N THETI M EG STEAM BOOK AND JOB OFFICE 77.. keeoon hand a fall stock of -. LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS; STATE MENTS, BILL HEADS, ENVEL OPES. TAGS, VISI1 INS-CARDS WED DINgInVITATIMS, ETC, ETC. r' - ficc:ovhuytil::S U2 Xtt ESIiariS CaUIXI CSTABUSHCD IN ItTftV Jbluz -B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner! aTTS1 TnTP SUHTS UTOTDJ $LOO a. Year, in Ad-rxzco, If jtm h&xt unt thirty to fl, kt QOol) PRINTING ALWAYS PAYS Volume XX. Concord, N. a, Thursday, i October 80. 1902. NUMBER 20. CONCORD TIMESo I 4 TIT A f T ryATA ri innri BUGLE SONG By Lord Tennyson ?THB BUGLE BONO" la universally considered on. of the finest. If toot the very finest, of short English poems. In writing of Tennyson, Dr. Henry Van Dyke, the American preacher-poet, says, He has the power of expressing the vague, delicate, yet potent emotions, the feelings that belong to the twilight of the heart, when the glow of love and the shadow of regret are mingled, in melodies of words as Simple and as magical as the chime of faroff bells or the echoes of a bugle call dying among the hills." Th-t's the personal question a woman . , 'f.t.rself when she reads of the cures f wo':wn!v diseases by the use of Dr. I.it.ri-,. s Favorite Prescription. - - ; Uliv shouldn't it cure her? - z X : r ' :I .. ,a-tv. v.lir,ntrfi ra.se? Thousands of s.uh caies have been cured by "fa-' Wt, Prescription. Is it a condition . i.r i, wl doctors have declared in- the hundreds, of thou CURimei . ------- ' - 1 . At umtiiMi cured -bv tne nse or SJlll'lf tl ;i ' " Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription there are a jjreat many who were pronounced incurable by local doctors. Wonders , i-n worked -bv "Favorite Pre- "-.crikion" in the cure of irregularity, j weakening drains, inflammation, uicera tion ami female weakness. It always help?- r It almost always cures. : j : ' ThT vtars aeo," writes Mrs. John Graham, p2Um had a very bad attack of dropsy which left me vj ith heart trouble, ana also a very weas hick At times I was so bad that I did not know what t do witn myseu. my cnuuini whbto tnf til t.tKC ; ' i 1 1 .- . - . . hai l taking sorauch medicine from the doc- ! nam "to Philadelphia two years ago, and pick ing i 'e f vour little books one day began to 1 , ' Tf Air-in- lind done for others. I SSin itie'f to try it myself.- I took seven bot, . .. i .o,-T am a trnfKT well woman. - ties, aii'i tj-"j " . , ' wriebiiur -i62 iiounds. Have Rained ) pounds cim-e l st.irtcd to use -ravorue nwnpuoo.- Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets clear the nouiplexiou ami sweeten the breath. - walked err nticoxst jarrta. tni rroor tulkii. , -:,.'! WAV. TIIK Hlt.ll I BsllltSMB CSfS Ateries Kate wsve. Kew TorkTribme. AUl CaartoOe Otjetrti r. M IDemocraU (o-caild) Iw .'wt bf tem elrea, an forerc brn4r4 as d-srftrr who suM tbrtf Urthnjtht for A nmt v4 pan. TbU U the (XMdndinc poumnw Cooaomist, a papvr hich U tU ruour h I mrmo Uh h to know bt-tu-r. As ; ure ; as. vtu ar 1 Their ait eaunt ol Trrl4 r sV la A - wis. swtos r.ri ; rulh AtwrrkAA nr h bar afwr4 in cxnu pmU Otis yirr, nxnttit fnMtt bo am kiSHOws ber. Tbw Ivn swm la bars littl M 4 n44 stta HE splendor falls on castle walls A.na snowy summits old In story; The long light shakes Across the lakes. And the wild cataract leaps in glory. Blow, bugle, blow! set the wild echoes flying; . Blow, bugle; answer, echoesdying, dying, dying. "" Oh hark, oh hear! how thin and clear, ana tninner, clearer, runner going. . O sweet and far, from cliff and scar, - The horns of Elfland faintly blowing! tsiowi tet us near tne purpie giens replying; JJlow, bugle; answer echoes dying, dying, dying! i O lore, they die in you rich sky; They faint on hill or Beld or river: Our echoes roll from soul to soul, - 'And nnawpr. echoes, answer dvine. dvlnar. dvlntr! Betweea tea. rnsriw A Hi Trk Ue balaed IS saads . Toronto Kan aod Empire. I iTh iJjrd save me from AS EoctUh ! If the experiences of Alfred Y. Allen, man who h done things, or ssys he an old Toronto boy, axe Any criterion, has," said A Western man At Lbe-Wal- he has discOTered a core for cunsuoap- drf-Astoria recenUy. i3uch a one tion that leaves Koch and other Irmn will tnoil any tarty And throw clootn compounds in the "also started" list. (on Any gathering he happens to be in. and;;SoeToand U XZ d the club he born mbuke is Mag mad iW -u a. Ib ay It to become DODolsr. This is his became Art nnmjUgAte4 nuiaan. No meth c trra.ment the Xoh CW inn.. s I matter what stArr u told, the Brit-1 hn Inoproaeoia. ; ery lew ti any tn i KMaiag iu.. wv nuarr w Oa beine told by a doctor at San ! uber tnTartawy went me narratov ow i --: . " " r , , i " . i Fr.nci.co that hislungIrere Almost better, i For exAmple.one mAn toU ol r Anytbinj tUe; few of them at cau; tt, AnimabAinon thrm . I uahii nn si nil nss nsn MaiJr tm nnmst ii i m. iuw ijans raiiin ucs iimii bsokzaa aasi mmw - i .. die, Mr. Allen retired to bu room ta enne in "those never-to-be-forgotten among e Wort iwbsUnttal mn U consider what he would do. Many days when; cattle sold at 75 a head And Ibe But I Armers, btuiarss men men would hATedoue nothing, or committed ereryoneia the cattle country simply of all orcupauocs who are afu-r mRh- ...;;a v..m ' v. .vLt .i,k T ... . 