H'hb Coxcord Times. PU3L5SHT3 EVTSTT TKUSSSAY CONCORP. N. C. BT JOHN B. SHEBRILL, corrca Ana PopaiETca. BCTLER A. CACGUISfCt STOCK. ' Senator Markm Baaier, tbe ef ChePers. and of wham they expected reach great things ia the Senate, has be- if cosne a laughing stock, before hi oca- kagaes and betace Use peopse en -tae esuntzy. At East be Jply amcssed, them by ids' Tagarks azaJVala repetitions, tSt bis ixaxberest ' jid tangoes became fjgqaeat taatjt&ey teoome disgusting, Bsfier has teen pot down by aS bif . feSow Seaatois, TfnrK-w, erea inciadf!, we beaiere, as a brae. . - - 1 . The Atlanta Jcerril thai talks abod TIILcsaa: ;, - A great forinne eenll be made cot rf the. new Xatioaal Jfisisaace, SenaArff ifirioo Batler, of North Csro5iEJ, if be coaidcmJj be bough a the pubSe" Tflfoafinn and SCil at --bS CTD. For pane nn&sSienilai;!jlssa"JUi cMJd ih Ignorance ff pnsqaesticosi and 1 oi tb proprieties tJf publkr L!e this fresh prGdaet of the Xir-Ufie! tasFa- is" has had coeqciice soperiorsia tie memai j of any -hying aaa wbo hat ataoled the ehaaiers,taat ns acre oo is cf the wares of noliskal noioi. He. baa aireadr distaaced'tbe pocr. bgwhis- 2eeed FeSer ia his closes field, iand it i a erocJ injarike to him SSewart txaoerstiady- it "Ml Bsser aaow to wbat eiXiwuass - Washes Uses, Jan. 2Dh 1S? Fredent CSa.-sad. siiboogh asked to do so, detJiiied to exjw bis wiihes bef are the vliovial Gommiltee Healed upsa. dacgs a ls5fi year' mmcSka dty, bat it is oiesU3ol that be baa eoea tben sail be una Cbkago in cbcee because ef ibe gwi back tbat bad osaaSif - folloved Oikagp aor rraJir rfflnsinaSoms bewa "aorelnatei at Guca9 bodi tisfcea tbt be wa eledt ed. . , ::--;:7' Wbedier it k tbii suae feeSxss m ?" cauae the cpositsy.is agala bscswniDg: fanaab deposed, .tinnn&i ibe Iesdo ciaficwutty tfeatbas caaaed'the-Deaio- erasa eaeaiay tOKgara toe wm. s oacTecbeEsfal 1 aaa jBatjsTp31 saj, bstvbaterer it ia it isceiwsa taat tt DenMJoaSs' are as a rsSe in a moch tbey were :.bef are the meeb&g of tbe XatkKial ' CooaoSilee, acd tbal tbey dcv talk U gosniJstotte Ptesdeciial campilga afiib a hope of arlosiiEg, asd cot natrtJy to keep cp tbe patrty arsani zatkso.' - ... -. - TLe Mjhssoe dodtzice resDsnstkMi re Duried frta the Seate Canajitiee 00 Fcgrt F8 rait-MjPmjae'aMcgMce. sa ta sgseat. v Ht'sotoolf reaSrass what Mocr&e'said, in nstsxges bms12 tbaa was used byrbiss'bot it -goes mach foriber,--. a "aasests- tt Ibe .TeISc! tUteii3a5ebetiie'"jadpsof vbat ftfmatjtfai a TioSitian of, -the '.Hoaroe anrie. WbSetbereare a fear,coD- Tubers caa J9 ibf take it iu&J tbeir beadstsat tbey . 'waxJk taiKe." - He fKJoeeeds Mali. Rantmji, wboae- x&mztSr mem aoJ gematal air '. debonair ' wan biai tl cs$$x2teJ S-if I&e '-CLc-lecSeil cf the SEnaie. vBaswaa saCTEr bad tci ceae fiii'i itti i3xku3Ka. t! nor misdajad a'tbcssfcrfa dercSsc ts I tbe best jsierac c 2afe yccj Se e Xor GaioEoa a&d tbe iaxih. Acca ksear biia who did oU resect him. " "If Mr. Bsller baa asjtiiiir at a! to fxeooBBaaend bim to fmrrxtue ecscssd leration it ia thai be yosg; asd ra3e- j i i- - "it; was aranwmg to irtaca . iSra .!di- j an -3rkxn TJar wna ?wv1t5-.. feci i we&TCEacoe. : -' Tbe CaroSaiaE. wbo wmm expected to mt tbe eapatal oa I ire or to throw dynsESte esrfcidgeB at .j'itbe tzeasary d-eiaztaDeijU ca sooa as be 1 laxmcd, a&t q-aita!y az4 campateiy ia 'i 'bla aeat and cbckkd , lie was aui 1 waaa't TiZmaa tbai waa dcaag the j taJkfog, erea though -itbe ' wcsds vsed bad tbe same gecer tenor tbat he umself it vxa&fjBied esc. ' - I . 