: '-' : : i ' 7Z """" T 1 " " ' i ' - !- " ' ". : "'" ' THE .CoNcoRP Times. WfiEKLY. ----- -r-" i. ' n onir . -; lJefleiuuer 1-3, &ovaw OF TRAlNSlAT CONCORD .. .,.nnJ arrivts at lia m. Sunt. ' J- 9B:3fo-m-vnrk ih- 8:49 a,m. .. Atlania r Mr. Maxwell Chamber! died at his T1e Bwr. i:03p. m. 11 id m. ,. r the local tfains-Beiwami nitu- "',, Nos- 3 na i ar m itwv ..JH"11' Klunflj and belrtl'fU J Washington j 3S the Wtvilngton and South- trains ana atop at LOCAL AND OTHERWISE. ; , K Craven made 350 bush fcom an ten acres jt)f land. Lawyer W.' M. Qmith has been '. i. several- d&VS. ... -Mini's ii" "v w y I Thp.inftm t child oflRev. A. Walker If site died at Statesvil f last weeK. - .fhe infant chifa 0Mr. joun jruu- died last jfnaay invs- . , good dinner o' supper at "the ""...i-,fmt jftnliidin? coffee. AN , Wni.- swartingen uiou ai 11 last inursqy aiwiuwu ui romery, who has weeks, is im S.vink'si fbeef is? occupying the market to ytfii Hi ,3fanior.u. i - . Mrs.'M.'A.' Mont! jeea qaite.sicic wr tw. -i2: . ZZ r . SvvinK lihnlav bis holiday books, .The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. . frtfire. who lives? one . mile from im,ed last Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Uofrge nou s iniani Mi died at their liame in No. U licwnship last Saturdaj evening. " - Gome out and patronize the Bazaar e, Every ining .jjreptreu m veijr home-liko style. "In tie Litaker build- -Mairicvt, on th; 8th, ' Mr- Alex ifonc:.rl. Itev. J. t..Aldermaq olfic- iitin?..-. ; .';,.-;- r; -Marrioi onthe feh, at Torest Hill, ' mi ': i r: T jr- XtM s. inompn 10 iiiisp xrue 5hi:in E;-q. Charle ; A. Sherwood tving thft knot. J: .;:: :VV': Vr Goo. F. Barihardt, late snper- Utender.t of the cnaifsang, uas i 7..i,a ;m whHt bufiness he will en- kge cir v-bt-re he yilgft. - - - , The Uuid, Jiercaijuie vxj- are mati- i -i- i ' r 7 - in" a grand aispiay ; fii jwt - ouiwure for holiday gifts. Ke4d their interesting new ad. this week. ' - . . fiev. J. Ilartafell, of Lexington, tho on account of il health was located it the last conference, has moved , his Umily tc Shelby to qpake that place hxg home. I Dr. J. B. Douglas, of Big Lick. Stanly county, will fsoon move :o his native kate, Georgi. The Exposition caught-him. We we sorry to lose the doctor from this sectjon. Lowe's columnf will interest you this week. Thev anfe 'going to change fheir quarters January st, and wan t)q tell oat their presenf stock cheap. Now ii the very time to get bargains. -A gentleman from Mooresville in twms us . that Eevi F. S Starrette, of Morcsftle Record, has purchased a DnntinV outfit and i will hereafter have his paper printed at home. -The" Racket Store is Santa Claus' he'anquarte'rs, Mf., j B)s'tian - gay He has an endless variety of. Christmaa thiegB, besides, candies, nuts, raisins, etc, Eead his new ad. this week. Rev. W, C. Alexander was absent irora hi'spulpit lt Sunday, assisting Kev. Dr. Rumples at sausiaury. ur, Satterfield preached for him in the moruiug, and the fchurch was closed at DigQt A iord to tbjp wke is sufficient. You ca& get your better half and get i beitef dinner afthe bazaar tomorrow in the Liuk'er buSdihg than you can have weDared fori the 'same money at 'home.. v - ; ; ' home in Salisbury Monday. " The firemen will give a festival in the; Litaker building next Thursday night ' - . ; . The Times job; office last week printed the minutes of the Stanly Bap tist Association. i - -r'f'h process from the annual mis siopay sale at Bear Creek church last Saturday was $36.- Chattel mortages "for sale at this officejj in" quantities of 10 or more at 1 cent paeh or 75 cents per 100. , - Mr. W." N. Prather, a-well known bake of Charlotte, committed suicide yesterday by strangling. . Eemembcr we will give the Wo man'tS Health Journal free a whole year to every one who pays lor The Times cash j n advance. , - - The Lutheran ladies gave an oys ter! Supper Jn Armory , Hall Tuesday evenjjng and served dinner Wednesday. It was a successful affair, and the ladies' realised about $45. , While Doc. - Lindsay was helping to load the d-im my rails" last Tuesday evening a"raii fell on his hand. . His fingers were bent backward to his wrist, but, strange to say, not a bone Tvas broken. He was , attended - by Dr. Smojjt. . r-iMr. R. 8. Pigott, of Chicago, sang solo at the Episcopal church last Sun day morning and night. In thft morn ing he sang i 'Calvary" and "riark, Hark, My Soup" and at night, "Lead Kindly Light.