4 ioe exoer suiuUe men in otlk And to spend his few remaining days, how- story, bat as soon as it was finUhed the Jurt Uwa equaUy Adoutieml. Tbey ever, a sadden inspiration came to Mr. EngtishmAn rang in one of , an experi- rt n lrge In the mo h in t Allen. He decided to take a walk enoe he had at Monte Carlo that made campaigns have furnUbed the moiwy hack to his old Canadian home in the Cheyeine Ule seem like a bottle of od donethe work for the IVmoermUc rm . 41 ii.i-t--.L. ' t - nartv. This vtukt thn itartv has irututi loronw. - ( K. ., i cuanipngue. , . r - -- - - j T - - " itM fnHtt .h- rao. tie At once decided to try the ex peri-1 "inen An ei- arm j oiucvr wiu u i .7 - ' - - 1 - , - , , . : . 1 j . l " o , ,lr,V I ...-.-1 nt..t,, iK.t leointrto vote for and they are uot eo-l . cOe knew that they mant -mi w- . :.t: u:. i.. .:. 1.. ,.tr.r. . vort.ln hill I ing lO do It. ! hen It U rtrotXMMHl to Itlsyrd A art. On hi rrtura from a uwful Urd Bunt Mr', Md'if aaw a ruaU ig nJUnc in the d$rt, He bad hr4 of lh Ud Ikr-, but up to 'Uiis time had sera nou. Willi the j.Jrto.ao'a itMtinri, h raiard hi gun, Uml and wounded This year the ' party has put up j grunts f rom all ail-s, and hundrwls of he started out. with his best suit on. I had been sent to capture A certain hill. one lunar out of business, ! in hislTbey aidn;t secure u, out 40 per cent. I pockets, and a gross tonnage over all lot 81 pounds, lie was very weak At first And found it hard work to cover , a mile and a half a day. For two months he walked along, keeping his I money as long ai he looked respect brand them as every time the When it is. pmpi to chUf,! And UroBj! down his too, be . ,rlvr tl.Jrtv vMr I,. "dserter" they laugh; battity seimbtoJ among the branches 1 , " v " - V . of the company Uy dead or wounded every U me the party wbio crack th-y ufastoaii ttw. rua io nogs camf.iuAS uvui w-viui -.uu.m on that bloody bilUide before the boys soap their fingers. They have never buodml of them. And thwr grununf world, ami H Still iravtlin, in blue could be driren back. . yet bowed theu he to.nyby ex- hmBDM; health and -CWlfott 'ThaEhlishman caDDed that with Pra,KQl7,mna anexneriehewofhis in India. Out of be buUied this year or serrcdfn,m aisn. , , v . i , , i. 5F ,,c KTO a. torn nan Ol 70 Hltbl UiaiMCOm ,uv,'-rl',v ,w " 1 1 : - i . , . Drw. frtiwt tho nit! man with the fih on hit back, BLACK BUST Of COTTOX. DR. IV. C. Experiment Station Gives Rem - idles for This Bllgbt. y'l The following bulletin is issued by the North Carolina Agricultural Ex periment Station' on the subject of j Ahthrachose or "Black-rust", of cot ton. - " -; - 'Vvv .'Black-rost of cotton, bolla is each year becoming worse in the cotton fields of the eastern part of North Car olina. It frequently amounts to oje tenth of the cron. : " ' : tannw on the ffronnd floor of the Utakerl Rlnnk-mat" is a fiincona disease. Building, i j j tuft BTvrvren or mrms of the funeus CU V UQUOAiJ ' UtsUOLUlSMA AAVSM WW ww place with And in the cotton seeas. The fnnima also attacks the leaves and stems of (he cotton plant, but this form usually causes no appreciable damage. The spores of the fungus may however, ! . .a . IJ live over winter in tne stems anu uis eased bolls of the preceding crop. The simplest and most eneciuai rem edy for this disease is the annual se lection of seed from the fungus. 1' This, in connection with rotation of crops by means of which cotton will not come nnon the 'same field oftener than once in three years, will reduce damage by PROFESSIONAL CARDS. H. C. HERRING. DENTIST, o. Dr. W. C. Houston Surgeon .'. Dentist, . CONCOBD.H.O. lsprepaawl to do all kinds of dental work In the most approvea manner. Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone 11. - Offlce 'Phone 42. : How to HlaMage a Ctrl. mm - v -w t - a a 11 - w 1 iiiiiiuuii t t iiij necame moreweainer-worn anuneeay-iautnucr .uowfcu-M - . - - . 1 . . 1 .u: . u.ri h tn mtir n nmic looking it soon went. S weak was he that he looked Uke a nutmeg grater. lA mU ZZ"Z V-JrV:'"' ..lt. . . 