! 1. ' I! -. 9 r rnz -rnr I The One Crop System P "of farming gradually exhausts the land, unless a Fertilizer containing a 1 high percentage of Potash is used. Better crops, a better soil, and a' 7 A ' Write fir our Farmers' Guide," a 142-page illustrated book. It JV 11 is brim full of useful information for fanners-. : It will be sent free, and e will make and save you money. tlOBE EVE-GLASSES, ilore Eyes! 5 .' . A Certain Safe and Eifeelf",e Remedy lor V SORE, WEAK and INFLATED EYES,, JPrw. ir eiwsr Lng-Sifihtednea8, nrut : Xlestori.ig the Sight of tlia old , Cures Tear Drops, Granulation, Stye j TaEiors,Ked Eyes, Matted Eye Lashes, . AND PRODUCING QUICK RELIES Also, eqjiaJ'y e3?aotis when nsert in oilier n:ii5arfies, skpSj rs Ulcers, Fever tUiTv:ir 'tin uswrs, I: Ileum, Burnat; MlVi;s:1LJi liALya may be nscd t SCLO T ftll EgUCSiSTS'.?'' CENTS - jGeorgeville Academy, . Georgeville, Cabarrus Co., N. 0. MALE and FEfylALE. - - - - . i ,' . .- t W.M. BKObfvS, A. M., (Unlr. K. C.) PriacipaL The next session -will open August 5th, an l will continue 10 months with a short vacation at Christmas. Discipliue wise ly but stnctlv enforced. Pupils charged f rom date of entrance till close of five months tar m.. Xo deductions exempt in cases of protracted sickness J 'orpine week or myre, or by special contract. : 4-r ------ KITES OS XUITIOX PEB IiTTXAB MONTH: Primary, Spelling and First Reader f LOO Seoo id -iicjider, Spelling-, and Second readier, i ' - . 1455 Intermediate, Spelling, Eeadins-, Ele-- raentsof .Arittunetic, Primary Geog-- rapliv. Primary Grammar, f . L50 HiijUer Eijgiish, Grammar, Aritnme- tH:,t..f . 2.00 Uiifiier, Mathematics witn one or more of tiie -following:. Latin, Greofe, " ' .". French p Spanisiv ( . 20 to 3.00 Tuition payable monthly or quarterly. ii-'. - f : -i :.r.'-' : .; Board, iaclp.dinK lights, fnel, etc, $6.00 I to $7.00 per month.' " " . !. . Georgeirine is sitnated near, the junc tion of Dutch Buffalo and Rocky River, ia Soutlpeastern part of Cabarrus cmnty, tkn miles from Concord, in a . "healthy country. The Academy is .a large new building; well i suited for , school purposes. ' The school will ;be strictly n)u-sectarian. Pupils will Jb'e required to attend Divina. worship and Sabbath School. ' ! There is a tri-weekly ! mail from Qeorseville direct to Concord and back on Tuesdays, Thursdays andSaturday s. A .first-class practicing physician re sides in tne village. - Parents fud guardians interested in elucatiori are cordially invited to visit the school- ; v For further information address the Principal ; ..... FOR THIN PEOPLE Are You Thin? Flesh made with Thinacura Talets by a scientific prooess. They create perfect asbimibtipn of every form of food, se creting the valuable parts and discard ing the worthless. They make thin faces plump an'd round out the figure. They are the : i ' : STASDAED REMEDY for leanness, containing no arsenic, and absolutely harmless. , ! -Price, prepaid, $1 per box, 6 for $5. Pamphlet, "howtocfet FAT,"iree. THE THINACURA CO , 849 Broad war, Neir York. f R-I-P-A-N-S 1 . . - . - The modern stand ard Family Medi cine: Cures the common' every-day ills of humanity.' ' u u Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat- cut Dusiaess coaauctea tor Moderate Fees. ! Our Office is Opposite ii r d -. tut nrnr. i and we can secure patent in less time than those remoio ircira asaington. ' t c-A ,Aat 1 .-; 1 f.V M - - J Eon. V e advise, if patentable or not, free oi t charge. Our fee cot due till patent is secured. 4 A Pabspwlst, "How to Obtain Patents," with I cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries i sent free. Address, 5 Opp. Pi Patent OrncE. VJashington. D. C. Some Prominent Doctrines OP- METHODISM BY REV.;C. F GHERRILL, of the Western North Caro . i bna Conference. . This book is designed for .-young Methodists and all who wish to know more of the doctrines of our Church. Tbe following are some of the subjects lucidly and comprehensively discussed : Repentance Towards God ; Justification by Faith; - Regeneration by the Holy Spirit ; The Witness of the Spirit; Sanetification of Believers, &6.' " Send 25 cents (not stamps) to REV. C. F. SHERRIL.L, Madison; N. C, and get this book. - Oct. 3. Vanted Cut Accurately and Bap-' iaij.ua tne FARQUHAR Variabfa Friction Fsod Saw Mill Jwlth Qulctr Receding Head ao.uoo ieeu wiui uncrines ana rsoners irom iz to 4U Horse Power. , For full descriptive catalogue address, - , A. B. FARQUHAR CO., Ltd., YORK, PA. IHifMCUflA Lum&ar rv 1 : V -A. X, U - V-'- ; Tnstt 7!lVTi Address, - . ; . 