M . i I! 4 i orn is a vigorous feeder and re sponds well to .liberal fertiliza tion. On corn lands the yield increases and the soil cnprores if properly treated with fer tilizers containlmr cot under 7 actual ;; Potash A trial of tH4 plan costs bet little and is toe to lead to ... ... profitable cultsre. Onr BBWafces be BaejaJcxftui c"""EaS far itrrmi iasosi) Bsc nx r;'i GS2MJB KALI WOStS. V 3 Xthitt New Ywk. Georgeiille?1: Acadeiy, Georvili?. Ct-b&rras Co., i . CL MALE anSFEW ALE. W JL EB00S3, A. JttrEir. X.e PrtndpaX TV, rcT fst.Tin ssrfSi own An-rrisi Sth. and wiH cor.!; a ae ft mocihs wi:ha&borl vacation at t"h--isii3. Piseiriae wise ly bed stricUv enforced. Pnpils charged from date of entrance tO close of live iaotitLi term. 3 dedweti. eer-ssf. -cues & pntrmeted meSatem f&r tM xt or acre, or by special contract.. 1, Sifzs of irmai tea ktsmis jioxth; Prl3iarT.gpeCia?a"HJlisBlr SI Seeo4 KeaJer. epejja. aad Second readez, . . 1 IaermedUe, SpeOiSE. Roadie sr. Ele mniw rf ArirJianctiif' Primarv lewr-. " r f-tsy. Primary Grammar. 136 tie,?-. - S .2-6t fiisrber Ma thmatics with one or mere of tbe fo&owhjar:? L&:ul. Greek. French or paaia, i t -- 2-toiX0 'xniiioa parable ninthly or quarterly, Board, iacIaliBi? Khts, fuel, etc., 5. CO IO -W .r IQODtiL. . Georgevilleis eitiied near tbe junc tion of Uuieb HxZJlo acd Jiocky liiver. in South-eastern fpart of tubimiH county, ten railes from CcmcarsL, ia a healthy courdry. I Tbe Academy is a Iarze new bniiJm?, . well suited fori school oorpse-. Xhe school will be strictly non-sectarian. Fnpils will be required to attend iivine worship and Sabbath ScbooL 1 There is a triweekly ma3 fnra GeorgeviHe direct Concord and rack oa Tuesdays, Thursdays an lSarardays- a nrst-eix practicing pirsieian re- aides in tbe villAsa; I Parents end guardian? interested in education are eordiilly ianfcad to visit toe school. " For farther iidcrmation iddresa th rnacipai. B R-IP-ANS Thb modern stand ard Fatally Medi cine: Cures the wbbbbbwbwbbbw. coinnioif every-day ills of humanity. AO MOBE EfE-GLSSSES, Sore tackywFair Duc&tor. ' Wbea 3axy AisJersca left tbe lUR Eauriij- told her that i abe no ceeded la cirti-g- it up abe woa34 do socsetbiES greater tiaa'a&e bad Yet actievtd. Tct, tbocgtx ber career cm tbe bcerds u-a bcSSxatTooe. sad tbcsgb' sbe retired from tbem wbea bei Casie waa at it bfsbest, tbe pcesbtr tbat abe mmj reams to tbe scene of ber .tritrjEbs; Is vtry sSsbL Mary Abder soa was edacated te an tTrsoIise eea TfeEt ia XrocisrCie. Else was a deyoot Catbotfa asd ail tbrcceb ber stage ex perience abeixacticed tbe dotiea of ber rssii Try faithfully- At arrestees abe nsade ber debut as Juliet in a local tbisatre. Her fame apeeday grew. Her extraorfiEary beauty baa always bad Eccb to do witb ber soceesa, In tbe be gtnitiBtg abe wsed to play in one weeb aacb widely dUTere-nt roles a Lady atacbetb, Jallet. Me ilerrEaa. Fanline. lagomar. and flalaBa. Tin 13S3 sbe went to England and captured tbe British poblKV winning a far greater snccess than in America. Tben came tbe CaH tre of ber bealtb. ber farewell to the stage, asd ber marriage to Antonio de XaTarro, a member of tbe weB-known New York Caesar of tbat name. 5otb- isg conld bare been more cdet and o2 band tlsaa tbe . wedding in 9maS Catholic ennreb in Engiand. .Mr. De Navarro took a place In Ten bridge WeEs. tor tbe sake of bis wife UaUiL From there tley go np to I don freqnently (it la only an hours rau road Journey), and tbey kad at borne the most cniet. contented existence tm- erisable. Xotliics is needed to make -life at tbefr cbarmmg TiUa on Fer&aSe road an ideal of domestic bliss except tbe presence of tbebr cblldren. There are rumors after tbeir marriage of their iiagreement and separation, but stzcb reports were as baseteaa as tbey were inkiud. Mrs. D 'N'aTarro has said; "I don't think anything could have taken me from my stage life except being so much faa ferre witb my bnsband. ; We kad been in lore for ten years, and I simply bad to let tbe otber thing go and BartrWa." - . "-r;: "i . Althoagb tbey are very macb Angli cized Americans now after their long stay in England, tbe De Nararro bare ty no means abandoned tbe idea of lir ins in America again at some time In tbe farare. lndon .tTrangs, . , IjesJ kCeriaii SaSe aaJ EScK- Eaj far SORE, WEAK asd MIMB EfES, JieivriMff the hlbUZ, cf tiie ltL. Ccrw Tm .Drops, Qlztlon, Sfje Tenors, Eye, :iic-4 Eje LasLes, asd Pnourcrxfj ocic5melle? jasSy ; fa f-Ii- i-JJb. WnST MiTi Ki-s '."r : r- '" Saend Steae f tha Owidaa. . Tbe Oneida