.- i I - . i.. ., ..-.! . ..'-,'..... -I'::;-"' TV. ' '.. . .. - v. . ."'...' ' ' - .- ;""1- i. 1,1 Vi'l 1 her.- ;r K Of f U01 s - f )Lw -Mr. p. J.um 4j;;.j!t vl .e I'1' a. r i k'Uer t -' i v' i. iX I'-r:: Vrty iiinnii was- ana. ui; ;I.VrCauu. rt:.;:!'.,'!:: 3'.ht !: I made a v hi? oha tLe LA. ):', x : Out The i. in Et.iir .j. ft Ir. l!v 'MM- Tf; ll.v.' ,.l :. a r:i"; A. T: p., UUHV .Is I :" l-I.t -'-:llHitJ.(-tti I I'-. , (' .''i'Slf .J-Vic'ttl ! ' (if i Kf. Av isos. 8,l!i,TfONGORD X nl. :pi. ta fia a. u. i t'.t a ui. If J : i.i :1S P. Hi. ; ! a i:iro tte. fust ,i ; Wushiiigion uti B a n J soutn .,1,-? un lsH itERfJISE. . r.i- ' ;1j.is moved & W.-N. C Salisbury h post' sale, "your tin has had time, ,, Oliss Mar- it Forest 1 iruij to the ufcvh. Work Cotton Is 8 ocnt this morriing. : - Mr. ISolv- Il6ls&ouserhas mnn tn Arkaniia to Jive. . - - ' , Cannons & Fctzer bontrlit bales of 'cotton Tuesday. - Mr! J B, loan, of Asheville.- is hero with a Urovcof rhoi-ss. lie . formerly (iltTkeU at Cannonavfe'Fetzer.'- " . Iiob 'and Alf Tavlor: "will vivc nnp ui-mur iiunjuaoki cntertajHinenta at uniuriotte iwxt lues Jay night. : rresident'CQllrer Mondsiv mteratel the statement. that the Allan ta.Exp6si tiou will t;losj fi n all v December 31 Dr. V. 11,: Wakvfield, the well KuoAvn asiQ suepfssmi - physician of LUariettewas inCgncord professionally last Friday., - ;-N . . 1 The thermometer registered 40 de sf eea b'clew zero at St v rf . VJ.U Monday. The.: unusual cold caused mucn euttenng among cattle. r. V 1 ,;-r: " v- a ma, magistrate, now occupies .the small room tjexbto the lvejnstcr 8 otlice. the on fnrmivlw fpied by the-Board of, Education," ' . Pnn .1 , 1, . . - n ... iub www. 01 tne-iiaitimore liargam-uouse iu this paper Remem ber their lacetin the Litaker building, wruer main, ana Uepot streets We publish the President's Mes sage to Upnsressun. full this week. It is, of .cojurse an able dotaiment and everybody should readiU-- File it. when you havej finished rending it.- ' - , A telegram from Lexington in yes- teraay a iIScws and Observer "says that Dr. Leerayne, of Lexington, will -soon luttii WIl H; has; tivken vice, Mrv HirrcCjafp !'i:i!l .a '41 llovvan y' to Con t a cotton Vhat the County Father Are lloln-- " - All the Commissioners were .nreRfint at' the meeting Monday. Vj.. Dove was re-elected chairman of the Board, uu . u. Means. was re-elected . attor bey for the ensuing vear at "a salary of $30 per year. 1 ", f- .; ' 11. C. Lvjler was" aDoointed Bunprin- tendent of the chain "gang at . $3.75 per dax, , Lefler to furnish his own guards, etc, ' ' : . J - w.The followinsr were aDnointed to lerve 6S furors for thfi rpt. term Vf .nni. Fust wet'k': C. L. White. Pail AlTan- der, Will E. Harris, P. C. Deal, G. W. Dry, J. II. W. Eudy, Thos.JW. Riden. hourJi R. McLelland.W. H7 Barn bardt, Lf- 11; White, 'rD. S, Benfield, D. M. Long, II. 11 Black welder, W. B. Black, Jas. II. Johnson,' Cyrus "A, SnelJ, Paul-F. VVhlebhouse, Bob Cor zine, W. E. Litaker, A. J. Blackweldef, J. HamMton, Addison Crowell, Jno. C. Wadsworth. Ed. IL Johnson, J. M. Davis, John ,R. Rowland, . J.. Frank Smith, R. Mf Troutman, W-rF. Cannon, R. Will Johnson, F. A. K. Smith, J. L. Patterson, J. Bost, J.'F. Hurley K J. Wiley Cook, W. S. Honeycutt. -Second week: J; I. Seaford, D.' J. Little, E. F. Demarcus,: C. M. Good man, J.. Davis. Ha huj W.'M. Murph, D. L; Kluttz.'J, O. Mowrer, I. H. Bost, F. F.: Starnes, Redemus Cox, M. H. Wiuecoff, T. J. Shinn, L. E. Fisher, D; R. Hoover, J. C. Ferguson, W. K. Lyles, J. D. Johnson. - Upon motion" it was ordered that tttfe Sheriff give to the Clerk "of this Board a list of all ptrsyhs5vho failed to make a return for taxation for the year 1895. and who shall fail lo pay r on or before the 1st day of. January, 1896, all taxes Forest H1U Items. "If Conference Appointments. JrMr. Zeb Gaddy and family moved 1 The Western NJ C. :C6nYerence at here one day Jast week. v. ' ;-. j Reldsvilleraiijdurned early Mouday af r Q. A. Mann,- Esq.,'of Charlotte, spent" ternoonTl The appointments were read Saturday and Sunday here . visiting - out- at -the close. - .The ckllowisg are friends and relatives. Jlr. ' Mann has some in which our people 'are interested : completed tns course in the Charlotte Greensboro Disxfticr.