1 t . itri u. x. haa. 1 uiah bji iiiuriicuucuu w aajr n v 1 Liiuu a ul - wvv w w r- n - lUAi on one occasion ne got permission I . . . v:, ; 1 ' i;,: rf of thn beet i Let -the ab thought to I say 10 The and their litic. who are not moved of vengeance, bat whose ited by principle and who ro except the promotion iterests of North Carolina. e! then: go on if this is wise Dartr nolicvV but we Elizabeth City Economist Lher maligoers that it but dettrov the stoke of his can. And then they began to root at the tree whereto he sat. - V - A half doseu of th big boar ke4 at it, and he thganto wonder It they meant to root the tree down. In the course of a half hour .ms wonder had . m k a, nnaKla leaMArv hv this last anecdote had been I ammuou in IAJ UUI flWU AVA BJ U1VB)I AUW W ws uaaawav j rf : . , j - . . 1 . .- ? 2 M i.-sl a maiKas msn aa fAMMr hlftlOAif I U m OUIXIfc Knmft one who tiiu tnea it civea inei to nanaie ine axe. i . t luiukv imwuw v u4u"A'" i foUowing rules to manage a daughter: Slowly and painfully he tramped on, as to relat an experience he had while " c - 0 . .. . 0 I . .1 un.i: k-,-m TV,. Wneriiahm.n I nave ncraesi 1. XOUCan idOlt. - iouowing tne uea norm uwugu vnui"u"s -g, - 2. Give her her own wav: it will save fornia and Oregon. Then he left the chimed in; at onoej with a legend of a her the trouble of taking it. tracks to take a short cut, and lost I bear hunt; of his own. lie had oniy . 9 . m I . . m V i.?. at llU A. X lv wm a Vina A sir a 3. ray for her dresses, 11 you cm 1 nimseu two aays Ana a nignt in tne i w suum tu u uiK-.n. - afford to. Her dresfT maker wiU ue dense forests, but in spite of it aU he attacked by .tour aauis ana two cuo . . j j 1 SvivAtMB at r r ve . am saw ni r .1 nun in inni.v vou if you don't, - : istartea 10 gam girengto nu wa? uuu uw. " ' . , ' l.trnrth 4 Tf ahe takes a fancv to anv one I able to averaee 85 miles a day, one day shooting that must have made the per- her you "have set your heart on ner mar-1 ne earned i t coo-mg ior sowo uuuKrjr i T" -; ori. whei- the nad ccuhued unon I get at a treed enemy, rvine him and swear she shAll never sheep herders, strangers to dysrpsia, shot through the hearty only marrV any one else. You can give her and sUrted off again rich-one .more from where tne aouguty x-ngusnmau "ftxl&& , , .UhVLe spirit of the lScklcA hunter w coanUs naV a free hand and she wouldn't nave mm until ne jeacnea .ano. .w?J 8ilnCe that followed the rehv intolerance manifested in some quar- bers moving about, and the rooting At if he was the only man left. . . U ternble experience tramping I inrlf . Muuchausen ioritWeW ters, and with the efforts to bum Vk the tree went on. Hoing to divert the 5. If there is any man you want her 173 miles of blazing hot desert, with- tton of this Munchausen pnstUTeiy 1 . . , .,i aavae brutes, he had thrown down to to marry kick him out of your house, out food or water, until he reachedan hurt, but Jf " 'enS J aside for cause,1 was that manifested by them the contents of his .gsroe Ug, order the servants never to admit him; oasis, where some adventurous spmt he to M EnglM w s s i - - r i r jM w j-v.- 1 KAAti rnmrtri r rw w a h iiiu in iiiiii - - - - . - - v - - - . . i naa Dy lrngauon reciwm-u, cuuuKu K.utrs - , .M in ,; j,,, ; .k ! I'h.r. Time nassed and the tree Imn to lr .l.rm. The hoes made a big bole around tne roots of me gthens them in their purposes I tree", which was but small, and they are men who CAnnot be driven 1 were sun rooting vigorously. L. T. HARTSELL, v Mtorney-at-Lai, . ? CONCORD, NORTH OAEOUNA. Prompt attention given to all baslness. Office iu Morris building, opposite the eourt house. . . - - -v - - - - distribute man traps and spring guns and bull dntra all around your grounds: lock her up in her room, and vow if she marries him you won't leave her a penny. You will not have to wait long after that for the elopement. ;. 6. If she has no voice encourage her to sine whenever you give a party. It will attract attention to her and give your guest an excuse for complimenting her. Nevermind the neighbors. - 7. Tf von are a boot man teach To all weak ami sickly children he gives rich ami strengthening ft kxL To thin ami pale person he give new firm floh and rich red blood. Children who first aw tins old man with the jHh are now 'fc a . Doubtless I grown up anil have children oi tneir own. - He stands for Scott's Emul sion of pure cod liver oil a delightful foot! and a natural tonic for children for Old folk and for all who need rte$h and strength. hind to produce a scanty living By this time 'Allen's tongue was parched and swollen, his lips cracked, and he was comDletelv exhausted by 1 a r - his privations, so' much so that it took several days of water and tood to put him in sharje to continue his walk. With the managed "lnatrrexpenence, saia wio r"Z 7" Cu -Z "TT. 