Hiatorfcal SocSety, cf PkSadgip-hia, baa been making -effssrts to secure as tbe co er stone of its sew oaiMisg tow ia coarse sf ereetkm In tbat ciry tie sacred stoce e tbe Oael aa.' Tkpst? endeavors cring to pohHc lrtentiGa a cssicms feature of the In Jlan bistory.' Tbe Oneidas were one ef the cosfed erataon of tbe Fire Kattans. Tbeir $reat- claim to BstiBctJoa fceyond -all ather tribes was' tbe ' great bowlder Uie sacred stone. This was tbe t etSeb of the trbe; tbey looked on tt with tbe Etsacst -Feneration, and esteemed it as tossessLng dfrine and magical Tirraes. So great was tbeir rereresee tbat tbey rtmld na ensfsre asy separatSaa frona :t, and ia cooseetoence wbererer tbey wear tbey Qored witb tbem tbeir fat tiOKS rock, as tbe most ' Important as trtU- as tbe most essr.bersois&e article cf eir lmp-inEta. Tbe ston serred tSteaa as a sacrtSeial altar, and before 2id abont it tbe great rites of tbeir -Ugka were pet f denied. Tbe eere csosial feasts which were beid in com aeaoratica of tbefr dead weae eaten n tbe c pen place tbat sorroyinded tbe teiy stocev and tbe sacbems , kindled I? e dnminatig fiames beside it when 'Key gathered .abost tbe connefl fire to iiscoss the weighty mXiters of Indian policy asd action. Its isspfration was joagfct as wea for tbe fierce frenales ' the war dances, when the braves Mght to rival in the furies of physi cal contortions tbe fervor of tbeir wild passions. The otber tribes referred to tbe Onei- 2as as tbe people of the stone, and tbe none itsesr was called ocia, .or olnota. m real ,; SigBifieance- of wbicb Is the IT in tn nf m, mtn Bqtl . Henry London baa tares ted and per 'ected an dectrieal btcyePe lantern. London is esse of tbe first men wbo rentnred to straddle a wheel in fan Francisco at a time wbea bicycles were sot allowed In Golden Gate Park. Tears it riding bare not diminished km ar- 3or fir the healthy exercise. He ts an smatenr electrician as wen. and to fSght Jie path a bis wheel be has constructed ir.d attached to the handle bar tbe most perfect Ettle lantern imaginable. It is sfcoct as large as cne-balf cf aa ordin ary sSxed peach. . Tbe reSector measures two and a half sscbes in diameter on tbe octsid and Is ace tecb in depb. Tbe lamp itself is iioct the sixe of a hazel nut. The mn-tern- looks precisely Eke those on toy carriages. " - : " ; Tbe battery Is contained In a feather mse,nearfy as large as a tool-li&g; and Is fastened to tbe cross-bar in the same manner as tbe latter one. It consists ot" a three-cell storage battery. -'. The incandescent lamp is rated at two 3aad power. I It bas attracted the at tention of wheelmen pedestrians and people in carriages since it made its ap pearance in tbe park, and : men and women stop to inquire wbat produces so brilliant a light from sncb a small ap paxarns. All sorts cf pet names bare been coined for tbe little lantern, sncb as flash lamp, searcb-ligbt. calcium and tae light. London calls it the electric bicycle lantern. A. -- ":"V-:'.V- ' Tbe Egbt is regolaled. exttsgnisbed. jr rebgbted instantly by tbe grtasure of a fcctton. cocrvenKntly fastened on the tandle-bar, withoat morirg tbe band. rhe tattery fombes Egbt for two and jae-fcaif hours. Ijoadoa is now engaged on a hatfery wbicb win bare a capmclty for t welre boors without being recbarg sd. Cbicago Post. ' -- AFTER mm IE1BS. ! TZZ2. EZLQ' ; " They Caa Growl. ..... Manager We most put a great deal of realism in this wood scene. Can yon get some one to growl so as to re semble a bear? :- Assistant I tblnk so. There are six or seren cboms girls who haven't re ceived tbeir wages for. 10, weeks. ITi call tbem. Exchange. ' r-:- OoT.-eiect BashheO, of Ohio, was in augurated last weet. McKialer it now a private citixen bat he hops it won't be for long. - . fe'C-a r-S Asfatabeia. OMo. Beacon. ilr. Fred Taylor wrns bcra aad bronsb tap BarXmira, N-X and from there enibied ia tbe ISStk reeiaem. N. T. I-, with which be weat tbronyh tbe war. and fir macb bard serrice. Owia to expoire and bardi-tip dar rnsjtbflrvice Mr. Tykeeaai52a?6ed ehrcsis diaiTkcea from wbid ta ; bss aSTered now orer 3J years. - witb aso Iately bo 14Jp from pbyseiaBa. -i Bj aaisre hm was a woadrfia!y - vigW-jass man. Had ha net teen, bis disease asd the experisaests of tie doctors bad killed bira kc? aso. Laadaaasa was bal terrible headacbe bis terras rre sfestSered, be eotud ao4 ske? an a war a day on aa average, aaa b was rAwd to a ste'etoa. A year ago, aod Mi wife'KKszbt reiief ia a cisarcw o climat : and removed to Ge&srai Obio; bnt tbe ebatir in -; feealth . ca-x;e not.. Finally on tbe reo&rmendjJk-a of F. J. 