V rr:. JRSDAY, - WEEKLY . January. 2, .BOB. I ilw,?, arrives at 11:17 a. xai r 11 from 35 12 36 37 38 M 63 4)3,1 9:S8 p. mi 7rs p. 9:35 a. nwjr Richmond - arrives Washington A&lauta . . Alnuta jc Tork " ; 8:49 a. m NorllUJoiind Frtbt. leaves 12 m. f; ..nthiiund 5:15 P- .ml i are the local .trains, oeiweenruuiv m nt bva MiB faqt i nd Mfanta- roa. - . trai-.s between At lama ui -. .-.I an. th Washington- and Soutfi- tern icord on signal. . ,- r .- looI:and:Otherwi8l USeverat cases of - measies are repori- a Conqsrd. . ' -D. Wl Snider, the sewing t ma- -Mr. Jtihn Troutman left this mofn fnr D4nv-nip in work in a cotton Ir. 13- D. Duval entertained his ay n;ht. he Chick Company left last Tues- wvido not think Concord is a rer thereby... . Afro ETnona Movie, of. Gold? Hill, lie a hg recently that weighed 75 j'unds. jpan Cabarrus beat that Chadfcl mortgages for sale I at this 3ice in quantities 6T 10 or more: at X ent each for 75 cents per 100. 1 r it -Messri James Holhouser and John Tstor ana Miss Carrie Menaney reureu a f Wh At Cannons & Fetzer's tin the it.,: i ' ' , C fi.c&r firpdse. r sure cure for. rheu- atisra, if advertised in this papef. The from the stove. Cart.' I. M. Alexander has moved hia tailoring business in the front end of the Standard office. -. ' i w Little James Elliott, who'was very ill with : membranous croup, is better this morning. ; - y. ' -There were two balls in town 'last night, one at Tatterson's Ilall and tug other at the Morria House. Bev. W. M. Shaw, pastor of Beth- page ohureli, was nicely 'pounded' by his appreciative congregation Christmas. The bank and telegraph office took holiday yesterday. The postoiiice-aia not, although it was a losral holiday. Jess Koontz and Lnm Boger, both colored, -Rot into a fight yesterday, and were before the mayor. No damage waa done. - . '' j-The young ladie3 of the town gave a grand leap year ball last night. There were a number of visiting young men present. 1 . ; .: The Concord girls, who are attend ing school at Mont "Amcena Seminary, 5lt.ricasant, returned to that institution yesterday. . ' ' Mr. Thomnson "Boger, son of Mr. Allsn Bower, of No. 10. was married on Thursday of last week to Miss Price, of Union county. The colored people here had their us ual celebration of 'mancipation day yes terday. - there was no end to marching and the beating of drums. . - -Misses Jennie, Effie and Vallie Brown gave a reception last Tuesday night. X jovial party watched the old year out and' the new one in.. ' ; . ' James L. Watson, of Salisbury, came down luesaay mgnt 10 maice Concord his home. He has a position with the Ould Mercantile Co. r '4jFhe house of William Cook, of No. 10, was burned up last Friday. Every thing except some bed clothes was de stroyed. The fire Caught in some way PERSONAL. . Concord sell and giaran- H. Ikk Mr. John S. Smithdeal, formerly Concord', now has a position in ;the tton mB at Milledgeville, Montgpm- fy countv. I Mr. G! W. Miller and Miss Minaie Sihr-r wor'ft married in Lexington last eek, au! spent the holidays in Mt. Measantli . - f i K. TheJb was no preaching in the Bap fct churl last Sunday night, oi'ing to he sirknfess of the. castor. ev J . u. iklcrmao; .s ' I Marlied. on December25, Mr. Wal fer Bitchie of Danville, to Miss Lizzie !lavtoni fcf Forest Hill. Eev. J. O. Al- lerman tjiciatiag. : - ! Bev! i. L. Edwards, of Concord, and iTollie Glasscock, -.both Colored, were married f in the country on T-uesday night of past week. The 'Exposition Flyer" which has Wn onprated bv the Southern between Washington and Atlanta the past three montns, was wunarawn on uie oj.su WekubTHE Times with theAtlanta JV.eekly kdouir.al lor only'$1.30 for both 'iSatoers i year.: just tninc pi inai i The Joivjrhal is one of the best papers in the Souf rrrFjCf-Jes Iryan, present managers of the (nti-al Hotel in CharloLer hve leased he Buford House and moved over ano took charge of it onthe first We learn from the Charlotte Ob server that Dr. -Waketield, the ocuhst ha8gone to New York and Philadelphia lor a XWO weess euiy iu mepj-c a thrpatifiospitals. . , This e'dver question is bound to swamn'-the country yet. A man out in Communion servic9S will 11 be held in the Presbyterian church next Sunday morning. Preparatory services will be held Friday night and Saturday morn ing. . Mrs. Bobert Biackwelder