-'" His singing was beau tifut and was highly complimented. rThe Lowe Co. will after January 1 occupy the store room now occupied by Sim & Alexander. . It was reported recently that Mr. Lowe would leave us, hut we are glad to know that he will remain, He. is a live cituen and a good business man, and Concord needs sonijje more like him. Sims fc Alexan dernvill dissolve copartnership. 4-Last Friday's Statesville Landmark sai(; ?Jr. Ii. L. Payne, of Lexington, ia-io move to Norfolk: The Landmark haknown this for sometime, but was nqtjiat liberty to make it ptiblio. The muicder of his father in Lexington and thessubsequent acquittal of the slayer arejjof course the. main reasons for his leading-Lexington, although : he has a fi nj practice there. " --LastMonday while Gus Morrow was snapping an "unloaded" pistol at some children of Mrs. Lora. Smith, well kueVn here, of Amity, Iredell co"- 4 jmug wenvoff and the ball entered the leg of one of the cnildren, six years old. , Mrs. Smith was expected to visit heriunt, Mrs. M. G. Deaton, to-day, but cannot come on account of the accident - " . ' The ladies of Central Methodist church are arranging for. a bazar in the Litaker building, second room from the corner. The bazar will be opened at 6 o'clock this evening. Our people will have a fine opportunity t buy handsome em broidery, paintings, beautifully dressed dolis and fancy work of all description, which will make very acceptable Xmas presents for : your friends. The m any delightful things they will have to eat will please the most fastidious." The bazar will continue until the last of the week.; You can go and get a splendid meal for 25 cents. The follow ing is the bill of fare: Turkey Chickeu, Roast" Beef,' Pork, - Sausage, Cold Ham. Cream Potatoes, Scalloped Tomatoes, ; Candied Sweet Potatoes. Cabbage. Cold Slaugh, Chicken Salad, Pickled - Cranberries, Apple Jelly. Oystera. -Stewed Scalloped. " Fried ' Celery , ' , - . Ice Cream, Gelatine, Ambrosia, Whip- ped Cream. " V " - Cake. -Chocolate. Tee Cream, Prince of Wales, Angel Food, etc. Coffee, Chocolate. -Deserts are not included in a 25 cent dinner. . ' . A Characteristic letter. . Those who are acquainted with the PERSONA! peculiar anJ happy literary style of the writer of the letter below need not be told the author's name: ; . - . "Charlotte, N. C, Dec 6, 1695. Dear .Editor : Virgil r tells - us of an ancient practice (which in part ii a cus tom of modern times)s,that unless dirt or dust is sprinkled-three, times on a dead body, its soul which 'bad left its earthly temple must wander a thousand years on this side the river Styx before it could enter the fur nigi nous bark and be ferried to the golden gates of Hades. Now, if a fellow is liable to suffer such inconvenience on account of this alight oversight of his friends, what penalty will be;meted out to the individual who wilfully violates a known duty t Send me The Times. ' I s YOura truly, - ; " i , i - H. C. Herring. Dr., Herring is a most felicitous wri- ter, and possesses a style peculiarly his own. . t He i is , Bill Nyel-r equal as a humorist. ' . . - .' -' J ' -' " ' ' ' ,' i Thaaka, and a Word to DeUnqaeata. . During the past week or so, a consid erable number of our subscribers, have tance hae responded to our request for a remittance. We thank them-most sincerely. : However, there are still many who nave not yet paid - us. W.e insist that - they do so at one 3. We have waited on some of them as long as we can.'- We must have pay for our pa per. If not convenient to come to Con cord send money by - pptqfc? OQQjaey a x-eaamg- Firm. ( Rev w c Alexander's Sermon at SalUbnrV. Ould, the Bargain Merchant, says: Saiisbory World. ' - 2IcoS-and ISZdinl Peplt ' Eev' W- C Alexander;' of -Concord, rC on SeirX vour attenon S thf'.f W ?ermoa ia Presbyterian church here ham?S th67- k8t night, from John 6:27. "Labor drSSu1-06 a eVT liQ! of , not for the meat that perisheth : : . San Sl Sd ? "T lrTn t He bS bv sayinf that our Lord Sv?a - ?,C?ncor They ; was a perfect "mind-readen" : he read i?evoSmj? ttt f gat the mdBot multitude crowded that they "f0 afid around him, and told thehi that they for their cmpeUtors to see them. They f sought hlmatr say they - are ; selling the most intelli