9 rTjRErf T lUi wiwuuuuui .-1 REDUCED RATES. CottoA states IntematWExpositloii ATLANTA, GA., " lejrteimber 18 December 31, 1895. Por the abore occasion the Southern Bailway Co. will sell low-rate rouncUtrip tickets to ATLANTA, GA., and return on the follow ing basis: ' rEOM- Alexandria, Va. .... Aaherille, N. C Burlington, N. C... BurkevUle, Va..., .. Culpeper, Va Chatham, Ta Charlottesville, Va. Chapel Hill, N.C... Concord, N.C CharlottetN.C. Danville, Vs. ... .. .. Durham, N. C. ..... . Front Eoy al, Va Greensboro; N. C. . . 28.8519.2ffl 14.0O' 12.85.. 9.401 5,75 P8.7013.7ffl B3.2517.06 125.3018.66! 11.9a 13.50! 120.85 15.30! 1Q.55i' 15.40' E3.2517.0a E0.4015.00l 110.85.:... 14.20. 13.15L 10.401 .. 6.55 ... 6-85 9.651 teo.05U.ra 10.20L,... 10.45 E0.40 15.00 2.2o 19.25,' (14.00' 17.65 K.96 9.20i Golds boro. It. C. . . . Hendereonville, If. tel.75;15.8a (11.601 c. 11.70..... 8.eoi 5.25 7.25 8.40 6.75 iiicKory, n. v High Point, N.C... Hot Springs, N. C.... Henderson, N. C. Lynchburg, Va .... Lexington, N. C . .. ., Horganton, N. C. . . . . . Marion, N. C Newton, N. C Orange, Va. .......... Oxford, N. C Richmond, Va.. ...... Keidsvttle. N. C....... Kalcish,N. C....... South Boston, Va .... Strasburg, Va. Salisbury, N. C. ...... Statesville, JN. C Taylrtrsville, N. C .... Tryou, N. C Washington, D. C .. . . .West Point. Va. 15.80 .,... 16.95,..,.. u.oo'j.... 11.25 12.45 10.50 E0.4015.0W 110.45 22..5016.5a; 11.80 8.05 7.25 7.10 7.25 .ni.25 14.S5U.. 10.901 15.30.... U.S5 E4.55 18.00. 03.HW E0.4015 00 .. E3.2517 05. 10.45 13.40...... tt8.8513.80j.. E0.4015.00L. 121 Jol.-S.MK.: 9.70... 10.45..,., 110.80...... E6.25 19.251. . 14.00..... 15.30,. .,,.111.25 15.30.. ...Ill.ffi! 7.2y 7.25 8.15 4.80 16.35.. ...113.001 10.75L.. 7.85! E8.2519.25' E3.65 17.35!, tu.oo!. 12.60 Warren ton, Va... XI.; i ir. v n . 128.35 19.25i . 3.9516.85 . i4.oo; U.30 Winston-Salem, N. C A9.JU13.R!, 9.60: (Bates from intermediate points in proportion.) :;; '' EXPLANATION. . i j - Column A : Tickets will be sold September 5 and 12, and daily from September 15 to Decem ber 15, 1895, inclusive, with final limit January 7, 13967 . Column B: Tickets will be sold daily from September 16 to December 15, 1895, inclusive, with final limit twenty (0) days from dale of sale. . . . Column C: Tickets will be sold daily from September 15 to December 30, 1895, inclusive, with final limit fit teen (15) days from date of sale. No ticket to bear longer limit thyn Janu ary 7, 1896. Col umn D: Tickets will be sold on Tuesdays and Thursdays of each week from September 17 until December 24, 1895, inclusive, with final limit temlO) days from date of sale. Column E: Tickets will be sold daily from September 15 to December SO, 1895, inclusive, with final limit seven (7) days from date of sale. SOUTHERN RAILWAY is the only line entering the Exposition Grounds, having a doublo-track, standard gruatre railway from the center ot the city of Atl-.inta to tho Exposition Grounds. For ticket3 and f pll information apply to your nearest agent, or address p, r.iLCrjLP, W.A.TUBK, Traffic Manager, Gen'J Pass. Agt . 1300 Penna. Ave., Washington, J). C. - . c oor ealtSi 'means so much more than you imagine -serious anal fatal diseases result from "f trilling ailments neglected. " Don t play with Nature's greatest gifthealth. , If you are feeling ' oat of sorts, weak and generally ex- flTOVIfS nausted. nervous. have no appetite ana can't work, begin at once tak ing the most relia ran ble strenethenms medicine.which is , Brown's Iron Bit ters.. A few bot tles core benefit conies ' from h . Bitters very first dose a won't stain your teetk, and 1 1 ' a pleasant to take. It Cures l Dyspepsia, Kidney and Liver Neuralgia, Troubles. . 