i ) 1 : u H in 'J ii vum Concord. Times. V PUBLISHED EVERY TKUR8DAY AT - ; CONCOHD. N.; C. 4j - rl Hi BV JOH N B. 8H ERR I LL, Editor and Proprietor A SHOUT TRIP TO FLORIDA. The tenth annual meeting of the 27& ticnal Editorial Association was held in St. Augustine, Florida, last .week, the session consuming four days.: There were delegates present from every State and territory in tha union. - In most cases a delegate was accompanied by his wife or. daughter, and the whole number of . the party was . About 800 The following were present from North Carolina: Rev. and iMrs! W. .L. Gris mom, of Greensboro; H. A. London and daughter, Miss Lucy, of Pitteboro; R. A. Deal of Wilkesboro; J. T. lintt, of Ux ford": J; B. Sherrill and wife: of Concord.- -. r We boarded the llorida vestibule at Concord on Mdndar morning of last wtek. We found On board Mr. and Mrs. Grissom,.and we had the pleasure of their company : to St. Augustine Switching off at Charlotte we passed through the beautiful towns of Fort Mill, Rock Hill j Chester and Winnsboro, and the cities of Columbia and Savan nah.. '"The new train, known as the New York and Florida Short Line Lim ited, is a palace of luxury and beauty. It is composed of sleeping, dining, ob servation and day cars, all of which are made by Pullman. The day coach is of the handsomest and latest pattern, with smoking compartment in one end and lavatory in the other. This train i doe not make more than a half dozen ! stops between Charlotte and Jackson- i ville. We traveled ; exactly on, time, i without jar or accident i (jit is nearly 200 miles from Savannah j to Jacksonville and fhere is not a town on the railroad between the two cities i as large as China Grove. It is one long ' stretch of flat, marshy country, almost ! without : habitation. ' The road from - Savannah to Jacksonville, however, is only three years old, and no doubt in 1 time many towns wiil spring op along the line. We arrived at Jacksonville at p. m., having been just twglve hours on the j way. We left Concord at ,8 o'clock, 1 1 but as the time changes on the way, j j and as we had to tunjour watches back vj one hour to correspond With central i , time, it will be seen tat it took just 12f 1 1 hours to make the jojirneyi We spent j j the night at Jackson vlle, and went over 1 1 i to St: Augustine, 37 Ailes, next morn 1 1 j acitsonviiie is a city or some ! 35,000' souls, but we were unable to see j but little of it. . Jacksonville,, being on j the St John's river, receives tribute from i both river and ocean,; as their waters i contend before her for pre-eminence in daily tides. All roads in Florida lead I ito Jacksonville. j I jof the State a live, progressive business (.centre, with an ideal social life that reaches the height of gayety when her ...u.vi. miuug, ner'gHTCBVj KJUvi is fair to look upon, with her oa shaded streets, wherjb the mammoth .boughs meet overhead, 'making' long, 'parspectives of evergreen arches. From their branches hang' festoons of. gray j- moss that wave m every breeze like j banners draped from ;ibe ceilings of a lofty hall. Her private homes are most attractive, but. her most conspicuous i feature is the great number and high rank of, .her winter hotels!. They are j substantial, comfortable structures of ii. ftIi ... i . , I ine oia regime, bomflikc and, quiet, yet sociable and progressive, Tne fame Of their management has extended ovet fcoth continents: for their m,l imi t wijv i oil -j .t . . - fi r - wuUuiC, meir registers, i f"uer aiter wmter, Dear the most dis- jpuguiBnea among tne names of "thel giving.. V t - , r lM tq;V. ti - -it i V 5 Leaving Jacksonville reluctantly, we ! Kw o Dt. Augusune, tne oldest town in tne United States. An tho train otv. i proaches the staUon there rises in the i - 5 - - "tJ i mia-ground a 'perfectly proportioned . . ..