and Mrs. Joseph Blackwelder, both of No. 4, died last Tuesday. The former died of pneu monia, and the latter had been ill some time. Mrs. W. J Lyles, of No. 5, died Tues day of pneumonia. The remains were in terred at Mt Jilead Wednesday, the nastor. Eev. B. F. Davis.condacting the sery'cea. . Mr. W.' L. Bell, who was to have opened out a new furniture store at the King store room yesterday, has sold out his stock to Dry AVadsworth, and Will have a position with this hrm. Tickets to the Atlanta Exposition were taken off sale Monday night and the big show closed its gates for good Tuesday .night ; It is believed to have been a success financially, as well as otherwise. ' Dr-.R. L. Payne and family left Lexington Monday. for their nevy home in Norfolk, ra. A number oi country people rode miles through the rain to see them off and to bid them a sad good bye, - Mr. John N. Barringer, well known here, was married last week to Miss Lelia Day vault, a sister of the Messrs. Dayvault, of Concord. They went to Washington on a bridal tour, and were visiting here last week and part of this. We tender congratulations. Mr. John Creasy, son of Be v. Dr. Creasy, was married in Charlotte last' June to. Miss Clara Gaston, They were very young, and their parents objected, J Miss Lalla Hill is visiting in Lexing ton. . . . . ' . r ' , Miss Mary Ellis, of Lexington, is vis iting here. - Mrs. R. L. McConnell is visiting in Bock Hill. - Dr. S. L. Montgomery went to Mon roe Monday. ' ." l ' Miss iEssie MarsTiall is visiting friends at Oxford. Mr. Jno. P. .Allison went to Burling ton Monday. - ' . j " Judge Montgomery has gone to Shelby on legal business. ' , t Miss Bose Willeford left "Monday-on a visit to Lynchburg. Mr. W. J. owink, of Albemarle, was here last Saturday. W. A. Caldwell and wife returned Christmas day from Atlanta. Miss Alma Deaton.of Lynchburg, Va., is visiting Mrs. M. G. Deaton. Mr. Hal Jarrett, of Yadkin," is visiting at Mr. J, C. Gibson's. Dr. Paul Barringerr of the University of Virginia, is visiting in Concord. Mr. S.-J;' Lowe went to Mecklenburg yesterday to see his sick child. Mrs. D. J. Bostian' is visiting her sis ter, Mrs. King, inliinooln county. Miss Beulah Barker, of Salisbury, is visiting Miss Maude Brown." Miss Essie Plummer. of Charlotte, is visi ting Mrs. J. IL Mason. " 'Mr, Garland Lisk left Sunday for his home in Montgomery county. Mr. Charles Winecoff returned to Trinity; High School Tuesday. Dr . and Mrs. W. C. Houston returned Tuesday morning from a visit to Monroe. . Eli Goldston retired on the first from his position at the Ould Mercantile Co Mrs. Mi CI Dusenbery is visiting her son, Mr. Gowan Dusenbery, at Oxford Miss Julia Taylor, of Statesville,'8pent several days with her parents last week. Mrs. E J. Buchanan returned-Mon day morning to her home in Lexington Eev. E. H. Parker returned Saturday night from a week's visit to Ashevule , Mr. B. E., Harris returned Friday night from a short trip to Atlanta. Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Caldwell returned Friday" night from a trip to the big Exposition. - .;. Mr. Frank Bobbins' and wife visited Mr Bobbins' patents in Statesville last week. . . v " ; Mr. E. L. Dick spent-.the holidays with the "old folks at home " m Gml ford county. . ' Affray at the OdeU Factory. I Th Wat to Knjay Cliristmas. -' , - , Th BJeirest Nuetet TeU ' ; On last Monday evening jast after 6 1 On Christmas day. Eev. J. O.- Alder- I Salisbury HerttM.aotU - o'clock a man . named Milas Overcash man, paster of the Baptist chdrch, epent " The Herald is told by a gentleman went to the Odell factory, having an- Christmas in a way which brought to who rw ht. nounced beforehand, we learn, .that, he W'tio doubt, teal pleasurB4He spent county this morning at the depfct that a was going there to whip Mr. W. A. the day bunting Up those who were nugget of gora, weighing 31 pounds Wood, one of the bosses of the factory, needy and destitute, and it we are glad and 7'ounces. was last week found near w say inatne touna no. more than one Eldorado, in the Uwharrie river district. laiuuy. t, j xo tne neeoa oi mia-iamuy no miQisterea in substantial way He went in the factory and began cursing,-when Mr. Wood ordered him out. They had some words, when. Overcash reached for his rear pocket as if to draw a pistol. - Mr. wood picked up a piece of iron lying" near and hit Overcash. Overcash went out of the factory and started to his boarding house, which was at Mr. G. M. ; Walter's. When in frontof Mrs. L. P. Cole's he set up a terrible yelling and alarmed the- whole Mr. uuerman inu3 writes to this week's Biblical Eecorder: "Oh Christmas day I went around alid enquired after the needy and suffering in our town. After enquiring of physi cians, policeman, : ministers, and lay men generally I found only !on& family , in 'absolute want.