gent class of buyers, which should be a guide to purchasers who are t not good judges, of goodst. They have no dissat isfied customers, but if they once sell' a customer he or she is so well pleased with: the purchase that it always brings them back. If you value your cash as you should, you will go to Ould's Bar gain Store, where jou get none ' but genuine bargains. - - - r ' sub- Oar Roll of Honor. The following have paid : their scriptions since our last issue: ' M. M. Litaker, C H. Peck, f J. T. Scruggs, M. C Garmon, James M. Car ter, G.AW Misenheimer,' Thos.e Suther (part), Thos. Means, T; F.' Little (part); B. F. S. Austin, J. R. S. Ritchie, S. J. Lentz (part), G. D. Daniels (part), L. M. Barringer (part), J, J. Babinger (part), R. M. Patterson. In advance: W. M. Corzine, D. B. Motley. E. A: Forest Gladstone Items. - ; Messrs. . Luther JBarringer, B. 'E. Ritchie, G. W. Gulp and H. C. Riden hour are in the mountains for apples and chestnuts, and will return this week.": They had a fine week to travel and prospect in the mountain). - -. Christmas is soon here and still no weddings are known of ' in this section up to date. Cppt'Woodrum, conductor on this line, has returned from a trip to Atlanta and is at his post again. ;' ' Mr. G. W. Peeler is preparing, to build a handsome house at this place at an early day. - Our Christmas turkey has not come in yet If anybody is going to bring it it's high time,, but don't all speak at once. v - ! We have heard of but very 'possums being caught this fall. This is evidence that there is none to find. ' : . Plenty, of apples in our. town at low prices. , - " R. . " II ! ! IP ' L i 8TATK NEWS. Dr. S. W. Eaton died p.f Bright's dis ease' af his" home at Cleveland, Rowan an county, ' Wednesday morning. - He was about 50 years old and a wife sur vives him. - - - - ,- - The Tyson & Jones Buggy Company, of ; Carthage, : were .,, awarded the first medal at th& Atlanta Exposition last week for the beat all-round exhb pf vehicleatf;; : "V'v .. ' President Spencer, of the Southern iir v r Pflorp nf rharlottp was here ordei r agister your letter. A tnoney Railway, has leased a thousand acres of ..Mr,.r. L,. rage, oi inariotte.wa? nerp . , . m . -.f .nnnni h..4 :. n.,:i n ui tbfs week Mr. J. Reese Blair, of Troy, was here Sunday. - Mr. John Winecoff returned to Mor- ganton last Friday. . . 1 . Mrs. T. P. Johnson and children re turned last Saturday to Salisbury, Mr Thos. A. Smith, of Mores ville was in Concord Monday. V t - Mr. John Bost returned home Tuesday morning from Salisbury. I Little Miss Julia Gray is visiting her Uncle, Mr. W. G. Boshamer. ( Judge Montgomery went to Charlotte Tuesday to attend Federal Court. Mr. J. W. Cannon ' returned Mori- day from a northern trip of over a ifeek.' " I Messrs. Hi I order for $2.50 or less will cost you only 3 cents, and over $2.50 and under $5.00 the fee is only 5 cents. Some of our : subscribers, are so far behind that we I will soon be compelled to take steps to collect the amounts. Let us hear from you by December 20, anyway. ' y Handed at Chester. Charles woyd, the negro wno fciueq ue nd.1 wmie vejsn.a. ine jiaue ctoiai 1 ; land in Guilford county, for quail shoot ing, ana he and a party of friendg will spend three week, there next month. Replies, which are coming in from all parts of the State, show that May 10 will be well observed in the public schools as Vance Day, in memory of the late Senator. In .each cHy scholl a collection wiu oe agen up ior tne moa- but because he had given them meat to eat He then - said that Jesus Christ could read the minds of those who came to church to-day, and ; knew what were their motives in coming. Coming to his text, the preacher said that it con tained an admonition, an exhortation and an encouragement. The admoni tion was "Labor not for the meat that perisheth." He went on to 1 say that labor was honorable. God, the Father, worked, the angels were busy Jesus Christ belonged to the laboring class; StEtt labor for material things might be misdirected and excessive. This is- es pecially the case where it diverts the minds from more important and eter nal things, borne people were so lazy thatithey had no time for religion, nd so moved with the world that they had ! no - taste for religion. And .yet these earthly things were unsatisfying and perishing. They lasted only as long as life, if so long. v " - , ' . Upon the 'exhortation.'