iThe Concord Times. jJEMOCBATIC STATE CONVENTION. 1 PUBU8HED EVERY THUR80AY BY JOHN D. SH ERR ILL, " Editor! and Proprietor, DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKETj ' at JS 't , For Governor. CTSfRUSJB, W.ATSON, Of Foray the. ' For Lieu teDarjt Governor, THOMAS W.IMA80N, Of Northampton. For Secretary of State. CHARLES M. COOKE, Of Franklin. For Treasurer, BENJAMIN F. fAYCOCK, 01 waye. r - l , For Audijor, ROBERT M. FJIRMAN, Of Buncombe. ; For Attorned General, j FRANK I. oBORNE; ' OI Mecklejiburg. For Superintendent of JUbllcf Instruction. JOHN O. SCARBOROUGH, Of Johnistpn. For Justices Supreme Court. A. C. AVERY, of Burke, -GEO. II. BROWN. Jr., of Beaufort. For Electors, St44e-.jM-.Xrge, LOCK CRAlGE. of Buncombe. W. C. DOUGLAS, of Mpore. ... , i ? - In speaking of the Vote on the mo tion, by CdU -Means iajgakeltha-nesr-tive vote on the platform unanimous , at the State convention, the News and Observer Bays: : "The whole great mass of delegates iv, rose almost asone, but there wasonelittle i nest of three; they were; Meckenburgers, 't: with the obstinacy of the men of Bevo- Jutionary days from - whom 'they were i probably descended. Tbey were Joseph I P. Caldwell, editor of the: Charlotte Ob . server, and two others." f. We do not know, who the "two oth ' era" were, but as for Mr, ICaldwell, it is 'but just to say that he was not dele gate, and of course had bo right to vote. -Jle was occupying a! Heat with the i&tccklenbiirg delegation j by their cour tesy. We want" to saytthis also: If very silver Democrat in he State will ;k as much to elect thel jacket put up 'last' week as Mr. Caldwell, Watson will f tarry the State by 50,000 majority. j ; The hissing at the mention of Presi dent Cleveland's name before the: Kai , eigh convention was a disgraceful per formance. ' -It cannot hurt the great tnd good man for whom it was intend "3d, but it will injure the good name 'of 5ur State. We cannot but believe "that he hissing came largely from specta tors who do not belong to the Demo cratic party. Ve know that the decent And respectable element of the party, ailver men as The Great Catherine of the Unterrlfied at Raleigh-Laat Week. The Democratic State convention Italeigh last Thursday was & larze. en thusiastic and representative eatherins, It was rather boisterous at times but everybody was m a gqod humor. Ninety-five of the 96 -counties in the State were represented Brunswick alone hav ing no delegate present. The convention was called to order at 12 o'clock by Chairman Pou. who called On Mr. Theo. F. Kluttz, of Salisbury, to act as temporary chairman. Both the speeches was very fine. The committees on platform and per manent organization were then appoint ed. j.nere was not a single contest, J 1 'll . .'1 . m unu tae committee on credentials was dispensed with. " Pending the report of the committee the convention ad journed until 2:30 o'clock When the convention met at 2-30 the committee on permanent organization reported through its chairman, Judge Phillips, naming Mr. Clem. Manly, of rorsyin, as permanent chairman. Mr, manly delivered himself of a yerv neat speech, and tne platform committee not being ready to report the convention amused itself by calling on various gen tlemen to Bpeak. Among those who responded were Judge Bennett, ot Anson, W. W. Kitcbini of Person, E. W. Pou of Johnston, W. H., Bower, of Caldwell. Col. A.M. Waddell,"of . New Hanover, ex-Congressman Lockhart, of Anson, Col. John E. Webster, of Rockinp-ham, District Attorney Glenn, Hon; S M. Wayne, and M. H. Justice, of Kuther ford. All the speakers previous to the last one took- occasion to announce their loyalty to the free and unlimited, but Mr. Justice varied the monqtony a little by announcing that he was a sound money man. At this there was, some disposition to cry him down but' Col. Paul Means pleaded for fair play and Mr. Justice took some of the' wind out of the sails of the silverites by telling them that they could not cany North Carolina without the "aid of the gold