- Tins was the bnlv family I found that had not had "some Christmas." There rnay : be other families, but I failed to find them. I think that few towns, as large as Con cord : 8ix. tnousand population) can make a- better showing than this. And it is a. town of churches. And I feel sure that this largely answers for the delightful abuse of want and suffering among our people." neighborhood. : Exhausted from, his wounds (he was drinking also), ?. he fell down oh the navement. i He was soon nicked ur and a doctor sent for. Pre. . - . . . . . . Lilly, Archey; and Keed arrived ana pave him: attention. His head was badly bruised, and he was unconscious, remaining so lor a number oi nours. He wasitaken to Mr. Walter's, after nis wounds were dressed at Dr. JLrchey s office, where he remains, Overcash is a man of shady charac- ter. He was dismissed from tne tideii . ju.onda1 evening at 6 o clock factory some time since by Mr. Wood, alarm of fire was sent down from and it is supposed this was the grievance factory by telephone. The that aggravated -the attack. A piBioiibeu was rung at once, and .in -a and a pair obrass knucks were found moments the streets were on his Derson. K 'r: . peopleon their way to the Mr. Wood was bound over for nis ap pearance el next term f court. ' Mont- gomery & Uroweli win aeiena mm. - Overcash is in a very critical conai finn. v T)rs. T,i Iv and - Asoney i weni yesterday to perform an operation on him. but found him in no condition for it, and of course did not perform it, He is not expected to live. Ii this report is true the -nugget is the largest ever-found in North Corolina or in any other State east, of the Rocky mountains. No particulars were learned, dui our lniormant says tnere is no 'fake" about it. Thirty-one pounds, avordupois, and it must have: been weighed . by that mere is no iroy scales around mat would weigh: that much, would he equal to over 41 pounds troy and would be worth over $9000. An 8, a 10 and a 81 pounds nugget in six months is a pretty good record f or-large pieces in one district. a ho Holiday Germans, The Tioliday germans at Patterson's Hall on Wednesday and Thursday nights were greatly enjoyed by a large number of our young people, un w ea nesdav night the following were the couDles: . Miss Addie Cannon, C. R. Montgom ery; Miss Margaret Cannon, Frank O. Rogers; Miss Kate Means, Ed. Moss; Miss Belle Means, , Joe Goodman; Miss Sallie Erwin. C. L. Smith; Miss an i the fire few! alive with i people on their way to the factory, al though a heavy rain was-falling. . It ! was discovered that the fire was at the Forest Hul Parsonage. It was discov ered nndej . the window on the second floor. It was soon extinguished. It is not known yet how the fire orignated , as there had been no hre in the room i for five days. '...--- ') It has 6ince been learned that the I nurse started the hre. It seems that she had twice before set fire to articles in different places of the house. , When I asked about it she acknowledged it, and didn't seem to mind it much. Of course she was at once dismissed. The dam age by the fire waa about $25. ' UeorgevUle Items. Prof. W. M. Brook3 returned home Thursday from a trip to Chatham and started his school Messrs. P. E. Bivins and A. P. Wid- Fannie Rogers, Ed. P. Hill; Mis. Janie ouw returned from the exposition tr . . . --.':, v. nu ii.i. last.week. l Hirvin, Armisieaa uurweii, Aunuwt;, Kansas won't allow his children to go tn Siithanv sriooi where thetr teach a a-w rj . . i'goldkb text." . j . Trie' annual meeting of the stock holder! of the G. W. Patterson Manu factur&g Company wilt be held at the mill o'h Tuesday. January1 14, at 11 o'clock a..m.. ; ' , XlSrs, J. H. Mason gave a reception at herhome on last Monday evening ti-mnllmentary to Miss F-ssie -i'lummer, of Clifrfotte. The occasion wasa pfeas ant die, and many young people wejs preseat. 