t t - " . .- ' T . : ' - - - - : - i ' " J - I ' "' - - " !- 1 ' ' ' ' - ' - " " "ll --THETIMEO-- T!lCC:CG?JViimtTli:S STERM BOOK AND JOB OFFICE - . i i ' - :: -j j i ' I ' "' -i j iii- .-;;! . i. . ' ! - ! ! I t i ' We keev on hand a fall ttook of j LETTER HEADS,' NOTE HEADS, STATE MENTS, Blli! HEADS, ENYEL ! A OPES, TAGS, VISITING CARDS WED: tTLIMKO IN lift. John B. Sherrill, Editor and Owner. DING INVITATIONS, ETC, ETC. . --t-tr i I . : ': GOOD PRINTING iALWAYS PAYS Volume XX. Concorp, N. C, Thursday. February 12. 1903. number 81. I I Mr jjl jjl n j ' 'i r ' : J 1 it' ".!,-.'! v ' I: 4 err as hiothkb used to do. He criticised ber puddings, and be dldnl Ilka her cake: He wUbed b.d make the blseolt that bis mother used to make; Bbe Uidnt wash the dlahes. and abe didat make ; atew. And the didnl mendlil ftocklnts as bis mother , used to do. , Ah, wen, she wtsnt perfect, though she tried to do ber bent. Until at length she thought ber time bad come to nave a rest; f Bo. when one day be went the same old rigma- ' role all through, j She turned and boxed his ear?, just as ibis : mother used to do. i , Gives point to the If act that excessive o irregular eating disturbs the digestion.! Nightmare or night hag has it's day time correspondence in the undue fullness after eating, with the belchings and sour: or bitter rising so often experienced after too hasty or too hearty eating. j Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures dyspepsia and other diseases of the stomach and its allied organs of ,diges- low- towns man, Derrick Alexander, the lion ana nutnuunj wncn wesc uiacasc. DBBBICK ALEXANDER AND THE H. E. C. Bryant In Charlotte Obserrer. "Good morning, Uncle Derrick, where are you off for to-day?" asked Dr. F. L. Smith, of Cone jrd, of his fel- are cured, the -whole body shares; in the increased strength derived from food properly digested and; perfectly asaimil . ated. 1 J f:' - .j "Your ' Golden Medical triscorery and Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy ;have been of gnat "benefit to me." writea (Prof.) Pleasant A. Oliver, of Viola. Fulton Co.. Art( "Before I nsed the above mentioned remedial my sleep was not aor.iid ; digestion bad: a (continued feeling of tinwrry. I now feel like a) new man. Any one in need of medical treatment for nasal catarrh : con Id do no better than to take treatment of Dr. R. V. Pierce. I know his medicines are all ; right in this class of diseases." , , Sometimes a dealer; tempted by' the ! little more profit paid n the sale .of less meritorious medicines!will offer the cus tomer a substitute ajj being "just as good " as the " Discover." Ft is better for him because it pays, better, but it is - not as good for you, if tou want the medicine that has :curea othert, and ; which you believe jwill! cure you. ; :'i . Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cwranse the clogged system from accuniuijated . impurities. I i h 'I old colored wood-chopper, as he trudged along the street. "I's gwine to de Big House at Wash ington, where de President lives," said I the old darkey. "Yes, sir, I's on my way to see President Eoeeanfelt." "What are yon going to tee" him for?" enquired Dr. Smith. ; f'Why ain't you been readin' in de papers 'bout dem big festerbula dat Mr. Roae&nfelt an' hia fine lady been havin' spechully fer de niggers ? Dat's it, sir! Dere'a where Uncle Derrick's goinV The old fellow was in earnest. ' He wore his best shoes a new pair of number 14 brogans- a weather-beaten stove-pipe hat and an antiquated suit lookin' white rem'man who say dat II beam later dat it wax Mr. Tbea. he's from Alabam. I knowed dat he Kluttz, from Salisbury. I had fetched wux uv de bes' stock in de country fer water fer him ter drink at er peakia he had on good clothes an' er big wide at Concord, one day. brim hat, one la'k ole master nseter "Dey took me ter de lock-up an'oatm wear. I pull off my hat an' say, 'Boss, i in er iron cell an' it was late in de day does you live heref 'No he say, J f6re I knowed r thing. Den I waked 'why? ! I up an' looked 'round me. I seed nie- "I seed dat he wus all right, so I pop gers in all de cells, an' mos' ov dem er few questions to him. 'Boss, is dis had sore beads. Dey had been tryin de day uv de featerbul at de Big House to git in de White House. I cried des fer de culled peoples an' y udders ?' 1 la'k er chile an' wish dat I wu back at Well, sir, he smile way down to his Concord wid de people dat I know. I Adam's apple, d-s la'k de question do Imagined dat I seed all de good foks him good, and say, . 