'artr. tbe Jelmir dns ii-sr el Gtnra. ; wbo wts ccniti!S rt- 3uiiar ease$ which Fisi IUs Lsvltrcred, Mr. Tjk u raJed to try, a tor. ""As a drowciair ntaa jnass a strw sa I too tb pi3. eays Mr. Taylo.-. "bat witb bo more bope of reseae. Unt after thirty years of stiikriEgr sad ' fraitJess teaicb for ;ef I at last foead it ia Or. Wdl--m- Piak PSi. Tbe day after I took tbe first pills I eommeseadto feel better ad wbea I bad tabea tbe first bc-xl was in fact a aew maa." Tiiit was two months . ago. Mr.- Taylor bas since taken more of fbe pULs sad bis progress is steady and be bas the arzicsi cocS- dVaeeia them. He has regsibed foil control of bis nerves and sleeps as well as ia bis yoatb. Color is eosain back c- Lia parched Teiasand bo it gaining esb and strength rapullr. Ha is now able to d eonasderaLle oatdoor work. - As be concluded aarratiBS bis ssffer- mgs. expenanee. aad core toa tieacon reporter ilra. Taylor, woo his bceabis faUMal belpsseet these many years, said ace wished to add her testimony in favor j i of Fink Fills. 'To tbepCls alone isdae belpJess iavabd to the n aa be is to-day," I aid Mrs- Taylor. Both Mr. and Mrs. i iaykw ca&not and words to expraesl tbe cratitade they feel or recoauaead i too highly Flak Flip to soSeru ha ma&ity. Any ioqames addres?ed 1 a tbemat Genera, O., regarding Mr. Tajlera case they will theerfaUr answer s they are acxioas that the whole world shall know wbat Fink Fills bare done for them aad that sBgenag hnmanity may be beaetted thereby. , Dt. Williams" Fink Fills eentaia all tbe elemezds Eecessary to give new hi e asd rirsneFa to the blood acd restore haltered serve. ' They are for sale by all drussiei. or aiav be bad by mail from Jr. Williams Medicine Company, Scienectady, N. for &0 cents per box, or six boxes for f2-3X ! nc4a f Shs btnaw Te: FOar bnndred and twenty-fonr de. grees F- below aero J&st wbat thl means Tit is almost . impossible- tc imagine, and yet it is one of the tem- : peratares which have been, reached and nsed la laboratory research, and bas been made tbe subject jpf some bigbry Interettjiss- experfeents and explana- fisaos b' Professor Dew Tcefore tbe Britsb Koyal Institattaa. ' Focx bnndred degrees below aero ia; not an every-day tsmperatnre, nor can tt be reacbed by more every-day means than tbe expansion of Eqnid air. wbicb latter Professor Dewar has eoeceede in prodncing in comparatively large Qoauts ties-' and ia storing by novel and Ingesloss metbods. to be csed as i paired in tbe stady of matter at ab- normaHy .low" - temperatnrew' exactly-', j a spirit mmp or a Bnnsen bamer.is ased in stndyiEg the pre perties of different bodies at tbe higher temperatnresL -Tbe tensile strengtb of iron at he- few aero is Jnst twice wbat It is at 31 above. It win take a strain cf CO in stead of 2? tons to tbe square and "yqaaay curio as resnlts bare come oat as to tbe elongation of metals under these COS!tioss 'It Zmit mat iAi r.f Faraday tbat tbe magnetism m a per manest magnate would be tnczeased at very low temperatures, and experiments wita comparatively low temperatures had ratber negatived Faraday's sngges- tiaa. but Prof. Dewar bas eompleteJy Terfsed the opinion of tbe famous sa vant, having shown that a magnet at the extremely low temperatore mad JJoesihle ly the Bquid air had its power increased oy about 59 per cent. ; Very taw temperature was shown also to have a remarkable effect upon ' tbe color of many bodies.-. For example tbe brilliant scarlet of vermCSon and mer curic iodide is reduced under its Infiu- i ence to a pale orange, tbe original color i returning' witb the rise of tbe tempera ture. Blues, on tbe otber band, are un affected by cold, and the effect is com paratively small upon .organic coloring in matters of an tints. Cassiers Hag sine. . r . . Little Xtowps of Water,Xtc , la one of the Washington jewelry I stores is a diamosd breat(.4a vaTaed at $1,010. A Toocg wtiaa . -hcse .knre i for onsBeci3 is much greater thaa her abHItr to bay tbem happened to te is this store wbea the "-jfiii was sltOn to a I lady who did not purchase it. - Two or three tinies a week sibee then the giri has gone to obtain! a g!impee cf the beaatifal pia, until she anally made Dp ber nuad that she w$ald make aa efkOt to own it, so the fc&xsin: coCo-it took placer f '-:'- . rv'"-:-- 'Haw math is tint pn? "WeO, I will take it if yon will let me pay lor it at zl a week. . 