BOOK; AND. JOB PRINTING Executed "in the Best Style Richmond Montgomery, AT 1ITO8 PBICEB. L, . tllit " i:V, 1 111 - 'I . V .11" w I It . I . 1 I .- . a . ' . ' - I z 1 . ."V 1 ' - M 1 1 : f I I 1 m ' :. I 1 I - I i ":. I 1 - I . t . v - ii. II vi fi i i i x x i i i -ii i i ' y II II II I I- - I -1 I I . r 1 I 1 II I I 4 .11- 11 II I - l 11 J I It II. I : II - "II'- I I 111 . ' , muu 0 rucoom' r.. ' '" ... - t-t l-S :i T J Sij AJtCTO E'E-TS NOT." r . !- 'H " $1.00 a Year, in Advance. i r ' J ' ' " - ' ' - i i i i - . . ,i mi. hi .j - 1 -'i 1 : ' !' r. u - . '. --.r-.. - - . t. . to Union Randolph, Anson and Counties. HERE. 31 ODERATEJ Vokime XIV: CONCORD, N. C THURSDAY, JULY 30, 1896. Number 5. Uur Job Printing Department : with every necessary equipment,- is prepared to turn out every ya- riety -of.-- Printing in 'first-class -styles - Ko botch-work turned ; out from this office: We dupli cate the prices of any legitimate establishment.- I. 1 :.h 01.11 ,T0 jiCtvou?; . weiut, worn UUl -i. ov,t1 -nfioot hp.alth in Bx,tls, .",;.,v :iv the above to raise Ve" - 1t iin hpen the exneri- fl050 a II. 11 H . " .of ial,tt . ....... J' yery many 'women in trying periods wnifO bo mucn ' ii naid consume . v, sjiccuii physical trials We Y a .opniUVhtiaHnena we suggest I.. Will IlllJIl" .... i i rvtlliirs illivi . rf.: , noil lll.uiv wvv-- . ...v Twal troubles tensificd my misery and appetite all gone. jer weakness Nervous sick own"?" ' ., ,v.iaui in. gnu u"" ' Heatf aches . t.., aril TMJ in in Bit e me think I should never imiD. A friend prevailed upon me T twm Sarsaparilla. I soon began nimnroTe ana in " -r- lu A wrttf'r health than for year Zve totod nood's Sarsaifirma a grand KRYAN'S SPEECH Al. CMICAUQ. The following is the speech delivered y rion. W. J. : Bryan before the National .Democratic Convention in Chicago, Thursday, July ; 9, 1896: Mr; Chairman and Uenuemen oi mis Convention I- would be presumptuous indeed,' to present myself against the distinguished gentlemen to whom you have listened, if this were but a meas ure of ability, but this is not a contest among persons. The humblest citizen in all the land wnen clad to we armor of a righteous stronger than all hosts of error tbat tney can bring, j. come to speak to you m defense of a cause as holy as the cause oi uoeny, we cause of humanity, , - When this debate ia concluded, a modpn will be made to lay upon the table tne minority report as well as the resolution offered in condemnation of the Administrauou. I shaU seriously object to bringing this quesUon down to a level of persons, xne individual is "but an atom; he is' born, he acts, he dies' but principles are eternal, and this has been a contest of principle. Never. before in the history of this coun try has there been witnessed snch .a nontfist as that through whic'-i we have passed is an Andrew Jackson, to Btand as Jack-, boast that he looked like Napoleon, that son stood, against' the. encroachments ' man shudders to-day when he thinks of aggrandized wealth. . v that he was nominated on the anniver- They tell us that this platform was sarv of -the battle of Waterloo made to catch votes. We reply to them j " At the suggestion of a ; coincidence that chansinff conditions make new is-i between McKinley's nomination and sues: that the principles upon which rest ! the fate of Napoleon at Waterloo Democracy are as everlasting as the hills, but that they must be applied to new conditions as they arise. Condi tions have arisen, , and .we are attempt ing to meet these conditions. They tell us that the income tax ought not to be brought in here; that it is a new idea. They criticise us .for our criticisms of at Waterloo the silver men showed their appreciation of the point by a yen and an uproar wmcn for twenty or thirty seconds prevented the speaker from proceeding. At length, when things -calmed down a trifle, he resumed as follows: . Not only that, but a he listens he can hear with ever-increasing distinct- WOMEN AT A PBEillCM- LIKE BEASTS OF BDKUEH. !., JNTS FOR GIRLS MA KINO VISITS. I iL.-,- T, ...... . . Rt Tnta Glohe-DAinanrat. Cleveland W orld. , j Th 5 & Aifv in thAwteni tuirt of - On. if not . the ereatest obstacle ; in ! hen the note of invitation from vour Cantdal close to the Pacific ocean which the way of the! industrial progress oi , ripda arrives, the first thing to do is to fs named by all who visit it ' we most i japan is we iaci wa upward oi j " . me nam desolate spot upon the face of the earth. 