i 1 1 ' "" p"" 1 " i ., , I,.,.,. , t M i na " THE TIMES - TEEccncoravmtTTim STEAM BOOK UNO JOB OFFICE We keen on hud a fall stock of LETTER HEADS, NOTE HEADS, STATE - MENTS, BILL HEADS, ENVEL OPES, TAGS, VISITING ; CARDS WED DINQ INVITATIONS, ETC., ETC. cTAuMtottt?t. SlJOO m Fju, in Ad ranee. Concord, Ni C, Thursday. January 15, iqos. GOOD PRINTING ALWAYS PAYS VOLUME XX J Number 28. lh pc04 know it. ; r i t i if; ii i . x l i i i i i i i t HI i : 1 NM - kf I i John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. "BE J UST -ATID TTH A-TZ TCIV . ... , .i -I.WIW.L...-I..-.II.U VJe tfnoiv What Is going to happen to the little toy who is stuffing himself with green apples. A ' grown mkn couldn't be induced to try that experiment; and yet the grown man wilt overload himself with indigestible food for jwhich he will pay a greater penalty 3ian colic. It is this careless and thoughtless eating which is the be ginning' of stomach trouble and all its painful consequences. Dr. Pierce's Golden .Medical Discov . ery cures dyspepsia and other forms of " stomach trouble." -It restores the weak and run-down man or woman to sound health. ' ' ' "Some tli '.e haadapaed since I have written you in rezi rd to the treatment I hare been, tuition und r your instruction," aay Mr.-E. FJ Ciiiguiari. c r Minneapolis, Minn. " When firit I corn mencrll taking your remedies I was under treatment of a well-known specialist in thiscityi (and had been for four months), for catarrh, and r specially stomach trouble, and I was rapidly getting worse. Got so bad that I. could not eat anything "that did not , distress me terribly, and I was obliged to quit taking the doctor's treatment entirely.. I was greatly re- duced in flesh. As a last resort I . wrote to you and stated my case, and. after receiving your in structions I followed them closely. After taking five bottles of Dr. Pierce's Colden Medical Discovery and one vial of his ' Pleasant Pellets I commenced to improve, and decided to continue the medicines and ob serve your instruction regarding hygienic treat ment. It is now -nearly six months since I com menced your treatment and I can say that I am well and never felt better in my life. Am very grateful to you for what your medicine has done for me." Dr. Pierce's . Pellets, cure , biliousness and ' ,' sick headache Atlanta Constitution. : Married and gone. It Is the Mm old torv. Love and court hi p. lben comes the engagement ring and a blessed interval of fond hopes find happy dreams, and them the happy day is fixed the auspicious day that is never to be forgotten a day that PROFESSIONAL CARDS. 7 DR, H. C. HERRING. DENTIST, fa now on the ground floor of the Lltaker : imiiaing. COCOSS, XT. C. Dr. W. Surgeon Houston Dentist, c. CONCORD, S. C. Is prepared to do all kinds of dental work In tne most approved manner. Office over Johnson's Drug Store. Residence 'Phone II , office 'Phone 43. L. T. HARTSELL. Ittorney-at-Law, CWCOHD, NORTH CAROLINA Promot attention (riven to all business. Office in Morris building, opposite the court ; bouse. Drs. Lilly & Walker offer their professional services to the citi zens of Concord and surrounding country, Calls promptly attended: day or nlgnt. W J. MONTGOMERY. ' :. . USEOBOWBLT ' MOHTGOMERT & CROWELL, Attorneys and Connselors-at-Law, CONDOM). N. O. As partners, will practice law in Cabarrus, Btanlv and adjoining counties, In the Supe rior and supreme Courts o lthe Mate ana in tiie Federal Courts Office In court house. Parties desiring to lend money can leave It "with us or place It lu Concord National Hunk for us, and we will lend It on good real es tate security free of charge to the depositor. -We make thorough examination of title to lands offered as security for loiinsi Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners ol same, , BILL A HP'S LtCTTKH. it and left sad memories in the house- J hold, but on ! the rhole it has been a J At JOSKS LETT Kit. whom January was named. He was the porter, the! gate keeper, of heaven, and had two faces one to lKk back and the other forward into the myster- brings happiness or misery and begins tious future. jNuma Pompilius gave a new life. Then comes the license, fhim his namfe and his high ofhoe, for good rear to us all and Providence has AUBt ,oan- been kind. i I I have been thinking over the annual and geoeral manager are. Kow is the time to look back and rounds that make up life's pilgrimage. J chagrined and befuddled and dffeaUd Ejectitiv Cora mi ilex th Ntnta renew the past, as did old