1 only cak f2 a week; I Lay everytHcg else thst wv." Theasi&Qishcd tkri told her that he w.xial have to speak "So the rorrietor, W-io was oat, and the: eiri premised to A SPECIFIC AY AHO LURC TROUBLES, CHERRY PECTORAL Two"years ago, t bad tbe grippe, and it left me w:b a cough wbicb gave me no rest aij!it or day. ifj family pbysician preacciTjed f or ice, cbangins tbe ntediciae as ofeen as be found tbe things I bad takea were not belptnj SCL3 i'i six '. . T '.".'-9 arris McELREES Z WINE OF CARDUU srxp-i jj.uw xuaay joking men and yoan women are eat oS jnt as the future seems bngbiest and tallest of promise! They are taken away by the disease which causes over one-riith of all the deaths in tbe world the disease which doctors call consumption. There is ab solutely no reason m tbe world why con- siimptioa : sboald be fatal why it enouiu re even serious. It is a disease of the blood, aad can be cured absolute ly i ways by porifyir aad eaiieh laz tha blood. The onlv to this is tbe case where tbe -disease has been neglected and until it is stronger than the body until ine noay aa neeome so weak as to bar lost the ability to reeiroeraii Tr Fierees Golden Medical Ihscovery will cure 99 per cent, of all cases of eonsoaip. tiaif used aceordmsr tod: wwt inn .It slw cores 'all lingering coagha, bioo chial atd throat aSectioaa. ead 21 cents ia one cent stsmps to I World's Dispensarv Medical Aaaocia-j hob? jsasaio, Si. t xV nd reeerre Itr. xTsreasiuwj page cowecar szssa icai. Aimsrs, ill ostrated. Tie co n collection in tbe British Ma-1 im aow eonststs of 2oO,CJ0 specimens A waaw PreiemC a 1Ir-,WV1f. Preside nt 0f the otwumi aoonai Xiask, of Jackson. xCu, Bay, -jtor lrulizesstion aad crTuua irouwe, i would lather eive K r ure ? rfD3uj x bare ever toied than Kinsfs Eoyal GVrmeteur. A. - iranoaxuzer, rastoratrre, it is aU r-"Mirawsuea.. n is not a narcotic iBlwa ojaoraerea ner vous syfetem. I consider it aa invsina ble remedy, and hava ltr TH k. Bt virtue of the txiwer of . l, n 'f?J fneads.- Sew deed in trust execote to aie bvGer t 'Jf DMe 1W doae8. $1- ( E. Ffcher and wifettndJ&ff f ot bj F. B. Fetzer, DragS iXobco that stay. ; Beu to tbe highest bidder rVv ."-CT I .1" ew cone. BV J? honse d'r in Concord for ; ZJL iatiay' day of Ftb- tZ t ' 1 iouowmg described tract of land, enfrtao ir, .irL; a i Vnn V Vi "fly, aaa n . xwjwwb, to-Wit J ' - t. egmom$ t - dosrwood. fW.b.. i'J jjj Female Diseases. I f LAND By After the Oneidas Joined the confed eration cf tbe Five Nations the stone itood cn tbe crest of a foothill on the borders of the Oneida Creek valleyr There It remained for many moons tbe soie remnant of tbe Oneidas. for Its aevotees, bad gone to hunting grounds wnere taey could not bear witb them I belr beloved rock. . v. . TbeeM aryef Pwetteaa i parable, sa aSesory. Piometbeas wasca tsas of wit rtrary with tbe gods. Proa ihesa be saofe sic. aad gave is to saca. For this sis be was besed to tbe rocka of Moot Caa easas. aad raawses were set wpao aim. They oaly ale has bVer. This grew agam as t as It was pecked away. Aiebisssf ferha?s to be mained ? Tea, aad realized. Take a asodera interpretation cf tbe par able. Tbete is no cootiag withoct fire. Ia cookine asd eatiEj tie laisehief lies. Tbe stntmxh is overtasked, the bowels become dogged, tbey cannot dispose of the food that is girea tfcer Te impurities back r? on the brer. Tbea fvmuc the vultures. Tbe sacriags firoai aa Mtblc bsrt, are a nere pia -scratch to the torments mt a diseased brer;- But. taoderas are abead of tbe ancients. There is a sequel to the old rtcrr. Dr. Pietee is the atuboc His "Goldea Med ical Discovery " is more than equal to the vultures of dyspepsia and its kindred dis- ses. fcvery atom of the Discovery is i active aaent aeaiast diteafle. It -flies use a jcttcx. waerrrer n is sent, it is as sure as the needle cf the compass. There is no more aeed f Seriag from dyspepsia tlian there is of haagiaa" obc'i self. ' Mr. W. KO&sas. of serf Graven Sc, l&nxpOU, Ky. has this tossy tor hiawrif and theOoidea MMiciI Jjiscorrry": " I was dyspeptic I had had a confortb!r viiit in hi year. I fcave takea three bottles of In. Piesce's Govern Med ical Discovery. la sow fifty years old. I fed litirf jMfi jwmiiT n .IT i in j WLrsonte: I see that a set of ad- Taaeed women are con.piliB what they propose to call a woman's Bible.'' asrsome-- "lea. And IsnDDOse tbey will sni p'eitent it with a her book in j place of a hymn book." - " The Mount Lebanon Shakers have ia. rented a great many valuable thiags. They were tbe first to make brooms ty machinery; the rs$ to pat up seeds in little packages; the