ; - m Ur. H n IS 'ti Q r dftsSffr i en k. 1 s - - BEKHYROtAL mi Is J rim 1 r. Vt"r .1... ,;l i,itii-ni . "Ca.i,.- IftTuIN;.;, knov. ij i.-j 'I. A u in So ' f)rr -1... " mm. ; n-.t-ii:- iaeriij favor J-eatefir1 Allen 1 in C P7 '1 'unii-s- Fie ti l Vi M IIS ! 1 L1U JJ r -r 1 .:i j ---4 or prices tl;':! country Ml Mi". 1 5 L" V 1 : ll ( 1- - 0 i. pa" f 1 ! i r Hi 7s 0RG VllflH illUil .1 li ' !?' ' ;L()TTE.'S.t Srsji-: Fiav- - Is a c . ta : . s GlTinuht! 1 i- czci.:":i, Tu; -I-. , 25 cents i-i r For ynn '';' dition try IV- ;.' They tone ;:p t::o loss "of api-etito, ur-1 L-iilnrv disorJo - :'l,u ' . he- 'V- k hew hfe to an ohl ''ftltSDerpa.ckafie. i wire Kaip ditrase a bait laUiog. lor s"