Janus, tor unce I tnougnt mat numaniiy movea wnen inuos cannot be tei4 on time. Carolina Anli Sioo Lrarn in friends who are looking for friends on Trrt ancst LstsiLTi trains combined, are not as anxious for -" . : rasrtaa. umiu. u run on ume as supermienuci The foUowini! art the fcton ol iK They are temnrranoe learialation tirotascJ bv lb . , - . . m - I MILLI MStVatALMK m trtaai. . Aruti, Oa , Jan. 9.4wi l ltmittf t'n f, n 1 - - lti.it U k 1 I iA BrllK V, Ly H t-'.rm . . flu. 1 w kti. , uuuu miiirr ; locurponura or not. o i - in a straight line from the cradle to the I It is a joy to them to run them on Ume ; awithoriiwl trurrtnUUrr of lb I ot, ABtitit opAr4 ttm grave, but our Uvea are in a circle, e na cbagrn and regret when tbey grt orih Carolina Methodist Cunfervncel,H,t l cia4J px4 U go round and round and round "until behind. We mar find faulL It is iod lh0 iptit Bute Convention: th nMrtWn Wrt 4 lUvliak.Cvmoty, we get in the habit of gotng round, and I easy to d( that, but the fellow who- 1. Irobiuoo of aaiaVor maaufcttrJ''llla,, uariH 4 Vftci ju as we move around the circle wberever I tries to run anything higher than the of 1010,0- UquorsWlaid of lna I Wtitl one k4 Uw smn4hft and ftws we nave acieu oauiy or piajeu me i a v uu uuuiuS c.u it u. ur trated towns. Prohilatioa of sale of 1 ifvWUly contractd tlHrtt dutilrr. the permit of the lew which says you he was next in power to Jupiter, lie rascal we looi on tna point or wf g me stars wun nw in " TI--- , . i . ' ... I :a.. 1 may marry, vou may enter into bonds. I added two months to she calendar and i journey witn regrets, ana wnerever we i iMua, The state -approves it aod the Jaw called one January for Janus and the have acted nobly and manly and jusuy Alter 'an, wnen we sit down and thinit ProhiUUon of manufacture of Uguors ; dirertieg thnr Jikf allows it, and it will cost you only a I other February for the mother of Mars. we look on those, points with pride and j aooui iw mow every iii .w aong ia towns of ka than 1,0X) potiUuon, 1 1 from which th chaoc .k dollar and a quarter. Cheap, isn't it ? Until then there were but eight months gratitude. Ood has fixed U so that we wnai ne esteems, ma levi oesi 'o run w bet her incorpnrated or not. , aros, the office kmt4 a fw'J fldd Andvetit may be Very dear. Tfaen of forty-six days eaca. JNuraa added, view again ana again ana review tne uaiuuRot is running, ana mayue uej -rh- distinction is maJ lrn in. oihw sull in oneratkm sourly h.Jlm ' t I . . . I ..... . . I . ' .. I ..I " T. . I . ! f comes the minister, and the happy two more, which gave them thirty-six. deeds or me as we go round tne circle, i running i a mue wi ueiu-r man me cororalj towQS mad unincorporated away in a cunningly arranctxj rv 4 pair stand up before him and make days eacn, ana January was trie iounn i e were wuiog wmgui wui uyw .n.Uw """'"S - uu mm. ; communities because imxjqrusd I Jown utrt tb tall.Ue a a.iamn rr.ura nn Uatpn to month and remained so for more than or railroad men. lhese engineers goii Deuee you can get a it-jow woo , ar .n.i .j;t 1. 1 (Vmtnn tilth i.ihu.j th. . unJ;i!nn fhiral two thousand vpara. Anril waa the first ur the road one day and down the road I more sometimes by brarnng on bun n,. mainea bo untu two nun-j ur, unu uuu uuimuurc suu u.u jv vu UJ lumiujuuu, tricts from the saloon. It is made also t.4tK. fc? -tiJ, a 4 k.rf Im t, TVU tart kJ : aJ bUtwUt 4 Xfrtm, tym WWii lS U . tt -iaaj v th mitH hnm, .Tfc. f aJk-Q Uw rt la ax-asm, m tiach Uy a4 .o ri 4a w4 at4 i4 cx4 tn ttt Imm rr - Women it Well as Men Arc Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. one. In a moment the trusting maid month and remn has lost her name and her free will, dred years ago. Why it was ch tngtd , eyes on the track. These conductors go try it for the coming yeAr 1 I. .i . .... .1., -:; 1 j a i .1 .i and is tied fast to a man. Well, he is 1 cannot understand, for April is morn ; inrougn me cars collecting ue ana i - a giu iuu nappy unsiuiaa iuu a tied fast, too, bo it is all right all round, more like the beginning of a new year fares, pulling the bell cord for flag gret, good year to Xoliow, is the desire reckon but somehow I always feel than January , April . comes from stations, seeing passengers on and off lot one who wishes trn? wund well more concern about the woman than aperio, to open -the time when the at ; every stauon, ana i remarxea : the man. She is a helpless sort of: a earth opens and the grass comes up and "What is it that keeps this sort of a for the flowers bloom and the birds sing, life from being a humdrum, monoto- , Yours truly,- Sam P. jQNErf. Bobbrll'a Kconentf. Brookly Eagle;. The otratorsihad prvbably lard thri to protect the towns and tilies from tte- j aroach and made a hiy etit. Tt ing surrounded by saloons. The dia-1 furnac was agkw, buwrvrr, and Hh Unction is made in ivopect to puU J tiU in full otirraUon. 