Of) . n L tit-, ir t ! H-THE TIMES -H- iSTERM BOOK BHD JOB OFFICE S We keen on hand a fall stock of j LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATE ! MENTS, BIU HEADS, ENVEL OPES, TAGS, VISITING CARDS WED DING INVITATIONS, ETC., ETC. GOOD PRINTING ALWAYS PAYS THE COHCCRO WEKIY HUES UiiHf ft;4i & Tib tg&t. urn m t$mzm atxxz CTACUMlO IN ISTb, ' If hrnet j'thift.;irt n. kl t be jwj4c i iw? w it , : John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. Sl.OO a Year, in Adranc Volume XYIII. Concord, N. c, Thursday, March 28, 1901. NUMBER 89. pM aaasjBjBBBaaaai m m T 1 JHLItL, 4 I t. f 1 i i i i J ! I i f the ft Experience teaches Maf 001 clothes iv ear longest, good food gives best nutrition, and a good medicine that cares disease is naturally the best and cheapest Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best medU cine money can buy, because it cures when all others fail. Poor Health 'f Had poor health foe years pains in shoulders. Back And hips, Huiih constant headache, nervousness arid no. appetite. Used Hood's arsapartila. gained strength and can -work hard all day: eat heartily and sleep weU. I took it because it helped my husband to 'whom it gave strength' Mrs. E. J. Giffets, Moose Lake. .Minn. Hood't Mils cure IWer IIU; the non-lrrlt.tlng snd Only cathartic to take with Hood SarMoarllla. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR. h7c. HERRING. Dentisi, In again at his old place over Vorke'g Jewolrj - . siore, CONCORD, N. C. DR. W. Screen G. Houston. - CONCORD, H. C. . la prepuretl to do all kinds of dental work in Hie most apjin'votl njanner )rtice over Johnmin's l)rat( Store, ltusidence 'I'hone 11; omco 'Phone 42. L. T. HARTS ELL, Attorney-at-Law, i CONCORD, NORTH CAROLINA. Prompt attention (riven to all business. -ltice in Morris building, opposite the court house. - DE. 7T. H. LILL7, offers his professional services to the citi zens of Concord and vicinity. All calls promptly attended day or nleht. Office and residence on East Depot street, opposite rresovterlan cmirun. . ? , V. J, HONTQOH 3BT . DKBOBOWEIi MONTGOMERY & CROWELL, Attorneys and Conaselors-at-Law ; CONOOBD, N. C. I . , As partners, will practice law in Cabarrus, "Stanlv and adjoining counties, in the Supe rior and Supreme Courts of the State and in the Federal Courts Office on Depot street. Parties desiring to lend money can leave it with us or place it In Concord National Dank for us, and we will lend it on good real es tate security free of charge to the depositor- We make thorough. examination of title to lands offered as security for loans. ; Mortgages, foreclosed without expense to owners or same. DO YOU SUFFER FUOM . COHSTIPATIOH ASD BILI0USHESS ? 85 per cent, of the do. If so, try human family Indian Herb Liver Pills They will give you brighter eyes, a clear comple ion, a better appetite. Price, 25 cents per box. ' For: sale by GIBSON DRUG STORE Jan. 1 ly. ; . A GOOD PER CENT. In ninety-nine out of every one- hundred reported cases ; Mrs. Grier's : Real Hair Restorer takes every particle of dandruff, stops Jailing hair, and! produces a soft, luxuriant growth A Columbia, S. C.,' druggist writes : "I like to sell it. It is clean, safe and full measure. 50 cents per bottle. . i JEWELER. Since the first of the year I have been receivinp- new goods and adding to my stock constantly. - I am showing I all the new, up-to-date things for the ap- I s .. proaching business. SPr!ng Diamonds; Jewelry Outclass, I I s Etc.,r this Season's iDesfen. of W. G. CORRELL, THE JEWELER. CUHtS WHFRF Ail tvtl CAite Best CoukU Syrup. Tastes Good. m lime. by drasi?iat. "77ie 'Best is w. C, Coffe lhH B1LL1BP LETTER. 1 had a pleasant call to Florida, and have just returned. The rail roads make it so easy for you now that even a veteran can travel if he has the money. I left home one morn ing after early break fast j-and was in Jacksonville that night to supper with my boy and his family, 415 miles in thirteen hours, and traveled over parts of four roads. : It was a day light trip and l had opportunity to notice the changes that latitude makes in vegetat on. This new route to Florida is a star line from Atlanta and the west. It includes the Nash ville, Chattanooga and St. Louis, the Western and Atlantic, .the Central to Macon, the Georgia and Florida Southern to Valdosta and the Atlan tic, Valdosta and Western to Jack sonville, the prettiest, cleanest and best regulated city in the south." All of them first-crass roads', with parlor cars and dining cars and sleepers that run all the. way through. They don t even tarry at Jacksonville, but keep on and on to the jumping off place, if you wish to go there. That new road between Jacksonville and Valdosta has made this speed and comfort possible, for it has done away with the elbows at Tifion and Waycross. The great Plant system has no elbows after you tret on it, but it