'Is you thinkin' I here. ! i 1; 'bout 'tecdin' one uv de White House "Early de nex' mornin' de bossmaa to-do's?' uv de place come to me an'aay,i Ef " 'Yes, sir, dat's what I come up I you'll git outen dis town des as fas' as here fer: I lives in Concord. North TcU kin hustle we'll let you sw. .A Caroliny, wid Marse Jim Cannon, Marse John Wadsworth an' de rest. ; I aho' do wish dat you'd hep me I'se des as good ss dem yaller dat's been 'vi ted.' "He des chuckle when I tot 'bout my bizness up dere. He git in. higgers him reach gem'man lef ' er ticket home fer you. Take it an' git !' ! J "Dat ebo' was sweet music to ray I ears, l wuz ready to go right den. went out de do' an' almos' skip to de depot. j. : "inanfc uawd dat de ole nigger s in his iocket an' fetch out a ticket wid back home ergin. Dat's where j he's his name on it an' when he write, goin' ter stay. Dem niggers what Let dis nigger in de White House to to go to de White House 'ceptions kin de featerbul,' he handed it to me an' say, 'Dat'll git you in.' " 'But, uncle,' he say, 'dey don't call de to-do's festerbula, la'k dey do down Souf, but dey is functions an' ceptions.'l go, but give me my ole fryin pan, er big fat 'possum, a peck uv taters an' er pint uv gravy. Dat's what suits dis nigger. I ain't hankerin' artershskin' nobudy's ban." 1 1 This said, Uncle Derrick moved on ILL AatrS LVTTatBs. 'Well,'. I Bay, 'des BO dey have Roosevelt'. Ooo4 CItlxena. AtUata Coast! tatnosj A little moregrspe. Captain Brarjc," said Qeaeral Taylor, at lb battle of Buena Vista. And so we say now to Captain Teddy,! "A few more orgroes io omces up north ana a few more to our southern postofBoes. Go the wbole bog while yea 'are at iL McKinlry gave you a starter by appointing a ne gro over a white community at Hogans- ville, and another at Athens, the cul tured college city of the south, but he got alarmed and took the back track: It was just such a case as you have now in Mississippi at Indlanola, for the peo ple of Hogansville went 4 miles to get their mail rather than take it from a negro-pa dirty politician.' , Teddy has done no worse on the poetoffice line. The postof&oet are the people's not the president's. They are almost as near to us and as sacred as is our preacher or our! family physician. No greater insult, j no greater outrage upon our rights, could be perpetrated by a tyrant than tO appoint a negro as postmaster in a white community. The difference between Tedd and Mr. McKinley is that the latter played fool for a while and quit, but Teddy keeps it up snd grows more defiant of southern opinion and southern indignation. 8ometimes providence afflicts the people with a fool, and sometimes with a knave to Think cf Henry Ward Dtwchrr tvadb log from bis pa'pil that Sharp's n& were better than Bbk to eoatert the s'ave owners of the soula, a! su bis peOjJs bought the rid' aod th atn- raunilion and to44 ulj Juhe Browa U go ahead. Bat Ihf nigxw were kwsj to their masters and wouklo't txira not kill. nor devtroyi And hvtxv Lew Val lace and Adams and : many cHhrrs armed all they cpuUl mater up and Juiaed the grand army .and marrhed thera down urma jour hel;4is women and children. - At thai limo there were 80, (XW runaways uj nonhf-Jrilive slaves the meknt of the race and nobody but an ! unprincipled dg i4 a; man would have ltl them a?aiut. us. Down further south the nrn-t mii,Al with gentlemen and were true and faithful during jthjejwar audi as Ueneral Henery R. Jacksuja sa d, thy ought to have a monument built to tluir loyally as high as the stars! i ; But, psh'aw !; What's the . use cf scratching the ;old sores? It them scab over. Ar we not ail brtthmi since the Spanish war ? Did not we all finht and bleed and die togt tlwt; in Cuba? i Don't the fdi tars and political orators tell us that fraternal race jMre- Tai's between the seetioust ,1 am ull sick, and have be-'n outx of the house but itwice in three months, and maybe CHILD LiSMSSU Women as Well at Men .a.; Arc ladc Miserable by Kidney Trouble. PROFESSIGMf. DR. H. C CARDS. ! , HERRtNG. Dentist; tvranmze over: them, but it looks tike good things to eat dat's all dat I care I Cnarlotte Observer.) J rftA havJhnth fnol Ud knav In bout. We calls dem festerbuls.' The first reborta of inflammatory ut-1 w 1 L t... ...u J r -t i .u i - r iiucnuioucinu. uut lug iaiiu iuiciii 'Why,' he 'clare, 'dey don't have terances at a negro mass meeting inl whom ihe chasUneth.' A