" - A i- TV i I I M MES. f ber 28, 1895. CONCORD a. m. i arri 9:58 p. ra.. 7:.? p. m. . rti , 9 :$j a. m. j 8:49 a.Efl. I ' ,,9:03p. n. ' - 8:15 p. in. in1" r. V" are lDe IKBl and (South- DC1 'is Illli4 111P t t !! IOTHEfiWISL csir alloon I h ruM 8iJ discussed : .... SrimA fin extra to j . ft J pfW-ttjrS nsrh'HO r; for post 'sale, your foreu' S tW uket man, has k. HKead every '7 .liU S J luulrnwiU be "at lkit&e in Lexing- L December ii:uiLSgiving ser- tbe !' i.y&-niiu, i-.uin- vtf 11 'be in Con lVil;e free balloon wi-lfi worth seeing. ii' - - . is " running I . m-pr Mars"- drug store, cooking. doing tl lister. e Will tlaa give a free a Exposition 'l us 25 cash f', -v,nwhOV ill Lfflaveoayopifwantafree r. i.i-nM-Esiwsiaun. - AH yon ' ;4 in eetl us 3 cash sub- 1 ii i -akd sehM U;iiUn session 4'' Be holilay i given to give !L. tn ovwrmhity to go to fi I a. Whit; pt lows, on the iiy to Char- mhvpa ii iP i; ioi leave va- baember. we Will tlve the yYo- iJaltliJoun) frff whole year LiwhQr D3t3 ft XHE XIMES lW- A ijidnnft-i' d. will be in ! Jit the St.. tTloiK: , oh Friday, oe is limited hrpat. ; '.JtfS.. iJ.is pwef (iT.LH. -Moojk 6v Xo. 7 killed Mtur l mentas jkM Tunisit anil tne agga- 5,ouiid3. ,3i CSott Fumitqre Comyany, in liie hands of A .glut Friday. Turf liabilitie? ate kilfrlOOO; aets'bot stated . dme for biiis oiali the various . - . - i - m - ; ess in the toiiaty closes ue- xl Those 4 ho; wish to bid 'on I tai.haJ bet see fl up their bids We kve just i printed 00d . - We keep hem in quan- : Biitel : morjUg x stock, and sell or more at i cent each, or ssperlOO. Sfeirti y mail free of 2 my of our siibsoijibers in Stanly 3B aavantiige ei our, .Mposi- give a (lt&ci 'licQi is their hear-! a. We rill a3io dive you a tick; I F Monroe. L -H.-':.-.'.?:! i Charles Ove rnaij', of Reidsville, :2eto'Mondiy, fged 85 years.'. .toub -was weiii tnown nere. bk bad often visfoed his brother Alljson.' The re-; . at t'harlotte. . ' ' Pae interred btin illegal holiday,; a boars will e ptbserved at - the Were. Xo. mriaev order, busi 2 be traniateii -The general; mm 8 to 9.30 gain at h:i a. an :5i) for half he Mai -air (,r ibscribers who ljinalvar 1'them to i 3 find in order tor we will give the Woman's 'stfierintioB I-Journal "freeffiarge. iuilicatiLn.!5ind a This is wanbe obtuiriiH at our office f &lisbaryrld:savs:-Mr for the ve your ui.l has accepted laor of tli pstparms county fg- Xexd fifing he will re old wor ith. tne marble Hebwrecrii -a .1 :-. 155. COD1PB nf TSfpr et, ts Kf r Mono-Meti iifrwe will distri? ''was long ; Thisia ;triattt-: kn-J: - Htm published ia and has since ft form. - It is TTn pat, fettbid 4 have seen, ;k - Ji tnf!e cPies of: the 4 1 If oman's Health ntv "Wl we send the ,,7 year fr.fi The Times A ria S It - I . a ppr in advance.; J. M TIL ... :?rewill 4irnweH a manv ja ... Be i8. lis oiu time con- Mtl-v T e illth his friends. tvnu-, .-Winie- is still very 1 ih. b ?T . tne eiter, as'W' JV xieraia. of Pu FrrSier a prominent Vri'fl1'0 died early tilln ZV-W- Pneumonia, tto-.C,.inavs.- Helena W11 He was a use- 11 t 1ft vi i i ne remains were ,t ii rr "l pnurch Tuesday W, r " uooKS t ha Ml..:',., i ,v omuco ire- uy - lit iS U nr nn i lWrroadwent ornin:Pf:5y-,The.goutlv " 10-4 i . 1W which formerly Wl:,Ln?1 138SC8 at ":15 ! oro -mi J-hia is an aeree- S train,' T?re ch&u& Sm l 3 estern train .admnJ- sbury with the J. j. Cotton has atrain cone un 5n" nri is now 8.23. - --Cqw wanted. : Must give" three gal ons a lay. Apply at TiMi ollice. - the following concornln? a fni dent ot. Concord:,. "Mr. Henry C. Ihtz, bf Zeb, is not only a good mer chant ftnd comptent Qffieef he is the postmqter at his place -but he is some what of a farmer,, too. This year with, one horse be has ; made 3 bales of cot ton, 450 bushels of corn and $6 bush els of wheat, taking no account of ninor crops. If this isn't a good show ing for. a small, one-korse farmer then we would like to know one." TU. Year's Wort at Forest Hill Methodist Church.'