HE COHCORO WEEKLY TIKES The ujft widely circahited paper over pnMifthed.in- . . Ca-li.-irrus, Richmond , , flnwan, Montgomery . Day idson,' Randolph, St nly," Attson and Unioii Counties. aTK.K IMS KEB jt h - .. JL . JL Ji II J JOHH B. SHCRBILL, Editor, "BE 3"CrST - -A-rfc-fT) IPX JTlS NOT, SI. 03 a Year, in Advance. , Volume XIV. HAM JUXS OJT SMALL MEN. 'i mi ii ' '"" i nr.w-.jm.-t-OiiMiiMia mmii-i n n.i n in I raaa- mill : CONCORD, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1896. Number 21. BOOK AND i JOB PRINTING fr. OP iU KOTOS - - Executed in the Best Style at litis a trices-1 : ' Our Job Fruiting Department with every necessary equipment, is prepared to turn out every va riety of Printing in first-class style. No r botch-work turned out from this office. We. dupli cate the prices of any legitimate establishment. Is what jives Hooi's SarsapaxUIa its grat pegoa'arity, its constantly increasing gales, and epab.fcs it to accomplitSidta vond"ertul and anequalled cures. The eibuiatien. proportion- and process nssd in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla ere unknown to other medicines, and iB&ke:Uod's Sarsaparilla , . ."- Peculiar to Itself ii (Hires a wide range of diseases because of its power as a blood purifier. It act directly &jad positively upon he blood, . and the blood rajhes every hook ad eoruerot the hsfuaa Eastern. Thus all th ivaree, muscles, bqpes atid tissues corse ur.fler tbp beueftceht InBaence of ' Is this a day of small men ? is a ques- tiOn frequently askeJ, and sometimes the question is .put in the declaratiye. It is said that' distance lends enchant ment to the view. George Washington, Thomas Jeffereon, Calhoun, Clay, Web ster, etc , may look Larger to us and greater to us than they did to the eyes of men who were eoteniporary with them. The great writers, the great poeig. the great philosophers Beern to have pasted away, lhis is an age 01 materialism. There were never greater financiers in the history of the world than, we have at the present time; there were never greater discoverers and au thors in mechanics than we have with us this day. ' ..- ' Unto whatever an age lends its ener gies and expends " its genius upon that age shows itself in the energies and forces thuajii splayed. Epicurianisin eat, drink anuiKJ merry was the ideal f life in one age. War, martial array, heroism, generalship, was the fad in inore than one age. Peter the Great, Napoleon Bonaparte and others were the climaxes, of their ages.s Another age produces' its athletics. I reckon SamsOn would have headed that procession. Another age produced its orators, Cice- ro,v Demostnenes, nti, jox, xisiane, Clay,. Calhoun, Webster, Prentiss, Mar shall,. JSeecher. t)ther ages have pro duced their authors, the men who did their work with their pen.- 'Whcn we look about us to-day hu manity seems mixed, addled and large ly aimleBS, except to keep up with the procession: This is an age of politi cians, lo-uay the pouticians seem co head the procession. Statesmanship has been at a premium, but politicians hold sway now. Gladstone is in his do tage; Bismarck played out; Disraeli is dead and buried. Who is the states- i man nt Knrone to-aavr- inev nave STANTON - HOUSE, none in the east. - ,- ' . - " . I Ii Huns Chang, the brightest man D. J. JONES. Proprietor I in all China, talked and acted like a 10- moatha old boy in. America.- If he CSAirWLJOGA, TKS21, , J made while over here a philosophical Isiatemeal or observation I have not rbpfird fkf it. Tie was inauisitive. He $2.00 per day. . Special asked our women how old they were and Sarsaparilla Ii Oh T Bieod FtaMer. i (1 per botH ,,. r I - ' ' . ,i n..i mr Lirr lnj; gesy o liwGtt S KillS take, easy to operate. 2k rLw of the knife, skill in the use of piila, and to make over again the mau who has unmadehimself in his race loruc ceBS. AVo have great lawyers Vhen nren love their profession better than they love the incomcderived from their pro tef sion. c We have I great ' statesmen when men love their country letter than they Jove .political oflicc. We. have great preacjbers when nien kve God and the kingdom of Christ above place and position. We have great orators when head and heart are both full of thought and emotion Bublime. (We have great riches when we put gold above God, and great meuwhen we put manliood above Mammon, " .'v:-: ' Hie correlated and aggregated ener gies of a man will make : him great , in whichever direction he may go 'up ward or downwards ; Vhenthis ; world shall see that goodness is greatness and greatness is goodness, and he that would je greatest of all must first be the servant of all; that it i3 more blessed to give thrar receive; that we are made per feet throuffh suffering: that thete is no crown where there is no cross; that the richest man in the world is the man who has done most for his fellow-man J rich in good works; and that the poor est man in - the woild i3 the man who was a millionaire on earth, but who has noLmoney enough in 'hell to buy a drop of water j but the richest man in eternity is the man who sacrifices moBt here and gaina