-P.- J Carraway to stand his examination. :. : . . . 1 Presiding Elder, 'Mr. Cicero Honeycutt and one of his 1 wVpr' . - Biua 01 otauiy," were uere ihi - weeic vis iting his bn ter .William. Mr.; Wilson Swearingen has been confined -lo his bed several days by pneumonia. s ' - -.- -, Rev. Jacob Simpson preached ,a very interesting sermon- in . the Methodist church last Sunday morning. v- Every few days brings- a new family from Stanly, either here or' to Cannon yille, and we give them a cordial wel come, and assure our Concord friends that nine out. of every ten of them will vote the Democratic ticket next year, so Stanlyls loss will be Concord's gain.,. Mr. Bud Mann, of Stanly, visited xelatives here the first of the week." The Odell MaLufacturing Company are riow on a boom and have to run a part of the time day and night to keep ahead with their orders. The ' main weaving room of Mill No. 4T. consists of 766' looms, and, : under- the -excellent management of Mr. R. F Coble, the present bt B 1 weaver, the capacity per loom has been so largely.increased that it .has become necessaryfor the com pa- II- lear:.fbt JsTorfolkwhere he has been 1 assessed against theni, arid that said offered a good posiUOn at a handsome f Clerk hand said list to'the Solicitor of salary. - A ; - 7 .. this district and. a copy, thereof tc'- the Thete will be an auction lale of ' foreman of the nex.1 Srand 3urV to the horses add mules at Browrr Bros.' sta-i end tRat sucji persons may be ; prose hies Satiirifav . nt 1 1 -RC m A - iCUted load of Kentucky mules and horses wJl be sold. They are now xn exhibition at the stables. . x - T" . Rev T. W: Smith will go to his new wo'ifk, the .Pinevjiie .circuit, next r-" r , . .. . ... . 4 St DeaUll" I ' - u Md Jt, VttViVATTU W (ICIUCL chUl'Ch last, nw uwio uw Kiuiujf iu. uir in the : ,Jl,r 'PTO!Jie ai earnestly : nope tney wiu Greensboro,' Centenary, J. E Gay. . Grewisboro Circuit,'" W.- S Hales, a . ? Trinity High School,; T.'A Smoot,- " Hed Mabter? . .x x . N.' C. Christian Advocate,' P L." Groom, editor.. - ; ,- - Ashboto High Scho6i; 0:II.; Crowell, j. iiiiki uait . ......... ... 1. ... .a.-,... Ag4 Trinity' College, A,' P; Tyef . - : Wisstos District, F. II.. Wt,od- P-E. Winston,- Cenlenary W. S. Creasy and A, w: Plyler. r - . ; s. . Madison "Jircuit .- V. .J.' . onemn-.- - A,' Passeneer ' Who ' Meant Bunjness The : - Child Kepf the Beat. ' : SaUsbury,Woria,J59t?a,iUt.r-, :. '"." : ,There came very" jiear being a serious 8hootihe affray; 'on l No: 35 between Thoma8ville and Salisbury last night'.. AThomasville a large number of dar keys boarded the. train and one 'of the numDerr was a man i uenjuieau pro portions. He could -not find, room and. saw-a little' boy who was . sick jying down in a seat. Without a word he bi Ought bis hand ddwn with a ringing smack on the little 'fellow's" cheek and shoved him to one' Bide. He' had. not more" than : seated himself, however, when Mr. W. T.Bonner, of Lynchburg Va., stepped up to him and held a pis tol about six inches from-v bis face on a level with hiirighteye. - "Now you get out of that seat, anc1 I will.give you just a minute to move, said Mr. Bonner The darkey arose and threw his handi on a-pistol in hia hip pocket but rhoved fight. .Mr.-iJon- ALL WOOL SERGE at 25 cents per yard; M-n i,ovniaTniTr IT. M. V.hur. M. K. witnoui snowiug auy . .. -xt-.