!. he said we were to labor for "enduring" things, that is, spiritual 'and eternal. Such things as forgiveness of sin, acceptance with God, and , work for the Master were things that satisfied and endured forever. - - I ... - - He then" spoke, of the "encourage ment,", to-wit, that Jesus Christ gave the spiritual food. At the same time we were ; commanded to labor for it This paradox was explained by the fact that becomirig'a Christian on the : hu man side is very difficult, -but On the dyine side is very easy. Thegrace is freely given, but a sinner finds it the hardest thing in the world to get him self up to the point of. wanting to be a Christian and accepting salvation. " ;The human heart ia averse to religion; The speaker gave a beautiful .illustration of the ancient Greeks on their return from the Trojan war.. They were fascinated on the "Enchanted Isle" by the fra grance of the lotos. . flowers, which ren dered them unwilling to leave the" de lightful spot where it was always after noon. ".So men - are enchanted by the pleasures of &in, and made unwilling to leave their condition of - world Imess. Butori God's side the change is easy; "Thy people shall be willing in the day of Thy v power.' '?; The spirit makes them willing. . He illustrated the stater ment that God had?1 "sealed' f or duly authorized Jesus Cbrie " as tle Savior of men by the ncident in Sgyp tian history, in'wtiich Joseph was au thorizjed to sell i food to the famished people. No one ' went to Pharoh to bay corn, but to Joseph", "sealed", or commissioned by Pharoh. So we go to, Christ, the anointed pf Qqtl, or." salvi tioq. Pqt qnlike' Joseph, he does not sell, but freely gives eternal ':. tlnn to all who coroA j,-m , Mr. Alexander is a . fresh, crisp and live speaker never dull but always in teresting I Ie will preach to-night, to morrow', and Sunday in the PreBbyte rian church. --' ' " -.:" - Albemarle Items. : ' , Rain has delayed'work on the jail fo the present -r - - . Our merchants are getting in their Christmas goods'. ' Z:.. Sibley & Co. are erecting a new black smith shop. " . ' Albemarle will soott'have 'a tanyard. Work has already commenced and good progress is being made. A house belonging to Mr. S. J. Pcm berton, situated about a mile and a half below here; was bumed down Saturday. The house was - inhabited. - Rats and matches are supposed to have been the cause of the fire. . " - Miss F. E. Ufford gave a temperance entertainment in the court house last Friday night, which-eeemed to be enjoyed by all. " Entrance fee was charg-ed, and the proceeds amounted to :a goodly sum. , . Rev R. M. Taylor preached his fare well sermon last Sundays night, taking as his text the eleventh verse of the 13th chapter of 2Corinthians: "Finally, brethren, - farewell," - etc. It was a sermon full of thought and good advice throughout - He read a brief review of his four years', work on this circuit. He will move to his new .circuit next Thursday. Our new'pastor will arrive Wednesday. . , " Miss Minnie Cook, of Mount Pleas ant, ia visiting at MrT S; H; Hearne's. .Mr. J. F. Lilly, wife and two daugh ters, Misses Molly and.Betty, returned from the Exposition last Saturday - ALL WOOL SERGE 5 ar 25 cents per yard voune Mine, Lancaster county, S. C., a few months ago; was banged at Chester last Friday in the county - jail. The drop fell at 11:38 and Lloyd was pronounced dead by Dr. Brice in 26 minutes. Our Readers will remember that, owing to humors that Doyd would be lynched in Lancaster,' Solicitor Henry secured a change of venue and . the prisoner was taken p Chester (qr triaL ;. ll wa convicted a the October term of court M. Barrow, A. B. Correll andiWay suiereq tne iuu penalty oi and Scott Freeze went to Atlanta - Tues day night ' " " Mrs. J. D. Shirey went to South Bos tun, Va., last week to have her eyes treated. . I Mrs. Dr. J. H. Daniels, of Georgia, is visiting at her father's. Mr. N. P. prrell. " " fc 1 ' Mr." Jacob Dove and bi'l son-in-law, Mr. M. J. Corl,' went to i Atlanta' Moni fklay, . t ' , - 1 County Commissioner Joseph Foil, kwent to Atlanta Monday to take in the Big Exposition. . Ritchie and two sons, of the law. rhe body of the negro was brought here Saturday and interred at the Phoe nix mine on Sunday. Scores of ne-. groes from Concord