men. He said he did not propose to be run out of the Democratic party; that he was opposed to silver but would vield to the majority, and that he expected to be a Democrat after Ihe financial question was settled. These sentiments were applauded. ;' After" this there was some discussion, amid much confusion, asJo whether the convention should preceed to delegates to Chicago and nominate a ticket in advance of the report of the platform committee. Then the con vention got into the question of one or two conventions whether the conven tion should nominate a ticket or elect delegates to Chicago and adjourn until -aner iue unicago. convention. Mr. W. D. Turner, of Iredell, spoke in favor of one convention and moved that the sense of the convention be taken on the question. Then folloved more con- fl1dtn 1 1- 1 - 1 1 -. iuoiuu ouu uuooud, oiveMand sundry motions which were nejer put being made, and amid it all the-committee on platform appeared and Reported. Im mediately after the platform had been read, Col. Means, Ptandinrr on th the State executive committee from the district are Paul B. Means, M, II. Pin nix, S. J. Pemberton and A.D. Watts. A resolution endorsing Judge Walter Clarke for Vice President and instruct ing ine delegates to vote for him was unanimously passed by a rising vote, ; - At a called meeting of the executive committee Mr. J. H. Pou was continu ed as temporary chairman, and Wiley Rush as temporary secretary. Theplace will be hlled permanently at an early day. ' 1 State Democratic Platform The following is the full - text of the platform adopted by the . Democrats at Raleigh last week: "Whereas, the Democratic party had its birth in Jefferson's great contest against the centralization of the powers of the federal government and in- be half of the strict construction of the Federal constitution, embodied in the tenth amendment thereto, in which all powers not delegated to it were express ly reserved to ine estates respectively or to the people and, ?; w nereas, j. ne Jsepubhean party has ever been a party of centralization. "Resolved, That we appeal to the people to observe this fundamental dif ference between the Democratic party and its traditional enemy in respect to the powers of the central government : that the constitution recognizes gold and silver as the primary or redemption money of those States and inthe words of the Democratic platform we believe in honest money, the gold and silver coinage of the constitution .and -a circu- itfg-TMearam convertible into such money without loss.' . "We favor, independently of other nations, the free and unlimited coinage of silver and gold without discrimina tion against either, at the present legal ratio cf 16 to 1 , and we condemn the system that in time of peace with mil lions of silver bullion lying idle in-" the lreasury has forced the government within two years to issue nearly $212, 000,000 in bonds. .We condemn the action of tbe Secretary of the Treasury in following the Republican precedent of paying the obligations of the govern ment in gold, which were specifically made payable ia coin. We hereby in struct our delegates to the national con vention both as to platform and candi dates, to advocate and vote as as a unit, unflinchingly, at all the hazards for the icowiauuu ui ouver auu oLnerwise in obedience to the letter and the spirit of the principles .herein enunciated. We further instruct our delegates, State and district, to use all their efforts to abro gate the two-thirds rule if necessary: to secure the nomination of a candidate in complete, m hearty and; in known ac cord with the principles . herein enun ciated by us. "We warn the people against the threatened combined evils of the gold sianaara and tne JucKinley tariff. These twin monsters go hand in hand POLITICAL, NOTES, ' ' It is estimated that the vote at the Chicago convention will stand 570 for 6ilyer and 348 for gold. STATE NEW 8. 