1-iere was a considerable wincl strmShere last Th'msday eveiiin: The emokl stack at the dynamo was blown downj and as a consequence' there were no lights -in town until it cdhld be Te- builtjl which was not untU Saturday evening. ' f, -4A.bo.ut o.o'clock last Friday morn ing illie fire bell sounded an alarm. Very pew people knew of it, however. TUa fire, was in the dye house at the liidt lO factory, and was discovered by the hlghj: watchrnan. The fire was extin guished before any damage was done. -j-filrs. Jesse Hathcock died at Forest Hiililast Saturday after a 'long illness wiitiliivev areifick; and they tiUe.'Icireunistances. They fhave been givtil kind nd substantial attention, so they went to South Carolina to get married. They kept ita secret-antil last Tuesday. They left Tuesday night for the groom's home in Winston Mr. Charley Alexander will have a position hereafter with Lowe & Son, which firm has -moved into the room lately occupied by Sims & Alexander The latter firm sold, out their stock to the different m'eTcLanis of the town, and , went' out" of- business oh ' the 31st ult; .-.''!. p -We call special attention to . the advertisement of the Concord IJarble, Works, of which Megsra. Frieze &TJtley are proprietors. These young men de serve a good patronage. They do all kinds of marble work; 'and do it well Get their designs and prices before clos ing a trade, with anybody ' Mr. Victor Caldwell of Back Creek, Mecklenburg county, is visiting at Mr, D. A. Caldwell's. A B. Correll attended the Thompsoh- Hargrave marriage in, Lexington Tues day night. V ' Eev. J. P. Eogers and wife returned Monday to their home at Bel wood, Cleveland county. Eev. Z. Eush and Eev. J. R. Moose and wife returned Saturday night from the Atlanta Exposition. Rev. W. A. Gillon and family, of Blacksburg, S. C, spent the hohdays at Mr. M.;M. Gillon's. Miss Vivian Patterson and Rev. C Clann. of Newton, were visiting at Mr R. A. Brown s last week, " i Mr. A. J. Whittimore and family re turned last Thursday nieht from a Christmas visit to Burlington. Miss Lidie Smith returned Tuesday to Converse' College. Miss Lucy .Mont gomery will go to-morrow.' , Miss Lollie Graber, of Rowan, and Miss Pink Ridenhour. of St. John's are visiting at Mayor Morrison's. Mrs. W. J. Hall and children,, of Wilmington, who Spent the holidays here, left Tuesday fJr home. Mr. and Mrs. N. T. Smith, oi Lynch- bnrgl who were .visiting at Mrs. M. G Deaton's, returhed home SJohdTt -S Mr. F. Victor Earner anq wife re turned to Salisbury Saturday night after visiting friends and -relatives in this - 0 county. ' - , , " : Rev. T. A. Smoot, headmaster of Trinity College, ,W8S visiting his brother Saturday and Sunday, tie re- Miss Emily iGibson, A. Jones Yorke; Miss Fairfax Loving, Richmond, Aug ustus Bmgham; Sahsbury; aliss .Eliza beth Gibson, Joe Cannon; Miss Agnea Moss. Maury Richmond; Miss Lallah Hill. Robert Keesler; Miss Fannie Hill, Ear le Brown; Miss Eunice Beach, Mor rison Fetzer: Miss Claude Fisher, W. W. Morris; Miss Gertrude Pharr, Chal mers White; Miss Esther Ervin, George L. Patterson The' following . additional gentlemen and ladies were present. Messrs. Ralph VanLancUngham, Charlotte; W. T. Powe, Frank B. Davis, S. T. Pearson, Robert Pearson, Morgan- ton; Will Neave, Sahsbury, Frank. 1. Smith. Dr and Mrs. R. S. Young, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Beach, Mr. and Mrs. J F. Hurley. Mrs. M. L. Brown, Mrs Laura Moss and - Mrs. Mack Davis, Concord The German was repeated on Thurs day night. The dancing began at nine o'clock. Mr. J. F. Yorke was leader, and Messrs F. L. Smith and F. O. Rogers were floor managers. last.week. Prof. J; F. Shinnof Concord was vis iting here Sunday and Monday. . vve regret to see Mr. w.- ii. Widen- house and wife move to Concord. They have many friends around here who wish them much success. Mr.