'A Unit UW tian maiuly to preveut the vaaton of j gallons of trr and fire gallon of ttg the, law by the incorporation of saloon Ung were drtnyrd. or distillery settlemenU. I The flicws rticipatinj( in lb rd 2. liocal Oiition elections in incor-1 were Colonel Pavie A. CaU tf AUanU. porated towns of more than 500 inhab-1 ioUrnl ; revenue agent, and JVjity i a., at i. creature and takes the' most risk, she risks her all. But the names of almost everything nous life, for it is not a monotonous I was ruminating over this, far there seem to conform to that old mythology, life. Ihe engineer who sits on bis io a d ate hu to itants at any Ume upon 30 days notice Marshal. John Un- of Villa K.c and j P' "P" . . L.iland w ran't trpt rid of 5J Mv p-rtat- eneine if he were only to look at fields I . . . .... l..i ...ui. ..: .i. hnk.ii....' i,.u v.. n :ikn;, ; twtwt out i an was a marriage going on at. our goou -- - i , . ., - . .. I reach homci lie was already late for.""" ruwi,w "ulr,u"u " - . iadr an4 tlair anj ! I , 1 . .1 ,1 1 Anr-I tufa nnH mila tAata an1 fAvaAid VilO I " ' . . . . . . I . a . friend Sam Jones' house, and their gmnuiamer nv. u anu uieu unuer w i dinner and Bobrtt had addrossetl Hulb voters; provided elecUons shall u, was su-pci i tnai pretty daughter, Laura, was changing old calendar when April waa the first we would t unoearaoie out tne con- uUimalum to hira ou 8uhjA(.t' not take place oltener than oo in two operaUon in that imioatud Coltwel J ' I al : T I l 1 A aasiaa-i no a la V. A i a Willi inrv IViat t a n IT . J 1 . .. thAt very roormn,?. S ho ch. is d a '" t wiea pianiwa ue raid ifciatitoi. al o i.i.w.L- -hi ..,'1 In such elections the question . of I The otfioers vUiu-d the locality and her name and her home on this the j- last dayof the year and going offj to SU8tu C;iear 8tuck Q two raore ,;tv, mnn ah baan't known very months and made the year of twelve long but I have .diagnosed him from moth3 of thirty days each, but April steam guage is to be watched., the Ume fa,. finro. .nH m BfttUfipd remaineu me nrsi monin anu ougiu to u vu,uuu...cic. u.u sciousness that he is pulling that train from start to destination, that human lives are entrusted to his care, that the with her choice. He is a big-hearted gentleman, or elBe the signs fail. I wanted to be present and give them my blessing, but was not well enough to go I've got the elephanuosis from my toes to my kees, . and , can hardly be now. the gradetfmust be pulled, the road Bat whether Christmas be in Decern- crossings must be whistled for, the ber or-in April, we love the -old super- meeting points must be raade,-with a stitions that cluster arouod "this season 'thqusancVincidental things which c me of joy and gladness. I always though up keep him .interested from start to it a pitty idea for a man to be weighed finish, and his life is anything but a every Christmas or New Year -to put '-humdrum life. It is so with the con his acts and deeds in the balances, the ' ductors,rand then when we think of the good on one eide and the bad on the merchant who puts on his hat in the was breathing like a blast furnsce when ' 8aloOD8 or prohibition, or saloons or he caught it, i I On the rear 'platform he handed a dime to the Conductor and received th customary nickel in return. But what with the fluster of his violent exercise and numbness of his cold fingers, hej dropped the j nickel, and it rolled off to, the ground, j Now, Bobbett is a man of economical impulses. Not that he is inordinately j stingy, but he believes in having a run for his money, as horsy people say. meander across the room, Jbut I am al ways interested in the marriages of our ..j-tiinrv noni,a It Ifl T. fl A mm HerillllH luuue . vy i.v-. .v " l : ... . t ,i i . - 1.1. 1... l. H. nMiAl.AnrtH " . . . 1 1 mnv.r.1 , r. Id Imo K A a a wv A slwut An : v business in this life, and if the peril of . . ., , . , .- . . it was known beforehand many of tbe . . , , nonnla arrklllrl tlAfiitatA t A make - o lnA,J ik.i 1 J -J I 1 1 . 1. A arte r f KiiDinua MdMhlniv ha. the change. The chains of matrimony oaiu lUBk uau uecu wlu oulwc,8u T V , ' ve - and the bonds of marriage are the1""" "UCB- ,( - T " monnm.imn. Bel was weighed, and the scrip- same goods, etc., why is not his Ufe a i.