1 T The Populists of this congressional district will meet in Salisbury July 16th to elect " delegates to the national con vention at St. Louis on the 22d. The1 Democratic convention of the second congressional district, which met at Goldsboro Tuesday of last week re nominated Congressman Woodard, elect ed J. V. Grai kger and Thos. L. Emery delegates to Chicago, and nominated F. D. Winston for elector. Senator Gorman, who was expected to so to Chicago to assist Whitney, Hill and others in their futile efforts to steam the silver tide, announces that he will not go.i HeHhinks it is now too late to head off the free coinage sentiment and effort in that line would be wasted. Illinois Democratic btate convention Tuesday of last week was strong lor the free and , unlimited: There was much an ti-Cleyeland demonstration and an complimentary references to the Pres ident were applauded. Altgeld, the anarchist Governor, was re-nominated by a rising votev It is The Shelby Star tells of a Cleveland ! county hen that set on six duck eggs ', and hatched ten ducks. It ii rumored that President Winston, cf the University, has been .offered the presidency of the University of Texas and that he.may accept. William Henderson, little son of ex-Congressman Henderson, died at the home of the parents in Salisbury Wed nesday afternoon. Lice are destroying . the cotton in many sections of the State. There are complaints of the ravages of these i in sects in Mecklenburg and Rutherford counties. - . i " asserted that the Republican- Populist pagramme in North Carolina now isfor'W. A. Guthrie to replace D. Russell tis head of the State ticket. Russell ! to become silver Republican Senator and Senator Pritchard to go in McKinley 's cabinet. RuMoli'a Jetter'to Tritcnard tendering his resignation has been seen. Populist State committee is called to meet m Raleigh July 3 to call a State convention between August 1 and 15. ' ,'. .- Th& fdurth district" Democratic con gressional convention met in Raleigh Wednesday. The half-Populist delega-, tion irorri Wake wanted to postpone it un til after the Chicago convention butHen- ry London, of Chatham, made a speech i that swept them off their feet. The motion tp postpone was lost by an over-, whelming majority, and E. W. Pou, of J ohn8ton , was nominated for Congress practically without opposition. The Populist State committee is ealled to meet at Raleigh July 3d. W. A. fiii..:. i . - . i uutuiw oa-jo great movements are in progress, j The committee will, he says, call the convention tp be held between August 1st and loth. The meeting of the committee, and, of course, ita. State convention, are. waited with peculiar in terest It is well known that there is a big fight, a regular struggle, going oh within the mrtv. Thft ftmi-Tlii Her tan. i tio&is-red'by James M. Mewbome, who la ior oui-and-out fusion with the Re publicans, j Senator Marion Butler ' opened the j populist campaign by a speech at Wil- i mington which is exciting indignation. xie oevoted nimself to denunciation of Mr. Clarence Sherrill, a son of Mr -Ju. v- bnermi, of JNewton, was the, suc cessful applicant before .the examining board at Salisbury last Thursday for the West Point cadetship from this district -Mrs. Henry Peeler, 61 Rowan, aged 70' was driving two horses" to a wagon when the animals became : frightened and ran away. Mrs. Peeler was thrown from the wagon and the wheels passed over her body. She is severely injured but it is thought she will recover. - ; In a card in Sunday morning's Ob server Mr. S. WittkOTjsky showed why he severed- his connection with the Loan andtiaving8 Bank of Charlotte. He was President of the bank at the time, and had discovered irregularities in Cashier Brady's account. The North Carolina Teachers' As sembly, at its session at Asbeville last week, declared for an alteration of the present school law, by which there shall be a special board of education for each county, and also that t&e State shall be divided into educational districts of from two to six counties, each of these to have a district examiner and superin tendent, whose salary shall be, 4 per cent oi