THE SUNDAY SCHOOL flM A MHFFI the Hder fniqaratlrm(ta with JiMeter. Avery VIII M lfllbi.1. hsjiriy and effiHent dot-tor to have with von when an accident happens ia a bottle of Mexican 31 ustaag Liniment. - SUCCESSOR LESSON VIH.FCURTH QUARTER.I HTTt-1 NATIONAL SERIES. NOV. 23. 10 THE Ml. Text of ta Leeaa, laa. zxyUI. Mtrf TcrM, T Ma Text, Im. xxvllf, T-CaaBBaiaT Fi if i ky the Hev. D. M. Stearaa. ta the ::V Ulcers or ,. . Rune o I ng Sores need not become a fixture upon your body. If they do it is your fault, for v MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT Trill thoroughly, quickly and perma nently cure these afflictions. There is no gfuess work about it ; if this lin- - iment is used a cure will follow. YHI1 nONT IfNfiM how quickly a burn or scald can be cured I U U U U II I l II U IV until you have treated it with Mexican Mustang Liniment. As a flesh healer it Btandaat the very top. Smallpox Preventive and Core. Charlotte News.' ' . From Col. T. L. Hitch the News has recieved a formula for the prevention and cure of smallpox which it appears has proven to be all that could be de Bired. It is a very cheap and simple formula, a bottleful costing only about 25 cents. It consists of sulphate of zinc, one grain; powdered digitalis, one grain; teaspoonful of sugar and four ounces of water. ' Teaspoonful to be taken every hour. Col. Ritch says that last winter Mr. Boyce . Bell, a well-known resident of Steele Creek township, seven miles south of Charlotte, had eleven persona on his place (a negro woman and" ten . children) cured of virulent, . maligiuuit Marconi's Hopes, ' - Marconi has returned to Nova Scotia, it appears, to make a final and, as he thinks, a successful test of his belief that wireless telegraphy across the At lantic is practicable in a commercial sense. He has placed at Poldhu, in Cornwall, a more powerful plant for producing electric currents; he brings with him improved apparatus for re ceiving messages and he is facilitating the receipt of messages by erecting nigner towers at Table Head, Nova Scotia. Better transmitting aa well aa better receiving apparatus is being inaugurated on this side of the Atlantic. Success is expected. If, however, mes sages are not brought through space across the ocean with perfect success, smallpox with this remedy in a few the Carlo Alhrtn tho TtuHm dayc It was also taken by all the is waiting to go to sea with the object others on; the place afterwards, who of ascertaining by experiment just how never contracted the disease. far messages can be sent. joi. utcn is reeDonsih e for its mrrrw i duction here. It came originally from a Paris medical journal. - . Armrt Cures Blood, Skin Troubles, Cancer, juva roiwn-ureatest Blood Purifier Free. If your blood is impure. thin.dispaflPil hot or full of humors, if you have blood DOISOTI. Cn TlOfiT mipknntlAa I r V. .1 . a i , . , . ,, -' , -iuuui,icd, catuig sures, w iicua ium sna naa i alien in scrofula, eczema, itching, risings and love with ping-pong. Immediately her lumps, scabby, pinply sMn, bone pains, father replied: '"Give him up! No tmLarrn, rneumatism, or any blood or I Chinaman marries into this family 1" skin disease, take Botanic Blood Balm I . (B. B. B.) according to directiohs. Soon I Wlgg I had my way I should This signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Ouinine Tablets www uax core a cold In oae day rCopTTicfat, VXtt. by L TTo to the crown of pride, drunkards of Ephraim. whose beauty Is a fading- flower. i Samaria stood upon a beautiful swell ing LIU which commanded the whole country round the bin terraced to the top, the surrounding country spies did and fruitful; symbol of excessive worldly luxuriance and pleasure.; Not recognizing that God did all this for them and gave them all that they had. they became proud and self sufficient They were like the Babel builders, who said: "Let us build us a city. Let us make us a name lest we be scattered abroad" (Gen. xL 4). They are .also described In Bom. L 2V "When they knew God, they, glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful. : but be came vain In their Imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 2-4. The crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim, shall be trodden under feet, and the glorious beauty -which la on the head of the fat valley ahall be a fading fiower. : ... i One commentator says that as a first ripe fig, a dainty morsel, might - be swallowed without chewing, so should Ephraim pass from sight, the fading flower of his glorious beauty be gone. The tempest of ball and the destroy ing storm are mentioned again in verses 17, 18, "The hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place, and: your covenant with death shall be disan nulled, and your agreement with bell shall not stand.' Compare verse 15. The warning of chapter ii, 11, 17, stands and will stand till the kingdom comes. "The lofty looks of man shall be hum bled, and the haughtiness of men shall be bowed down, and theJxrd alone shall be exalted in that day." There fore "Cease ye from man" (22). Those whom God chooses for Himself must find their all In Him. 6. 6. In that day shall the-Lord of Hosts be for a crown of elory and for a diadem of-beauty unto the residue of His people. What lie will be to them they will also be' to Him in that day,' because of His beapty which will be upon them. He speaks of their righteousness and their glory which the nations shall see and says, "Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord and a royal diadem in the hand of thy God" (Isa. lxii, 2, 3). This is spoken of the true people of God, the remnant of Is rael who will truly trust in Jehovah. He Himself will be to them a true, di vine, eternal glory In the eyes of all nations. It is written, "The Lord shall be unto thee an everlasting light and thy God thy glory" (Isa. lx, 19). ; "The glory in the midst" (Zech. 11, 5). j v 7, 8. But they also have erred through wine and through strong drink are out of the way. The priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink. j Those appointed to be watchmen, to deliver His people, are blind, ignorant, loving to slumber, talking , In i their sleep, looking to their own gain, say ing. We will fill ourselves with strong unnK, ana tomorrow Copyright. ISO. for C B. LrwU. The Earl of Burleigh was dead, and the ear!1 only son and successor was a wanderer on the face of the earth and bad not been beard of for fir years. ' : . - One day a sloop arrived with one man on her of the name of Burch, who said that be and his partner bad takes a man or toe name of Henderson to one of the New Guinea islands, where they left him to live a Crusoe life. Re turning, an on the sloop had died x cept Burch. . v j' When Burch's story was made known, it was believed that young Henderson must be the Lord of Bur leigh, but by the time a Melbourne so licitor had been empowered to send out a searching expedition a full year had elapsed. There was a wait to find the right sort of craft and another for the bad weather season to pass, and when the search was ; finally entered upon Henderson bad been playing Robinson vtu8ov i or over two years, as I was mate ox tne crart I am speaking by the card In giving you all these particulars. -You wtfl figure that It was a very! easy thing to steer for the Coral sea and hare Burch; point out the Island on which Henderson had taken up his abode, but we found difficulties from; the very outset. Henderson had a chart of the Coral sea, but be had not allowed Burch ta inspect It. The latter therefore could not say what islands had first been sighted. He could not be certain of the course steered after ward. Our only j way was to visit and search every one unless we happened to fall in with natives oi a trader whc could giro us definite information. j When we bad finished with the Lou? isiade archipelago, we steered to the northeast and picked up island after Island without scoring a point At the Woodlark group, however, we came across a trading schooner which gave us a bit 'of information. Her captain - A Novel Decoration. Tbit the lore of tors $ ot b? nj means eonilned to children is brought to one a attention ones more by the newest freaks in table ; j. rt. - i i v.. been put to notel use and now "decorates the table and undoubt edly creates an abundance of eroal talk between courses. The animals re made of gilrer, well modeled and