is a long ways from Atlanta and the west. lne new road, was just what our people wanted. It is hrst-claea in all respects, and makes its 110 miles in less than three hours. I like these straight Florida railroads; ! they don't reel you about like our roads among the moun'ains, and they just glide along like a snake in the grass. These mountain roads swing an old man around the curves and strain his groin and loins and diaphragm and epigram and make him sore and stiff for two or three dayb after he gets home. I can hardly navigate now, and yet my wife wants me to plant sjme lettuce and beans and okra and work and work among the roses right ; away. Besides all, this, the cook has quit, and I have got to get up by sun rise and fire up the stove and put on the coffee and hominy and then call her to get up and cook the rest of the breakfast. I used to make the bis cuits, but 'I have struck on that; t don't believe that a man's rough old horny hands were intended to mix up flour and milk and lard in biscuit dough. My old friend judge Hiilyer and Judge Underwood were once walking along a side street in New York and as they passed a bakery they saw the bakers through the blinds, and thev were treading dough in the long troughs with ttieir feet. Judge Hiilyer said: "Do you reckon their feet are clean? "Well, ves," said Underwood, "I reckon they are by ems time; they have been tread ing a good'while." But I don't care an ace bout the cook quitting. . ' I' believe in self-maintenance I be lieve that every household should be raised to do their own work when it is necessary and-1 am proud to say that my wife and iny children have never begged a cook to stay against her will. Honors are easv; let her go and rest if she wants to. The fact is, it suits me pretty well, for the cook ing . is better I and the things are cleaner and it saves money we get along on less victuals and can dine out witn our cniiaren every day or two. We can use bakers' bread and make toast and bake Irish potatoes and fry eggs and get along fine with out a cook. : But I was thinking about Florida fair Florida that Ponce de Leon found fifty years before the Pilgrims found Plymouth or Johrf Smith found Jamestown. Fair Florida the Eldo- ra'do of this continent. It has been hidden for all these years, but hais been found. I never saw the like of north ern tourists, the . hotels at Jackson ville are overrun, it takes several columns in the papers to give their names. These tourists are all -rich, and spend their money freely. The men are -fairly! good-looking, but the women look tired and prematurely old. Northern women will not com nam with Hoiithern women forhftantv and refinement of manners. I have known this lof- hlty years. Ihey have to work too nara; poor tnings, i am sorry for them;. They have got noth- ing but money. I walked round theK Two counsel for the prosecution and St. James and! Windsor and never saw a beautiful woman ; they are mascu- nn ana coarse, ana noi an angei among them, j New England or New York or any of those cold, icy states won't produce fairies orylphs or angelic creatures. . You have to come as far south as Philadelphia and Balti more to find a beautiful woman, and they are scarce even there. You don't find them in plenly until you get down to Charleston and Savannah. Down here where I liye" they are near ly all good-looking and graceful and, as David Harum said, are coupled well and stand up square on their pasture joints and step like a deer. This is their good fortune, not only from herdity and climate, but be cause our men are more chivalric to their wives and daughters and do not work them .bo hard.' A recent number of a New-York paper says-our long haired philanthropists are fearfully in earnest about the southern negrots, but you never hear of them reguating the toil of a woman clerk in a retail store, bhe rises at 5 o clock every morning, cooks her own breakfast and snends a nickel for car fare; she attends to all receipts and shipments, she keeps the books and balances the cash she is not allowed one second for 'uncheon and never eats in the middle of the dav. She does not go home till after 7 and on Saturday nigh ts till after 12 o'clock. Her salary is $7 a week. " She is bright and interesting, and of good family. For her $7 a week she labors never less than ninety and often one hun dred hours, and this is about 8 cents an hour There is no hope for this girl except in matrimony, and the right man will not find her. And yet these northern philan- t.hronista will skiD over them all and. like Ogden s Co., make a tour down south to see how the negro is getting on the best contented race upon the earth. From Jacksonville I dropped down to High .Springs, where the good laliee of the New Century Club were call ing me. I bad a delightful an ova tion of young maids and matrons and , old veterans whose gray hairs