tne scnool fund of such district. There is a widespread - demand for a change of the present law. NOTES AND COMMENTS. . In a conversation three days since with a North Carolinian he unpleasant incident of the State convention was alluded to, but the President simply remarked that he bore no: ill-feeling on account of it. He seemed to under stand that it could not express the sen timent' of North Carolina Democratic toward himself personally; v v It having been ascertained that one statement on the subject has not been effective to remove a false 'impression from the public mind, we repeat that C. B. Watson, Esq.i did not refuse to vote for MixUieveland at tne election in 1892, nor did E. ', B. Jones, Esq., of Forsyth; in seconding hife nomination last week, say soJ Mr. Watson was a deleagate to the I national j Democratic convention -m 1892 and voted against the nomination of Mr.; Cleveland, but supported him in- the campaign and at the polls. Of course he did He is neither a bolter nor a kicker. Charlotte Observer. ' . The Democratic convention of the fifth Congressional district; which met in Greensboro Wednesday! nominated W. W. Kitchin, of Person county, on the third ballot. ! ! : THE i-i RliiflffFii . i jREMNANT 1 - 9 . ; I - 2 Balls Sewing Thread 150 Pieces of Wool ! i For 1 Cent. (Ot -o- JlODCffii We have the cheapest MOT Almost Distracted well as cold men. cQn-l shure. was rfrntm?r.ft h ... j . w ' . vj iue v.uair, ana fir. -1 " i- 1 writ ... ? I nnl 1 . ' wiumi oiruugiy. majority of our oaiu fople do not agreeTrith Mr. Cleveland A V1 0ffer'' in behalf of the Cabarrus Ch his financial policy' hnf tho. delegation and .euch others here and . .. " J eisewnere who concur with m wuuesi Burpoee. and nnancia irenp..f - I -w W - b$m as a man of ae bound to admit his eminent, ability, lie is easily the peer of any man who .,ever occupied : the Presideritial chair. . aaone among the feT really great men of Ihe time. -Ihe ticket. nominated at Raleigh last week by the Democrats of the State was the very best that could have been put up. It meets universal ap-.roval we hye not heard a single mai say aught against it. . It is a tickei that every Dtaocrat can cordially support. Mr Watson is a thoroughly equipped man, and a power on the slurnl He is a mAn of fine. character, and jap offifcer in hii church. He is a nan of superior intellect, and is a plain man of the peo ple. Mr. Mason' is a high-toned Chris tian gentleman, a fine orator, nnii ; on the wi me oav. thefoiinttino- as a substitute for sections 2 3 4 5 and 6 of the platform : ' ' ' Resolved, .That we favor our present gold dollar as the standard by which should ould he measured. 7 MVU J system of bi-mettalism as will maintain, at all times, the equal power of every dollar coined or issued by the United States, in the- markets, in payment of cial construction. "We are unalterably opposed to all legislation by which monopolies and trusts are created and fostered. We insist upon the faithful' execution of existing laws I against the same and nor Hal nnnn unr-Vi fnf V. lnnl: , substit. fnr tu fi-:iv u : r suuu may oe j 7l """aifjia.uj.ueinen- ucuesoary ior ineir suppression honed the name cf the President and it The part of the platform relative to was greeted with a storm of hisses. Col. State offices is as follows- Means very properly rebuked th5s r1- "Wa r . rT . i u uepioreo ik anu stainless aamimstration'of mai.iue people or tins country in their mission of destruction, drawing democrats,! and urged all silver men to C1J uucw irum me Dooy oi oesert their parties and join the silver the people and, concentrating all wealth forces. He asserted that if lhe derno- iS?!? r m me hand9 of tbe few-' crfltic national convention declared ! for e denounce the McKinley tariff free silver it would prove faise to its andTdl other forma, of a protactive tariff pledge,,-and declare the democratic par- legislation and favor a constitunal tariff ty was opposed to silver. Strangeto for revenue only. We are for the. re- say, som democrats in the audience r uuwuriauuumiMa! oi iu i joined in. tendering Butler a vote of roeclare our confidence in a graduated in come tax, in order that wealth may bear its due proportion of the burden of supporting the government, and we fa vor an immediate amendment of the constitution of the United StatA au thorizing its levy and collection in ex- D debts and. in purchasing capacity.'