- , M" A Smith Pastor of Forest Ilill Methodist church, read his report ()f the year's worklast Sunday morning. '. TotaJ collections . for all . purposes, $2,351,53, an increase of $120 over last year, i . - - - . . , Mver' .f 100 were raised, for Sunday School' purposes, -and $32 for 1 na tional purposes : During the year $143 was paid to the Presiding Elder and for other purpose?, $548-50. . : The church now i has 5G0 members; and the amount paid per capita was $4.21. ; There were 81 additions to "the membership and 57 .removals during the year. . f ; . The Sunday School "has 36 officers and teachers, and .the highest enroll ment of scholars during -the year was 612. The Sunday School ; raised $60 missionary funds, " and - the Woman'.s Missiouary Society raised $50. ' The Ladies' -Aid Society raised $13 8.83 for the benefit of the rxor and sick. . -f -C The pastor's salary was $1,000 and bf course waa paid in full.- ' . i This almost excellent showing, and, shows that the -Methodists at Forest llillare thoroughly alive to their work. I L M ore About the Indian loctor. ! "The Albemarle Enterprise of last week xiontained the following concern ing James White, the Indians doctor now in Salisbury jail charged with" rape: f "IJsq. Jl. LI HartseU, of Furr town ship, was in to see u yesterday. ,Mr. llarteell is the magistrate before whom the Indian doctor, White, was given ; a preliminary hearing last week on the charge of raping the half witted white girl, daughter of Mr. Bar bee. ; of the r western part of this country. Accord ing to Mr. Hartaell's statement there was not half so . much - danger of the doctor's being lynched as some would have the public -believe. We imagine the nervous Populist sheriff of Cabarrus fecounty is very fond of getting up a sen- sation. , .There evidently can t be any desire on -the part of Mr.: -Barbee or his frierids'to have the man lynched. They are law abiding. citizens and are willing for the law to take its course in thij case. Wa thLak all of this . excitement at Concord over,, it was unnecessary and our commissioners certaioly will refuse to pay sheriff Sims for guarding '- the of our good L jail and the Presbyterian church both aune same ume. ine JJoctor nas Deen transferred to Salisbury jail. ' He be longs n the gtanily jail and if it will be any cheaper, to us to"b.ave him brought here, here is the. place for him.'4'- - Deuth df Mr. Jas. W. Long. . - Hon. James W. Long, a well known cJizen of Concord, whose extreme ill ness we noted last week, died at his home here Jast Saturday evening about 5 o'clock after an illness of - ocdy a few days with pneumonia. Mr. Long lived alone, but a$ soon as his condition was discovered his want were cheerfully ministered to by friends. - :"- Mr. Long was 74 years old. -. He was elected - to the . Legislature from this county in 1886. as an independent, de feating the Democratic nominee, Mr. H. C. McAlister, When his candidacy first became known it - was not looked upon as. a serious matter, but when the voes were counteq it was found that he had a big majority- - - . The funeral services were conducted from his late residence on Sunday by Rev. W. C. Alexander, and the re mains interred in the JLutheran cemete ry. ' May he rest in peace. - The Infernal Regions fawn tor Newspaper . Deadliest. ; , . - 1 The following frofti the pen of-the Mt. Airy news fedited' by Mr..W, J. Boylin) is a true as gfispel: A negro who stole a cqw from the editor of the Forest" eity'Ledgerwas re- cently sent to the penitentiary .for - four years. If all the fellows who steal from editors were .'sent to the penitentiary -it would bejsb full of tbem that their feet wnat wilj profit its readers, haa secured wouid stick" out of j the windows.. In fifty eirly subscriptions to The Wo our 2tf odd years' experience publishing marl's .Health . Journal, which it pro- a paper" we have accumulated $8,000 of fourth of a cent on the dollar for. Our deliberate opinion is that the men who haveidefrauded us out of the just fruits bf our-labors ureas guilty, of "the theft in the sigbt ot Aimignpy as me uvj whoytole editor Green's cow.