-.. i: . . i put massive looking dome. It marks pe Bite of the Memorial Presbyttrian Church.- "Beyond itj through .lofty irees and verdant onemnps. annr tnr fret and towers of various shares and I iizea. The tmv-W fir,rt. lr.., L 7 I 'ments smooth and clean. ' As he rolls I m - iiu ;wiiu - oieanaers. j ,.v lcCi iuku ajoor ,u .noaryiarcnes and cedars mingled i . . i- . : i i witn neages of roses, he comes sudden! v 1 I ..... -j . 1" i, ut t .. f" ; x iu vum 01 coauma. a , nalPr.'al fn,, u.r.t..--: , ' " Buunj ana 1QW. . I iaIhds of Florida's eastern eoaar. It ia lieht av in , : ' T rT. " : Hth cement, and gives to a bunding Werabla look, even wfcpn f L :rheimpnJse istocallanythingbuntof LH J it "an nld fnn h IS rn,v,.L , .... - I vuuiwiWMBUUtDy Mr.' II. M. : Flagler, owner of thelPonce de Leon l wiu - numerous other fine -hotels in I fporida, inmemory of aaeceased daueh- fer. rnr. Jtiagler notf only buUt the nurcn, but h.e support and pays its "t wort, and many impor jpastor. : , i . " tant discussions indulged in. Senator T The Ponce de Leon. Ihe fmt h(.i in tnoA -....' . . '. in the world, is a pictur of transcend Hi oeautv. Th nfri r.. j. . . the hotel are filled with Wlin. fJ .tains, tropical verdure I and blooming plants.- The Ponce de Leon is one of A famous group of Swinish Moresque durend hW. J a. me otnertwo b&ng the Alcazar ,uu mo.. vxjruova, au owned bv Mr STagler. The " Ponce!"; as they call in. Florida, is .a monolith. pracU eally one single stone It has been jnolded from the concrete of which it is Mlk It is almost tim-proof, entirely fire-proof, and so "firm ahd solid that it svould nonplus an earthquake. From 4 arret to loandation stone there ia a sham, no imitation. All is eolidmaS: sive stone, genuine terra - cotta, real Italian marble, and the finest selections of Mexican onyx, and but little of other materials is employed ia its structure. This is equally true , of . the other two hotels. ' A : In one, "The Cordova.? is . the fa mous sun-parlor, a room made entirely Of elaS8 and rluxurionslv fhrnihd t, where invalids mav emov all th vivi . - .. , " ., - a7;i, V TTV7 -7 " wutu U1 OUU5mc air. ,in ine otiier.-ine Alcazar," are the same Moorish desiens and furnish ings, but he finds here an in-door swim, J U township chairman of the party, ti.- j ' i -j j in which he says: "One wing of Ke ming pool. It is deep and ; wide, and wan(i co-operation on the through it runs a large stream of pure State ticket, provided It-has candidate warm water. It is -warm enough for thfl mrtflt AtAifota in-n'iA in u00 .T,nn,TO Aa Tf 5. n alii most systematically arranged - for both sexes and all ages. - y But the acme is reached when all , .,i : : n.ght, ablaze from roof to base with thousands of electric lights coming far to see. It'is worth We stopped at both the. Alcazar-and Cordova sleeping at the latter and tak ing pur meals in the former, For more than half a century St. Augustine has been the Mecca of thou sands of persons seeking relief from luroai, anu puiraonary trouDies ; uuring tne time the lives of nundres have been, prolonged ; others, who came before the i;. tu' ., ua : .v m , t u v.-u. ""6 8" nexo entirely . cured. It is now, however, more a pleasure than a health resort There are manv nlar nf intr.s in the quaint and ancient city. Among them are the following: -The sea wall, constructed by the Uni ted States government in 1835, at a cost of $100,000. This is three-fourths of a uxxic iuug, tcu iWt uiga ana two ieei tnick; tne,bt Drancie Barracks, which was formerly a monastery, the home of the Fmnftianan mnnta- th ,hM f?ri and is still. a magnificent specimen Of medieval architecture, built , of shell rock, with walls nine feet thick at the bate and fm.r rwi hoif hn Vr, i.-.