'Tillman' qnkt ao'aBoSstrj3sie d seaaor fince be was ewra La baa hea a oarce scrjse to a Jteajoritr of hi eoleagnea. szt tboae arbo ksow bhn ; best are aware tbat it isiitt keejiog wills : j ibe- .man's innate sbrew2aeB. " When - iTiDmaji taBa be bkea to be beaid. " ' j To thia ml be is, ia.tbe reiaaflilar, aiaJyicg the saiatarisJ gaase before be; jpes up against it v - i. . ; ; :! jij "Hewitt k&q .weJI-llbe; Seaate,:'i2s. jralea, Us members aaadj it traditMsia, jaod whea be buincbea ymh be may be OQonted cki b create hilissal aecaaiioa, jrbaterer tbe , fiae pollrical may aeJect- far biia., . Idea, pere&a aSy, Ben TiUman ia a cood Mkm acd tutsiaSy sexja tbe goodj ofinion tA tbe mm wita whosa he is 'to eerre f or leaJtaix years. He see$thatBaer bas aeswjel tke poastabtyoferer beocen- It is tftbable that' tbe Pfcik inner arid Leo Wheat cnmKmaScwi wi3 visl many of tbe 3Tcatb Gazc&ima towns and gpine pari .cf tbe reocspfa to tbe Vance monument fmad. , Tbe maror.cf WZmingtom is makirg an eSat to induce tbe TeacbersV As ses!it7 t-s meet at Wiubterffle,. .tbi year. Secretary Parker : baa ; promised to go down before the place is eeSeeSed- Tbe Ireacb lax bicycks at a rata of abost2 25eacbayear. tbe ykd in ISH - being . aboct i $S0,C00l 'i Tbere are said lobe some S,0C0 'marbiiws' in . JFra&ce and the niimba- iacreases xapidJy. . . - . - - - - . - a Seaaior llarkn Botkz. cbainnan of tbe Pofffi&t StatoenecntiiTe conimirwE, b seciiScg cKt resyaefia to "all fearweiip ehairzoen askic; wbetber tbey think it best to again co-ocerate with tbe Be psb!kasa,. .' , - ' resard tbe expaasi cl tbe eiecolire brancb rd tbe mremsMsi as all tbat was sec- esEaryoa tie Kitrt ami wbo- think tbe ' : wCTdlBg..' of tbe . reaoSatacai : te Bincb iiTtbe natsare cf aa naisecesaary deSaaee .harlai ct tbe worli for a oson trr wbicb-L-tsa&i . sls&f. isaat . beai yntxesj jJidiiteJ, tbere - is bo dil4 ifcai the resoggfew ii otdM3y apfKwed cf by aa wrwbeiaausf sajcauty of fcoih SeaaSe aad Hesae, cct. besaass tbey are hTt3-r fcr a gbt far tbk cananiij, bat fcecaisetbey demtbis aacffci tae liaae .ita. kt Eaipe casdassasad kqk wtsere :-tae . t assaa coaaea Mrs. O. pg-.M-a. a yooas woman Ht iag near Toccoa, Ga, died Taeaday ia bcrribJe agony. SaewaahitSea by a mad-43ce last October. jfydjvfbaibia dercScped a few days ago aad.cmoaed berdeatb. - - t. - Lk E. Wilson, agent of tbe Soothera Etpacas Ctognpaay at Fatnmtrm, Ga., has difikf feared. An exansiaatioa-csf tbe cafe shoved Chat tbe money packages I bad been riSed. A sbortajre of $600 baa been foaao. CtaisxKsn! OcSege, Xlkkcer, lias been kased 10 ProL S. f. lia&oa, of Kee Jlarr Cklege, HagersSiCswn, Md, " He takes charge ' Jaly tbe fast. .The lease is for three - years with cf tian of ex Ceadlag it far tc mere.; , ria 2yto sit asitegtaph tetter from Cfeapasar WiiiiaiD ia recaid : to Sootb A&fcaa EQAJiara, .the Cor of Ssa pfedfes Gcsmaay Eaaaa's aid, and tbat of tLeS&aiesfrffiadlyta Bcsia, cja&eJy Efsoos ei4 tfce raited States. T j 1 iJotr 3eak8" nearly, erery Lt oa , one of bis b&fcUes, and of coane erery Case the Se&aia chancer is I". -almost etpptkd. Only vat or td perseaa pay a)'3enbon to hna. Tbe faabinftoa cat raeponaeat of the Chijfetie Obserrer aji of one of his eecbes last week: $ t a a A a .4 i i ju a o esocs ceaat- iJaSer ; 'the Ofber end of tbe eobin4!icsB began a f?eecn on Use bead aadraHrer qaeakm nd did not step cadi . treaty islnnfes part 4. He epee ffom jSeaator tev art's aaat, ia frct of tb chair, nuda- He oocs. ihere wa all tbe war tbJongh a deade&y thin audience, fees tbaaadozeacf those on the floor li e&Eg afier be bad been Wpeaiieg . half a boor. The only Iie3(ere on tbe Ee yqbJieaa side were bis Fopolist - cot . and Siewrt, and Sena tf Pntcbard andXelsoni Bat Xelsoa 1 t&raad to rtrnAinv a j , a uu. VIl lag I iraGcraLc de tbe only steady listen- j bis CSi-: T . " - aai Jat -te jfey ta toscaadfar s21 tasaa. 