- I.Us no consolaUon to think that they -will not escape hell "in the next world as easily as they ha.ve the penitentiary ;'4n .this. Iay Vour Subscription in Advance. '.- v,.- v Krlne neonle lhave the.; wrong idea 0i,Ant -''a nRwsrvaner. come tninK. n , . . T :' I , .1 . . r.ev nccasionallv settle their subscri iTr iin to rdataof cnavment it, is an right. - Others think if they pay a smaii amount now ana men auu m or 12 months of a settlement the editor should be satisfied.- They forget that such as this famishes no money to pay The printers have to be paid every Sat- the running exjwuseo ,vi i, . ?: ' C . l-m tin fai urday night anaiiuuieaoua umci mu . ees kept op. : 1'eopie win pay . catsu iui Northern papers and expect the home papers to run on credit., juofci vi vul subscribers could pay six or twelve months in advance just as easy as to have the paper sent on "credit . and it would be so much better for us and for them. We kindly ask all who can do so to please pay m advance. THE TIMES Free, tne iwnuimwr j this Year to Sew Subscribers. , To all who subscribe and pay in vance for The Times : for 1896 we ad- will this now until January a, io(, ""'j doUarin advance. '..Thus you get me paper 13 months for only one dollar. Subscribe at once, as you lose by ....waiting- " '' ...... t A ChUd Enjoys The pleasant flavor, gentle action and soothing effects of . Syrup of Figs. When in need of a laxative, and if tne father or mother be costive or bilious, the most gratifying . results , follow its use- so that it is the best family remedy known, and every family should have a hnttle on hand. ' . - . . ii ZT Kfarinn is to hate a bank with a cap- PJEKSONAI . Mr. A. Jones Yorke is again in the city. , . , Mre. R. A. Fnlp, of Fort Mill, is vis iting in Concord. Mr. W.A.. Kidenhourof Charlotte, ! Mr. Joseph Fetzer, bf Greensboro, is visiting relatives here. . - uj. Mrs. Phillips of HUlsbbro, is- visiting her daughter, Mrs. L. 1. Cole. Dr. D. D, Johnson and Mr. John Bpst went to Atlanta Tuesday night, i Mr. D.:, B. Coltrane gas' . gone i to Eeidsville to attend Conference ' i Mr. J ohn ,Troutman now has a tion at Gibson's drug store. posi- 7 Rev. F, S. Starretteof Mooresville, editor of the Moorseville Record, was here yesterday. - -,, Messrs. Maury Richmond;-Jim Young and Ed Moss have gone to the Atlanta Exposition. , n. " Mrs R. E. Hill went , to morning. : Gibson and Miss - Lalla the Exposition Tuesday Messrs. James Shevlin and John Schlierman, of Brooklyn, are in Concord on a hunting trip. . - : i , Mr J. Shappirio returned Saturday from the North. He Jias laiTin a big stock of new goods. 'J, ; Mrs. R. II. Parker was called . to Asheville Sunday morning by the illnes of her daughter, Mrs. Greer. ' - Mrs. T P. Johnson, of Salisbury is visiting relatives in Concord. She came down yesterday. ... - Mr.' H. B. Hardy, canvasser for the News and Observer and North Caroli nians was here last Friday, m Mr. and Mrs. N."J)V Yorke left Mon day morning on the ' vestibule for the Atlanta Exposition. - Prof. J. F. Shinn and R." L Keestler are attending the Atlanta Exposition. Prof. Keestler returned yesterday . .Miss . Fannie Rogers returned "last Saturday night .from a month's' visit to her sister, Mrs Judge Boykin at Clinton Misses Milton and Youngblood, of Chester, S, C. , who were visiting ; Sirs! W. C. Alexander, have returned home, - Mrs. E. C. Misenheimer, Miss Laura Leslie and Miss Bessie Meader, teachers m the graded 7 Bchools," went to the Ex position Monday; , - . . Mr. M. H. Lefler, of No. 9, who his just recovered from along spell of