7 Constipation, Bad Blood ; r Malaria, - v Nervous ailments r Women's complaints. . ,. "et onlv "e genuine it has crossed red jf r lines on tbe wrapper. . All others are sub- , stitutes. On receipt of two ac. tamn w J will send set of Ten Beautiful World's t-air Views and book free. BROWN CHEMICAL CO. , BALTIMORE. MO IMPROVED CHILL TONIC Bnperlor to All Otbers. v It is a true Chill Cure in combination with Iiiyer Tonics. -. When properly taken it neyer fails to cure the most ob stinateicase of rjbitia unit xuv. others fail it will cure. It ia pleasant to take, ad contains nothing to injure the- most delicate system. - Babies take it easilV. tAn n'Trtnin i ia -rsiU-L equaL Guaranteed bv vour drnp'fnBt. lrice 50 'cents per bottle. Fr sale at thedrng stores in Concord. Volgt & Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. B SI TS 4. H-J H The LeadingConsarralory of America -ZQ CaxFabltbn, Director. t.'ttwCL , 1 p .kUI--" riving foil infonatio. ' Fha wk W. H alb. General Manage. ;. CHASING RAINBOWS. " ; ii' An old legend taught that under the pot of gold; and many foolish youths the hidden treasure. In, these enlightened times we laugh at the folly of past aees. vet many beonle still believe in ter foundation than the ancient' fairy Congressmen ' Bryan and Bland have vinced that under the end of the free coinage and fiat money rainbows they will find unsold riches. Stories of wonderful prosperity for everybody if only more silver inoney is coined are listened to gravely by men who in the ordi nary affairs of life are shrewd and sensible.. But attractive as they doubtless are, these promises of wealth to be had t. Vimrio'li a niera chahfiro to a cheaner standard of values are nothing but finanoial fairy stories. They are based create wealth 1 by legislation and that their nossessions in' cheaper money. of wealth to be had without working perity' which are wholly outside tbe actual, worldr ; , Sooner or later all these must learn the lesson that nature yields wealth to labor only ahdjthat an abun dance of cheap money does not mean a rich country. Already the people who were, for a tiine misled by the agents of ' their delusions, and have resolved to severely-alone in the future. Chasing but it is very poor business for intelligent men. . k DEBASED CTJltRENCY. WHAT A PROMINENT SILVERITE'S PROPOSITION MEANS. Would Decrease the Weight of the Gold 'or Increato That of the. Stiver Dollar. Prescriptions of Different Ratios to Be Continued During Life of Patient. Governor Stone of Missouri is an ar- f dent advocate of cheap dollars aud de nounces all who favor pur present finan- ; cial system ak being cnilty of "unre lenting hostility to silver. " . In a speech at Sedalia, Mq. , he declared in favor of the immediate opening of. the United States mints to thafree coinage of eil- yer at 16 to 1 and said : "If after a fair .trial it is demonstrated that we cannot on that ratio " maintain both metals in circulation at a parity, then congress can at any time in jthe future do what it has done in the past change the ratio by decreasing tiiesamount of gold in the J I .. gold dollar, or it can increase the amount of sil.er in thn Bilvi- rinlinr nr it can do both I" J This is a fair sample of silverite loeic ! nt.A-. 1-L1. j.. 1 l - M , 11 f rr,u,,a. "rV OI any eii j defined principlle in the 50 cent dollar agitation. It lis only fair to Governor atone to say that his plan of establish ing a permanent ratio of 16 to 1 be tween gold and silver by making the gold dollar smaller ii not original with him. The idea is taken from that renos- ltory of misinformation on the money question V Coin 'a Financial SchooL ' ' That the governor of an important state should indorse such a dishftnest proposi tion is merely evidence of the incapaci ty for reasoning which the free coinage craze produces in its victims. If Governor Stone , really understood the money question, on which he pre sumes to instruct the neonle of MiRsnnri. he would knov that reducing the size oi the gold dollar would do nothing to ward bring the commercial value of sil ver at 16 to 1 Of cold. It is the 23S-10 grains of pure old which is the unit of value. The same number of snrains of pure silver are worth about one-thirtv- second -as much. If the unit of value were made 20j 15 or 10 grains, the re- lation between the value of cold and silver, would not be altered in the least What would happen would be that every contract made payable in dollars would be cut down in proportion to thereduc- tion in the weight of the