000 of the most muscular of ts popa- j wjifu she may except you. i5he proba- Its climate is good, its natural resources population are engaged as beasts oi our- "'auuuuncu mo mm iu uer uiviuiuon, excellent, its houses fair, its streets well den. Inuthis calculation I do not, &m enclosed a time-table so that yeu paved, yet within this town there ia an include those occupations in which the i nipt Belec.t your t"1' Having deci- the Supreme Court of the United States, nesa the sound of the waves as they beat My friends, we' have not criticised; we upon the lonely shores of fet. Helena. have simply called attention to wnat wny wis cnangei .u, my ineum, you know. If you want criticisms read is not the change evident to any one the dissenting opinions of the court, who will look at the matter? It is no that will give you criticisms. They say private character, however pure, no we passed an unobnStitutional ; law, I personal popularity, however great, that rtfihvit The income tax was not un- can protect from the avenging wrath of constitutional when it was passed, r it an indignant people,' the man who will was not unconBiiiuuonai wnen it wtuii. i tauwr uuu? umw. bpfnre tbA Snnreme Court for the first enlne the gold standard upon- this peo- timA. I Pie. orwnois wiuing w urreuvw uj of seu-government, ana piace It did not become unconstitutional rigai. oi seu-governmem, uu p of it took in the queens of the to do for J apan wnat we longsnor until one judge changed his mind, and legislative control w we nanus oi we dty the fair matrons of the homes and yardmen and farm laborers: do; i nannn Ki amiuui tn Vnruv-urViATt it.1 foreign potentates and powers. -1 (k. ;atJ5,aaoa A thA nretiv ARahlish- United States. - ' i v inde wiUchanee bis mind. v The in- e go forw confident that we shall , r - I The estimate that over 1,0' iBy:r- :rrUHn. Whv? Because unon the para Never before in the history of K &of thia campaign thee is a marina n Tvlitica has a treat issue been I IlUB " P"" .""u- . j k:k A. ftJUl V O air of forlowrdejection that strikes the day laborers of all civilized ccjuntnes are mvi ritrplftRa tmwAiftr that comes within 1 engaged. . The statement - is based on its boundary." . S - - the fact that over 1,000,000 pi the vig- lt ia;6bj Vancouver 'island a sweet orous manhood are engaged in the fair spotn And the desolation is caused transportation of people and s commodi by one thing--only one the lack of ties from place to place, - per women and girls. . forming the work which in Europe and This particular town is scarcer or tne America is aone Dy animai, joy eieaui, product than otherB. of its locality, by electricity and other modern : meth-" There are mariy towns upon ttie island, ods qt conveyance. So tremendous i8. but this once lacks women so sadly that this drain upon the population of the in a recent census of the- place it was empire that much of the other hard la nAArlv 'three thousand short. This bor, such as loading coal on vessels, numbed in eluded a court of .serving handling heavy freight on railways, the womenwomen todo tlie work of the driving and -loading of pack horses, house,' cook and- wash and iron." It heavy farm work and the like, is per- ininAfi wnrtinir irlrls and women formed by women, who, dressed in blue who are not expected to marry. And, 1 cotton trousers and tunics, are compelled - . . . I. , T 1 111 I - I to ao ior japan wnat me luqgouurcuicu, farm laborers s do; in we United States. j . i . . t AAn rrr - mpnta. r . . Tne esumaie inai over i,vw,wvj uieu ment iustiv upon the backs of the peo- not a spot ot grouna upon wnicn we t m ; faf nn inrnmn tax. I enemy will dare ;to challenge battle. Zrx. -T a T ww .iV Why, if they tell us that the gold stand When I find a man who is not will- " 7. " J. . : ing to pay his share of the burden of the Erovernment which protects him,1 1 fought out, as this issue has been, by the voters themselves. . ; : On the 4th' of March, 1895,- a few Democrats, most of them members of tn ftddness tn the Dem- .v- - I , . . - .1... J. I oerats of the nation .asserting waj we nnu uuui x cold standard and shbstitute bunetaUsm ard is a good thing, we point to their I platform and tell them that their plat- ' . -. :.,..; ! ",-r form pledges the party to get rid of a I might Um now strong and healthy and can do .. Aav-h: work. I Btand by Hood's Sftrsaparilla, for it cured me after other Wnes tailed MES. LUE DlEE, r.Mim?iIle. Illinois. . . ' This and ifcany similar cures prove that. - I ' 1 ; ' Sarsaparilla .. Today the doorsteps of these houses are engaged in the mikado s empire in yawn vacantly , and the vines flitting these degrading occupationa is oaseu over the!f portals seem to say, "She upon the factthat the retujrns of. 189o comes not vet." show a total of 199,411 jinrikishas and -The greatest bargain sale of wives evei 914,830 hand carts. As all these car-, known took place upon a recently riages and carts" are licensed, the returns 6pened domain a - few years agd. A are probably correct. In the case of the fr&nuc tall was sent to tneciuea ior iw nimikuao mc umuci money questionwastheparamountissue the Wessings of a government iiKe f, standi is a-good wingj from the the hour; asserung Sut . M . why. try to get nd of , : : . home, went out there. The men met fact that some of the vemcjes nave two majority of the Democrauc party w ,xie y. w vK'C?rZZ? rA If the gold standard-and I might TC - fihAhnn. The rirls looked men and because in large cities the control the party on this pamounttionaiD currency. x ... the same vehicle is rented out during the issue, concluding with the request Wat you w reaa ol the very people who are in this con- tadi ound boarding places in the twenty-four hours to ditterent men It all believers in free coinage of quiver m you wul find thathe saidtit mseaxch- U and wbQ m that we &CTSa--'town And is safe to assume that nearly 250,000 the Democratic party should organize mg Jus wry ne couia nna uu uiie p , fo declare in favdr o internation- Z?Z:"aT TyZZi Vent h8v cooUes are directly and indirectly en- and take charge of and control the pol- lei to Andrew jacison. in Wmfitsllism and thereby declare that I X7i?Tr 'JTX?i vhJlruit ured m nailers and pushers of "these - v . mi I rff 1 lAtiBniMflir ATI ' ' I rVIIIU LUB UUUIiUU &UVl B;wwww i e o ..... - . of me -Democratic party, xnreeuicero, wwuew-"v"" th otAA standard ia wronr. and that the .'r."" ... xa- k h Ailth. rwmvevancea.