fever, was in Concord last" Friday. We are glad to see him but again. '.' The following paity will leave on the vestibule next week for , Atlauta : Mr. and 'Mrs. Jas. F, Hurley, -Miss Sallie Ervin and Mary Virginia Wads worth.. ' . Miss Janie Ervin arrived home Tues day morning from the Normal College at Greensboro. : Prof Mclver and a large party of young ladies of the Col lege passed, through on their way to Atlanta. Misses Elizabeth: and Emily Gibson were in the party. . . ' , " " Mr. Euriori Bennett" left ; yesterday for the Atlanta Exposition. lie joined at Spartanburg a party of Stanly young ladies from Asheville Normal College who are going .to the Exposition. - The following are - in the party: Misses Mary Bennett, Carrie Dunlap and Kate Cassells." f, Z - -' Quite a party left Saturday for Atlarj. ta,' com posed of the following: Mrs. W.;J. Montgomery, Miss Mary Mont gomery and - Misses Em , Waikins an4 Marrie Lewis, of Milton, and Master William Montgomery. . They were joined at Spartanburg by Judge Mont gomery and daughter, Miss Lucy. : : . Fre e to Oar . Keadera.-- f V A : first class high" grade monthly home journal, has come to be. a neces aity in'every household. Such a jour naL well conducted, occupies a Bpecil relation to every member of thefamily circle. One of the best journals of this character that we have, seen,'! is The Woman's Health Journatrpublished at Chattanooga, Tenn. The choice stories,- charming verses " and . interesting miscellany, appeals alike to young and old. Its special departments of " Fash ion. "Anions Our GiTls," A Page For Mothers The Home-keeper, With The 4 childrenl and the Health and Hygiene. Department, - edited by a corapetont and-experienced physieian( make it invaluable to any home. ' r- The Times, always on the lockout for Jposea to give away. .. wm given to ' . N ' - (l),. Every new subscriber to The Timea." '- " "' T X ' 2), Every old subscriber who renews, (3), Every delinquent subscriber vwho pays up Arrearages. ... - - v " These subscriptions' ;won'tJast"long. First come, first-' served. . Pall at office and see sample copy. :,v 'i' ,VS 1 s-" .U.-'r.? Gone to Conference. ;. . .. - ..- " . Homes have beeeTi secured in Reids ville for all ,the ministers and lay dele-' vale who will attend the Western .g delegation is prOvided'for : as ol!ow . - -v-..- - - - Rpv . M "& Smith at Rev. D. I p . , ' T w Smith at W. B. Roahflmra. jv. K. u, Tarker; at W, I I ' . Vickcrs: Rev. J. It... Moose at M- j ' loa- T?pv W 1 . k McLauna at S A, Powe rs: liev. I, ltusn ai i vjk" r Tt. Cfdtrane J. M. Xftleu ana W Tl. Odell at the reiarnens noiei; v G. Montgomery at Mrs..ueue noya s. - T?Lv. W. H. L. McLaurin left Monday mo-ht. Hie other ministers left ; Tues day1 morning for Reidsville, except Rey T. W." Smith, who left Tuesday eveniDg Clubblnff Bates The Times offers exceedingly libera' clubbing rates with a number of goou papers. - Note these: . The Times ana wLwjn'fftftn , Weekly - Tost, "both one vear for only - $125. The Times and I for $1.40. SiTHE Times ami Jtiome ana Farm hnt.h one vear for , only $1.25. - - t 'ir . J The Times and American Fanner, both one year for only. $ 1.10. v.'"" ; ..' A Safe Bale ot Conduct- When you are in doubt on a ques- r;oa of importance -t wiU pay you w buy a copy of the Atlanta Constitution and read what it has to : say and tben act 0r decide exactly in opposition to what it says, and if you are not .ngbt ninety-nine times out of a hundred cail at, the Echo office and we will give vou one year's subicnpUon to the Echo ou UVC , Ek) you want a : EE 5 TICKET to the - Atlanta Exposition ? If . so, go to : work .at once and' get us up " 28 HEW 'CASH SUBSCRIBERS and it is yours. " ; Report or Central Church. ' J The ' stewards of Central Methodist Church held their last meeting for the conference year last. Monday night at Mr. D. B. Coltrane'B. Thepastor was present and read his report of the year's work as follows: : - . 