-. v twenty-one feet high from the centre court or ground floor; the old city gates, buii standmg at the head of St George street; the cathedral, finished in 1791: the old slave market in th plaza, where slaves were boM in the olden time; the poei omce puueung, wmch was formerly the Spanish Governor's residence. . Thoro ia nni t- C4. a T. ' There is one street in St. Augustine ttuivu m UU1V even ieei WUlft. It l.lPhairmon on dafaat fVnmaourann CA Treasury street, and extends some dis tance. . Persons standing on opposite sides of the street can shake hands with each other across it All the streets of old St. Augustine are very narrow, and this, with the overhanging balconies, give it much the appearance of a foreign town.';- -' : We visited in St Augustine the oldest nouse in -the, Um ted ..States. It was! built by the French Hu?uenofain -ififia nd wQ xa . UflUi AOOU. it was purchased by Dr. Carver, a den- wj u 'L'LTlLllHl III f him as a residence, itors from 9 a. m. to It is open to vis- 5 n. mv AnA an """j icma ui greai inter- est and value. : Anastasia Island lies betweea gt Au- miRtfno en1 tha nnnnn a.jiT- " " "uh wuuecMxi with the city by a bridge half a mile iuug. ua mis island is the finest beach in the world. It is 18 miles Ion? and as smooth as a glass surface. On it is a mn;fif r u- u a maSTlinCent llffht hnilSA an onmlnn. . " v, . vo.iu-1 tion of which was of -''exeat inteW tn I our party.! ' There arenmnvnwrm i"n h a n w T 5 . .I.i . .. V. w - 'f i d UAiLKti - i.i it- tmi I r n Q T. vnn r i tne leading dailies of the city had a de- partment devoted to the doings of col- ored "aasBiptu-." in nn. n u. ui. the white, servant girls and colored w.- ' - i- , coiorea waiters ate together at the same ta we- . J-nis so disgusted some Southern- era stnnmnir he. t,. v .n -.i. 1 ri ft nut uicy Aiuruiwun t moved their quarters. i : . . i - We saw eardehs all Rf -1 c..t " . "utucuuc I growing and bloomih? as tW n hova, in May; - All the verdure and rk. tion reminds one of our spring and sum- met. : W.anpnt. fnn : o tine, and during th whnia t?m :a r, I -.wv.w uitj. iue weamer - Oro are as hirh in nnVo o. tv, . : . The orano- trooi -n i.in j , . . o -iwo ui aiuRfi isar.i th,. 0v. . TT - vvauuuici tfuu. :"TVe DelievA I tuai uiw iact wui mure to, Plorida' w mt ... ""v. xne people before de-IT. almost wholly, on th ni4n LL. t T"", y':- ? 01ane ave turned their at- wntion to food and forage cror ZtUST l at 0x6 merc 01 heorange frUlt "" YV1U ucver worried & were wnen ttey raised nothin? but nrano-M . " " - '' - - '- """"6 UA feso Association 7 and intereBti5- 'Many able emy department 7"" Ul "emn8ron. addressed the Association on the NiAranwa ror,i There were about 500 editors at the vm viuiai. meeting and-ab6ut 300 making of -1L The most of these made an itinerary of th oiate ot iionda m two special trains n. . . . - - composed of Pullman cars. Thev vi ited every important point in the ent; etate, and were royaUy treated W regretted thatUrne (and money) forbade our taking m the trip with the crowd. Mr. Thomas, of Mechanicsbur?. Pa was elected President for nert VMr The next meeting of the Association will be held at Galveston, Texas, just after the election. Several his he xiuuur, among them EL year, and it will be sometime m'J?'1"-- tch a aged Louis,-New Orleans, Denver, and other J places. Asbury Park, where the meet j ing - was held last year, asked' for it again, as did St Augustine also. - ' It I will probably go to Asheville next year, There aremauy- other; things we would like to touch upon, but space 1 forbids, t 3. b. 1 Th Populist-Republican Combination ' I ' - - Threatened with Disruption. - 1 . I Special Dispatch to the Baltimore Sub. Kaleigh, N. C, Jan 24. Senator Marion Butler, chairman of the North Carolina popuhst execuUve' committee, - 1 has issued a confidential circular letter I for Governor, but wants a straight . Ka- 1 publican . electoral ticket. Another f wmg -vants fusion on electoral ticket, nno-halF of tha lalAr tn ha ' Rnnhlian. lftnd pleged