first to manaiactnre eat aails. . j: Now they are out with a method of earing dyspepsia by resting; the stom sche. Their remedy is known as the bhaker lhgasuve Cordial. It supplies food in an artificially digested form aad at the 'aase time aids the digestion of other foods in the stomach. Inothet words, by the a e of the Shakcr'Aes tire Cordial a dyvpsptie virtually Rts aloa? without tha nse of bis ctnmuk I aatif it is restored to its a&toraJ Etreagta ana vigor- A single 10 cent btttle will oft-timeer sire marked relwf Get a bottle from yonr drusrzist and trv it. 1 . - : " : " Laxol is the best medicir-.A for eV.il- drear i Doctors recommend it in the place of Castor OiL" US' Send m cents fa oae-cest stamps to Dr. K. V. Pierce. Bnfa!a. JC. aad ret Or. Pierce's Med ical Adviser. U is a book of iocs paee. prcfttscly Clcstrated. It will gie yoa nxnplrte luiowlcce of the htts&aa system ia plain words,- CARTERS rJlTTLE IVER PILLS ESIGK HEADA Peitiyely cured by these Little riJIi. Tbey abo reSere Duress from Pracpaa. Iadigeation and Too Hearty, Eating. A per-i lest remedy for IXzziaes, Kausea, Drowsi. Bess, Bad Taste In the Mouib, Coated Tongue Pam fa tbe Side, TORPID L1YER.V Tbey Kcjulite the Bowels. Purely Vecetalue. Small Pia. 8man Dcsa. "i:rpl Small Price. ; 51 PAkKER'S HAIR BALSAM lu tun Orayj Matr to it rootafal Color. OHM UirkkaA . . - SiiLE. n uea Aooy was SKK. we gars 1 yrbtA waa CbBd, she cried for Cattoria. WTu she became Mias,shclmi to Caaoria. When sbe bad ChOdre?, sbe gave them Caatorhv , tm IMJfc iifiiiHrynj j tvux ,amuy ptjhician to be away from home. Knch ... J Caddo. Ind. Tor Tnnn. v.-. i- eul two VMrc rt w .w u. o - o n uif nil. GOOSE GREASE! ! rsaer ss arts Es&utJ&. T4 then north Fisher's corner in AI -Ti ' ii r. wise Ol in rinK. i mi -YTVS? "i? brand, 1 ""m her immediately. I wffl notb i . - ---"t uid Minn?., l yj nnioa i nuinnt i n - ; - - Will core yoa of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Pains m Head, Back and Sides. o auouia nca a rreai oeai more good ia our fellow-men if we would oaly look for it. . - : "I have been e victim in tT-HKto h.oA. aches, writes C,TP. Sewmaa, Dug Spar, sja., aaa as re never fouad anytbias to relieve them so quickly as Ayers Fills. Since I began taking: this medi cine, the attacks baye been less fre quent till tbey bare ceased altogether.' Hsfor C.T. Ficton ia msn&cw rf tin. State- HobJ, ai penaisoB, Texas, which the traTtlin men say is one pf the best hotels ia that section. In sneaking r,f Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diar- rnoaa xemeay Alajor Ficton says: v "1 ustb usea u mvseii and tn -v famiir for several years, aad take pleasare in sayiagr that I consider it aa infallible care for diarrhoea and dysentery. I ' always recommend 'it, and ha a frp qently adminiiiered it to my guests in the hotel, and ja erery ease it bas proven it&elf wortbV 4f endorse Tient. For sale by D. 1. John- i Catalogues and floral dictionaries eive kae names oi ao kinds of roses. .H there is any one thing that needs to ba Purified, it is politics, so the reformer y, ana many, agree therein. But blood tells and aa . f;!rl r-4 mA mwb svfsaiy.a attiu " vsw -sa r x,a skcuiop i ia tue oen medieiae. , "l use it ia preference to any other.' So , wrote air. O. ttl UVfeil. of MulrflMinrt OSm aau -r- jw. o. tiusseii, or rarmruie, Va, .writes, "It fulfills all you promise toris.-r : I'll ..1 ' V 3 . 1 . i line would make a leajrth' of ' forty-four All who are trcnbiM with nn I m j . "' I iu una a saie care, and 8 Teed r rehef in Ayers Fills. TlninrA other cathartics, these pflU streagthea tbe stomach, Jirer, and boweli. and re- awits hue wrEaas to normal aruf rurni. The wife of Mr. T. Pbin ineat lamberman of Hartwick, N. T was -stag, with rheaaiatismfor five moatha, la speaking of it. Mr. fiooiasoB eaysr 'Chamberlaias' Fain Balm is the oaly thiae that gaye her any rest from paia. For th paia it cannot be - beat.' Many Yery bad cases of rheumatism t.i feared by it. For sale at 50 ceats oer Dottoa by p. u. Johnson, Draisrist. EagUahof ta . Ueut. Grote Hutcbescn, aide-de-camp to Gen. Ccpplnger, is in receipt of a highly interesting letter from one of his brother officers now in eamp at Fort HaQ agency In Idaho, the home of the Indians who were mixed up tn the re cent Jackson's Hole trouble. The let ter is interesting because it has noth ing to say cf Jackson's Hole, wbicb Is a relief. Instead, it deals largely with conditions at Fort Hall from the stand point of a student of ethnology. -" "T am taken.'' says