-, .,- ' t - 1 ner explained to the. crowd that had Mt. Airy station, v, iv. uaiu-jiu - gathered around that the little boy was Statesville District, 3. C. Rowe, P. E. and 60'weak'that he could hardly Statesville station,' D. Atkins'and Jas. sit up and that the attact 'upon him was Wilson Sunernumerary. Statesville, West EndR. G. JJaxrett. Lenoir Station-T. A Boone -u Lenoir circuit, L. M: Brower,- . Caldwell circuit, Albeit Sherrill. Salisbury Distuict, J.-R."Scnggs, P.- E. Salisbury; Church Street, T. F Marr. Salisbury, Chesnut Street, Supplied by A. L. unburn. entirely unprovoked. The" darkey got o'f af Lexingloa and quiet leigned again on No. 3o ny to enlarge the cloth room, put in an; Salisbury circuit, E. G. Pvey SEB OUR .::;.Ht''i::''v":.::c;-::-; i. - 1 : V. . " ' ' '''' AT 18c PER YARD. Don't Eail to-See Our $S.5( . -v '. m Gapes. : - CANNONS & FETZER, extra cloth machine and employ more help in this department. Mr. 'Lawrence Hatley and hisr best girl, of Plyler, were here Saturday and Simday.' " : ' " W. is assisting n his- pre- remain With ns - Dr. and Mrs. L. M. Archey gave.a 6 o'clock5 dinner last Thursday to their i Shcrowell', r A number of invited friends , i were vtI sent, and the Occasion was a ; ihv.v cam- ; very pleasant one: -. . r- Mon is'riow ' ;'--We acknowledge the receipt of an t mvitaiion- to atiena ccve marriage oi j Miss Lida Ciur tv Mr. Henry. Corwin xUlina the Flower, ivhich event wilt lake : place e i 'uth' IMam. the resilience of Coli Julbm ' C.irr, at stuccoed,'5: Sonle'rsei Villa, Durham, December IS, I : it : i lii-luaery A Uentlemau'a Letter f " - - Sme people get mad and flare' up when thev are dunned for-an honest debt Usually this is the class of peo ple who 'are slow about paying. Last week we sent out a number of duns to many of bu.r.8ubscribcr8Lwho.are in ar-rears.- -'.The followtngis one of the an- swers we riceived, and shows that the . wrifer does not belng to the aboye 1 , - New Ixxdox, N U.; Nov. 27, 95. r" Dear Sir ; In reply fay6ur letter of the 26tht inst., and yovr very polite and i just "reminder of 'my indebtedness to ' you,' I bg to enclose $ , with this promise : Hereafter 1 will remit you each mouth at least a part of my in uebtedne-53 until, all is Daid. It is a just debt. I owe it to you and I 'will pay it, and Wlieve nie I am grate ul for yourleniency. Respectfully, v Woodleaf circuit, P. E. Parker. China Grove circuit, W. Bobbins,. -Concord, Central church, 11. IL Parker. Concord, Forest Hill, M. A. Sinith. Cohcord,1 Bays Chapel, J. R. Moose. Concord Circuit, " W. 1L L. McLaurin Mt. Pleasant circuit, M." D. Giles. Salem circuit, W. P. McGee. Norwood cir(!uitrT. S. Ellington. .. Albemarte circuit, C"JL Campbell. Gold Hill circuit, C. M. Gentry. - Geta move on you if vou want a free. Lexington. station, J. E.. Thompson Publisher's Notes ... , Remember,., we will give a free return ticket to the Atlanta Exposition to each person who will send us 25 cash subscribers. arm mBm i Yii if you find any thing in this that is not exactly right. UAJNJNUJNa'fiC'-iiJii-riWi s Tiiiif f moved his ; Monday's Salisbury J World had ..','' ly.occupied , this-r 'Mtss Effie Barrier gave a birth-- Dathot Mr. si. seott. Mr. Fryhng day receivtion to. a few of her friends to- "MrMichael Scott, a well known citi- j. IWve's. i day," -.-A,' splendid dinner wa? served and zcn who lived tw.o miles northeast of apply a very -.ijeasant time was had by those Concord, died last Sunday morning' d a 'little present. All wish her much happiness;; abqjit 9i o clock, after being confined to t aud many more oirininys, one was me his room for live weeks, lie naa Deen belOW COSt ecipMJiil. oi iuau) juutc jinscun. )W ilm:i if . t -1 hi' m bad health for a number of years, trip to the Atlanta Exposition. All yon have to do is to get us casn buo scribers. .: ' Remember, we will give the Wo man's Health Journal free a whole year to every 6ne who pays for The Times cash in advance. ' , We want all our subscribers who cah tdpay inadvance, and in order to encourage them to tio mis we wm gi.e Linwood