medical friend from over the line writes me that he has a growing sense of justice and abounds in sympathy for our long-suffering people, but that Teddy's deformity does not come from livery. In a bandanna handker- l othin, tQ you de8 go UA dere Washington last Mbnday night have Is now on the ground floor of the Lltaker . Building. A - 4 j cotrcoRD. IT. o. Dr. W. C. jHpusTON ; Surgeon tgj Dentist, " ; CONCOBD.K. O r 'Is prepared to do all kinds ot dental work in the most approved manner. ! ' Office over Johnson's Drag Store. Residence 'Phone U. lOfflce 'Phone 42. ; of chief, swun over the end of a stout cat e across his shoulder, he carried a few odds and ends of dress "Well, Uncle Derrick, how much money are ypu taking with you? Can you go in good style?" ; : . "Boss, dat's de weak pint 'bout my trip. De ole nigger's 'des gut ernuff to git to Salisbury, but ef he can't fine er frien' dere tq hep him on he'll walk. I's gwine, to go ef de Lawd let's me live.; De time dat I's been waitin' fer J J , T. 1 , All 1 1 1 is uonecorae. is sno is. , au ue mg- &t me aQ, laugh aQ, deQ gQ Gn ports led-one to believe gere iu uiy pari, uv ue iuwu la uuuu and shake hands wid de big foks. j Dat's been fully confirmed. The principal all you do. Dere ain't no eatin' speaker was James H. Hayes, a Eich- 'bout it.' ! Imond negro, and this was one of his "Dat didn't suit dis nigger an' I wux declarations : hot under de collar, fer Marse John Wadswbrth tolt woul' have er x "c uwuu,,lsu . j . n- tnfX dpr.rs.vitv. htit from me, 'fore I lef dat dey we are anarchists and I give the warn- physical defects in his anatomy, and 'possum as big as er mg that if this oppression in the South I j J sheep an sweet-taters an' gravy by de gallun. Dat wuz what I went fer. I kin shake han's wid foks at home. I thought de gem'man wuz tryin' to fool me, but I didn't tell him so. He says: "I have studied his cranium and find that he has too small a cerebellum. His occiput goes straight up from the med- ula oblongata and meets the sinciput at right angles and leaves no room for moral attributes . A perpendicular back 'bout goin'. President Roseanfelt (dat's L. T. fljRTSELL, I what de Dutch folks uv Keebarrus Attorney-at-Law, - c oitcojid, xtosltb caeouna. ProraDt attention sriven to all haslness. Office in Morris building, opposite the court ' hOUSe.- I k:- Drs. Lilly & Walker, offer their professional: services to the citi zens of Concord and surrounding country. Calls promptly attended day or night. . W I. MOSTGOMKBT. MONTGOMERY (I. LKBOBOWKU & CROWPX. continues the negro must resort to the sword and torch, and that the South land will become a land of blood j and desolation." This is worse than the original re- And again bout his bizness. "No two people, having the me l j i-l. itj j. . religion and speakingthe same tongue, L.y athIetic and fooihardy de foks. L didn't know dat dere wuz c wwiikh The aphryon and me88iai so many people in de worl'. I step in aP"; This is Well known, and It is pjaae together and Teddy's fjont uv of a nice lookin' man an' ax, ' "7"" uomin"ni back head is a perpendicular plane 'Boss, is church out ?' I seed de crowd race is crusning ouj me strength oi the wi&xt hm lor daie. A man with a an' thought dat wuz de trouble. But negro m ine south.. - nj-i, pecujliar, and de man hain't answer my question yit. This is worse suU, because it suggests u w found on inspection of the " ' 1 tj j .:u u: I worse tban nre and awnm - a.nit ilh trn-l ... i ...... . mo: wl rUa rn'rvior, , rr, me UJ. uc CJfC, bum. nut uio - 7 ' ; I BIQClDUt OT lOreneaU luSl TOc 11UOO mm Souf will diand me outer thankv-su to 8hake d me an 'Jones the reaponb rest on an enor ttti . jr j, I rHKrainnpni or i nn nainmnm imi n vm . . is my name, w nas uia you say yuura - j- ; ' I mous liawbone, or, as you might say, wuz ?' Dat wuz somefin' else. I wuzn't WQ reasoa . the iawbone of an ass. If Teddy bad r . m .a w . - " uster ter shakin wid white foks, but II ine temper oi tne meeung indicates l Uved JQ gamson's di L . 