- u inn oroii : tures abound in such figures of speech. I humdrum life? Because it is true of . , 1 nership they can't get along well ii ... , u- i I inconsiderately, slipped down, tore h made a thorough awtrcti, wl to no disjiengary, or dispeDsary or prchibi- atail. Not the tlighteat evidence of a tion, may be submitted as ieUdoners Ull was to I found and ti-y Jiegan U may request; only one question at an think they had gon againat the election, however. M"1'- The night was dark aud th 3. Prohibition of the importation of quartet was moving cautiou!y along liquors by any means into prohibited through woods and underbruh on top or dinpensary territory. I of a hill when one of the ohVt, 4. After July 1, 1903, all applicants glancing over toward a paralW hill, I . . . for licerse to sell or manufacture, J noticed a few tiny sjwtrks acod aMwly liquors shall present with their api.lica-1 from the hillaide, soar upward a few tion petitions in their behalf signed by inches and then-vanish, resembling the A majority of the qualified voters, save preliminary warning from the craU-r iu those towns and cities in which be- of a volcano. Aflat. t r , vSf 1 tkt &Mttfmt Hm tha 4. - -r a 4 At 1 iaa4. Ki4m tr.M Km bgm m frtlaw raal i t nt ftoamfnK tor a cAi U int At-'-r snucM u f"" MVA. tltM clkiU ta-! unna calda ih r.i it. tH.Kil racK-4 an f a -Ka4 U aUa I coatrol taa rr RU )M aT.tctJ it1 i t4-rXtiC. 0T4 M. IK rus 4 I ih Artto.hy 4 auiwr trjUa. a4 in n 1 altol4 t lawari iKa otmt 1 1 ThU fcfcfleaMM Mavj ren4iOg4i f U 4 M U t tUt M nvoi rc i-l worn a rtl as- ma . maia tnta. etafcl s1i ki4r a4 tU44r tti, and bm ta4 tha aama rnt rna4y, THa mCM tM lS lmmJ,i stlr 4 SwaropRot U ooo iea.u4. It l mU ty dfufrtots. In l-fy cnl n3 cn tsIUr nct. Yu may Ka a aampla bolt la V mail I'S- also pamft.tet tell- r -un 4 r . i n i itij all about R. Inclujin maay ot lt thouaanit cl Uilmtnitl Ww rcHv4 from uflrt curad. la wrtui. Dr. KWma & Co.. Binjhamton, N. ,Y.; M'sW a4 mention IKu paper. w a n r k i . t u-Mtsxtrthr iMibMi or l4r la Mdi ntaitt to ntaa NuImm an ot.l Mtcttltolarat iMnta ( auli4 aoavbftal awiMllnir A atratitht, imh & t ' on aakarv 4 1CD ialt hf rhvrU m:b Mt4M Jay alth all oiwnw dlrwt tiuni M44ur- lr M.ny a4afwact f- ini. Matt-a-r. U) t titan lut . t'hk-o It will take miracles of grace to save us, .' him as it is of the locomoUve engineer, I anyhow, and we must all help one an- that the thousand incidents that come other, for the devil is doing : his best, j up in a day's, trade Tceep his mind and David committed murder: ; Solomon : thought busy aa well as his hands. No worshiped idols1; Cain killed his brother; ' life is monotonous that is a busy life. Jacob cheated t Esau out of his birth- With the busy lawyer, the busy farm- right; Noah got drunk, and Peter de- er, the busy. mechanic, the busy mer- ;.kki0 i;.tr.fWl nied h5s Master, but they all repented, chant. -There are" not enough hours in pretty girl with hazel eyes-I a 8ot forgees8; and lf there is any the day, nor days in the week, for him uuierence Detween ioiks now anu ioikh k. uu an 41c nauu iu uu. iuuc ie then, I don't know it. Then let lis all something - radically wrong with the love our Maker and be good to our lifeV that finds the days and the nights they are unlike in disposition, or in moral principle or in business ways, but they can dissolve and separate at pleasure and try another man. A man Land his wife ought to be alike in al most everything. In some things folks like their opposite their counterparts A man over a ' did, and I'm distracted yet when I look into them, though I've been do ing that for fifty-four years. But in mental and emotional qualities and in tastes and habits and poliUcs and re ligion they should class together. Hp won In nnr. mind trii-inir a nictcl tn . a Ar,-ntr Wrr hi tK. r.r, J twoeii the date of the enactment of this The sUU hunt through Uie darknea.1 . ! . . I V.ill 1 KiA'l an olvnt;. .V, . 11 I and h-intli neaa nf th ni irht was of ltarlf away, in the street seemed to him -v -v"i . .i- ...--... wanton waste of a nrettv irood thine. na saloons, weira enougn, ihji uie ubhtii wrrw un ' 1 o : o I : ... . .Iii . 1 i . . 1 .1 . . 