'MK'.ee knewiwell that hi XSXXL anub. .nyol chanc. for life was, JJ, L n T vself once had. I was after Prty fealty or good citizenship to vote among those hogs. ' - More and more the " " J,"" Jlj hftd Chased a nair of them I for a CAadidate whom he conscienti- tree swayed, men leanea w one siue, Sthetnoc-n. They finally SnS ously believes to be unfit or unqualified And the hunter gave.himseif up for tn a envoh and made for it. - Just as for the office sought. That was the lost. . ,: .,1 ..L wuuuuu i -r .. .. ..I inah rt - r-liioin- n n. thn khI 1 Kllllllftnl V I Her WSS a COSBaUOn OI UiC aid of a big water bottle he they got to its entrance i snot twice i , v.r.m va Z: I r.w7n Waiting harelv Ion. enough - .u t tk tham m no- hntH UfflM. I 1 amn i iu iw uwiocuk w. o y.uou u.iuuvu i -o - m . 11 mt . m t T k. I.I. 40-415 Part btrvet,- New V or It. BOo. ami i I. OO i ail 0ru)ats. With An Experience Btin-r-ifr.hed nlain. and , crossed - into Utah, through which State he strolled, in three years, wUl reduce damage Dy i 7. if you are a poor man teacn 1 utan, tnrougn wmcn omie -v", "Black-niat" to an inappreciable quan- your daughter how to dance and play J hospitably received everywhere by the 4r : . flMtnn ra twt - fmraved- like 1 the niann.-v- She can learn cooking and I lonely railroad section men, to whom Drs. Lilly 1 offer their professional services to ihs citi zens o; oncora ana sunuuuuiug tuuuj. Calls promptly attended day or night. W. J, M0NTOO5IBBT. tiKSOBOWKXJ M0HT50MERI & CfiOWELL, ittorneys and Coimselors-at-Laf , , CONOOBD, N. O. As partners, will practice law in Cabarrus, rior ami Supreme Court o I the State and in the ieleral Courw, Office in courthouse. - Parties desiring to lend money can leave it with us or place it in Concord National Ban, for ui, anl we will lend it on. good real es tate security tree of charge to the depositor. We maWe thorough examination of title to lands offered as security for loans. Mortsaes foreclosed without expense to owners of samn. The Tourist Season Opens with the Month of June, AND THE ; , SOUTHERN RAILWAY- announces the; sale of - . 1 . 'Low Iate Summer Excursion Tickets, ( 7. - :'----7 ,. I To tire flelightful Resorts locse-i on i - ; and reached via J8 hns. ' ; These tickets bear final limit J October 31, 1002. 4to- Cotton mav be- - soravea- nice other herbaceous crops. For this crop we ; must; use a spray wmcn win not stain the! lint.- The ammomacal car bonate of j copper is the best spray to nae nnnn hnttnn. This is made by dis solving 6 jounces of copper .carbonate in three pints of strong ammonia and adding the solution to 50 gallons of orator Thia mav be SDraved on. the plants by any of the garden or orchard sprayers in common use ' The Borde gux mixture may be used upon cotton while it ia voune. but is no better than the nia.no. She can learn cooking Ana nnm maVintr and those things After she is married. 7. j Tame a Bull-ros. - Salisbury Sun. - . 1; . xr n t.' A rev's voune son of about j . , . ceven years, has accompusnea an un usual feat in taming a bullfrog. Several : months since air. .arey wem seining and caught several bullfrogs, trv tnrAr them home and his little son upon seeing them, determined to make a net of a laree iroe. ins wj tne sieht of a face from the outside world was a real godsends In fact, at one place, where he had to face a fear ful cold snap, with snow waist deep, a family took him in and kept him three week. When finally he ; did start off the lady of the house gave hini a kiss - - ... . a 1 and a five dollar bill to cneer nia loneiy i . . At- fire again for the reason that those two mn A nd idate ' holding thesebroAd to maae .ure or j.ne m - XlFZSStS hrghUaaaTm .'moSt fo presenting the! pohtical policies that of feet. The hogs had deArted, for mSffititoSSSS Mr. Pou does, deserves thevote of every some mysterious ctrTh hunter myself within the snaaows 01 tne ran j did not know then and does not know fn' Z, -rr'ZL hi, nt ;ere that of now why ti, But go they did, monn d that i wretched bronco the Democratic party ia the SUte there and the hunter was sale SmJSbirSi mvkindness would be no independenU because there He soon came down from the tree would be no reason for any Democrat and made the best poaiUe Ume to h . v; r . - . .. 1 . j 1a hrtU whiVh Wnil1 nnt he met bv a I DOffie. better reason why he should not. But go on, gentlemen, with your hectoriog. ' M YEARS OF BARS making a bolt for the cause of it. Lookinz around I saw a grizzly at least ., . mi. 1.-- vn- Kni I nine feet men nlBbluZ IOWUU UiO Wiiu DllETimaKe. 1U uiuuej K"t I " , . . .. the memorv of that kiss is Btill fresh. open mouth. I can tell you I legged it Through storm and snow, wind and up that canyon, and a busy brain; ac heTjrwlrlArl lntf. traveraine Iowa companied; me. I couldn t shoot the into'lUinis. through Illinois to Michi- grizzly, for my last shot had been nrea m. - Mw ThO IVV imm- I Aaaww O - . - I . . i . i T . -. A lUAM nav.A .Z Sf.S! Jf5.C2t32 Wi ?L h" LT bS?.1o, from U' P"V . ! tuisiBine nine wucu . . froeshin was on terms pi me ciubcoii--t T .