1 I 1 a - 1 w.wsw.y 1 ,rHi nu rummaie over and youth a ho have gone into the the wrongs we have fulfil. When f.olory nd mill have had great wrung the spring comes and the bird-, tii. to done them by sturUidv Th truth sing and the tlowers to bloom nuyt- I j, that the rnat bulk r what h .ill write more ; loving ietu-mi and if published on this sul.Wt has l-n iu Teddy will retract and apologise for the utter ignoranos of the facts, and many lies he told on Sir; Davis I will let hira times, under the itdu-e of a Wind ie- aione, considering that his ccrelHum judice. , . . j u niie ine in me nail msr n4 im an the sinciput. i ideal one. vet it is true ' that lht enndi 1 never reaa tne niodem novel. I hey U 1' it r .. ' vu...e iu niey. go anu are lorgoueo; hu in0omiraU Smi.n.nxl mil reiiu8t or Aianama, sent me t,v thrir into lnemiU. luo lrluce88 oiienuaje, ana i re- Kr I it from me to cast any rrti.v j i' tton uiion lucm in saying that as a and got caught. ! I turned the leaf and rule th(,v ,no ,,, Il00rr.i tm-mlf county calls him) show' is de frien' uv de nigger. Think uv it ! Niggers wid deyer shinin' clothes on eatin' wid de rich white foks uv de lan' 1 I ain't got no fine clothes but ef de ole nigger kin des git dere he'll be all right; Attorneys and Conn selors-at-Lav, CONOOBD, N. O. As partners, will practice law In Cabarrus, tanlv and adjoining counties, in ine nupe- No, sir, I ain't 'spectin' no trouble ar ter I git dere fer de ole nigger's mighty handy 'bout de house. Ef I can't git in at de fust table I kin at de secon V i '.'But, Uncle Derrick, they won't let a corn-field neiro go in the White day he would have thought he might be kin to de Presi- interpretation put by them upon rejoiced to Uve teen armour dent, bo 1 ketched his han' an' 'clare, Mr. Roosevelt's encouragement of the and hi8 jawb0ne some." my name is iernci Aiexanuer, irom i e , Booker Washington and John Dancy, j Maniv ana aajoining counties, in me oupe- i f. . . . x. rwpntinna of tho Prpai rlor and Supreme Courts o t the State and In I maiaitena tne recepuons OI tne rresi- w,- ;t' v.h-tnnl n. 1;Vft Concord, North Caroliny.' Well, de I KrA tat9 ma vhftn Vio aav ' W Vi Q f tin T I the Federal Courts. Office In court house. Parties desiring to lend money can leave It with us or place it In Concord National Bank for us, and we will lend it on good real es tate security tree ot charge to the depositor. . We make thorough examination of title to lands offered as security for loans. Mortgages foreclosed without expense to owners or same. I MllfiKI U II I U il dentj" ; "What? Dem yaller niggers ! Dey ain't fitten to go wid de quality. It's de right black nigger dat's got de Aristocrat blood in him. - My ole mar- ster uster ter say dat a lightskin nigger an' er roan mule wuz de wust things in de worl'. No sir, I aint ekeered uv no nigger wid er yaller skin. Ef I des kin git to de Big House dat's all I ax; I'll do de rest." j Dr. Smith, seeing that Derrick was serious, . furnished him with money enough to buy a ticket to Washington and urged him to go forth and be merry. - . " - .s But, a week later, Derrick returned to Concord, ragged and bruised. ' His clothes had been rent in many places do fer you, Mr. Alexander?' I'se 90 fresh and rosy, years ole but dat's de fust time dat erlShe who is blushing with health uses Just so exactly not only so, but mysterious Circumstance. ) I also. I understand it all now, and One was pale and sallow and the other thank my medical friend. The lack of Whence the difference? cerebellum and medulla oblongata and A brick is a brick; yes. bdt: whst a differ ence In them. Good brick. Wood machinery, up-to-date methods, in tact a thousand de tails, are a necessity jto produce the best brick '. We have our planjt, fully equipped for a capacity of 45,000,000 not only that, but have a body of the finest riivr clay ever lo cated in this country. Ouri plant is on the Catawba river near Fort jMiri. S. C and shipping station, Orattan, Sj. C. "A man Is a man for a' that, bat what a difference in 'em. You require the best lum ber for your house; the best! coal or your en trine; the best flour for yourtable..One does not buy a common horse when he can get a much better one for near the same price. This Is true about everything one needs. In .a buUding nothing ik more essential than good material. It adds to the safety anv where else. I'll die ritrht here, white man ever calt me 'Mister.' I slip erway frum de man quick fer I knowed dat he wuz one uv dem "Yan kees dat ole mars ter uster cuss so hard. I went on up de yavanue but kep' lookin' back to see ef he wuz arter me. Frum dat time on it seem to me dat all de foks dat I see wuz Yankees. Dey la'k ter driv' me crazy, Dat's de truf . to de Big House yard. I wuz des wile fer ' all de niggers dat-tieed wuz bigity an' de white foks wuz mean. De little Dr. King's New Life Pills to. maintain I it By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel good digestion and head off constipation. Try them. Only 25c, atl Fetzer's Drug Store. occiput has j made Teddy crazy about bears and negroes and other black wooly things. But I should like to know what kind of a cerebellum that fellow Crumpicker or Stumpsucker or Dirtdanher has pot. that makes him so Senator Overman'. Credential Ljnomous toward our people. At Sews and Observer, 3rd. Teddv's request he has introduced Vnatnr-rlav Qonatn) T aa O rtHm n m 1 . ... vtciuiou i fegQintion to have a- committee ap- received his certificate of election from rin to visit Indianbla and see' what "Dat wuz de longes' street dat I ever the Governor, and the event was one our iare doine to the colored seed for it took m er half er day to git of much interest. I ! oostmistressi Of course, b When the reriificate was signed that -oi-t chairman of the committee made Mr. Overman a Senator from 1 u.. tmi t n, ua Annt rt 0 . .orinarounaiorsix years from the He ia nothine but a eaa bae and a fourth of next March there were present Mn Thompson tried to get niggers look at me an iaugn. jm 1 had been back in Concord I'd busted besides Governor Aycock and Senator him to dow to Alabama and see some uv dere noggin's.j but I wuz Overman, Col. P. M. Fearsall, Adju- how thg negroes on his big plantation skeered to do it up dere. By de time I I'tant p. Jioyster, iol; Joseph I were gettingl He was invited and ac Law, tt JSilU Ma I - -' To lb liLtof of Tt trt tChaf fr eadi As Tb qurUAn of tVhild Ulv ' ! mmam sfcte' ttoSf , vs to t in tf rarm4)Dt riruux- at this lime, rnfromibg math 4 U thoukht snd laU f th pLtlaalLr irt, Um lvm, the fJ jrur atJ lb 1 maker. : "I pfhf this is so may Ue vtttdl It fr4i tfim rfcftadVrmtk llnt' Ui t4 th t..iJrn ia th itdl gttU arrival ia ipductk, :and lb s!rujjr toward aa ideal (vMMhuoo vf life fyr the maw. IKore th rx.min j of t c.ti.- nuli sod the factory, the childrro and ym re n srauercd that their nutuU-r and cmditioa did ot jrt, acd ccnild Ht attract atu-uttn. Now ytm are cofifrouUd with them every ber. so that you could; ihH diarrgani llw-m if you swiuld. A id this is writ. They tnijtht .not U le disrrgardM, lot sbmiU rrcfive thrir du share of vnbstdrra. tioo. . J. With jrha aj very f-w ecri'tKti, in what has ln n : said and -wnlten ua this subject, there has lru Itllix or no discrimination. The 'r-uerJ tread ul thought seems to b that the children r m af Kif trvU Was V UhstauiMti mf, H&m cboi aTtSA. 9 M c m dU, M aiJ t aaf. a ts y a!?aa4 tra twMMsf . -4fM ta) K tS Mm M i&s d.Wi-iry u sOr travU, sjs! ts ru tamp stMHtM fc lrlt 0 trmvmi 4 lham imfxxuet (. TKn i)ssai kidoys i4 tt.Ur a sma u a aM m Ml fl tfWM, Wokr a wa a ms v rasia snt. trsUs ktf sr.4 tUJkfev Wt4. M O rtMi rswxiv. Ths tntl4 aM lS mnMtii nmt J wamp-K(Mi u n raa4Ti4. It Is ty bvfeSs. ta t.?r wM a4 Acilati Y msr a smrs Wils tt ist a, SIM .T,ISI ant ( tnf all sbet . UKlitdHkf wtaay 4 tM frwn uffa Cu't la itra Dr, Kama K , lwrrsmiM, ft, T- Ut SasrS Ui mar.iua lha papa. WAIK A ruarrtai' miiMUS U!r lt Hi ll OiHJIitir tti Htvn IwImm t an bid ttit4 4 a..(wt Snsnwtal tUtxiln A trtH, (fta M ryu larr nt l J tmiA ht rr mIiim 1ar Mh atl liit .1ul rnxat Ba4vMr to- M a-l n.-a fti nir. With An Experience or. . 1 YEARS YEARS read on and had devoured one hundred pages before breakfast and all of it dur ing the day. It Sis a faithful and charming recital bf j southern home life on a big plantation before the war. Then the war comes, with its distresses, and Forrest with; three hundred men In large part, they belong to the U nant class, living in mere huu ud mst uncomfortable hou1, ;on rnor faTms, greatly exposed, thinly ft-d, and furred from these considerations to associate with much that was vicious; and were unable to avail themselves of either pursues oiraci witn nneen;hundrel and educational or relianous advanUg. captures him, and Miss Emma Sanson Manv times their narenta were di.as.Hl. a . 1 . . I ' " r ------ nguresasa neroipe in guiuingrorrest or thetr mothers widowed; and abso- aruss tue river, ana men comes ine ,uUly unable pr0jriy to provide for sau story 01 cam avis, the typical them tbe 0 nect-ssiti.-s of life. sou i bora h-oro. Ioiorovt unw Uaoa ,1 . ... , . ... ... . tne oeauuiui story ana it. will be a landmark for our children and chil dren's children, for it is faithful to the truth of confederate history. Bill Am-, Hxrit tlf T liw watli ai Uunatl than the average well-to-do country men, are not exposed, many of th young women wearing finer clothes than the daughters of the mill owners, eat the very best of food that can be -ine npuiuiion is mistaken, had-much better able to take advant- Williama lin moAa . . r . .... y.""" age of every superior educational, Pun speecn in new XQTK, was not nortnern ,uv -rhonl and rplioiou. nraw.r.iir.itipa .,! . . .. 