-:- .As for carts the same ths later at Memphis, an organiza- Cataiine anasavea-iu)me. uiu iW - , bimetaUigm 18 iter. these fTT-; a Iv uh wM iH jhAJsnver Demn-IRome what Jackson did wnen ne ae-i-- i . u- r l1CDl " amn';m.jB k imn Knt uuu BUB iKiiww-u .-v. i . .- . i i inrv ihh m iuuf uiuuuu wu hcic i u a man nnih siihi a nrtnn!. cuuimuus xuauoi ou.uuivu crats went forth openly and boldly and stroyed the bank conspiracy ana savea " -dvocateg Qf ld gtand . X Ctt n th noor fel- and wrinkled old metr, sometimes by courageously proclaiming their' behef, I America. O 1 and were telling us that we could uuu lnMS on-i h.nM. Tt was one strong and hearty yciung man " w I il .a ! " . H 1MB. IVUU UVlV v vw I " ... . . and declaring Wat jl successiui wey We say in our piauorni wai we ne-1 not legislate two metals together, even 1 .et natural selection. low intelligence,. and sometimes by mere woildcrvstahzewa plauorm we ue- heve that We ngnt to coin money w i with -s-i of the world. I want to sug-1 .mt.anini,fi!A with blond bovs. from ten to hf teen years oi age MuNrinn 'which ' thent'. had made, and I iniA mnnev is -a'' function Of the OY I ,;- mii it -ih onM atandard I ' i - , ui Knnlt I On million, therefore, wdold seem to v.u.mmvu , . . . . i . . . - y . . . i u0 mv.vm, . o . l CUTIS goi a very - utvtij iii,. wuvwu v " y . then began the conflict with a zeal ap- Umment. We beheveit -We believe hg a we ought to declare in fhVrhad a cent It wasacase of be within the mark. -This gives us a: mKw.Vi i'nsnir1 thftlli n (V,n anvowiomtir undfAnl. i. : ! U mll I uclulc 3TV ' . ... r.j 1.1.1 1 orn nnn knman hnrani proucuing mo ikmi. nuiv" ij - is p" w ' 7 I lavor oi iw rewuuuu, uiu u. mo. i beaaty J " -r he rude counsnip was carneu i mju ui!i.,4w,vv uumu v. lira . - . 1 . l ' 1 wisnonr niunrvHr 1 ihhh ii Do not allow a slight inconvenience, or an'invitation elsewhere, or a caprice, to let vou change vour nlan. f?rv . when m " - L " . . yeja are expected, .and stay as long as yu are asked -to' stay. An invitation U3aally mentions whether your friend wfould like you to come for a week, or tea days, or a fortnight, or itinaybe read thus: Tlease give us the pleasure ot a visit from you. Come on Friday afternoon and stay until Tuesday," or on , "Monday, and help us celebrate Louis' birthday, which, occurs on 'lues day; we will hoio to keep you with us until Friday." ... It is very much pleas aqter to know for how. long you are in vited than to have it left uncertain; but when no time is mentioned, one takes it for granted that a week will cover the period of the visit ''.'' uA girl will find her ptfetty travelling cb:ess (which at this season is of rough coth, dark brown or blue by prefer ence, with a hick jacket and a neat little hat) suitable for walking, driving, and signt-seemg while away from home. Ske must be sure that her boots and gloves are in dainty order, without miss ing buttons, and, if she chooses, a fur "collar or boa and a muff mav complete ber out-door costume. 1-or use in com pany, afternoon teas, evenings, little gatherings of friends at dinner, or any fete to which she is invited, a pretty waist of silk or chiffon and a shirt oi iilk or fine wool will be aDpronriate. In packing waists use plenty of soft white tissue-paper, so that they will come out Audi: jured at their journey send, lour mother will provide" you with a simple Evening gown, if she thinks it needful, and a girl never looks sweeter than in im pie white muslin or in a white.gown 5of some sort. With the white gown must be white shoes, and house gowns ml all kinds heed dainty foot-gear. Now, pray forgive me, but when go Absolutely Puro. ' A cref m of tartar baking . powder. '. Highest of all m leayening strength. Latest Vw ted States Government Food Report. t- . Boyal Bakkg PowbEis Oo., New York, PROFESSIONAL CARDS, H, lu HONTOOM BBV. . U W. H. lALTJtr. M. P. the' and 100 the crusaders who followed f eter we jaer- no more with aalety oe aeiegaieu w pn- 8tandard ia a bad thing, why should we . t 'th tbree evenings between I mit: Our silver Democrats went torw i Vate individuals than we couia airora 101 ;, t:i nthpr nations are willine I finnrixv . . .. . - x- !!.. ,. "... :.4:n.l.V,SnAW " : . . . 