tbe writer, whose name Lieut. Hutebeson does not feel at liberty to mention, "witb the speech of tbe Indians in tbeir communication with the whites. ' Having little to oc cupy time. I have bothered to look In to the origin of tbe kind of language which I bear used' by Indians and trad ers in their talk with one another. It suggrests the slang of the Bowery, be ing a purely artificial adjunct to both tbe Indian and. tbe T?rgft language. It suggests, too, tbe baby talk of young mothers, wbo insist on placing verbs where rsuns sboald be, and wbo prefer mixing vp their first, second, aad third persons to taking them straight. For instance, there is the word 'mebbe. At first I thought this to be a sort of corruption of may be, meaning perhaps, or used in a doubting way. This is not true. The Indian and the white in con versation use mebbe as an afinca tive. 'Mebbe get wagon Is the strong est way of . decjarmg that you will get a "wagon. " TTOu eat mebbe brings de light to tbe Indiin. for that Is "a prom ise of giving him food, a promise whiclj may by no means be evaded. A whit man, too, in conversing witb an Indian when an Indian will converse, and when be knows even this patois. Injects mebbe into bis talk at every fourth word, or if "he gets exicted be puts it it at the third. . . . . "There Y Is no pronoun In the mixed yocnbnlarv of the reservation. 'The wornsKilnr3-jatt. wfil filj in for all tbe persons and all -the' cases, too, by the way. Somebody will write an Indian-English grammar soms day. and it win be comprised in less than a hundred words. , Simplicity takes the place of explicitness, I am bound ,tc say. and sometimes yea bare to use a carefully trained ear to know whether it Is a threat, a command, a promise, or a request tbat Is being Bang at you. aiooa is unknown ia ihe grammar of tne jBatmactc ' , "I discover tbat the English language of Fenbnore Cooper and Oil Coomes are non-existent. I have dug profoundly into tbe Ugb aad tbe three-word sen tences of Itbe npveliat. and I find they are out of fashion. If y-ou "saceeed lb getting an Indian to talk to you at all be will not shut off witb three words ending In aa exclamation point. Xeitb er will he use the expression "pal face. No self-respecting Indian sayi pale face now. . "Although the language is a studs wob attention: Seriousry; I imagine a text book1 could be cmUeC j-hich would realty result in a' great good fot the Government In bringing the India rw to something like civilized habits. Ai It Is, tbe instruction is based on the same conditions as prevail m the Eng lish language and witb English-speaking persona. This does not fit the In dian. His language is simplicity itself, and there are two twists of case, tense, of -thft like. A to tense, one illustra tion wiU show. Tt&gthswqrd 'jJo.' We bars It 'go, went, gone, going," will go while tbe Indian puts In two cases. go and was- go. If he wishes te make it a future tense be simply puta m tne specinc erne, as 'He go to-morrow, mebbe, which to my mind is quite exprewire of the idea. I seriously be Kere attention might be called to this situation . iummg'-scboiastlc men ' and perhaps We would be able to get along witnout rascauy and tecompetent Ii terpreters. One hundred words would oe a gooa vocabulary.' Council EluCi DaUy XonpareiL. J0 - iri me, but, in svits of isis 4Kendane,I got no better. FmaJly, my husband, read ing, one day of a geageman wbo bad bad tbe grippe and was cured by taking Ayers iterry Pectoral, procsred, for me, a bottle of this medesne, asd before I bad taken half of K,I was cured.' I bare used the Pectoral for my cbfldrea and ra say family, wbenever we tare needed it, and bare fonsad ft a rpeciSe for coldsrcoogbs, and lam; troubles.,l FjmT Wood, Nerta Stii Elktoa, Md." AyeiJChi Pectoral Highest Honors at World's Fair &c Sfte-B wia Ait-rs Sarsarals, Cbamberlin's Eya and. Skin Cintmea: 13 a certain cure for Chronic K.- F.r. Grsnclatal 'Ere lids, &re "ipi.ks, Vtle 17,.