unit, thus rob mng by law all creditors of a part of their property. The real value of gold oiivcr in reiauou to otner commodi ties would not change, but the term "dollar" would mean less value than it does now. In other words, a decrease in the weight of the gold unit would mean a debasement of the currency similar to increasing the jjuantity of cheap metal usea as anoy in corns. . It cannot be too often nointed out that in their. last analysis all cheap money bcaemes, ana especially the free coinage ox Buver, mvqive positive dishonesty on tne part or the government. Goods having been soljd, capital loaned or con tracts for payment of wages made or a standard, oi valne established by con gress it is coolly proposed that the value of goods, capital or wages shall be cut aown by decreasing the measure of val ues.. Such action might be popular with isoiue creditors and employees, .who wouia be ale to escape from a part of their obligations. But every principle ot ou-umou uonesty and justice would stamp legislation for that purpose as fraudulent and proposed to the best inter ests in the long run of debtors as well as creditors. Civilized societies have long passed the stage when it was thought just arn expedient to repudiate lawful obligations. Governor Stohe's alternative proposi tion to increase the-amount of silver in the "dollar" is tiot open to the charge of dishonesty if he means that the coins should contain ns much silver as would be worth a gold dollar. But if this plan is honest it is alo absurd and would be entirely unsuite4 to" Uie needs of a great commercial natjion like "the United States. Our presentjsilver dollar is too bulky and inconvensent for general use. A coin twice as jlargeras a dollar worth its lace as bullion would necessarily be, would not be used at alL Besides the continually changing value of silver, owing to increased or decreased produc tion or consumption', would require it3 constant recoining at great expense In order to adjust it-he coin 'value to the commercial valpe. There is no need of such a coin, and as neither silverites nor Bomiu money advocates want it its dis advantage heed not be seriously discuss edi The American people want neither 11 8-5 grains gold dollars or 742 U grains silver dollars, and agitators for either are merely disturbing business to no purpose. Neither do they wish to risk the great dangers of experimenting With different ratios unless it is abso lutely certain that they will be benefit ed by the change The house ia cold when loves goes out. eud of every rainbow could be found, a spent weary days seeking in vain for promises of wealth which have no bet tale. Senators Stewart and Peffer, ex- their credulous followers, who are con on the belief that governments can people will . be richer if they measure .Now as ever there are men who dream for it and of schemes for business pros the silver mine owners aire abandoning leave the world of dreams and fanr;es rainbows may be sport for idle boys, HOW TO PREVENT CROUP. Some Reading That Will Prove Interesting ' to Young Mothers. . How to Guard Aganst the Disease. Croup is a terror to young mothers and to post them concerning tbe cause, first symptoms and treatment ! is the object of this item. '1 he origin of croup is a common cold. Children who are sub ject to it take cold very easily and croup i is almost sure to follow. Themrst eymp- ; torn is hoarseness; this is soon followed by a lacunar roneh cougb, wnicn is easily recognized and will never be tor gotten by one who has heard it. The time to act is wnen tue cnua hibi Be comes hoarse. If Chamberlain's Cough Kemetly is freely given ail tendency, to -: cronp will boon disappear.. Even after the croup cough has aeveloied it will prevent the attack. There is.no danger in giving this remedy for ' it contains : nothing injurious, if or sale by u. JJ. uonnson, JJruggist. There are 625,000 women in Massa chu3etts wfao are eligible to vote on the .4 a a. - . 1 .. JV . 1 ' T . 4""" 01 municipal bunrage ior meir se- Only 26,072 have registered This shows that woman do not want the tb - IIot. Tlli8 i8 the d. of anttthia and anti that, but what people need most, nowa days is, the anti-biilious medicine, Sim mons iiiver .Kegulater, t the 1 King of : Liver Medicines, and Better than Pills. 