and care-worn faces reminded me of the passing years and the passing of the confederacy. These veterans will: soon all be gone, for "Time cut down all. Both treat and small. Except te onioned soldier; They do not die, , But multiply As tast a the grow older." We have but 70,000 left now, all told; but they have nearly a million up north on the pension rolls. High Springs is on a boom of im provement. The Pant spatem has its largest hospital there, and it meet extensive shops except those in Savannah. Everybody is busy and everybody seems contented and happy. I was the gust of Mr. and Mrs. Gracy, whose beautiful home and lovely litt'e chj'dren made me feel at home. Wherever T find litt'e children I have no fear, and I do ai I please, and eat with my knife and drink coffee, out of my saucer if I want to. The good-looking mayor vas se'ected to introduce me to the audience, but not being used to such performance, lorgot his little speech, and began with "Now I lay me down to s eep," and so they had to get the preacher to take his place. -I sha1! not soon forget the kindness of those good peop'e of High Springs, and especially the cordial greeting I re ceived from the twenty-one Jadies of the New Century Club. The scrip tures te'i us that the time wi'l come when seven women shail lay ho'd of one man, but l was capturea by tnree times seven and maintained myseif weil considering my antiquity. Bill Akp. The Impeachment Trial. Raleigh, N. C , March 21. Specta tors to-day expected sensational deve! opmeots at the impeachment trial va:ch Judge Walter Clark, took the- -taiiU, but were disappointed, as Judge Clark simply recited the facts in the (fiae. There was not enough conflict be--f-n the tettimony to invite a cr&ss ea-; :uiDat!Oii. Tue defense consulted for & few min utes, then tbe Judge, left the stand without beiug cross examined. Judge Clark divulged some spicy words that have been flying across th council board oi tne Supreme uourt, such as "I defy you." After Judge Clark the defence put on Alien, Uraitr, uranam ana otners who swore as to the character of oath administered by the the House-sub committee to witne?ses. Major W. A Gathrie, for the prose cution, began hie speech at neon and it was a strong effort. The issue, he says, is for the Senate to re-established'the line separating the judiciary from the legislative branch of the government, as thirty years ago it was done between the judicial and ex ecutive in the Holden trial. He argued that Governments grow and the doctrine taat the omce is prop-, erty might have held under the con- situation .of 1796 but not now. The Lord made a woman from Adam a rib but the court made seven cuincruB8ioner8 out of White. R-leigh, March 22. Ms jor Guthrie, concludedjhis speech for the prosecu tion in the impeachment , trial this morning claiming the 8upreme Court should have dismissed the case of White vs. Auditor for want of jurisdic tion, also that the Judges had wilfully broken the constitution in issuing man dam us and should be convicted. God punished an innocent violation of his command, with death, said he. C. M. Cooke follow with the defense Disaster befell -Israel when it dishonor ed Samuel, thur Judge, tie asked no considerations to enter into the trial save justice and law. If Judges b urches and Douglas are impeachable for upholding Hoke vs Henderson then other ludzes ought to have been indicted also. He said Clark's conduct and threats were cal culated to cause trouble among the judges. . The Legislature and not the court made a mistake in the White ca3e Senator Simmons secured mandamus from the Superior Court Judge Robin son against the Treasurer for a claim Why not impeach Judge Robinson for mandamus illegal and not paid. Blow on Head Cured. Lunatic. The case of a violently insane patient having been cured in tbe State Hospi tal here by.a severe blow on the head is reported by Superintendent Selden H. Talcott. A fellow-patient having a grudge against an aP-endant of the institution, j put a cuspidore in a pillowcase at nignt and waited in a doorway for the attend ant totals. Another uatient was mis taken for the attendant, and as he . assed through the door the man with the loaded pillow case brought it down upon the other's head with , such force 88 to-stretch him senseless on the floor Some houra elapsed before the injured man regained consciousness, but when be finally recovered from the attack al his delusions' had vanished. After being kept under observation for month, during which time he con tinued perfectly sane, the man who had received the knockout was pronouueed cufed and left the institution a free man. , j. An Honent Medicine for La Grippe. George W. Wait, of South Gardiner Me., says : "I have had the worst cough, cold, chills and grip and have taken lots of trash of no account bat profit to the vender. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the only thing that has done any good whatever. I have used one bottle; of it and "Che chills, cold and grip have all left me. I congratulate the manufac- 1 turers of an honest medicine." sale by M&L. Marsh. - . For ir. tsryan has had bis picture-taken ; oi top of a Fmladelnhia skyscraper. j lu'i is one of the few times when he I came out on top. Baltmore American. Tvrs is a . or exti ft il Blark JltMnlra f ! oBM At WUmtmlmM ytfj a neatorr. Birmingham Af-Hrmld. The bUck mammie of the pictur esque regime before the war eo fast dis appearing that a loan exhibit of these bear old ef pes ought to be arranged bj thoae who) still claim the devotion of the few ; remaining type in typical homeapuik frocks and bandaanaed beadea. These i a typical mammy in Birmingham who figured recently at the weddijnji of a young woman to whose mother and grandmother the had been hiaid. The wedding was a quiet one, despite mammv's entreaties to have a "big wed- din'" : "Hit's or hame,"aid mammy, "ter i marry dat chile off n enoy eich a way. Hir mudder an' old mietisa, too, bul bad big weddin'a, and now dia here cbile gwice.ter be put off wid a reg'lar po' white folks weddin'. Ain't erg wine ter have no supper, no bakia' o' cakes. I never seed a bride whut didn't have a bride's cake." The old creature begged tbe yoang bride-to-be to at least arrange for a wed ding supper and offered to bake the cakes. My ole hands," she said, 'ceber will giv out s'long. as I can work for young mibtiss cniiuren. ize giiun along, but I'ze dun live ter see all de children get mar'ed, an'now I wants ter cook oue mo weddin supper to 1 dij. Aud, feure enough, she did. The mistress of the house, going below stairs the morning preceding the wedding, noticed tue unudual appear ance of the kitchen at an early hour. 'Dear me," she said, "mammy, every thing looks as if you had been up ll nigut. And mammy, in a freshly starched homespun aprou, a white handkerchief wcuud abat her head, stood in the door-way. The kitchen was as shining as the pans upon the shelves. The fact: of the old negress glowed conteutedh;. Her withered old bauds told the story of years of hard work. 'Mi8tii8, ehe bngan, "I sho beu up all nigut. l za ben er cogkio, some weddin' cake fer de baby. Lawdy couMn't 'low dat chile ter marr dout plenty weddin' cake. I don't keer whether dar'a euny folks to eat it or not. I dun cook 'em for dat chile." And, leading the way to the pantry, she showed the results of her night Work. There were rows of cakes, elab orately embossed, at which ehe gaztd iu silent admiration. Her mistress, looking at the ebony- hued face before her. at its kindly. broad-seamed lines, was iu that mood when a smile ia dangerously akia to tears. Apliorlimt From Joh Billing. Suckcess is not all ways a sure sign or merit, but it iz a fust rate way to suck ceed. The hardest dollar for a man to git ia too often the one he needs the most Yung man, alwjiss pla to win i game that amt wortn winning ami worth playing. The choicest komplioaent that kan be paid to virtew is, that the best lies we have are thczj which most resembles the truth. Mi friend don't sever strike a dog thare never waz a dog yet who had haff chance, who didn't luv sumboddy else better than he loved himself. Yung man, don t git down on yure knees before the world if yu do, it won't be long before the world will .in sist uponyuregittmg down a peg lower Men ov moderate abilitys make the best comoanyuns men ov grate wit may be compared to a grate fire, you kan t git near enuff to it to git warm, without gittiog burnt. To Reduce Cotton Acreage. Atlanta, Ga., March 21 Harvie Jordan, president of the Southern Cot ton Growers' Protective Association, has issued a call to the cotton producers of the Southern States, asking them to meet at the county seat of every county in the South on Saturday. April 6, for the purpose of adopting some plan to curtail the acreage of the cotton crop Ifor the season of 1901 and 1902. President Jordaa urges immediate action by the farmers before the seed for the next crop are placed in the ground. He claims that the planters will not able to meet their obligations assumed for mules and farming ma terials with t e price of cotton at 6 cents, which he confidently predicts will re sult from a large acreage. Night W Her Terror. "I would cough nearly all night long," writes Mrs. Chas. Applegate, of Alex andria, Ind., and could hardly get any sleep. I had consumption so bad that- if I walked a block I would cough frightfully and spit blood, but when all other medicines, failed, three $ 1.00 hot ties of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me aud I gained 58 pounds. ' ' It's absolutely guaranteed. to cure Coughs, Cold, La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lung Troubles. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Fetzer's drug store. 