more in the world of eternal light. - SAM JONES. SUK SEES Tilt: FVi van. Five-Vein OKI ttirl'it Keuiarkabh; (iift I'ropliecy. - - of BILL ARf ON ELECTIONS. Little Mabel Miller, five years of age, living on Houston ayenne, near "Nine teenth street, South Chiortgo, is a prophetess, a uatural one, who does not deem it necessary to go into a trance when she wants to foretell events She simply tells what is to happen, in the most matter of faet way, and thinks no more about it. -'::-y,:::OX- :fil i": She delivered her first prophecies when but. two years of age, when she began to learn to talk, and at first they excited no partiviilar comment, as her mother is a plain, unimaginative worn an who possesses no knowledge of oe cult matters, and ; tut xet ore gave hp heed to tho chatter of. 5he infant phe-j nomenon. - Mabel s father is a German, but her mother's father is a French man, M. Sovine. German, is the lan guage spoken in the house altogether, and, although' Mabel has never heard anything else, she is able to speak English quite as fluently. . ; Illness in the family she invariably predicts, and there has not as yet been an instance where , she was in error. When asked how it is she can tell when a member of the household is about to be ill she invariably says; "I sees em in the bed." As a rule her prophecies are without solicitation, as she usually SIX MEN DROWNKU. It is a good time to write some more 'medi til ions among the tombs,"or "an ode tomelancholy,"ora few verses like f 'This world is all a fleeting show. '': The election is over and the bad news keeps coming and the heavens are weeping and every thing is going wrong. ? Very early this morning I was sweetly ; dreaming, when there was a gectle rap.at the door and, I thought that possibly some friend or nabor had come to tell me that Bryan was electedj, but the voice 6pake and: "Mammy say she can't come dis morn ing she sick." ' Oh, my jtoor, bleeding country. No cook, the rain just pouring dowu. Mrs. Arp made ho. sign, so I 6linped out of Lbed and drcsse, and tiptoed out to the culinary department, x hred up the stove and put on tho -hominy and the coffee and fed the cow and brought in some more wood and got everything ready for feminine hands before I awaked them. In course of time they came and made the biscuit and fried the sausage scramblrcLsome eggs and we had a. No. 1 breakfast and I felt better. Sorrow endureth for a r.ight, but joycometh in the morning about breakfast time. I felt calm and serene and did like Oba diah Oldbuck always did when bad lfick overlook him. I put on a clean shirt and went dowa town to rjico with those who were rejoicing Hud to weep with those who wept. . Several days ago Drunken Captlan SacriHctM Five Kailranl l - llimttolf. . , Muskegon, Mich., NovemberB; The schooner Waukesha was . wrecked off this jjort early this morning and six lives were lcut. But one man, of a rrew of seven, commanded ' by a drunken captain, reached shore. Two holTies have been recovered, It was about 1:30 o'clock this morning" when the beacb patrolman on- the south shoro of the harbor reported the wreckage coming ashore. This report, to the mind of Captain Wotxl, brought up the question of the safety of a big three-masted schooner which arrived off the point 4 o'clock vesterday afternoon. She tlew tug fly as she came in, sight and the 6tation sent word up town for th -5 Carrie Dyersori, which came down, but would not venture out ih the face of the, big sea which was running. , The schooner was apparently all right during the evening, and at 9 o'clock the lookout man saw her lights. After that they disappeared, and it was thought she had sliDned her cables and ran out . . . .. . . makes no reply when asked concerning 1 1 had prepared my mind for a defeat Hard fact. From Hardware. Appearances may be deceitful. . The surface of beauty m ly be of tissue paper thinness. Intrinsic value sets the price of every thins. ' . " " Quality and permanency are founded upon the rock of reality. The real in the 'strength of its reality, more than the appearance of it, controls the standard of value. Theoretically, scientifically, send phy sically that which a thing is, makes that not realize that she is doing Rates. teiins to Families. . Two minutes walk froxa Cen Iral "Derot., Wtf YOU SHAKY WHY NOT TRY THE MEDICINE OF KNOWN hlERIT. SOLO EVERYWHERE a kthu.1 petes &Oo. toyrsvitte. ky. I how many children they had, and why they did not have more children,, or words to that effect; and u ne naa not been worth $600,000,000 and America had not been looking for some of it to fall this way, he would have been treat ed like any other pig-tad in America. This is a day of politicians, not of states men... ' . '; The greatest living statesman to-day in the United States is the most de spised and most discounted man in America.- He has once been the most popular. Ten years ago he was the idol of America. l our years ago he wastne most popular rcau in America. He now. holds the same views, advocates thing. Commercially, . that . which a thing sAfimatn be as well as that which a thine is. sells that thing. 