larger than thoe stiu wooden crea tores of the old titee ark. The ac cepted scheme is to arrange these beasts and birds in a winding pro cession amonj5 the. flower pieces, where thev ere lure: of being bril liantly lighted by the lamps or can dles. One toftcsa who ncTer al lows conventions to check what the calls her "quaint ideas arranged her procession oi elephants, gi raffes, cows and pigs in a letter S, which wound round the silver dishes filled with sweet peas and ferns. At one end of the table was the ark, made of brown; bark andepparent- ij floating on a piece of mirror. .j To Remove Varnish. . To sandpaper varnished furniture is a tedious job. A much quicker and more satisfactory way of re moving varnish and paint is to scrub the surface with a strong so lution of sal oda. To each pint of water add feuoaxb. common washing oda to equal the bulk of a hen's erg, heat it and apply while warm. If the varnished surface is moisten ed with this, then let stand a few moments. It can be scrubbed oil easily, : using the solution on the' scrubbing brush. AH foreign ma terial will be I removed from the wood, and it Trill be just as it was turned out from 4jie mill. Rinse off with clear water, and when dry it may be rt?varnished. reported that he had attempted to land on a small island about sixty miles to the east to replenish bis water casks. but had been fired upon by some one concealed in the bushes and driven oi That was eighteen months previously, His description of the island tallied where its handling wilNbe expen pretty well with Burch's, and we at Uive. Nanhtha will clean it l. 4- nn 1. r J I . ' . , . " w ocnuu. . vsne uay in Cleaning -Soiled Ermine. A correspondent asks how ermine that is slightly soiled mav be clean ed without sending it to the furrier, t tWatara wltJ I Ta SSwWase IMa Wits r. v mxvF. i n innan unl rt biH in ihil min With power cornea mpooaiUIi ty. try. and firmly established here thocfh The rotors of North Carolina hare arain I hattily for u of the Atlantic roast it entrusted their legialatite power to the I ia on the other side of the continent IJemocraac rartT. and that party wiH I the moat fbrattdabM eoemy that baa again be held responsible for the food I yet UTaJed oar shores. It w the la- goTernment of -oar State, Let as see boaic pUgue. Tb alarioe Uiiul to it Lbs uus power is wiseiy entrostea i emc rrporu that there have been and this reeponaihtlity failhj and I daily death from it ta tn Frmncinco rroperly dUscharjred. s I for three rear and it is said further While the people expect more from I that in nine month there hate Wen every Legislature than ia possible to be 1 2,230 death from it in that city, erery accoraplithed, yet much good or much I persoo attacked by the diseaao having evil can be done by any Legislature. I died. A recent national ciwftrrnfunf The next Legislature is so largely Uem-1 Stale boards of heaJih at New Havro. ocratic that oar party will properly be I Coon., adopted reaoto'ioo akingrvrry beM accountaile sjKirespoosiUe for alllSui board to consider the subject. its acta. Let as see to It that ail our I The diseaae ia exceedingly contagious acts are wise and proper. Let erery I and notUog as to its deadlines nerd member elect, resolve and determine J to be added to. the statement above max no wm ao nia uunost tor tne en-1 that the mortalitr from it in San rran. actment of good Uwa and the upbuild-1 Cisco has beeo 100 per cent The Fed inffof our irood old State. leral authorities say-that is kN down benou matter of public concern I in the lhiiiDtunes) and thai ii r-an and perjaexing problems wUl becoo-1 stamped out here. And this is where sioered tw tne next Leguutnre, wtuc&l the Fderi . goveromwit eomea in. will require careful thought and con-1 Given charge of the situation the Ma- serrauTe acuon. ronanaieiy mere are I nne Hospital cVrrice would control it- safe and conservative legislators in each I The character of the bubonic tJarue U branch of the next General Assembly, and their influence, it is hoped,, will secure Such legislation aa will redound to the public good and fully justify the retention and continuance of Demo cratic su premacy. "Let the COLO DUST twa ee year wVt.