attended the There is said to be a movement foot to establish a bleachery at ttteville to cost $1,000,000. It is stated that the Holts, Dukes and . other North Carolina - capitalists are behind this scheme. Tests to ascertain the purity of the water are now being made, v ' How many peoplesaw blie bjirds this Ceari X i ratner. a queer- quefuon, iii Cbl. W. F Qreen, chairman of the State Board of Agriculture, says there were none in this part of the State, and that he fears the blue bird is extiact as Leading Democrats say that over tures have been made to them by Pop ulists since the November elections, but in the opinion of able Democrats a straight ticket without concessions or compromise is the prppetthi'ng" would rather gq' down in defeat under their Rev; W. H. s Abbott, colored, for merly of New Yoqc, ia the new pastor b- Mr. Geo E, of rnce Memoruy Temple., Kev. vv. C. Sides, the former pastor, was sent by the Bishop to Monroe, and moved his familv to that plape last week. ." The iuian qbildof Ar. and Mrs. Uowan Du3enberyi onlv a few, dxys old, died'.. iu Oxford Monday night. ; The body was brouit to Lexington' fortlanta Exposition interment, and as met mere Dy airs. M. G. Duse nbery iind Rev. J. G. Davis, . of Concord.' ' ij; . .v"-3t'-' V ' -KC HoUday Rates on the Railroad. The Southern Railway will sell Christ mas holidav tickets at about 4 cents a mile one way ;or :ther.qrrria ?hp, for arjy otber followed distances of three hundred miles or less Jr - between ail points on its lines, unese tickets will be sold December 22nd to 25th, and December 26th to January 1st, inclusive, good to return until Jan uary 3rd, 1896. r Farmers Meednsr. - fGovern, went to the Atlanta Exposition Mr a.'D. McNair. of DansvillerN. SMonday. .-.. " Y.t will give a free talk to farmers on Mrs. J. H. Mason returned last week 1 the use of fertilizers, at the Court hoii&e1 from a pleasant trip to the Atlnta on Saturday, 7 December 21, at 2 p. rn, rcountv. stonned suddenly the other day The News says Mrr. S.' C. . Jones, of Mt Airy, kept an itemized statement of the expense of keeping a cow for a year. The cost was $52 and the sales of milk and butter, after a family of seven persons were suplied, amounted to $61.80. In this instance the CQw pain a handsome profit- ' " A correspondent of the Charlotte Observer . says Lee's mill, in Union Exposition. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cook returned Saturday from a few days visit to ; the Mr. McNair is a practical farmer The auction sale of horses and kt Saturday at 3l o'clockas adveriisedl in the last 3 weekf s Times. There were hea l of horsei and mules sold, and; . svery ono vvas soli in les than hri hoqrii and a half.' All brought good prices.; j . The Baltimore. Bargain House. of . fers.a suit ofcloiib.es.: a nair of shoes, st hat, a sliirt, coljar and tie, all for only! o,4o, an- junheara-of . bargain, lhe . 6ay these podsjstre worth at least $9.65 1 Bead their, new 'd. - in another column arid see other ig bargains they a4 offering." ..( ' ,j .Mr. w. A. 5lisenheimer andson Marohall, twbofEUnly'sprosrierousmerf ' chant-, tell tke jSalisbury Vorld that business iri Slaijly is much better thiB year than last,; jand that Populists are steadily losing ground in that county!. He thinks Stably will send -in her old time majority next year At the melting, of the Knights of rythias Friday night, the ' following Gfhecro were, elected: ' MI'. M. BarroNv C, C;: J.'C. Fiok. V.:C: J. E. Hamil ton, Y.- M. RijHartsell,"K. ofR. andS A. D-. Freeze, M. of W.; J. F. Hurley, ..ol F.; 0. A Pamplin, S. of E.J A, P. Query, M. of A. - ,'lhe Abbeville,. S. G., correspond ent of the Atlanta Journal says: "It is -thought, and i(i is the general desire of our iople, .tht Dr. Bays will be ap FJinted to sery his church here for an other year." iDr. Bays has served that ' Pastorate threjp years, and under the rules of hisdnjrch can serve onjv one more year. ' 1 Syiltsbury ilJerrnan present a curi ous spectacle jtist now. The bicycle ques tion has been Uisturbing that town, and the aldermen! being desirous of shirking the resjasibipty jaf deciding whether or not the wheettnen should occupy the sidewalk, men to -. Rev. John 11. Bradly and vife, of the' western; part of the State, : were visiting; here last veek v ; ; k Rev. i. M. Litaker ot Lowesville, Iincoln ' county, was