circuit, L. L, Johnson. Thomasville station.. Ira Inrki: , Morgakton - DisiCiCT, Vx. Mfc- Hoy le, Morean ton station , W. II LeiJl . ,i - Morganton circuit, -W. B. Honeycutt. Table Rock circuit, A. G: Gannt. Charlotte District,. Jn'iR.' Brooks, P. E. S. -V '- CharlotterTryou Street,V. V'. Bavs. Charlotte. Trinity, S. B. Turrentiue. , year's subscription to the Woman's Charlotte, Church. Street, lit L. Atkins. Health' Journal free oi cnarge. xuia w a splendid publication, and a free sam ple copy can be obtained at our office. We have free sample copies of the Home and Farm and Woman's Health Journal, which we will be glad, todis- r tribute to our friends. We send the latter a whole year freeNof charge to all who pay in ad vauce for The Times. We send our paper and the Home and Farm, the best farm paper published, both for only f 1.25 a year-ln advahce.- An i immense- amount of cotton is . .! f . . . . '. , ' ' - v'ife of Rev. ! now. being brought -to cncora. uring. srton, i died the past week cotton has been brought her home.' f here fropi Stanly, Mecklenburg, Rowan resident of nd Union counties. Concord : is . un- doubteuly the best cotton marKet in tnis part of he State. Another thing which tYM to Onr Readers. u . ' A first class high grade monthly home journal, has come to be a neces sity in every household. Such a jour nal, well conducted, occupies a special II 'l .... - - i-l Ik. v occupies i hrinos neonle here is the fact that our Venn's draff 1 iriu.T '.Tl' uiS -aw- - Th. -wmW surnrisbd . ... - Scott, was .63 -eara- old, and-' a -wen known citizen. He leaves a wife and a number of children. The funeral ser vices" were conducted Monday by bis pastpr; Rev. W. II. L. McLaurin, and the remains interred in the usncora character that we nave seen, is lhe Woman's Health Journal, published at Chattanooga, Tenn. The choice sto ries, charming verses and interesting miscellany, appeals alike to young and old. Its special departments of Fash- Girls; A Page or - U Jii repainted kes ill nice home a. if t wSik acting un- much corn- town, haiteu the point of farmersjsell their cotton . for a higher pric ant4 buy their goods ' at a lower price than elsewhere, thereby Saving at both ends. ' followed . place. A large concourse of people iT : Wfh 'fhe i.i n ;t ist rpst,nr Mothers, The Home-keeper, With The the body to its last resting Charlotte... Breva'nl Street: 11. T. Hoover. Charlotte, -SeversvilW and city' mission, ' Supplied by J. 'F. 'Butt. Charlotte circuit, R. S.. Howie. Clear Creek circuit,. R. F. Bryant. - Pineville cir -u'tt, 'IV W. S;uith. . Matthews circuit. Z.- Paris' s Wkxhaw circuit, T T Saljer. ." : v: SifELCY District, J. J. Reun, P. E. Shelby station, C. Gi.itUe. ' ' ,L: r Slu-Jby circuit", It. L. .Ovveiiby. :' ' Kind's -Moun.taia cirtjuit. J. D. Arnold. Gastonia Station, W, M. Bagby. -McAdeHSviile vircuit, M. T. Steele. Stanlv circuit. 11. M. Taylor.- . " ' Mt. Holly circuit, G. W. Callahan.. Mountain Island" Station, S. M. Davis. Linoolnt n circuit, W. V. Woinble, Lowes ville-cii edit, D-..M1 Litaker. Cherryville circuit, J-. P. Reynolds. South Firk circuit,.I. Merritt. Belhvood circuit,. A. RTSurratL Polkille circuit,. J. A. Owt " Forest City circuit, W. Leaett. ' Henrietta station, F. R. Richardson. Bessemer circuit, JAV. Roberts. Bellwood High School, J.-P. Rogers, principal. : KNOWLEDGE Brinas comfort and imprOTement and tends to personal , enjoyment when rightly used, ine-many, woo uve Dex--ter.than others and enjoy life more, with1! less exnenditure. by more pronvatly adapting the world's best products to the needs' of physical beiag will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative tirincinles : embraced in the , remedy, Syrup of Figs. - ' Its excellence is due to its ptesentirg in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste; the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a petect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, 