1 " uiuenregu" - 71 Ist!ie0rTme Blood i irom victury uuw w; lueicgnte w """ . w nejp us io iei go . i within a week Were were neariy byC.i.Hood&CoLoweU.Mass. assembled now, not to -discuss, not to to make penal statutes, or levy laws for) Here is the'Une of battle. We caret Bmall wooden houses going up in are purely TeKeuwe,c. aeuaie, puw u wa f r -6----. uuauuu. - ;. v , . I not nnoo which ifsue Wey force weifnwn. - ; pie vi iuu - w r. Jeff eraon. who was once regarded 1 fli,f w renared to meet them I Thorn U no name for this peculiar country. In this contest, prower nas i M ROod DemocTatic authority, seems to I dther -.q or on both. If they tell state of society where women are ; want- been arrayed against brower, ana iwer ..e a opmion fjona the gen-1 that the gold standard is the Btand I ed to make homes and where money is against son. me warmest us vi iuv tienien WQ have addressed us on iei rf of civilization, we reply to that that laid down for them and paid to them ana acquj.nitc u --- partof tne nunonqr.- inww wuu .Ithis. the most enlightened oi au we to aueen it over a nome. a. gianng oeeu. uuuegwucu. - ----loPDOsed to wis propv Hoed Ja.llS tuny prepared, as cent. rendered by the plain people of this To the ordinary ok server, these jinrik ishasseem a novel and delightful expen ence. Thev combine all the joys oi human horse. They help you into the carnage, Hi i imii ti iiiiniavviBitii offer their prof essional services to the . citizens of Concord and vicinity. AU calls promptly attended day or night. Office and residence on East Depot, street, opposite Presbyterian church. Dr.Iw. C. Houston, Surgeon ' Dentist, As Is prepda-ed to do all kinds of Dental work in the most approved manner. Office over Johnsoii's Bras Stare. W. . MANTOOHXBT. f J. IiGB OEOWELli - -' Attorneys and Cotinselors-at-Law, I CONCOBlA N. O." As partners, will practice lawin Cabar rus. Slanlv and adjoining counties. ' :ut 1 the Superior and Supreme Courts of the mgon a vibit never umit p uut uigut i ai,i. JL.1 4thA 'P'Aclferal flnnrts. Office gowns,, changes of underclothing, stock- Det,ot Street, i i . : Cings and handkerchiefs in abundance. Parfiea dosirino' to lend money can A. lady is never unprovidecTwith enough I leave S with us or place it - in Concord own National Bank for us, and wo will lend CWour&Uor Jb .ad brush. JOI ' WINTEBSPTH'B r brella, tuck the rug around you, and! tooth-brush, cold cream, and all the lit- land you atthe door of the shop or house. Moreover, itheyi taice care oi tie toilet accessories which you like to have at home; .Supply yourself- with the common kind and the sheath C ontains no arsenic. : ! II n; vears success. j I s purely 'vegetable and 1 ! L eaves no bad effects, j L ast year produce . j T hgusands of testimonials ' ; 0 ue 50 cent bottle" ' u H ever fails ;- v j I n breaking the chills, i ; ! C all. for AVintersmith's. I8TKU8 FETES &C6., toulsville, Kjjf opposed to this proposition tell us that I u-tiong cf the earth, has never declared I headline in an Egnlish paper Once call cast, aside wnen wey reiueeu the issue of paper money is a function I fQr ld gtandard, and both the parties I gd 4 r The Barter of Women In Amer AYTvresninn to the Sentiments OI 1 ,u an1 tVt the imvcmmcntl,, . : : n.;nBf it Tfl tt t... hua wtmbie ;thi those whom they would lead, and new ht to out of the banking business, j m ' ld 8tandard is the standard of civ- satisfactory after workings it ia .merely legs of the hedgehog-looking creature, leaders have sprung up to give direction h 8tand with Jefferson rather than with! My my friends should we hot the Ex)d natm consent of the girls to who, covered with a peculiar hat ana Lll nn the hood and fasten the oilcloth! kind, and have your needle and thread ih.t nr.thi'nfr frnf a. nppnhol'e I in case of a rent mended. is left, and -you are safe ! from the wel and the miid. Allvou see is the bare to the cause of truw. Anus nas we contest been waged, and we have as sembled here under as binding and solumn instructions a3 were ever iasi- ' .1 .MiAnlaltnM Af a Ti- i enea upon me repreocuwutw uess. themselves to their country, them, and tell them, as ne oia, max me i h.A .-tj So. if thev come to meet us nst issue of money is a function of the gov-1 nn that, we can present the history cf I which is vet new enough not to be as ernment and ; ;tharaMTE8tWl I cur nation. More' ttitnatrro--. I evwsayUrtawld.Aait.wUL be when the to go out out of the government busi-1 them this, that they will search the I twenty-first century man and woman I J ... . 1 pages of history in vain to find a single j come in. lain about the plank which j m8tance in which the common people J j orat nf rpsrdv ffrass. is ,rushiue onward rv cinch and Rnnw and sleet ' and rain. This is well enough for he pa?- mmc within. but what mu AUo-UooU nf thP ivMination unon the man with out What is the effect of the employ ment of 1,250,000 of the robust men pi GENERAL ASBNTS. H.unseur Graham China Gsove. Varned by a Dreaui. New York Sun. Eleven-vear-old John Watson, . of 928 Dean street, Brooklyn, would not have rbeen drowned in the -'Forty-foot Pond, r near his home, on Wednesday, if he had attfinded to the warning of his father WBltetllC 3fttrarif'were al"htwt'Lfet ,tt . i - , . U . .fUm Williani Watson, said: "Jackey, 1 had a bad dream about you last night. I dreamed that 1 saw tmn drowning. 1. uon t Deiieve m Wemat thorough exarrination of title to lafius offered as security for loans. ! , Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners of Bame. ; - " MORRISON H. CALDWELL j Attornej-at-Law, cqsrcoBP.K.c. Office in . Morris j building, opposite court house. I J ulv 4 t rh I - TVaw wnrJ . . . 