1 -;. . r - - - : 'Co!L--Hies.:.WaSSeAeai,';,iSje disari gasshed Kexitmkr estiar aad DfaaocraJt, wbacys beasait rsesebtoatof poSisica, pasaaa ' tbrosgh; WasblnrteQ a day .or ran m tl vrS tja rJ ri.4 in t!be Prestastial eaaspakn, as be wiS t1 fca-Barbie sereral saoaihs cesare thef XaUoml ConTenUsa - is held it wl seeaa dd to the xM-tnasr in boM a Xa2kul CteTeaiaaa wiibost Hary- and will- sot retmra catil altar tbe ejec tion. - Wbea'aaked wbo tia Jeasocxa.ts ogbt to ncaicaie,- CbL Wattm r&- tfibed; "Uj tacket is CL Wa Mceiiaa. of XSiaosa. fcgPreRderd, andGea. Joha B. GcrdiMs, of Gcgta, fox Vkse Prea daaL ' Tbey; were boib shot at froat Lfcenl ades daring: tbe war aad I am wiping; thai tbey shaii be pat op . again aad be shot at-' Tfcs Harrison booai ' is - getlins to ,'- be .qzii zms' i- The ehcce cf Cbieago - as thei CoaTdsilaa city wbiie d'A made as a reeali of any (saEbicatioa La CoL lltrisaa'a laror, has crehek33 added mat3ial!y to his strength, his frieads belieTe. " . Ei-Cbngreasaiia ftgib. of Indiana, ' says tbat Mate can be safely j;af ja the Democratic cobnaa tbs year no mite wbo beads the National ticket. . He adds, boWerer, that if the, party wants to make esoranae doabtly sore," it frtifiiM pttGoT. Hxaiirs t tbe head of tbe ticket- - ..- Jlr. Jaaies IL BooseTeH, Secretary ot the Unite Rates. I&basy ia London, is in Wasaisf oa. ; He said: Tbere was no war feeling against the United Suies wheal JeftEcgtand; it had all disappeared.' Eagla?Kl does not want to takSiOp arms against ibis goontry' . Mr. Clark HowelL the Gei tcem- iuuee, wb ) is a '&ier man and who toied far tbe selection of Cbicaso as the GonTeclion cjtT.- said before kanur Washington, coniseraiaj t8 ridicaloas stories which are been "ckcclited: ''Chicago wss cboeea simply because a majority of tbe -members of the com miuee thoogbl that, between Chicago and BL Loais, tbe former waa the most assaraa&e place tor tae : conireatiaa. Aae srer qzessiQn Ci4 not enter into tae cnoice oersreen the troeites. as has been claimed. - The currency question tit uu Esare in tae conTentinn bat it did not in tbe selection, of the For eonrva reason tbe IWmii f tbe restrict of Coifiinbia o not tr beereatly t4ease1 with ti I Bxiiiom.' The Charinite nKa. tbe Xatioaal Commit 1f inmn.l It ohserr it isie - aiionai 1 i-t. w cunTiiscxns' as it mi Mt. Airy aSdersaea ispoaed a tax of $19 per year on all milk selkrs. This was "fcr the benetof tbe dairymen; bat other f oks wbo sscd milk ia small 2aaat2t rased sach a row ahoot it JJj s&saace was rescinded.: - &3'aaotbT. ew turn fcr Cbarlotte. T- time it is to be a mill for 'spinning yarns aad u to hare a ca petal lsck of fI5,C0. Mr. IL S. Cbadstck, 1 one of lbs Jar-rest Kociholiers, . is to be Tbe Becord says the ceroes of MooreciiSe bare been debating : pome impprtaat Qeadona reimtly. : Among tbe most importasi was, 5.-wbkb ts ef'tks 120ft. use to . tbe country, - boa- zarda or lawyer f . ' The buzzard won. . The m itmifigam Messeagef pys, substantially, that ex-Jadge BaaseS and Cbazreswnan Settle hare entered into aa aHiasce by the terms of which Settle is to sopport Boa-ell for Goremor in fc-23 px BasseO s sapport of him : for Senator, ": :.. ? :K.;- A fire occurred Tuesday ta' a aI lt at Ostraa, Sleaa. A nombr of the miners were imprkondd and arere either soifocated or borned to death. rineea Dooies nave already been re eoTered. It is feared tbat others are still la $2 JiL iMn. Amngton," ttLq t-?s coaricted ia Wake Saperior court of defaming he memory of tbe lateiauef Jasace Smith, was nnea emau nnes were un- poeaa oa Barnes Bros., who had pub lished Mrs, Arriasjon a paper, the Criminal Docket. The Greensboro Becord bears senator Sigmon, of Catawba, haa been promised by Messrs. Hohon aod Settk that he shall hare Cbcgrw-wnfn Sbn- t4zMUcitoaforStAte cbairmaa. tSgmoo,'Ao-efr( ji repre sented as bang coy. ' The board of directors