to vote for Kepublican horn- iaee, whoever he may be, and the other half Populists. . This wmg also wants - - m r ... -7- fine nominee ior uovernor. , aourepm- nee for Governor, but there is not so I UilVtV id , j much principle involved in w"ho shall be nominee for Governor as there is with reference to the electoral ticket- Your committee believes both these plans . as to electoral .tickets will at least cause friction, if not worse results," to our party. To carry either, every Populist in the State would have to co-operate with and vote for . electors who would vnim -ffvr a .mM TYinn fnr. Troiinf This we cannot consistently decide. ; It would demoralize our party and. solidify I the Democratic party as nothing else I would, it xs the committee's unani- I mous opinion that the only way to ob- viate difficulties in the wav of co-oner- tion would be to have a non-partizan I electoral ticket like our Supreme Court I ticket in the laBt campaign, and each man on ms ticket7 should be pledged not to vote for a gold man for President This would avoid our being successfully charged with co-operation for spoils." To this letter M. L. Wood, of Bertie, a Populist of good standing, replies, in ated thia widely. The Sun's correspondent is informed that at the last meeting of the Populist otai commiwee tnere was aiecussea a that there would be fusion in North Carolina on -the basis of a .division of electors. The committee felt somewhat xnsultedthat Pntchard and Pearson had made this statement before they beard fr the PonuUst cominitC and th latter accordingly gave notice itmust be consulted before : any action could be taken. Wood's letter has caused a great K am0n.g JopulisU andmade nec- ulist ccmmittee.7 -1 is alleged by some j Populists that it is Butler's plan to turn the Populists Over to the Kussell . and Mott wmg of the Kepublican party and thn- , Hnit tnr t?1,ki;o tie for re-election: and it is further al- tl Congressman Skirner stands in with ISU8S9J1 in order to secure : the former's re-election. Secretary Aver. of the Populist State committee, says; . - T" 1 ..... ' -jiepuDucans may elect the Governor, out certainly not by populist votes, un less republicans pledge themselves to support no man who favors the gold standard." .... The official organ of the Eepuhlicans today throws another fare brand among i ii tt . i . . .in? womea -ropuusis, mien makes the wwiurwu8..ABay8:- :v is certain tho CZmr ill K - T V.1 for the EepubUcans are roasters of the 1 -- j "Tts'wi Aii I i i t.i m uon ol surrendering to populism and tree silver or keeping m touch with the system questions of policy must visld to principle." 1 A PaoiH,P SIarr,ed. Francis Cpon; a panper in Davie county's home for the aged and infirm, rau away irom mat ; msatution some months ago and went to South Carolina were he took unto himself a wife. ; He returned to the I poor house with his ; i.: , urujK s ujW set;w si at wnicn place thev have since rn maVino- th home. , . The county commissioners, at their meeting. ?- tried to get rid of the i l ,i . woman joy claiming inai she was charge belonging to the State of South Carolina; but finaUy decided that aa she wasthewifeof Coon, a Davie Dauner. 8henobflng to that county so they were both ordered back to the poor house. Both Coon and his wSe are old and half witted - lhfi Times eavsnnnn wannnl-A "hn-nr he managed to get money enough to - v ' t - - ... fu r wy t"ng Uionth - Carnlino. n rM Cava tn a , u iuui, yuu uu not navfi tn trpt ipAnu . in said, 'is to eet your sweetheart va to a n?ted republican,' (meaning a notary UUW uu ue ,mafnes you r tree of ' AanlTerearr Kounlon. SaUahmr Herald sth Mr. M. L. Bitch and children vent to Concord last Bight and are spending tha dav thr.ro ti,- k;. ,u.!. ..5T is to De present at the Annivprnnrir rlln, . i -j " rjuicn. JU.M. Hitch -wan -hnrn Ttnn.. oou laii, and this is her 85th : birth. AH . f. v,. , -u.