'K: v. Total amount raised this year for aM purposes, $1957.67. v Amount raised last year, $1784.28. - Increase, $17?.39 Assessments for the' year $1362. Paid $1374.20. . Out of all the asses men ts made not $25 remains unpaid by those assessed. K ' ... Members added during year, 25. Members dismissed during year by certificate, death, etc., 24. ' Net gain 1. Total membership at present 201. - The amount jaid per capita was $9.74, a very remarkable showing. r The pastor's salary, $1000, was ' paid in full. -" T The sum of $200.08 was spent during the year for repairing the church "and parsonage.. The board of stewards Monday night endorsed Mr. Parker's woik during the year and asked the Bishop to return him. Two Weekly Papers for Only 81.85. ; . ....... ... x The Times has always been known among the citizens of Cabarrus as a live hustling newsgatherer. We always aim to give our subscribers the best the land -affords and we Uo it too. The people of Cabarrus, we feel sure, are not so cooped up in their a'ffairs that they don't care to trouble themselves about 8onie!orie else's business. We have just completed a - special clubbing r rarigement with the Washington Weekly Post, published at the seat of our Na tional Government, whereby we are en abled to give you the news of the world for almost nothing. .It's going to bji a busy session in Congress this year, and lively times are expected. " We will , send ' The Times and Post both one year for only $1.25 in advance. Forest Hill Items.. Mr. Wm. Honeyci Jook a trip. to I -, ' -. . ' in MM No. 4 Stanly last Saturday. - Work va8 suspen last Tuesday for half day on account of some of the boiku-s being out of fix. ; Rev. M. A. Smith left Monday., for conference. - Mrs. Laura Smith died of fever last Saturday night, i The funeral took place at the residence . Sunday evening, after which the remains were interred in the cemetery. - r Mr'. W. A. Warner,' the. boss carpen; ter for the Gdcil . Afanufacturing Com pany, is making things "hustle" now. The new addition to the cloth room will soon be completed. f Magistrate's Blanks. - ' 5 ' J ' . The attention of magistrates is called to the fact that we have on hand a full supply of blanks used by them, such as State Warrants, ; Summons, Claim and Delivery.Commitments, Recognisances, Transcripts Bastardy Warrants, Peac Warrants, Search - Warrants, Execu tions, Proceedings in Attachment,- etc." We also keep Chattel Mortgages and Mortcageand Land Deeds. - Our forms are the best and the blanks are printed -- 1 Tl - . . on guun eiruujj paper, jrncu iu uuaia- trates, in quantities ot five or more, one cent each.' -' - V ' - " ' . We Told You He'd Do It. Salisbury Herald- ;.- - r - v- Judge Norwood has broken the re cord, so far as known, for holding Superior Courts in North Carolina. On Monday morning of this week he convened, court in 'Randolph county and finished up the docket byuWednes- day evening, when an agjournment wa? ia&ei4.- vuunug jiwiu aoucuuiu vj Salisbury he opened Rowan Court Thursday morning' and all the business on both the State - airtl civil dockets is now,: bractically finished and an1" ad- journtnent will be taken this .evening. Iolding two terms ot court in one week is certainly out of the regular order of doing BUh things. . Oar Koll of Honor. - . - ? . Th following hae pad , their Sub" soriptions snce our last issue: , .. i). M. .Cress, (part vv . u. xucnarae, (part) M. Boger, II. E. Motley, AV. O. Ncsbit, Mrs. V.JKrvm, J. ueu, u. jsi. Moore, Ifc C". Walter (part.) - - KNOWLEDGE ""'Brings comfort and improvement and tends lo personal - enjoyment when rightly used.- The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting theTworldV best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the'value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. - -. 