-,. i . T". . : . i - . atiier, can tkneum ana scaia xieil sa cents per box. For alt by dregg TO ECESS OWU JiJi3. For putting: a horse ia & ae heahur ccn-cU-tim try Dr. CadrvrCQiioa FowdL-rs. They tone np tbe rrsteat. jed digsstke cure loss of anpesite, reijere eoaupatioji, correct kidney cisaide8 "d destsiy worms, givin oew life to an old &r over w:rkel hone. 25 oer pacsace. r or ia M urussfci MORGAIV'S IMPROVED CHILL TONIC Prt.r to A; Vtliera. It is a true Chill Cnreitn combination with liiver Tonics. '.When properly taken it never fails to cure the most oa- sticattvCESe of Lhula and r eTer. "Where others fail it will care. - It ispliasaaf is take, and contains nothing to injure the most delicate ft stem, iikbies take 'it eaaly. As a Ionic it s without aa eqaaL Guaranteed by J-onrodrnroist Price 50 cents per bottle Fr sale at thedrng stores in Concord. Yclgi & rau C&aRaS3Sat Tfica. PINEOPV' COUGHf BALSAKf " xceSJeat for all throat and lung in. f . : . BimnMinoai and sdmprirea win m- -rartbly d e r i re ( use as it quickly asaies toe coujrli. raiders expecto ration easy.asstst- iw nature in re- a; Urea percent. ot those wbo 3PPOI6 tbtlr cases to be eoauinprlc-ii who are onlr rffer in rrom a cferoni- cold or derp seated eourb of ten aarra vated by catarrh. Beta remedies are plaint to use Price jf Cream Balm. l-er bottie : rineola IaUam. jsThi qoanuties of -ja we will dearer free of ex- .Ml I?orposie, n receipt ot axoaut t. AewTcrk i t w , . uicu upnn tfi i Fw i!8.! Ack oak. said C. a, out of town I purchased a bottle of Fben all other remedies fail HrL?. W . P ymbeifaun's Congb BemedT. which best liniment on earth for JueBsarnKa Halve. -The best aalro in tl mr.A n ' u,ceii oajfc tineaai. r e fer Sores. TpPr minnrWI Tin. A- In -i Tt ia 1 ki.-. " S "." "in earth for man nr .TZ?: fjaptione, . ThoTrwo Cosmetics. A .'frjaily Reader' asks about the . cialists" recommend. This Is merely a i wash of. alcohol in which a little quli , nine bas been dissolved, it Is said to : ,tona up" the akin and increase . its uty to tarow oa impurities. ; But I SnnAh SvA.S-4-rffeBB nf,-mmm at, . a . I uie Bun man the use wx any lows ot uug jnl axe plenty of xresa air, a gooa aigesti&h, 011? bath ana no ena oi one, pore soap. Xea aura xrioune. G rssf ill Corn f nrt in rr a yyfi -Breakfast btipner. - 1,IijJir'm-n BO-Tie-of the natural -" " " ? - " "' "peraooDs or djae tion and nutrition and bt . r.i r 5 T n.- P? ot weU seiected fast and taMra d'M 1 . "rrT tleies of "k-t that a eontrtUoa may be frraduaiiy boat a,, until strong enough to re- SXifBCTtolisas Hundredsof rob maladjes are fioaunr around na ready to Sa4ir vhMei 1.. 7 We may escape many a fatal shaft by mgotirseireswea Mortised with pure biood ana a properly nourished fraioe- Ortt Sc-r-pee pafttt. 3adeSmpIy loiarir- fwwnsswewi khalwi tkr.A V1 ; JAMlS ts c ; ttdj EomoeiMW! Cnmists, loadoa. Inland. ... What aw . . - .J, .- . f': ,- I- , .. gi.iiiiii.ii ,i Mw.uWaa.qwiii C Castoria Is Ttr, Eaxnael YitcStej pracAuiUtn for Ii and Cindrea. It eoatsiaj; neither OpiaEL, Z1cti: ."i- aw . -nr-- a. 1 : a ' -mt. for JParesoris, Xroys, Sootblajj Eyreper, aal Castor o:' It fs Pleasant. IU rriaractc 1j tHilrty years' gn.iions ox Jiouicrs, tozjauesirojs oro aal ' rererishiies; . Catorla- prcrects Tettia Ecrxr i .. iiiarrnoa :--axtci isiau imiA. ,.ts. ! teetMrr: troubles, cares cocstipstioa -iud .2atQ:pr j Casoria assimilates the food, regrjlaf eg tfce etomach j.-a3towe3Mb'je?pg- Itealtiby aad. xxaixzriX sleep.j Ca, sura as luo vuiiuiui a iuama-uo atwuiers X Tien-' tori Castoria. QwferU fa aa ewgewtssaSciBS far ei3- 'Xasrr ksre repeatesTy 6oU ese sC jt good egoet upon Caesr cg5grea.w Da. G. C Gssoow, boweS. Tsslisrs Is ffci tnririiBiiriTj finrriTiTTa nf wbiehlam seqaasated. I bope tbe day fa sot farstaaAwbeaaMCaerswQeaas&erlheical I tit fbezr ctfiirem, aad ate CasSasia bv loCtterazfoBsqsadkBntfrBaBiwlDcaara desCioyS&g heir lowd owes, vyfateEBgopBEfn, SOOkdBssg syrtep aad ofliieT hsrtiTtd down tbctr throats, thereby sexe&ag 1 tsprtiBi nine jtiaitea. ' - i ! f -' ;-Da. J.F.EBKcxstaw, i ' : Oaaway. Ark. Castoria. Csstaefa Is so weS atmaj I tesBsaaxi . ' Al Aurirx. v (" , Sil Sol Oxar SL, &-x;jT j'i "Owrp&yssessBBia t&s eiZ.- , ji ssezS haws spsss KgUy ci -i, caca aa tasa- oataBVie prsesas x-i -.t j aad aSJiosi ww sy kxr i.-, faedTcal scryara wtaS is k3n-r- i proeaesa.y wears fr to cca.'-g -T aatrJcs of CsasarSa tax wee oa' -farcr wpes i. 4 t,arrsa tosmrxi. asa b- Irtxv C. Saxra, JVsl, TT Karray Street, Sear Tcrk City. I j ii a CURES ALL SKIN iFhysidaas endorse P. P. p. as cqirimiiOTi aaa prescribe it wirii preat actiocbr tbtf" ccrea ct ail forms atd Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sfphili, Sv - r- (Cares Mlieniiiafisiii. ilitic RhenmatisiB, Serofclous Ulis and Sare- Ulandolar bwelucgs; lU-ec ra&ti;fr- Malaria Chronic Llctrs that have resisted all p. .p p. CJors miootl !?Io22 I , . i .... ; f ' Catarrh, Skin Diseases, Ixr-ia, Chronic Fei: ?e Cqarplainta, Mercurial Poison, Tetter, 'Se&lT Head, etc., etc j P- P. 1 a poTcerfal toni. and an 'exeel: . zi S. 1?. E 3 B .SBk CVS K "aa fff Si aI-Fiif-- ti.i."': "g pp tfce j; -a rj,3-i!j. , " Vp"-0 i it b .are-1 n-o ! iud -yhogs ' biood is in an impnru condition, in? tb. meustruai . P. P. P. Cares IkTalaria. ixr-rgaaiiMcs, are peciilixilr fcenttled br 'v a a. i 4s r j of P. P. P. .Prictlr Ab, r. ie Tt sinnx. pTOpertii-a and IrP F JE ' I ; CURES DYSPEPSIA. IJPPIvlAN;;BROS., Proprietors, N All, GA. '- Bo fc n BI.o.1 Diseases mailed fre. i; a fit a br a I.L. v w I ; prook s line : then sobth 5 east 51 rol tt : l - , - J ! IiSr' Holdbrook's corner ; then T,fl5T.l hy man to prove I ; -" ,,wtBX tt4 poiCS to nrd . i ' " sgauist mm. i;teHtPolest36iake: . . , - . ... ! 