of tbe Xorth Carofina Bailrod Company ia tbesesioa at Bgrlington Monday deeUied a CJ per cent, diwdcd, Tiiia dividend ia ex cessof 6 per "cenC b the frM in the m tuBiury. ABES ail of US property goes on tbe tax list, which woojd not bar? been aeonrtplisbed, it acocteaded, bat forths Jeaseto the Sctbera Bailway." " -- . Jlhe Caseaaa Bna papa;, says: "Tbe peopleof Xortb Cafoilca made no mistake in sending Marion Batter to the Senate in liaxe cf f K!t rrfmm, - A potato frost has Leea famed in 2?ew York Cry with, a csrital cf too, '' OWL ' . Mallbear JL Brady, cf Xev Kaaamorefpa. v The pecaiiir' rejreseataitioa which Xorth Caroliaa has socared ia the Sea ate as the resnlt of a coEctiiiAtksa be- York, raea tbe -Bepcblica&s acd Ibe PopaJists tbe kadiag pbocgra-:ber of tbe coan-; in ihe State was shown ia the debate try, died a few days ago. Presideat CSerelaad bas accepted aa iarltatioajto dSner aa address at tbe one baadredth aad flftaetb anniversary of tbe fooadatioa of Friaceton CbSege. I Senator H2maa XewberryCoBege b3, paring f 15,000 damages by Federal saucers, rsaM . the Senate Toeaday wiSboat aasend3aeBt.'':It wooM bare dlaase so yeaarday but Senator fiif-f!W bseeasa. ' Frank J. Cannon, aad Arthur Brown both - A-epohSeans, :were elected " United j sstates Seaators from- Utah ToesdaT, re- j cemae; respectirely -S3 aad 41 votes. Tbe 20 Democrats Toied scid for J. L. Bawiias aad Moses Tbatcber. - iaujjtisa is iacmgsae: to. notd a aiidcontiaeat exposjeioa in tbe year nx-j ss a ceataeiial cekuaben of , tbe argaaBMaon. ot ixuliaa aa a temmrrJ -EpAw.; 1m VAmlx- of the United States, embracing at that j yosterdaT ekcied United States Senator I etween tbe Xcrlb CkrcaaSeaators and Senator IE2L ' Mr. ter&direl emphatscslhr that tbe Stste wosH baye been IXeHMKMiac had the leaiocrai not abandoncd their principles regard ing sslrer aad tariff - reform. - - Mr. Pritbard declared taat election frasds had been respoasble for ererr Demo cratic Tktory ia tbe State since tbe war. Mr. Batkr declared bis belief ia a low tariff, while Mr.- Pifitcbard aanooaced his aaalterabJe faith " in tbe .McKinky fcilL"" ;Tbe only thing they agreed upon was";; tbe --:Beoeaty,;:;f coining - cheap money. Wiih socb a combiaaSion rep- reseauagthe people of North Carolina, Senator . Mill posa ted oat, it will be ntterly imposble to tell just what tbe peope of tbe State want or to gire it to them without i o&ending ae or-C the other of the Senators. : - " - tisne all of. tbe Kortbwest beyood Onto. 1 xae temtory was bora Jaly 4, 150, S Iniw-eekreriew of bcaness iater-1 ests of the Soatb. tbe Maaafactaress Becord shows tbat the assess! Talaeof I ptoperry in the Sootbera States froan 1S90 to 1S95 increased f357,S00,GeO or per cent ; wbik tbe iacreasa in ten Western Slates Ohio, ; Illinois, Mkbieaa, Wisocsisa. Minnesota. Iowa. Neath and Soatb Dakota, STebraska aad akacaas was jfiw,t--oJvw or l.o per I cent., and i laerease' m tbe Paciae coast States and Tetritorks was f 5iX',ULJ or 4.1 per ceaL from Ohio to acceed GalTUi S. - Brice. DUIC OigahetteS SasTQsa, X. a, Jaa. l: Between 9 and 10 o'clock this morning, a cotton gin tc3er exploaed near Mr. Gamers. aboat two miJes fom Cbmnock. kil-l bag Lis 83a, Mr. Jamss tSbaer, aad Mr. W'aher Ganter. MfGHmer him self was badly braised, and Mr. Garter had tbe top of his head bk?wn off, t ex posing ais Drains, r - -o otaer - persons j were near the boBer at the time of the! exploaon. Three v other men narrowly escj-jed being killed, as thev kft tbel engine room aboat t3 , mi nates be fore tbe fatal accideat The explosion was doe to tbe ignor ance and eart&ssness of the Creaiaa, abo failed to examine a rasty ralre, throgtt sLichii water coold not be condocted into the boHer nniil a&er the latter had become bob" 