-t jJ" ' r " Vue vuuuren, tnree in Dmper, ana all of her grand-children who live in North Carolina, aixteiin ?n number, have met toethpr uy huu io cneer tne neart of their aged relative. There are a few grand-chU-dren in other States who could not at tend the reunion because of distance. A brother of Mrs. Eitch, the only other survivor of a family of twelve children, was expected to be present but feeble health prevailed. A j , .. " 7 r-'"J " . IVe offer ' One Hundred Dollars Ee ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured hv Hall's Catarrh nnrl F. J. CHENEY At CCi the undersiVnprV h J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and bel "CB penectiy honorable in all ouamess transactions and finir.;ii ... uMMuxaiir able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. . , VVest & Truax. WholeRnlfl Toledo, O., - " VValdine. Kinnan A rnin xxrui- sale Druggi8tsr Toledo, Ohio. HaU's Catarrh Cure ia taken inter nallyractinff directly ana mucous - surfawa nt k per oouie..i ttold Druggists. Testimonials freft. by all Last year Conmraman atiu v. j . clerk a Boaton woman. This year has again eon raphera or his district and appoint iBIain to OfemoC1 -: Democratic-PopalUt FnIon. .1 . - Mr.- W. E. Lindsay, Populist Senator from Rockingham county and memtoer of the nationol executive committee of the Populist party, wntes the Ralehgh News and Observer the following letter: - The People's party stands ready to co-operate this year with either theRe publican ; or Democratic 1 irty ;on ,a distjictive line of principles, 'o the majority; or proiesseu ponntittAio i"c nttifra are ZT. I. jzr-r-,- nn 7un ia all nrinciwes oniy ? wnen mey Dnng yuacc. .aviv j ..(Wul no o mamKAr nf t hft! national g'"' T JrJl"Tt7or t wish People's party committee, I. , wish maKe overtures iuua puuuj .wrs board to the Democratic tic part y- of this e befort through StntP b T have 6nce Webster's Weekly. : . .(. : ' The tasis of principles is suich as the party has at one time included ana ior Kiwn, omce ne nas gone tne lAna that reason it is a transition quire easy. 1 mark learns that such spectacles sell at ThA nrinHnlpa am these: V - X t I . . T- , . '1- Tkn inlAnAnHant VinOOro AT SlM'er on eaual terms with eold. :J 2. The government shall , not is3ue pa'per for the banks and ehall issue Its own money and every dollar snau Dew pnnal in th nnvmpnt nf all debts hence - Mrurord - - and in order to carry out these hitherto Democratic principles, we propose to set up a electoral ticket pledged to vote Th Salisbury World says the contro for a man for President who is publicly veisy 'between the Eutherford Democrat and generally known to favor these principles. - Next, the Democrats take choice oil the, next omce, either Senate or uov - Then alternately down the line, . the .uemocrat nrat cnoice tnrougn all the stale omces and departments. The congressional districts then shall come in such a relation as most expedi - ent, and shall be as nearly equally di - viaed as practicable. JLne iegl8iauve and county ticket Shall be discreeUy divided so as to give each party a fairshowing. ihese are the proposals We make. The proposal amounts to- the casting oft me electoral wcKet ior tne fopulist can - aiaate ior president, for it is understood mat tne uemocraic candidate t least wiU be non-committal. If fhe iDemo- vuu lmi ij iu.es wjc ocuwr wo nave party takes the first State officer under him, and so r on honestly and fairly. This is all planned subject to the will of the people. . Of courseI know that all such work as two parties co-operating ; has : been Becretly 4onef an4 no man knows what is being done, and except tjhe inner circle. We are - violating all ' political practice in making these overtures in a pubjic manner, but I do not : think it wise to conceal these things from the votes when they