7 - The surface decoration of the outside of the wan" paper gives increased " value to a cheap material, The veneer on the piano makes the niano salable, but docs not sweeten or t ' . . . multiply the interior violations. The Beams are on the inside of the overcoat. The polish is on the outside of the furniture. Part of art, beamy, harmony, and those things which make this life brighter is denendent unon the appearance as - aV much as upon ' the substance. future events, and if she does not feel like talking nothing can induce her , to say a word. : . -'. ' ... Mabel's home is a modest two-story frame house, like hundreds of others in the vicinity, and the family are ; in modest circumstances, the father - being a workman in. a peighboring vfactoiry All the members of the family are at tendants upon the Lutheran church, know nothing of : spiritualism, never heard of such a things and would hot know what it meant if told. The little cirl has never been brought into "con tact with anything. of the sort, and does anything remarkable in thus peering into the future. In fact, she .is but a baby,"rs childish in everything she does, and has no conception of anything beyond her own little childish pleafures. It is true she does not predict wars, revolutions, changes in government and the overthrow of dynasties, for they are I had hedged so that the disappointing shock would not bo so shocking when it came, but still I secretly in dulged a hope that there might i be a landslide, an avalanchean interposition of providence in Bryan's favor. A man may think he is prepared lor the worst, but he can't himself. out of his wishes. My comfort nowis in sympathizing with our hero, in admirjng the grandeur of the man who can now, like Paul, ex claim, "I have fought a gorwi tight; I have kept the ruth. Ue coming historian will do him justiee a'uV n will rank with the great "men of the nation, j One thing I rejoice at, and that is the election of a republican congress -to co operate with Mckinley . i!t' there be no excuse for the winning Bide ancr it they do-not revive the industries and prosj lty of the country witnin me next four years then they must step down and out or they will be hurled from power as Jupiter hurledWulcnn from the MUMK QUEER NAMES IN TUB NEX r i - CONGRESS. Washington Post. ; From over in Maryland comes - Dr. Ikoze, and while Ihere mayyle no sig nificance whatever in this close con junction the name of the Representa tive in the very next district is "Mudd. Maryland also sends a Barber and a Bil ker to tho next House. A Cooke ie found in the IUiffois delegation, a Gard ner m New Jersey, a Plowman in Ala bama, a Cowherd in Missouri, a Bishop in Michigan,' a Brewer in Ohio, two Coopers, ond from Texas, the other from Wisconsin,, two Taylors, one from Ohio and one from Alabama, four Smiths, two from Michigan and one each from I'linois and Arizona. A Miller comes from West Virginia, but Illinois furn ishes Mills. Illinois also has a Hunter, iNew Jersey and .North Carolina each a Fowler, but Pennsylvania contributes Iiobbins. i r " ; v " The little New England State of Rhode Island sends a Bull, Virginia a Lamb, North Carolina a . Martin, Mississippi a Fox, Missouri a Cooney, and Ohio a Kerr, ;. while a Skinner comes from a Packer from is a Fischer in the New York, delegation, but the only thing for him to catch is Sauerhering, of Wisconsin. . Fruit, too, is scarce, there being only one Berry, from Kentucky. V.': : .'i:-, Congress Is a large body in itself, but if has only a Foote in New York and a Tongue in Oregon. A Mann in Illi nois, however, is Handy in Delaware, fiioody in Massachusetts, a Minor in Wisconsin, still Young in Virginia and Pennsylvania, and, above all, Bland in Absolutely PurcO ; powner -j ? w strensth.- --hr1 Missouri. New York aggregates tdit- bevond her comprehension, but as 6he Olvrapian! heights. " Vulcan was" nine grows older she may be engagable, I days falling. and broke hia leg and is through the exercise of ner .pecuuar i lame vet powers, to foretell all sorts of happen-1 Now let us have peace and rest. I ings. A present she confines herself j sincerely wish that McKinley could stay to predicting Bickness in the family and I in office for a term of ten years and then Sold: dv Ramsour Granata China Grave. : THINACURA FOR THIN PEOPLE, ABE YOU THIN? Flesh made with Thiiiacura Tablets by scientifio process. They create per fect assimilatjoH of every form of food, socrctiag the valaable part3 and dis carding the worthless. They make thin, faces plamp and round out the figure. T key are the STANDARD REMEDY . for leanness, containing no arsenic, and absolutely harmlei'3. ' "-. Price, prepaid, $1 per box, 6 for o. . Pamphlet. "How to Ge Fat," free." . THE THINACURA -940 Broadwiy, Ny Y. The Concord ffigb School . i; Can teach your boy to rely on himself. . 