visiting at his father's in No. 4. last week. T : ; ' Miss Ida Dodson, who has. been-4n ConcoriT for several months, left Sunday niht for JNasayille, iemi. A daughter of Hon. Kope Elias will and the trouble was traced to the mill wheel, which was found clogged by i ball of dead eels, all entangled. - .Seven teeui were extracted from the' mass, each over two feet long, The Greensboro Record says ' the No. 5 Item. : - - - - ':; - Messrs. John W. Clme and J. CL Hile inan have returned from the brushies laden with apples, chestnuts and noney. Thev renort havinsr a eood time,- .. r . s i . ,. - l . . . . . ia Mr. Jesse Griffin and Miss Emma commissioners oi -ctuuiora, at tneir nrsj Phillins. of Concord, snent a day with meting in December every year, fix the this scribe recently . uince w priw p , iwl ioi m Mrs. John Hileman. mother qf Mr. f county nome. jt-,ast year tney nxea me A. E.'-Hilemah, has been quite sick for price at 6 J cents; this year they - v - , I - ... . .. . some time. iMiss Maggie Long has been very sick with catarrhal fever. She is conva lescent - - . nr. air T T7n.un,t !o tnnnl,: spend the holu ays m Concord, the guest Batiafactron at th Shinn school house. - Mr.iW. K. Lyles is teaching the pub- made it 6 and there are - lots of people who went to engage all the bacon needed at that price of Mrs. P. B. Means. Mr. : Chas- Ritchie, of Salisbury, spent last" Sunday here. He comes nearly every bunday . now, ; nut ne is always welcome. ' ; Dr. A.L. Petrea andwife,of Gbarlotte,; came ovei; yesterday1 morning. They spent the day at Mr. W. F. Goodman's and iri the afternoon went out to Mr. Henderson Winecoff 's. . Samuel Slooj, Jr., went to Atlanta the firstof last week expecting to be gone some time, but was called home Thurs day night by, the illness of his father. He' returned to' Atlanta Monday qight Rev. R. IL Barker expects to spend th : holidavs with his daughter. Mrs. G. A. Greer, of Asheyille. Mrs. Part ker is already there, and will remain until . after the holidays. ' r. . Will Parker, pf Trinity : College, will also ipend unri8tmas in Asnevuie. - EVERY FAMILY. SHOULD KNOW THAT MOWLEDGE;;, - Brings "comfort and improvement and tends to personal . enjoyment ,wLen rightly used.. - The many, who live bet ter thin others and enjoy life more, with ' less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced; in ; the remedy, Syrnp of Figs. . . Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form njgft acceptable and pleas ,q to the. taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative i effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing .constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met 'with the approval of the medical professoq, Ijeeanse it acts on the Kid mft Twer and Bowels without weak ening them and it m perfectly free from 7ery objectionable substance, -- - ' ayrup or lgs is ior saie oy au urug gists in 5Qc and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrnp Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, oyrup oil gs, and beiiuT well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. - SEE-OTJR 3F? ! - -. - : " 3LT 18c PER YARD. Don't FaiLtq See Our' $2.50 - w - . . - "" " - 3 " ' - " , Capes. ; v 7 " ', - " , " " - .Vf - CANNONS &TETZER. 11? EE' 11 a QDQD if you- find anything in this that is not exactly right;; -. ; CANNONS & FETZER: , We sell Men's All Wool Cassi'mere Suits at $3.00. Men's Black Wool Cheviot Suits at $3.00., jMen's Grav Melton Suits at $2.00. ' -" " rMen's Black Cheviot Suits at $2.50. T"' - Men's Odd Coats 75 cents. . - . ' " Hoys' Odd Coats 50 and 75 cents. - " ' Men's Black Worsted Suits for $3.50. - -" ,' Men's Fancv Melton Suits, $2.50. " ' ' - 4 ens Fine C lay Worsted Suits, mm Grand Display Concord Markets. COTTON MAWPtT, 1 Corrected weekly by C.-Qt Montgomery. 