'I have Ubed no other anti-billious rem edy for six years and knoj frorrf experi ence that tor ladies of a constipated habit nothing equals it. laura V Craig, ELteburv. Jb'la. Turn "the tragic" gate. hungry from your The wife of Mr. Leonard Wells, of East Brimheld, Mass., had been suffer ing from neuralgia for two days, not being able to sleep or hardly keep still. when Mr. Holden the merchant there sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and asked that she save it a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells I the next day he was told that she was all j rignt, tne pain nad left ner witnin two I nours, ana mat tne Dotue oi rain ualm was worth $5.00 if it could not be had for less. For sale at 50 cents per. bottle by JJ. u. j ohnson, Uruggist. A child's "why ?" boo. is a parent's buga- Mr. JacoFB. Brown, of Graham viile. . C, was troubled with chills and fever and unable to procure relief until he began to take Ayer's Pills. He is now enjoying excellent health and is a warm and sincere advocate of Aver 's Pills, for all complaints of stomach.liver or bowels. For-the sure of headache, constina- tiorij stomach and liver troubles, and all derangements of "the. digestive and as-1 simitative organs, Ayer's Pills are inval- uauie. xseing sugar-ooated, they are pleasant to take, always reliable, and re tain their virtues in any climate. . Nearly all women have good hair, tnougn many are gray, and few are bald. Hall's Hair Renewer restores the natu ral color and thickens the growth of th& mux. Good advice: Never leave home on a journey .without a bottle of Chamber lain s Colic, Cholera and .Diarrhoea Remedy. For sale by D. D. JoWon urnggist. . j.ue aaesooro Xtiessenger savs a Populist magistrate of Anson county had a white woman before him for trial on the charge of removing a crop with out leave. The. woman asked for the removal of the trial,' savins i that she l could not get justice before this magis trate, lie told her she would have to I secure the costs in order to remove ' the case and as she couldn'tdo this the trial proceeded. The maeistrate took final jurisdiction in the case, ! found the woman guilty and fined her $1 and I C08t . - DU IGAR 1 J Cigarettes W.t)ukeSon!,rn ""inwn n.C. U.S.A. MADE FROM . High Omdo Tosses .ASS ADSOLUTELY PURE i E t ITTES rkswM mi WHY PRO&PtHI TY OhiMcU. Because the Drift of, Public Opinion. I Opposed to a Silver Basis.- f Secretary of the Navy Hilary A Uer bert delivered a strong sound currency speech at Montgomery, Ala,, on Oct. 4. He said in part : . . ' '! , "What our currency shall consist of is a question to be decided oa business principles. There is a sentimental ob jection to gold indulged in by some- that it is the money of tha rich but it does, not seem to: ie tliat this should have any weight because, in my opinion, the poor man is entitled toasgood mon ey as the rich. There is a sentimental, argument in favor of the Bilver dollar because it ia said to have been 'the dol lar of our fathers.' It does not seem to me that this argument should have any weight. because it is not founded on fact. "The fair presumption is that neither vour lather nor mine nor any omer a:a ! 1 ana ever " nandiea enongn American dollars to keep him out of tne voor- house. . - ;: . .f - "I know of : no more effective way of crippling th south and its industries i than for our people to clamor for the navment; of debts already contracted and hereafter to be contracted in depre ciated silver dollars. i "Fortunately for this country the effects of the panic of 1 893 are rapidly passing away. Money has begun to flow again in its accustomed channels. Wheat has risen-in price," cotton has risen in price, iron nas risen in price, industries are reopening everywhere, wages are m creasing, and all this comes from . tne. fact'that the capitalists of I this coiiintry who are shrewd, farseeing and who watch with keen eye the doings of every political convention have come lo the I conclusion that the free silver sentiment in the United States is not strong enough and not powerful enough to force! ibis country to a silver basis.' iney understand that there s no free silver.sentinient in, the east,!rione in New England, none in; NewYork, none in" Maryland, New Jersey, Dela ware or Pennsylvania. 