4 The boiler was abest .forty years old and was used to hoist coal at FarmriCa before the war. One end of toe bouiiag was comrietdT wrecked aad jieces of the boiler were tbxova&xsg fifty to cerenty-are yards m Mi 9 J .;;.' -ajieBBBti Circuit. , - ajbe&aarie EatserprSsia. j - The Steirzida-cl Albemarle carcait met ia the Methodist church at Albe marle Monday, and fixed tbe pastor's salary at which, with tbe Free man aimuitr of $0-, will- make a total of 6o0. The amount for presiding elder is 33., making a traad total of 1 593., - to be raised by the different charcbes aad which was apporaoned amoag tbe dif ferent churches of the circuit a? follows: because of p i! Albemarle, CStoay Hill, New London, Palmerrille, - . iBethesda. 24LO0. 145.00. 130.00 104.03 - 52J50. 2&.SQ. V Tf If V tr xr tf v XT Xf " o . aunuuwncon- ll whir1nrT''Sncri'- cf the I; t system, and is not affected by ordinary cough mrdfrtnes, will yield readily to ;11U1?S OF INTENSE PAIN. ADC FROM IHgEs GrcfD Tcbasso ABSOLUTELY PURE LQWE Covesgtos, Ga., Tan. 20. .Bishop Haygood, f the Methodist Xfucof&l church, South, died at bis home ia Ox ford Ga, eafedy moraing at 2 o'clock from raia2ysl3.-a3 W. W.'j&asaai, of ggtb ' CosoIiaaT preached iLis faa- eral aerrioe Sjef lay toiaa. " "i Atticca Green iLrgd wu ba a Uatimme, Ga., Xoreater 19, He was gxadaated at Bmory CoSese, Georgia, ia 1S53, and licensed to preach ja tbe Methodist Fptacopal Canrcb iaj the same year. From 1S70 to 1S75 he was editor "of tbeSanday tx!puhS eattoas' of 'the Methodist 'Episcopal I Cbnich, South, and in 1S76 was ected present of Emory College, .where be remo4 r eight years. ' He was" ap pointed general of tbe John F. Slater faad ia for tbe edacatioti of cob ored youths ia tbe Soutbgra States, aid ' 1 11 1 hum WW m -injfrfc J SON 1 iiLria In.J.IZ.'WMttsr nraasSi awl pbysi cxaa, HBBB&oUt, 5e&, who.sa&ered with heart ewwasw for tcmr yean, trrlcs wverr lemedy mad. all tnatmecta taovatoliZz aetfaiwl f ejigw-iaractit iuuc sj believes t2aat heart disease faemraite. . Ba writes: - 1 wish to teU whai. ytjar TaJubla zaeai Clae has dose orme, For Csetr xeazslfaasl heart disease of tbe Tery worj klad. Sew- phyarlaiw I awseltet aaud it was Rhetnnaliaa of the Heart. lawas alaost na ea4nvaUe; wKh shf rtaess of tvealh, . petisSa Ucraa, severe paisti, waatile to ateea, espedaCy tt left s3e. Ktt pen caa de erBae By saSec ths laaa cf those gi. fact wesrr rears DK.J.H. WATTS, I faail? tntd Dr. Miles' New Heart fere, and was sorpvfsed at tie resets. It jjeztzew tla Id to asd xcads a wear saaa cf xdb. 1 have not had a symphKa cf rcaie simcw aad l ast fafrwsSpd yonir aari5ne has eared neCiwIhavw xusw eajayed, aiaee taalastt Three Years of Sp'sad Hes&L ladhta43t!aay asaadreEtaad hara anUaad reeosffiBseeSed yocr Ceart Cure, tar 1 haow what it hss doaiM Sex ;caa aad octy wlsA 1 ecxildstats caoreeleariy ay saffierw lastheaaad the good heaUhl bow enjoy Toer Xerriae ud other resaedles aho CiTeeayriSeat Mtjfartion.?' XH-Wans. Haacbaiit. 5eh, JEay 0, 5.'-1 .;': t ..,;;'5 . l.Kaes Heart Care fa aoidett a positifw rwaraBSea that the first beats will beacaa. Aii ercircKliSseilitat tL 6 bodies for S3, or p. will be sect, prepaid, on ror-unt of price ty the I. Ames J&hcal Cb, Ckbaralsa. Dr. AiaesVHeart Cure iresi Health tf u tf if Tf V V Xf Xf x$ because it gives strerdgti to the weakened body and enables it t o tlirow If tie disease 50c and fz.oa. All Druggists. - - - n a m m . Ik ! ! BIG. BARGAINS POCKET KNIVES, 240 loose knives not over four of a kind, from 10 to 35 cents. See otir window of . 25 Cent Knives! 