6 to 7 6 Stained - ... Low Middling....... .......... Middling .. . Good Middling. OF USEFUL ARTICLES for Xmas Gifts! : Guaranteed all wool, 05-50, Cutawa3rs and Sacks. These are ... the kind that some merchants price $12.50. . A MAC NIFi CENT LINE of very Fine Clay Worsted. Cutaways of Schloss Bros' make at $10. -These would be priced $25 by people who pretend to save you 25 per cent. If you want : any CLOTH INC at all,' it will pay you to see us - j Here are some good reasons why it will pay you to trade with us;. - . S 1st. We buy our goods in lare lots and buy them low. : 2nd. We put the lowest possible price on them. We don't try to make you think they are worth more by pricing them "at double what they are worth. - '-". - h 3rd. We do exactlv.what we say we will do. We are hereto-day and expect to be here as long as we live. . ' i:4th We will sell you goods that will fit and please you. " j: 5thWe will give your money back if goods don't suit you. ; You don't run any risk in trading with us. We guarantee the . price on everything we sell. Shoes, Hats and all kinds of Furnishing Goods. - - - . ' - . i CANNONS & FETZEE, , DON'T-- FORGET occupy ha-Jc authorized the nolihe- mak4. a canvas of the , voters. white. and colgred, for. an expressions of opinion on :he subiect, so that Ihe niajurity mm 'decide the questioq ffor them. 'I The Democrat says that in Sampson county, one day ; last weeK, t-jo cows engaged in a fight and, locked norns in such a manner as to be unable to . sspa rate ; themselves, in which," situatioa they remained - for an unknowq length of ime untiUdisco.ver'ed. The hor,ns qf one of the cows, were sawed off to prevent a recurrence, of horn-locking The Salisbury Herald boasted recent ly of -having discovered five? brothers who went through the war on the Con federate side and all are now diving. But the Asheville Citizen has taken the wind out of its sails. " It produces eight Buncoriibeites, brothers, all "of whom served in the Confederate army and all , of whom are now liying, : - lie school at New Gilead. -V Saul 'Harris felled a tree while chop ping cord wood for R. L . Cook a few 4ava ago; -rfheri, to his surprise a large black o' possum crawled out of his den. His prize tipped the scales at 9 pounds Ingle Cook caught six hawks in a steel trap this year, the ' trap being fastened on the top of a high pole, - The infant : child - of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Moore was buried at New Gilead on last Sunday.- - . Mr. John J. Cook "has gone into the photo, business with Mr. Z. E. Scott for a short time. Mr. C- P. pline is minus his two fine turkeys that he : recently purchased for Xmas. On last Monday as Mr. U. M. Walter, of Cannonville,- was going to his plantation he saw two fine gob blers in the woods ; near Mr. Cline s. Geo. jumped out of his wagon and ran himself near to death to borrow a. gun. Soon he returned and found his -prey vftrv ouiet : He felled one while the other ran away. George had. the -tur key dressed and finely fixed. Up for his table and some of his best friends in vited. Just about the time they were read v to feast on the wild (?) fowl tney learned of their gain and. that of Mr. Cline'8 loss," We are informed that Frank Staff, colored, - killed : the other the other one, he believing it to be wild. Mr. Clirie had just purchased the tur keys and none of his neighbors knew of his Xmas pieparation. Mr. John Phillips of Forest' Hill passed through No. 5 with - the dead body of his infant child to bury at Ebenezer church, in South Rowan,- last Friday. U a rery remarkable remedy, eth ter TVs JERNAL sail EXTERNAL ose, sad weam , trtul ia its quick action te relieve distress. - PainKU1er Uztt CliUls, - Pls.rrbe, Bysentsrr, Cruar - Phlrt ami U Jiowei Complaint. tBIetcBSSs, Sick Hsadmcfcs, Pali I th Back or (side, tthsom&ilun and Nsaralcia. - Pain-Killer USR&SSkSi MADE. It brings tpeedy and ptrmmnmit rtlit , la n esses of Braises. Cats. EvraUs. rtMI-MVUlGr -trusted frlens ( Us i Meehmalc, Frmf, Platater, Sailor, sa4 im fact all rlnairs wanting a madlclaa aiwaT at tand.and toft to im iaternaUr ar axtaraallr siu nnur niwb - IS RECOMMENDED tBj iTtyrteicms, ay MUiionario, br Mlnitten, ajr Mechanic, by Iurmt in MotpUmit, BY EVERYBODY L ' Pain-Killer lV Isst port without a savplr of It. agr No family can afford to bs wlthont this blTuaabl nmedy in tk bouaa. Its prlea brings it within tie raaeb of ail, and it will aanaally asys msnr times its oost ia doctors' bills. . . Bswars af lmlutlons. Talcs bum bxa U faaaLas - tai Pavis."' . - All persons are .hereby forb-tdde-v-o hire or harbor my ife, M.uiiieCu.p, without my con eat Ephb Qqup Concord, H, V UCT. 100 doien Ladies' embroidered and scalloped edge Handker chief, many designs, ai 5c, , 100 dozen Ladies' embroidered Handkerchiefs, in plain and ' col ors, at l0c. . . We will place on sale Saturday, December 14, a large and wel selected lot of Silk Handkerchiefs the verythings to give as an Xmas gift. See them before pur- chasing. . " An lmmeme line of jxeckwear, new in style and great in variety All very cheap. For G-ents.. - 11 w-- i. -" A nice line of Half 'Hose of pair each, regular price dnc per pair, we will make them S1.