'They see that Republicans and Dem ocrats, in the state of Ohio have pro nounced against free silver; that Re publicans and Democrats in the state of Kentucky have pronounced against free silver ; that only part of the Democrats in the other states of the west and south are for free silver, and. they are Confi dent, as I am that the people of! the United States, whatever else'mayj hap pen, will in 1896 pronounce for thej con tinuance, of sound money, for the parity with gold of every dollar of Eilver and of paper now afloat or to be floated in the United States." Measures of Values. ' A dollar is not a measure of length, brendth, thickness or ' weight, bult of value. A measure of length, brepdth and thickness must have standard length m order to be a true measure. A meas ure of weight must have true weight, but when.it comes to considering what shall be'the requisite quality of a meas ure of Y- lue the free silver people1 say that vak a is of no moment,remiarks tho Mobile Register; that if it halve a certain name stamped on it and be call- I . . - ed a true measure of value it will be a true measure of value. This is as absurd as would be an attempt to call a yard i - , tin S , " i m nces wejght buc. oi su mcnes a true length, cr a pound cf ten ounces a true measure cf weight. The only Ixne measure of value is a measure which oontaina full value. 'Any other sort measure which is offered as a true meas ure is false and will be rejected byl the people. i iond i an. The Free Silver Chimera. The ridiculous attempt of the silver contingent to commit the United Stjates to free coinageto the exchange off 50 cents' worth of silver for a dollar in gold rivals in its absurdity and enthusiasm the wildest chimera of romantic fiction. It carries u back to the fond but futile search for the fountain of everlasting youth, to the mediaeval alchemists' theory of, the transmutation of metals and to the beautiful mythological story of Midas and the golden touch. Fhil- adelphia Record. ; VKia nm wif 1& ut AiaanKi l. l-J i,w. I- .IJ. I.I. w ihim1'" s Ok BaI wk) ijt. Don't you know that Hood's Rarsnka- rina wm overcome that t red fepl no- -i. - f : i v i a. ..... . ' - - . 1 " I nu Kive you renewed vigor and vitalitv? I Doctors Sav: Bilious and Intermittent Fev .7 which prevail in miasmatic dis tricts are invariably accompan ied by derangements of the Stomach LiverVand Bowels. The Secret of Health. The liver is the great "driving wheel" in the mechanism tf man, and when it is outof order the whole system becomes d ranged and disease is the result, t Tutt's Liver Pills I Cure all Liver Troubles.! Simple Simon tip to Date. , ? -i4S-- ji COMPLETE WRECK. : A STOKV oi? 1 9 :i:s' INTEREST ,JO nOMEN, How the Life of aJVork State Woman was - YFrM'Keu'Xife ' Uot Us Joys nt the ' Cloaos Pasnedand Happiness Came Again. From the Cinihamton, N.T.. Republican. ' Vt have he rd so much lalk throufe h-? out the coimti' of lite cont enting Mrs Mar ha Gates, it Maine, Broome Co., N. Y. . that yt-sterdAV a reporter of the TJingiiatiiton; Kepublicao; interyirwui her for pabheation, nndher 8ttry,wliich will intertfct all wo w en. is as follow. : "I was born ins .Hartford Cortland County, New York 43 years ago. I have been married 21 years and am the mother of eiht " children. About two years ago I was afflicted with trojailes incidental to' my sex and suffered ago nizing pain. ; -The trouble continued to erow worse, unui lass winter l was com nelled to take to ny bed. I called in a not seem to do me much good, and only relieved me for a little time, after which my condition became worse than before. I was confined to my bed for three months and was unable to attend to my household duties . I culd hardly feed myself, o weak had I. become. I had to be waited urwm day and night and was a phvpicBi wreck. There was very grave doubts about my ultimate - recov ery. The best hope ,t!ie doctor could hold out to me was that I might be able to get nrfmud aam at.d attand tu m household duties after remaining in bed a few months longer. Llut instead of getting bet er I grew steadily worse. One; tliiy I bappend to read in the paper about Pr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and decidt d to eive-th'em