-. gon to be Inferred from its name. The dis ease is represented as loathsome to the last degree, f The fellow who shakes rour hand most effuuvelr when vou havn mm will shake you altogether when it s The poker player often realize thai a dollar in the. hand is worth two iu line pot. , . . DO YOU GET Up WITH A LAilE KUacy Tmtk laci Tn Ahnost everybody pars s sur mx to kts t( I: ciesiiffc WooderfuHy suecaasfj We and Brtgfcrs btmZ ' farm of kidney trout-i. ' ' " Dr. Kilmer s Swui.dM( emmendeitaf tverythir. . lf " " ' ey. three or Madder tra- ;." ta remedy yaaneed. hh,' so many ways, ta twuf , practice, amonr tKe haku.-. " ;t chaas relief anj ha. 'iev4 r,'" r vervcaaathai a ' w - bean mad by which all t.,x c,, who have not already tr,.j ' , k sample bottle sent tree W m, 7" teUtng mora about Swirr t . K - U... - - menttoa iu-. Offer ta this caper and end your address 1o Dr. KUmiCo..BiK. I h VS hamlon, N. V rThs teruutr dollar aUas fifty nt and . s are sold b, .i; t , Car. r,i,i. 'ICCC tail to cuf. atu ' once set searching an Island which Burch was almost sure was the one Henderson had been left on I ran across an old camp which had previously been occu pied by several men for some days or weeks. They had built rude shelters, cut down many) small trees for fire wood, and there were many relics of their stay. I found some things which at once added a very serious face to gar -further search. I picked up three oooks wmcn Had doubtless been of the lentlj,;but: the process ia rather a risky one. -pjf, undertaken out of doors and on not too cold a -day, when Bometimes the air is so charg ed with electricity that a little rub bing will produce a spark, there should : be no .trouble. Put a half gallon of naphtha in a foot tub and immerse the fur collar, muff or whatever it may be, lifting it in and as a cieaner toco dossal faarJn an GOLD ESUGTTm 99t5?sr..d0M wei better work and does n tw oacas as wau as poclwtbaoas. Made only by THE 'ft. X. PAtRBAKK COsfPaltr. i mi avw a W BQmUM ( aVsfllllssW Makers of QVJU. FJURT SOAP. REVIVO ptoses viTAUTy Madaa WeUrjten f.!e. v m Jrar rv pniuruu all sores heal, ahpa exterminate all the Pullman car TWYrtjn blood is made pure and rich, leaving the I VSff YU. d show them no quarter, sxin rreetrom every eruption, and giving iiie nun giow oi perfect health to" the bkui. At the same time, B. B. B. im proves tne digestion, cures dyspepsia, scrennens weak kidneys. Just the meoicme for old people, as it gives them new, vigorous blood. Druggists, $1 per large bottle, with directions for 'home enre. - bample free and prepaid by writ ing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta,' Ga. De scribe trouble and special free medical aavice also sent in sealed letter. B. B, ib. is especially advised for chronic, deep-seated cases of impure blood and ssm disease, and cures after all else f aiji . xuuimy eai way back m church with his mamma. It was his first experi ence. Everything was wonderful to luui.. isy ana by - the collection waa uisen, DUt imagine the .tommy's mother when surprise of the usher passed the plate to hear Tmr ,. , A, shattered nervous system nearlvalwavs " - I J VHUST&. 1 IT. rVl 1 IC' t-f Sirf uff L8 ?? o1? . ht rerolator. but Can Ton Imagine. a speck of matter 1-150 of an inch in - rti. ameter. Some of the air-cells in the hu man lungs are-no better than that. YYnen you have annld are clogged with mucus or phlegm. Al- ;T," XT "P in curing a cold, imy air-passages of effete TtTu tne anamination in shall Je aa this A young lady attending college wrote and much more abundant (Isa. vi, v-z). xne priests were forbidden to: drink wine or strong drink (Lev. x, 8, 9; Ezek. xliv, 21). All believers are priests, and our orders are, "Be not drunk with wine wherein Is excess, but be filled with the Spirit" (I Pet, ii, 9; Eph. v, IS). In Song 1, 2, it is writ ten, "Thy love Is better than Wine." The vine has its roofs in the earth, but the True Vine is He who came down from heaven. -, 9, la-Whom shall he teach knowledge, and whom shall he make to understand doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk and drawn from the breasts? These wine loving, worldly wise, self sufflcient, God despising people sneer at tne