1 j r . . Williams, DUlSOUtncrn Williams. He -hat vi-r r.for. Manv of the mill Irum n, anu saia -w- or tne l miKht My aU of them whether soutn. ioi nortnern man except Charles Frances Adams said a kind word for us, and he left cut Mr. Davis. If he had said what ; Watterson said or what i southern' Williams said i he couldn't have gone back to Boston.: i B. A. Jew or Gentile, build them good school houses and churches, largely defraying the expenses of these themselves. And yet there comes up a great wil from all over the land that our General As semblies enact some law for their pro tection against tbe cruel rapacity of the' mill man. Nothing was ever more cruel or slanderous. The mill man Royster, Col. Joseph E. and his head badly wounded. He hob- Sot to de Big House gate I wuz mad J Robinson, of Goldsboro, and Col. W. Upt the invitation, but he did not bled ud town and called on Dr. Smith, and 'stracted." It 'peers dat everybody J D. Pollock, of Kmston. corae.i He (was afraid. And that is . . -m I rwl T . a .1 As 1 started to step up - x ne ceruncaie was Bignea witn a hat rnacouraires me about ariy erowing to Washington and recited the fearful in de ate er man wearin' er uneeform handsome gold pen,! with pearl handle, of ju8tice prevailing kUng the tale of woe that foUows : . an' brass buttons come out f.um be- which Col. P. M. Pearsall had purchas- common pebp'e up north. Jlf they" are Marster, I 'clare 'fo' Gawd dat I'B kinter busn an" say, sassy la ic, -on t eu especially ior tne occasion wnen getting any: kinder why do they send never leave home ergin while I! live. I come in nere, oie man uu a nu piate 1 "s"""s yiu ni8ach a maiignant man to congress! Dere's mo' good foks in Concord dan Ier mKBer3 1 r" CUtt "UUIH ul ltJI 1,1 re- Hating the south seems to be the stock Dem " wen, sir, uat raiseu mp uanuer. wvcimau. jh. wm a Kmciui mci, iuom 1 in trade of most of the northern mem des made up my mine to go in dere I gracefully performed. ana wear, oesiues wi s xr "-. Washington foks is de meanes' 'oeoDle WAiun nnr. nnw snnra rnr sa : iiNiiiniitf 11 1 1. 1111 1. w a- .. . MjrZ .nt th. n; dat 1 ever seed. De nWera is hirrftv anyhow. So i say, 1 m; goin' to see v - ... j . , 1 oq 00 1 . thrown together out brlci. common ordinary of CO Let Us Correspond HUH You. Prompt SerYica in Shipments. Uob Brisk Csqai;, OFFICK (WITH S. S. McNINCH an de white men aon t pay no ten- tion to you, an' dat's one place de po- leesmens don't take no draggin' fer dey'Jl knock you down fer lookin' mad. I bIio' did think that judgment day had pome when I got dere. j . . -lr-v : . ' m 1 . 1! ; "ve mp up aere on ae train: wuz fliBt-clss. I seed lote uv fine people on de way. But no sooner dan I lit on de de President ef I have ter lick you.' He grin back at me au' 'clare, 'Dere's de President now." He an' his boy' goin' fer er ride.' "I turnt my head an' looked roun' J haVe ever nsed in my family, bers. I The brainy men, Jike Charles wr - a 3 ' 1 J:c I " 1 A motber'a Recommendation. I rrancis Aaams, nave mouiueu anu I have nsed Chamberlain's Cooehl mollified very much of late. Forty Remedy for a number of years and have I years ago he was commanding a nigger no hesitancy in saying that it is the best I regiment down hene for which I will Wnat the Lectataiore Is Doing. Progressive Farmsrs, I The legislature has a yet done; little is not to blame for the child being in important work. I j The Ixtndoo and the mill. Mahy timts he it in there Watts liquor bills are attracting more because of his mercifulness,: not being attention than any thing else. ; The ble to resist the appeal of tbe destitute London bill is endorsed by the ; Anti- The child can but be the least desirable Saloon League, and a vigorous cam-1 of all operatives. He is necceaanly paign in its favor lis being waged by utterly igporant and incapable of per Mr. J. W. Bailey the legislative man- forming any remunerative labor for the ' - I . -- a'' a W . ... . m ager of the organ izat4on. But the time- Ana yet 1 anow plenty 01 gin whiskey forces are hot idle! They have d boys ten and fifteen years of agp, employed well-knjwn lawyers to rep- who are receiving from thirty cents to resent them: their i