36 styles to select from, with 1 to 4t blades, j with cork screw, shoe button or scissors. Also a nice lot at I5c, 20c and 25c. ; , . Wc also hare a nice line of We Invite You to call asd get ocr see the Largest Stock Redtc Have voti seen the Baltimore wiiL until the 1st, ofj Febmaryy sell every Qrticie in their store at for tbe progress cf the col- la TS72 be was elected the Methodist Friscooal and efforts ored race. Bahpp of CbtHch, bona, tct de-iced. From 1375 to imt he'editSrtbe WLvxr Christaia adrocrte, The dezree of D". D. was conferred upon him by Emory College in 1870, and that of L. L. D., by ; the South Western TJairersitr- ff Texas ja Dr. Haygood was the author- I Jereral re2kiS3 woAm. amongtbem being "Go or Sea2La xay on miaoas," sx CluldreaJ 5r roterin B2ack," .C3o8e the satooas," asd -"Spssd and Sex moas and has edled "Sermons bf u6?g? xosser rnce. - Exactly Bargain House' 1545 Outfit ? JC A A . - lrum s 10 id cents, laciuaicg; Button Hole; Embroidery and Racket Scissors with knife and file blades. ' 1,000 at less than factory prices. 5 cent tablets : we sell for 3 cents.:: '::., V:",:;-r.ZK 10 cent tablets we sell for 5 cents. .: - .. ' ;C .. I 20 cent tablets we sell for 10 cents. 200 Ponnds GROCERIES in Concord. We cr tfce f fug at Wholesale and retai! 100 barrels of Stsgar. 25 cases Arbackks co&. 25 bags green coSse. 75 barrels f Keroser.e O" 1-carSalti;;, . 1 car oflifee 'and Cemer 25 cases of Star Fotasfc. 50 'cases ilendkrson's Fo: .100 cases of Matches. 50 boxes of; Soap. ' 50 lxes of! Soda- 25 kegstif Soda. car of Hoist. Extra Fine 25cases'Rexw Bating F -, 2a cases of f'Good Lrc vzg Powders J 1 . 100 boxes 2obacco, ' 75 boxes of Snim; and ladas' Caocce. 50,0C0CaWte5.' ' 10,000 CbexWsts. ' 100,000 Payer Bags. . 2 toss of WrapsrJpaTr Gsi! k Ax We hare alarse. stoc' . C Hole Paper Bag 1 fhen t Jrtf outfit fo Cost Alt consists, of one ait worth one of Shoes $1.50, one collar 15 cents, and "one tie 25 kents, afl for $5.45. Thisk of it. T sarprise joa you 3ee such a enmrleri r-- At. n a iox xne small sum7 of that sells for 10 cents per cnoire! lasts isvffi.- : : ';S,'?rZ2? 1 8 Cents Per Found ! 100 yorinds land Ties, k eyi and.Second ind, FOR tutar-nraeaeaiaaoa in tonTen&m from two to six delentp W nether it is because thy do or from oihtr caaies. tha r oesesates to the National Crv.ti.,n always made a resalar row amnnv the Dislnct Democrats, and Tint a tom ot taem seem to think IWist Eei.firr.."?B V that Enea tbe jCteoIina wi r,f :,1?fH ,a Uonreatioa . L'T - I has been made three times as large the row must also be made three 1 aPw-arirM-iv? r t4entmen who hr t.-a 1..T11T'-:w'-,-' ereraltiBKai, rfwu- iiT": rr.1r.ric "senoos- . " win. i iir n num t,m , ri . x w is tae facte of proper party iiaaarier and matter. fOne . rm 'lis , . . t-j. "v , ia ne . !Tra4,TJ coa 1 know which of the -wua-ne leaders, AJka ; or Butler It' the wnr Kn n-i ' r . i 4-7 cuDsome a epnot taetuneof the Rn Marion Batler bid pxttmledged it him self. . : ,: .. . '. f . , i The Chester atid Lenoir Xarrow Gauge read bas been put into tbe bands of a reeesrer becsaae Koae of tbe bond owing t2jm worth of fconds reJaaed to accept the reorgaaiialkBJ plans of tbe err laree miinrifr tui the reeeireshlp a m the catare of a fnesuHy sail. Mai. Ilxrr .. . - f uiwa, isuerecTer. v - -ill's wfl tbat ends wdL Aosasta -" j a jjaise coemtr tu not SPOT CASH! ...... .9 ! T , t cnaoies ererv pooriman to wear eood HotJim i n -w 1 "fll : ;i'Pvaaa .. al. fo pay a month's QnrstQckis' - o - wages for tt. CetteaXin Iutttryt ITertfe Cet. 3E.CL Chzst an Adrocate '"::.. rora tie report of Mr." Woab!e oa tae lottos Mill industry of the'SUte we gatier some facts which are verr - J " .' --".. i - - -ijuAg. scia -roaina is now oir- SSSSS&SJSSiSSSZ iPoely stop on the staatly increasing lfo etafiajka. , Cottoa Mills 155V U aX ? course c cot-etrucuon: looais 24 85 This Cost Sale will i nnnntnrf ASSUIM pat up in aI0M parea . 