! While Col. Means was advocating State Leading: Democrats on the State Ticket. '. Everybody says the ticket is the very best jnat could be put up. The follow ing are some of the comtrfents on it. Julian S.I Carr: "The State ennvpn- tion did wisely. I will give the ticket pore, r will help work for it, earnestly and ardently. No mistake was made in naming tbe men on it. II we can't win with this ticket it is no use fight ing. There is no weak spot about it." M-juogejamesU.McRae: "I think Watson and IMason as strong a ticket as could have been nominated and they shall have niy hearty support." Dr. B. F. Dixon, of CTeveland: "The ucjcei is nrst) class in every particular. xi is a-j good as anybody's ticket. And ID YOU EVER suffer from real ner vousness? When every nerve seemed u quiver wna a peculiar, creepy icoung, urss in one place, and then another ana all seemed finally to concentrate in x writhing jumble In the brain, and you be come Irritable, fretful and peevish; to be followed by an Impotent, weakened condi tion of the nerve centers, ringing In the ears, and sleepless, miserable nights 7 Dr. Allies Mrs Enene Searles, ho Simonton St, Elk- JNerVHie hart, Ind., says: "Ner- DatAAn vous troubles bad made AvwoiUl ine nearly insane and ...llAtt1Uby?icians were unable j was -aimost gone and every little thing worried tne until I was almost distracted. I really feared I was becoming a maniac. I imagined all sorts of evil things and would cry over nothing; I commenced taking Dr. Miles' Eestorative Nervine and four bottles" of this wonderful remedy completely cured iis, ana x am as well now as I ever was." Dr. Miles' Nervine Qa aarantce first bottle will benefit or money refunded. FERY humor, whether Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, eruated, pimply, or blotchy, whether simple, scrofulous, or hereditary, from Infancy to age, are now speedily cured by esoiveii ABKIX and blood purifier of fiieomparable purity and curativs power. Purely vegeta ble, safe, innocent, and palatable, it appeals to all, and especially mothers, nurses, nd children. Sold throat-heat the world. Prie, cirtatrmx. S"e.t BOir, t5ct BssobTBirr. SOb. and U riimt Cm AD Cam. Coir., 8o) Prop., Rnaion- 1 as Iluw to Can fiUndaad BUa Huaon," bn. We Now Have our -STUCK, OF- Spring a Summer Goods consisting of a 4 "... FULL -:- LINE -rOF u 1R in Town; See our FULL REIVIWAWTS of 10 and 15 cent -v Dress f. ' Goods . Remnants that are going now all the way from 5 cents to 15 cents per and at 1 and 10 cents. - ; . ' ' IN . ": Light Underwear, Every Department D. J..BOSTIAN. one-third value. AH Sunjmer Dress Goods at about half price. enact-. as will ttWea to adorn anv rrfwitinr. Ki-tKir, i o ... u,uw,uw afe'8 gift.' Now to work, Jfcmocrats, least better treatment than Cr victory for our ticket in November. Lahould hiss the name of any President lue unuea states, whether he were Democrat, Republican or Ponnlisr Aw ocb President, especially, is so far above your hisses that thevcannnt hurt v.; EZnfir.8! :-d Pge oursehes , -rr iu oay mat no ius increasea eincifinr-v no tKo non of tne rjeople and public -revenues Aieserving at I may juriiiy. hfi wa .h,n, i" "T, ' ' . , . rc just ana lm- . "w mat mere was paruai aummistration of the Timmi nTffw.,fei we point with pride a 4l nppiautse. i iub iuci mat a xiemocratic legislation After the vote had been taken on Col. enacted a law against lynching and that Means' substitute f!ol AT o. jthfi faithful OTf; U " . government wherever Democracy has the ticket wil1 receive the united support been in Bowel We f tu I of the partv.'i' oapt. taveift Galloway, of Greene "It's a ratUing