a trial. Immediately ! after taking them and be fre I had used a btf a box I saw a marked change for tbe'etttr in iny con dition A tl this ti-iif. however:"! was confined in my bed. I continued taking tlte mr.rticifie.UT.it' h 'd nwd fonrnox"8 and by that time I was a!io to be about and around again, the improvement has been fcteady ever since. Ism still a little, weak but am growing stronger as fast as nature, aided by Dr. Williams' ink I'llls will let me. -1 nave erreat faith in these pills and' fh ill use them heieafter. -My husband, w o felt real miserable all the Spring, took them and thev made a new man of him. ' i have also used th'em for my daughter, aged 13 years, who has found them very ben eficial for tronl des incidental to her sex. So fr as I am myself concerned I con sider it a wonderful cure." Mrs. Gates has lived ia North Maine for many years, and is highly respected, Anv Btatemnslie makes is cheerfully arqmescea in oy ner inenos ana ac quuintances. ;-. ... -. ' i - -. Dr. Williams' F'luk Pills contun ali thV elements h cessary to give hew life and richness' to the blood andjre- stort? shattered nerves. They are for sale by all'druesrifcts, or may be had by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Oo., benenectady. M. Y.. for 503. per box, or bii bottles for 2.0. An' Albany phybieian says be .has never Known a case of caucer among tho Hebrews; and their exemption from the disease; is due to abstinence from work. For more' than a hundred rears the Siiakersbave been studying the remedial j properties l plants. They nave m ide many discoyeries, bat their greatest rhii trtimATii- Y.aa rnai-la 1 1 cf vaar Tf. ia . -. A V , V . .. ...J ... V ' U J V A . W A 'J a cordial that contains already digested food a' d is a digester" of foo J. It is ef- k fectiVe t& removing distress alter t-ttmg PSSSS. Kiuggies-Champion-Mowers, Cooking St thin people become plump and healthy j ; : -. :-x under its urn It -arrests the wasting of ci-nsumptiou. 1 lure nevtr has been such a sten for ward in -the cure f vtudisr-fitittn as this Shaker Cordial. ; Your drngaist will be 'lad to give you a little book descrip tive of the i roduct. Give the bahirs Laxol. which is Castor Oil made' as palatable as honey. When C'od measures men the standard is Crhist. i ;!-' ;;':- a nig sign. ;r:"---.1'' .;; One of the largest sigrs ' ever painted ia seen on the roof of the Chattanooga a' edicme Co s laboratory at the foot of Lookout Mountain. Tbe siarn is 175 ft long and 40 feet wide, and'reads, "Mc- Elree's Wine of Cadui for Women. Some of the letters are 80 ft I6n and can be r-ad from the top of the historic old mountain. ; JMo visitor comes to this popular resort without- havinsr I'Wine of Carduir' firmly impressed on his mem ory. 1 his medicine has increased in popular favor' very rapidly, and now stands at the head of its class. Thou sands of ladies use it every mdnth. . A. I'roiuin.ut tllulter. Bev. T. E. Ivendall. oastor Grae M. E. church, Atlanta. Ga., says : "I take i pleasure in testifying to tbi great virtue of Kind's Rovall Germetuer in relieving night sweats resulting f roiii the debilita ting mfhif nee 61 malaria. In a severe ordeal through! which my family passed from thi oppressive affliction, I found Germetuer to be an immediate siecitc. Have also found it a sneedv tbnio to the digtstion, and k most grateful and re freshing remedy in the heated season when suffering from relaxation and e-eri- eral debility." New package, large bot tle, 103 doses, $ 1. Eor sale at Fetzer's Drugstore. !; j - 1 Backlen'a Araies Salve. TT. I - a. -1 . . t - - - Aie ucb6 saive m ine worin- tnr rnu I bruises, Mores, Ulcers, Salt Khenm, Fe ver Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chil blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles Or no Twitr ro quired- It is guaranteed to s-ive ivr. fret satisfaction . or money refunded. Pie 25 c a hnt. Vi.r sola h d p iFetzer. t " "J V. V.Tioa Baby was sick, we gave her Castena. When she wau tt CLiid, sh ai i4 for Cmtori. NVhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria. ' When she had Childrer . she gave them Castia. The way to he a true d to make a specialty of looking .or feet to wash, but to d O in rinrlnrKs mA 1 1 l - A . i - ajlx. JV,V wuaiever