5 cents -per iMMXDfd. Best Matches". !fii;sx f jdafiCpE5 to feoise very it 4t 1 asxls &)EC2. MacJiae Oil at '5 sen3. rlffiat. T5335 SOME i ss us. PilTfiHSQirS iriADi3src3 ' chixiery, sacb as exists in -ii ,- rkm mi - t . jr :- il - - 6 lra n.4l ..-. a-fl " W i ' . . I a -. . . 'CW mu,01u lor me seiection of dde-l aaioory Horl repcrtedl ,w,o po-taos or ss,147 hales .ri. : . : I , ajj,-, peTsoaa emptoyed,1 15,752; of these 4 & are men, 6,157 women, and chikirea; captal em ployed about n5,0Q9,OQQ, -flr.fS9SL33 to each oneraare: This is a gates. eayps and orer the same things. Seral others have exratsFl onions as to the Senator aa an orator nd -pf tw-i .. i . -. - y- uuae, liuuer is ufciag a great record in the' Senate for aoiury and eutesmanship.' eaor w laianaauon it tieved to he beu It was aaoSd frm k-I rhkb Itemed. An ittanrt v -.l wegbing:4 pooads each. Areraga wages paid per dayfLSSI. - - . ',.. VnVrrr! Journal, vL 52, 1 ae odgar Uasaess CbOege. I Sg "P, ad from the psrcitk similar Ao. 21, Mr Jaa. C. Carter, Presides! of j who Joet bis mind duriug - 21 take from 25,000,OC to 30 CMMJ oralnrltne Amermn R :. -. I fV .;, i 1 - . ;- ... "lftivij. - .. uuKwiu, i-u ance ioona it. tae American Bar Assodat. w-5, concerning the biwa passed by tbe Ta- cgiiaire; 'A numerous array! To Buy Goods Cheap. a Ibe Wadesboro Mesea?r av An. uag tae nouaays a young man of An-J "AnumenHisairayofactsis hifi I IT . jung man An ted ia this year volfetbL f """ license. North Carofm. .lr thereafter he droni ArUee Uaa. Charlotte Obeerrer. us talk some mm W, which I hare be got dnrtsil Theremvim-r, -JT:?0!"9' hmnan icgenmty in. MiiMri the ae. ThPT,rkf iT r"- u j rafie, instead of - W K W . mow cou9Fei l i i j-.t . . are two, one dealinv rifi ?--. Trr .- musFM, n a rram r b ssw.mI , . v taxaaoa, aad the t other with that . A 5? A!jfi ab . fwa RNffVia 1 1 ia m mat because people appredaagood kljl 5ij iiaUJSzS Mill uJlif. . I a . -i -TB Jest think of it, a $16 Sait for $10.50, It " 12 ..: 10 . 8 9.50, 7.50; 6.00 FRIEZE a UTLEY, PEOPRIpTOSS. DEALERS EC u taxed. aa few sc pocsEUe. laconae is taxed, li-j nbk -m .iv' - - . - Spray, the for carrvSTXir" JK "." ,urMf .b that i "JMa, . uuae xor-1 nt ce cured isv Hiii it4. uncuaery laTiire the aea-1 f . J. OIEX Tbe woaderfnl . , . --v -Moiue ot -v., jiianniactored at gas from which i VlvIinA eTGtaha? mto a nrt;.i iu-: . - I ivew York World a thl Ti.:. r1 "jaie cjEtem eau be gas Vis moch more l4Gi,."ri-.T! Lai J; ; barmoay tod fmrM . - f -v. jnc, -r -Jiu uoes pot COBf ail ..Tk much as either. Itis with 1 seeass vsavomM&. eledioa law seems I l WWMJ4. . W " - . vw iMnu cuuuj. more tais year Tbe majority of miOsare leportod to be under good nxanagesneaL , We are glad to note this; as we bare learned from oLaerralion that tbe man agers of a cotton mia hare mnch tn rf with , the aocJ, moral aad reSgaons I grand l-aonce.'- Th iZlriuafMoa' es.. If the maa baa since bm trriag to ell thefr S?JVtetMmhebM eease, offering to tab! hrS, I aaace orer thosa who M'attsceoatf.il-'. to. torn for ae.. parcbioKr. r I ' ".r" ' - iaajocty of 7" Bxaaaged well, ad bare at their beads honest, conscamtios Cbrjageitemea, who har done much and are sl exoting their erery effort to better the condition of their be-p both tnonl j, fiaaadaUr and ed-"S-booaSy, lie mills are "in bfr -Aa5 those Oar $20 overcoat for $12.50. " 10 " 7.50. " .8 " ". 6.00. ' 6 .50. Anything charged will be at re. . nlar prices. " We offer Oae Hundred olir '.'. can Cbn EY & CO.