'Its excellenca isdue to its presenting inthe form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of . a perfect Jax--ative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelUng colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing , constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and; met wita, tne: -approval w vuo m.., profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weakn ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. .. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. oniy, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of ings, and bling well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. s.' JSiSi 'WS? " - Enochvllle Items. - ,Rev; and Mrs. . Stirlrlev' . ; V - "-s uuu Mrs.. Stevens have returned from' At lanta. - ProrV-Wright and students of the Enochvill High school speak of char tering a car and- going also. - - .. ' Prof. Wright: has put the' Enochville High School . ion a boom, p He hag about thirty or forty boarders at the two hotels managed byv himself. - He is in deed an extraordinary worker". ' - . The free school of this district began Monday. . Prof. MqCorkie, a well known phre nologist lectured in the Auditorium, a few week? ago. r His lecture watfor the special, kenefit- of-' the students. Sev eral of the students had him to exam ine their heads, -and they : were well satisfied with his decision. -, Mr. Frank Wright "has returned from" Western North CarolinaTwhere he has been teaching..; He is now teach ing the public school at Manning. .. frof.; Wright has two excellent Liter ary Societies organized and run in con nection with' the school. - They will give a public "entertainment soon. At their last meeting P. J." Goodman was elected: President; W. J. Weddington, Vice President: R. A. Alexander, Secretary,- and L. Ill Brown, Censor. :. - -x Messrs. J. O. Thomason and C. A. Arey, who have been in school here for some time, returned home a few days ago to teach school. - , " R. Of Interest to the rablic. - ' - : ' i Af tbe Christmas season, is approach ing a few words of information and cau tion to the publio- in regard to mailing Christmas packages will be of value. When you go to .mail packages he sure you put : enough "postage on them. On - articles - of ' merchandise the rate is 1 cent . jper ounce., ; So that .you can veigh your package yourself' and tell exactly how much postage it will take. - The rate on ' books," magazines, etc.,it is 1 cent for . each 2 ounces. Never put book in the'same package with an article of merchandise, as this subjects the . whole package to the rate of 1 cent an - ounce. Wrap the book separately. - H - ' - - ; - Sealed. packages- require letter rate. Packages unsealed," ..'with writing on in side in the nature of correspondence," require letter rate, - ' '' - Full payment of postage on . foreign mail matteiLsecures cheaper postage in all cases. ' . ' - The name and address of the sender should be on each parcel . before mail irg. . This, is . to facihtate a return to the sender in the event of non-delivery. Postage on seeds, cuttings, roota, bcions and- plants is at the rate of cent for - ounces, Dried plants, fruits aud cut fbwers are subject to the rate of 1 cent per ounce. . . . For-S cent3 m addition to the postage rate you can have your package regis? tered, which insures its safe delivery to the person addressed. - - : The Sonthern Earnings for Qctober, ... - New Yoek, Nov. 25-The Southern Railway reports for October gross earn ings of $1,973,070, an increase of $143, 223 ; ex penses ! and taxes, $1, 173,411 : increase, $5,813, and net earnings, 799- 459, increase, $47,410; and from July 1 to October- 31, gross earnings of $6,634, 260; increase, $454,463. Expenses and taxes, $4,47,122; increase, $235, 391, and "net earnings, $2,162,137 increase, $219,071. ' ' r :- -.