forces are well ope dollar a day, who bad no earning organized, and they have money to capacity at all before they went there, spend. The Watts' bill is not nearly so but were an actual charge on those who thoroughgoing as the London bill, and bad the care of them is by no means satisfactory to the Anti- It " hardly necessary for me to say Saloon; League. As We write this, it that I am not in the employ of the mil! seems certain that a decided advance man, or writing at his, suggestion in temperance legislation wilt be made, though it is not likely that the League will get all it has asked for. or by bis! knowledge. i " My native county ranks third in tlije number of cotton mills in the State and I have large ersonal and officii knowledge of the cotton mills an factories of tbe State; and from th A .Heat Fata! Clfl, Would be the power of foreseeing ! pvpntja . This wmiH ditrnv hnr A remedy for coughs, colds and croup I never forgive himL but lat.ly he has vnowledlTe of the fhtore would uuma:kiktedes I that but Just to "II J " " 1 ! , ; i I's a L i. -I ' J - a happiness. There are. of coarse, some mem to say, mat as a ciaas, 1 ao noi e future we do know. 1 know any more humane and clever 1 - 1 concerning the ngntoi a sute to seceae: if, ror instance, a lact or energy, amui- set of gentlemen than they are many "If we accept the judgment of modern , tion and loss of appetiteshows itself we or the most of them, Christian geutle- The Observer is informed that the f students and investigators it would seem , know it will bo followed by serums com- men ,and greatly interested in the COMPANY, CHARLOTTE, N. C. I have I made a speech at Charleston and an an' sho"nuff dere wuz er man an er not words to express my confidence in otherin Nw YoA, in hich he says things about the boy ridin' bob-Mil horses, I yell out, tbis remedy. -Mrs.' J. A Moore, North concerning ihe righlof a sUte to secede: '' It, for instance, a 'Hel o. Mr. President ! Dis ole Derrick. oiar J""0"- r OT Baie J Joarsn. from Concord. He's come to yo' fea terbul.' Kidney trouble follow quickly. In any 1 event Electric Bitters will restore jrou to health. It strengthens, builds np and groun at Washington my trouble Btartedl I followed de yudder travelers I" to make him mad an' his upper at Washington, have decided to have I the 'confederate scale 1 . . 1 . a 1. I don't know why, but dat I head officials of the Southern Raih-a I 5 tk. -Jrht nt .rnmont f.lla int plaints if not checked. Often Liver and him mull an' Yiia nnncr .t Vir.-U U A 1 l., I . rr., Kidnev trouble follov Dec.,18 Cm. ; Machinery i' !uVi bis lower Up fall down, I 'clare fo' de future terminus for the passenger con- Then why don't they pension our sol- TcZ,Z ixin' to Lawddatlnever seed sich a mouf fnlllductors and their crews. This, it is diers and pay us for the property they ' 5 guaranteed by Fetaer's Drujr for Sale. destroyed ana as it our paraon besides, store. Four generations 1 Old John Adams, i One pair Flatforni Scales. One 20 horse power Boiler One 40 horse power boiler." One Cotton Press. . One 20"horse power Engine. Two Cotton Gins. r One Saw Mill-! i Lot of Shafting. ; Apply to j -f; 1 MRS. M. L. GOODMAN, or Z. A. MORRIS. ihe issue was W S m I 1 (- -- frum de train out to de street, where I UP ni8tea UP lacJe er Winaer shade an' Spencer, instead of ; Charlotte, as the settled by tnight and not by right. met a big buck nigger wearin beaver. I know'd dat he was fixin go to de featerbul. He had on er Jim- ov teef in my life. Dey shine so dat dey said, will result in the removal from swinger coat an' high-top boots. I step I00 l,lf dem new tombstones in Red tbis place of the conductors of the Co up to him an say : 'Is dis de dar fer Hill graveyard. An' he ain't stop at lumbia, Ashevill?, Danville, Richmond, de President'slng blow-out to de nig- g"nin' fer he Ba7 to de plesman. close J Washington and Charlotte divisions of gers an' xle big white foks ?' i De rascal to me ' 'Rest dat cra uv er nigger the Southern , and as the change will look me up an' down an' all over an' n locK nim aP 1 i,at wuz e affect the porter, flagman and baggage ax : 'What is you talkin' fbout, ole straw- 1 de8 square mysef fer to fight, master on each train, it will mean the i Rube? What do you know 'bout ie But dat 8 know den fer del removal from this city of more than President's functions ?' I I ston ritrht man mi de uneeform whack me over 100 men. Charlotte Observer. dere fer I seed de kinder nigger I wuz j de bead