-J. W. Furr, of No. 4 township, has moved with us. He formerly lived here and has many friends to welcome him again. , 1 Old Bquir& Widenhouse is lying very ill at his son-in-law's, Mr.. A. M. Furr. We wish him a speedy recovery. He is the oldest man m our county. ' - , Jason Furr, Hiram Cox and Luther Bost were arraigned before Martin M. Furr, Esq. for breaking in Mr. D. M. Widenhouse's store and taking their Xmas. They compromised and paid for the goods. Is that right ? , A. G. K. 15. jst an mm mm THS -OUil Family Medicine of the "Age.v Taken Internally, It Cures Diarrhoea, Cramp, and Pain In the i Stomach, Sore Throat, Sudden Colds,! Coughs, &c, &c. v Used Externally, It Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burn, Scalds, Sprains, i Toothache, Pain in the Face, Neu-l ralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet. No article na attained to aeh ttnbotmdsd popularity. Salem o&mtmt. An articla of gnat merit and Tirtue. Oim. IfonparmlU "We can bear testimony to the afloacr of the Pain -Killer. We have seen ita magie effeeta in othiDS the--severest pain, and kaow it to be a good artiole. CiiutinnmH PUpaiaK. A speedy enre for pain no family aould bs Withont it. Montrl Tramtrript. Notlua; has yet surpassed the Paln-EUler, which is the most valuable famil medicine now in aserna. Oraa. It has real merit ; as a means of remoTina; pain, bo medicine has acquired a reputation equal to ferry DaTia' Paia-Eiller.--jreyor( (Xy.) X)oy It is reai'y a Talnable medicine ii is used by -many Physician. Sttton TrulUr. beware of imitations, bu only the irenulna , made by "PitBi DaTia." Sold ererywhere. Urge bottles, 2 and EOe. ALL .WOOL-' SBBGB at 25 cents per yar d- SEE OUR ' ! 'AT 18o PEJl YARD. Don't Fail to See: Our $3.50 ; . Capes. : '; r CANNONS & FETZER. Ui HILL 11 11 7QD if you find anything in thislthat is not exactly right 1 CANNONS & FETZER. S3 We sell Men's All Wool Cassimere Suits at $3.00. Men's Black Wool Cheviot Suits at $3,00. Men's (iray Aleltou Suits at $2.00. jvien s macK iieviot uits at i;.i)U. 1 Men's Odd Coats 75 cents. Boys' Udd UOats 50 and To cents. Men's Black Worsted Suits for $3.50 Mn's Fancy Melton Suits, $2.50. Men's Fine Clay 1 1 - I ' " - i , ' ' . ' . ". ' iff GrandDisplaj - OF- Probably not many people are aware I . - Mnndar mnminff. - tVmt Dfipember iust rjas3ed was different! . from any other since th fceUinlns oi he Christian rar ' iJecerriber,. 1895V enjoyed the unique privilege of having two new moons, whicn is a pnenome- non that has not occurred in any. De cember in 1,896 years. - r ' .. . Several others n the farully it they We're in ivlmbst desu istances. They fhave been and substantial attention, bof vep, by the good peop epf Concord, Lowe ot cq -Mr. Arthur V. Scott, Sof Mi Pleas- morning to attend 1 iintiiand Miss Ada Dolandi of Kowan. married Linri8tmas i morning oy Marks- at his home.. The wer EeYl C. A. wearing was quite three kaowin? a surprise, only two t'lii, the Salisbury World' fays Mrs. R.W. McDowell, of Steel Creek, ; I Mecklenburg county', died last Saturday night aged about 60 years. She ha4 been in had health for several years, but her death was not expected. Mrs. McDowell was the mother of Mrs. S. J. who left Sunday the funeral services. The occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. A. Cline's China wedding last Saturday night was one of -the most pleasant of tn ieaion. About 1W guests were present, and from-7:30 to 11:30 Mr. Cline's handsome residence was a scene i Yq want all our subserihera who kif eniovment The suDDer was elegant cil to pay in advance, adf in order to and the presents many and expensive. - At!.'-o.,u---:;-., iw w .! -Mr. Wm. Smithdeal, a prominent irilhu t i rLk mtj. : business man of Salisbury, well known "'rT U1. at; U"J here, was married on Wednesday of last ilAlnr... 1 nA k A ni rfflf! . I WC6K tO ple,1e:py can be obtained at our pHce. -IrSlrppenfield's horse; bitched to his delivery wagon ran away qa Main street lasi Saturday evening, iljft nearly ran inth the Baltimore Bargatd Houses thsW Waeels grazing the posts ifu front of the iiCJse-. The wagon wai pretty badly' -torn up. Two hegfo boys, wlio were idling around, were run over; . f-We were glad to efe Dr. L. M. Kljittz. cf Clinton, Mo., in pu.r office litweek'. "Dr. KlutU is fa. 'native of tflii section, and isagain visiting friends arriS' relatives in this county and Rowan, came bv Atlanta to see the Exposi He will return to Missouri in at&ut three weeks. f i: l--IIenry Morrison, a well known. csfaracter about town, was last week ar nun r H c: . tirjii. Mis3 - Carrie 'Kendleman, of Salisbury'. The marriage was a surpnse. The bride was the organist of the Lu theran church at Salisbury. The' bride and grpom went to Atlanta, on a bridal tour. - : - ; ; . .