make nc sacrifice of principle,- There could be several more items placed in the State platform on which all are agreed, but we insist on these on which the national Darties are not agreed. Again, we come - holding the olive branch of peace, and at a time, prospectively, when the party cannot be a loser thereby. Now is the time to consider consider, act If any leader of the Democratic party, or any of the State executive committee, wish to bring about a co-operation on the line proposed, let them communicate with me with their ultimatum, and, they shall be heard in the councils of the Populist party, all in strict confidence. V ; . W. R. LixfigAy, Member of Nat Com. P. P. In Olden Times. V People overlooked the importance of permanently benen.cial effects and were satisfied with tpaniienj action;; but now that it is generally known that jyrup of jpigs wiu permanently overconae habit ual constipation, well-informed people U bujr utlici lazatiTcs; which act ior a time, bjt finally injure the system. 1 The Outlook, published at Baleigh by Key. B. II. W. Leak, colored, lavt it down thus in its issue of the 24th: " We are not for a mixed electoral ticket in North Carolina. This year the Eepub licans are not willing to join the Popu- woi, or any omer party. s Badly -fin ir 9 MB V thla 1 I tl I, diseases ofteri foirdwtring'knmBta. B : -- v-,-. - - I If yon are Weak and 2 generally exhausted, nervous' have no 5 appetite and jcah' H worjt, bin at once 5? taking the most re, S liable atreagtbeninK 5 : medicine, which Is S Brcwn's Iron Bitters. 5 the very first dose. IT CURES Ovs-cmia. KIONCT NO UVCH NcunaLQia, Tnoublcs. A ,"T'TIOH. IMURC BLOOD. S ffW"'. WtRWOiJ AlLMCMTt, 2 . JWoncwi Complaint. - I S Get only the Renulne ifbas crossed red S - lines on the wrapper. " " jft 5 BROWN CHEMICAL CO. BALTIMORE. Ma 1 AND ' COFFEE, xea, jjessert and Table SPOOLS, very ch.ap at A. J. & J. F, Yorke's. FIRE INSURANCE, Place your fire insurance with Barrow 7- . , v , Yery truly. ISO i Brown's s Iron Bitters STATE NEWS. . ' : -" 'riney vvooas inn : the new notei u" uvernor wirr was present ana aeuverea me aauress. - r.; , The President last week nominated the ? following postmasters in ; North tarouna. . vv. -JN. - Pntchard. Chapel HU1;'W. D. Gaster, Fayetteville. - Mrs. Vance won her-suit and the wurtaeciarea r mnrti. i .:.i.i t a . ; oil n pntnr Vand . ii0 ij:w I . . t " . -. ""-'' 6 tn tne e tract m Buncombe county, says totthof!. , v - J.'.. J : A gentleman has been peddling Bpec-, tacles in Statesville at $2 a pair. . He jswa tney wore .worth fb but he-was J obliged to have money to get 'Out of I dozen. Te office of general manager of the oeanoara Air Lane has been - abolished, and th ( duues of the position have been rr " Tr y" "wiw rIUBUl Anis action was taken at a weeting of the executive committee of I the line on Wednesday. " Mr. John II". Winder occupied the position of general and tbe Honorable Frank Hay concern- ing Judge Kobinson's conduct on the bench, has taken an extremely unfavor- l able tuirt. The Democrat intimates that Mr. Ray is a liar and Mr. Ray seems to conclude that Editor Tipton is a fool and; tne wnoie matter has an ugly I face to it. N, . 1 f th name Tbe. 1 Charlotte Observer. - jIIE Conqord Times says, "the fami- 1jp of Mr. Tebo Sanndpra and Mr. .Tnhn Hearne. of Monta-omerv. sold i their ef- fetes at public sale last week and will I Ipawp nnnn tnMoin thpir hnshnnda vchn left several Vmonths ago and . whose 1 whereabouts are not known to the pub Uc." Is this, the Tebe Saunders of - the I nr rich Tp.h Snundpra Tin' fOUnd in Montgomery county a few i years aeo r MADE FROM High Grado Tobacco " ABSOLUTELY: PURE ' will, until, the 1st' of 7 ' - r vlJ larucie mtneir store at Exactly Net iHnCf uUol -FOR- SPOT CASH ! I Txiis Cost :Sale " will positively stop gn tbe 1st ol February, j 1 - This is a Grand