-Pror T. JLr1., r We the mdersi-M! . ti - Cbener for th. I.s I and credit to the v . . -r , oe-i - t ,-rr lEere .; him . opened thaT .Tr T Beacraie. "d it is said aa ! cyhnder contaiaitig twenrr ixnndx riJl U r 7i ? FearJ bnay boose. On expowre to th L 1 faa ni. a . L . WiVA7r. " raice; bat ia the i - o vua a. aoolc or odor. Kncr r-nM .. .n un manna ini rawT-w:n i r . - - . - u ami . . - . . . a-r- """Wl - tranOTt mnA rn 1 ae IAI aini4ir;n. r- rrestaenL Cai. 0J seaaaof the word. car-Kf ! L,,: ae to- be ,a toeorrut anw rtrr!jl P"y, CbacardJS. CL.cfl7 5ed .ad caabeha Z! PreadeaL &t7TZ2 ZZJFT" tWiiatbe tra any are! fatarc of interest to tj, I ToWl n - cxjmaxviies.' I r- ... . t iiarna, Wbole- Tte rir,-. -- i,;,., 1 '"r.f"15 aoiedo, Ohir ,1 ! "Jr1 b taken inter-1 Boies. January 15 now at I nally. actinsr dirarti .1 I . - T' . b .nH T "r. I ".-"M5 m iae ary court Cm The ikIa3ssrr- fireman n vmmmmw BlumiM-Ul . h . I -.nr. .... ., , . 1 - ae . uiimnn meii0W given' then the com- Price, 75c. -The lair this the fTPm 1 rerdid mnh'iw r;.alU,M - . -r - a w a b aa rna as Rss isssh manager. '' ' Mia. Daahf ertr rJ.-4 . 1 :' t r . -aer son. - 1; LJr' KtatetreaT- niT-r ,be W scddealy. be suit was filed f3r 13,0(?0 dma geallegmg mistreatment. Mr. McRkiM ! : Vji liaMe time ago for iajarf toS 111 ' ' " J 04 Tiawe. j , r;.;. LT."f nnporunce of at2f$d wob tramueat aetioa. bat nrS tbat;it L, geaeraSy kaowal& T iT - ..i.j vrcTuom. tiahit. Hal canstiTiitr, -m ; . . Will Dot Lwv raw I0! meeting cf the State Fireman', a . "UT " ia:Salishary .'"' . -K . . , ,BT . ttWA--- - - - . ; v iuoeuiie . wiia if Trr LrmrU The, 1 y. . "fi fL provides that in ITaS 13 no falre K4- - . j . : j;cau- , cine cost sale for cash. LSI k SI. adly g s so War- " Jv!.t5a. ff o PAriTO we can gite yoq special iadatnts;sc2 as von have never before. Conse rly so that yon can pick your size. KespecU'oIIv Yoiirs, J.tSHAPPIRIO, . Concord, X.C. Don't Forget the Place. Cor. Main & Depot Sts, AXD AIX KIXUS QF s 1 s Good Wheat Wanted. "WSJ jct Soriftst XiTife diir ered sit mail (sLf Kir. ClJ?ArS EOLLZB MILL. GB.IE1HY Work fornished grade of ".. Iuiiil4iitsm . w 1st bait a rs4 eiisf. B.; lrr Ml tmsSt y a t Si best I3 bl- 4 tbeijiBiitinr, scl have tH'j-k.rei jEaatrisB BXfltaea-.ViCi- w La a aJan5"esfae6, We saSicat a slire ClBAESrS EOIXEB MILL. Uet. Si NrWJBttfteL MJ the best fierdsrts crt eatthorirr-a a - a 1 am 4, Concora MaricetsV faurioa tjrr I . eekly by CL G. Mmiigotaery. Sto? Corrected StoiiTfd.... vMiddliov. "f a.l.T'in a- ; , Good Middliits 8 f&htrrv- in !;. wai awet aad are bow .iau iss aooost " Ther hor- nra M-.k - C - : ' " .: " worthy e the towiu to reception where death I tbe lyaebiag in in reprearnUtiffg to day. - It caeas of ImA:.. ETaageJist file is now fen!?;-. ejsaea the cooaty where takes pJace shall t n.n- 5 Brown's I Iron : i Bitters UiiicVmI 1 ae ai mm ra,Be3a ajtOMej ks te re. kv wosce as . C-rrecied Weekly by Dore k Et. tirst-class work and lowest prices guaranteed. See us before baying elsewhere.; Prices and designs furnished, on application - I " '"?:T?;-f - . ..). , . ?-;;- West Depot Street. conrconn c. CrfitaJ 2 IT . . I e wsr last oosc CURES . Rteanrr us Ltwrm 11 Balk cneat, sides. Beeswax BatSeri ..maaa C3kss' ""'7 i--;' ' - ; Corn " v :- Egra-i " '-.:- "-aidiS4it-;-'-:'- S-I SI J 13 10 jjtolS 15 1 am now liiz fTkw. .- rear cf the lirt Wut i . readrai all tT? A sewing xaaebiaa tmsss '-r VTirl -Irfsad tbe fottawiag tejBac,5iil . Ibi u certify tiu Mr. D. r a bas dope eoadrat4 ral etaae work f or ws d JJ its a ursc-ctiss wwrmoxdike i I rest t -t'-.' J 55,3,1 "S-' " jr7JT' ' " w t i fosr mua. - ' .- lavwaa Bveoe.L "cavova laanm a?lowi''JSortifi"Ckm' I r. .1 ju era : 1 Peai to A jH? yj-!b I Featherfoone Corset Co- GIB30J P. HOW Is i. ! 3r Notice. CailoaGibsoa & MorrW. : " ff- ' - . ika of meetiegsia rike cooafy Mo. a se- SOapetent court h ir iZI , w J f V Oats. 1 fctires of the joi ijoc tal 511)0,000. has i tniw 1 jo cverythtaj ia badness.. 4 to . . ...... Zd Jjd&h Potatoea. Ha--1- a- rbcir prices are rht. f;;! 1 . - 1 tort Cm. . . 1 taJSr