good ticket, built from the ground tap. They will carry the East witff a whoop." Ex-Congressman T. S. Skinner of Pasquotank, who was "chatting with Capt. GaUoway, added: "And the Centre and the West.. Jt will sweep the State." J , ment 01 such an election law secure the parity of the ballot. We favor the continuance of the sys tem of education estahliRhivl i v, Concord Markets. . COTTON MABKET - Corrected weekly by el G. Montgomery. Stained. ...... v mv Jjow JtiddUn.. Middling , Good Middling 7 n i J They Are Demoralized, jas&ington Star. the Star-sawr and .'so stated, some weeks since that the leaders of both the Republican aDd Ponnlist. tq;o j 1- r"""" iu i i, . """" 'juKuuu i . voi amuwanuug IQ I vjh Aorth Carolina were in an agony of T came UP settlement and the unite with us in a fight to the finish for Watson. Everybody has settled Democrats that down to and hisses, and Clement Manly, of Winston, chair man of the convention: "There are ho stronger men in 'the party, and that means there are no stmnwr mor, Mfi!na arrvaa J the faithful PTWntinn fkn n 1 I th -State. Tho . WaaA rt V. t1dto ii ?j - .. -vv,u U1 mo oaiue nasi .. , ui.w uckci .is pledged the :"gpld men" to the Demo- virtually sunnressed that crime. particularly strong. I have never cratic nominees. ' ' - "We cordisTlv invito .11 j ! known a man an nnivoraaii,- WU1CUUUUB quesiioni . Vl yuMucai associations, to I J xu 1113 community as cn tame up tor 8ettlemenr fK Unite With US m n. fitrht in, V. :u VVatSOn. Kvfirvhndv rAA tu conventions scheme was killed . bv "ee silver, for lower taxfia. fnr h,vv,. ; X . "" JU1 gncuuurai products and balloting for Governor then began, labor, for the .economical administra vvatson. Uark, MacEae and Overman faon ofCV government and for the having been placed in nomination, freedomlrfid individual sovereignty of ThebaUot resulted as follows: Watson tQe American citizen. We declare our received o92,. MacBae 133. Clark 173. belief that the peace, rimawritv anS... ' ... ML;; 0- veeversenttoaNationalconvenUon , - , . -uuuiifiiiU,l;yt;raanwiui- u. uuut uu me aeieat of the He- ' - drew hia name, and J. A. Long withdrew Publican State ticket in the comin? Mnrder by Fajr ot Urtn Jote. Clark's name. election." becoming DtjEHAM June 27. About . 12:30 - WatSOn, WhO WAS nrpHonr nroa Therft wnn o A : , O'clock tO-dav Rfllllwn Ttarkn ior, came forward and iuvwnM thl Paul B. Means ntforoA u-..j.. . I man of bad character. Rhnt 1:111 !n.i.j. "..Tr 7 1 . u. -m , Z . " ouuomute ior 1 Jm.,."'-T"'ulma' """ uttiueu uunan vjole, in a saloon onMangum street, lhere was no quar rel nr fnsa Kit fV.n lli: i ; , , ; fc"uus wasaone in a IWiui, arunicen frolic. Cole was in mcwiuoa ffften uarbee entered. Thev "-cquaintea, jjoon after Bar- uv n o-juuie euuea. Alter ymeuju aown uarbee went rlflrtaiy niTAw ."i 'Mm V,C1 uiD pruopeci oi iree silver triumph ,of the Democracy at Chicago. JSfw that prospect has been changed, to 'ft certainty, and ihe Pop. and Ken. leaders are demoralized. Look at Maaon Butler. He sees that his "per- son4lly conducted" silver narfv .f , nd figure in he coming elections. With ; free, coinage platforms and free coinage tickets, both National and ! State, the jLcmwraw win sweep the! counta-y. Norjh Carolina will go Democratic. JMaUy Kenublicans will vnto A ifftT11 , or"Pull8ta wiU coipe back Wmination m an excellent speech, re- e silver plank, favoring the gold dol- rixmVntrfhl9f?rntiy'"a9d!n tfae PPbe elected, and he author- "J the course of remarks in spLTot SnS? Vf HXt November, Marion if d f committee to notify his substitute: ''The sentiment utirS BaUerwillseetiat the Populist party EQ8SeU that he was ready to meet him by mr. ideal ' man of thi? world the has ten annihilated. Ia s less than nywhere and t ,y.. Ume.-J- President oUhe United States ?' S SSaKLVR t;eStef0llOWing i9the State :t - v,..