'dispelling colds, headaches ana: levers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satistacnon w mmions aim met with the- approval ' of the medical profession, becau acts on m? ,Aiu nsTi T.iwer and Bowels without weak ening them and It perfectly free fpm Svtud of Fies is for sale by all drug gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man- uiactured by me ciaiuoraia ig oyru Uo. only, wnose name is pnmwiuu evcrj package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, nail infftrmful vmi will tlt accept any substitute if offered- ' ' : r . ' - New Town t'niinanse.": Be it ordained by the Commissioners f or the town of Concord, N. C, that any person or persons who shall smoke upon WeWll Men's All Wool Cassimere Suits at $3.00. Men's Black Wool Cheviot Suits at $3.00. Men's Grav Melton Suits at $2.00. Men's Black Cheviot Suits at. $2.50. Men's Odd-Coats 75 cents. Boys' Odd Coats 50 and 75 cents. Men's Black Worsted Suits for $3.50. Meto's Fancv Melton Suits, $2.50.-- en s; Fine Clay Worsted Suits, These 'are . fi,Url all wnnl . ft .Rfl. Cutaways and Sacks. I the kind that some mercnants price ?u.u. : i -. '. ;' - ' - - - - ; A MAfiNIFICENT LINE of very Fine Clay Worsted, Cutaways ol Schloss Bros' make at $10. -These would be priced. $25 by people who pretend to save you per cchl. ai y y l . am. any C LOTH I NG t all, it wiU pay you to see us. y, - . - Here are some good reasons why it will pay, you to trade with us : " r; lsl. We buy our goods in lare lots and buy them low-. .2nd.-We out thclowest possible price on them. We don'.t try to make you think they are worth more by pricing them at double what they are wortu, - , . , - 3rd. We do exactly what we say we will do. We are horc to-day and fexpect to be here as long as we live. V 4th. We Will sell you goods mat wm nt anu .picaac juu, 5th. We will give your money back if goods don't suit you. Vn Hnri't riin an v risk in tradine'with us. We guarantee the or within ten feet of any cotton platform, Lorice on everything we sell., Shoes, Hats and all kinds of Furnishing PERSONAL.. !:irn tince a jig. irdt J r. Jl sub- fTred tuiiilpi iae uam , trv, i tjicieni, ouicer, o$s-. fine'.-work. the : rige 'in to.vn 'r.if ,iflUompson s t it ifall suits, and uleii school boys i i;ai-.cnsely.- ' -! ; : . i limine contract .O'l'np rear of the tral ciiiikoh .make room Thijiirga n will be Mr. John D. Cannon, of Charlotte, was here Tuesday. ; " -Mr." 'H. Kirby, of Aslieville, spent, several days here last week. Hon John S. Henderson was in Con cord yesterday , - '. - v 1 Miss'i Janie. Ervin will not return" to the :Grensboro NormabCollegc. - Mr. jind Mrs. S. J. Durham, of Dai- ' las, spent Saturday, Sunday and Mou- ,- Our KoU or Honor. The followins hae paid their w scriptions since our last issue: ' Juo. F. Beatty (part), D. B Cross (part), J." A. Cline (part), A. E. Walter, D. W. Turner, John Eagle, R. A. Mc araw (part), Atlas Bruton (part), S. J. Bost (part), L. D. Hartsell (part), D: M, Moose, M. H. Lefler, II. B. Foutz, John llurlocker. , - The following have paid in advance: E. A. Riley, J. H. Litaker, Mrs. C. W. Fink, M. rA. Ritchie, Jno. E. Love, Jr., Mrs. C. S. Laucaster, R. B. White, L. II. Moose. Children, and the Health and Hygiene' Department, edited by a competent and experienced physician, " make it invaluable to any home. The Times, always on the lookout for jame3 d. Cfine hoi hrpn jLti 1' tlll'pUlpit. ' v ; ;: . . . yii ' 3 - . ctifiiity, passea on h i irw. Pntrol Methodist Mrs.,C. S.