-50 per bolt. ; ;- , . " - - A beautiful line of Silk Umbrel la's at $1.00, '$1.25 and $1.50. They nre useful, and will make a very acceptable Xmas gift. 10 pieces ot.1 Linen Table Damask at 50c, 75c and 85c per yard Lareelot of Doilies and Tow els.' .See them.: They are just the thing to give your friends. For the Children and Misses,-: . f--1ve have aJbeautiful line of Ro man Toques, Tobbggansj Hoods, and Zephyr sacks. You should not forget the fact that a suit of Clothes will, make a n ice eift' and one that is al- Wavs useful. . See us on dothing . We Can do you -some good t by saving you money. Remember the place and price makers when you have any pur chases to make. We sell goods cheap and for cash only.,. : - . . "Mercantile ; (Do.- . FJ50DUC tlXVKET. Corrected Weekly by Dove & Bost' Bulk Beeswax Butter ....M.n......M ..... . , 10 to 15 Chieketva, ...,t"w, -.......... 15 to 20 Lard , 10 to 12 Flour. North Carolina . 1.75 to 2.00 Meal... .. .60 Tallow......... ;,,, 4 to 5 Salt . 65 '75 Irish Potataes ....r.......... January 1 Loookout for the advertisement - - of the, - - The Morris Hardware Go. have Mower Kbives for all Mowers 8old in Cabarrus cqunty. ! " '" Empire, and Jeiser Machirfe' Spike Well Pumps, Fruit Jars- EtlXlj LINE OF- Buggies, Champion Mowers, ,Cooking Stoves. New : Farniture Store, W.L.Bell, Prop.', who will have at the old Hoover' & Lore store-room (now -' occupied by Lowe) a complete stock of " , ; .- ir.'. 'Z ? - c. r' --. .-, ifZl- r"..-' 'Z'r: J" total Ms, Wti and odern Styles. - J a ; mm. is supebiob cotfiir;; m.ni TSamM:' Jr.: v Tbe NuRftet Gold it nTiTxarlne to tHe satisfaction of tbe court from the return of Jno. A. Sims, sheriir oi harms couuty, oitji vwuuuo, i... TSi V? MHaori tAllwell. Attorney Jor piaintiK alexin-the. above-entitled action. tlonand that bo officer or asent of defend ants nor any one ui tuo uvicuuau dueaiugence be found In the State, and, it ftirtherappearing- that the cause of actum rotS ln thiVstat and that planUfl is a re r.i"ZZ ,..Kio Kt:.tj anil haa a. cause of action asainsfr aeienoauna, " 'X.iifl. Morrison Caldwell, attorney for. plaintiff, fzSJt-ZZ t.n mimmons in tho above- entitled action be served by pnbUcationin to Cabarrus county, N. C., for 20s" noUfTinrthe defendants, the Nutrget GloVMmuig cSmpany, that a warrant Of attachment was taken out atihe time o the issuin of the summons to t r wornrai sua iiivs m a j xva 'au m m-m m Company are hereby noiSded that Kichard Eames, Jr., has commenced an action awalnst them for the recovery oi uuo n")"uu, S-ii-M ani F.ithtv-Six dollars aad iZlr i9 (l7rtK2V due for salary andjnoney advanced to def endantA .and has tiken out a warrant ot attachment against aw. mwirtAprv ra uhikiiiiikiilb au -v a u county, and said Nugget Gold Mining Co. are rdrtheV noanedto appear at toe 'term of the snnenor court vi uh" u tuu.u;',, ; Unnairhfnin thA 1st Monday In fill UIO VVU lvuutJ - . March. A. I. 1896, and answer or demur to fL 'tJSU Plaint whinh will be filed on or before the 3rd day of the term, within the time re ored by law. or the plaintiff wiU apply for the relief demanded. This Hh day of December, IS 8--L - ---7; - ......r.niHw SPACH - M1SSEM . .:WAGQMS. All Goods at Lowest Prices as Usual; FT TOM'f TO TT ! r --Ulvii; u:iiji iimzTiWff Mammotli Stock , i . j. i.t. e. nave oougui m of FurnUure From Cannons, Fetzer & "Hell, inrl we bousrht it lo vv dov the henefit of the lo w .prices goods to go out at prices that wighing to get - n. and we are going to give our custom- We have markea aown 101." oi will astonish everybody. Parties AIMS g now is the time to buy. We mean to sell at elbse profTts and sell the more. We have everything m Furniture and - , House Furnishing Goods,' thatcan btf found in any town t wicethe size of Concord, and re member that we ha ve thousands'ol Bargains to offer you. hen you cone to Concord go to the Furniture Store and sea the sights. clerk Sucsrior Court Cabtrrua teantj f ConcOrt'. N. C. ! ciober 10, lb95. H:' til i - 'z::W i -' - - v