11 r . a ' iuu'"'-v- Z I . Tr I - n.Muul TutlmonT. we ao not come ne lumuuua. declareg agamst tne uie renure uiumw. of in. ever declared wem- y . " . - V ;CT " "a kanV.ncr af .... . l :j.u mirrhr ravf . . . . t z . . n vmao ni . - . . i . , m , u ajuI KvAtroi1 OTin - ii Kiiuiau. I .ihiihii iii i.iiin wav 4u ""..'-r wnv. as muiYiuuiuo, no-mitu. Thav h rxtea ui hlduu i w i nninn. in f avnr nr : mia sunaani. i iuno x. jj.uv, - i . .. ' - - ' t i -Hn.rt-J TZ . . . .!. iij . T . .. .1. . i .o ni,in Mrtifieal.aT-faiiTu-in thA rest of we POPUiauui I mJewYoVk LSenatsrHillT tat we U It the" uto but dpn't want you to go . m A. . . u-.J-,.oMV "PP0 mmii.i. n I tnyenuncuw " " t ..I ""., mTi J. T) 'Brown. I m nv Mtimateof the future industrial aro:mniin todav. Keen awav from the " J r i P I O . - importance of Japan, j ! hi I Fortv-foot Pond. "All right, papa," we Doy saiu, tut tIn -VT-7a HnrMirniro not a nuesuou ui utiouuo, iiimitentime. . Annnirv ua. m v menus, u h wm mj - ... - i t.nnMao ir tiat. fet a noiue .. . -i U.f m .lis mVtricmiates since tts L7:s nr,u and it was not TT SZ" 11 .fknfn tn two or three 7" 7"' iKnn tJhlrh I Bl F. Merrin, Baldwinaviue, mass., 1 up -.r: 7 .Sa noon went in swimming wiw bu... ,,,n in i;-j: m of the i counties repre- J3Iu-i. "t" i w qa.""H"i w VTT .vt , Wl 'and recommended now ana gei reuei. ir."""1 ,"T Jv,vs. His fourteen-vear-old brother wimgmuuwo, w.'-7!---r great mmgs. 1 nde 8&au Wq uemucru ty usu , tr" x nTlfi r.d been found to be peculiarly aaaptea;j v. aa imnnwMl with his inrn mnnici wiui 1 it 1- ik.i ham nmivwin imenu- T 11 : j. tk. hi. hn Mra nf id 11 ina iieTer auow . .... , -cuj.ia iuumoa, " " - . : 1 iiirK mm v b uiMuv r- i i nnn iiih hiub ui hue tuw w v .... -1 i. ih. m tAf onn nnra ill hii l kiiimid i . . . l , j .T father's aream. Decauiu mmmw ;.ii; i i!TitvT.eii rnulDDed. 27 teach m-. 'iVi iviular stmleiits, besides practice f-Mtcl. is mnvtitlve exanilnation ai fjouuiy ... Ati-'iit 1st. to fill tree-tuition vacancies SyVo", those who are arrayed on the other aide. ment that this, whange in our or upon Uie aide of thetrug- would rather have J,1 so i'T,xt.rfiti.ueicTt to appiicanta iaing .jn. eentleman who receeded me 1 -hall not effect contracts already i;ni masses! That is the question that because'' xt alwayseures.. juxb., u.vm XX toStr? Bussefl spoke of the old eme remind him that there gSfJSlrt SS &rS and then it ming, 212, E. 25tb fhalways lvi' state of Massachusetta. rt me assure j. n0 intention of affecting those con- mDatbe answered by 'each individual keeps it at hand S0" -'SirS h,m that not one person in all this con- iL, which, according to the present The-vmnathiesoftheDem. because it .mstantly relieves. Free trial DAYEMFORT' COLLEGE CO-EDUCATIONAL. i,!:r,;!...i i:v !-.,. Kur.kllment last jrear the ii: . -f in tSifr history ot tne cxniese HI'.! 1.11 l. IV ill ejlrOieiU,. IBacireia, iii iintij-ii t:-!i Practical 1'hor courses of study Idart, cUco :ra?liy aidType WriUng. . r.Ai.onsts moderate. i ! JOIiK 1. MINICK.A. M.. President. 1H: Y io People Ever rorcet A nythiojc ? ' :--.. :' 1 Family Doctor. - . been de- fne relief and care of all Female Com- nlainta. exerting, a wonderful direct irl- flnence in eivinz strength and tone; to the organs. Hf Von Lioas oi Appeuse, Headache; ' Fainting " 1 .... - : ; , Srwolla nr are Nervous, toieepiess, mx-: mtahlo. Melancholy or troubled wh Trim Btw.lls.-Electric nnters is tne meu- irine vnn need. Health and strength axe guaranteed by its use. ljarge wy- 4ia nnW fiftv cents at i. t. retzec'.s : uwa vij John's absence, and, hurrying to tne pond, found him struggling for life. He tried to save the boy, but failed. . this ; through We eyes be true, : memory ' .ro J.tG2 G? AGRICULTURE - MECHANIC ARTS. A SB T,un Antertains the least hostility to I im made navable in gold. . But, I ,,ri deHcrihed bv the plat-1 bottles at P. B. . 1 wo, x , - " iuumiv xr J - the iieople of the State of Massachusetts, y he mean8 to aay that we can not form on the side of : the straggling but we stand here represenung pwnc change our money system wiuum. pxv-1 mag8ea who have ever been we iounaa mhn aw the ennais before the law of I thne who have- loaned money j ,: nt tun nemncratic narty. ..v. . .. 1 1 WU" . I . . . , ... J 1 .1. i..f , 7una nf tJie fState OI Uiiiart- 1 1 f 4Va Vanm wan maae. i. want I rr aM irlana nf crnvprnmpnt I ThA hrain 01 mailKluu 11 achusetU. to ask him where in law or w morals When you come before us you tell us can he find auWonty ior not jast legislate to make we weu-to-ao der, r .-i-. 1 1 r I, i il jUftVy. nrhan rrio fun. in ioi o woo 1 ikai rhm Yi-rirn rv win 1 ti-vrn it. rnnniii xiie iiicuxuiu , vv .1.... nWthiit vnn have disturbed nassed. out now iuioi-vu w 1 1 oat on those oeiow. iub wwuuumv gensw. P'?1"""'' '. . 51 v . r I tw uQ nnwiitnr'' He save he wants tol u u-- tn lAoriaiatA to make the! artd ears, OU. business Dy yuur wuto. i c oi 1 , - r -. . ... 1 iucu. .. ... I , . to you that you in its upplieatioh Dusinesa m.-. i'.7'" -r - , :U mem0ry'8 re- yj r, man as his employer, xne aiiuruey w a country town is as mucn a pusme mmg aaa ;-;a a dnnht atondard, 1 teu you ma m " HrAlv rfWd? In other PT" "r a I-board. Lut-in 1 i 1 ui nt w. 1 i j Li tr;KTr;i.a uu . , . - ' , I- I'J : "5-."V l,.rffin narrow ana gnm HII" uiitv-B. v . . .nnr oinm win Hiiriuic uu i vuauk . ' ' . . ii aucw r a . . 