2. training Or give him that u?ill help him in'tnisirtess: 3- Gan as much as gin develop ,your it does her brother. . Or both for-College. thoroughly prepare Circulars may be had at St.' Cloud Hotel. ' y HOLLAND THOMPSON, . Principal. I. DrAnthonl & Co, . Painters,1 ' -: Plasticoers, " Tarnishers; AN Paper Hangers.. Wc Want Your Work. All Jobs " Guaranteed. . Old Furniture made to look a good as new. Mattresses made renewed with perfect satisfac-r iiqn.. ypholstefing a specialty, . gee us, ", " - " .:' W. D. ANTHONY & CO, Oct. 1. x : -.. --v k the same principles ami maintains the same integrity and heroism that he al ways ha3 as president, and yet , he has lost with'his own party until the reac tfnn i? so BTeat that he himself will not affiliate with or approve the principles or the candidates of his own party. David B. Hill, perhaps the most as tute politicians in the United States, said: "I am a Democrat.'.' I see the newspapers are now calling him a "Dumocrat." Tom Keea, pernaps me strongest man in the Republican party, as pusseil by and his own party iook a smaller man because, they thought ne wpuld run better. We are not hunting our biggiest and brainiest men to-day. We are hunting our most popular men. In other words, each party wants a can didate that will get there, and they take his measure after they get him elected. If there is a towering man to-day the governor of any State of this Union, I do not recall bin"at thismoment. The Supreme.Court of the. United States-does not rank as it once did. When we measure the Supreme Court of the Unit d States of to-day by the Supreme Court of the United States of 50 years ago, the comparison seems odious. The supreme courts of our several states no not meas ure up as they once did. Great lawyers , . - , : i are not as pienmiu now-, il suema. This is an age not only 'of push and null for political office, but it is a push d pull tor weaiin anu a jiubuhuu for bpalth. Hence we have the most colossal fortunes in the world's history; hence we have more broken down neryous systems than any age has ever produced) and one prpfession per hans holds its own with -the march of any age, and .that is the profession of medicine. We have as great or greater doctors to-day than the world ever had. The practice of medicine and the sci nr of -surs-erv have-almost reached their acme in the last few decades. The past has never excelled Koch. America mav "boast of. the finest surgeons in the worW. I have been told that-one of the finest nareeons "in Europe said to a pa tient wbo eae to him ox a critical op- a iiYX-.. A n ,rrkii rv-1 A TO Til ft when Dr. Kelly, of Baltimore? is better snrcfpon than'I am. We have a dearth in my profession. Great preachers are not thick today as the stars of the heavens are at night. Georgia has- not a Bishop Pierce. New York has not a" Beechcrr Boston hasuot a Phillips Brooks; England: has, not a VYhUfWUi: Scotland tbas not a John Knox. We have many more in quan tity, but we lack m quality, in my nAriorrinations over this country I find an almost constant inquiry -by some of the leading churches i 'Where can we rAt. . man., towerina and strong, for vMiMt Preachere may be as big tvoir tViPw wera 50 or 100 years ago, KnJ- tixtvtr rtnn't Sfiem BO laruf. ax vuo ouwr - - - - - " - . oar tate Allies. Charlotte Observer. Senator Butler's paper says in its issue of this week: "Speaking now for the People's party the families of relatives, the arrival of visitors at theT house, and things; that are to happen to her little playmates. Her mother does not pretend to iuv derstand the child. As for the father, ho says nothing. The grandfather,, JoJ vine, thinks she is of the supernatural, and the neighbors agree with the grand father. . : - i ; One dav when her crandfather was have to retire for good. The presiden tial terra is too short. It takes all of one year to grease the machinery and get it jn running order; then two years for work; then two years lor-wort, ana the last year is devoted to onendihg fences and fixing up for another election. It is the eame way with our 'governor s election. The term is too short; and it looks like some folks want to make it to get room. But the fc-quel shows. she North Carolina, and hadnot. f in the terntpc storm, awful Pennsylvania. There cola ana aarKness or last mgm, six- nu- man lives had been BQuffed out and not a soul on 6hore was a white the wiser. In the wreckage was found the name plate of the schooner, which was the Waukesha, commanded", by Captain Duncan Coobett. ' She wa3 loaded with salt and bound from Ludington to South Chicago. i- '.- v At break of day the lookout man at the life-saving station here thought he saw something move on a dark object which bobbed with the swell of the sea, the float lying about half a mile bff the habor, Captain .Wood was notified and speedily found out that the dark something was the wreck of a vessel. In the hope that something might be alive on the wreck, he went out with his crew, and to his great suprise found a sailor clinging to an improvised raft. The man T?as able to wave to the life savers as they came up, and more dead than alive was taken to the station. This eveniDg he was able to talk and gave a graphic description of the trag edy. ; He said his name was Frank Delach, that they left Ludington Friday and most immediately the captain began drinking. He had for his companions a sailor by the name of red and soon the three were deeply intoxicated and they continued that way .until thg end. The boat laked badb? all the way and the hands at the pumps all the time soon became worn, out." The sea increased and the men begged the captain to beach the boat, but he re fused. When they came in sight of Muskegon the master did not know where he was and anchored one and a half miles out eainst the protests of A ' cream f tattar baking powder ilisliest of all in leavemn? Latest United States Government Fott& Report..