teaching of the prophet and ask if he thinks they are children Just weaned from, the breast? Does he think they will endure his useless repe titions and unceasing clatter? They do uoi want -ins preaching,. They want to be let alone and to have the Holy One or israei cease from before them (Isa. xxx, 11), The carnal mind Is no better today, and the. time has come' when many will not endure sound doctrine (ii lim. lv, 3), and many teachers la theological seminaries consider! those who believe the whole word of God to De unlearned and ignorant in their es timation. In a letter Just to hand from South Africa the writer says that a minister remarked to him that the trou ble was too much theology and too lit tle unristianity, out several 'times and rabbins? anv uuu,.oa uicu ui me i j , . . o j wnw out oy uenaerson and " .l"c DU" tt faffc predwtbeabovoresnlUtoMdava. Bset iwuuu Buuie seeas, uree or four I Wi wiuueas nmcu is necessary. I vywmj wviaxsj. nuiss aitssi su niiisss isil pieces of crockerr and a haml mt 3 ' a.sa4aia As soon as Burch had landed he was In 80036 of the Swiss valleys the . in- i Betivo. it w&ddyaaaaaiia sure he had never set foot In that place habknts are all afflicted with goitre or ESpr ruSSSkiL - "1.11 if. IT TlfW IT " ' I nOlAA1 tat ,11 . . . T "yv. iuoreou vi irgiuuiUK LI110 I vuuum ot SWir SOHSS Or as a deformity thev seem to think it a; waMtgotoratody, natural feature: of physical develop- mcuii wjuriBi passing tnrougn tne valleys are sometimes jeered by the goitrous inhabitants, because they are Iat-A a. a V -mm ... wituuui tnis onensive sweUinir, Thn a form of disease may become so com- Shatt ered Nerves and Weak Heart. Too Nervous to Sleep or Rest. Dr.Miles Heart Cure and Nervine Cured Me. before. We explored the Inlnnd frnm side to side and from end to end,jand It was found 'to be anything but the one the sailor had lived on for a week or ten days. j ' jj We now feared the worst On all the Inhabited islands of the Coral sea is a class of men called "beach combers." They are sailors, traders, wreckers, thieves and worse. If these men had discovered Henderson on his island home, they would not hesitate at mur der in order to secure" his possessions. The relics found in the old camp seemed to prove robbery at least Hen derson had no boat and could not leave his Island. If any one had visited him, he would not hare presented them with his books, as the uncut leaves proved he had not yet perused them himself. It was almost without hope that we THE WEEUTTLES IN SWITZERLAND. Mm9m9 . 1 ' ao only enres by starons the ses of dlseaM.bol nam sosue ana nssoa Ins back the Dtek rl n&v. . fwJ15 to 6rm ot rootn. It wards rascalty ! "u wMamption. incut oa aavlnc BXTIVO as I JV. I can be carried la vest peeks. Sy smalt I tlva wrlLUm - - KBaasoaey. Book and advtss nee. t iMrese yvw FIND THE CARETAKER. mon that it is regarded as a natural KOYAL HDIQN C0n thPL. , fMr .. . For sale in Concord by M. L. Marsh. Live Pills a nfl wvnnnn - J a m a v. -uu uevceaory couaiiion oi me. It 18 so, to a large extent, kith what are cauea i diseases of women: Every I wumau Buners more or less from irreg ularity, ulceration, debilitating drains or fpmalfi UrCtolrt-lAoa ana r-V. I r. is bo common and so universal tht I oat s wfiat vou need : some many women accept it a a condition thing tO CUle YOUl blliOUS- natural and naoQcom V. : - I -m r J . - ----- . vwnMu; fcUCl OCA. But it jis a condition as nnnatural aa it ia unnecessary. The use of Dr. r-ierce s r avonte Frescnptions strength ens the dehcate womanly oreans and Reap .untile ness. You need Ayers Pills.' Ou,te fourth; day after we struck regulates the womanly functions, so ie"richt falan1 1 , rr.. . llU - . .. . - -- ' it is a blood tonliT-hs. '."rll" hf thC Tcho enVhthe me ngni lsiana at last The schooner was oDiigea to cast anchor about half a mile off the beach, , and I then went ashore with the men. A heavy growth of trees and bushes came right down to high water mark. We set out to cross to the south side, and we had made our way for about half a mile when we caught sight of a goat and also heard a rooster crow. A few minutes later a dog barked, and then we knew for cer tain the hiding! place of the missing heir. The dog presently appeared to view, but he looked wild and half starved, and with all our coaxing wa could not bring him nearer. j We first moved down to the house. It contained only one room, and the floor was littered with books, bottles, seeds and. various other things. Boxes had been broken open and their cnntnt emptied, but amid all the confusion It tnat woman is nractiraMv lolivaH from the pain and misery which eat up ten year of hers life between the ages iineen ana j iorty-nve. Favorite Prescriptions" i makts weak women strong and sick women well. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black T Use Buckingham 'sDye SOctasfdnjcglstsfrrR. . Hslts:Co.lNashva.N.H As You Sow So Shall You Yon will find car loads iof th rvii-i t? v Sa t v4vuywvu A all 111V 1 r Grain Drills at Ritchie Hardware Goi 1 1 r; 1 1 1 v . i -. , These Drills are standard and tra-t twin t Rhi '.w -i guarantee.- Prepare your land riirht with ! Syrasuss Lyschkrg asd Imperial Bil h. Every Drop Counts. "I have htf1 CA nvaefL ai . T K"-Viw xauer iMemne and Heart Cure that benefited by Dr. I freely. In very truth. I can't.iWwlo Just what's the charm of lovely Kitty, bhe is an angel !" One man ori ' Another said: "She's devilish pretty !' It Keeps tlie Feet Warm and Dry. Ask tn-flatr frai A ni ti..i - - j auou x uot-n,ase, a V - ' I i 63 Chilblains, Swollen, ii oure Acnmg, Damp feet. At uuggisrs ana shoe stores, 25c. "Then I am sitting in the seat of th scomfu ! replied the stranger, getting .unuu iu me cnurch. - - You T T ir Two years ago my hair was falling out badly. I purchased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, snd soon liny hair stopped coming out." Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, IU. Perhaps your, mother had thin hair, bat that is no reason why you must go through life with half starved hair. If you want long, thick hair, with Ayer's Hair Vigor, and make it rich, dark, and-heavy. , H.Ws settle. AU frenlsts. " f . yur druggist cannot sapplv on send as one douar and we wul esDeS vou a bottle, r itiM. I, pre88 - , "v . jeire luo name et your nearest express office. Address. -uAmW Lowell. Mass. recommend thm .. . k". "'J tl.. riu " "f"1 rcineujcs lor . weighed scarcelv 4o ' j PefPdeaL 1 had P n my left arm mv lefel'i; ilffieuPlty in slieplngS flu i4 smothering speUs and my heart would flutter and ipalpiW 1 could eat ieuwl .n. -c i..J Ni t 0U1 l-M -litde. nightorday. T.Lam n bothered with my heaA my nerves are steady as a die, I sleep well T .diUn tP1 to bck the money 1 spent for doctor h aia whQel was OL"- CeXwfo," All draciristi ull ana r . , . tie Dr. Miles' Red W T ! AdS . actual w), juanart, Ind. Trustee's Sale! Bv VirtiiB Fiefds an w, Si?P? fiyKlf' of November iSBsTwieh 3 ""en. ?? the lot No, Sto VdlTtelSS n? UtZi ite Id i 'i"at a small persimmon or trivial commands, wiU be knew whv rr- rT . we oraers, move and regulate the into a series of painful suffer- of hTsTnarte? No- 1! 6 5 els and Destroy Worms. Over 300, stone to break them. a. net to bod" brn S&J UeleTon 0t 0- They never fail. At John a. OTaw. r."5fi"iL ne panels or t : uiu wmcn waa si ntnH U-ll This is the rest wherewith re mav 0001,1 be seen that nothing at peal va'i. ZSZT. - .QeT" the door was . . . . - 1 owre ot ouuet noiea. i As they stammer in their drunken- "We shall flrJi ! ness so He will soes tn rhl l. Lv 14 down here," said those who in their estimation areTtam- mJTSr merers. The wdrd of Gcu to . . T wea Wm' Tne dog made; a series of trivial oomm,a 7 Z tlTl "88 " we arew near, and we turned Ines a snare th.m . ..ZTZ. "2 . ratb a skeleton. ter viii, 14, 15). All the prophet can do to seep at them with the Lord's of- a?nBM MM ids 11 percnance some will turn to Him. In verses 5. 