-. . There was a homicide in No. 3, on Christmas day. The particulars are meagre, but it seems that it occurred at Wallace's store. A nesrd", : Henry Yorke, shot another negro, John Steele with a snot gun. .it seems tnai 11 waa accidental, as Yorke was shooting at some one else. Steele died . th next day.- Yorke escaped, ;,, r. Eh Miller, an aged farmer who lived near Gold Hill, was found dead in his bed on Wednesday of last week, says the Salisbury World. The old gentle- Trof,, Leo Wheat, the noted music ian" of Richmond, is in Concord, the guest of Dr. R. S. Young. He -gave a recital at vPr.,Young's Tuesday even ing.,; . .' ' . Rev. E E. Campbell, President of Iryihg College," Mechahicsburg, Pa-, with his wife, were visiting Mr. D. R. Hoover last week. He is a brother of Rev. W. G. Campbell. , . ' Mrs. L. Clegg,Qf iallas, Texas, arrived in Concord last week on a visit to the famtlv of her father, Mr, W. M. Smith. Her many friends were glad to see her, .", . f , . . - ' : Messrs. H: Sv P.uryear, Will Gibson, Joe : Eisher, Richard Gibson, Joe Hill and Pink Misenheimer left Tues day, morningfor the Narrows in Mont gomery county on a fishing and hunt ing expedition. 1 Mi. V. E. Wins W of New York ar rived in Concord last Sunday morning and spent the day with his sister, Mrs. D.-.B. Coltrane. lie Had been to unai- tanoosra oa legal business.' ne is an at- w - . m e t torney and a member ol a. prominent firm in New xork, .; Pearson Errlii . Mr. Samuel T. Pearson, of Morgantoh, and Miss Esther G. Ervin, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ervin, of Concord, were married on Thursday evening of last weeST at 7 o'clock at the residence of the bnde, Rev.- W. u. Alexander per forming the ceremony, lhe marriage at tne time was a surprise to most of our people, as it was understood that it was to occur about the loth ins t. lhe marriage was solemnized in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends. who had been apprised of, it, and was a quiet one. The bnae has lived m Concord all her life, and numbers her fnends by the score. She ia very ponulat "and at tractive, "-''Waattne of Tjoncord'a. most beautiful young ladies, and a leader in society. Mr. Pearson has won. a chann ing bride, and MorgantQn. U richer by the acauismon, . , Mr. Jreareon is eide of the most, prominent busi ness men of Morganton, and belongs to tin old and. .well known fun ily. He is cashier of the Piedmont Bank, and is connected with other im portant business inteiests in hw twm.- The bride and groom left on the ves tibule for New York and other northern points, , , - -' Terrible Explosion at SaUsbniy. There was a terrible accident fct Salis bury late Tuesday evening of last week. Some boys were shooting at a, Ttiara on Smithdeal's powder, houaeahout a mile Ireirj, towa, whien tbp powder an4 dyna mite suddenly exploded,, caused, it is thought, by . the jar from the bullet. George Weaver was Instantly killed, and his brother nearly killed.. The magazine and he vicinity were j swept clean of almost every vestige except some large trees which are badly scarred and broken up. Ira Weaver, who was badly hurt," is still alive, -and hopea are entertained for hii eo6vfy." The loss bv the lar of the explosion, ' by : break age of glass and window sash, is consid- Barned With Powder. Three small boys, Charlie Seamore, Will Parker and Charlie Parker, were playing near the depot with a piece of piping filled with powder on Christmas day. They wanted to see it explode, and they saw what they wanted too soon. They touched a match to it but it didn't gt off at once- and Will Earnhardt went , to see what was , the matter. While he ws. fooling with it it went off. His eyes were both badly turned, and it is thought: are entirely out. The other boys were severely burned also. USEFUL ARTICLES for XmasG-ifts! fforsted Suits, Clubbing Kates. . ' ; " , The Times offers exceedingly liberal clubbing rates with a number" of good "papers. - Note these: JIhe Times and Washington Weekly Post,' both kone year for only $1.25. The Times and Atlanta Yeekly Journal both one year for 11.40. The Times and Home" "and Firm, both one year for only $1,125, The Times and American Farmer, Taoth one year for only $1.10.' , ; Leslie Cartland returned to Guilford College to-day. ..