-(rj rriuTlHM r";...::. : r.": rose and fell for full one between the U1 veruor uyrus J3. Watson . nf minute. Mr. Means ,1 witn is Cy vounc 11 respective pi pontics or religion loves mt. rawon. ne will, on personal grounds, rx)ll many Republican votes in ui own county. The delegation to Chi cago is composed , of , the strongest ana most pronounced silver men we have in the State. It is the stroneror. u. i . - ml PBODTJCE MAKKET. Corrected Weekly bv Dove k tw xsuik meat, sides. Beeswax Butter ... Chickens.. Corn .. Eggs.. Lard.. , Flour, North Carolina Meal Peas . Oats ...m.m...v.,.. ,. .. Tallow Salt,... Iriah Potatoes.., 81 ? 0 to 15 ' 15 to 25 45 8H 8 to 10 2.25 to 2.50 60 56 40 4 to 5 65 1 00 Men 's, Women's and " i - . Children's i Cloth, Felt and Straw We invite You i tn onrl nAL ; . uur (inceg ana see tlio Dick & Alexander. Largest Stock , J1UUU nvite yon best line to of com? and hee tbe wtfsfi fabrics 1 vnn eyer saw in the toin of Concord. We have a full lineSof Do AND CAPS. not bnv on tim double nri(i'Kiir''i.A- t - "m vuuio tu eea.tis. Bargain xiouse. A : pa Rmtm: w In the davH wh ground vin ',nt : rrr!. ur dollar of oar daddies," and and pawed nn th ie they had up to Cole BcnublipAni ;w,fK orsythe. . . the fact that tr . again and nnt his. riri,u ' fesue the iDemocracy wilj triumph. , rf or Keutehant Governor-Thos. W. "e name of any President, be he Dem- tad puUiD his om his pocket K ! 1'' MT0t Northampton. . pcrat or Republican. There were more g&n shooting him in the breast He FVS Btate-C. M. Cooke, pisses but in less volume, , and these ".mes-aU the balls pasa- vttuie iiin Doia tne gaUeries and the "ft V u , Y00? &m three of them r. Brady Tbcnsbt to Be Insane. . 1 Sallslliry World, 30th. " ' Frn" a Charlotte gentleman who spent, yesterday in Salisbury wei learn fyfln nn 1 - - ' 6,y" impression m of that uiere is a of Franklin w::LTreaSUrer-- B. Aycock, . For.Associate Justices-A. C. Avery, oi isurKe, and Georee H. T5 W - V I Charlotte that Mr. ArchibalrtRraHr Bean fart thhSdofh lXhia ountt 'with Ior Auditor-B. M. Furman of Bun the bank at which he was cashier! is in- combe. urman, of uun- Bane. , Mr. Brady's friends fear that For Superintendent of Public W,. Bomettung may have hannpn A tinn.Tn A n c-" OI 5Qohc.ln8truc'- Bince he was hit seen in SSta ft IJ5 "ZZZ- , , .J' I , ' v u UWK 1 1 IfotByAnjMeam. Charlotbaerver's Notes Tentiim. of the State Con- Nobfklv nn rr'u' ,:r: ?'?a. WI coma be in- Means, financial subsUtute offered an indication of the strength of thesonnrl anoney sentiment, in the StaS !S feD "in few coun ties, the sound money men. bv a trit to the free coiners, making no corjtest UTOS Si - nnoa OTA J , J f t aua DV a nsintr ' "-"V WMIVIUI was. Iinonimn.,1,1.. ne vote tor tne Means substitute vas: vyarjarrns o. f rank n R TraAaU v -wiu j, x yitt o, xwutnerioord 6. Driven to Suicide by a Corn. T- 1- TT .. . . fiv,-, uusepii xxagffary. of Hnhnl-on V T - vw. a 4iuav iiiornincr i a , - Ul wiien tne democratic State Convention -l. Pared a corn on his "niBnea its work and adjourned. " wua ms. pocket knife. The neotate ticket was completed by the Il.T he had his toe cation oi judee Geo. H. Brown of f""' -fn wood poisoning eei Washington, a8 Assodiate Zi told tha' -the leg vfotud uuier names mentioned for the ! mPuiated. To this Hag poBibon -were Judges E. T. Boykin and 2!fot ??D Hesaid Je fhlfirTn r Brown led from n " Z ' .loae lue his legT the third Wa8 noated o t , lut5aiiai sectors for fte .77 uuga,- ana with his oiaie-at-large, are Locke Crai pocicet-knife he cut several deen ISZS' C'. P0, of Moo Pf'K he threwhi: a jonng man. hailina-, from th hin t o.-i .'.''., caciuebnrtfirrhu. hair and 7hL r..wlECr caJ ed and has opened up a f -hiskers.l Anything in the Hardwa n - owmg machine to a marriage liW miltfen dSSSS ? ? ?:fectioo of over t RrKoa cii nnVW T P T . 1 "UUJCUl uOn Oeal bV biHlinr, Q uiei iiin th an vrtsi-;. . i , ,, . . . , --, uv 10 uiiiiiw on : . n . T . . . arrived imrfthiJ Z- omcers eeiimp h&rdarir, and, to build --nT hi. i! t"iaKe fils iieg by render." At the; coroner's inquest this afternoon Barbee was committed to jail t:iL 2J - They Are ttpva rt . aJWfflE oan-t be run off. booaM T" wu. uoie waaainnni ux-,. , ' o - v ouareu GROCERIES in Concord, We offer tlm foil log at wholesale and rptaili Auii Darreis of Supar. 