1. lhese propositions Are clear, and aoie to unaersianu mia apparr-ni pup- need no exposition. They look to the! nomenon. However, thry dcdtd to the suppreskion of the saloon and dis- imeeUgate, and proceeding down the tillery in the rural districts, and to hillside and through the valley at the local option elections in the towns and bottom, crossing a small spring branch, fair antlthev ascended Uie ODixmitc hill. No With An: Experience So he jumped off jumped hastily and fellow-men. Bill Arp. Mark. Twain on rbrlitlan Science. North American Kevlew. 1- -1 never made any mistake aboutitny I "A little Far-Weetern girl of nine, choice of a partner for the dance of a I equipped with an adult vocabulary, life, but I've thought of it a thousand I states her age and says, 'I -thought I too long and the hours wear heavily by, tlfeit life, is riot in harmony with the world that :God has put us in. That is what makes me say idleness is the fruitful source of . almost every crime and every ruined life from the four hundred in New York to the "Winter " Tourist A? Tickets NOW ON SALE VIA. . SOUTHERN RAILWAY to all the principal Winter Resorts at ' Very Low Rates. The Resorts of the South, Southeast and Southwest, also Cuba, California and Mexico Offer mam inducements to the Tourist. - Some Promiaent Rssorts Are St. Augustine, palm Beach, Miami, Jackson- - vllle, Tami, Port Tanipa. Brunswick. Sa vannah, Thomasvllle, Charleston, Co lumbia, Aiken, Augusta, Pine hurst, Camdeo. Summervlile, Ashevllle, Hot Sijrings. umcs iu " iuIS, ..p uu wuu,u UCMiUUOwu w ragged trarnp along the roadside, loved codfish and got up by daybreak She had a claim, derived from getting 1 whether they 8hau find their place8 ifl every morning, she never would have flung over a pony's head and landed on j chain or penitentiaries or not. naa me. it waa nip hdu iuck logei a rocn-piie. one eaveu iierseu iruui her, anyhow, and that would have disaster by remembering to say 'God is been the feather to break the camel's AH' while she was in the air. I coulduH back. Well, I'm mortal glad she did have done it. 1 1 shouldn't even have not know it, though I am free to say thought of it. j I should have been too that if I had known she slept until the excited. Nothing but Christian Science second ringing of the first btll- for could have enabled, that child to do breakfast and was fond of raw oysters, that calm and thoughtful and judicious it would have had a dampening effect thing in those circumstances. She upon my ardor for a few minutes, only came down on her head, ai d by all the a few. But I have seen some mighty rules she should have broken it; but clever people people eat oysters raw nd the intervention of the formula -pre- sleep late in the morning. But still a vented that, so the only claim resulting! man and his wife can harmonize and war a blackened eye. Monday morn compromise a good many of these ing . it was still swollen -and shut. At things, and it is a beautiful illustration school 'it hurt pretty b$.dly- that is, it of this totfeee Mrs. Arp cooking codfish seemed to.' So 'I was excused, and for mehd fixing it all up so nice with went down in the basement and said, eggs andhcreara, and it is a touchingl "Now I am depending on mamma in- evidencej. of my undying devotion is trousers, crushed his hat and raised a lump on the back of bis head. Twenty minutes later he boarded the next car and took a seat beside a friend. -"What's ttie matter, Bobbett?" said the friend. j' You look, as if you'd been arguing with the earth." ,. Bobbett tod his story circumstanti ally. "But I found the nickel, ' .by gum!" he added, holding the coin triumphantly aloft. "I've spoilt my clothes and t don't know but I've cracked my kull, but I've got the nickel, by crackey! I expect Mrs Bobbett'll say things that'll cut like a sawedged collar, but, by Jiminy Christ mas, I saved, that nickel,' just the same." 1 "Fare, please!" said the conductor. Bobbett gave him the, nickel. - The father and mother is to be pitied who will suffer their children 'to be idle. I have been thinking some of all classes that . make up humanity's roll today. I have been thinking of News paper men, i from editor to devil, and sometimes we find both in one. I was talking to the city editor of a live even ing paper tne other day. lie said: . "I may not have but one virtue, but that virtue is sobriety. T don't drink any- A Maryeloua luventlon. Wonders never cease. A machine has been invented that will cat paste and hang wall paper. The field of inventions and discoveries seems to be unlimited, Notable amonsr trreat discoveries is Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump tion. It has done a world of good for weak lungs and saved many a life. Thousands