3 C's Bonds Void. KnoxvIlle, Tenn., March 21. The Federal Court in session here, Judge Clark presiding, decided to-day that Uncoi county, Tenn., is not liable for the payment of $40,000 in bonds voted to the Cnarleston, Cincinnati & Chicago Railroad, on the ground that the coun ty, had no authority to issue bonds under the laws of the State to a foreign corporation. The railroad was char tered in North Carolina and . the bonds in litigation are now held by tbe Munic ipal Trust Company, of London. Anson brings forward Hon. James A Lockhart for iudgA of the new eigh h judicial district; Union presents R. B. Red wine, E:q., aud Scotland Walter H. Neal, E-q. The eighth has . more re- commendations, according to .the .pub lished reports, than any of tbe new dis tricts It appears that Senator M. H. Justice, of E lthrrford, will be a judge, and the statement is made that Repre sentative Francis D. Winston, of Bertie, will be he appointee in his district. AS TUCK AS 6llvt PesaartraaU rit. The true use of tpeecb i not much to express our wants as tocuncral Ihtm. The beat way to do guod to ouraelvea it to do it toot ben ; the tight way to gather ia to rcaiter. TU not csasce nor ytt fate; tit the greatneea bora with bits aod in him that makee man great. " Let tu be of good cheer, remember ing that the miBfortunu hardest to bear are those that never come. - If you have never tried to make any body happy you have no idea how much pleasure you have overlooked. Cm mau or worn an choose duties? No more than they can cb-xiae their birth- p'ace, or their father and mother. If you want to make frieada, interest yourselves in the affairs of other; do not try to interest thm in yOura. Lxcb day has its mercy and should render its praise. Fresh are the dew of each morning, and cq tally freeh are its bkssiugs. The man who has to little knowledge of humin nature as to seek happiness by changing anything but his owu de position will waste his life in fruit! ec efforts, and multiply tbe griefs which he purposes to remove. Look - over tbe hat f the world's great failures, and see wby Alexander, Caesar and Napoleon came each to such an untimely and vulgar end! Had tbey added religion to their attain menu and their conquests, what empires of welfare would tbey hot hold iu fre. Without it tbe greatest man ia a failure. With it the smallest ia a triumph. The longer I live, wrote Oliver en- dell Hjlm; the more I am satisfied of two things: First, that the truest livef are those that are cut rose-diamond 'ashion, with many facets answering ti the niaay-planed aspects of the worlo about them; secotu'ly, that society is always trsiiig iu eom way or. othr to grind us down to a single facet. "Faithleata Sally Brown. "There is one attorney of ripe year and experience in Greensboro," saya fbe Rjidetilie Record, " and not an other woman will fool him as to her grief and piety. The Record Iearua ihat he was attending to a suit for one whose husbaud was killed by & train not manv months ago. When he was con sulted and retained in the case he saye the woman's pastor and a number of friends called on bimand told nim what a good Christian woman sho was and how she was grieving over the loss of ber hus band. The attorney's sympathies were eniieted and he managed to get tbe ca h! settled without a suit The woman was giveu $1,000, the money being paid juBt the othr day. About the first thing Fbe did was to buy a new suit of clothes for a married man and now the two have eloped gone glimmering!" The Cnlnese Clash. General Wogaek, Russian comman der at Tientsin, has made a formal de mand on General Campbell, the British commander, that the British withdraw from the disputed land and General Campbell apologize. A dispatch to the London Daily Mail states that General Campbell refuses to withdraw or apologize and has the sup port of British Government in this course.' In Berlin it is said that Germany will be neutral in case "Of a conflict between Russia and Brilian. The United States Government is willing to use its good offices to arrange the controversy, but ia not disposed to interfere unless asked. Remarkable Cures of Rheumatism. From the Vindicator, Rutherfordton, N. C. The editor of the Vindicator has had occasion to test the efficacy of Chamber lain's Pain Balm twice with the most re markable results in each case. First, with rheumatism in the shoulder from which he suffered excruciating pain for ten days, which was relieved with two applications of Paiu Balm, rubbing the parts afflicted aud realizing instant bene fit and entire relief in very short time. Second, in rheumatism in the thigh joint, almost prostrating him with severe pain, which was relieved by two appli cations, rubbing with the liniment on re tiring-, at night, and getting up free from pain. For sale by M. L. Marsh. Wlll Never Die. Senator Vest is older than bis years, in fact ad