12 in giory ana beauty, rest and refresh ing and a sure foundation, but to all His offers they would not give heed averse iz). compare Isa. xxx. 15: Mnrt xxU, 3; xxiii, 37; John v, 4Vand note mat tne great hindrance on man's part is simply that he will not come to God. will not submit to God, willot accept U1S "ve. unere is nothing between the greatest drunkard or sinner of any kind and full salvation In Christ but ms own will, his stubborn nnhnlir They lore their evil ways, and their uomss win not ecs-er them to turn un to their God (Hos. v, 4, margin), yet He loves and pleads and continues to say, "Him that cometh to Me I will In no wise cast out (John vi, 3 Administrator's Notice. Kemember that when von are mi,H sn 1..' rl "(a' u.J1 Por rwia' T;um- - . r . h? ih.VJL " nounea - -j uqiu j. niinmier uu a muscle that i i::.v ... ? pnimpi payment, or has been strained by overwork. TWT, cnTa'arMS Nni.1 n .. ' .i.. -",ru" vraBniuaa ij ui nie BKin jfainsiiier wotks its way, soothing the inflamed ussues and taking away the ache. Ask your druggist what his other custom say of this household benefactor. There is Duione ramuuer; Perry Davis "My boy, you take after your fath er, 4 said the old friend rf tv,. o,;i.. ..i-r . ... .. - . UJ11T. -xiun! replied the boy. "You ought to see tho wav mothpr fate tf . Havo . OlLCi vne anaertriiTnatsi. rfniw anek.K.i Zftl0, f NoVeVrHiwi7oT'th. notice will be pleaded In bar of their rew? Nov.54woe-w Harrow It with the Buffalo Pitts Harrow. Administratrix's Notice. row Your Bram w,th rmers Faworite Grain Dnl and the crop will be satisfactory. We have a complete !in , r.lachinery and Implements, un. for motlierii tiraf's Sweet Powders i Children. Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse iu mo vnuoren g . Home, in New York Cure Feverishnees, Bad Stomach, Teeth ing Disorders, move aid regulate the Twenty rod trh -;r. . , , : t' mpie free. Ad- of a thicket w fmn7r.r UiCO - Uimstea. Roy. N. Y. " ts BICI- I n . . Xn Know Wbst Yon Are When you take Grove's Tastelewi flhiii Tonic' because ; the formula is plainly I" every Dorue snowing that "it w mmpiy iron ana yuimne in a tasteless iorm. JNocure.noTav. Bon tons. These men belonged tn rh making the attack. How knr h.i stood them off no one could say. but T, " "Juo sooa nght of it before being struck down. j When we left the iainnii . with us the skeleton an 4... bearing on the case. We then w.nt .t. weeks cruising abont in . clew to the murderers. We ran across a trader who had seen six beach comb- V1, .f" ln tte neighborhood of the Island. We found a h SK0fKVwWte man- We found men who bad seen the other dog. We 2 dfcm of ae s and a medi cine chest, but we fall tn. i i on the guilty parties, and to this day Havinsr aual1flvl h. a the tt'nf k m """""" oi "-.MMt viinui uanMaAti sail wa that they must make promnt Mvmmt be brought. AU DertS. hU I cuumi atrainac m.ii Aaf-.f-A tt. - or bfofe the h.." this notice will be nleadMi in VZ,St covarr. mumr - - ; J . November . 1902. By W, M. BfTHVAy Executors' Notice. said estate are hereby nlned that Tlhev brouVnd aKalnet aald estate must prhem uTthl undershnied, duly authenticated? on fore the 15th day of NovemberlsxH rZ notice wm be pfeaded'mof ery- Z. A. VftMUJa Nov.O.ion ".".atuitKlH, BrW.H.Hnitk a n aseontors. u "IT ill l ee 4 1 ' so? w$!Mhe ti.c oi l heirr OJ7 Wagotij which has been ftried and found uo stand the tcv Ih.k TTT . , ....vuuuu 1UUIIU UU RUIIIU lilt k nic ui uciirr inaiw n cnn ).. it . .. . . . .. Ppol1 right, l ull I n, ,! - aiiiwic8, engine ana JJoiler Fittings, etc. Ritchie Hardware C or a lamer, feanng an earthquake in foTaroidestebushedi h!lS?iam tot the region bf his homo standing a n2u5ef.oU1 ftnanctal , , . t tJio twu i .i-, -i -,."? wbb, uut weekly cash boys to a disUnt friend until the peril "ynn III fSiJ'lSf should be over, f A few wk ofto, 7k ters. MoD -lrZJlE Jedqoar. . iL - , . I."" I aKera.fl40 rx ""aee. jum- I icwitHl LI11H lP.LIr frrm . . , -- Hum Alio mend: "Please take vonr hnv i,mK and send down the earthquake." agent, 340 cajton BidcT. CWcaaoT Clabblmg Rates We call rates below attention to the clubbing iuo pnea in eacn case in- .. PAfaKER'S HAIR BALSAM eludes a year's subscription both . ??: JhTiJA Cum i ajp Ammmm hate C Qnestlon Answered. " n corner of No. 4 and mn. - ," . - cornerT then N as mlcnJtf 12 v 7 meoicine In the civilized N 78 w 127 riM tiles. 8tone; then world. Your mothers and .-u MMX ers neyer thought ,of using! then with the line NosBlo? tottE f digestion or Biyousness. ot SSJsTm IrES" theyseldom heard ,J?i.n nd. bonnde a8 foUowsT" tx ""8' aeova Prostration or "-"e m nescn. uomr nH u 1 ntsui iaunr. aft . T'V. j S-HffSSiSS Fereanthra! &!8HJ?S?S f!0'. food. reZ iu Poles to a stone in the road S r " T OI lne llver' stimulate the '3?JJPi?