wid his billy-stick an' put me ' liUKtS Wntrtt AU. Wit. tAILa. Bert Congh 8yrup. Tastes Good. Ita ra iime. o in dt aiuinrists. The best nhvaic. "OncA tried an il von talkin' to. He was too high-ferlutin j ter rieeP- Dat'8 wfaat made de hole in always use Chamberlain's Stomach fer me, ta'kin' 'bout functions; when er m7 ,oid- As 1 wuz on d way to del and Liver .Tablets," says William. A. nieeer quits ssyin featerbul it's i time 8" oouse wid de othcer, I hearn IGirard, Pease. Vt. These Tablets are to let him erlone. I axed him de way to de Big House an' he sed 'go to de yavenue an' go up.' I say,' 'What's dat?' He answer, 'It's de bigges' street In de town.' ; ! ! L "I move on till I meet er pleasant somebudy say, 'Why, dat's ole Derrick I the most prompt, most pleasant and most Alexaader. What's he bin doin', Mr. j reliable cathartic in use. For sale by M. Offifsfirf Trvin' tn trit tr d Whita L. Marsh. House, weu, aes as soon as netntsl a mrtv of hnntAra ;n Uui;n aoie to travel 111 sena mm nome. 1 enontv. n. last wk- t;ni . . 'I didn't krfow who it wuz den, but I weighing 230 pounds. wellteing of their employes, ready at all inies to resent any insinuation)! against them. Hence I submit thai if any lcgislafiori is to be had io defer ence to tbe so-called "cry of the child, that it be notaimedlat the mill man as the enemy of the child. There may not be any blame attach It is learned that a butcher at Lit- TaWm Aninmr Ijlama m ftin nK1oa ' . . . ... .. 1 . wuuu vuiuvt tiotrtn Mrnp1 . hill In 1 ho m-i If nf a Frances Adams and now this Charles' parchaaer. She disputed id and he ,n8 n one for the child being I Frances, his son, and he is 70 years old mrmtj, in w ' nnp. Ab n the :miUl. It is possiWe that he and has been forty years finding out v vnahand WrnWf nfthiaJ'h Kr,t in there as a stern nd inexorable ne- that we had the right to secede and ' bntcherl but! did not serioualv ceseity. g""1 wbich there can be no BaaaiBBBBw-ABi2ir''H9av laasA a, i . t IN WKlTINtt I a irt! litsutnncr. s.ttlinj losses and representing; livst Glass Companies, Southern, Northern and For- cijn, wc ask your juironari. Our facilities for lunpUiycr liability. Accident and Health Insurance arc excellent G. G. RICHMOND & CO. 'PllMlC 104. : THli Concord National Bank. With Uta'latmt ari'mvM form of t6ufcs anrl aysrj tavliltr fur bandiiua aaaovalaa 0)TBM A FIRST CLASS SERVICE V. - to tub rrjBLJO. CatnUl. m - . $.V).a Proflt, - - 22,000 Individual responsibility of 8bareboldrs, 60,01 Keep Your account with Us. Intrt pat4 as asrl , I4ba3 aocMMnm dattuo to all our cutmra. , i M. O. U. oliKf.U lrl1tit. CULTH.Aa. CasbW. ataal i ! 'Snias a Hrttxr Tfcw a Mii m Frcy's Vermifugo nl aM m4 m ,f im- twmut 4 !! l . ! to- IM Ut.Nl Ml'" H t s. a s. rasv, s.ho., ss. a n. uf--ii i.tjrr rsxtt t at r A UIs IIB3MBI - . . b p mmm VwXmisktlCcri montXJCV tr- ?Praf AUasta, feasts) , 1 1 Tobacco Tags WANTED. VO m par S pmr tm6J foe Sirirp Htakci. ramta pr bBlrd tt all ntlir brmil ot othmr Kf'l'im' Ta Ufa, Hearb. n4 Hatrbrt s, WtotS. AU Urn atfW are tKHtftit for traa. j J. P. Allison Cc Co. they had no right to free our negroes ' nm him Th. hutcW laid in U- I without navine for them. Besides all ' o.h.j.J.!.i., .j ' .wl If. however, it is insisted that therej that, this Adams took charge of a whole man fiTe time8. xhe butcher was ar- " bUme pmebere, St must he at the regiment of our runaway negroes to 're8ted and uken Warrenton jaiL door of tbe child's father. And if he fight us with. Lew Wallace did the ! . is too trifling to make provision for ... ! . ... ! Th arrratahnf a nin miT cause thnlma .. . . : j -rt sams thing Xef, ne ma worse. Me ,. ' , ' " TV " . , aim, preiernng w pui mm ia me uwu was president of the court that tried of a limb or even death when blood poisoning results from the injury. All ; that be may live in; idle luxury and Win and convicted him and hung him , 'H' j dissipaUon on the hard earnings of bis on perjured evidence. The longer I v BromDtlr aTOlvine tihamber- off-springj then turn the thunder bolts , live the more I am convinced that as a pain Balm. It is an antiseptic and the law on his guilty bead. general rule the smartest men are the qttick healing liniment for cuts, bruises ' j i meanest especially the politicians, and burns. Tor saIl)yM.L. Marsh. Durham, X. C. Fraxk H. Wood. Merchant Tailor. Clothes Made to Order. Cleaning and Repairing ! done on short notice. I l; IVISSBIRC, I "a . 7 -i

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