-., ; v erable. -It is estimated that between remedy, Syrup of Figs.. -l '- A . T 1 1 1. " t . ' 1 l There were interestins Ohristmas fixereisesat Betbpage church in N.o. 4 on Christmas eve. Instead of the usual tree there- was a large ship laden, with presents for all,. Speeches were made by Dr. JUafterty, Mr. C. M, B Goodnight and Mr. T. A. Fl'ening. -r man had lived out his three score years tiled by Chief Boger for eelline' vhis-j and ten and mons The1 cau&e" bi Bis l4;''i'.fTh!e'-vaae-sievefcal r,'g6od case's, j death s not known, but it is supposed ' - ' ' ,1 ill , I ' . . . 1 I .Jil' t-- Qifcivicted, ir sa, we none ne wui De wa a widower ana nveu wiyi ma uu;jr ilfitdhn trample of. He was put in daughter, Mrs. George Fisher. . -4-Mr. Philas Hartsell, of Greensboro, was married last Thursday to Miss Lula Pinnix; of Rtidsvihe. The bride and groom came to Concord that night . .....t'-i...j.iL. t on a visit, vo- tne groom ' Droiui,- to J iiWe tJtansplo or Ml in 4eiauU of bond. r We have free samp'4, copies of the Jlome and Farm andv Wpman's Health iburnai, which we will be glad ,to dis tlibdte to our friends. We send the Mitpv a whr.ift vpflr fMM r.f -(thaftrA to;all l Mr. .T.v L.- Hartsell. and later went bf.nrna v in ndsirrA for Tufe Times. I No. lOonavisitto his father, Mr Mr. David L. Parish, a well-known citizen of No. 11, died last 1 Friday, . his death being the result of a stroke of pa ralysis received some time since. Mr Parish was 77 years old and leaves a wife and eight children, seven sons andone daughter. He was a meinher of Rocky 5 River Presbyterian church ..i ' , -j ' j . j and tne iunerai services were conuuuieu on Saturday by "Rev. Mr. Lancaster. KNOWLEDGE 7 v Bring3 comfort and improvement arid tend3 to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others fend ehioy life morewith less expenditure, by" more promptly" adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced, in the $50 and $60 worth of glass was broken at Liviacston Colleee. At the Salis bury Cotton Mills the loea waa perhaps $50. Chestnut Hill chapel, the Catho- ic church and other .places will run the oss up to several hundred dollars. f sub- Our Koll ot Honor. . ' - Trie followine hae paid their scriptions since our las$ i.ssqei , j;aa. I; Lefler; . Sloan, (part; D A Reese, Alfred, Eatts (part), Mrs. Mrs. Mary A. BarnhardtjQ. O. Bynum O. S. Patterson, A. F. Cline, (part), W. K. Litaker, Aj J, J, F, Yorko, A.1 S. Dayvault- " - - The following have paid in advance : . J. N -Winecoff, J oseph Young, J. M. Dry, Mrs. Bettie M. Johnson, Dr. Li. M. Kluttz, Mrs. Margaret Patterson, J. R. Litaker, D. A. Shank, M." L. Brown, A. M. Brown, D. if. Dayvault. , Tfa pxcellence ia duo, to-dt presentirg - in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and feyers and permanently curing constipation. It haa given satisfaction ip millions and met with "the approval ef the-hiedical profession, because it acts on the J-ia-nevs, Liver and Bowels without weak ening tkenrahd it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. iSyrap of Figs is for sale by all drug gistalft 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, oyrap oi x-ig, and being well informed, yoo will not aceeptf any substitute if ofiered. j... 100 dozen Ladies' embroidered and scalloped edsre Handker chief, many designs, at 5c. 100 dozen Ladies' embroidered Handkerchiefs, in plain and col- ors, at loc. . . . . n We will place on sale Saturday, December 14, a " large and well selected lot of Silk Hartdkerehtels the very things to , give as I an Xmas gift, theth before purchasing.- ' . :1 M iv:iv': "An immense line of Neckwear, new- in style and great in variety. All very, cheap, i v r For ;Gents.- f A nice line of Half Hose of i pair each; regular price )Soc per pair, we will make them- $1.50 : per bns, ' i A beautiful line of SUk Umbrel las at $1.00, $1.25 ! and $1150. Thev ire useful, and will make a yery acceptable Xmas gift. Is -. 