Opportunity; . ToBuy G-oods Oheat). AnvthW chnvJ m:n . -' - "T " ? ular prices. - 1 r- DUKUgHAM ; HIGABEfMlh CSw.buke sons &co.r5rre51y' . DURHAM, ftC. U.S.A. fjJr ' : LOBE & sou This is no fake sale, but a genu, ' nine cost sale for cash. " Lfll -1 SI l - A Brutal Affair ia Union. H frwnnT fnn Ol A fporfnl nnfraffA ati. - q.m ywohSn this county. A jealous nusband bus ted MehY of Ua wife. He . t, i i,moW;rniiir 1 She finally made her escape and tried i to find her way to a .neighbor's house, 4 but did not tret there ail! morning. spendinff' all night extKwed to t the wea.th.er, which happened to be erj Daa tnai nigm. one may not. recover from the beating and the exposure. There is much indignation, especially since it turned out that the brutal ; bug band's suspicions were ' hnfounded. The party had : formerly borne a good reputation in the neighborhood. - " ighborhood. "For Charity Sufferetli Long Mrs. Laura G. Phoenix, miwaukee, WU. "Matron tf a Benevolent Horn 'and knowing the good Dr. Jilles' Nervine liaa done me, my wiBh to help others, over comes my dislike for the publicity, this letter may give me. Xn Nav and Dec, 1833, The- iunuUes HaA th "JLafSrtnneJ and I was one of the first. Besoming duty too soon, with the care of so many sick, I did not regain my health, and In a month Xbeeame mo debilitated 'and nervoua from sleeplessness and the drafts made on my vitality, that It was a question If I could go on- A dear friend advised me to try JH Miles' Eestofotive Set-vine, - I took 2 bottles and am happy io say. I am In better health than ever J still continue -If occasional ie, am c nerve food, as my work Is very trying.' A letter ad dressed to Milwaukee, Wis, will reach me." June 6, 1894. . . Mas. Laura, o. Phozbiz. Dr. Miles Nerrlne is" soldi on, a naritfra rnarantee that the flrst bottle will benefit. All drn?eistasalLJt at ti. a Wl It will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart. Ind. Dr. Miles' Nervine - Restores F Ith Have you seen the ore -' - :f ... Bargain House' 45 Outfit? It consists of otir Rnit-wnrtfi. $6, one pair of Shoes $1.50. one Hat$l, oneShirt.75: cents, one collar 15 cents, and one tie- 25 cents,.au lor $5.45. Think of it wnen you see such a eomnletp uuiut ior tne smau sum ot f It enables everv.noinr man r wear good clothinsf. and he won't have to pay a month's wages f gr it. Our stock is ffiffl f row m . RinM mm m Deeause peoplg apprecie a gopd I r mn; . i JtJSt thjnk of it, a $16 Suit for $10.50. 14 12 10 9.50. aoo. 7.50. 8 -1 6.00. - 0ar $20 overcoat fori $12,501 10 7.50: 8 6.00. 4.50. 6 special inducements! surh ns f " v - vwbu' a,v. riiu i . ' r T ucvcr.uau oeiore. v - omel9 "j LUrtv jfuu can picK your size.' Respectfully Yours,- J.XSHAPPIRIO, Baltimore Bargain House, Gpnqord, N. G. uonx Forget the Place, Cor., Main & Depot Sts. " - CGncorcMaricets. - - JOOTTOJT MABSBT,1 v; ,! Corrected weekly by C. G. Montgomery. Stained 6 to 7 Low Middling -7 a Middling Goo4 Mfddlin? - . f05 mabet.- corrected Weekly UyDoya& BosL Balk meat, sides ...i... - 81 ' 19 io to ii beeswax Butter Chickens ........ . " 15 to SO Corn -VI, . 12f . 8 to 10 ljard.....i.t;.f...,, Flour,' North Carolina ... l. ra to s.5 The V mm Mcal.t..:. . 60 .55 40 4 to 5 Peas .... Oats .... Tallowr Salt...... Irish Potatoes 65 i comes t . - There is more than onfc r itiprp5Ci ir W7iarrif I ' A fr to become fleshy, and jet you wanif j Aoa-nver on increases, ine weignt because it fat-producing' food; 'ut it: does far more than "tflis lsl alters, or changes, the processes of : nutrition, rcstor normal functions of the various organs and tissues digested condition;' So -that when a person gains in ;$Jx from taking Scots Emulsion, it is because of tvv-o"thin 11 nas restored to tne Doay improvement is permanenr; 50 eta. aadti a bottle. THE :- T SAMPLES -OF- Wool - Carpet . . at 20 cents each. Remnants of calico at 20 