-' . - Rovtii Bakcno PoavpeiI Jo., Now York PROFESSIONAL CARDS, W. H. LILLY. M. D. S. I MOSTOOMKHr. V, J self all the Payne, North Carolina all the Love, and, Missouri all- the Joy. Utah is represented by a King, Illinois by a Prince, and the people of Iowa by t'.ioir Cousins. " The silver Moon from the Tennessee mountains, looks dowa peacefully upon a Hill in Connecticut, a Marsh in Illi nois, near which is planted a uannon that has seen much service, a Flood in Virginia, a Beach in Ohio, ah Eddy in Minnesota, a, Strait in South Carolina, and a Hull of long standing in. Iowa, while it sheds a bright Ray upon the Slate of New York. Color lines are not sharply drawn, for there are only Browns in Ohio andNorth Carolina, White in the latter State, and both White and Jett in Illinois. " A Bell from Colorado may ring Loud in California, and Sweet and Low in New York. Pennsylvania-sends two fine looking Stones, both of whom have been here before, while Vermont, which has such an abundance of fine , marble, sends only Grout. - Three good Walkers will be in the next House, one from Massachusetts and two from. Virginia, to say nothing B. M i MOSK offer their professional services to the citizens of. Concord and vicinity. All calls promptly attended day or night. Office and residence on East Depot reet, opposite "res bvterian church, . . Dr. W. C. Houston . CONCORD, K. C ' Is prepared to do all kinds of Dental work in the most approved manner. Office over Johnson's Drnz Store. W. J. KONTOOHSBT. t. IiKB OBOWEIilj " Attorneys and Coinselors-at-Law. . eONCOBD, N. c. As paitners, will practice lawin Cabar rus, Stanly and adjoining counties, the Superior and Supreme Courts of the State and in the Federal Courts. Office on Depot Street. Parties desiring to lend money can leave it with us or place it in Concord National Bonk for us, and wo. will lend it on good real estate security free of charge to the depositor. ' . We mat 5 thorough examination of title to lands ' offered as security for loans. - Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners of same. ' . MORRISON 11, CALDWELL, - Attorncy-at-Lif, CONCOBD,N.C. ' Office in Morris courthouse." " ;: ; builfilDg, opposite 'ulri wr n vi.L n .j ui;ca 1 ri!it;n!r at the house she asked him for I shorter still. The teople are tired of III lllll 1.1 1 .JmZl,L W1XLJ (tl. OklU IWfc'V-v" - 1- J " the nation, we take the liberty of serv- some pennies. : He replied, iu jest: ' 1 election in? notice on Mr. Bryan that if ne ue-1 nave none; i am pour, sires to bead the reform forces of the pennies to utile gtris. t 1 o ; iu nnti fitrht h I She ouicklv answerea: must do so under some other name some money m your pocket, and pretty than that of Democrat. The name has soon when you seh the bouse, you win give D. G. CALDWELL i.l.D., and can't give ''You've got become a reproaoh and a stench among the people, and it will not be supported any more now nor hereafjter. And again: "In the campaign just closed the Peo nle's nartv ioined their forces with the Democrats, and the Democrats again played the people "false-grossly and brutally false. We are done with them now and 'forever, and " also "with any man who seeks to lead" the people here after under anything that may bear the name or have the smirch of the word Democrat on." " These are the ducks with whom the Democrats have recently had a fusion, Don't appear to have a very high opin- of us, do they 7 Stands at the Head. Ausr J. Bos-el. the leading druggist of Shreveport, La, says: ."Dr. King's New Disco'-ery is the only thing that cures mv coueh. and it is. the best seller I have." J. F. Cambelt, merchant of Safford, Ariz.,, writes: "Dr. King s New Discovery is ah that claimed for it: it nftver fails, and is a sure cure for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an 'experiment. It has . been tried for a quarter of a century, and t to-day stands at the head. It never aisap- points. Free trial bottles at Fetaer a Drug "Store. -' -: -'' : ' - A Void jElectlon. AloipiTKA"n Citv. N. C. Nov. 11. It has just, been learned that pt Tiney Point precinct, Carteret county, oivrNo- vember 3rd. iust before the polls were closed, one of the judges, in lighting his nine, accidentally dropped the head r.f match in the cbuntv box, and when the accident was discovered by uiem De tore the box could be opened, most of the tickets had been burned. J. he judges, four Republican and two Demo crats, decided to. guess at tue numoecoi votes for -each candidate and replace the burned ballots by news ones. . Affidavits have ; been secured from each of the six poll holders and judges setting forth the above facts, and stat ing that the replacing of the burned tickets waa very uncertain, 'owing. to the wat. number of scratches. The Republicans of the precinct are very angry with the party who brought this matter before the putmc as u was rue have a lot of money fee man will VOU." .