-Lancaster, who -has been . next week QD visiting:Mrs. M. C. Dusenbery, re- Friday' .nisht8.;The .pro-; turned lo her home m Baltimore. -s wiU0 toward, the purchase of the Mr! I'TumnV'Snell. of Greensboro, new pipe organ. They earnestly solicit was' here last weeki IIe'alout on the patrorfage of 9l- cmtchds. a result of a raijroad accmni. serve warm uu met uu, , k i i l .i j ' hi Missf Esther Ervin ha3 retired - etc They will also have fancy articles from . , u'e will publish the "bill of is way .w rJiition 'a "clerk at the postoffice, , ro ;n onr next issue. t:lre to raaite on,i cneded- bv Miss Jame , xicu- , rn, af1ipB will bava among omer is family to ' mond i r ; ; ' i : - : i things a " large number of dolls of all Prof! Waiter Thompson, 6f the States-( .size8 and pnexs JhansoTneiy oressseu. ...i-ii if i l.1!'s hlark Lit rJrHl School, spent lasi xiiuiy 'As stall last day anl Friday here with bis brother, 4 that eome; P&f. Elplland Thpmpson, ' : yy . w t;ft in his r' . i ' w-lLl''-' ji'x.' mnm ,.,"' v.-in Mrsi Li. xJ- uirau i.w .H- ------ i to attano Mi I'a.il'nfenuu- l niiW .rl-turniug Ait: ..'ginning of , Migg jiunie Gay r- ..L i. i It Hpjiropnate Misl1: C. '. Sntoat, s f:.;H-r, i.i. ll..'.:in F. j::ffy.. Mr, A BS Atl. and a pig Finn. : That live, and always up-to-date firm. Caunons &Fetzfer, have a wnoie page ; o.i ;n this week's Times. You should. 1 Wilson -to visit Iter par.enia auu reacl every vvora oi meir 1 the marriage of " lie sister, jt wiU he moDey in your pocnei h do o. The guarantee tneir gouua, and are willWg at any time, to give your, money back if goods are . not satisfac tory They keen the largest stock in toAn to select from. ,Ther say .when thev can't meet and beat any prices th-'v will Mil up the front door and quit liu?iness. "- what will profit its readers, has secured fifty vearlv subscriptions to The -Wo- inan's' Health Journal, which it pro poses to giveaway. A vears subscription to- this Journal f - will be given to , (1), Every new subscriber to The Times.. , ' '-; ; - , (2), Every old subscriber who renews, - (3i. Everv delinquent subsci'ber who i ava an arrearaees and in advance. Xheso- subscriptions won t lasi long. First come, first served. Call at this oifiee and see sample copy. -:; tieorgeTUle. Items. ' -T ': Our school is in a flourishing condi tion; J Prof. Brooks is an excellent teacher and well-deserves the prais,e hf all. Mr. Pink, Widenhouse is teaching t,o f.B. schnnl at Chaoel Hill this VUV V-vv - - Dr. and Mrs. . Jerome have been vis- 1 tnv friends atLilesville, Anson county. Our beloved pastor, Mr, uues, ui gone to conference. We hope -he v"iU be returned. , - ' ' " . Mr F '" A. Klutts had his sale on and. will soon leave for his future home in the mountains. A. G. K. B. ftntton -warehouse or place where cottn is weighed, stowed or handled, within the coriwrate Umits:of the town of Con- (vid. shall be deemed "emlty "f a misde. . - , . i? iL LA neanor, ana ppun conviction toereoi The TSewton Jinteqire saj a iueie a. fuf fcbirty daya- . . - - , Be it ordained by the commissioners for the town of Concord, N. C.,, tihat ordinance No. 27 be and the .Bame is hereby amended by inserting in line two after the word "game' the follow ing : for for the purpose of occupying Goods 1 v - UilJM IN UJS J? JiiXZjJCiXii; . .' ' I- , a. 1 : L... ...:4.. tr 'in a veiv serious usui ia&i oaiuiuaj iu. Mountain Creek township, Calawba county, betweeen L. Oscar Little and Cline was knocked in -tbe head w ith a cluV and has not yet iwnvprwl conciousness. The chances are that he will pot recover. -Little was taken to : iail jTuesday, on failure" to o-w-o a S-niW bond. Cline 8 wife is 1 ixin'a eitr nH ih jil!es-ed coiise of the trouble wus Little's cruelty to her. 1 1 - JJ thu same Nov. 14-tf. Li. HARTSELL.. - . Clerk Concord Markets. COTTON MABKET. Cprreeted weekly by C. G. Montgomery. Stained Low Middlin; Middling ... ., Good Middling - mt 6 to 7 7 .73 3 1 3 Elizabeth Gibson and Fannie from tho.Atl.auta Expo-: M-'iu c.tno in ..Saturday 1 , ".1. -. I. -,1 r.f phi. :-.r i.i..; i.i.--'-..