cents per pound Feather jPillows, weighing from 3 to 4 pounds at 50 cents each. Coats' Spool Cotton; labelled "Capitol, in course numbers, ot white; black and colors, also. No. 90 white, at ceuts per spool. Two Cakes . of Royal Navy Perfumed Soap, iorocents.u Three Cakes of Turkish path Soap, for 5c: Grandpa's Wonder, - the greatest skin soaplmade, o veins. j.ry ic. - , Foolscap and; Note Paper, at 15 cents per pouna. Assorted Clinching Tacks, at 5 cents per pound. Gent's White hirts at 25 cents to 82 cents. . Ladies' Percale Bonnets. at 25 cents.: I 1 Gross Card Shirt Buttbns for 3 cents, u Coatinvt JBntton, at cent per dow.v-r'T'.y Alluminniq Thimbles at 2 cents. NeedIes at 1 cent per paper. lns lc and. 4c per paper, full count Vafif"Tr T-J -i o Or As ic- A- Hooks and Bes, two doen for 5 cents, - Remnants of Bheehing, 5c and o cents. 22 Feathef Tickirs at 15c per vara. 38 inch scrim tor curtains, oc per yard.' I 62 inch Table Linen at 45c vard liXtra vviae laoie Uil Lloth at oc yard. D. 4. BQSTI4N. . . : ; : .... , THE mil mil, FRIEZE aUTLEY, PROPRIETORS. DEALERS IN Monuments, Headstones, Tablets AND ALL KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK. - ". - j Work furnished in the 'best .. T f i .. 1 ft - - w tlsorgia., ItnliaQ ' Tcrmoni Maibls. irst-Iass work and. lowest prices guaranteed. See us before Duvinar elsewhere - Prii assigns lurnisUeq on application. At McNjnch9$ Old Stand, West Depot Street. - .1. C. - .- , ; ? , c . 4an.l g" Machine" RDpairfng I am now liyiuer on Church etrAPf. rear of the "Methodisf ohurch and am ready at all times to do any kind of sewing machine-reDflirinc. T ni any call in 50 miles tot Concord. , . xweaaine loilowing testimonial s - - . powooBDJO.Deo.- 30, 1885. ' - Xhia ia to cerbfy that Mr. D. W. Sni: der has done cons1derable sewing ma- dhine work for ns and all of it was done m.. r.8tf lasa workmonlifce manner and satisfactory to us. I - ' - Yobk'b, Wadswobth A Co.1 Ijook for mv Kim. i T?cd-.ii Jan.O- tf. JD. W. RVTivpn ' I y -t '. All persona are hftfrhv fni. i. hire or harbor mv if my consent.) Ephbaim Cotp, ' COSODED -sHay food sin L whicll will cauSetwJ pply ot sugar will do ti?: remain in poor health, is not 3 It a neaitny conoition. Such u comes to stay. SCOTT A BOWNE, Chemists', Kew or o-k. to call and get our prices L see the Larg est Stock? -OF GROCERIES - 1 : in Concord.'' AVe offer the follow ' ing at Wholesale and retail : '100 barrejs of Sugar. 25 cases Arbuckles coflce. 25 bags gj-een coffee. ' ; 75 barrels of Kerosene Oil 1 car Salt!.; . 1 car of Lime and Cement. 25 cases. of Star Potash. r - 50 cases MendJeaon's Potash 100 cases of Matches. 50 boxes ,of Soap. 50 boxes bf Soda. "25 kegs of Soda. & 1 car of flour. - , . 25 cases ?Rex" Baking Tov. dei 25 cases of "Good Luck" Rai ' I wg Powders. 100 boxes ITobacco. 75 -boxes iof Snuff. Ga:l Sr u and Ladies Choice. 50,000 Cigarettes. 10',000 Cheroots. 100,000 Paper Bags. 2 tons of Wrapping Paper. m We haveia large stock c and : Ties, Both New and.Se,cpnd I Hand, 1 ; and will make close prices, j you some verv . m TO SEE PATTERSON'S - - MtimU M Hsfai! Sfsr ood Wheat "Wanted. highest cash price deJivc tlJ at null door. J CABARRUS ROLLER MILL. Oct 10-tf. ! - . . We Wait the Public tojnow ft?wliw built a first class Keller Mill, built by one of the best mill Lnl era-of the country, and have euivl v 3 a nrstclasB miller, one who has Lm.l a hfe-lons: experience. We solicit a sLitre of your patronage. CABARRUS ROLLER MILL. Oct 10-tf. i Lengths. f;) trial if not ferlals. Featherbone Corset Co.. .- : ...-. . BOMiuaiifactunn, FOR CALK V r-r.- f -. - n: Call on Gibson; & Morrison . , : - everj'thlng in Pry Ms, Stes a?S Ka'ias, Their prices are' right. We Invite k ' Bag 00 New Model, flercfeaaM are Otves lw authorized Styl.) ; ( money Short . -.eks- F i

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