- ;V" The grandfather at : the same time was negotiating the sale of a house, and a few days afterwards tne den i w:is con Rnmmated. but the old man had not said a word to any member of the fam- ilv on the subject As early as three years ago ? mauei could read the future in regard to! events that were of interest to her. One day she told her mother: T Aunt Anna is coming this afternoon, mama; so you had better hurry througu witti your work." ; ; : ! Another day she said: "Grandma is coming to-morrow, ana jl. am going home with her." . - . f ' .. In each case the relative came, as prophesied,-nd Mabel went home with her grandmother, as she Baid shevwould, Atanotber time, when playing with some other children, she Baid to one of them: "Elsie, vou are -going to the circus; your uncle is going to take you Sure enough, Elsie went to th circus with hor uncle", altaousrh she hat! not known the treat was in store'for her". - Mabel is also an adqjt at lolling the nationality of those with whom she is hrnncrht into contact, a peculiarity ner parents cannot understand. She can tell- Ht u. e ance wuetner a person is French .English , American or Germ an , but how she does it none of the family knows. From what source her inspira tion comes no one can tell. She is i natural musician and can Bing any song she has ever heard, although she . has had no sort of musical training, and is also a natural actress and a lover of the beautiful in everything elections we get excited and get mad with one another, and by the time we get over it here comes another election, and we ifetmad asrain. We men folks could stand it fairly well, but our women folks get excited too, and jpaiie eome remarks that become a ciroulating me dium ard cause unhealthy agitation of the female mind. - Bill AjRP. Delach, who wanted him to either enterl cftidJmrnJM3raaka Jhn T,itU tne Uauor or go-Mhore,-t wymg . jiyy i man Irom iirKannas uiuy uuoei vjj.vj iu onld not live where they were. I Pennsylvania. The drunken captaiUrtfowever, refused Messrs, Robb,' Steele, and Gamble anri would not allow anv eienals to be I would hardlv be a success as a firm in given to bring help, lockingup the torch- any other business than bank-breaking Q 8 professlonai Eervices to the es. onoruy aiier -mts umi or iruui-wiw.iiijj, n breaking. One by one the masts fell, Indianaj or South Dakota. Should they one kilhng the negro cook. The .either ' decide to divide, their Gaines in Tennes- six - clung to the wreckage and were fgee they might settle in Jventucisy, or washed away, Delbch's rnat;3 being possibly in North Carolina after a sharp the last to eo. : A temehdous waye swept I contest, , Fictitious Prosperity. Charlotte Observer. . We account it fortunate that the standard of value in this country is not to be changed for the present. The threat that it might be has greatly de pressed business in all lines, and the guarantee now that it is not must nec essarily result iu improved business con ditions. But the reports with which the nreas is teeming of a tremendous boom already inaugurated in conse quence of the election of McKinley make us tired. We are in a position. to now that these reports are being sys tematically worked up and that they are very much exaggerated. " Much is being made now of the starting. 01 a saw mill, which would not have been heard of a month ago oulsiue 01 tne neighborhood. We were in favor of the repeal of the purchaso clause of the Sherman act and think yet that It was nrnnovlw ronpalwir hut we cannot help reciliihg that immediately after ibat legislation was effected a business boom was inaugurated and continued about a week. It was an imaginary affair al together and hence nobody derived any benefit from it. The present hurrah is very suggestive of that of three yeais ago. .'.. - . , awftv inst as dav broke over the wild scene. Two bodies, those of the cook and a Swedish sailor, have been recov-. ered and' taken charge of, by: Corner Vander Linde, who will hold an inquest tomorrow. - ' - ; Should anv of the members of Con gress desire to indulge in the national came thev mav use the Ball which will t hre bv Texas. Illinois will be sure to make a safe Hitt. Cnprerarlcated Froverbs. Boston Homo Journal Nothing is so disngreeivble as trying in bill time in a town so small that any i ncr a walk must return bv the , , j. . : . uuU..,s ; . - - Tm VTatnou's Uelarett-Lcttrr. hamfl road he went. - Atlanta. Ga., Nov. 11.- The letter Before marriage the marf thinks a written by Thomas E. Watson accepting great deal about the girl meeter. Aft-r the populist ; nomination for Vice-Pres- marriage it's the gas ' meter that owu-. ident was to day made public for the pies his attention. first time, -;! - : The man who wanU a wife while he : Seven columns of Mr. W.