- . . 1 Here the miner came to a lull stop, mixture la liable to With his little master. Now eunaio to wx, ----.7 TUiv intereated Enlishmin . K-.werti the oia uspension enug I t?'. -a ,wk. . me doy wu iu v "i i..nnrinoH iin am . There 1 reaneu Dreaiutt-ay any command. He PJf01" h took the Grand Trunk ties and particular order and the frog beginsto ,40 Wednesday, croak. ; Another order causes the frog -J wiary, I but a well toiatnpintoa wagon in which htUe ne;n. IRfi munds of hard. Arey takes him for a drive each day - toS. and without a trace The frog is as mucn a pet as a mu fnft ' mDtion, I the Bordeaux I -tain the lint. " Paris green at rate of 4 ounces to the barrel may be used with the Bordeaux rlestrov rAteroillars. but no fcrsenite can lie sateiy usea wiiu wic ammnniasl RililtlOn. But Annual Se I lection of hejdthy seed and rotation of crops is the best , remeay ior "ic.- rust." 'V - : - - - - - . . Grbxld McCarthy, Uotamst, N, C, peparlment of Agriculture. hd nneriedi what did the bear do. my - w . - I lai la ALIU UlUCt ua au. m a w v a -'w sa dear fellow?' 'Why,' returned the ; "You see, they passed A nefarious -nd k n0w In advance other, withbut batting an eyelash, 'he prohibition law in Iowa, and there s whattbe campaign orator is going to ate me up,' of course.' " ' , your whisky gone. Then they Abol- ulk ahout: And some of them know .:; r ished capital punishment, and there s more 4bout the subject than the orator. Why lleQolt Iowa. Kansas Cltj Journal. Henrv Clav Dean, who was a famous orator a generation ago, was referred to many years Alter ne baa movea to Mis souri from Iowa, as "Henry Ulayuean, of Iowa." Hei used to explain his move from the Hawkeye State in this wav:' -: - 7 tf -. 'You see, they passed a nefarious Times Have C'haaceA, SUtesrille Landmark. 7, A gentleman who is familiar with the local political-situation thus sizes up IN WRITING Fire Insurance, settling losses and representing ' . , Sfirsl Gloss Companies, Southern, Northern and, Tor re. Boys Bis Head Welch BXore Than Bod? ana LimM.7 EixE590fio, Butherford County, N. a , October 24. This town can truth iiv lst of one of the most wonder: tul freaks of nature in the personage n.--na Panda.ll. a white boy 6 years . . .. tt J ii.- CK -inr,nAa Hia Krwi V 0lu7. ; ne weig-io w - j and legs Weigh only 15 pounds. Ever since het arrived at the age ot 12 .k hia head has been rapidly out- UJUUIUO uiu s, growing his body, and his parents - say that -. his body has not increased a particle in size and weight aunng tne past four years. He is really notnmg u.. 1,:. orri hnnea He is very fond of meati and does not eat much of r,ther foods. Now afld then he drinks coffee and milk. ' ; , , ' ; : While h io in perfect Theaim, to u appearances, and has been so, with the exception of one illness two years ago, u j anmur to crow ' or 1 thrive, .nd his toarenta do not believe that he .-n i-rr Often he cannot hoi r hi- head. And most of the time he and is thorougly domesticated. lie claims to Be 130 Tears Old. Washington, N. C. Oct. 24.--A neero man, who claims to be the oldest person in the unitea estates, ceieuia his 130th birthday to-day in Clay coun ty, Kentucky. . He is named Elijah Bledsoe, and for many-years, in olden liweA at "Paveteville. He re- "x " rr . ' r - .11 During his long tramp wr. juibu walked through thirty-five pairs of boots .1 1 1 1 A and used up more ciotnes man ne wuiu keep track of. He was much impressed with the unfailing kindness he met with everywhere, having always plenty rt forul and clothes. On only one oc casion did he lavk a house to sleep in when he was lost in uregon s wuas. Mr. Allen has been examined by local political aituauon inus uiovp .. , lU.Wn.imn ThewnrktheDemocraulCKTn. WC 3SK VOUf t).1tronn have to do is to get the iieojJe to reis-1 Our facilities for Employer's' ter and vote. The people Are indiffer-1 . a :.tn nn.l 1 1 mIiK ent, apatheUc. Thy caw nothing for a-.M..Uy. ....wv... . campaign oratory. Tlie appeals to yas- J I nsuraDCC arc excellent. sion. oreiudice. or sentiment, so euec- ti ve in bygone camtuugna. count for little nr not h in..