(ysrtauB- There is nptettef cure inexiite ce forCramps, Cholera Morbus and all Summer Complaints, - than rain-KUler. Good for all pains, aches and soreness, internal or ex ternal. . One good trial will convince you ""that UsfSs ram :You can. get it anyVher at 25c a bottle (aouble the : formerquantity). See that; the bottle bears the name Pefxy Davis & Son, No other is genuine, . THE FALL CAMPAIGN Has Begun, . - Now for those newfine Dress Goods. Everybotly will be on the loa.k out for the best and most stylish line. AVe wish to call your attention to our; stock of - - ' . Dresti Goods, Henrietta -SMfail'46 inches i Wide .. . . . at 50 cents, real value 73c Oar 50 inch goods, same style, at 75o, real aloe 1.00 per' yard, in Black and Navv tflae. - . . - . J . - OurCreponsin TJIeick are the hand somest goods on tlra market. - Our S T Flmnels 50 inches wide, for Dress and Wraps at lo cents." Cheapest goods yet- . - - -., Our Guinea Flannel at 8c Our St Nicholas Daskin Pant Goods, our all wool Blaukets, our white - Marsaleift ftonntemanes. fik iwnnds. are all of the yery best grade of. goods, and cheaper than ever offered. Goods are -advanc ing but we are selling at the old prices bought early,-. . (Jan save- you money Onr stock of Ladies nnd Men's Shoes are complste. Bought before the rise is second is second to none, and we can sell atold prices. - , .- Best LinrJe " Have Evar. Shown, To be convinced is to see, so come and see us before yoti purchase. -' - ; . ; ' Thft best Men's White Shirt in Amer ica for 50c, fall length sleeves and regu lar leDgth;; Made of stanaara corxon, fall linen bosom, with shrunk duck hankT-fall length and fall size, re-en f Ampd balr and front with continued sleeve and back facings". ... Don't fail to see our GEM BHlKi. . CI i W V - ' Staaly County News.' i ", Albemrale Eater Prise. .' , . ; " Mr. J..M" Russell was a home a few days this week from Concord where he is engaged in the carpentering bus iness. - We were glad to have our old "friend Mr. John Correll of "Concord Visit Albemarle Sunday. Friend John is an excellent fellow and the yount ladies look their best when he is around. We, learn that Deputy Marshalla Krider and J. I Neal captured a bar ren of blockade whiskey t in the Western part of the count? Tuesdav. Mr. "Weal was left in charge of the ' captured ar ticle while - Mr. Krider was making further searches and report has it - that Mr. Neal: wasastradle the barrel when' some mischievous fellow stole the whiskey from him. ' :j . .- -. Tuesday night Deputy Marshall Krider, of Salisbury;; and Mr.- J. W. Bostian were walking - up' the "streets when they noticed : a . wagon " heavily loaded passihe and Mr. 1."' Krider think ing probably it might be loaded with blockade whiskey stopped it, and as he was getting up in the wagon fthe two men in the wagon got oat an that is the last of them. " They went in the dir ectionof South Carolina as then- feet could carry them." : Krider took chartre of the wagon and team and its load of four barrels of blockade whiakev. VJe whole thing is supposed ; to be worth about $500 and - belongs to Nathan Hightower" of 1 Anson county near the South . Carolina line. The names of the parties with the wagon are unknown. ! ' -' ' "For Charity Suifereth Long.,? Ulr. Laora C. Phoenix. nUwaokMr Wis. "Matron mf Beef&n Bom nd knowing b iqod Or. Mues Nerrlne has done me, my wish to help others, over comes my dislike for the publicity, this letter may gire me. In Not. and Dec 1S33. The inmate had the "La Grippe," and I was one of the first. Resuming duty too aoon. with thec&reof so many elck. I did not regain my health,' and In s month Xteeame mo debilitate attd ntrveum from sleeplessness &q4 tb darts made on mX Tjtm that it was a question If I could go oiu. A dear friend advised me to try 2r. Hoes' JUsterative Servfne. - - -I took 2 bottles and sm happy to say, I am fn better health than ever. X still continue It occasional use, am a nerve food, as