10 pieces of : j Linen Table Damasfc ! at 50c, 75c and 65c per yard." v TJafce I6t of Doilies and Tow els. See themr .They are just the thing to give your friends. ; For tne Oliildren and . .'Misses, -. : I;- we have a beautiful line of Ro man Toques, Toboggans, Hoods, and Zephyr Sacks. You T should not fbrget the fact that a suit of Clothes will make a nice srift and 6ne that is al- Guaranteed all wool, B5.50s Cutawaj s and Sacks. These are i . tne Kina tnat some merqnants price qjxz.ou. . t A rlACNIFICEUT LINE of very Fine Clay Worsted Cutaways of Schloss Bros' make at $10. These would be priced $25 by people who pretend to save you 2 per cent. It you want any C LOTH I N C at all, it will pay you tb see lis. Here are some good reasons why it will pay yon to trade with us : r 1st, We buy our goods in large lotsand buy them low. 2nd. We put the" lowest possible price on them. We don't try to make you think they are worth more by pricing them at double what they are worth. . 1 3rd. We do exactly what we say we will do. We areiiere to-day and expect to be here as long as we live. . : ' 4th. We will sell you goods that vjll fit and pleasii you. 5th. We will give your money back if goods don't suit you. You don't run any risk in trading with us. We guarantee the price on everything we sell. Shoes, Hats and all kinds of Furnishing Goods: 1 . , CANNOKS & FETZER, DON'T -THAT- F0RG ET The Co. v ' r'f ''''v. " '' ''Er-?-'v''- ' "' V ' '; " ' -."' ' ' ' : have Mo wer -Kni vesfor all M9 wers- sold in Cabarrus cdunty. " : ' "" ' " ! ... . 1 Empire and Jeiser Machine . Spikes; W ell -EITLlj IJE OF- Pumps, Fruit -Jars Buggies, Champidtf Mowers, Cooking Stoves, rHsT AH Goods at Lowest Prices as Usual wnvs useful. See us on clothing. We can do you some good by saving you money . ' . Remember the place and price- makers when you have any .pur chases to make. We sell goods cheap and for cash only, j; . ' Co. " '" -rc havl fcought the- hit-- xU y C V Hill HuLil , D m -tyy - " 1-4-,t r It lUUli Of Furniture 1ESUS.E ft r-?4- From Cannons, Fetzer & Bell, GOOSE GREASE ! and we bought it low downarm we are gomg tu u. r . i , ... 'i-j. tAmooS i Wp nave tnarKea aown wis ut and can ana see u j" ers tne ucucui - y-t' t- - . , - . M v . . . " , . i ...i. i v.at unit !irntiisii evervaouv. Parties bny your ABrigETToniigrreacnejpV ; Bev. T," A" Smoot, headmaster of Tri'hitv.IIieh School (old Trinity Col lege) "preached at Central Methodist church last. Sunday . morning, and at Forest Hill at night. He is a very youngjnan, Dut!ft remarKawy Dngm ma sermons would . Wnl cure you oi Rhpiimntism. Neuralsfia, Pauls! in Head, Back and Sides, wViflTi all other remedies fail. It is the best liniment oa eartn for man or Deasi Tic-v Twid Tfttnm. tit Tifinver.CoI.. , and nromismg one. an a?ed Quaker evangelist, deUvered a have done credit to a much older and temperance lecture " in J!orest iiui imore expertcuueu . Ateajs Si Dslfr a Gkate lfe send our paper and the Home and ifarra, the best farm paper published, ,ttotn for only $l.zo a year in advance. A. Hartsell. They returned to Concord Tuesday, remaining a day or so, when they returned to Ureensboro. heard from in the coming years, ' Mr. SmBot is a brother of Dr. J. E. Smoot and Mr." Marvin Smoot, and a nephew of Mr. JX P. Dayvault. church last Saturday night, and preach-1 fed at Central cburch Sunday nient on 1 Eoecial Providences krid'Divine leading. Mr. Tatum has lectured and preached 1 in everV State in the Union and also in Eneland. " He has been preaching 40 Mr. JohnBlackwelder.'of Newberjy, years and was never a pastor. His wife, j S. O.rsperd; part of tae Christmas holi who died recently, was a minister of J days with, his father, Mr. Noah Black the Friends church for 30 years. 0 welder, in Ncv 4 Tf if. InAa nnV do all that is claimed for it, retnrn it and get your money. For sale by all Druggists .and general store keepers. -.- . . Manufactured only by RIVERSIDE MEDICINE CO., Jaa-V-iyr Ore Hill N. a CHRISTMAS !' PRESENTS : - We have anything yon . , . want in the ! ,! "Watch, i Jewelry or ;f Silverware Line. i wighing to get now is the time to buy. We mean to sell at close profits ' and sell the more. We have everything in Furniture and - . ' House Furnishing Goods, that can be found in anywn twice the size of Concord, nd re member that we have thousands oi Bargains to offer you. When --- - t, TJ'.Vm I tni-o Cfnrf ntirl SPP the SlffntS. ' n wilh vonr Wnairin: YOU cone to concoru Su w li """lu,k TT " - - . n. 'a.. 1 Duiuiuuw. . i ' i . I If your watch .needs repairing we can do it. If you want one made, we can do it, 1 , ... L C0RRELUS.: & WADS' I Concon' , N. C. October 10;i893. .

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