haye used it and conquered Grip, Bronchitis, Pneumonia and Con sumption. Their general verdict is : 'It's the best and most reliable medi- her to see me wandering about thing, and if there is a man under my I cinefor throat and lung troubles. Every charge who 1 drinks at all, I do not! 50c and $1.00 bottle is guaranteed by .' THE. LAND OF THE SKY' AXD THE "SAPPHIRE COUNTRY,' Tickets on Sale up to and tncluilinsr April 30. IWi, limited to i return until May l, ivi? Stop-oiers allowed at important points. Through Sleeping Cars. of the highest standard between prim cities and:" resorts. ; DiuiDg Car Service, Unexeelkd. Ask nearest Ticket Atrent for copy of "Winter Homes iu a fumner Laud." ----- W A i TTJR K. " " s. H 1 HA R OWlfMC. Pass. Traffic Mgr. . Get 'I Pass. Agent- Washlngton D. C. SENT FREE to al users of morphine opiom, laudanum elixir of opium, co caine or whiskey, i large book of par ticulara on home 01 sanatorium treat iment. Address. B M. WOOLLEY CO. Df. Woolley' PAINLESS to I stead of God, ani I will depend on God the I instead- of mamma." ' No doubt this house lonely and forlorn every morn-1 would have answered; but, to. make ing for an hour or two, and forbidding I sure, she added Mrs. Eddy to the team ven the cat to walk heavily while she I and recited 'the Scientific Statement of sleeps. That codfish business comes to I Being,' which ia one of the principal me honestly from my father's side, I incantations, I judgei Then 'I felt my and ray mother put up with it like a eve opening. Why, it would have good, considerate wife, and we children opened an oyster. I think it is one of grew up with an idea that it was good, the touchiugest things in child-history, I've heard of a youDg couple who got that pious little rat down cellar pump- married ajnd went off to Augusta on a j ing away at the Scientific Statement of tour and the feller stuck his fork into a I Being. codfifch ball and took a bite. He i i j -. j i-i i j i Every Boitle of Cliamberlaln'at'oiisb choked at down like a hero, and when r-. w.rf.ai.d. his beloved asked' him what was 'the I ttt ' v.i i matter, replied: "Don't say anything fieniedy and will refund about if, Mandy, but aa sure as you are j the money to anyone who is not satisfied born there is something dead in the Iter using two thii da of the contents. This is the best remedy in the i world for la grippe, coughs, colds, eroup and whooping couah and is pleasant and safe to take. It prevents any tend ccy of a cold to result in pneumonia M. L. Varsn, drugirt. P. B. Fetzer druggist. Trail bottles free.- The Mayor' of the city of Leon, Mexi co, which has a population of 80,000, has issued an Order that every house in the city mus be re-painted within a month. Paint dealers there have had their stocks depleted as a result pi the remarkable order. Wounderfol Nerve. Is displayed jby many a man enduring in the cities ana towns, I pains ol accidental curs, wounas, bruises, rural mail routes are I burns, scalds, pore teet or sun joints. But there's no need tor it. Bucklen's Arnica Salve will kill the pain and core the trouble. It's the best salve on earth for the Piles, too. 25c, at Fetzer's drug store. -r know it.'' He has a bright list ol young men under him. What a bless ing to young men to be under the charge of a sober man, and one Who demands that they si all be 1 sober. There is no broader field for brain than the daily newspapers of America fur nishes. Never in the history of the world were daily newspapers read as they are today. The constituency of daily newspspcrs up until now, had been la reel v but the daily carrying our daily papers into the homes of the farmer new as never be fore, and ju t as the rural conititurncy -shall more and more come into the circle of daily readers, just so the news paper influence of this country will grow and broaden reasonable basis. There should not be I more sparks guided them, and they a saloon in any town or city unlea the were compelled to make their "way as msjority of the people expressly call best they could remember the direc for it. tion. Finally, while at a certain point, The people of North .Carolina arel they noticed a faint glow further up the entitled to this. They have long been hyiand they made for that point. opposed to the saloon. They have The glow remained only for an in- never had a fair chance in a struggle tant, however. The officers struggh-d with it. They have been hampered by "P the hillside and finally the little the ignorant vote. They have stood party . came to an abrupt halCfor one in fear of division. But these things of the men came very near falling into are now nasaed. And now that thev I a small bole in the ground. A cknter t .. ( I - are passed, the General Assembly should investigation told them they bad found freely grant the people's petition for a I the object of their search. I fair opportunity to, grapple with the The hole was juet large, enough to evil that in their long affliction fasten- admit the entrance of a man body. ed itself uoon them. I and a few feet below the surface was a Special attention is directed to para- dirt landing. After reaching this land graph four. That calls for the recogni- ing the interior of the cave waa e x tion on the part of the General Assem- posed, the floor being reached - by blv that the neonle of North Carolina means of a ladder. The cave waa about ,- are moral people. The saloons now ten feet deep and six or eight feet wide. exist not with the consent of the peo- Ii was located in a clump of woods and pie of North Carolina but solely be- waa so constructed that the trees and cau3e conditions have prevented the j shrubbery were left growing on top moral foijces of the State from asserting Inside was all the paraphanalia necea themselves ,in elections against the I sary for the successful operation of a saloons. Every intelligent public man I still. in the State knows that this is true. It The moonshiners had not stopped is but reasonable to ask now that the merely with the cave, but carried their patience of the people be rewarded, and I cleverness to the extent of providing that the true attitude of the majority I water without having to go outside. be recognized. It is unreasonable to I well had been dug from the bottonuof presume that the saloons should not be the cave. The smokestack ran along opened unless it is expressly voted by de the manhole, and the top was cov the majority to open them? Is it more I ered over with boards and dirt. The reasonable to presume that the people I sparks were evidently cauiwd by tbe of North Carolina desire the saloons throwing of wood into the furnarer r jcognized as ruinous, aa the sources showing that the officers had miaacd of all manner of crime to go on with the operators by only a few minutes . . la it .J al . IT . their work unless they rote to the con- , a ieaiuro wmi znyuuxi omecrv I ia what became of the dirt from tbe the character of the people who holds cave. There was not tbe shgbtat trace that they favor saloons and that ea- of the dirt anywhere about the plage, loons must exist until they have been I neitf er were there any wagon tracki voted out. One does not ask a good It is bvheved the dirt waa earned away man if he loves virtue. His character in buckets, which must have made the One who believes in the job tedious. Another circumstance OP YEARS YEARS IN WKITINO Fire Insurance-, st-uling Iohvs and rrprcscnunjj Jfirst Class Companies, Southern, Korthern and For-" eign, we ask your patronage. Our facilities for hmploycr Liability. Accident and Health Insurance are excellent. G. G. RICHMOND & CO. Thoqe 184. T TIlh Concord National Bank. Wlih th lat"t anpffVaKi fnna ot hwU and erT faculty tor baulUoa immtt, 01-rzsi a . FIRST t CLASS t SERVICE TO TUB TVMUO. Capital, . . 150WJ Profit, - - - 22, uw Individual wronaibility of Khareholders, W.OUf Keep Your Account with Us. inbvoat paW aaar-d Ubafalaflooaaaa datkuu to ail oar cu.ltir. 11. U. CWLTBASK. tata. bread." Well, we can make compromise? about all such things as habits and Ustes, t but there are some things hat wont compromise worth a cent. If a girl has been brought up to have a good aeai 01 ireedom, ana tninks it no harm I What did Miss Antique do when to go waltzing around with every gay ghe wa3 finally successful in finding a "Lend your father the lawcniowcr? - With live, briirht Certainly." said the suburbanite. "Put men, as reporters and editors, with the he's early, isn't he? I haven't cut my wonderful type-setting machines and own grass yet." "That's what Pop rapid presses and morning and after- said," returned the neighbor's boy; noon trains, scheduled to carry the "an he thought he'd borrow the mower papers over the country, 6urely there is j 'fore you got it out of order." a field for brains and life and git up and git. Atlanta's papers are immense, Get a free sample of Chamberlain's AND uyr.La nninc uu. tide miio. tA UU 4 Beat Coofb Syrup. Tastes Good. Fe ISTSYTJ 0 'fM .