-- . t eou Mr.fW. G frd.n JliscnliHTRt'; riicblm proved in health, i Mou lay. He is Yea t Jiow Sutncriljr. Ram'itnder of this was ni'.n -sidj2ace'of' went to . Vdvian. And Mis nMic TTr.,.ri Mfa.RA. liO'.vn Atlanti S'.tur.l-iy.r.i-hL x.,,..n if China. G BGulafi BL-rnlwf.n, ot o."Thbjry, nt.i i- ' .1 i I ; . hmentary to s pamea ine.n. 4iit lltuiter I Mr.! W. J Mint Anicena nassed throu; . . , ; i : I . eon a visit ; jjjg- ay -to iie 11 ' 1113 BbMT, fv-.ob'f:the' present , , rh-irU)tte New : " -Sir. f Xkuy will take !da8 . ..1. arrived in tbe Ti one "x vijx..- entice bun to move 'To all who subscribe and pay m ad vance for Tun. Times for l8'J6e o.,.,,i ti,.. l(!.ner the remainder , of thi. Thf vve wiu seiKi lujuu' Svvink, of Albemarle, Concord Tuesday on At!4nta Exposition. 'Dr. Utniiig, joined now dollar in tiutu -January x, iu,, j advance. Thus you gei me paper iu mou u ot uu'j ,m" - -Subscribe . at once, as you lose by wait- ii'g- - - ' ' - ' '! Married to L.att A Iirot?ie? aul :, nil V. i I T 'I.VI I.vdi loihsiost at -M11 :iH public is w if -' IT f:eii arrange may be ex lie usiness men, 1 "in 1 -...! - . I.,.- - 1 . rrnng : 0I lasi a tin Mr. R. ibriut 4 miles ned to death, of Ed. Foil, ir the fire, and gnited the bed : . J i U 1 I-. tit hQa t," Mr. W. K. Odell, the I. IHU - NT II I i V AlA - - a 1 ...irit in Concord's manure- turin circles, is also here to-day. Si e - Otlter. Salisbury World. -Tk,a a-nA a marriage Hill yesterday in which a brother ;c(, hu sffinitv. were maaieu njaiv 1 j - - . contracting parties ptlabblns Itit-su , " The Times offers exceedingly libera! clublwng rates with, a number of good papers." Kot these: aims una Washington Weekly Post,"lotl.-ofie vearforonlv $1.25.-. The Times and Atlanta Weekly Journal both one - year for Si. 40. The Times and Home and Farm, botn wne ear tor .on iy The'Timim and Afti-ri('aa Farnjer,-bolli one year for only $1.10. :v. ' Gov. Bo! n Tayl- r, of' Tennsee, : " Ao wnpiil iroes rou'i an' nfln' 1L various TTnitatious of " the Origi nal M A- 'Ihedford Jt oos i.iver .ucn .st Rln,,..l-Draught live for. a time; ouarrel ataong themselves and pass iuto . l.'..- im-ov T1I1V rilT.P A ODllVlOll, x"i " -I Tray-this reliable remedy has eone ,u , and hp. juid'iKwtund-the cku.wl-- ,. i -...i ,,r.i..r dt tTiv . vetreiiiun; xx There is no better cure in existe ce forCramps, Cholera Morbus and all Summer Complaints, than Pain-Killer. Uood for all pains, ackes and soreness," interrial or ex- 3 ternal. One good trial will conVince vou that PKOPPCK MAKKET Corrected Weekly by Dove & Bost. Bulk meat sides. Beeswax h i Butter .... Chickens. I Corn 2... ..... ...4 Eggs . I Lard...........-....-- Flour, Jlorth Croluia..... Meal...... I Peas i...- Oats Tallow I Salt . klrish Potatoes..... 8J 18 ,'j 10 to 15 ' ,15 to 20 . 50 15 10 to 12 J 1.75 to 2.00 60 The Morris Hardware have Mower Knives, for all Mowers sold in Cabarrus county. Empire and Reiser Machine- Spikes,. Well -EPTJj J.INE OF- Pumps, Fruit - Jars Buggies, Champion Mowers, Cookin "Stove p. You can get it . anywhere at 25c a bottle rouble the former quantity). See that the bottle bears-the name .Perry Davis & Son. No other, is genuine.-- Health iteprtw -W4 find inlhe east Ilea th -Luuet u the Ypllowing report, of the he, 1th in Cababus, Rowan and Stanly counties, r,.E .rn-. llobert .0. xoung, wrAf4 Mirlatina," four , Weaved we Sr aand Tourteen ot typhoicT 8hip any farther Bulletin Itrmcrly an cm- d;ed in Char While work-: Ur. Carver met sufted serio.us jred suit against K Company for at Chestnut and The were-Mis3 Prudy, un,l-;na inl Mr. joint xxxU.6.. " 1 . ,i- -fotvr and the groom s Mie - , wjfe cacb 0ine.r " the second time ZJAnz folks are step brother ;;d 8istor. , So by marrying her sr ana oww. - h-nme her own sis SSn- Lw lind Ih." "d,ughter-irr-law :of ,Kr 1 -Tua- TTntil this tangle is unr PIS Iliou-icx. ..- -AUtiPn ti 11. m.r, .LizLtjri vuv v, . -- '- V' - :. v- -- . . - v - - - ...... :: .. , eo J, .; ; . wm, y-AM ' - -5 " . . -SS'r.'- ' to" the Atlanta Exposition ! Read Every ordof . ihis AUC'flOH SALE cr med,ici!Ki m ide. tnoortvA .Ti-'-sa Anril 14. 