- The neoole want facts and most of them, by reading, are pretty well posted And know in advance G. G. RICHMOND & 'Plipn'e J84. CO. A Rlir Event at Bis; Ua, Charlotte Observer. ' . C It the flying machine were perfected we might all have gone to Big Lick, Stanly county, last Sunday, And heard the ioint discussion between Rev. Sin- rle'tnn little. Primitive Baptist, and liiii mj aa v v"- w j members the war of 1812 distinctly and Dhy8ician8 who have been amazed to knew Aaron Burr. Bledsoe says tnaine . MmTOrfectir free from the white a: A :ra Burr henanRA he tried to Bev C3ul.; which was s away. The negro nas in nw puaocoou nf mnnpv that was riven him by Gen. Lafayette when he visited Fay- etteville. It was given in me immui tip for service in 1830. :' Bledsoe made himself famous by the -.vn rnnr Winn incr feat in history. He ran 32 miles in two hours. His oppo nent dropped dead by the wayside. - - - - . uia not UKe xurr uxuoo , , I nlague. and stiu more asiounu-u at ur hnv him from his master, ana taae nim 1 r(n;nllrw method bv which he - Tua nairm h in his nossession I j , 1. curea uimeeu. That sMtion of North Carolina known as, the :: 'TIIK LAND OF THE SKV," AND THB . ""l-itiPTnUTJ nnTTVTT? V . ' . .-I nrefers lvine in. Dea Decauue mo Wirt r-lltl-l..l'., jli. thncnln tRiirfih 1 Prelcl V. o i luniintuin rwsorta. .wliere the air is Horses Fed Wltl Molasses. New rork Special to Hew uneana nemortrat. ' - ' Instead ofoaU, 100 horses owned by jlovr One Honsewlfa fllah.es Fuel. Utica Ohserven UaM ia the manner in which one xxtv .'J housewife has to a certain degree over come the pressing question! of fuel: j she tnnc four oommon: 'bricks and placed them in a pail. Over the bricks she pourea a gaiion "uo -V" and let them stand until the bricks had -hnrhed all of the oil they would take ahe tVlk OUt : tWO OI IDS Davis, misuonary Baptist, told of in our Albemarle pedal yesterday. It was doubtless porth fl vine miles ' to ' hear. The Primitive or Hardshell Baptista believe in predestination and oppose foreign missions, i nd Around these points the debate seems to have raged. , Our cor respondent tells us that "Rev. Mr. Lit tle is an old man. but of handsome ap- neaxanee. and reminds one more of a vnnr haniriDEr irone. And DOW tne . , ..... hn nnmilatmn seems to rje arutinff re w toward Universalism, and there's your . a . t s" ?! a " i hell gone. 1 can 1 live in a estate tnat has neither hell, banging, nor whisky. " ' : - Gela la nontcesaery . 1 -" Troy Examiner. . - . - It seems that the gold fever has struck Montgomery county in earnest. Gold is being hunted now in places where it Was never thought to be until recently. " The section of the Iola mine is being thoroughly searched, and pits are being sunk in the Pekin section with the hone of unearthing some of the yellow metal. Montgomery coun Thereffire ne laus to IQLerest U1CU1 This does not mean that the day of oratory is passed or that the campaign speaker may not do some good, but for the reasons stated, the conditions are greatly changed jmd the campaigner mut accommoaate nimseu ww nw It doesn't mean, either. that the people are quitting the Demo cratic party or have lost interest in it, but it does' mean that they think they nan affnrrf m he more independent and indifferent about matters political than heretofore. And ibis brings the ntuA tion back to the first proposition stated that the thin ir the Democrats have to do is to get their people on the regis tration books and get tnem to tne pwia. . a . 4l t . . 7 " Till! Concord National Bank. With tlia latest approved form of boots aad every faculty fur tiatMSUn ayeeouau. FIRST t oxrxits jl CLASS t SERVICE TO TUB fTJIUO. Capital, Profit,, ; , Individual responwbility of ShAreboldera, 22,fX 1, nver C'"'! aii(i invlirorat.ln jr. -n1 where aeoommo latKji!s fan (m- hd e; jner at tbe comfortable 1 and weii-kept; Doarrfina bouses or tbe more ett;iisiven4 up-fr: Vdate hotels. nrj, inen bub wu ui 1 ""-livuiuuwiuuuj r.v-., B theArbuckle Brothers, of Brooklyn. . fi.to them. They Uvrner of! the villaee. He beeanAt coffee and sugar refiners, are fed with 1 5 hours, and the fire neneia and-wound no at Revelation, molasses. The animals are f "&t th was one by which it was proving all he taid by the Bible. It fat and seem to thrive on the aiet. yr. i j a ... - ootinj, or 1 awarnp.i hit everv argument made was George H. Berns, a TeteFin; ? !v Jer water work requiring considerable a direct blw at his aged opponent, who r six weeks' expenment on two 01 a -v ... . her home to get along w , U- a 1 wav. Keen rioted for her fftild. pearance, and remmds one more of a ehe 0,iBe8 to keep np her repu-1 That is the work to be done, through Koman senator ot 01a man a xnuiniTc --thi. lintk The Iola mine i rronl effort or otherwise. ' preacher.1 jStanding in the pulpit in his d to payin,j handsomely. : ' mm.. 1 arS- VIIIIAIIt UACB. Gatosu, Oct. 24. A case ot insom nia, which is both remarkable and In teresting, is one in which Mr. Levi Smith of this citv. is the victim. Mr. Smith is a native of this county, ia. 75 veara fill 1. and lives near the Ozark Mill. For forty-six days and night be did not close bis ejes in aieep ana a the