needs doing. S. PA IJ I 1 ositively cared by tliese Little PUls. Th alH,rclieve Distress from" Dyspepsia, Indic-tion and Too Hearty Eating Ape feet remedy for TiU ness Taeiu th MoVth, Co-a t ai ia the SJe, TORPID LTVTB t?, . Regulate the Dowels. IWiv v,.!.. v.. . J' jsmaiiPiu. sm&naase- Small Prico. RTERSI SIEr-E9?AnAryi Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's provv and Children. It contains nciO: other Narcotic substance. It is for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Eyri; It is Pleasant. Its fruaran; ; . juiliions oi JUODners. t;astoriadc-str'n v fevcrisliness. cures Diarrlioea ana TVnul Ci n C -, owi,..;,;! iin. -A. , 5 . 1 . J.9 1 iusiuru u3iuuiitu;s nits iuou, r;'g-iu ana ; oowcis, giving aeaitiiy and nat . 4-rk-vsfrh ta f Ifltvnn'a Pat o - Castoria. "Caor!a is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." . Da. G. C. sGoori,-' . i Lowell, Mass. . Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. J hope the day is not far distant when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria in stead of the various quack nostrums which are ' destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, souuiing syrup and other hurtful agents down their, throats, thereby sending them to premature gravei,. . ' Da. J. F. Eincbxlce, - ; v Conway, Ark. Vhe Centaur Company, T7 Murray Street, K DON'T - 1 t . The Morris Hardw i r have Mower Knives I !. r f T?: j Jeiser Machine Spikes, ; FiiV- iSPAOH All G-oods at Lowest Prices as Usual I ROW - - jrj: s TO BUY py RfJSTSJ Tie Acini of Piices is To Day, . " ;' GddAs Hsvcr The Factory 's have all agreed to iut uaore iney put vp tneir prKt- - aji .w Lin. iMfi.i vr L . il ! r . Stock eyer before seea ia this sccrti Every orie who sees mv stock IslHliI-if fiird !?,'; tops Ml li 1 -'-! - II I ll - m 1 1 - CM - , YOU -MONEJ 4 - V" ; . ; ', WRITE ME BEFORE, B-UY IE3. . . Leading Dealer in Furr.itin e, I k r. c s 6: t ana 18 W. Trade Street, C- FREE M!ICALhEEKEtE BOOK (64 pages.) lor men and women who aie afflicted with anv form of rrirnt.A disease peculiar ti their sex: errors rif youth, contagious diatases, fem ile trot. Pies, etc., etc. . oena a two cent stamps, to- pay post age, to the leading specialists and pby- ..iff? 1U inis country. ur. HA. Hi. fw o-. Za.;Bo. Broad Street, Aixuuta, vjra. F.NGEa- Circular free a, iuvo yriK uaraea st.Phlla,Pa xniamberlftin'j Eye and Eliia Oi "...inuuu ior nronic sore wruuiuatca Jye lids, bore Kinpler i ilcs Jczeiria, Tetter, Salt Rheurn and fetaii il.ad, U cents per box.. For sale by druggists. - 1 TO E0B3B OWNERS. ' V For putUng a horse in a fine health v co dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powder 1 hey tone up the system, aid digestion, car loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correc kidney disorders and destroy worcns, ghlri hew hfe to an old or over worked hoise. 2.'. XXs per package. For sale by druggists PACKER'S - HAIR BALSAM . Clcuue and heastiiie the h.V PrumotM a luxuriant ffrowth. iover falls to Xtestora G-nvl 2Iair to YouUiful Color? Cure. Kilp diwate ft hair fnlUca. 80e,andl.Wat Dni-irta ' H" NOTICE. , V. tlUZ,TZ&r. t.e raited li9-ta52iro of mJ ook on these &l Adlre8S M. WooUey.-AtlanUu 6a, Box 883. and oat wUi b sent you tretT V '1 . 'I - i ..... 131 at h ; tl felt I .: Tr;A -Aim - WosUbh "or . . ' l"i'iy Vr-. Uastona prevents vr.. - scoria cs "Ui. tln i reconau, ri(i ;t snow u to nit." , 94 HI So. 0X . A. J; Our Physicians in th, mrat have b-iu : , " .taeir ou;5. tract; ana ait k;::-, T,., .,, , ments of CV. -or; -. ""s' favor u!x.n It.- toJ Alles C. Smith, Pres -THA.T- re UII Fruit n ihm .1 ...... r.rnn'iTI-.C.aSa ... 1 FORGf for all Mowers sold in rv, . ETJIiL LUTE C F immmmm .-i:;f.." Ti-.-; -- i yy " i ' iMij - Jk. ja J .. f.i. Dp iti-i b r uiiyjiO, a ci vaiiv iiur prices, I i;ad.in : on ot ,)t;nrry; 1L I"' :-i Solo bj ail l-ocal li All peiSMii li' W. Bnrkl-aJ. . sent 'them t- ni prom i Uy. ' j ! ' will pe;";M' o.li of J. W. f)n ;-!:.. -1-Oct. 10 -it. 30 Families Tn ni'lt ID- v . . -e i.iui, ir ber loth. :f,- CO-' Ang.22 4 m ho:- rifty (CO; ufaotdrinj; C A; . . . ... CA .. .' .V .V ' ,f ttt : , i( t Qt; ".;'.,-S f.;it:,. .. - -v, Jf'r, ' '.r;;iif."sf TTiJ BP 00 r? Oct. 10 tf. f

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