1 waavu iiurLii mi wFAow' (mi - i a ' Soil HiflFr a Gnamtee. . their sisCrtrtst. v - ; - Althosizh in thi firct inc4 V. .i lmonifte 1 vivon (V !. ' -VT? m n n , ' ' V U HJ IIIHIII I. Tn aawsiacaon or n&ney refunded. I ZZiL i TU Promoter of a. Fnee 25c a box. For sie byB .Jl7-, thsorrans which counteracts xeuer. - : . . . . . . aad posiareiy cars Ffles no pay Te qajed. It . guaranteed to "Stf 1 "r M " HJiesio a -stone I T" " U3syaSia; TP -those Jiving iTOlo,UeUid:,j.jJ.! ""naianaitusmcts lutts ruisl ireoispensiDie, tiiey keep the system in perfect order and are an am a a a v . . i t V" Jeniers line ) poles to the .,102 acres. "9 Thifl ia 1nn j rble proFerty. . Jan.15.tds If-ABT H' OEHLEB :- "I Trustee. 3( - - - -craBSTA. OMnlp diOM kMrSriT '..fc't- Vjff-w. Smw im.Mw tt v-.ifcM. at H?? B"do "H 11:111 s claimed r it. retnrn it o,l Manufactured only by' RIVERSIDE MEDICINF rn Jan. ll v. . n i, - . wo xxm, a. -j. I , 1 cure for sick headache, indigestion, nialaria, torpid liver," constipa tion and all bilious rliacAc " 5 Tutt's Liver Pills 5 J u PARKER S HAIR BALSAM Wjrer r? to HeTiQW i. To the People of CaWros Coaaty, - Pauosb, EUia Co., Tei. My wife has bpn vfsl'.ni.t :n . ii. jesrs. lferoe bottlft- of W M-M IVAA'st ll l. aI SW. 1 . . Auei ui araruand two ixick S?!8J fi'Pt Tea" have K ti M-ftting.! haye to all afflicted womeaT'' 'r ? i,- a r irif. of Female Discobnt 81." foil course $5.X. Ii may' be 'I MIND 'Pror,'wown'IU'i' We clobTHE Times with the Atlanta W eekly Journal for only f 1 30 for both papere a year. Jnt th'nV ter'a Stomi iKf." " ""I x x?13? counteracts a teilency to their lethargy and disease. Inaction rt f.m. ViJ rV"' . . "'- V v - -nujeja, n anouid be re membered, the first Kta-e of those dAnserons renal icaiads sainst which tbe resources of nid ., t ni5Iaa?d Ferfl is fore- oy uie. liitte-s, w Weh averts 1 " ease, Oiab. t-. dropsy. Lit ii ' uulura anbiajj rroar a weak bladder. Ecjunlly eSpacioos is it v-uccain" ana 6radictirg malsria! billions and neryons ailments, dysrio! ena. eoaatiiSitioTi Bnri Kr,,v..- i detite and sleep are improved and con- Tooceace nastecea by its beneficent actMHU. Either when health is slightly orsenousry imp-tired, tha value of this restoratjye and preventive medicine is gpgedur icade manifest. I If the. hair is falling ont, or lumira gnj, requiring a stirarilaat wich n ir- ilS. B .newer is joit tbe ATARI Local Is a Disease, f -T4RS CATf4 I and is the result of colds and sudden: climatic Cftanges. It can be cured r' by a pleasant remedy which is a applied direct ly into the nostrils. Beinz relief at once. '. I ELY'S Centra M RAl .."'i-. tarrh. Cold ia the Head and HaT FeVeTof -n passase. ali wrt." '"c "asal tbeso pioteeu tteii! restores the cesses of tat asautUT Wa ?.ewTTors NOW '1 B YOUR TIME ! A Bright iioy or Girl ftEilg Anea's ..to r xsper. oy te week and act as mnt tv..v; o . ee ana conv sour:r f?on rery nuold conies Tsn H. 1.1 ."il . : Bor ticuls eaq at tbe cjEce of tbis Iff I TO BUY, FURNITURE., v 1 - : y'r: 1 ' ... - j . .. JJ Xil - ' ' Gtiit M f I te Cfeajer. The Factory's have all agreed to advance their prices, hfl$ e-v Put r P thrii- prices I had been j eclo thu market and bousrht thV Grandest aiul, Cbcapcst f Stock evcr before seen in this section of the countrv xcxj odcwho sees my stock sav? it is ' I - CAN -SAVE - YOU MONEY. - j WHITE ME BEFORE ETJTIKCr- f cedirj? Dealer in Forbilurc, Pisrns j rd Orpcr. 16 and 18 V. Trade Street, . C1IARLOTTE. N. C i ri.., . ..... . - Profits per month. pyV prove or pay forfeit iTe freeT r hral Xew TDTk. r no r.d st W,n ' er- HfJVH0AL FILL t fr, Oriaiiui 4 ol 1. ' AOTICSV . y. I w:rTSr7 mai asd woman la tb faltad' eai! Sore.? n. V'" S Bex a. aad oas WiU ba mi j oafaeaT " I feioarnsl is DOe pf the best pabers in 1 ----. -iSSS?2: the Soul .'.A " -a o se Paia bas ao sbow wab Dr. Jliits Pala Ft fif 1 '4

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