orwl of that time he Blent for OUIV A auv v - - , - a w a few hours each night. .Three week ago to-night be got bis last short nap, hi Hvrtnt for the last attack being 21 days thus far and with the exception of a dizzy, giddy feeling, his aleer4eoes ! keep Your account with us. InteeMpeidMasTeed. Ube-JaeeoSo. tatka to aU our customer. - -7 J. M. OPKI-U PrM-ti. D. U. CULTHAK R. taaWaew, 4- hirt sleeves, with a red bandana hand kerchief in) his hand to mop ; bis' brow occasionally, be spOke for something 1 vr 1 : : over two hours 01 nis oeuei anu giving reasons for tbe latin mat was in mm. I Of the Rev. Cul. Davis we are told that he ia a tall, pannt. raw-boned man. a ! typical cou ntry preacher, having a voice "arth Carolina Freaks. Elisabeth City Tarheel. ; j Eastern North Carolina has some of the aneerest freaks in the world. The biggest is Lewis Lew ark the 17 year old hn who weighs C69 pounds. We all .now TwiH. He lives riirht here in Currituck county- and. their the smal- at . ;ww - a a lest is Cfias. Baker, ol liertiora. jir. Baker is 21 years old, weighs only 71 . ... I ,t . A . A? pounds and yet ne is , ta tne nest 01 health and deserves much praise, from the fact thouith he is sadly hampered I 9 DfilTtOSALsi-EEf-lXaTCAlW. ; !' h c lit Sen! )otrom Various Points ioJ'rinouial h wort. Vui2 aflordinjr .' ''ilKATI.Y IM HOVED FACILITIES '' For reac hlng thOte Points. 1 - Part.-uiar attont ion Ir directed to the ele aunt Oinliiif Cur isrvi 'e on principal . U jrougb trb.ng. BO nenvy. , , w of R TI. ia I VP I MQlUiU iU ""J v" - I . .. . . 1 .nil if. I UkUCI V, OiV " o . ... I r ....' years. 7EIe readily xeada 1new8J?P' I?'!f?.tl5 MMrimentontwoof the I test. T? J ? " .1.1 .k!i hM?mn ht! through lack of ettture and. voirdopois. and nrefers them to books. xe i , , , tr .... 5t M . food I be possinie in uer . numa .aa- " - . i he is the mam support or ana Preiere .wica w ...iTaKamu it was decided tO U8e It as --r t: .nH lmninc I :,,l--l .trn(T rVMnt wait nAe. ac&inrit I . rr ,. neither write, nor read wnung. " 7- iwitn tne wu.m8, s-: - --r " v - - tK.t l widowed moraer. .-.w j: on . Hia 1 Tor ail. . .. . ii,nnt nwnrt tn cas. Aiicrc " nim. : . uar witoiwuucui i .aa. says he fk Dr. Berns said he first got the lae. r"";or ftDy trouble what- Ue debate was a-failure ia so far as from a .veterinarian- in U-JJ iwth? J"- ed away like a changing 4ny one from his belief was on to anything thai tranepLrea i Qafo artillery service, who told him I ever, w ,J , 1-frr.eH hnt that is the wav with all I . KnW9 a"5 f MO I BlrUTTJ AAU V a, . I . 1 . ,- that from ten to niteen yvxU , . . . .., :Qint debates, s: The gayety 01 tnis occa- dark mixture was sumcienuij T - 1 sion must have been great and it is not tionsfor Ahorseweignmgiuwa . , I surprising to learnthAt mere was au "immense eathenne." ine nanasome Froy's Vcrnifuso Mil m ( tlwa. SVaa tsa' .it MdwaA tta.ll a waj aim. 4ia a " i A. 4 A. f S1CV, Klmofa. Ma. Netrro Barae Alive. R'Ut?i rn UU sy has Jr st issued Its taand JJ',." Resort Kolt: r.iest ptlveof the many "jeil4uifnl Irt. Vl..trt' o linn nf ,' wwarl lustier also k,' ye ths oames of pnprie- j - "''i iiiji era Biiu foartl'. ' ;r stsUe' Venn e can tie hii unon . snfrtf 'ailfay Ageit. jf: ' ''"CRK, Pais. Traffic J i -ono' He. IS Veir - Bcuwuo, 5.. j tine hefore he con- ..j t.; rtietnre to be taxen. senieu w, auuw tx -- A theatrical manager ot whoanent a winter here, offered : J ' "rj. 7S r-r week f or the boy tutt pare, w , tnree muuiu, . !co ild answer- the boy repueu tu. ii . I V,rma at ftDV DrlCe. wo ua nuv. iwio 1 ... George can be seen any ua a ftr tlte storm The cost of feeding each animal on mo-1 je Courier Journal. a sister And I does not seem to cause him Any con siderable inconvenience. Hi appetite is good. Sometimes a drowsy . feeling ktrM -KTlo he ia aitlintr in a I ; lyUUlCV Aaaaa. - w .. " r VourcT CityJ Ark.. Oct. 21. A mob I -v..;- w,t when he lies down this sleepy iauifM,i;ni. leaves him at once. Jiewnue a ways the nights by watching the train and gazing on assers vj. lasses ia IS cents a dAy. ana num- -ueureo wu "v"" - .. . mriinru1iri Vtnv I . 11 i.1,aa foxfa ore Well EDOWD ... . t a ti 1 1 mii Litran iMiW . " mtoany Southern r T" the Randall s: V 6sh!n8tOr , P. C. 1.HAK0WICK, iei 'I Pass. Anent. AGENTS WANTED. i-'FF. or t. .Tjswm -litora . 'liritL prrn i fi.,r. at ei it ho i. SPr, frite Mti-mediateis to ine peuuro ai"s - : . fami!v" t He is a great curiosity . I who see him. ' .. : i - Confesatons ol Priest. Rev. ino. S. Cox, of Wake Ark., writes : V For 13 years I stiff ereo. Yellow Jaundice, I consnitean orith hia" kev. but - rte tneu vaw- - . . the thing was locked on the mside, 5 and bolted. And just Ashe was the knocker, a voice, admonitory, reached CtCI AA - w :;.p ...