- oranic action of thesys- they have gone unpunished for that ThTtmes andjthe periodical named H oastardly crime. M OTTAm ' to be paid invariably in advano. ' A " ' ! -I PsSaa rWiil.L. S man is aiwava willirxr I saw ,f.. 1 , -""6 wuiusw) new xorn world (ThrinHi.wi..n ,i- lafter he has rotten thA Atlanta J on pt,i AiTf5. V ?2 w Atlanta Wv :. " Y"- " I 60 175 1! li opponent u -n - - . va cs uimjij: tiifln with i inrn thn m iv i - fV.rnni 1 ihi ,i"-M o w u poles to a stone I UM,UUS ttuu organic action of tho m. S?JM.d ? nd corner of 1: then w m tern anfl tht rTi .! x01116-8 aerr.egln,llll. containing a i,, "3 wnen leel- j, wjui neaaaches and I other aches. You only noni . V T, I acres mora nr lui. lira mini tnt iuin. . . . - . ssrijindti ,of Green'8 iw; to'ics containTnff I mae vn BatSsfled there . is j VA Is- page 186. T 1U UOOK 6B, mil - ..- u uciuK mat hnimirfu I . " w .... w juu. P r tltion J whiph Ta Hni .-jrr. aioresaia x ou can get tnis reliahle wmrvi, .v i.Tfl . 1 Vauarrua county In book 62. 1 u8 omre. Lltle to KAtet moraKe. . r- "vr unaer said lhis nth day of November 1908 By W. M. SMIT Almanac. Get Green's , Special Stops tbe coasb. and Works OsT: the jo i a. v nos weu ana want to know the truth abont your - free booklets and sell v- . muon wanks , terrene Deblll (Sexnal Weakness). H.h Varteoeele. No nuiuare, no. 4. slld Bfy and B ladder Com plainte. No. , Disease of Women, No. e. The Poison King (Blood j5B. No. T. Ca tarrt i. These books should be ln the hands of everv Mrmn m i ed. aa Dr. Hathaway the anthor la reeoa. the best au ,7 n? expert in w . ... - uaxanye liromo-Qninine TaHflranl or send for thVCv i"??v Write a old in one day w I wm be sent von im?JrrVJ!2&i t tee Hathaway, jf "57 Address J. New- Atlanta WlwH i Vri.....J J r. . . , J wuou.utflVIl, ...... HoJ'P (Senu-weekly).. KevlAwnf "" 1W McQores Magazine ..".".". " Munsey'a Magasine ........ I.". woman's Home Companion.. Harnera ffativ , r. 425 Tbe 800 .. . 185 .... 11 .... 160 4 25 a-reacrlptlou for malaria. Chills and Fever is a bottle r,f xMuts aiu xonic. It is simply iron ! nuu quimnB m a tasteless form cure, no pay. f ! . - Pyay-Balaain Stops the Tiekllnav and ftiackly allays infUmmstioc m the throat. Tfo Car a Cld in . n.. I iaae Laiatave Broma uinine Tablets. All druggists refund the mrtnov ir i fori. to cure, Ej Wi Grove's tntrnatmro . eachbox, '25ch; k-; - Irr-Eaaaam ReUevea Klght Awa and makes a speedy end of coughs and eoHs in an argument with a woman" logic i doesn't count for mnr.h a.;n.f i Wood's Seeds. VA. GRAY OR TURF Winter Oats Sown in September or October make a much larger yiddLuTS more pron table crop thanWhS? They can ako be grazed dtiringtne winter and early spring andViSl justaslargdyofgnaiWa Wood' Fall Catalogue tell an Seed for J'aJl Mentor. e4 Vetches, Grass and ' j Clover Seed, etc. V T.W. W00D & SONS. eosmen, Richmond, Va. NMlbrfoDisieni Schedule m effect Jnna ). Tlrongli, Train : Dalij. to'otte'ajid Koaaoie, Yt w M . . . lis ists.fJBw PmL,v Rocky Mt . - ArloSJm ?:i0 .Ar Boanoke . JJ IbSrSIS" Rono 1a Shenandoah Vai J21Koote for Nataral Brtdge,rV a tTTay.-pas.. Agent. va. Over NEW TRAINS the Norfolk and Western Railwav. Welsh, Norton, Bristol. Pr,n.,i... tolroio ml viUIn . m. rt- pm: artV-n.,;" P m- anoke SKiluadelnblT? Harrl, , DIB. -wVrV.--e rejw fOrK Zlia3 ar- ' - 'wviija i'at snr aaivea sn nt.i. a Ketnmlna; train km ""aoeipnis, laxlslpi3a HaSSTL01?, ?P . Haa-erstew1riaPabr ":I0.PJ. P BW - Worton 7:15 p m, Welch r "l,tOKB Ki CHABLOTTE, X. C. lotteoiimfJU?!-?n P m. Char- WlnstoialMrV ? H:W w- a BEVILL. - - Gen. Pass. AgtL auoae va. HIb 1 1 - . r.. T Karma ., ,p,'!T'7pHi'"-" ED.ECTKIC OCdDHTED TRAINS Are operated by the l Between TEXAS And tho North and East Between BIRMINGHAM, MEMPHIS, aai thm North and West '"' 1 Betwr ' oaiAnoin : North and East Obiemtloa cafe cars. ur.fcr te management of Fred Harvey, t", meat of the latest and best de- Evory Woman Is iatereMei wi ' ' MA8VTL Whirling if" The sew -' V 3Sa-r ' U 5V?""? Wt uie oUer. bat mA SLunn fr C- s-d i kr i full Mntmlan a i ei . i- n nlaahUiel.vilea. SI IK1 i.m itttls sra aU. J