1 j. w,xuf.rj: dtmvnur depths of the brain memory have swrea c v- ed or even lined; and yea in it to himself r ue says - oi -n in the ud ; recollections' 01 miuga ux , A vear out the devotees occupy 1 :a mtanoitv nr reten- have made too limited amena mis utw juiu". masses prosperuuo, mc iwiwi mu wf"4 . . D the definition of the fail to maintain pwu, muuu - M ,g upanQ wrousu nwjr uw BTequuun "r B j";. -.k.; wi then suspend the coinage of LKof 'u ; vation with which the record is made. A Strange Family Baltimore Suu. , In all we world, probably, there is J10 1 body of religious man is r severe n t Afnntreal savs the London Miil VF 7 - 1 . . . .. Deprived of every suggestion 01 comiort - isuck Klcchin for Vryan ilaleigh Press-Visitor. W. II. Kitchin, of lialilax, nas Kicjt- l nnt nf thn l'or.uli8t traces. jAr. lU V V V t- wuv J 1 Kitchin is an enthusiastic liryan man and has so declared himself during the r,ot tw .davs. Mr. Kitchin further- W J - . .. .. more savs mat every uuurai o,;ii-iinnnrt the Democratic nominee. The heretofore Halifax Populist is much d.'g." cALDvyEtLTMrnrr7 Offers his professional services to the people of Concord and vicinity. Office in rear of bank. Night calls should be left at my residence on Main street. Office Hours, 7:30 to 8:30 a. m., 1:30 to 2:30, p. m. Telephone call, No, 07. ' .; x Sept. 20.'94.-1t4 : . l E i 1 ),. C. H. BARHHARDT,: M. D,, Physician ind Surgeon, ' . I MT. PliEASANT, N. 0. Calls received aad promptly attended at all hours. Office at my homo', late residence of Dr. J W. Moose. . Dec. 20-lioi. DR. H. C. HERRING, DENTIST, in heas even-.oi oil a pallet! ; of iir.T-i t!mro:i!h courses In Agricut riv.! and Electrical iKngineer- i 11 mril acaderuii; studies i;... i Clinical -conwe". We' reply that when we .advocate IJl7v Win favor of the gold cOid is kept in the shape of dentobons u leep at night not curtrvtowam Lt man as the Corporation Counsel ma mi we are nut tZCZ tn slinw rest upon our broad and leruie prairies. T,, m i i f thoL. rw mir ainceritv bv trvmg to snowi ::. icMiva nnr! words, do. we really Trnt nf New Yort The if he willapply his logieto us, wyaoes . de6troy 0ur depths of We brain memory "" CU8hioned or even unea; ana yeu as the mewilA0 y agaAD " A-a .XTm the upI recollections- of thingsVhich are , year out the devotees occupy t tarmerwno kuwiu""'" r- -rr .. . lm tn i iarma, uu s"' rr: r i mon in nv nam Liiai juviv- ".'- - tuu - . ' ner seemed to be looking out tor omce more than anything else. ia again at his old pljice over Vorke's Jewelry tore, v ' cowcap, xt. c FIRE IpRAHCE. When in need ol Fire Insurance, call and see us, dr write. wc repre sent only first-class tiome nu j.- uiuiku Companies. $ 1 - nespeciiniiy, "- WOOD HOUSE & HAllRIS. :. ! . i Sewall the Logic il Caudl.Ute. f Gastunia Gazette. wi, shnnldiVt the Chicago conven- uj """" . " THE tiou have chosen a stulor man wanted to? Wasn't it all at sea? if it SptHlDN. ISlU'WSOl i r and toila.all day, begi: and toils all summer. nlieation of brain and BAiTi. : : : 91 00 m 00 .I'iI'IU'M lt ' l.-.I.I.X AN'DKK Q. HQf.LAPAV, i I'resident, Kaleigiij S. C, VIBXnNIiTcELEGE m YOU! G LADIES, Roanoke, Ya. phcationol brain ana umocio w-t f" " ;ntefnafional nation is ame natural resources of this coun try, : ere- do if they 1 to secure tan people on every question, with out v ateswealth,,is .as much of a buaness agreements Thereis more g for the ftid or consent of any o , the man who, goes upon the him to do that than for ua to fail to . th And upon thati 3n tne price maintain the parity. , uney nave -go a thou- for thirty years-f or thirty years-to se flimb 2,000 cure an mtornationgent and the Union. man as the man who. goes upon Board of Tikde and bets upon we price of grain. The miners who cnr.A toot .ritn tne eartn. or oiiu ivv.. .u . . . . .. . I ,i . . . l .. iw.n.. rnM r mini I ini'v M.rts v ci uw.. teet upon we t,""?r. ";"T :f wt want it at all. their hiding places we precious . - to be poured into we cnanneiu, wo l Ill'MIVs. - i-iit-t -I ('urs,. 1'u l m'm) in, lK,. One ot tae leading : ir Yoim' Tidies -In the Sonth. . i.t imkliliiiKS, all modern imiwove- aim.. "steii acres. - Grand mountain LutMiurnf v. fimoil for taoalin. in.iaml American teachers. Full ... runlamil 111 Aft Klld srii'ifntu tmih twMtv States., tor :ic :iili1t-iuu llio Pi-Aaident. ! l'. HAKllIS, lipanoke, Virginia '"':l In. 1,IMn,i Mi mi ix-gins siptember 2. onitneroial. JHA COLLEGE N. 0- Pl-E.VSANT, .Instruction tborougn n.ii-rate. Location healtniui. lt;ilnt(iHP.. i 5 I M. O- 0- HC'HEREB. President. ns in we spring tnat ne - - Vhy 6treet8 of every city in , and oy me p- cure ti- - My friends,' we s tA . trinMnAan'r hO TAI I US WlllLb UC W KUXifi ws . l 1 i. this country. Ineyeragam puriioway... mumv", r?