my work is Tery trying. . A fetter ad dressed to Milwaukee, W1&, Will reach me," June 6, 1891. : Has. Laura Q, Juhjehiz. Dc Mli Kexr4ne is seld ea jftposiare sraarsntea that the first bottle All druggy seU it st SI, bottles for IS. or wiu Denenu i wm tx sen, prepaid. Dr. Miles' Nervine - Restores Health H;.L. MARSH j CO, rBOrBZETOBS or 1 - CONCORD, K.O, Drags, Medicines,- AND v v toilet Articles. in tjndauee, EYerjtMng ,"Dp-to-Date" . " ... ON HAND! - GIVE - US Get Your Moaej's ort6. Yours to Please,, 4 M. MARSH & CO.; Oct 3. I ; New Jown Ordinance. -B it ordained by the Commissioners Inr rhe town of Conoord. NC that any wrsnn a nevsons who shall smoke upon orwithin ten feet of any cotton platform, i cotton warehouse, or place where cotton is weighed, stowed or handled, within the corporate limits of the town of Con ooid, shall be deemed euilfcy of a misde meanor, and upon conviction inereoi shall be fined ten dollars or imprisoned for thirty days.- r- 1 , '-, V.ei it ordained bv the commissioners 1 for the town - oi Concord, K. C. , . that ordinance No. 37 be f and the. same is hArehv amended bv : uiseruns In line two after the'word "game'' the follow ing: "or for the purpose of occupying t.h aamft -. J. Ii. H A.RTSELL, Nov. 14tf. " ; UleTjc Concord Markets. ' - x ' OOTTOH 1CABXET. Corrected weekly by C. G." Montgomery, Stained . "Low Middling........ 6to7l : , " - - Middling... ...... Good Middling . I. , fRODUCB HAKKKT. Corrected Weekly by Dove A Bost. : Bulk, meat, sides . ril T , : 1H Butter ZTZZT-J. . 10 to 15 Chickens. ......... : 15to20 Corn.: w t-lI . 10 to I2i Flour. North CarohM.- 1.75 to 2.00 Wftfj .' J j W Teas y.. Oats - . 40 llU Salt- - Irish Pojatoes-M ALL I at 25 cents SEEOUR - CJ.o - . . ; Don't Fail to 1 4"- AT- GANNONS QIPIECDIT AJL ; S AIL1B , ;: ; of . . iLT0i!i 2,0p0 Men's Suits, 1,500 Youth's Suits, 1,006- soys7 iinee.lr'ant Suits at. ri , fn Guaranteed Ajains r : ; .:-"fc . WUM Men's Odd Coats from 75 cents to $2.0ft W nH 'rnai from 50 cents to $1.00. 100 dozen Children's and Boys' School Caps, all styles and colors, at Half the Begular Price ' I" Shoes for Men.Women & Children at less than factory Prices. We guarantee prices on all we customers against any price? that oi town, we reiuna money wnen gooas do not suit. We are al ways here to make good what we say. When we fail to give the lowest prices we. will nail up the front door qnd quit. . -. j - OOInTCOIID, HT.-Q?:: , HftNT 'FOR The Morris Hardware Co. hayie Moweir-Knives for all Mowers sold in Cabarnis county. Empire '.and Jeiser Machine .Spikes, venL-PttmpsFruit , Jars ?"'-" ITTLIi USE OF - ' ' i 1 " Bijiggies, Champion Movers, .CookingStove?; mfr immvAWiitiitim SPACH & WISSEW VJAGOWS. I- All Goods at Lowest Prices as Usual Trxr0 tBotb" COscbSIi ; -j . . Z-We have bought the . - Ma otli Stock Vol Eurniture mm . JFrofn Cannons, ank we hnno-ht it low down. andwe are fjoinef to eive our custom- v.. . , :.r.- .fit.-. iers ine.uencnt oi uiciun puw-a, , iv . eoods to go outt prices that will astonish everybody. Parties wV, lo) AA lO), 1 xt. : u " w- m HOW IS LUC UIUC tu , . .- the more. We have everything - TpTp "n.,MM;ViiviVti CLrrrc I XlOUbt? U11JUDJ-U.1X uyu.o, j fuai. found iri anv town Lernber that we have thousands'of Bargains to offer you., When M rnT1. nToncord eo to the Furniture Store and see the:J sights. V 1 j, Concord, N. C.,;October 10, 1895. y-'.c?r?Rprp.. A w Lia ii II vl LZ3 n per yard" .x ."- . - fc3bL -1; " a ,;AT 18p PER YARD. See 'Our $50 ;'':OapeS.S';-.--'.'"':'.-. 'r . CANNONS & FETZER. ' . FETZER'S t i H ! to-Csiil -l''i:t::!';.:: !, sell, and protect our friends and -? can be made anywhere, inorott - .": 'i:-;i ,i-....f.i.,i.tjA,i Fetzer & Bell, . - Wa Viart- 'nmrt-pfl rlrtwn lots ; Of tn c11 at1nc' nroflts nrirl sell r - ia Furniture and twice the size of Concord, and re- i Wit UkU u Sa - a u5l 1 Q WQiCh pas ital Of $10,000 free."