well as in appearance. lis is ill and desponJent and refuses to take a cheerful Tiew of life. Nevertheless bis mind is one of the brightest in the Sen&te. Oae day he sank into his chair saying to his neighbor: "I am an eld man, and I'll never get over this." "Come, come, Vest brace up. replied his neighbor, "brace up, and you'll be all right. Lxik at Morrill over theref. He s nearly yu and is as spry as a man of 50." "Morrili! Mor rill!" said Vest, n'He'e-et foreternity. They'll have to shoot him on tbe day of judgment." Proper Indignation. "What do you tink, Sut?" said Miss Frocks, "Mr. Spudds actually proposed to me on a postal card. Well, I suppose' you accepted him ia the same way," -added Miss Kittish. "I did nothing of the sort. I mailed a typewritten slip announcing that none but sealed proposals could be consid ered." The Sacrifice. Mamma Now, Teddy, we must all try and give up something while times are so hard. Teddy I'm willing. Mamma What wdl it be, dear? ""Teddy Soap. Recosntzed Him. Mrs. Casey (reading war news) Wan soldjer wor morthal wounded, an' his lasht words wor: "Gimme whisky." Mrs. Dolan (whose husband is at the front) Hivin hilp me fatherless childer; thot wor Pat. Rev. A. Shorter Caldwell, the own er of Barium .Springs property, and who has been living at Barium for a year or two, has accepted a call to tbe pastorate of the Presbyterian church of High Point and will move his family there. hills vuar rant. Xear Mmrwm 4e4 tm ( Letttalaasr Tl rtW U4 Tartck, Toers died oa the Hoes cmloJr, f b!l faroratjy refortd.Xail, a Ure oumber of sstkli has pa ed th Sonata, amoog others the foUowD: To alio persoua divarosi andr the abaadoo meot act to remarry; to provide for tb heating sad veatilatioo of the caiau); to provide a tteacrrapber fur each Indi cia! diaxrict (uiU ts aa old frieod); to restore tbe krtuUtare jmer to prescribe sod rrgalai term of pabUc oCker. their duUcs oJ their m4omeU; to prevent gaarsxtty oofiaoies from re quiring depofit to be deposited io national banka; to eipuoge from, the record th resolution of eipulsioQ of Joaia- 'i'ui ;.-r from the House; regulate the ash?-'.-.', arettes (Brown's bill from the . i, to furniaa books to tadt. gent t.'. io tbe public srUjola; to prevent tbe State from hbnog farm laborers; to carry oat the eonstituliooa! requirements as to public school; to prohibit tbe sale or gift of intoxicating liquors to minors, idiot and ioaaoe persons; to make tbs Commissioner of Agriculture Slate game warden and promote the propagation of game birds and anima'a; to make it a miadmeanor to keep whius and negroes in ths tarns cell in jail; to provide for county farms aud the working of convicts thereon; tu change tbe deaign of the State nag; in regard to j .iuturea; to instruct the Aturcey-Gneral to tue ex-Tresarer tVorih and enrettee; to give tbe Super? tor Ourt juirauicUon of baetardy; to provi! fur compulaory attendatice at sctuol in Mitchell county; to estab lish a Stte normal school at Winston. In the Beasts only nine bdls died on the calendar. Two years sgo there waa not even one. Among tbe ills which died are these: To allow tbe Slate board of education to appoint hpe State eupervisorsof public schoole; to reduce the price of school books. Tne highest numbered Senate bill was iob, the highest numbered, iiouse bill 224 i. It waa learnrd from the Secretary of State that 1242 acta and resuluttoua were ratified. The Austin Libel Case Not Even Given to the Jury. Charlotte Observer. The case of Rev. J. F. Austin against G. S. Eaoutt and Charles M. Ray, edi tors of the Mill News, of this city, wherein criminal liliel wa charged, was tried in Asheboro yesterday and re sulted in a victory for the defendants. In effect the defendants charged the plaintiff with drunkenness, lewdness, ehady business transactions, aod aban donment of his wife; and therefore, the plaintiff brought the action, last Octo ber. Austin himself was practically the only witness for the prosecution and bis case was greatly damaged by bit admia sion, on cross examination, of many of tbe charges made against him by tu defendants. The eleven witnesses for the defense substantiated every charge made by the Mill News, and gave Auetiu a very oad character. The case was ao overwhelm ingly in favor of the defendants that Solicitor Rush stated that he could, not. in view of hi? oath of office, ask the jury for a conviction. He requested tbe court to instruct the jury to render a verdict of not guilty. In so instructing tbe jury Judge Browm stated that he fully con curred with the solicitor and bad the case gone to th jury and they had re turned a verdict of guilty he would have set the verdict aside. Judge Browsi said that, departing from his uaual rule in such case?), he would ordtr that the pldintit! c p i.xed with the costs. At it develop-;' -t the plaintiff was unable to pav i sts it was ordered