- ior the betterment oi :iueu buumm . i-ji hann hut which lnsumuy bukjik i thnt. thev mav more morouiuiiy man uwuuv r""-' iu.k mil when- Y'"v .1 . ii. . -.U r legislate for its own 1 being ana jiaau tiiiuS" " "r;;, forget tne vamties ui iu v. , r - . . . i , t fAk- niiu r Kitiiiruiiiii'' n uivu wait-1 ever occ - : wuuilla lhm;. ."' V . rri , well known mental upon mt Bt.nrthena this we expect to.. lmaw-that memory often nr.'it moat ttienUyIOtaw3"i "-: t - I are cases - i TAn( viiir nv mrvtnff tnat vnnn iu raw w-"vv . .n xenaarecofrontwitn i u I T Will not Sianaer turner uuo wj ;'-?. thoir native w ire uuu.T . ;Mo if tnev asK u ucioi - . u, etafoa vi ine enureiyKW"" " - much business men 'as we lew unanuiai p-' " - the m0ney that we peop.e Ui: recovered and used them upon as iue lew jw... mnn i tnat tue pwi" " - . I : tV.t -ara aav mnrfiOIl We money I " r . iMnAfanmr oh magnates who. in a back room, corner wny .. tariff declare our neipie "i r. . - . - - i . n . . i n ii ii u. nn. . ill v 1 Snau not Sluuer u. rT7' ..i'- - . nts nf the State oil ongntena uum.g State of Massachusetts, nor life, Llv VV " . : Now, my friends, let me come hnist unon 'bread and wmei, .J -i ...'.! A tn vrv the wierd moiiotoiiv : ui niivtft w j i m ' such living, tiiey spend hours of each day bent in prayerabout an altar m a darkened cnapei, . uipir uetw with chains of great weight. - i l This strangest ot an reusiuua wnro inieawas iounueu uy Ian- question tiian we say?upon me nation to attend to broader question, I reply wai u yJZ It i8 we issue of 1776 slain its mouBJuiuo, : r" ; . a our own Duautw. ; 't here 19 ft tneorv mat i . . , TWnv ivfre ' ovef--?-iu"r:. LJ- a.-1 s have relaxed." iust . .. ,i tua n? ji.iM'iirsinfe of a rvrt iu u Tnr vnai i'uxhx i.i i-r in iuu. viw - ' i c? r u r l i 1 1 iitr ulin li tuu ' i - 'i aw .Knn nnl tr IS IHHI.UUU UOU moiv " - - - . 4.1 t w" "hw ' , mess men. au, , 1 fe o thousands. -If they anoetu, r poUtical inde- as do the muscles- and corns 01 me h u t they sefc ahout; the iai m- onewordagainst those who has JJjJ nQt embody all tH.J upon limbs and body, and that by so doing 0 J0vsHhey , h;ld made dvumg he Atlantic coast, but those ask .us wny we '?w hich we l)eMeve Iedenc; of evaotter njon they the nxind's monitor xndento; B5(.knPRl,. Father. , mother and-i live 6UIUWB.W w.wu,-,- ronnllfcctionsV which were long 7. , - ,irUhdrew ehtiich-from the . 11- the money ot we worm. , Wa nme to sneak ior wis V V W T- A . - r-lasa of tniiness men. An, my inenas, we say not on live along we . 1 inAon 1 AotAKvi T.n niuiicv ia wm 1 the desert to .blossom as we roee, tuv T "sarv' reforms wUl be pos- our .u..n..t thore' reanne wir nwmua ui-y -- r. :-inever t": r;H; beart. wh?re slble. and until that is aone mre - - . - OArfl not nDOn what ennurcu tiw v' ..- v; - . . y aneomnusneu. 1 r . . theycanmingle tneir yoiceawiw me xr wey y 1 v,;ia. nnt there where they Why is it wai wimiu nh- . .mB..1K,m : pnod but we can not have .IwTi Kne8 for the edu- such a change nas come ove - " n ' " l,;nn h(!iM u8, we reply na -rrTnrfand churches ment, of this country r ; inree nVhang r gold standard rM 1 11 111 ui luvu 1 ""o -1 1 . . . niA nnntinpni. v ubocikm i uinii uw- o w . .. . ii..:t n,iitnii nfl am wucu " 'u . . 1,. ,Voni thev riraiae . fcuvir vw. 1 -o- guages, their death beds-l There is a theory the Riinrll ih)x euuliSnic killediff hundreds 01 we peouiu ui mwr trcal', Dr. Jacques had among his 100 lv nf Aubin. : ! if 4t, oil n,.h i" : - :. .. mat 1 r rhev were persons of good Bixial i 1 -1 US!QH INSTITUTE. N ii ibii'.uii with the cheapest and. the vciy W 11,-1, l.iv1,.ir.vt(,i y school In the ute, 11 in-si ami Music DepartraenU. i , "-r.lstvJ In such a school . U Hill pay you to "-'I ai mil.,. fr free catalogue, ?t' H anA I dorn when nuu , "f," . , . ... wbo beuevea - .:. i-i mnii rt framfl nur raaumui ou wuiviw . . , tj. . 1 A,, nf the consiaera-1 nut"""" 7. . . .1.. 1 1: ioii;am KomtnBA the unitea otatco aeaa - - -r - , .. . nor candidate, even me "i"""""; r" I.T . -t- In II wey uare w wiuo. w - . J ,1 U- afanHarii AS a country. --.- : v . It is not tor tnese we speak. , we oo , reason for the a masses Aii,, m.fni July SB, 1W. at HAMILTON or I i littUCE BENTOJf, M.TA.. Principals, Vulonvilie, NC. (-',:Jir m;i.v n r.riv Plastcrs for SPINAi .. All druggist eeu em ior av. Pi Bl UURtS WHtKEAU. fcLSE FAILS. . em nent IXiuyh byrup. Tastes Uood. use 1 in lime. Mold ny oroggifm. h rdvrS who braved all the dan- things our r earth . ... L. mons ma wn T IU U1C1U Wl" " - 1 , lk.1 .u an H inuKiiGUueut mui V 4... Iv?i" . .. "1 gerspfihewilderness I - . 111 Va nna. I UUT lulWM" . , I .1 ,U.I ,,1H tint na CiT H.I1V llill LRUiai 1 t . V, : V,ir,1QAIt W I I IlJA.l Ul ,r be the judgment of the people. " . ' 4 f J Jacques, u , , The upper lloor of the house is dijjided into rooms or cells, bare Of carpe.or of the unsiarhtly . c& Una, plain, unpainted tables ana tin waaniuv-l-,r,a Tn the room Used for purrxxs of oiugi ' ' , . . it,,. regular worship there stanus, u mc shadow OI we aiuir; u it iiolnirhanp-ing from it. ? T TaaMw- 0- CJ i l 'I-. . Th nrime motive of these recmscs ia to intiercede for the souls of their sisters whom ; destiiiv has thrown ny ..... o., ;..uv,o : v,rt wot nf temriiauon. ou hc" "lv- social season arrives, when parties, balls a Hvaa are in nrogress, . then j in KWWIW.V - x . j iu. a k;ti hniiRehold. all the figure and deprivations of monastic life e wdo" bled, and lae uoiswiw v hnnrs of each day upon xuujr - -r ,heT necks thoir knees in urepun wiaj, weighted with heavy ox cnains,. ; Fn in-we fierce colds of a Canadian winter they have fo fires in their cells. mm " If Eric Is In ro bust health, and has lent well, and is at the top of his con .... . i ' .. j... aiuon at ms ucuwt- GQSCQRD GARBLE; WORKS, FRIEZ'4 & UTLKY, ! PROPRIfiTORS. aara uiu nut t- t ofadard as . j. mil dicmt: n. tiRHiiieiiit. ivav vavj t,uo vi-- .