850 cages ArbuckleVCoee, 25 bags green coffee. 75 barrels of Kerosene Oil. A car Salt. Tcajr of Lime and Cement. 2G cases of Star Potash. 00 cases Mendeleson's Potash 100 cases Matches. - 50 boxes of Soap. boxes qf Spda. 2vegsofSo4a. 1 car of flour. OS iTV '- .. - ' Ddchesse for 75 jo cases of ;fGood Luck'' Bak- "eyer 'was sold for hes than ,owps , . fi.uu, m Mitts, Silk G!ov,3 X00 boxes Tobaeoo. . . lpm 15 cents to S0cent:' Merrill patent pplendui Ijn gtpve, each pair contains a ku,.i ftEftee ticVet. b from gcentsio 2 centp. French ihmity and French Organdie for 25 cents. Tulle for XOc, lgje. and cents. A full li and Persian PemalAo a i.a m and 12 1-fl nt-. T1 H 4 Dresden and 25 cents to $1. in r u, aw things. .... FIGURED -:- MOHAIR 43 inches w!1a an Mohar 38 inches wide for 30 cW the' bst valne in town. Aff suic iiiack c Ddchesse for SJSiil footing he released 7a a-a rf' W m t e floor Tr1- wirarf .""ering .. Wd or a-opiuK a, emgie time. Of'' i ir S ir 1 re Line wo snau, for tne next 10 years! offet ttnvthinTin tl, -Ti; UeCll,ed hat he mil make strong men weep ieaafb lms joung man. and his bu.inis areSfL . . - - a 1 e3 in thia tr.TT. i he is oft. m getting out of them. Cofe "iti .rS said, was a bad man when H Inttn - - i -"g. -..... . ' "WD LU difficulties, and fi;to7orrn- P fnvited and eepedalJv fcJS - T- " . -mrw 'v w '-wmj Hia familv- ex meet, defy and ; 1 The VnlTeralty. This institution is steadily growine in popularity patronage andffienc? The enrpUment this yearis theStl in its Hi8torv. w ,., ""est ges of The deWZr . ftmvo.t; Zl - Mwjsanonal TO i r " Vimcago are John R Webster, Thomas J. JarviB, E. J. Hate" man", B. 'Lacy' " i. iurner nn oeuouioia- window ti He died two hours later. tbe Convention Datea. rurth of July Kate, Via Southern Ealiway Tickets for the abn sidewalk: JI( m, ttT,y,tem fa I . J Virginia, nf - rr-m Qver-j w-SST. W to get its advantages od 'JT'T Jheo. F. Kluttz rywvMns. See ad. ' 1 rSST "ffi0 6 Bverenth Democratic national convnt; m... cago, July,7. r, m- ropuust . national J-ouis, -July 23 St. corentioo, ' T I a ? . . . - w" u lur Chicago. The aTf Julf natl0nd n. St Louis, ! Sforenfc. the soU for hisdailw-o: Srr.Vr'" w wor mark figured in all kind.' of difficultieT S V P60 himself and father have snt ? o oome aBd in i . ., C -IHWIUUB ' ;!i . r m . 1 u lyors tor bnccess. . ; i 1 Jane 25. 1896. ' 5BT, E. i BENNETTi FCACE rOR YOUNG LADIES, - fe. y . j w - m.kii9 js. C. if 0 bOXeS of Rrmff n.l e. a anrl 7 AX "uicb viioinn. 50,000 Cigarettes. 10,000 Cheroots, 100,000 Taper Bags. 200 Tons of Wrapping pttper. We have a Ip.rge stock of and Ties, Both New and Second mm, and will mftVA Close Drioea. - yoa some Shoes :and r 'Oxfords itheverv bat nr Shoes, all in the New foes, farrow, Opera, Razor, New Yo.k and needle Toe. j Come and seo as and we will do you goful. GIBSON & MORRISON. very NOTICE-UND SALE. J whio 'run j K r- . - -' office f..?.HrCL"",i .. ot tne KeKlsfer ecutor nf iLtSlP61148 of h debt), I. a blirhert h?drtfid Sninn. will sell to the courthor? dor'il ub" ctlon at the the 30th Hit ir '? Concord, on Thursday. tolTnwft2.LJ?iy. 12 o'clock, m., the a --o viluWJIfW'tnf land- 1-llPni- -Fil ftrr IIA I and PbUUps, Peeify Vink UUIiir III APH II V U4l"UVri;,".to''eFoii XUIIS nun rn , -r coruer sfene in tar yuvu norm r. -wMt t fn a I to PUillins corj.r. fitp , uu ki any point in South rwi,-T 9 oue ana one third first taoa I Ci uPMor work i u mol ClaSS I North nr Smith I? "uiuea iair? ior me eound Mn . t;i. I ramn ThrA;i"". It ha now the hpai rr . iua auvtiu unsurpassed. til VI fm5?SSE r. m rn r. dlivld 1.1.8 Pattersow stone Fink iH fSt 13 -pole to scorner,'rhen-with hte'lfiieiidrrrt . iica fro a otone: a -new cbrne'-' rvS"? a ouinn'g line, north .K. - . . faan .....': J?Ea'. M1SENH EIMER, executor Mary A. MUnn, Trustee. ' . ' nn2JaW7th iaZ?'um"Qa return- Address. 9 v Wft vV JAS. -(Univortyorvirflah Wholesale and BeUU Store. &-Wm seU all or any ,rt