that the costs li id by the State. Messrs. Esuott& Ray and Mr. E. T. Cacsler, one of their attorneys, return ed last night from Asbeboro. That was a striking dispatch in yes terday'a paper indicating something of the losses to American trade sustained by reason of the troubles in China. The losses to the cotton trade alone, ss shown by the Chinese port receipts, are $3,000,000. With good cause, therefore, United States Consul - Fowler, station ed at Che Foo, says, the loss in trade "must have teen keenly felt, in tbe Southern States." Indeed, yes felt In the declining price of cotton and in the shutting down or shortening of hours of cottoa factories. Charlotte Observer. The fact has jiat been developed to the outside world that until now white and black children could and did at tend the same, schools in Tenneraeee. It ia brought out by publication of the fact that the Tennessee Legislature has passed a bill prohibiting tbia co-radical education. Southern people outside that State perhaps never dreamed that this system obtained there or anywhere else in the South. Charlotte Observer ' Mrs. J.--F. Tedder, wife of railroad man at Paducab. Ky., last week died suddenly, as tbe result of a shock While shopping she lost her wedding ring. On discovering tbe loss, ebe fainted aod never regained conscious ness. She came from Aaheville, JN. C. and bad been married only two months 1L Baking Powder Mack from pure cream of tartar. Safeguards the food against alum Alont powders ate the gKaacat to health at the present uy. aagp era i art a a,ts Stat rtTw UstWsft - The f jUowio ivtm h from u ts cuhiecfs of A&S &l&cal EKWkv Oae -4 rt rawness a b-b t kuvieu a WUrt $ifteuty l&att (Wt tn bis tea fcr a lUfHist dru-caS. We trrqseoUy se sotfe iwatva tat io rWKHM pap, j4 iU t .a ( t etxameot on it w irrw$ii. Tfc firs "extra moos" ptopim io all dsecitca- CMtlioes who are cmm ciaWt aalsaw Um-j1 tvlaUoes in all (hs feat eilairs 4 lils are wocUf , a snarly su as P wiHl, with member ot tbrtr rtir Ur dsoomtosOoo. 1 los we tlct mm lbs stauaieet that Mrtbodwt tor ch act. a Presbyterian dorUw, so ktmf ctats Reformed rrsabjtmsa laattr, or Lutheran, KiamxL Usptk oi talh- olio busioeas pr vfeawMal man t cuechanie caa Cod aa ofwotag at sows poiut. Tats meaca that people t4 s crrtain meet want to patrootas a meta 1 ber of that sect Is preference to all others. Now it U com mead able enough in members of any particular denomina tion IA do what they ca to aid aod en- courage the grow th of their deooouaa- ttoo and to aid to proper aad legitimate wsjra the member of their dtotai&a- Uoo. - Bat there ts a.waya a line, dic tated by common sense, as to how far thia matter should 0, Because a law yer, aoctor, mtrcnani or arurn ia a member of the lmtil, Methodist, Presbyterian or any other Church. doeau; t make him any better lawyer, doctor or merchant, aod sometime be ing a member of the Church doesn't make him any better man. Heucs to patronise a man simply bcan be is 2 member of your Church, regardless of hia professional ability, or whether be sella better roods or cheaper goods, or imporUnLftWbether he ia a good and derving duxes, a rocju neignoor anu a menu. ia utter toolihnee isdeuominaUooal. iam run to aeed which ia the rami in tbe e i tract above quoted, for io this rae a druggist wbo ia a member of a crrtain Church is wanted, notme, word being aaid about hia ootmetence or profes lion akill. In fact we alwaya lxk with a suspi cion on a man wbo aasa support for office or patronage for biaiheea on the ground that he ia a member of some particular Church. Generally speaking, auch men are scowndrels. The question one wants to consider is whether the man ia worthy, ia competent and can be tr noted. It be ia a memter of the Church and a Christian so much the better, but be ahould not be boycotted on thia ground if he is all right other wise. People who exercise common aenfe would, in a case of dangeroua ill- nes or an important lawsuit, employ a doctor or lawyer who 'waa known to be successful and skillful in hia profession, even if he was a 'healben, rather than a Presbyterian elder, a Methodist steward, or Baptist deacon who was known to be neither skillful nor suc cessful. ' All thinga else being equal, we repeat that it ia natural for Church member, just aa members of other organitationa, to atand by each other, but if Church I i t.: l : f : : N uie.iiuereun aitjuc is mu.Bueresj ii is denominationalism run tosetd. These remark are uotbtpired by local condi tion!. For broadmindedoeea in all matters the people of Stateeville aa a whole are not surpaeeed by any com munity anywhere. We have aim ply expressed our views on a question that is often tbruat before tbe public. foretold Iter Owa urtlh While in food Health. New Haven, Cotio., Dispatch. Miss EiU . Graham, aged 39 years, a proof reader in a printing establish ment id this city, juat