-itann's paper j ia married to a woman is al"'.U the. ntirttrl trt it. Tho letter is supple- noorest ma awve. Uifww " . "J . . 11 , , 1 mentedby four columns' of 1 adyi.-e tof Lets of men like-? their music to i' populists to "sit steady in the boat asid like the r hush which falls upoa tbu hold their party together'- - r . . ; house when the baby goes to sleep. thp . failure of the V are commanded to forgi vo our enemies, but not 19 uiaxo u;mt -i 1 .1 ' - ThA man whr runs afier two huvs Senator Butler Makes an Open pjeglaratlon of Wst oa PriteUMd. WASHiseTOK, Nov. 11. Senator Ma rion Butler, of Noith Carolina, in an interview to-day, expressed the opinion that it was not possible for a gold Sena tor to be elected in this state to"succced Senator Pntchard. The ; Populists in the ' Legislature hold the balance ot power, and they will declare in their caucus, says the Senator, for. some ruaq who is not only a straight, silver man, but who is also for an income tax, and who is opposed to the National Banking system. " The Senator saidhe believed, the Populists would Jtand solidly for such a map aud if there are not enough silver men in the. Legislature to come to their assistance to elect such a man, then the Legislature will be dead locked and no one will be elected. TT nlao suit!- thai he felt sure that the PoiMiiUls and f ree-ilvcr Republican s!n,.,t.ri anuli ftivov such a changn 111 the present tariff law that may. oe nec essary, to provide jsutficient revenue, pfovideil the Republicans would agree to have the duty placed on the proper jirl.ic.h'Sr ' .. '. ' . ' "Unon what articles do you Ahink 1 ua t.,'rit ilntin should be tilaced?-' he hitv, 1 . wits askrd. - : - ! "Upou ti-rtain raw materials that are fr,. list, or which are now protected only by a smll duty, and up on rerlain luxuri that are consuiel .alniit evdusivelv bv tho rich, who no .rrt;llv nn tax to support the l" " v. government. ills Fatal Error. Scene The bar parlor of th9 Prince Oeorffe. Brighton. Pipes andbeer all arounk. An old salt saying: ' ' "I've got a riddle to ask you chaps. If a 'erring and a 'alf cost three farth ings, W many could you buy-for six pence?'' Profound silence and much putting 01 pipes. Jrresenuy a voice irum uio i ner: "" . ' - "I say, Bill, di4 you say 'errings? iYes, I said 'errings." ; "Drat it, I've been, a-reckonin' of macketel all this 'ere tune. London Black and White. people of Concord and vicinity. .Oflioe in rear of bank. Night calls should be left at my residence on Maiu street. Office Honrs, 7:30 to 8:30 a. m 1 :30 to 2:30, p. m. Telephone call, No. 67. , Sept, 20.'84. ly, ' C. II. BARHHARDT, -H. D., Physician and Surgeon, . ' , i MT. PlifeASAXT, N. O. . Calls received and promptly attended at all hours. Office at my .homo, late residence of Dr. J. W. Moose, Dec.: 20 Gtii. . . - DR. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST, ts agauvat his old place over Yorke's Jewelry Store, - . ' - COKOOBB W. 0 Convincing. ; Husband: You are. not economicaL Wife: Well, if you don't call a woman economical who saves her wedding dress for a possible second marriage. I'd like to know what you think econo my is. I - ' .. ; ' - , FIRE 1SURAHCE. When in need of Fire Insurance, call and see us, or write. We repre sent only first-claas Home and Foreign Companies. "Respectfully, WOODHOUSE k HARRIS. THE ivinsidered an affair of their own. peer of St Paul, of Wesley, of Whitfield I question is, will this throw out the box? or Charles G- Finney lives today, I have', If so, itfclects the Democratic member , uim T coo afro 0. verv small' of the Leadslature. register of deeds and wmcn compieiw mo cmu- populisU to support Bryan -in the close I He goes into a review, of trie t ircum-. stance leading to bis nomination at 01. Louis and accepts the vMe-presuienuai nomination "Because 1 said : I vvoum. j He declares that if the St. I.ouis populist j convention had nominated a straight; .1, Klectrlo Bitters. nroof hprs n lUff 8UUJU civ mso J" wucjuii nits. It seems to .bc, a very small cratic county ticket. doughnut in a very Urge box. I Usually -T.u n,on tUc mil nit. A man 1 " loctric J3itters is a medicine suited must Bli the pulpit or the paople won't for any season, but perhaps more gen en : ' Uraliv needed when , the languid,-ex If we had more preachers ox power, bauatea leeamg prevail, wucu ukp u, o n-r,i i,i fonnm v nave mom ueuuic iti is lui una auu oiutt;'"" " ,nwu .v. . . - , , 1 th'fhiirh ftverv Sunday morning ana tonic and alterative w leu. jx ynnu nicht But we devebp in the Unes we pur sue. Greed for gold has developed us into the shrewdest traders, the most monumental manipulators the ' world A nsA of this medicine has often averted long and perhaps fatal ' billious fevers, No medicine will act more surely In counteracting and freeing the system from the malarial poison. .'Headache, often comes home feeling as if been snatched baldteaded. ... he xbt' Infloencxf Clolbrs. iTeiid you ever observe what a dif fcreueo dotbe makes on cnu's miud? Few," when I am in my liditig togs I am all horse; when I havi on my buiuaa suft, I am all business; when I get into n,tr .u..iii.,.