1802. I havft been nsing Thedford's Ekck- Drausht for twelve or nneeiv yw.-i. has SJtvikl toe a good many dollars iu doctors' bin, wtetMMgtfr- January 1 1896 ,Vv ".V'. vv'.-W 1' -""--- VV; -S-TL ievet . rr:;. - : nnrt3- "Sanitary gOOd, OI UUicx fevers in Hatinn of iail fairly " . . . .ijs R-et f :1S ' - .. ana bUUUJi"6, . .. - itcaJ, Mif- When ined o . uau Child Etrjoya ... - The ' pleasant' . flavor . . . f u : - : Mt.a of Svrup . of h lgS. a Bournes , iftno bilious, . tu;V-l-iK)t been tried ':!!iy-.trail-lia8' been ton torn sold, and the here for fire car, which has lessent lot. ever "eJ , was taken lust ; before the Rwvas t.sr mx cases ""V ."r...". -nifh of tvpnoiu the most Kta-uxjrxo ---- . . i .aruuna - catarrhal 1SP: so that it is tbe best lamuy i or n iij v-ioA - - -, i-t an mi i imv c i affections in yarioua parts .knthan known be fore fit any season of the year. . Loookout for the advertisement , of the im Furniture Store, W. L. Bejlf Prop., who will have at the old Hoover & Lore I will sell at puolio wusuou,. & Bros.' Stable oa r1 I If U IK U Mfhal rtf t'.l )L1 V C V fl WMU V lAi uv - " v . of whooping-cougu fatner.or uiu-vx - fnQW by Lowe; a Hirvj jt Albe- . T,' ' G istonia GazeUe says a young rno:;ndeV;r;Wuy'ouldhae? bottle on hand. . , The Newton Enterprise bears that lost a,uw "7 -Cnariotte., He Furniture vmpewj -- . . shipped the Company a great deal ot DWlV-v complete stock of to and Hodera Styles. lids SBlttn oHl-SO A M.one carload of Kentucky Horses and Mules. This BtocK is jnsi kIiia jrcfiss' country ot Iven- tncky , and among thn load is some ii.:.u snidlrs. Also some heavy work horses .and mules. . This stock : wid positively be -old regardless of eoPt, RAIN or siiux Hi. ; ' . t mntHi an renresentea, o money refunded No by-biddin-. .lou -ll find the Htock at Brawn Bros, ta- s Thf. Concord TIm-s wirf pie vr.t "free to evevv icrson yvho sends us before -December 2ri, new vearlv cash sub scribers, a ticket to Atlanta, Go.? A am o-noil tor one. weei.. Subscription price $1.00. Two six-months subscriptions will count as .one.? All you've got to do is t- send tis $123 in -new &u- scriptions. V , ' We do not, propose tHat an v body shall lose anything, and' if vmi fail to' get up enough, sub -servers to win a ticket,; we will ive 6u 15 cents tor eacn.su.Or crilipr vnii send OS. ' ". oive the ticket from. any of the following points: Con pn'rH rhraa tirove. tiarrife.uuij- fia'lihnrv orCharlotte. we win vj""" .t. rv'., t, tirket lor every to suu- i v. - - ' ' Kpr! sent H A new subscriber is one wno is f olrpndv takinsr 1 HE 1IMES orwr mnnot be transierreu ix "f w . . , . from one who is already a suo- criber to another m tne same x-.:iir "ori rnnni a new suu lauiuj If you need any sample copies., i. ,,c irnnw and we will 'send vnu as many as you want. ) ' Begin right now! Just as soon as you get the, subscribers vou will get theticket.- Address V n . fTTTnT31T T j. i. on.tviN.xvio-, Publisher Times, Concord, N, Cr Aii LAio o-s- j;ATrr- -Prices as Usual r j. .- . 4 :- ' tt t ti -iT rnri JL" - KJ JL 11 A. "-a W -tow 2 5i S9 T W . . i.a-' t tv- MaMeth Stock -of : Furibia;e I ; From Cannons, Fetze? & liell, id we bou-ht it low down, and we are going to pive our u?tr.m-rh-beneHt o f the low i.Hce,-. We h--, vema, ked r? w ; t s of i-dstog out at" prices that will astonish evtry'rogy. Ka..es aid er so ds to gc -. '.. . . -X. wishing togei. ' l . . - ...'-' i i .1 r.. coll' now is the time to buy. We mean to feu ar. ciuc uiuu t&TiSnfc . We have everything in Furniture and - . House Futnistang Goods, that can be found m any town tw. s . c o. X voV" Wh n r4tnl-Mr that we have tnonsauu.u "b01"" - - , , . . .. vbtfeone : ?c Concord go to the Furniture Store and see the sights. Ci. October 10, 1895. C'jticon1, N. ':'r 1 .vay. , Sic tran- oak lumber uuxiujj I-1 1 ,4 ;:;:l : .-' t . . - ti

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