one week ago yesterday called on two frienda and ask ed if tbey would be bail-bcarf rs at befl funeral. She aaid ehe would be dead in a week. Tbey were amaid at her proposition and tried to rmke her for get all about her premonition of ap proaching death; She waa in splendid health at the time. Two daya later she waa taken sud denly ill with what developed into pleu- ro-pneumonia. Bhe died on Thurs day afternoon lant week and waa buried Friday, tbe list of pall-bearer in eluding the two friends abe bad invited to her funeral. "Every Day Will Sander." Representative Hoffecker, of 1)1 ware, has been telling una atory to Representative Mudd and other Mary land Congresamen,.eaya tbe Baltimore Sun: "Down -on tbe Delaware-Maryland Peninsula there live two families wbo, according to tbe local prints, are named Day and Sunday. The Day family baa seven daughter and tbe Sunday family baa a?ven sous. "I am reliably informed that five of the Day girls have already married that number of Sunday bore, and that atii. another Day girl is about to become the wife of another Sunday boy. Io view of this, why ian't it appropriate to say that every Day wdl be unday by and byT" j Referring to tbe uueatiefactory textile trade iu this conn ry Tbe New Yoril Daily Dry Gooda Record, in its issue of March 15ih,aa;Y'ToMOp cotton rniha is expensive, bat it costs lets tnsn ts be ing lost at the mercurial price!' that ob tain. The derangement of. value can be remedied. It is a radical disease and requires s remedy. Tbe radical remedy that will cure ehe disease ia to too the cotton miila." From the above it will be aeen that thia authority d not think tbe curtailment now going on both north and south sufficient to meet the situation and advocates closing down entirely. Tbe Telegram sjs tbe Legislature finally gave tbe Normal and Industrial College of. Greensboro $40,000 yearly for four years. Of this earn f 25,000 is the regular appropriation for running expenses. That will leave for the four years, Kum ui wis sum, ii),uw goes to pay tne lnaenteaneee ana 000 for permanent improvements, in . . . I . . cluded in which are a practice and ob servation school, enlarged dormitory room and a gymnasiam. att f ' i Cane am ts I & Jk r fefea Wa atii jw tcr. a4 st5.tj :.f tMt' f g4c a tm ia & htni'zt tnn f 4 w.a, Nav r'1 K ti- wsiu a? th rH i . at Si t; W -ia 'w. "?' 4 tAiWrt t asay S l ff t -i4. Ami fM i-4 fcwt t a. f -swiiasata Oase as e-vetiftads f f-rassaaaaj a f.lomep's Friend . raaiiMtt&skflSjt as s4- aa if test it. It fet a sJwf!hf.f. twosacre r:is4. wHH tHa saa t4lr aU, ft fwa 8 RVttaW'tssstasucttr si ..r, tirsslt .- braaatk, rnar-tae'. aa mm a4 LSa Ua l tha ba f-rfa. A 4 lrt!Ji Bl.f t Sia. f '. I WltMi txitts-sfi i ba4 rr ti t4u i a. tt MtWs rW4 a IV aiMSHs. - tta. uw no nutuot to, AXUMHa. t. THli Concord National Bank. With the 1 ! srteuv twm of twka ok-rsms a . FIRST t CLASS SERVICE TO TUB UBX.Xr. Capital, , . . . -V).HM1 i'rofit, - r . ri,(J Individual rt.ihilniity v of Hharrholdera, fO,0iW Keep Your account with Us. tnt4rrt iiaitl a s vrotxl 1.1 Imi kl Muaauk 'latiun t stj sKir i tiUiuen, J M, I'KFI.I, Ywi!lil. (Ml (Ilt.TH t!K.t)iMr PIUPL HMk Mir. k. J la..l ... k..k.. k. sha aks Uwa l kin t Aw AUKl'H aS t fcss sU dlMtpar4 1 a4 ca lrli4 witb eoiliMi tot some I'mf lm afvr las Inr th first Caarsret 1 butm fesS aa trosbla with Ikla ,lin.hl. .Wm . r ... t .tMh lm k I . . l)t(CMtrU " I Mb WiMSI, I70a Usmaatoas Art , raila4sUta. la OooS. Mssf ateasa. w saasa. m biM mm, as. ... CURt CONSTIPATION. ... M .Tfl.lt If "M ! M sinkf. A TOWER OF STREET!! tSsaasasasI iBWltSMkt CosksiaspUaa Itt. Ottos Gum Balsam T rtm.ti to a aslsttltas sssa. pooi4,eas Ita yti but sis lafat i ae ta lbs peviLsf pr. cwkS Iff watcS Iks rTS SVHkdptM srs swtnknsS aa4 ikm sautful aos wrfl u4s4 pfv pertlsss with wislch UT bats Tba l Istubtwra eouchs to vM lh MTW fall . jrrt4 rsaSuf bs tbia rsss4f tt saad. It earae tbsas aa4 asasa Uts auicJOr. CABUTTDTllElMnS8CO.f ' iimtkmvB-l ns to writs ae taask yes far ssrux my Ufa. I ha4 a bad eooaS aaS Soctorai with oir froity itio bot 4 ao aUor. I thooirbt I wmili (t hto tutiswntOoa, I boo7f ooo (xM.Ua ot in. Otto's Sproea 0n Balaaa aad ttrurasna. 1 Ksva ao tmmn beAbt4 r s Durssttkca. I raoocuwxvS ywir atsalctss as aa mj IrUoiAm. JwstraJy, -. HascT Hapurr. TAKE SO SUBSTITUTE! GeoolM ta prnra4 ootyfev tas Carlstedt Hedlolns) EVAKSVILLE, IMD. Trim S aed IS Csata a ftettla. For sale at Giljson Drug Store. lleallhy Children ar kpt mirottr aa4 wall; ask aa4 paov fltU lu.ka r tnw&m Ttgnroua bf li km ot t&al faakoas riumAj FREY'S VERf,1IFUCE Corrects ail disorders of tbs Mawarh. expels vorma. f . fais table aod ptMttivs to msltfm. Bottle by ull. Hjo. K. . S. rKETTIMUM.n, MS. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM n tun ka liiin.. Ormn V ur e e """"H t TV i. t. m t" J hWW, a,iii.m SLJS CATHAimC y Spruce S,i'i ass 8 fm jrH . S FM