- nrens. ni? uiuul takes a J purely social turn. ; Shfr And I suppose thvt when you l,; i iiiKe a Dam your iumu nu uui ......... Pick Me Up. . Looe clothes ctd downv cushions bring only a nega tive sort of comfort to the woman wbo is BafFeringr wilh some disease or de .oturpmpiit of the organs distinctly feminine. oomc clothes and some positions make the pAiii and discomfort seem less. Nothing willrcver completely relieve but a radical cure. The effects of such disorders are not limited to mere local diomforts but ex tend over the whole body. . rhaps the " (rnrted. and thw in turn Ui nViX uie diction. After that there w ... " .. . a-i 4.,Klo matr 131 telling wnat lorm """" li. FRIEZE & UTLEY, PROPRIETORS. Died From "LaaRhinff. Pittsdurg. ' Pa., Tsov. J.I. dames . lntrreated Advice. r:. .. :. JY. wrrM and Door diftestion, Women DEALERS IN i the Btraigni xoau w i- i notoriously neprligent in mat- I Monuments, Headstones, Tablets : AND ALTv KINDS OF CEMETERY WORK,' Work farnisuod in Hie best rad-sof , - . ... Vnst-claB oertaimne to their health. Too many of them, understand too HtUe awuvue-r t nr""'' nwn nhvsical makc-np. 'iney uo nwv .r t.(,v,MtI ciSow uert'. work and lowest ;ed. See os I efore Pricrs and r . . !t.:i:t.Aa th?tnselves to Know wuc., - ''jrrr really serious and when it is not This nat-; populist ticket, it would have been eiect- j Thornton, a voodoo doctor, died tod ly t. It would, he says, have driven the ; frrkm Uuffhincr. His lauca was infe-J- 1 Tills and Gormans where they belong, i with him "lauffh and the world in the republican-ranks, aud tbeiiryans iauahs ; with you" was literally true. and tJianus wouiu nave juimcu. WH : Sometimes ne wouia Biarv i ugu populists. He complains bitterly ol zit wa3 oniy th great difficulty that he the treatment he receivedat the hand3 ; Btop. These spells weakened of the popuhst .leauers ana auurtaseo . Qim himself particularly to benator tutier,; Second Growth, of Cotton..' ? ' 4 W 4 j . 4 .V eynrr A Vicksburg iMiss.; ?P-", '."u:,A hft fell asleeo Today he OI . 7 V V "1.1 was found dead, lie was u vean uiu, and was formerly a street car driver. When the trolley supplanted the' horse Thornton quit and took to nealing. Vocfortlflv he had a severe attaclc of laughter. When he reached home he wont to bed. where he had another ever saw. Ana pais pusn jor4,uo uunari inaigesuuu, vuubuuuuu, li,ui,.l niiahiAiid far - skill in the' vield to Electno liitters. ouc. ana l.uu 4Wwiec)lt igirV?s1; i4 the use per bottle at Fetaer's Drug Store. is a nrftttv eooi second growth cotton in the Mississippi Valley, and that the bolls are. well on the-way to maturity The dispatch adds that it ia expected that the bolls will come to de niAnmsnt in the ratio of i about one to sixteen; that is, of every one will be barveBted.- "Pardon me," said the; new boarder after the others had left the table, 4ibut I'm cat up in table etiquette and don't , . -- i .111.. ; vr,ar oTimt.liT bow oranires buoiuu ue eaten." . . -. .' ' ; i "Very sparingly; very sparingly, sir. at this time of the year," answered the thrifty .landlady Detroit Free Press. -T . IA Dttr Jdg. . Mr. Gotrox And so you are Ihe no ble fellow .who reecued my wire from m front "of the trolley car at 406 risk of vour life? Take this quarter, my heroic man. orally makes them overlook ine V'"- r ofdanger signals. The start ?7" 1 is simple. The start of so-caUed temzte complaints H may be a very slight thin? in- j 3 T m be that in the beginning tne iron up. v.i.iui.m - -t - Kit of the neut raeuiciac -v r wiir-n the trouble becomes i,oWiir to core, but still Dr. Pierce's Favorite Jrescription tivelv cure any irouoic i :k ?.iwiintelv relied upon. immediate and lasting relief to a Woman .r wtnral modesty has kept her from , Itof the aitetPrev da of women is "" . .rC;. Common Sense ieaica T,, ', ion,9ra for the use of ih furiiished on applicatioj. At EeMncli's Oil Stand.. West Depot Street. worse,- w ,f, M -M fi Fl H f -O it can De.curea. .w A li ' -r it afibrd M:m fe3 L236-Z3V as an expression of our undying . . '. . ' sixteen; bolls Winston is to hate saio dm again, Hcense fee being tt.030. 1 reeard. 1 Mr. ltaglets All the kao-ajbetter'n I do 4 troth. p to'Dtte. right, bos?. You what the woman's tuon Sense ivieaicai nr... -----. - t, ,,u.l Illustrated. vervSay people, and gives in a clear and lnrii way an iWiense amount of valuable inftSfon about health ?d medicine It will be sent free on .Sff5 staijs to cover cost of mailing only. Addrt83, - World's DiT "edical jjociiiioa Buifalo, si. MORGAN'S IMPROVED CHILL T0I11C L?. SUPERIOR TO-AtL OTHERS. 1 i If is a true Chill Curein combination with Ziver Tonics. W' ben properly taken itnerer fails to cure tho most obstinate caaeotCfliU3 and fever. Where others fail it wiU cure. It is pleasant to take, and contain nothing to iu iure the most delicate system. Babies take it easily. As a Toaio It is without an equal. Guaranteed by your droffgist. ... Frio, 50 cent per bottle. . ' " ' V0WT & CO., CtatUaocsar Ter;