- man under her bed send for a police man?" "No; 6h3 sent for a ministei." r : Doineatle TrouMr. Lothario who loves to dance, and after she gets a feller of her own, wants to keep at it and have polluted arms around her waist, she had just as Well sing farewell to conjugal love and do mestic peace, for it is against the order J It is exceptional to find a family where of nature for a loving husband to stand there are no domestic raptures occasion- it, and he oughtn't.' ally, but these pan be lessened by hav- . . , , J ing Dr. King's New Life Pills around J Much trouble they save by their great gone use me water inai nas paeseu work ia the 8t0mach and Uver troubles. over the dam gone never to return, xhey not only relieve you, but cure. 25c, It has carried many friends along with I at Fetzer's drag store, and they are made by the men who Stomach and Marsh's drug Liver Tablets at M. L. fctore. Thy are easier to run them. W a - I a a I 1 nave oeen inmamg 01 nanKers, tne Thea the;r npe u not foliowed by men wno run tne aoiiars ol the world, conatipatfon as is olten the case with How we curse and court them by turns, I pilia. Btncular size 25o. per- box and yet how essential they are. I have oeen miniting 01 a merchant with Andrew Carnegie has given New goods for sale and accounts to collect. Orleans a quarter of a million dollars We just can't get along without the for a New Year's gift. The money is merchants and he earns all he makes. to be devoted to a man's library I have been thinking of railroad presi- Xhe dtT to famish the site and furii- uents, general managers ana supenn- ish $25,000 a ear for support. tendents. 1 see occasionally where newspaper articles recording belated! The New York Post Office took in trains and naming the hours they are J $12,425,795.53 last year, or 13 per behind, and yet I have lived close (cent, more than in 1901, with a profit 13 answer. people of North Carolina will say that the people desire the saloons closed, and he will not ask the people to prove this, but will bid the saloon men dis prove it. ThU is just what paragraph four calls for. It is fair; it ia represen- t dive; it is reasonable; it is only a just recognition of the patience of the moral forces of North Carolina; it presents them with the opportunity that they have lone waited for. In their name I w ' X 1 nrxrs I VERMIFUGE V n a 1 1. tf ' 1 r " I j II Urm II im I t M ! 1 Ii M yJ II w mmni fcxxia rn. a n i. a rmt. mtmwi, m. w mm takeind more pleasant in i ffect than j we ask for this recognition and this ODDortunity . to vindicate themselves and those who respect them. J. W. Bailey. Raleigh, N. C, Jan. 2, 1903. The Executive Committee: N. B. Broughton, A. J. McEelway, J. O, Atkinson, T. N. Ivey, I. C. Blrir, J. O. Oafe. J. W. Bailey, and Q. Ki Nimocks, representing the N. C. Con ference, and M. L. Kesler, repreaent iug the Baptist State Convention. - : enough to superintendents and general I of 18,021,764.87, or 15 per cent, more managers for years to know that all tbe I than in 1901. r - The assessment on property in New York city has ; been increased about t3.000.000.000 under the policy of aa- 1 aestang it at lull value. Is the name sometimes given to what is generally known as the JlAD DIS EASE. !U U not con fined to dens of vice or the lower claca. Tbe parwt and best icoj!c are vtnctsme infected with this awful malady through handling the clothing, drinking from the same vessels. sin the same toilet articles, or othwwse cotainz in coctatt with ptrton who have contracted it. i . ... . It begins usually with a little blister or sore, then swelling in the groins, a red eruption breaks out on Ta yar ao I mtrat4 a ba-4 the body sores and lilcj-rs appear of Blood roiwa. i wm uArtraiaa S'the "STthe throafbees -M-J- ulcerated, the hair, eye brows ana 8B.B. xadtiprvat lashes fall out ; the blood becoming maA ia rrr abort Um ail aTkia of xnore contaminated ;c colored JT spioicnes ana pnsiui ci uyw jj. wall, Korrutm, Tasa. sores appear upon different parts of the body, and the poison even destroys the bones. SS S isa Specific for this loathsome disease, and cures it even in the rS'tm It SToerfect antidote for the powerful virus that pollutes worst forms. It is a P,ia. oeBetnit'to parts of the syrtrm. Unless yon get this poison out of your blood it will ruin you. and bring disgrace and disease upon vour children, for it can be transmitted from parent t thild. S. S. S. contains no mercury or potash. Blood Poison. If yon want medical advice give ns a l7?,fifl i -

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