-u ... ... i mat wo vw x- - . - , mjs oii ticrrtt tn tne uuer- r '"un had good reason for we ;npw. - s-- T.X. nehind ui the producing not come as aggreasoy.-rr cause there is scarce a r i ihi nation and the whole cates of the gbld standarddid not think ha be-J good thing, in ucuiuu uo . i iirA a wa nr nr! rrr in " . . i 3 thor tg wtiaobm iii uixa jjauv -'' itoww"", - - - iiiio (lavasKiug.w' '"r t . . 4u the defense of our nomes, uu. within the absolute control ui and noRteritv. - ,. I Donnhnhlican party . ' ... i J nnliKwt. vr" - . - :- . i . But note the change. Mn ssij nd was nommaiea m ow ju - r- use. He Sure You are Right And then go ahead, .if your biood is imnnre. vour appetite: failing, nervea weak, vou may be sure that ul. vni.nj hat nA shall' restore I tt j;iia ? what, vou need. in we goiu i oecautw jugu "t - - nwu b - . . and I bimetallism, ana iueu ic r,vi rxnen taise . no euooutuw. Ilood'a and only tiooo s. x ui 10 m medicine which has the largest sales in the world. Hood's Sarsaparilla withe I One True Blood Purifier. Hood's Pills are prompt, efficient, al- we entreat uu 3 t more; we aeiy L..vli.u.innAd and ouf entreat x.ttT -:r-- . . We have it a ivc nv" -o- , . begged and they have moceu laughed at our caiaiumco. more; we petition no mu, , v azreement. them. : - ' . . jI.i-- Tnrnilar man -The gentleman from Wisconsin nas yT and everybody three said that he fears a fe"' "u month ago in the Bepubhcan party friend, in this land of the w"l?5n his election. How is it & need fear no tyrant .who P who used to 8wer i form that declared for the mamteriance -v - . . btow of i, this crown of the gold atandard snpu yQU not man- changea inw """"'ZZ-.-t aa k;ad upon a cross oi goiu. ju.e ' w .. v the ite- nre from Greenland, his shins will reach Newfoundland. But, take out Eric and put in a strong er man Biorn or Thorfin and the ships with jusf as much ease will reach Labrador and JNew Engliind." , . T?fTiirr. tl waft jrri?ht. The stronzer & a man is the fuller his chest is, the Bounder his heart and brain and lungs- are the further he will sail on the ocean, the Jiigher he will sail m nw balloon, and the deeper he ; will dive into the intricacies 01 n "u?'""' sion. A man's Rioty " nu world has small use for wea". ad, rt must he salQ. sicitiy w.- for Uie world. But, sickness is ftfjj . Mirtl ' II IN HllllUSt 0 ftAS'-u feel repcniani, w. , V .V i71i chief take Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. in e ucui- DICaLEKS t, MDniinieuts, Headstones, .Tablets I" AND JLL KINDS OF ' CEMETERY WORK.' s; Work 'furiislif d in ho In'st grades of a . llf. d "lowest among world. Having benina us we.commcT . WayB rehabie, easy, to taice, wuy ur-, eial intereata ana rne laDoniig uci grate. - - . .. . i i.!i:.. iMnosd nra shall an-1 . . . 1 ! 1 anaaUineWmuaui,- - - pnnntjV. if their demands ior a goiu uu , laxgcot . j tvim von shall noUpress 1 not in the world, is in Louisiana, and iVlXij, v rf : . . - I - . -l x - Ti.- vmA is owned by a synaicate. -xv " hundred miles long- ana tweniy-uve wide. It coat $50,000 to fence in the 1,600,000 acres, which are aiviaea up into ranches. It ia actual merit that has given Hood'a Sarsaparilla we first place among medicines. .It is the One True Blood Purifier and nerve tonic. Ti.,;,, the rod will do no good unless , Tk OlUb ftv . . . i i a sv,1 K mva the hand tnat noias w uiuyw v "t.v. and a d i ltiBt-i bi-sr work am Aiis ru-ira itetd. See us tctore Kn vino idwhere. Prices designs furnished on application. Dca s oitt btano. . - We?t DepotlStrett. Men who try to: serve God for rain are willing to serve the devinor nuuiiug. your graii'dfather died of consumption ; or orouchitis, or some other equal y frightful H;" V,. I... irr.ublc. There Is no, need of hereditary consumption Purify ye i.Ji 'trAn Medical Discovery, then .take more . m n w ' . LVJi Strengthen arra ouiia uu yu. through the purity and strensth of .your blood. ' . s There is nothing- miraculous about the " Discovery." It is a compound of cura i j .unriil'w blended. It will cure 98 per cent of all cases of consumption if it l honestly used. ' Would you know yourself? -Senf.. one-cent stamps to cover cost of martin only, and rct tr. Pierce's Common Sense Xi.i i A.A..r Tn the readtaff of this Cook of MB 'ms U.mcdlcaleautjon It Is a complete family doctor book, wnttea In plain Unffe that everyv can un derstand, and profiuwly illustrated. Ad dress, Wow-n's Dispensa-v Medicai. j&jjociATiow, 66.? itain.Sti Buffalo, N, Y. I Jan 11 y. c. L0TH1N I have opened out in the room next to Dr, Smoot's office a good lino, of. Men's . aid Boys - ClotMty ..,)'" - .---.. ..'V OYflrcoats and Suits..' -.: at right rric4s. Oct. 3l-tf Come tosce me. C-Tl. LORE. from amoDg we i

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