-- . ..HABoLrWho Axeyou? WhAt doyou WAntT" '. . ,. " .,:rha.t a 'My dear," ne caneu, - - -, i-a,;Iona ? T want to come in. D'ye seer vvi-iere The threatened ills that were to come J anj dienified old Hardshell, in his shirt in every branch of industry from the gleevea and with his red bandana, pro anthracite strike have failed to materi- claiming for two hours the faith once alize to any m atrial effect. According delivered to the saints, and Brother Cul. to Bradstreet's not mere than 20,000 Da, .-tall, gaunt, raw-boned," with have you been till Paper. TALMAdE, try "his TalmaKe aud sfso enormous "fXi. Then I began - -Club, my darling iMiicaij. uuwit wu cuius, uut nuv uv .v . .Lk, I - it., atrike. teiv r.i..t jl - I.. n..s t.'ffM .nrl feel that lcu?sing the stnae. - n adeir umJ i-r-M ntT.,n tbU tne use oi 7 .u w VeW well. then. JMOW you l am now euro- "a . T- ,;,,, the lockout. J!S-:fSS. Sr : Been do.n dU- H - j H a",tt t tLbt fAtlS, lariUsa uood. dmramtn. . . .. - .j .no m rram. you want a reliable medfcme for still mnf and Kidney rrouoie,, - : - is n0 reason wny A" ftnl(l the entire shutting dow oi or general debf3'e drW stored a golden tooth, should no. muut miuee, though that is not probable. bi It's guaranteed by Fetzer s e Btw i Uiughter, , ; . I....- kn rendered idle him I workingmeu v , nilU I . .. a ., : v.omaelvea and OUtfilde OI tne uiuicie --- even this estimate does not aalow for ai. t.o smnlnTm nt eiven to " the bituminous miners uu a -"- - lateral industries, v Bradstreet's is of w ;,v.r, that "American industry - t kUO Vk1"1"1 w from nara w bu mines are never touched Again - the country can get Along, some time u anthracite fields will beexhaustei at the . j .i oVmii i forced to do what we can do now- The people of this country are resourceiui enougu meet even so senous miMunuu. a voice like a frog born, must eacn have been a stndy in his way.and those of us who missed this event have something to regret all the remainder of our days. ' Broke Into Hia Hense. S. Le Quinn, of Cavendish,Vt was robbed of his customary health by inva sion of Chrome Consupauon. w nen Dr. King's; New Life Pills broke into hia house, bis trouble was arrested And of a thousand men stormed the here late last night and took Charles Young, a negro, bound him to a tele on . the nablic sauare and o j : 7 . and prepared to Durn mm. aoung begged piteously for hi life but was taken a half mile from town, bound to a tree And roasted to death. Young was Accused of murdering Mrs. Edward Lewis after having assaulted her. 'VTrialA not interest vou if you're look ing for a guaranteed Salve for Sores, Barns or Piles. Otto uoaa, ox i-onaer. Mo., writes : -I suffered with An ugly arm for a Tear, hot A box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me. lt'a tne nest Salve on earth. 25c at Fetzer's drug store.' " i - ' -' - 1 : Commercial travelers say that busi- WaJTTEIV-A trua worth r it-r tmn t,T U4y la eaen eottntv t mmMK butrtaa for an old s-1bilalrd boo of aolM naral Land I nr. A vtrmtvnt. i"n tvi way day wltb Iu espvoaaa dhw tnna f UnriTmBt4 tf ea prase, JU- airer.ItO Caaion WdA-CalcaAO. nlS nOuStJ, aUia UUttUtn waara aa,v. I ' . . now he's entirely cured. They're guax-1 ness is extremely good, particularly jm ai tr, Vn 2.v at Fetzer's Drue I the tobacco region of eastern ortb Store. A rolling band. woman ' gather no has- the tobacco region of eastern ortb Carolina, where there is more money, much more money, than ever before. Business men there say business wu never good. , . 7 Ilaa Asjho4y Aeen This Aheaf Klnton. WB.py. On our way to Portage to attend a congressional convention our : escort drew our attention to the following nor lice, posted on a board-near ngepn Grove. -". -7" : ' h-; -r - ... ntraiI Or Rained. A VOUDZ bog shoated with the left year erupt, an tale gone. Also blak spot on left band hip, an bole in anoiner year, oi uwg, alia aneared from nremise of underciD- ed ouner At nite, or therebont, under aimtmitiniu Ttertaininff to be stole. Raid ho ahrmt beinr a ret and not apt to go off on bis one acord.- Also, this bog shote Answer to nis niaw vnie" and he will eat off of hand An also on bis hin legs like a dog And i . .a a . . S A of a fnend iv nature. Anv noay w tnrmnsr ' said shote or ktun where on Merchant Clothes -Tailor. Made to Order. . Gleaning and Repairing done on short notice. . I.IVISSBIRC. Over Patteraon'i store. APA- Ctitofl StreeC -cc - : - - 7 - -- 7 - I I I n n n wuM.iiakif.i i i n. j ii 1 1 1 1 II 3 ning said shote or let-in me no 1 1 ' ' ) - mo STvoolli ere he is at 1 will consider A Jwnefii IV J t.Va, fW yt?-Z"l a invaUd whose pet shOAt he was." 1 . W Uuto, fc Urre boos of . ttealsraoesosM' aaaatonaa treat-. OOLLkYCOi, Htfeet. weergla, V Only 60c. . . f IS ?fw a